#Kageyama parents
pierogish · 4 months
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:-) 🌿
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ppeachybees · 2 years
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mrs kageyama having to keep her son from floating away in his sleep
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da-janela-lateral · 1 month
hii if you need mob psycho bird requests? can I suggest edano, minori, and/or the kageyama parents? also- what do you think ???% would look like for mob?
Of course!!! Have some designs (sneaked a Shinji there if you don't mind):
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???% has his own page:
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While flying would be more efficient, its funnier to picture a tiny ball of destruction hopping around the town.
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idl3nova · 1 year
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Back on my kageyama parents love, Reigen is an honorary member of the kageyama family and noone can convince me other wise 😤
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son-flower · 1 year
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(ageswap au) 
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dayse2luas · 1 year
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Childhood friends
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Honestly wild how Mob is the firstborn. Imagine birthing an eldritch creature that makes everything in the room float, can probably shatter all the glass in the house in a single moment, and warp all of the kitchen utensils, and thinking … yeah, I want another one.
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My mind is thinking waaayy to much about the picture on the left
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Did their parents buy it? Did one of the brothers draw it? Was it Mob? Or did he just add the ghosts? Was it Ritsu, because he also wanted to see the spirits like his brother?
I know some will say I am making this way too complicated and I am. But I want to know the entire history of this picture.
What are your headcanons on this picture
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spacepajamas956 · 4 months
Broken And Healed
Chapter 1
Fandom: Mob Psycho 100
Rating: T
CW: Blood, death and slight gore
Read On Ao3
Written by Space_Pajamas
Ritsu came home from school as per-usual to the sound of dinner being made and the TV on. His mother was in the kitchen and his father was fixing himself a cup of coffee. He slipped off his shoes at the door with his eyes set straight to the staircase. He wanted to get to his room as soon as possible so he could practice with his recently awakened powers with the help of his spirit accomplice Dimple.
"Oh, hey Ritsu!"
Ritsu paused. He saw his brother smiling at him from the couch.
"Hey bro," Ritsu responded, hiding his impatience.
"... I was thinking about how we haven't really hung out that much lately." Shigeo fidgeted with the strings of his pink hoodie. "I was wondering if you wanted to-"
"Sorry, can't. I have homework to do," Ritsu cut him off.
"O-oh. I thought you did your homework after dinner?"
"Yeah, but I have a lot to do today." Ritsu went forward, eyes set back on the stairs.
"Oh." His brother's voice had dropped in volume, "Well, maybe when you're done...?"
"Why do you want to hang out all of a sudden?" Ritsu said, irritation creeping into his tone.
"Oh! N-no reason," Mob said on impulse. "I just... I noticed that you haven't been coming to dinner and you seem a bit..." his voice trailed off, as if he didn't want to say what came next.
Ritsu narrowed his eyes. "A bit what?"
"... moody?"
"I'm fine. Just..." Ritsu pondered how he could answer. "The Student Council's been a bit stressful lately." He wasn't lying. But this interaction was keeping him from getting to what was really weighing on his mind.
"Oh. Do you wanna talk about it?" Mob asked. "You’ve always been there for me, so I’m here for you."
Ritsu winced, trying to bite down the snarky remarks that came to mind as a response to his brother's offer. "Don't worry about it. I don't wanna weigh you down."
"Weigh me down? Ritsu, if something's troubling you, I'll listen! Do...do I weigh you down?" Mob looked at his brother with troubled eyes. Ritsu hated this look. It was almost like his brother was completely ignorant to all the tolls his existence brought upon him.
"Like I said, don't worry about it." Ritsu glanced at his brother sideways. "I'm going up to my room now. See you at dinner."
"Ritsu, wait," Mob pestered as he got to his feet, "Can we just talk a little longer? I want to listen. I'm here for you, Ritsu."
Ritsu scoffed. He hadn't meant to.
"I'll listen to whatever's troubling you. Maybe we can come up with a solution."
"You wanna know what's troubling me? You wanna know what my problem is? YOU," Ritsu snapped.
The sounds from the kitchen ceased. The only thing breaking the silence was the laugh track from the TV.
"YOU'VE been weighing me down. YOU'RE the problem."
"Ritsu, did-did I say something? Did I do something?" He took a step closer to his brother.
"Oh, can it. You're just surprised that someone has an issue with you."
"... What?"
"You were born perfect. You've never had to work for anything in your life. You are SO above everyone and everything else, so stop acting like you aren't."
"Ritsu, what are you talking about-"
"You know what I'm talking about. I know how you think of yourself. You think that you're better than everyone else just because you have psychic powers, don't you?"
"What? Ritsu, you know that's not true-"
"You think you need to comfort me by saying you'll listen when in reality you couldn't give two shits about my problems."
"Ritsu, I've never thought highly of myself. I've always thought that way about you."
"Oh, here we go. You're only saying that to try and make me feel better about myself."
"I'm not! It's the truth!"
"I think we both know it's not."
"Ritsu, what happened to you?"
Ritsu let out a short, bitter laugh. "What happened to me? Stop it. Stop acting like you care."
"But I do care! Ritsu, I want to know what's wrong…I want to help."
"You've lived with me for thirteen years and you're just now noticing something's wrong?" Ritsu turned fully to look at his brother. "I'm jealous of you. I always have been. And I know, you're going to say that doesn't make sense since I'm such a good kid or whatever. But I've always resented you. You got psychic powers and I got nothing. "Do you know why I joined the Student Council? Why I try so hard to get good grades? It's so I could have something that was just as special and admirable as you. But no matter what I did, no matter how hard I tried, it never worked. I've always felt second best. Like nothing I could do would be as incredible as what you could. So I'm sorry that I'm not as good as you. I'm sorry I'm finally at my breaking point."
Silence again.
"No. No, you have it all backwards," Mob said. "I've never been good at that kind of stuff. I always just barely make the grade. I could never be in the student council! Ritsu, you're much more admirable than I've ever been.”
"Stop it!" Ritsu shouted.
"Stop what?" Mob asked, his voice raised.
"Trying to make me feel better!"
"I'm not! I'm telling the truth!"
"Stop! Stop saying crap like that!" The light above them flickered.
"I just want to help!" Mob sounded hurt as he put his hands to his chest.
"Well, maybe I don't want your help! Maybe I don't need it!" The light flickered a bit more frequently.
"What?!" The light sparked and went out.
"The light..." Mob muttered as he looked up.
"Don't change the subject! Do you think I care that the light went out?!" The TV remote started to hover a bit above the coffee table.
Mob saw it. His eyes widened. "Ritsu, are you-"
"I'm tired of you acting all innocent! Like you're completely unaware of all the problems you've caused!" The books alongside the remote started to float.
"Ritsu, do you-"
"You've done nothing but try to make me feel better about myself this whole time, and I'm tired of it!"
Now the plant in the corner.
"I'm tired of you acting like you aren't better than me! We both know you are, so stop pretending!" Ritsu’s voice wavered as tears prickled the corners of his eyes.
The books on the shelf.
"Stop pretending that I'm better than you!"
"WHAT?!" Then he saw it. The floating objects surrounding the brothers, covered in a blue and purple aura.
"Ritsu... do you have powers?"
The silence returned.
"I wasn't until recently," Ritsu said after a while, lowering the objects.
"Ritsu... I'm so happy for you."
"... What?"
"You always wanted powers, and now you have them. I'm so happy for you." His brother sounded sincere, which was the worst part. Ritsu didn't want him to be happy for him. It ruined the version of his self-obsessed brother that he'd crafted in his mind.
"S-stop it."
Mob stepped closer to his brother with his arms outstretched for a hug.
"No. Stop. I don't want your pity."
"Why would I pity you?" Mob stopped and lowered his arms.
"Because I'm weaker than you. My powers aren't as strong as yours."
"That's okay! It takes practice. I can help you!" An excitement shimmered in his eyes.
"I don't need your help!" The objects rose again. "I don't need your help and I don't need YOU."
"I don't need you! I don't need you to make me feel better! I don't need you to pity me for not being as good as you! I don't need you anymore."
The excitement left his eyes. "What are you talking about, Ritsu?" 
"STOP!!" The objects flew in all directions, slamming into the walls. The pot of the plant shattered on impact. The TV remote lodged itself in the wall. Mob flinched.
"You KNOW what I'm talking about! I'm saying I don't care anymore. I don't care about you. I don't care about us as siblings. I. Don't. Care!" The house shuddered and more lights threatened to go out.
"You don't care?" Mob's expression was a mix of confusion and hurt as he looked into Ritsu's eyes. Ritsu didn't like being looked at that way. He shifted his eyes to the broken pot on the floor.
"No. I don't. How many times do I have to say it? When will you listen and leave me alone?" Ritsu balled his fists.
"You don't... care about me?" Mob still stared intently at his brother. Ritsu could still feel his eyes on him. "I think you're the one lying now."
Ritsu refused to meet the black eyes of his brother.
"I think you do care. I think you're just frustrated. And I think it's my fault. I just don't know why."
"... would you believe me if I told you I was scared?"
"Scared of what?"
"... Me?"
"I was always there for you so you wouldn’t have to bottle up your emotions. You never knew I was jealous of you because I didn't want you to get emotional about it. I know what happens when you do that. I was scared of what would happen if you went berserk again.
"But now, I don't need to be scared. I have powers now to protect myself. And I was frustrated for so long that I didn't have them. That I had to be the bigger person and not tick you off. But I can't hide that frustration anymore. I've tried so hard, but now I don't have to. Now I don't have to worry about how you'll react if I do something wrong."
Mob just stared. Ritsu turned to meet his gaze and hated this new expression even more. Guilt.
"Fight me."
"I- what?" Confusion overtook Mob's face.
"Fight me! I have powers now! I'm not scared anymore."
"I won't fight you, Ritsu. Let's stop arguing."
"No, actually. Let's not." Ritsu let out a blast of energy from his palm and Mob deflected it with a barrier. The blast ricocheted off the barrier and hit the ceiling, leaving a hole.
"Ritsu, we're destroying the house. Stop." Mob said in an attempt to stop his brother from launching the second attack that was growing in his palm.
"Unlike our relationship, the house can be fixed." Ritsu released the second blast, still ricocheting off of Mob's barrier.
"What do you mean ‘unlike our relationship’?" The attack hit the wall this time. "That can be fixed too. And please stop attacking me in the house. We're putting holes in the walls."
"Put your barrier down and fight me back! I can take it!" Both of Ritsu's palms were lit with blue energy now. 
"I don't think you can, Ritsu. Stop it. This is silly."
"Only because you're not taking me seriously!!" The blue energy built up and shot out towards Mob. These blasts were more powerful than the last and when they bounced off the barrier they shook the whole house.
"Boys! Stop fighting in the house!" Their mom called from the kitchen.
"Ritsu, we really need to stop. The house is going to collapse if we're not careful-"
"Stop protecting yourself! Fight me back!!" Ritsu was building up an even bigger blast in his hands.
"Ritsu, don't do it. That attack could-"
"Stop trying to stop me!!!" Ritsu shouted as he launched the blast. It once again was deflected, but this time it shot out in all directions. Big waves of blue energy hit every wall and corner of the ceiling with an ear splitting reverberation.
"Ritsu!!" Mob stepped forward right before it all came down to protect Ritsu in the barrier. What happened next was all too sudden and unseen beyond Ritsu's shielded eyes.
When Mob opened his eyes, he saw nothing beyond the blue and purple barrier shielding him and his brother. His arms had instinctively wrapped around his younger brother's body in an effort to protect him from harm.
He lowered the barrier and looked around. The TV and couch were gone. The walls that had once kept them safe had disappeared. All that remained of the floor was the chunk of hardwood that was under him and his brother's knees. He looked up, expecting to see the ceiling, but only saw the setting sun tinted a grayish-brown from the dirt and debris that had gone up in the air with the explosion. He looked around at the scattered remains of sheets and broken pieces of plaster from the sinks. The fence that had once gone all the way around their house was now scattered all over the street and had blown into the neighboring yards. 
What happened? 
Ritsu had tried to attack him, and it failed.
Mob looked down at his brother, still held tightly in his arms, eyes screwed shut. 
"Ritsu...?" He said, barely above a whisper. "Ritsu, are you hurt?"
Ritsu slowly opened his eyes and looked at his brother. He shook himself from Mob's grip and he let him. "I'm-What happened...?" Mob watched him take it all in.
"The house is gone," Mob said quietly.
"Where... Shige, where's mom and dad?" Ritsu turned to his brother, panic seeping into his voice.
It hit Mob like a punch in the gut as he realized he hadn't seen his parents anywhere when he'd looked around.
"We need to look for them!" Ritsu said, voice wavering, pupils shrunken.
"I'll look to the left. You take the right." Mob got to his feet unsteadily. "We'll yell for each other if we find anything, okay?"
"O-Okay." Ritsu trembled as he stood up.
They parted ways.
Mob's heart slammed against his chest as he approached the first pile of rubble. It was much too heavy for him to lift physically, so with an outstretched hand, he lifted the debris with a stream of blue aura. He carefully moved one piece after another and found nothing.
He moved onto the next pile, heart beating even faster. Nothing.
The next pile. Nothing.
The pile next to that one. Nothing.
Mob could hear nothing but the sound of his own pounding heart. Where were they?
"Shige!!" Ritsu's piercing voice broke through the silence. Mob turned and dropped the debris he was sorting through.
"Ritsu!" Mob ran, tripping over planks as he followed the direction he'd heard the voice come from. "Ritsu?! Are you okay?! Did you find-" And then he saw it. He saw them . 
Ritsu was on his knees in front of a slowly spreading pool of blood. He traced his eyes to find the source of the blood even though he had the horrible feeling that he already knew what it was. His eyes found the bodies of his mother and father crushed under rubble, eyes glazed over, their bodies limp and wrong looking.
Mob hated this. He hated this sight. He hated his brain telling him he needed to check if they were somehow still alive. He raised his hand to move the rubble anyways. The rubble was heavy, lots of wood and remains of kitchen appliances had fallen on top of them.
What was underneath was too much for him. He saw what had killed them. Sharp pieces of debris had pierced his parents all the way through. His mom’s purple shirt was now soaked with an ever growing amount of blood, the same that pooled at his feet. His father’s face which had been so full of life was now deathly pale aside from the crimson dripping from his mouth.
Mob's vision swam. He felt too many things and nothing at all. He dropped the debris as his knees buckled and he hit the ground next to Ritsu. Tears streaked his little brother's face.
Shige..." Ritsu whispered, his voice shattered like the glass that dug into Mob's knees.
"It- it's okay, Ritsu." Mob wrapped his arms around his brother's trembling body, "It's okay. We're safe. I'm here. Don't cry Ritsu, it's okay. Close your eyes. I'm here."
Ritsu returned the hug, burying his face in the soft fabric of Mob's pink hoodie. He let out a broken sob of grief and horror into Mob's shoulder. He felt the tears soak all the way through his hoodie. He looked down at the blood pooling at his knees and, upon the horrible, nauseated twist of his gut, took his own advice and closed his eyes. He held onto his little brother tighter and closer than before.
"I'm here, Ritsu. It's okay."
Reigen was driving back to the office after dealing with a client. The client had made an urgent call about some spirit shutting off all her lights. Turns out she'd just forgotten to pay the electricity bill. Reigen knew this, of course, but decided to fake an exorcism anyway to get paid. He said it was the ghost of a past landlord of the house that had come back and turned off all her lights as a warning to tell her to pay her bills.
Reigen found the whole job hilarious and was looking forward to telling Mob about it when he came into work the next day. He was glad it wasn't an actual spirit since he didn't have Mob with him at the time. 
Reigen passed several identical houses. The only thing differentiating them were the different roof colors. Red followed by a gray-blue, brown followed by red again. He paid little mind to them as he was contemplating what cheap and crappy fast food he was going to have for dinner.
As he continued down the road, Reigen started to notice bits of fence scattered along some front yards and chalked it up to a blown over fence. There was an awfully strong gust of wind as he'd left the client's house. The fence planks started getting more and more abundant as he drove on. The sky that was a blaze of oranges and yellows from the setting sun started to get more clouded over with debris and dirt particles.
"What in the world?" Reigen muttered as he drove onward. Then he passed something that made him do a double take.
He put his car in reverse and stopped in front of what should have been a house. There were scattered piles of debris and hardwood.
But that wasn't what had made Reigen double back. What surprised him was the two little boys huddled against each other. What surprised him even more - what alarmed him even more - was the fact that he recognized them.
He killed the engine and undid his seat belt. He opened the driver's side door and stepped out onto the disarrayed grass. He approached the boys, careful not to step on the shattered glass and broken plaster that coated the ground.
"... Mob?"
One of the boys turned to him with dark and fearful eyes. Reigen had been right. These two kids were his student and his little brother.
Reigen got a better look at the scene that had caught his attention. The two boys sat in front of... No, IN a puddle of blood that seeped from the limp and lifeless bodies of two adults who had been impaled with some sort of debris. They both had dark hair and glazed over eyes. They resembled the scared boys in front of them in an unmistakable way.
"Are those your-" Reigen's voice was filled with a deep gut wrenching horror.
"Master Reigen!" His student’s eyes filled with relief. His voice was hoarse and soft.
"Mob, what happened? Your parents! Are they-"
"Don't. Please don't say it." Mob hugged his crying brother closer to his chest.
"Ooookay then." Reigen racked his brain, trying to think of something to say to the young boy in front of him. Something comforting, maybe? "Okay. Okay, okay um, how about we stop sitting in the blood and glass, ‘kay?"
Mob looked down at his knees, his eyes filling with horror.
"And let's not look at it either," Reigen said to Mob and himself.
Mob slowly rose on trembling legs, pulling Ritsu up with him. Blood had soaked through his blue jeans and his brother's black uniform pants. Ritsu looked up and his wet eyes met Reigen's. For once, they didn't hold any annoyance or hostility towards him.
"Okay. Are- are either of you hurt?" Reigen asked. "Holy crap, what happened?"
"Was there a house fire? No, did someone... what happened?"
"Oh. Oh! I- we should call someone. I'm gonna call for help, okay? The police. They'll... yeah they'll help."
"Stay here, okay Mob? I'm just making a quick call."
"... Okay."
Okay, Reigen, he thought, Just gonna call the police to deal with my student and his brother's dead parents and suddenly decimated house! No big deal.
He dialed the number into his phone and gave them the rundown of what he knew. Once the call ended, he turned back to Mob and Ritsu who now stood side by side, taking in their surroundings.
"Okay! The police should be here in a few minutes. Hopefully they'll get this all sorted out. Now, would you mind giving me an explanation as to what happened?"
Mob looked at him, then looked away. Reigen had clearly touched on a sore subject. Of course he had! Mob’s parents were DEAD for god's sake.
"Mob, I know you don't want to, but you gotta either tell me or the police officers. And I know from experience that police aren't always the best listeners, unlike me," Reigen said with a twirl of his hand.
Mob looked back at Reigen. A few silent moments passed before he started talking. "Me and Ritsu were... arguing. Ritsu started attacking and-"
"Wait, wait, wait. What do you mean by attacking?"
"With his powers."
"Wait, Ritsu has POWERS? Since when?!"
"I... I don't know. I just found out today."
"Okay, Okay, doesn't matter, continue, Mob."
"He started attacking me so I put up a barrier. It deflected the attacks, but that made them hit the house, and... I went to protect Ritsu when I noticed it was going to collapse. Mom and dad were in the kitchen so I couldn't-" Mob choked on his words.
"... Yeah, I think I know what happened after that…" Reigen looked back to the ever flowing pool of blood and then quickly looked back to Mob. Reigen opened his mouth to say something, then heard the approaching wail of sirens. "Don't worry Mob, I'll explain this to the police for you. You and Ritsu hang tight, okay?"
"Okay." Mob looked at his brother. Ritsu met his eyes briefly before looking away.
The police parked across the street. Two figures stepped out. They had an exchange that Reigen couldn't hear from that far away and then they approached what remained of the Kageyama's house.
One figure went over to the blood and the other confronted Reigen. The officer introduced himself and started asking the basic questions: Who was he, what happened, if he had anything to do with the situation. But it wasn't until the officer asked one specific question that Reigen faltered.
"... And what is your connection with the family in question?"
Reigen pondered for a moment. He could just tell the truth, but then they might suspect that he had something to do with the accident. So he did what he did best. He lied. "Oh, uh, I'm the kids' uncle. On the mom's side."
"No he’s-" Ritsu started from behind him before Reigen shushed him.
"Are you a trusted relative?" The officer asked.
"Pfff, oh yeah. Totally trusted. I live in the area and visit every so often. The kids love me." He turned ever so slightly to Mob. "Mob, help me out." He hissed.
"Oh. Master- I mean, Uncle Rei- I mean, Arataka is great and is very nice to us," Mob said, a bead of sweat dripping down his face.
Reigen winced. "Yep! The kids love their Uncle Arataka."
"I don't," Ritsu muttered. Mob nudged him ever so slightly.
"Alright, so let me get this straight; you were driving over to see your sister's family,"
"You saw the house destroyed and the kids in front of their dead parents,"
"You got it."
"And your nephew told you it suddenly... exploded?"
"You know, now that you say it, that does sound pretty crazy. But that's what happened! The kid told me himself," He pointed with his thumb to Mob who was standing behind him with Ritsu. Reigen had left the psychic power aspect of the accident out to hopefully spare Ritsu and Mob the trouble of being interrogated.
"Alright then, the investigators will be here soon, but you're free to go. Stay in town and contact us, or we can contact you if there's any new information. Since you're a trusted relative, we will leave the kids with you for the time being."
"Great! I'll take them back to my apartment, then."
Ritsu glared daggers into the back of Reigen's head.
"You okay with that, kids?" Reigen stuffed his hands in his pockets and turned to the brothers.
Mob nodded and Ritsu shook his head. Mob nudged Ritsu in the arm and Ritsu begrudgingly nodded.
"Great! We'll get you some clean clothes on the way there, since yours are a bit, well... yeah."
The boys inspected their clothes.
"Thank you for your time, officer." Reigen bowed to the officer in front of him and motioned for Mob and Ritsu to come to his car with him. Mob was the first to follow while Ritsu walked farther behind.
Reigen opened the driver's side door and slid in. He unlocked the other doors so that Mob and Ritsu could get in as well. Mob took the passengers side and Ritsu took the back. The sound of seat belts clicking filled the car as Reigen started up the engine. And with the two brothers now in the car with him, Reigen continued his previously interrupted drive back to his office.
(Chapter 2 On Ao3)
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yukiwhitetm · 1 year
Of Colours, Brothers and Sunday Dinners
by Yuki_White (@yukiwhitetm @sentariana)
The clunky old flip phone had barely rung twice before it was snapped up by sure fingers and answered. “Mob,” said Arataka Reigen in surprise.
“Well, it’s good to hear from you,” he continued after a momentary silence that had not been broken by Mob, “how are you doing? Is everything alright at school? With that sports club? And with Ritsu and your parents?” He was gesturing wildly as he spoke and Mob knew it, although he couldn’t see it.
“Everything’s alright, Master Reigen,” said Mob in a quiet but content tone.
Arataka gulped. Right. He would have to pull this out of him then (like pulling teeth).
“That’s good to hear. Yes, good, good!” he stalled. He glanced over at Serizawa, who was idly doing his own homework for his return to middle school. An orange and pale blue light shone about him and he smelt distinctly of ripe peaches and sea salt, which made it clear to Arataka that he was concentrating (orange and ripe peaches) but calm (pale blue and sea salt). “Although, I am interested as to why you called? Not that it’s any trouble at all! It’s just… unusual.”
Tome clicked a pen and scribbled something onto the consultation timetable. Orange and peaches hung around her too but they were belied by a playful pink light with a strawberry scent - mischief was afoot (as always). Purple touched them every now and then, not staying long enough for a lavender scent to join party, showcasing how deep in thought she was.
“Ah,” said Mob as if Arataka’s question was unexpected somehow, “Mum and dad were wondering if you would like to join us for Sunday dinner? They say it’s been awhile and would like to catch up.”
It was quiet and then Arataka sighed. “Honestly, Mob, I would love to join your family for Sunday dinner –” he couldn’t help but blush at the thought, a family dinner! “- but my mum is coming to visit this weekend. And, well,” he laughed anxiously, rising so high in pitch that a bird outside started twittering, “you know how mums are.”
Mob paused as though Arataka had said something noteworthy. He felt a strange sort of tension strain between them. Arataka thought over what he had said again and again but couldn't see anything worth thinking over. Then Mob relayed this to his mum and got back to Arataka with, “Mum says your mum is welcome to join us.”
“I- well- I-” His gut instinct was that it would be bad for the Kageyamas to meet his mum but he couldn’t think of a good enough excuse, not for the Kageyamas since he knew how persistent they were. “I suppose, if my mum is alright with it, then… Yeah, sure, Mob.” He couldn't help sounding hesitant.
Arataka had the peculiar feeling that Mob was frowning down the phone at him.
“See you on Sunday, Master Reigen,” said Mob, ending the conversation.
“Yes, of course, see you then, probably.”
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amevinil239 · 1 year
Browsing through Ao3 I noticed the tag "Kageyama Siblings' Father/Kageyama Siblings' Mother (Mob Psycho 100)" and "Kageyama Siblings' Parents(Mob Psycho 100)" and then I thought, does anyone really know the names of these two? ?.
I'm not going to look for it, I dare you to tell me
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ppeachybees · 1 year
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UNFINISHED COMIC !! from … last year. i started a fic for this a while back too, but couldn’t figure out where to go with it. here’s just some good ol Kageyama Parents Comforting Their Child content for now
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all-ship-are-bad · 1 year
What about Shigeo's parents.
Ah, this one is a bit tricky you see.
If we are talking about canon stories, it is already there and is kind of needed if we want to have a protagonist in the story (after all, I will not deny it, there are romantic parts to some stories, duh). So if we stick to canon content shown by ONE in the webcomic, manga and anime, then it's alright.
But you should not ship it, it is a CANON only couple 😤 You cannot ship it. just acknowledge that it's there in the story and move on.
Plus, canon doesn't give us much information about them. We see that Mrs. Kageyama seems to be a housewife, which pushes patriarchal ideas and puts all the money-making on the father (which could be hard for her if she ever wants to leave him). But like I said, we don't see much about them outside of interaction with their sons, so they are on very thin ice anyway.
If you were to ship it, it would be bad anyway, so you better not do it😤. The only acceptable way to look at it is as canon background material.
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idl3nova · 1 year
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Sketchy Kage mama comic bc I love her
Reigen “emotional support con man of the kageyama family” Arataka,bc i say so ❤️I thought about espers being abandoned by their parents bc if their powers and how scary the accident must of been for mob’s parents 😢
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hananono · 22 days
so we have all seen that post thats like "the kageyama parents literally have no idea who reigen is" post and thats good and i love that but i propose an alternative: the kageyama parents know who reigen is and they fucking LOVE that guy. whatever old people magic he works on his elderly clients works on them too and they think he is just THE most delightful young man. not even two weeks into mobs tenure at spirits & such they started sending him over with extra leftovers packed up for reigen bc they think hes just such a nice guy and he looks like he could stand to eat better. they send him new years cards every year and if they knew his birthday he would get birthday cards too. he got designated as Family Friend from the moment he was like "oh i should probably let this kids parents know where he is" and there is not a force in this world that can take that status from him now
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almondpiglet · 25 days
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ITS MOBS BIRTHDAY!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY BOY!! drink all the milk and eat as much cake as you like!!
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