buttonmcthickums · 1 year
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I grow my houseplants in a semi hydro setup, in LECA.
This type of post is lovingly called root porn in the semi hydro community XD
Philodendron Billietiae, Alocasia Frydek, Syngonium Albo, and 2 separate Syngonium Mojitos however one has lost it’s variegation. )’:
Part 2 after the jump.
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plantingwiththeresa · 7 months
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The Philodendron Tricolor White Princess
This right here is probably one of my favorites in my collection, even though it may not be as rare as my other ones. I remember purchasing this as a one-leaf cutting for a whopping $70. This was peak pandemic when everything jumped in price because people had nothing better to do. At this time I thought the price was atrocious for a leaf that was nearly all green and no pink at all, but now I can see why it was priced as such.
The tricolor white princess is one of my favorite variations of this plant. As you can see, the plant’s stem is predominately green with some pink, but it mostly expressed green and white variegated leaves. Occasionally, depending on the plants genetics, you might just get lucky and see some pink. However, variegated leaves sometimes aren’t all that great. They may be beautiful but because they aren’t green, they can’t photosynthesize and may reduce the plant’s growth rate. All white leaves are just a beautiful slow death. 
I’ve taken progress photos of the plant’s growth over the span of a few months. To my surprise, this plant took off really quickly. I started with rooting the stem in some water and ultimately transferred it into leca. Please look at my previous post about using leca should you have any questions! When I first transferred it to leca, I used just plain water instead of nutrient solution until the roots grew more.  
The first leaf it grew was just so tiny and plain green to my disappointment. However, it’s actually quite normal for a cutting to produce a small leaf as it’s first growth point because it needs to test if its environment can support it. To my surprise, the plant’s following leaf was a halfmoon! Halfmoons look like what it sounds like – half of the leaf is white. Afterwards, it spat out a nearly all white leaf. I was feeling quite stressed out and at the time I’m posting this right now, the leaf has already browned and fell off :(. However, I finally got a pink leaf! At this point I’m not exactly sure about the external factors that can encourage the plant to produce more pink. I’ve increased the lighting duration and humidity, but that’s still the only pink leaf I have. Check back in for more in the next few posts!
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planthappyofficial · 8 months
Moving this pretty variegated ivy over to leca from soil. Transitioning a plant to leca directly from soil can be tricky. How do you think this plant is doing?
Follow 💚@planthappyofficial for more planty content & visit us at planthappyproducts.com to learn more about planting hydroponic houseplants. 🫶🌱
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desafogamentos · 2 years
O sábio nunca se assume sábio, porque sabe, pela sua sapiência, que ainda tem muito que aprender. 
O arrogante, por sua vez, arrota que muito sabe e que a verdade é a coisa mais óbvia de sua vida. Mas no fundo vive apavorado de ser pego e atormentado pela dúvida em saber que pode ser descoberto.
E os que não são sábios ou arrogantes, orbitam um deles. E é assim que vejo as pessoas hoje, mascaradas por perfis midiáticos, escondidas de suas reais características, porque a internet nos dotou dessa facilidade: a máscara. 
Qual o foco, o ponto lá na frente, o lugar que se quer chegar, com tanta discussão? Com tanto empenho em se mostrar certo? É tão errado assim errar? 
E essa rotina desgastante vem me afastando do momento, da mídia, da rua, das pessoas. Ver lutas vãs minam o que ainda me resta de fé nos outros, e enfraquece a fé em mim mesma. E com a fé fragilizada fica difícil ficar de pé, erguida, pronta. 
Gosto de ser frágil quando isso me leva a me despir frente a quem amo, me mostrar como sou, sem receio de ser julgada ou lida em outro idioma. Mas me fragilizar por falta de forças, por me sentir só, por ser traída em ideais, isso sim é triste. 
Saudades de acreditar, de me sentir fazendo a diferença, de socializar com sorrisos mas também com lágrimas, de ser peça importante na construção de uma história, seja ela qual for. Saudades de ser forte... Porque hoje todos somos muito frágeis, mesmo com cascas à mostra.
Leca Castro - 08/10/2022
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#princessmononoke #forestspirit #terrarium #miniatureorchid #shingleplant #leca #dragonstone #rareplants https://www.instagram.com/p/ChAGsy5LSYP/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Let's try this! Leca and We The Wild products! 💚
I've never been attracted to Leca, but always give everything a shot, experiment and analyze the results by yourself.
I also struggled with liquid fertilizer, because I always want to add more than needed and I'm just really bad at measuring things exactly 😂 #latino
But the wild products are awesome! I'm tried their leaf cleaner too, which I'm always against any shiners, but theirs are actually organic, use no chemicals and it even has Neem oil! 💚 Anyways, that's going to be another video. But I'm trying my best to learn the proper way to use liquid fertilizer, let's see how this one goes!
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I ended up potting three cuttings in Leca. My rubber tree and 2 different alocasias.
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justsomehouseplants · 2 years
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Pretty new leaf on my hoya macrophylla :) I was struggling with this guy so I'm very happy he's finally growing.
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osanyin-forest · 7 months
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Trying leca for the first time
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tggardens · 1 year
I found moss on our back deck today, blown off of the roof by the wind or rain/snow. You're not supposed to go into the woods and just gather moss since it can take a very long time to grow, but since it's literally coming out of the sky and growing on my literal house (in the woods) I think I'm pretty safe in keeping and propagating it.
Here are some pictures of the prep I already had going for the terrarium which are quickly being switched up to keep this stuff alive until the rest of the plants come in.
The moss itself. Might be hard to see in the picture, but this stuff is really dirty!
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The substrate, just using the basic mix recommended by Worcester Terrariums of calcinated clay, coco coir, and worm castings.
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And I'm soaking more Leca. I probably would have had enough for the old fish tank that I'm turning into the terrarium, but it was barely enough for a single layer of the bin that I was going to turn into a moss box so I'm doing two and a half times as much as I first started with. I'm glad this happened so I had the chance to wash more.
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buttonmcthickums · 1 year
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Some of my babies. All are grown semi hydroponically, LECA, perlite or lechuza pon.
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plantingwiththeresa · 8 months
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Growing basil in leca! Feat. My dog!
Leca is a great sustainable alternative to using soil. You can continue to reuse it by boiling it in water to clean it from potential plant diseases. Made out of clay balls, leca itself doesn't actually contain any nutrients. However, you can easily substitute it with any nutrient solution. I personally use Foliage Pro with a one capful per gallon ratio.
In this picture, I started growing basil seeds in Leca to see how versatile it can be. I filled the container up with about an inch of the nutrient water and simply sprinkled some seeds on top. The leca wicks up the water and ensures that the seeds receive the moisture it needs. Depending on the type of plant, you may want to leave the water reservoir to dry out before refilling the container back up with nutrient water. However, basil is a plant that can grow in a full hydroponic environment, meaning that the plant can be perfectly happy in water and does not need any soil.
Basil is one of my favorite herbs, and I am happy for a semi hydroponic system I can easily use in my apartment. It’s so simple and easy to the point where I’m not even sure if I would consider it a system. Leca is an excellent choice for those who are city-dwellers or simply don’t have enough yard space to grow miscellaneous herbs. You can cut back the roots if necessary or just transfer it into a larger container when it outgrows the cup. It’s lower maintenance than using soil as you don’t have to continually fertilize it and make sure that your soil has the proper drainage. My favorite part about it is that it is also much more aesthetic to the eye. 
Aside from convenience and aesthetics, there are many other benefits to using leca. The first major one is pests. Due to soil’s organic composition, it naturally attracts insects. Some of these pests are harmful to your plants. Leca is just clay so you won’t have to worry about soil mites, gnats, or other annoying pests. A second benefit is that it doesn’t smell at all. Personally, I can’t stand the smell of organic fertilizer (poop!) in my house. Lastly, you don’t have to worry about soil spilling and getting everywhere. Comment down below if you’re already using leca or considering it!
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desafogamentos · 2 years
Não deve ser minha primeira postagem falando sobre preguiça, mas é o que vem me consumindo ultimamente. Confesso que às vezes ela se confunde com desânimo, e outras vezes, uma leva à outra, mas o fato é que a vontade de 'não fazer' é forte.
E abro um parágrafo pra dizer que não falo apenas de algo físico, mas emocional principalmente. Preguiça de socializar porque as pessoas estão cada vez mais difíceis de lidar. Muita discussão sem foco, muita picuinha por muito pouco, muita gente brigando pra ser a pessoa que tem a razão da discussão e pouca gente preocupado em ser feliz ou deixar o outro feliz. 
E esses olhares para os próprios umbigos, como se vivêssemos em bolhas individuais, são cansativos. Não fico mais provando ponto de vista nem tentando convencer ninguém de nada, até porque eu também posso estar errada, mas é aí que bate a preguiça e/ou o desânimo. 
"Ah, por que você não se dedica com mais afinco aos amigos?", ou "por que você não faz mais amizades?", ou até "você ainda é nova, faz quanto tempo que não namora?". Se eu realmente fosse parar pra responder essas perguntas, seria filosofar demais pra quem só está enxergando o raso. Só de pensar em novas relações vem a preguiça, de ter que pensar no meu meio século de vida e deixar essas pessoas novas na minha vida me conhecerem, ter que contar e me recontar, me mostrar... não tenho o que esconder ou bloqueios. Uma coisa ou outra pode me emocionar, mas nunca fui fechada, não tenho esse ponto para trabalhar, mas fazer isso hoje é desanimador. E ainda corro o risco dessa pessoa não querer ficar.
E estou nessa fase... quase ninguém chega, mesmo com a porta aberta, porque a preguiça não me deixa ir lá e receber a nova visita.
Leca Castro - 03/10/2022
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portalfrasedodia · 2 years
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#edulivros #habitodeleitura #amoler #leca https://www.instagram.com/p/CioTVCjg_lA/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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norikofromtokyo · 2 years
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New single stem orchid again. 💕 I got this orchid at Trader Joe’s 4years ago. 新芽から花が咲くまでの観察記録 4年前にお迎えしたオーキッドが新芽にょきにょきしてくれただけでもびっくりしたけど、小さな花も見れて幸せ😊 根っこが張りすぎてるから、また植え替えしてあげよう😊 🌱→🌸 May/2022-July/2022 #newstem #singlestem #orchids #bloomingagain #蘭 #オーキッド #新芽 #一輪の花 #leca #ハイドロカルチャー (at Rhode Island) https://www.instagram.com/p/CghG-YlL7il/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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yikesss · 2 years
transferred my spider plant from water to leca. i sure hope it doesn't kill itself
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jerseymuppet · 8 months
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Plant Master Jude. Who Want Me?
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