#Katey Greene
screamingahhh · 5 months
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Dead risingf brain rot
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nllick · 2 months
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Hi dead rising fandom (please wake up)
This scene made me think of this meme so I did what had to be done.
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unilateralis · 11 months
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dead rising 2 gets so much flack but they were onto something with mean flirty reporter lady x rugged dad who is a biker and his autistic gamer zombie daughter. capcom was onto something
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live-at-fortune-city · 6 months
I've become invested in your furry renditions of Dead Rising characters and was wondering if you might be able to do one for Katey (could be her young or older self, maybe both if you want)
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katey was one of the first ones I did months ago (back when I first got into dead rising), so I probably should throw those here! She’s the same kind of wolf/dog her dad is 🐕
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bonus pam for reference shhhhh
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stormysaxophone · 8 months
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more DR bs but umasou style..
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mlgneverdies · 5 months
AU: Dead Rising 3 but Katey has Snowflake with her
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Would it be ridiculous? Yes.
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Praying to god that today I get the chance and opportunity to meet the rest of the celebrities I didn’t get a chance to meet yet at RICC. I’m hoping to meet Katey Sagal and Seth Green since I haven’t met them yet. Wish me luck!
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i think leela deserves more appreciation than she gets.
i mean obviously there’s the people who just kind of degrade her into a pinup girl, we can all agree that’s lousy. but i think even a lot of good natured fans will write her off as the no-nonsense straight man to fry and bender, the “one with the braincell,” the one who has everything together and isn’t really willing to get silly like the boys. 
and yeah that can be true, especially in earlier seasons. but i think people underappreciate leela’s development and the fact she really is a messed-up, complicated, weird woman. 
for one thing, her kickass fighting abilities are well understood, but her kung-fu skill emerged as a way to work out her anger from being bullied, so she often resorts to violence as a defense mechanism even when it isn’t necessarily needed. in “hell is other robots” she gets freaked out by the mosh pit and beats up the other concertgoers, “bender’s game” is about how her anger can overtake her and even being punished for violence won’t faze her, and in “lethal inspection” she outright admits violent outbursts are how she copes with mortality. “anthology of interest 1″ shows that she will descend into a murderous rampage at the slightest provocation if she had just a bit worse impulse control. 
she’s also really stubborn! like, she will have a full-on mental breakdown if someone insists she can’t do something, because she has such an issue with being treated as unwanted and “worthless” that she needs to prove herself as highly capable of anything. "the sting," “mobius dick” and “bender’s game” are both great examples, as is the back half of “bender’s big score” -- note the sharp turn from “happy, calm, in love, willing to let other people handle the situation” to “insists on taking charge, kicking ass, and self-isolating” after lars leaves her at the altar. 
also as great as it is that she’s more organized than fry, this veers into some weird habits like freezing all her dinners a month in advance and having a very minimalist apartment for a while. this plays into how anxious she gets about taking risks. she is very pedantic about grammar and can get ridiculously overzealous about keeping her crew safe and healthy. however she gets bored and frustrated when she doesn’t have excitement in her life. 
she is very bad at organizing papers, preferring to just hide things away even when they become too big to ignore (symbolic!), completely failing when she steps in for hermes in “lethal inspection.” she also forgot to vote despite preaching about it all episode in “a head in the polls.” she is not as infallible as she wants people to believe! she just tries harder to justify it to herself than others, because she also has a severe guilt complex -- if she admits to herself that she did something wrong, she feels she needs to be punished.
she has a lonely, mundane home life. she can struggle with creativity and settle on an unexciting option (i.e. wanting to use superpowers for “humdrum activities” in “less than hero”), which is where fry’s tendency to blurt out any idea that comes to mind comes in handy. 
despite being fairly fashionable, she sometimes struggles with traditional femininity. not just bc of her attitude and mutations but also her feet and breath stink lmao. she also has a bit of a potty mouth and has said “fuck” (bleeped out) in at least three episodes. she's a terrible singer (despite katey herself being a great singer).
she is implied to have a “hedonistic” past and used to drive around in a mausoleum as a teenager. she went to her prom alone with a dress made of carpet remains. she dropped out and “bummed around india for a while” after college. 
she has a massive soft spot for animals, including “gross” ones like leeches, and despite all her violence, she usually backs down if it means a (perceived) innocent animal will be hurt. this can sometimes backfire on her (i.e. “into the wild green yonder”). she is very protective and empathetic towards living creatures, probably cuz she never had anybody looking out for her. she likes to read books about animals to relax. 
she regularly visits the orphanarium and is very concerned with being a good role model for those kids, emphasizing especially with sally. it is repeatedly implied in the (admittedly semi-canon) comics that she wants to be a mother. 
she plays with her hair when she’s nervous or flirty. she had an anxiety attack and physically froze up when she thought a mutant was stalking her. she had a bedwetting problem as a child and even her warden still holds it over her head. 
she has repressed mental illness related to her lack of family growing up  and has a desperate need for companionship, but sets high standards so she won’t get her heart broken first. whenever she’s single, she is very cynical about love and doesn’t do well seeing happy couples. 
she seems very obsessed with normality and stability which is why she often seeks men of high status to date, even if they turn out to be jerks. however, she outgrows this after meeting her family, as she becomes extremely attached to them despite their low status and embraces her mutant culture quickly. 
her mutations are not limited to her eye. she not only has a whole episode about her now-cured genetic mutant disease, but she occasionally lays an egg and has talons on her elbows. depending on the episode, she can be quite disabled by her single eye due to her lack of depth perception. there’s also the singing boil but that episode sucks lol
she also can get really horny lol. once she’s dating fry steadily, she tends to initiate things a lot more, even in public. i think it’s sometimes more of a fanservice thing but it’s always funny to see her so down bad, especially in the comedy central era
she likes bender because of his “in your face attitude” and often has a playful dynamic with him despite disapproving of his lack of morals. she doesn’t like amy a lot of the time but they can get along and comfort each other when the time is needed. i’m not even getting into her and fry because that’s its own post.
overall i just love leela a lot, she’s such a weird, complicated, fascinating character and i could go on about her All Day. 
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owlsnotes · 10 months
One of my most strange pairings but I can't stop thinking about it
Aemond Targaryen / Rhaena Targaryen
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Green sleeves stirred my heart anew
Green sleeves caught my eye of blue
Green sleeves put my soul at ease
So, I gave my love to sweet green sleeves
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screamingahhh · 8 months
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Its been a little while oops!
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nllick · 19 days
Stacey and Rebecca 🤍 (the girlfriends)
this is for whoever asked for that Stacey edit...I decided to add Rebecca into it if that's ok.
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bitter-sweet-coffee · 3 months
Could you make a brief description of your main/favourite OCs or other important things, I have a bad memory and am confused 👉🏻👈🏻
HELLO! hi hi hi uh. hellow sienna :3 yes of course. i will choose a VERY MINIMAL AMOUNT OF OCS just the ones i’m always ranting about. ALSO I KNOW YOU SAID BRIEF BUT. I AM VERY BAD AT THAT SO HERE’S WHATEVER THIS IS:
1. GEMMA. (Gemma the ??? technically)
Gemma is a green… bird. We do not know what kind of bird she is. She’s Bean’s mom and she runs the criminal underworld of hybrid mobians, trafficking, and mobian puppy mills. She’s not particularly mean or violent though, the joke being that she’s also omnipotent and can break the fourth wall, just with the dark twist that she’s always known everything ever and knows she’s an OC and that I’m even talking about her right now, hence why doing the immoral shit that she does is not ultimately a bad thing since no one she hurts is real. ALSO, she’s based off of Gemma Teller-Morrow from Sons of Anarchy so if you ever draw her, try to make her look like a bird version or Katey Segal :)
2. BRANDO. (Brando the Hawk lol)
Jet’s Dad. Looks like Jet but if he was an alcoholic who somehow manages a receding hairline. Hansu once drew him with a monocle and top hat as a joke but I found it so hilarious we might just keep it. He sounds like James Lance (actor) if his voice was more broken and growly and mumbly, and if he was human he’d have Lance’s hair as well. (He misses his wife, Sienna)
3. ADAM!!! (Adam the Albatross)
Adam is Storm’s dad and he looks like him but instead of being round and fluffy strong, he’s abtastically ripped. You see how I draw mobians you know what’s up LOL. anyways, he was a teen dad and did a really good job, and he works at Prison Island. Well, he did, now it’s blown up, so he works at the inland prison instead. He’s a bit of a manchild and his girlfriend is Jewel’s mom Opal (hehe Lea’s OC) because he sorta has a milf problem. He’s like if Jesse Pinkman was an adult instead of an oversized teenager, yet is still quite childish (in a cute way! he eats dino nuggets for dinner). Think “drawing Storm but for a thirsttrap” and you’ve nailed him
4, CAREY AND DARLA!!! (Carey the Jackdaw & Darla the Swallow)
You really think I’m gonna just include one??? These are Wave’s parents and I’m in love with their designs. Carey is a jackdaw with vitiligo which means he gets patches of white feathers in certain places due to black pigment being a recessive genetic trait due to the Salem trials (long story, you asked for the short version lol). He dyes his front feathers red to be like Party Poison from Danger Days, and often wears a pair of working denim jeans that are kinda stained with oil and paint but that makes them look cooler. He’s Eggman level smart and super witty, but extremely humble and only wants to use his knowledge to help other people. It’s a jackdaw thing. He loves shiny stuff (read: he loves machinery) and also adores his wife. Such a wife guy but in the genuinely good and wholesome way. SPEAKING OF, DARLA IS A BUBBLEGUM PUNK TO ME! She was part of all the mobian riots in the 80’s and operated an illegal shelter for homeless youth via her massive roller rink that’s dead centre in her city that she refuses to sell for luxury condos or parking lots. That is HER block of land and she’s not moving it, so she helps keep kids (especially mobian youth who are disproportionately affected) off the street. She loves wearing full denim and is an array of blue colours. Also, despite her husband being super fucking tall, she’s also pretty tall for a lady! Very round too though, like a feathery ball, very cute and round and pudgy I love her.
I actually have acceptable fanart of these two on hand because Infifi drew them once so here’s that:
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winningcombination · 2 years
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On Sunday, me and @redheadlesbianweirdo went to Big Texas Comicon as respectively Leela and Fry! I was gonna style the wig over one eye to make it so just one was showing, but that fell through… so I had four eyes instead of one eye. 🤓
And guess who was there…? BILLY WEST!
He did a one-hour long panel and I got to get up and ask him a question!!! When I got up there, he looked at me and said, “Have we met somewhere before?” 💜👁 So cute!! I asked him about how the voice acting landscape had changed, now compared to when he first started out. He said that currently he’s frustrated by stunt casting and how roles will get cast by people who are famous instead of people who can actually do the job. Ain’t that the truth. He also talked about being on the autism spectrum and how he considers it a superpower that helps him do his job, and that he thinks that everyone who’s autistic has a superpower of some kind. It made me happy to hear him talk so openly about that!
Some anecdotes I think you’ll enjoy…
He told two stories about Katey Sagal that were very sweet, and also made sure to point out that even though she’s a famous superstar, she is 100% the right, capable person to voice Leela because her voice is so distinct and she’s really talented. His dislike of celebrity culture is well-known but obviously doesn’t apply to every celebrity ever!
1) He talked about how great of a singer she is and told the story of how she invited him and their castmates to go see her band play one time. She sang a cover of a song that he said used to make him cry back when he was younger, and when she asked what he thought after the show, he said she made him cry too.
2) Another story: one time, he was at a juice bar on Rodeo Drive when Katey burst in the doors, turned to him, and said “Billy, you gotta help me!” Outside the doors were a bunch of nasty paparazzi. She hid behind him and he turned to the paparazzi and lifted up his shirt and stuck up his middle fingers (and demonstrated this for us). He said he thought it would make it into tabloids with headlines like “Fry Saves Leela!” But it never happened. The photos are floating around out there somewhere, though.
Also— he had a green and black checkered Tanjiro backpack with him up on stage. A congoer got up and asked him if he liked anime and he said that he didn’t know much about it, but that he had been in a few, and asked if she had seen Bad Grandpa because he was in that. I LOST IT at that. She recommended he watch Demon Slayer and he said he’d check it out.
His panel was great and Ash has some footage she’s gonna post! We weren’t able to go to his booth and get his autograph because we just barely missed him 🥲🥲 He had a flight to catch and left while we went to get some cash from an ATM. But I WILL meet him formally somedayyyy… SOMEDAYYYYY!!!!
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scilou-mdr · 9 months
(Tumblr please don't mess around)
Eddsworld French/Au
(also the French speakers some of their Headcanon as for Delaine)
I'm going to consider this really as an "AU" because it's just an idea that came to mind (as I'm French I wanted to put France more forward).
So I thought about the first name, know that the pronunciation is VERY important.
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I couldn't put all the characters because there are a lot (especially those in the background)
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The pronunciation of the letters:
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Background characters (because there are plenty you don't know):
⚠If you have already called one of her characters by another name example: Beatrice for Alice well do what you want, it's your Headcanon⚠
Delaine (fanon name): WTFutur/tiktok "grilled cheese"/comic 388: Waitress
Adelaide (fanon name): Spares/Fun dead, The woman who works for the arcade
Candice (fanon name by me): Fun dead, The woman has the apple green dress and the red bow in her hair
Alice (fanon name by me): Eddsworld comic 8: French waitress
Amber (fanon name by me): Fun dead, Zombie woman punching Edd in the face
Sasha (fanon name): Fun dead, Woman in roller coaster getting her arm bitten by a zombie
Arthur (fanon name) Randumb, Arthur is normally an artist's oc (hello Nemek if you don't pass by), she/he and her buddy saw that the guy who was with the president of the USA looked like his/her Oc so they decided to do of Arthur a Canon character
Robby (Fanon name): WTFutur, The guy who complained his chicken
Chris (Fanon name): Power edd: Guy taking pictures of Monster Tom
Ella (Fanon name):Eddsworld 20k, The Fursuit Woman
Roxxi/Roxanne (Fanon name): Power Edd, In the plane
Anaïs (fanon name by me): Beaster Bunny/Surf & Turf Wars, The girl in the turquoise sweater with a rabbit
Morganne (Fanon name by me): Comic 203/Beaster Bunny/Surf & Turf Wars,: "The mystery girl", Punk woman
Essy (canon name): Zombeh attack 3/Fun dead, "Private brains"
Trevor (fanon name by me): Beaster Bunny, security gard
Johnny (fanon name by me): Special Halloween, "Hockey Mask Wearing Freak"
Helloïse (fanon name by me): Miror-Miror, Ellsworld Hellucard
Veronica (fanon name): Eddsworld Comic 144, Woman wearing blue sweater
Chris (DJ) (fanon name): The End/Fun dead (?), The guy who is one of the people who opens the door for Tom, he has headphones on his shoulders
Amanda (Fanon name): Zanta claws 3: Girl in a bathrobe with a kind of pins "I love M@"
Jenny (fanon name): Christmas special/Official poster Woman with a red scarf
Annya (Fanon name): Christmas Special/ Official poster: Female red army soldier with a red armband and a star
Oriane (Fanon name): Eddsworld comic 351: Woman looking a lot like Katey, probably her twin sister
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wiw3 · 2 years
Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Dead Rising 2
Hi, this is your friendly neighborhood reminder that Capcom released a really cool game called Dead Rising 2 a long time ago and I’m crumbling with nostalgia playing it again blitzed after getting fired from my job. I’ve decided to wallow in self-pity a while, because really, it’s what I deserve.
I’ve been feeling like I’m not enough for so long, at work, with my lovers, with my friends occasionally, I’ve been made to feel so much less than what I should be with people, and nobody ever feels the need to outright tell me how I need to change, they express disinterest in what I talk about, tell me their love for me isn’t real, and fire me, maybe not necessarily in that order, but I’m being told that I’ve been pronouncing the Woe-Is-Me-ter wrong by our sponsers.
Regardless, I think I know why I’ve fallen back in love with this game and it’s a reason I’m not comfortable with, nor do I think it has anything good to do with my plans writ large. I think it’s a negative thing that I’m consuming so much of one of Capcom’s most classic hits starring Chuck Greene.
I think it’s because I’ve been feeling overwhelmed to the point of tears these last few weeks, although I’d never cry about it in front of anyone. It’s not that I have any justifiable bias against anyone who cries in front of their friends. If you can, I’m jealous. It takes being at an emotional break for me to cry in front of my friends.
I clutch so tightly onto my keyboard launching the zombie story because I think it hits all of the boxes I need it to hit right now. The game can make me laugh with the clever humor and witty jokes it has planted throughout, the story of Katey and Chuck is so wholesome with Stacey almost acting like an adoptive mother for Katey if you play your cards right. People thank you when you perform tasks for them, and it feels rewarding to complete a long-term goal [like obtaining $2,000,000 of in-game money (with no microtransactions to aid this, that I know of) and buying 1/4 of a Knight’s armor-set to protect you from zombie-bites for most of the game, or just fooling that fat idiot Jack out of his by destroying his mind at poker, but you get the idea). The game shows you your tasks in a listed, organized way and shows you exactly when each one will run out. Maybe I’ve felt the need to prioritize like this for a long time.
Maybe I’m running away from actually doing that prioritization by doing play-prioritization in Dead Rising 2. Capcom strikes again, I suppose. I love this game, and it would take the jaws of life that you utilize to remove innocent people from bent-metal car-wrecks to remove me from my chair for the purposes of stopping playing Dead Rising 2, or as I call it, DR2, because I don’t have time for the whole name sometimes. Either way, I’m healing, doing my own type of medicating and getting away from it all, because it’s all hurt a little too much for me to want to be around people for a while. 
I’m feeling bullied by God.
A celery craving at 9:48 at night? Are you fucking kidding me?  
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fundie-predictions · 2 years
Name Predictions for Caldwell-Duggar #4 - Boy
In case you missed it, Joe and Kendra were spotted out to dinner last week with a brand new baby in tow. This baby was wrapped in a green blanket and didn’t have a bow on its head so it is suspected to be a boy, but that is not confirmed. While they have yet to publicly confirm this new addition to the family, it doesn’t really make sense to belong to anyone else. Jed and Katey were not present so it likely isn’t Truett, and the baby appeared too young to be Josiah and Lauren’s, who are rumored to have welcomed a new addition in March 2022. As of the time of writing this, Joe and Kendra have remained radio silent, so I figure I should go ahead and make my predictions now in case they announce soon. This post will contain only boys’ names, but I may make a follow up with girls’ names soon.
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Previous Naming Information
Joe and Kendra have three known children, not including this rumored baby: a son, Garrett David (b. 2018), and two daughters, Addison Renee (b. 2019) and Brooklyn Praise (b. 2021). Their oldest two children share one name with their parents. Garrett’s first name is his father’s middle name, and Addison’s middle name of Renee is the same as Kendra’s middle name. Brooklyn shares her name with the middle name of Joe’s youngest sister Josie, but I think that is only a coincidence. 
Joe and Kendra seem to have different naming styles for their boys vs. their girls. Their son has a mix of a family name with a classic Biblical name, while their daughters have what I am not-so-affectionately referring to as “trendy in 2013″ names. And in fact, Addison peaked in popularity in 2010, and Brooklyn similarly peaked in 2014. There has also been speculation that Joe and Kendra have a double-letter name theme, but I'm not sure if I believe that. To me, it just seems that they picked a family name for their son and two girls names that paired well together (Addison and Brooklyn are about the most similar style they possibly could have picked IMO). Since Brooklyn did not have a family middle name, I am not going to predict that they use any more for girls, but it is possible that they still will for boys.
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Preliminary Predictions
I will begin as I usually do picking out names in the Social Security Administration’s top 500 baby names that contain double letters, excluding names they have already used and names of other GrandDuggars (and Muhammad, can safely say that’s out). This will be long list, so feel free to skim or scroll past if you wish.
William (#6)
Wyatt (#29)
Matthew (#36) / Matteo (#166) (not Italian) / Matthias (#450)
Isaac (#40)
Aaron (#65)
Cooper (#68)
Brooks (#77)
Everett (#82)
Bennett (#90)
Connor (#97)
Emmett (#103)
Harrison (#120)
Giovanni (#124) / Gianni (#390) (not Italian)
Rhett (#148)
Maxwell (#163)
Messiah (#172)
Maddox (#174)
Finn (#184) / Finnegan (#376)
Emmanuel (#191)
Barrett (#192) (too close to Garrett)
Beckett (#198)
Jesse (#203)
Jett (#244)
Lennox (#254)
Kenneth (#258)
Atticus (#266)
Dallas (#270)
Callum (#273) 
Ellis (#321)
Gunner (#324)
Otto (#336)
Warren (#345)
Killian (#347)
Russell (#352)
Tanner (#358)
Briggs (#372)
Sullivan (#373)
Callan (#375) / Callen (#458)
Marshall (#379)
Apollo (#400) (Greek god? Too pagan)
Quinn (#405)
Forrest (#414)
Reed (#416)
Collin (#421)
Jeffrey (#425)
Johnny (#436)
Tripp (#445)
Wells (#479)
Cassius (#485)
Keegan (#494)
Sonny (#497)
Of these, a few stand out that I think could fit really well for Joe and Kendra. My favorites for them include William, Wyatt, Isaac, Cooper, Everett, Bennett, Connor, Harrison, Beckett, Gunner and Reed. And another double letter first name pick I'll throw in is Caldwell, Kendra’s maiden name. 
And what if they’re not doing a double letter theme for this baby? Some names I think fit with Garrett, Addison, and Brooklyn in popularity pattern, length (sometimes), and overall vibe are Christian, Dylan, Caleb, Ryan, Wesley, Tucker, Timothy, Preston, Caiden, and Nicholas.
Since Garrett’s middle name is from Joe’s side of the family, I am expecting this baby’s middle name to be after Kendra’s father: either Paul or Gene, probably Paul. James or Robert are always dark horses in this family though.
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My Final Predictions
I don’t know if they’ll ever confirm this baby publicly, so who knows if we’ll find out if my guesses are right or wrong. Oh well, this is just for fun (and mostly for me anyway). I don’t know if they would ever use this name, but I really love Bennett for Joe and Kendra. Both of the girls have names ending in “-n,” so perhaps they’d pick a boy name ending in “-t” to match Garrett. Everett and Beckett could also be close contenders.
If the name doesn’t contain double letters, I have to go with Tucker or Wesley. I couldn’t really tell you why other than that I think they fit well with Garrett, Addison, and Brooklyn. Or maybe it’s because Garrett reminds me of a Tucker and Wesley I know in real life. (Nevermind, just said Tucker Duggar out loud and I hate it. Quick substitution for Christian).
My top choice for middle name is Paul over Gene, just because that is the name that Paul Caldwell goes by in real life. If the middle name is for Joe’s side of the family rather than Kendra’s it’ll be James.
And to finish off this novel of a post, here are my top ten predictions.
Bennett Paul
Everett Paul
Beckett James
Christian Gene
Wesley Paul
William James
Cooper Paul
Wyatt James
Dylan Paul
Nicholas Paul
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