#Koichi Mikata
sweetwolf05 · 2 years
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The main 8 colors
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jgjmk4-2 · 5 years
The JJBA crew visiting the beach together:
Caesar suggests a game of beach volleyball:
Jotaro’s using Star Platinum to spike the ball so fast no one can return it
Giorno’s using Gold Experience to turn the ball into a fly, make it land and then turn it back into a ball to score points
Jonathan doesn’t have a stand but he’s trying his best sweet gentleman
Joseph accidentally puncturing the ball with Hermit Purple
Josuke has to revert it back to normal with Crazy Diamond
Caesar cringing every time he saves the ball and hears Joseph say, “very nice! Caesar-chan~!”
Mista’s using Sex Pistols to confuse the opposition by booting the ball everywhere
Okuyasu’s The Hand can only play with it’s left hand because even Josuke can’t bring the ball back if he uses its right hand
Stroheim is unnecessarily screaming!! 
Abbacchio’s the referee (even though he’d prefer to be resting), replaying the game with Moody Blues every time there’s a dispute (which happens a lot)
Avdol says it’s too hot to be running around: 
Kakyoin is relaxing with a cool drink and sunglasses 
Tonio is happily making Italian food for everyone when they get hungry
Narancia playing the radio and popping open fresh Soda cans every once in a while
Rohan judging Narancia’s song choices with a disapproving side eye while lazily flipping through a book
Reimi giggling happily from above whilst proudly watching over Rohan interact with new friends
Trish secretly enjoying Narancia’s music choices while fixing her makeup and complaining about the heat ruining her artwork 
Polnareff is slicing watermelons up for every body with Silver Chariot
Avdol’s chilling with Magician’s Red and no one wants to sit near him because Magician’s Red is radiating heat
Tomoko is watching Josuke play beach volleyball proudly as she eats ice blocks to stay cool
Iggy’s happily next to Tomoko, lying near her bowl of ice on his back to cool down
Buccellati, like Tomoko, is proudly watching his children play volleyball. Even though Josuke’s there to heal any injuries, he still has a first-aid kit just in case. Scolds Mista when he tries to cheat.
Okuyasu says it’s a waste to go to the beach without playing in the water:
Okuyasu splashing about because he gave up on volleyball since he kept losing with only one hand 
Polnareff trying to suppress his laughter because the hot sun reminds him of their comedic battle against The Sun
Erina is dipping her foot into the water while shielding herself from the sun with a pink parasol umbrella. Jonathan looks at her every once in a while to make sure she’s not in any kind of trouble
Koichi trying to keep up in a playful water fight with Yukako but is getting overwhelmed 
Holly’s giggling at everyone’s shenanigans 
LisaLisa is stunning everyone with her beauty
Mikata the alien is stunned at the sight of the beautiful, sparkling water and begins to compose philosophical poems 
Dr Kujo is admiring the marine life that surrounds him with intense, silent passion. With his knowledge, he knows the exact places to look for certain creatures.
SpeedWagon warms up the water surrounding him with his hot body ;)
Suzi Q is in a bikini and Joseph’s constantly sneaking peaks at her
Joseph suggests a sand sculpture competition:
Avdol, SpeedWagon and Mikata were the judges
Joseph pairs up with Suzi Q
Joseph gets competitive as he watches Caesar’s work and ends up ruining his own sculpture to which Suzi Q has to fix it
They ended up with a wonky penguin
But they were happy
Yukako can’t stand Koichi being paired up with anyone else
Before they can even decided what to make, Yukako’s already constructed a large heart which she dedicates to Koichi
It’s massive and pretty impressive
They come in fourth (the power of love)
Okuyasu pairs up with Josuke
The two boys started arguing about making a cool jet or a fierce shark
Decided to compromise and make a jet shark (?)
Came in last despite their efforts because Okuyasu tripped and fell onto the sculpture
Caesar sculpts LisaLisa
It looks really beautiful and every single detail is there, even her eyelashes
No wonder Joseph got antsy
He should’ve come in first, but came in second
LisaLisa is touched by how well it was done
Polnareff used Silver Chariot to make a massive castle
Piled a large amount of sand and made Silver Chariot cut away and shape it
Came in second last even though it looked really grand because Iggy did a number 2 at the castle entrance
At least it was funny  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Jonathan obviously won’t leave Erina alone to make something by herself
Jonathan lets Erina chose what they’re gonna make
Does all the heavy lifting and dusts Erina off if her dress gets sand on it
They end up making a bunch of cute, forest animals :)
It’s the Bucci gang against the world once again!
Buccellati’s giving out orders 
Naracia’s in charge of collecting the water, Mista and Abbacchio do the heavy lifting, Giorno does the sculpting and Fugo is supervising/getting mad at Narancia
They make sculptures of their stands posing and it looks amazing
They come in third 
Tbh, everyone wanted Jotaro because of Star Platinum’s renowned precision
Kakyoin managed to win the spot next to Jotaro by promising him seats to a Sumo competition that was coming in a few months
Jotaro and Star Platinum work fast - They constructed dolphins leaping out of the sand 
Kakoyin didn’t want to be outdone by Jotaro and used Emerald splash to give the sculpture a green, sparkling sea-like effect which looks BEAUTIFUL 
And that’s how they came in first
Oh and, whilst this all happens, Dio is watching from far away, ready to spoil the holiday.
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