#Lars Jansson
skruttet · 3 months
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wizard pondering her orb
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moominverse · 8 months
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flowerbloom-arts · 7 months
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The Comet's landing date in Comet in Moominland (version 1) was October 7th, meaning the morning after on which the book ended was October 8th.
And October 8th... happens to be Lars Jansson's (Tove's brother) birthday. Fella nearly didn't have a birthday in that universe.
(also, happy birthday to him, a few of his Moomin comics are questionable but I really do appreciate them and alot of the comedy does hit, I also must commend him for keeping it up on his own for 15 years because goodness that would drain anyone's sanity I think)
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ultrameganicolaokay · 2 months
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Moomin Adventures: Book One by Tove Jansson and Lars Jansson. Cover by Tove and Lars Jansson. Out in July.
"Presented in an all new softcover format that collects the all ages comics of both Tove Jansson and Lars Jansson, the five-volume Moomin Adventures series will introduce the timeless comic strip to a new generation of readers of all ages. Moomin Adventures Book One kicks off with perhaps the most famous adventure of them all, Moomin on the Riviera, which was adapted into an animated feature and debuted at the London Film Festival. In Moomin's Desert Island, the entire Moomin family is stranded on a desert island-the very island their ancestors came from. The Moominvalley hijinx continued with a charming mix of strips from Finland's most famous writer/artist Tove Jansson, and her brother Lars Jansson who taught himself how to draw in order to take over the strip when it was in syndication."
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thejarlofwhiterun · 2 years
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💡Lightbulb Moment💡
There comes a point where, if you've read enough of the comics by Lars Jansson, or even those handful where he collaborated with Tove as a writer for the "Jansson" phase of the comics (as I like to call it), you notice that the Inspector shows up suspiciously often for a cameo featuring dialog for one or two panels at the very least, and then you hilariously realized that the Inspector is quite possibly Lars' favorite non-main character.
It's so silly, this guy barely had a personality, he was like a different hemulen every comic along with every other police hemulen up until Club Life in Moominvalley where he's finally given his iconic scarf and obliviousness but not much else, and then Lars comes in and picks this guy up by the scruff and decided to make him one of the most queercoded guys in the comic.
I hear Lars had a big interest in detective novels and had experience translating them but I'm not as well-versed with the life stories of the Janssons as I am with their Moomin works so I could be missing something but my word does Lars' favoritism become apparent by the time you realize the first comic he made after the whole strip was given to him established some very major details about the police station's operations and it becomes difficult to name a strip thereafter that doesn't have atleast one panel featuring the Inspector in some capacity.
This isn't a criticism as much as it is an amusing observation because I myself am an Inspector enjoyer, I am glad Lars made him quite the character, he is charmingly silly, he goes against many hemulenish and police conventions of the time and he casually rebels against conventions of traditional western masculinity.
Possibly the first appearance of the Inspector we know was in Moomin and the Martians, where he is the second police Inspector to show up in the comic and is mostly irritated by being a walking lightbulb because of the alien device, then was followed adoringly by the Martian because he reminds him of his electric mother. When the effects of the device wore off, he greets the Martian enthusiastically but the Martian is upset and wants to go back to his mum, and despite learning that this small creature is the Martian that the police has been searching for through the entire comic, he does the kindness of trying to comfort him and takes him to the Moomins via blanketed basket, even calling the Martian a darling when speaking with Moominpappa. I would also like to note he's the first ever policeman who took his hat/helmet off in the whole comic strip.
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The first real establishment of the Inspector's interest in roses was in Moomin Winter, where he mentions them as an excuse to not take in the Nibling in fear of any child's ability to ruin them, even insinuating that they're worse than criminals. He's also established as a sweet tooth, a fact that he is embarrassed to admit even to Moominmamma who seems to be a very close old friend according to an earlier comic, Club Life in Moominvalley. He also sneaks into Moominhouse's basement to play poker and drink home-distilled whiskey with Moominpappa and Wimsy whom are established as having very troublesome pasts.
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Moomin's Lamp, Lars' first comic, established his "prisons" to be very homely, filled with frilly decorum and motivational quotes amidst the etched wall graffiti and traditional prison bed, and the Inspector would cook meals for the prisoners, and while Finland is currently known to have very humane prisons these days, this comic was published in 1960 when the idea of prisons being a place for rehabilitation wasn't a popular idea.
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And this is only to mention the major points of his character development, there are many things to point out about the Inspector between and after these comics. There's points to be made about his taste in interior design, his fixation on roses even above his job, his consumption of detective novels, his less than dignified sweet tooth and tea parties with the other police officers, his minor-to-possibly-major crimes, his ownership of weapons (none of which are firearms), his straight up avoidance of duty in the winter, his status as a bachelor, his leniency, his relationship with Stinky and even the Moomins and his constables, his nephew, so many things about him as so fascinating for me to think about.
And to have all of this be watered down/straightwashed in the 90s series then straight up ignored in the 2019 series feels like a bummer to me. Most of what made his character feel so out of place yet right at home in Moominvalley is his queerness and otherwise general disinterest in his job, and while queer people have had a long history of practically being at war with the police and the law as a whole, I think the Police Inspector being the way he is reinforces the queer fantasy of the Moomins.
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(You sound like you're concerned about him finding something in particular out, Mr. Inspector. Even Snorkmaiden is raising her eyebrow)
And to have this characterization coming from Lars' writing when he doesn't seem to put that much queerness into other things is something to consider I think.
Also I got off track from what I initially wanted to say about his almost customary cameos in the Lars comics but I keep laughing thinking about how Lars put what could likely be his grandparent in a time travel comic, the resemblance between them is uncanny despite the different uniform.
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thespidersfrommarz · 2 years
Watching A Stinky Caper is making me remember that Moominmamma has a criminal record and has escaped from prison. Twice.
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drakenfors · 1 year
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”Det har alltid handlat om gitarrer”
Hans trettonde album – The Ripple Effect – har precis lämnat skivpressarna och nu väntar han på att få åka ut och spela låtarna. Efter mer än 40 år som musiker har gitarristen Rolf Jardemark allt annat än tappat sugen. – Nej, det här är grejen för mig, och har varit det ända sen tonåren, säger han.
I ett komplex som kallas Bunkern, på grund av sin massiva betongframtoning och brist på fönster, har Rolf Jardemark sitt epicentrum som musiker. Fastigheten ligger mitt i centrala Göteborg, en bit upp i Viktoriagatans branta backe, granne med ett kampsportcenter. Den hårda kontexten verkar perfekt för ett Heavy metal-band. Men med sitt eteriska och lätta gitarrsound tycks Rolf Jardemark liksom ha hamnat mitt i fel slags markörer. – Ja, det är lite lustigt när man tänker på det, säger han. Han är ett av de där namnen som liksom är synonymt med svensk jazz på gitarr, helt klart i är det så i hemstaden Göteborg i alla fall. Ett av de där proffsen som är hemma i improvisation, men som även kan läsa noter lika lätt som vi andra tar oss an kvällstidningarnas brödtext.
Karriären som musiker och pedagog är lång. Under åren har han gett ut ett tiotal album med huvudsakligen egna kompositioner. Det senaste, Ripple Effect, där bland andra namnkunniga pianisten Lars Jansson medverkar, har precis blivit klart och skickats ut till landets recensenter. Titeln är lite filosofisk. – Det handlar om att goda handlingar sprider sig som ringar på vattnet. Ungefär som ”pay it forward”. Jag tänker mig att det fungerar så även med musik. Livet som musiker framstår ofta som lite glamoröst när man ser dem på scen. I bunkern på Viktoriagatan känns det lite annorlunda. Ett krypin belamrat med olika instrument och en dator. Ingen utsikt alls. Precis som om kreativiteten föds ur torftighet. – Ja, det lämnar ju onekligen en del över till fantasin. Svenska jazzmusiker har gott rykte internationellt, och Rolf Jardemark har bland annat haft samarbeten med amerikanske keyboardisten Michael Ruff (Chaka Khan, Lionel Ritchie). – Vi gjorde en turné i Norden 1987. Det var första gången jag fick vara med i ett sammanhang på den proffsiga nivån. Helt klart en av höjdpunkterna i min karriär, säger han.
En rad andra samarbeten har gjort avtryck, som dem han har haft ihop med musiker som trumpetaren Jan Allan, gitarristen Rune Gustafsson och den egensinnige amerikanske gitarristen John Stowell. Men hur började allt det här? För Rolf Jardemarks del kickade musikintresset igång på 70-talet, hemma i pojkrummet i Västra Frölunda. Hans kompis hade en gitarr som han fick köpa loss för fem kronor. – Plus att han visade mig några grepp som jag kunde komma igång med. Sedan skaffade han en ackordbok, började öva och blev fast med tonerna. Via musiklinjen på gymnasiet tog han sig vidare till musikhögskolan i Göteborg där han studerade improvisation, och hade klassisk gitarr som biinstrument. Under tiden på universitetet började han även spela ute på klubbar och blev kompis med gitarristen Peter Almqvist, som några år senare fick internationellt genomslag i duon Guitars Unlimited, tillsammans med Ulf Wakenius. – Jag och Peter jobbade tillsammans i en gitarraffär, och både han och Ulf blev något av mentorer för mig. Efter musikhögskolan började ett liv som yrkesmusiker. Förutom spelningar på jazzklubbar fick han även påhugg som kompmusiker i olika husband på tv, bland annat På spåret och Bingolotto. Sedan 2009 har han även medverkat i Göteborgsoperans musikaluppsättningar. – Många gånger har jag påpekat det för mina elever på olika skolor att de koncentrerar sig för mycket på att spela solo. De övar 95 procent på det, men bara fem procent på att kompa. Men verkligheten som musiker är precis tvärtom.
På senare år har Göteborgs jazzscen växt. Förutom att etablerade Nefertiti blivit till två olika scener har jazzklubbarna Unity Jazz och Utopia börjat dra publik. Kul tycker Rolf Jardemark, som ofta är ute och spelar på de olika haken. I höst fyller han 63, vilket inte är mycket att bekymra sig om för en jazzmusiker – genren är inte speciellt åldersfixerad. – Det är väl först upp i 80-årsåldern det kan bli lite svårare rent tekniskt, men det kan leda till andra fördelar. Själv har jag i alla fall inga planer på att lägga av, jag älskar fortfarande det här.
Fakta: Rolf Jardemark Ålder: 62 år. Yrke: Musiker. Bor: Guldheden i Göteborg. Familj: Fru och två barn, två barnbarn. Intressen: Spelar tennis. Lyssnar på: Just nu mycket på gitarrmusik från New York, som Jonathan Kreisberg, Yotam Silberstein. Läser: Romaner, fakta och biografier. Kör: Kia Ceed, 2015. Aktuell: Med albumet The Ripple Effect.
Rolf Jardemark om … … det bästa med att vara musiker: ”Det är att stå där på scen och spela live, med musiker jag gillar och för en bra publik. Få saker slår det.” … det sämsta med jobbet: ”Att kulturpolitiken i Sverige huvudsakligen gynnar de stora, fasta institutionerna. Som frilansmusiker gäller det få det att gå runt av sig själv.”   … att öva: ”Jag börjar alltid dagarna med att öva någon timme för att komma igång, sedan medverkar jag i olika sammanhang, som musikaler på Göteborgsoperan till exempel. Det måste jag öva en del på. Det blir minst tre fyra timmar om dagen.” … han aldrig har längtat efter ett vanligt kneg: ”Nä … det har jag inte. När jag tänker på det har jag faktiskt aldrig haft något arbete som inte handlat om gitarrer.”
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At long last I’ve got all of the original Moomin books and the entire run of the Moomin comic strip for the first time in my life! Barnes & Noble have started selling the latest editions! If you don’t have one of their bookstores near you, their phone app is easy to use and their delivery service is great! I’m so happy!
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americanahighways · 11 months
Music Reviews: A Doowop Anthology, plus Sara Petite, Brian Krumm, the Anderson Council, Lars Jansson & Thomas Agergaard, Carl Dobkins, Jr., Kenny Rogers, Ellis Paul, and JD Darling
Music Reviews: A Doowop Anthology, plus Sara Petite, Brian Krumm, the Anderson Council, Lars Jansson & Thomas Agergaard, Carl Dobkins, Jr., Kenny Rogers, Ellis Paul, and JD Darling #jddarling #ellispaul #theheraldrecords #sarapetite #briankrumm #larsjansson #JeffBurger #kennyrogers
Various artists, The Herald Records Doowop Collection/1953–63. Like its sister label, Ember, whose doo-wop releases have recently been anthologized, Herald Records scored a few memorable hits in rock’s early years. The company topped the pop and R&B charts in 1960 with Maurice Williams & the Zodiacs’ “Stay,” for example, and also scored with the Turbans’ “When You Dance” in 1956. In addition, the…
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smokeys-house · 1 year
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The Complete Tove Jansson Comic Strip collection, volumes 3, 4, & 5
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skruttet · 1 month
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Dear moominpappa French,
Thank you for the very friendly letter which was sent to Lasse and me from Benn's! I gave Daniel's strip cartoon to Lasse who very much appreciated to have a helper on the Equator. If one has been drawing strip cartoons for seven years or more there's an everlasting hunt for new ideas and sometimes one ends up in desperation.
We were very thrilled by the Moomin game - it looks good! And it's a real joy and a help in the job to know there's a whole family liking the stories so much that it has gone mooministic! I don't know if you have the very first strip cartoons? Say, m. on the Riviera, m. valley goes djungle, The lonely island, The dangerous winter (where Mymble falls in love with Mr. Brisk). Ten books with m. strip cartoons - three synopsies in each - have been published in Swedish by Gebers förlag, (Stockholm, bot 159) but maybe they're already in the tremendous collection of your son?
Here in Helsingfors the cold has ceased and Lasse and I are beginning to wait for spring. We have a small island each, the very last into the sea, in the Finnish gulf east from H:fors and go out there as soon as the ices break up. On my island there are no trees, only rock and wild flowers and in the middle a mysterious, rather deep lake.
You would have liked the Big Storm (biggest in 60 years) last summer - 11 beaufort! The cellar was full of seaweed and sand afterwards, the boats moored to the hut and breakers going over most of the island. My Moominmamma (aged 86) was enchanted. Afterwards, a helicopter landed on our islands counting the survivors. Lasse was inspired to a new synopsis. Don't you think the Associated Newspapers at Fleet Street should send him to Africa to get new ideas?
A lot of love and good luck to you all!
Tove Jansson.
P.S. Hope you've got the Moomin mascot I've sent.
More pictures of the correspondance & game on their Facebook post!
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moominverse · 8 months
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flowerbloom-arts · 21 days
So like, what's your favourite fully-Lars-made comic of all times?
Ah, that's a really good question... I think in terms of quality and entertainment value I might pick Moomin and the Farm or Moomin and Agent 008½, neither of them are bogged down by Lars' more problematic depiction and I am willing to say that the jokes land most of the time in those two, I would highly recommend them for anyone trying to get familiarized with Lars' comics and don't want to deal with the Really Out There, problematic or downright unfunny stuff right out of the gate.
In terms of personal indulgence I really enjoy the Inspector's Nephew because Inspector is one of my favorite Moomin characters and it's really interesting and fun to see a more in-depth side of him that isn't explored in the comics.
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oldcountrybear1955 · 1 year
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Gant SS 2013 - Lars Burmeister photographed by Mikael Jansson
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dupsivoopsi · 2 months
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(If anything, the fanclones in the second picture are not outcasts, but just the opposite, popular lol)
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The author of the clone of Lars Jansson - @sbsbbshdj
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