#Justin Law Soul eater
leshik65 · 1 month
Doodles with Justin, I love him sm
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fangirlynjunk · 1 year
If there’s one thing I’m glad about that its that several people on the internet agree with my general sadness about Justin Law in Soul Eater where it seems uniquely unfair that he had no chance. Like not only has he been religiously isolated in some form (like Spirit is considered religious for this universe and he’s still not a literal priest) for who knows how long, he’s also a weapon that can’t work with a partner so he couldn’t make a partnership in that way. He never had a chance and to add insult to injury the only person who ever tried to reach out to him wore a mask and therefore Justin didn’t know this guy was even trying to talk to him let alone that Tezca thought they were friends. And I doubt as a Death Scythe, a 13 year old prodigy death scythe, that anyone else attempted to become his friend.
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toasted-treasure · 1 year
More doodles habe spawned in the area guys
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lune-tic · 7 months
Soul Eater as more misc. textposts!
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Part One, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Part Six, Part Seven, Part Eight, Part Nine, Part Ten.
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bridge-demon · 11 months
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y’all know what time it is. soul eater meme time
6 / ?
more se memes. || two. || three. || four. || five.
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thekingofwinterblog · 6 months
Franken Stein - Anime Vs Manga - Foils
As I've noted before, one of the more facinating things about comparing the later Soul Eater Anime vs the later Manga part is seeing and comparing the ways characters and themes follow similar lines, sometimes with wildly different outcomes, or quality of execution.
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And one of the more interesting examples of this is how each incarnation handles Dr Franken Stein's descent into madness, and ultimately rejecting the abyss in it's own ways.
Both rely heavily on foils and contrasts, with the Anime using Stein's lovelife by contrasting his feelings for Marie Mjolnir with his deeply unhealthy attraction to Medusa, while the Manga uses the character of Justin Law to showcase why Stein ultimately rejected total madness.
Both have the same themes, but uses wildly different means to tell their story.
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The anime's biggest difference here is that it actually has Stein fall to madness, while in the manga despite all temptations, and just how close he dances at the endge he never falls in.
This by it's very nature changes Stein's story to one of recovery, rather than temptation.
Because Anime Stein gives in, and the anime is not shy about illustrating just what a terrible choice doing so is.
The anime is also different in that it very much builds upon already established character and storylines in order to tell it's tale.
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The anime takes the plotpoint of Crona betraying Stein to Medusa, and uses it as a springboard to further both Marie and Crona's characters as they deal with the aftermath of that choice.
This ultimately would likely not have happened if Crona had not fallen back into obeying Medusa again, and so Thematically, Crona's fate and redepmtion is tied to Stein's.
And while Crona is deeply, deeply regretful, Marie loves Stein and so deeply, deeply angry at both Crona and Medusa, while also wanting to reacue Stein.
However, this is just one side of the story, because Stein's actual fall is also rooted in the other character motivation that this direction uses to tell this tale.
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And that is Medusa and her genuine, and toxic attraction to Stein.
Stein and Medusa ultimately are very similar people, both love taking things apary, both love chaos, and both are brilliant minds.
Their attraction to each others qualities are genuine... But that is all it is. Attraction. There is no love involved here, as neither actually cares about the other as a person.
These two only compliments the other in that they bring out the absolute worst aspects about the other. It is a relationship built on perverse attraction to their love for destrution and hedonism, very much a mirrior to Maka and Crona, who ends up being very important to this section of the story.
It is also a relationship built upon being the easy road. Whereas all the healthy relationships in the series are built around having to take the hard road with your loved ones, even when it hurts, medusa represents Stein just giving in to his madness, to jump off the abyss because he sees something destructive, tempting and interesting there.
Medusa additionally takes this a step into even further depravity by adding body possession into the mix, adding a third party into this mess, one withouth any capacity for concent... Which is made even worse by the fact that the person in question is a child.
Watching medusa and how much joy she takes in having twisted Stein to her will, it is crystal clear that she not only understands just how fucked up this entire thing is, but she REVELS in it.
It is frankly one of the most disturbing things in shonen anime and manga fiction period, and though thankfully it does not go all the way to the logical and disguisting endpoint, it still leaves the viewer both disguisted, disturbed and impressed just how EVIL Medusa really is.
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And on the opposite end of the spectrum, we have Marie Mjolnir.
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Whereas Medusa represents everything wrong about Stein's personality, Marie represents the opposite.
She represents Stein's caring side, his loyalty to his side and students, the man who was brave enough to stand alone against Medusa to buy his students time.
Hers and Stein's relationahip was one of genuine love, and understanding, not simply built on nothing but attraction and shared similarities.
Quite the the opposite, Stein and Marie could not be more different... And yet they love each other anyway.
I'll also note that the Anime portrays Marie and Stein's relationship in a different light than the manga does. In the manga, the entire point is to hammer in just how unlikely that these two people could ever fall for the other, while the Anime has the same premise but focuses on something else, namely how well this fits into Soul Eater's themes of different people coming together despite all their many, many differences.
When Stein ultimately makes the choice to go back to Marie, it doesnt feel like it's an unlikely choice, but instead one feels that it's the right one. It feels natural, that these two souls that fell away from each other once more found the other.
They are different people... But so what? They both have the bravery to gice this another shot, because they care about each other.
Also, just a bit of speculation on my part, but we never actually learn how Marie lost her eye in the phsyical world, but it shows up here, when she and Stein reaffirm their bond. That augfests to me that Marie probably lost the eye in circumstances that in some way meant something deep and profound between these two, given how important it seems to Stein.
If so, and especially if her losing it was Stein's fault in the first place, and mayhaps the reason they broke up, would add even more weight to her choice to gice this another go, forgiving him for his mistakes which deeply hurt her personally.
But again, this is total speculation.
Ultimately the Anime take on Stein is one that is defined by this contrast, the parallels and mirrors of Medusa and Marie, and Stein's ultimate choices between them.
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Meanwhile, the Manga's foils is not between two differen people close to Stein, but instead about Stein himself as a mirror and foil to Justin Law.
Now let me be blunt. Justin Law is a very boring villain. There is very little compelling about him directly... But there is something compelling about the contrast between him and Stein.
Justin fell to madness because despite his rigid adherence to justice, honor and being a good person, he completely, and totally rejected any and all human bonds, with the only ones he made being made by complete accident, and ultimately he, in his madness, rejected even these.
He had no one to support him or draw strength from in his time of need, and so he fell to madness.
Meanwhile, Stein, despite being far, far more naturally inclined and much closer to madness from the get go, ultimately does not jump over the edge in the Manga... And the reason for that is his relationship with Marie Mjolner.
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Ultimately Stein despite all his flaws devotes himself to Marie and helping her avenge her dead ex boyfriend.
And ultimately these two end up reconnecting their love just the anime, even to the degree that they get much further along in their reknit relationship than their manga counterparts.
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However there are some massive differences between the two adaptions in this regard.
While the anime plays them getting back together again as a natural thing, the Manga instead plays up just how unbelievable and insane it is that these two somehow managed to reknit their relationahip, to the point where Marie actually protests that Stein is not her boyfriend, even as she is pregnant with his child.
I do actually like this take too... But I do prefer the Anime version, in large part because we actually get to see The critical turning point between Marie and stein, while the manga has their lighting the old flame happen offscreen.
It also helps that while the thematic differences between stein and Law are solid, Law is not a particularily interesting character, nor do him and Law have a deep connection.
Medusa is, and does have that connection. She is a delightfully EVIL and TWISTED villain, and her relationship with Stein makes the climax of Stain's arc, if much less of a spectacle, a much more emotional and thematically satisfying affair.
And thats even withouth factoring in the fact that this fight's outcome is actually about Crona, Maka and Medusa. Stein's fall and recovery is technically the sideplot, buy damn if it's not a great one.
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emomarktwain · 2 months
Justin Law looks like the lovechild of John and Nathaniel...
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Tell me I'm wrong, I dare you
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1-800-clouds · 1 month
Death Scythes‼️
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Stein is there too ig..
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fridaydevils · 1 year
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here is part TwoooOooo!!!
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eeriekaa · 11 months
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he is stimming to nightcore
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dont-call-me-algernon · 5 months
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Thinking about them in the year of our lord 2024
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soul-eater-screencaps · 5 months
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Soul Eater Episode 36
More icons here
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anewworldsfool · 1 year
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cutely bends ur genders or something <3 alt with text below
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vatrocvet · 1 year
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deus nolens exitus
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lune-tic · 7 months
Soul Eater textposts part five!
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Part one, part two, part three, part four, part six, part seven, part eight, part nine, part ten.
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roseillith · 8 months
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