#Long Duration Storage
ess01 · 6 months
Innovation Spotlight: The Latest in Battery storage and Solar Panel Technology
Welcome to the future of energy! As we navigate the twists and turns of our changing climate, one spotlight shines bright: the incredible advancements in battery and solar panel technology. How exactly are these innovations reshaping our energy landscape? Let's embark on a journey to uncover the latest breakthroughs, addressing the burning questions on everyone's minds.
Unveiling Solar Energy Battery Storage
The Evolution of Solar Panel Efficiency
Say goodbye to the clunky solar panel technology of the past. Today's solar tech is all about efficiency. We'll explore the incredible science behind multi-junction cells and the game-changing perovskite advancements that turn sunlight into electricity like never before.
12V Lithium-Ion Batteries: Your Power Player
Meet the rock stars of energy storage - 12V lithium-ion batteries. Discover how these compact powerhouses are eco-friendly and the key to ensuring your devices stay charged, your home stays lit, and your carbon footprint remains impressively tiny.
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Long Duration Storage: The Holy Grail
Overcoming the Challenge of Intermittency
Have you ever wondered what happens when the sun goes down, or the wind stops blowing? Long-duration storage is the hero we need. Join us in exploring advanced flow batteries and innovative thermal storage solutions that keep the power flowing even when nature takes a break.
How Does Energy Storage Work: Demystifying the Process
The Dance of Electrons: Inside the Battery
Let's break it down. How exactly does energy storage work? We'll take you on a journey inside the battery, unravelling the mystery of electrons and showcasing the crucial components that make it all happen. Spoiler alert: it's fascinating!
Raising Questions for the Future
As we dive deeper into the solar-powered future, questions naturally pop up:
Q1: Are these technologies affordable for the average consumer? Absolutely! With the growing demand, prices are becoming more competitive. Plus, long-term savings make it an intelligent investment.
Q2: Are there any environmental concerns with these advancements?
We'll be honest; every innovation has its challenges. But the industry is actively working on eco-friendly solutions, and the benefits far outweigh the concerns.
Q3: Can I use solar panels if I live in a cloudy area?
Yes! While direct sunlight is ideal, modern solar panels can still generate power on cloudy days. They're more resilient than you might think.
Q4: How long do 12V lithium-ion batteries last?
These batteries are like the marathon runners of the energy world. They can last anywhere from 8 to 15 years with proper care, making them a reliable choice.
Q5: Do I need an engineering degree to understand how energy storage works?
Not at all! We break down the complexities into bite-sized pieces. Think of it like your smartphone - you don't need to be a tech expert to use it effectively.
Conclusion: Providing Answers and Insights
As we wrap up, the future of energy is looking bright. We've addressed your burning questions, provided insights, and given you a front-row seat to the renewable energy revolution. Remember, you're not just an observer; you're a participant. Ready to make a change? The time is now.
Join the Green Revolution
Ready to make a positive impact on the planet? Embrace batteries and solar panel technology today! It's not just about saving energy; it's about creating a sustainable future for future generations. Make the switch, and be a part of something incredible.
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Cooling Category Had the Largest Share in the MEA HVAC Market
The MEA HVAC market was USD 9,445.5 million in 2023, and it will reach a total value of USD 13,267.7 million by 2030, with a rate of 5.1% in the years to come. This is because of a surge in the acceptance of split units in the region, because of their effortless attachments and towering energy effective properties. The industry is observing a growth due to the requirement for VRF systems in…
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electronalytics · 10 months
Long-Duration Energy Storage Market
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commodorez · 5 months
I still believe the craziest form of computer program storage format from the 1980s is the cassette tape. Logical I get it but to store entire programs on little tape (that I only remember using to play music) is just crazy to me. Idk
Agreed, cassette tape for data storage was really clever. The concept had its heyday was the 1970s in a wide variety of encoding schemes for different computer platforms. It did persist into the 80s, mostly in Europe, while the US switched to floppy disks as soon as they were available for systems. The majority of my Ohio Scientific software is on cassette.
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Talking with UK vs. US Commodore 64 users in particular will highlight the disparity in which storage mediums that were commonplace. I've got a few pieces of software on tape for mainly the VIC-20, but I rarely bother to use it, because it's slow and annoying. To be fair, Commodore's implementation of data storage on tape is pretty rock solid relative to the competition. It's considered more reliable than other company's but Chuck Peddle's implementation of the cassette routines are considered quite enigmatic to this day. He didn't document it super well, so CBM kept reusing his old code from the PET all the way through the end of the C128's development 7 years later because they didn't want to break any backward compatibility.
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The big thing that really made alot of homebrewers and kit computer owners cozy up to the idea was the introduction of the Kansas City Standard from 1976. The idea of getting away from delicate and slow paper tape, and moving towards an inexpensive, portable, and more durable storage medium was quite enticing. Floppy disk drives and interfaces were expensive at the time, so something more accessible like off the shelf audio tapes made sense.
I've linked two places you can read about it from Byte Magazine's February 1976 issue below (check the attribution links).
You might recognize a familiar name present...
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There are a few ways to encode binary data on tape designed to handle analog audio, but the KCS approach is to have 1's be 8 cycles of 2400Hz tone, and 0's be 4 cycles of 1200Hz tone. I say cycles, because while 300 baud is the initial specification, there is also a 1200 baud specification available, so the duration of marks vs spaces (another way of saying 1's and 0's), is variable based on that baud rate. Many S-100 computers implemented it, as do a few contemporary proprietary designs.
The big 3 microcomputers of 1977 that revolutionized the industry (Apple II, Commodore PET 2001, and Tandy TRS-80 Model I) each have their own cassette interface implementation. It kept costs down, and it was easy to implement, all things considered. The Apple II and TRS-80 use off-the-shelf cassette deck connections like many other machines, whereas the original variant of the PET had an integrated cassette. Commodore later used external cassette decks with a proprietary connector, whereas many other companies abandoned tape before too long. Hell, even the original IBM PC has a cassette port, not that anybody bothered to use that. Each one used a different encoding format to store their data, rather than KCS.
Here's a sample of what an OSI-formatted tape sounds like.
And here's a Commodore formatted tape, specifically one with VIC-20 programs on it.
I won't subject you to the whole program, or we'd be here all day. The initial single tone that starts the segment is called the "leader", I've truncated it for the sake of your ears, as well as recorded them kinda quietly. I don't have any other tape formats on hand to demonstrate, but I think you get the idea.
You can do alot better than storing programs on tape, but you can also do alot worse -- it beats having to type in a program every time from scratch.
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jeonwonwoo · 7 months
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what i used: • 2021 macbook pro with m1 chip (390/500gb storage used she's hanging in there) • photoshop 2020 • mpv (for screencaps but this isn't needed!) • handbrake (available for linux, mac and windows here) • video source to gif
what is handbrake? basically its a software that helps you change the format of videos, such as for certain devices or screens, or in the case that we're going to utilise, quality and frame rate!
disclaimer: handbrake is super easy to use and very beginner friendly for this procedure and it can make a video go from 30fps to 60fps however it does not replace the quality of true 4k/blue/master-pro res files. in the gif below, this is the level of detail in a master pro-res file.
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getting started it's easiest first to note the timestamps of the video you want to encode, and keep in mind that unless your computer is incredibly powerful, i wouldn't try to encode an hour worth of footage in one run! my laptop could handle about 30 seconds in one go before she started toasting.
using handbrake: once you've downloaded the software, open the software and it will come up with a pop up window asking you to open the video source (that is presumably saved within your folders) and go ahead and do so!
in the range section, use the drop down button to navigate to seconds and enter your timestamp. the duration on the side will show how long of the footage you're gonna encode is!
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then go down to the save as, and give your footage 'to be snipped' a name. this isn't necessary but useful because if you're planning to say, encode 3 or 4 small parts of footage in one sitting, each encoding instance will overwrite the previous one. so i just call mine 'cut 1', 'cut 2' and so on.
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next go to preset, and there you'll see such a wide variety of options that you can play around with, with differing qualities, frame rates, sound options, and so on. for the sake of this tutorial, i'm using 'superhq 2160p60 4k av1 surround' and i've used the drop down menu to select it! then go ahead and press start! the time taken to complete depends on the duration of footage that you sent to encode! you'll find your encoded video as an .mp4 file in your designated folder (which you can change via browse at the bottom)
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what next? • if you prefer to open footage directly into photoshop (my ps can't handle it), then go for it! • if you screencap as i do, then just use mpv or whatever screencapping program you prefer to make the screencaps and open in ps in your usual manner. • you can use the timestamps to further process the video through vapoursynth to denoise, but i've yet to try that!
the results for this first set of example footage, i used footage from the be the sun concert file, which is almost 2 hours in length and 4gb in file size.
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you can see the difference in the smooth frame rate of the footage, as well as the quality of the sharpening!
and to utilise the bane of gifmaking, a gose episode, notorious for dodgy pixelated frames and less hd quality in 1080p on youtube, i ran it through the same settings!
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these are the exact same files, downloaded using 4k video downloader and with the same sharpening, but see how on the original file, the sharpening looks a bit more harsh and 'outlined' while it seems to sit softer on the encoded 4k version!
so i mainly use handbrake for dvd files, or not-so-hd 1080p youtube videos or videos that seem a bit clunkier but i had never tried them on a tv/film file so take a look below! i used a 1gb (so not very good quality) of a show (as compared to its 4gb files).
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as i said at the start in the disclaimer, handbrake can't replicate true file quality, as you'd expect to see in a proper hd bluray/t*rrent file of a show but there's an interesting difference in the frame rate. personally it's not something i would utilise much there but its all up to individual preference on how someone prefers to have their gifs <3
this is a very basic run-through of how i used handbrake, as i haven't really explored all its features and i use this as a quick process when i'm running through seventeen dvd/dl files but i feel like it would work well on general youtube videos (such as interviews, episodes, behind the scenes) and feel free to send an ask/message for any help/clarification! <33
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softcuddledrone · 2 months
So theoretically if someone were too, I don’t know, go to the cafe and wish to become a cuddledrone, how would the process go exactly? Asking for. A friend. [the friend is me]
Apologies in advance bc this is going to be a long ramble
Initial contact with Miss Manager (the proxy), undergo an interview so management can get a feel for your intentions and desires. Hypnosis to get a deeper look at true desires is optional but ultimately an opt-in step.
A contract is drawn up to determine the duration of one's employment within the Cafe (reviewed and renewed annually; the majority of the contract is favored heavily towards the soon-to-be-cuddledrone's autonomy (should it want it returned).
Congratulations! You have been accepted into the Cuddledrone Cafe! Don't celebrate just yet though, as there is approximately one entire filing cabinet worth of paperwork to process. Don't worry, Miss Manager (and a small squad of maid-drones) will be there to explain every line as needed. Notable points in this mountain of forms includes purchasing and absolving any debts, granting temporary retainership for any associated property related contracts, arranging for movers to put any property into controlled storage, consent forms for present and future medical services (general healthcare, augmentation of any and many kinds), and general bureaucratic formalities towards never having to worry about anything and let Mistress take care of you
At this point some opt to directly proceed to augmentation! The process starts with a lengthy physical to find any and all issues to be addressed through surgery, medication, conditioning, or augmentations. Following that is the 'fun' part of the cuddledrone standard augmentation suite, which includes but is not limited to a neurological network node implant, top-grade cybernetic limbs, and anything else the new cuddledrone needs (or wants). Any augmentations post-'graduation' can either be kept or replaced free of charge for hardware of equivalent value.
Heavy augmentations over a relatively short period of time can be intensive, and requires rest, recovery, and acclimation to both the physical and cognitive aspects of new limbs and joining the sensory network. Freshly minted cuddledrones are expected and encouraged to take as much time as they need in the backrooms before assuming duties as a full-fledged cuddledrone. This also gives ample time to get to know the other drones, get used to the new diet (delicious and plentiful), pick up a hobby (enrichment is important!), get your brain rewired a few times, and so on.
Congratulations, you are now a proper cuddledrone! Enjoy your days caught in the bliss of a network feedback loop of tactile stimulation and drug-induced bliss!
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domivancarvalho · 6 months
On We Go || Ivan & Charlie (Dec 01)
Ivan was singing and swaying his hips to an Anitta song, the music echoing across the suite through the speakers he had installed, under his arm a bundle with the sheets he had taken off the bed at the spare room there, which he had just replaced with brand new linens, for when Charlie got there, after classes were done for the day.
That was the time. The day when the both of them would start their trial claim, one step closer to what they had talked and dreamed about for a long time now. And even if he knew for a fact that there was no way Charlie would sleep any other place that weren't his arms every night, the rules they have worked and settled for stated that he was to have a room for himself through the duration of the trial claim. And that was what Ivan was doing, making the room he never use for anything else than storage, now looked like an actual room, ready to be occupied.
After getting himself busy with that and actually getting it done, he stepped into to clean himself up, while he waited for Charlie to arrive to his suite. Even if he had already left there several changes of clothes for the many nights they spent together, he was supposed to move there for a month, so no doubt he would need to go to his room to get more of his things with him.
The music was still sounding while Ivan took a shower and sang his heart out during it too.
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ahamkara-apologist · 7 months
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Got a concept for Eliksni reproductive biology that's been rattling around in my brain recently, so I had to draw it. Alien fuckers and specbio nerds come get y'all juice
Notes and explaination under cut:
Synopsis: Eliknsi have a bi-phase reproductive system that allows not only for a more even split of resources between sexes, but also for reproduction to go on hiatus between the sperm-depositing stage and the egg-depositing stage, which allows Eliksni to wait out harsh conditions before developing their eggs (though once the eggs are deposited into the broodpouch, development can only be slowed for so long before the critical laying period comes). Sperm can also be stored in the sperm storage tubules for a long duration of time, which allows for reproduction to occur in the absence of favorable mates as well as mixed-sired clutches. Seminal fluid (male) and lubricating fluid (female) also have differential functions and are laced with hormonal cues that jumpstart the process in a partner.
Reproductive process: Physically male Eliksni mate with a receptive female, depositing as much sperm as possible in the vaginal tract, where it then gels into a sticky consistency against the ducts to the sperm storage tubules. Physical stimulation and hormones in the seminal fluid initiate ovulation. The female then mates with as many physically male Eliksni as possible (or the same mate multiple times, as monogamy became socially common during the Golden Age of Riis despite Eliksni being a naturally polygamous species) before accumulating enough ovum in the uterus for fertilization to occur, when the accumulated sperm in the storage tubules is then transferred through a duct into the uterus for fertilization. Once the eggs have been fertilized, they can either be placed in developmental hiatus, or oviposited into a receptive broodpouch, where the nutrient-rich lubricating fluid secreted by the ovipositor both introduces a hormone that tightens the broodpouch sphincter, and assists in further development of the eggs.
Once the eggs have been oviposited, development continues, with the eggs absorbing water and nutrient-rich material through diffusive exchange in blood-rich vessels near the surface of their pourous membrane, gathering nutrients and oxygen from the blood-filled lining of the broodpouch and the sticky binding fluid left by the female parent. Building a suitable yolk sac takes priority over feeding the embryo, but development of the zygote into an embryo continues; this process can be slowed with adequate stress, but cannot be halted. Once the yolk sac is as developed as possible, calcification of the shells begins to occur, and a week or so after that, the eggs are laid. After laying, the embryos develop rapidly, and hatch not long after.
When breeding can be put on hiatus: after deposition of sperm, after fertilization of eggs
When breeding can be slowed: after deposition of eggs
-> This means that it is possible for an Eliksni to go months to years between mating cycles, yet still produce viable offspring. Needless to say, this is a major factor to why their species are so persistent in the face of adversary
a.) Hemipenis: Used for depositing sperm. Residual barbs on each hemipene are used to scrape away the sperm of rival mates, as well as help lock into the vaginal canal for ensured deposition of sperm.
b.) Testicles and Seminal Vessel: Used for producing and accumulating sperm. The long shelf life of Eliksni sperm relative to mammalian sperm allows for seminal fluid to accumulate in the seminal vessel between matings, giving Eliksni that do not mate as frequently (ie, lower-ranking) a reproductive advantage over those who do (ie, higher-ranking) if the opportunity arises, as they are capable of releasing more sperm at once.
c.) Broodpouch + Broodpouch Sphincter: Where fertilized eggs are oviposited, the broodpouch is essentially a muscular sack that is heavily lined with blood vessels to maximize the surface area for cross-current exchange to occur with the eggs. The broodpouch sphincter becomes relaxed during the breeding period, but tightens after eggs are oviposited and remains tight until laying needs to occur. If a dominant female is replaced, the pheromones from the replacement female cycling + stimulation can elicit relaxation again for forced expulsion of eggs (typically done to get rid of a rival's clutch).
d.) Ovipositer: Modified hemipene, used for depositing fertilized eggs into broodpouch.
e.) Vestigial Hemipene (clitoral-analagous): Modified hemipene, remains in sheath. Stimulation of the vestigial hemipene through vaginal canal aids in eliciting ovulation.
f.) Ovaries: They're ovaries. They've got oocytes.
g.) Uterus: Where fertilized and unfertilized eggs are stored until they can be oviposited.
h.) Vagina + Sperm Storage Tubules: Where seminal fluid is deposited, and sperm is stored for fertilization. Constriction of muscles from orgasm move sperm through duct to uterus; partners can subliminally influence a female to preferentially utilize their sperm in this manner
*Despite the apparent complexity of the Eliksni reproductive system, hormonal fluxes are capable of morphing sex over time. This is a long, slow process, but was favorable in the past, as only older high-ranking Eliksni were historically allowed to mate. Being flexible in reproductive ability allowed for individuals to increase fitness by maximizing reproductive odds when rising up the ranks.
**Historical (pre-Traveler) Eliksni reproduction involved a higher-ranking, typically much older individual (Kell) being free to mate with whomever they wished, while mate options became increasingly limited as one moved down the hierarchy; low-ranking (overwhelmingly young) Eliksni were pretty much incapable of mating. Many of the adaptations listed here were selected for to match this system, though Eliksni partnerships became increasingly less rank-dependent in their Golden Age. Post-Whirlwind saw a reversion in rank-based mating systems as well as a trend towards short-term monogamous partnerships.
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thosewickedlovelies · 11 months
Press Play  |  Tim Rockford x afab!Reader
Rating: M for Mature
Summary: Detective Rockford’s ever-present tape recorder finds itself an unexpected use.
Tags: friends to lovers; non-explicit smut; workplace smut adjacent in that this takes place during a workday, but no one comes down to your basement work space so ur basically safe.
Word count: 1,875
Note: Welp. Here we are, writing for another character from a random commercial ✌🏼
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“Hey Tim, is your tape recorder charged? We’re gonna need it to interview that guy tomorrow.”
“Ugh, I don’t know, the last few suspects have been so useless I haven’t bothered checking. You’d have to plug it in and see.”
Detective Tim Rockford peers around his computer- the one less than a foot from your own, on your two pushed-together desks. In the cramped basement and on a shared case, it had made sense to pool resources, so to speak.
“It’s, uh..” Tim half rises to search amongst the stacks of paper and evidence bags on his desk. A neon sticky note floats free from a stack lifted up and he snatches for it distractedly, eyes still scanning the cluttered surface.
“Oh, wait, I threw it in here after…” He drops back into his chair to open a drawer. His throat bobs. “...the other night.”
The words ignite between you like a struck match. Tim can’t seem to decide if he should meet your eyes.
One long arm deposits the tape recorder just across the boundary of your two desks. “I think you still have the charger. You might as well transfer the last few interviews to the drive, too, if you wouldn’t mind. To clear space on it.” Tim’s chair squeaks as he recenters himself, hiding behind his computer screen again. 
Right. You plug in the recorder, staring off at nothing while the software syncs. Moments later, Tim sets his glasses aside with a huff, a sure sign that he, too, is having trouble focusing. You hadn’t thought the other night would change things- had prayed that it wouldn’t, in fact. Yet here you both are, dodging and swerving the subject like two magnets of the same polarity. 
Your computer pings, and you begin the rote task with a sigh. After the first few transfers, your attention sharpens, and you frown at the list.
“Hey, who was the last person you interviewed? The recording is like an hour and a half long.” All the ones before it had barely lasted half an hour, but this one had continued until the storage space filled up.
“What? It shouldn’t be. Like I said, we haven’t talked to anyone that interesting lately.” Retrieving his glasses, Tim rounds the desks to stand behind your chair, bending to peer at your screen. One hand is braced on your desk, the other on your chair, by your shoulder. His chest is entirely too close to your face- the whole wide, strong breadth of it, faintly scented with familiar cologne. You swallow.
Focusing on the screen is no better. Tim's hand lifts from the desk, one thick finger following the line in question, from the duration, to the date, to the time of the recording. “But this was the day we…the other night.” Tim turns his head to you, eyes wide. His lips part at how close he finds your face.
Your brows draw together. “Did you…?”
“No! I mean, not on purpose. I might have knocked it on accident, when…when I moved everything else.” A scarlet flush is crawling steadily up Tim’s neck.
The wall clock ticks. The industrial air-conditioning hums. Silence builds and builds until it vibrates in the air between you, louder than the thought you’re both thinking.
“Should we play it?” 
Your question lands with all the tact of a live grenade. But the two of you have already blown up the boundaries of propriety between colleagues, so what’s a little more destruction? 
Tim straightens slightly, as if bracing himself. “We have to know what it is, I guess.”
You place your hand on the mouse. But for all your bravado- for all you will yourself to do it- something holds you back. 
Tim places his hand over yours. You look at him in question. 
“If it sounds anything like it felt, then…it can’t be that bad.” Tim has a half-smile on his face. A return of the agent you normally see; your partner, the one whose reassurance you trust when things seem uncertain.
Your smile mirrors his. Tim’s finger presses down on yours.
The first sounds are an overlapping confusion- papers rustling, a scrape and a muffled clatter that’s probably the tape recorder being swept off the desk with everything else. It raises goosebumps on your arms to remember Tim’s impatience, his hunger- his disregard for absolutely everything but you in that moment.
The background noise settles, and human sounds become clear. Quiet moans and eager sounds, murmurs. Lips meeting and parting and meeting again. Cloth sloughing off skin. The deep timbre of Tim’s voice. Your face flames at the memory of some of the things he said- and how much you liked them.
A loud, hoarse groan- Tim’s. 
You slide Tim a sideways glance, still amused at the pure relief and volume of that sound. The flush on his neck seems to have gleefully expanded its territory: his ears look red enough to heat the room. But he cuts a look back at you with an unapologetic shrug, one eyebrow arcing.
You giggle and start to shush him, only to clamp down on the sound as it turns into a drawn-out whimper. The desk creaks. “Every day you wear these button-downs, and you bend to look in your desk, or kneel somewhere…it’s torture.” Tim groans in exaggerated anguish, muffled and wordless again as something else occupies his mouth.
More rustling and creaking, breathy sounds. You can’t look at Tim, more aware than you’ve ever been of the button-down stretching over your breasts. You don’t wear them every day- but apparently it’s often enough. 
The stiff fabric feels drawn abnormally tight over your chest. Tim, still above you, has the perfect angle at which to drop his gaze directly into the vee of your top, sliding it down, down, like a drop of sweat, until the slope of your breast meets your bra. Conscious of his attention, of your chest's every rise and fall, your breathing flounders.
“Fuck, and I thought you looked good with your suits on.” The stunned appreciation in your tone suggested that months worth of study were being upended in your head.
Tim chuckles, the sound echoing the one playing from the computer. He finally shifts, dropping to one knee beside your chair. Your lips quirk; you’re as unrepentant as he was earlier.
“Let me down.” A scuff of leather, a metallic clink.
“What..? No! No, baby, if you do that-” A low, pained sound. “If you do that, I will not last.” Tim sounds faintly embarrassed, but firm.
A high gasp. “I can do that, though. Fuck, if you knew how often I thought about it…”
His next words are too quiet to make out, but you remember them; the husk of them in your ear, sending shivers all over. “Let me taste you.”
You remember how gently Tim stopped you from diving, mouth-first, into his pants, and instead helped you back up onto his desk. You remember the slow, reverent way he knelt, maneuvering your legs apart, fitting his broads shoulders between your knees. His brown eyes, wide and glimmering between your thighs.
A nearly audible smack as your hand hits your mouth just in time to smother a strangled cry. 
And you remember, with the soundtrack ringing around you, just how talented that shapely mouth of Tim’s is.
Fabric whispering, the desk creaking alarmingly as you squirm, your whines barely contained. Tim garbles praise in between sounds of relish. All the noise you’re trying not to make rises overhead like steam, and another sound becomes apparent.
You’re wet. Dripping in a way that can’t be kept quiet. Heedless, Tim laps it up eagerly. When he adds his fingers it’s loud, an obscene squelching that he seems to delight in, using his mouth right alongside his hand to add to the sounds and sensations overwhelming you.
It’s a symphony of depravity unfurling on all sides. Tim was only partially right; that night had felt incredible, but listening to it now, with him right beside you, is an entirely different experience. Restless desire prowls in your blood. Your heart pounds and your hands twitch, but you can hardly tackle Tim to the floor in the middle of a workday. The pair of you are already lucky that no one has needed anything from the basement in the past twenty minutes.
You sit so rigidly that Tim worries you’ll snap. Decisively, he eases his hand from the chair back onto your shoulder, squeezing until your chest expands with a much-needed breath. You glance at him.
“You were so wet,” Tim murmurs. “It was...fuck, it was so hot. It turned me on to see you so turned on.” He swallows. “I never imagined…”
His confidence deserts him. You turn your head more fully as his gaze flits away, your attention dropping lower. It’s still turning him on, it seems, to judge by the swell in his trousers. Tim clears his throat, shifting as he reaches down to adjust himself. He risks another quick glance at you.
Even under the dingy basement lighting, he’s beautiful. Strongly sloping nose, full lips. Rich brown eyes, round and glittering under brows drawn together like a steeple.
“Never imagined what?” you whisper.
An ominous thud of wood, nearly lost under a long, muffled wail.
Both you and Tim startle.
As your recorded climax tapers off, you start to giggle; then Tim starts to giggle, and then you’re both laughing, shoulders shaking, relief rolling off both of you like happy gas. You clutch at the hand Tim had laid on your shoulder, holding it in your lap while your laughter subsides. His work-roughened fingers tighten around yours.
“I never imagined I’d get to do that to you,” Tim says. His smile is shy yet sure. A gleam of hope in the dim.
Tim makes a deeply satisfied sound. Breathless compliments and more kisses are traded for the next several moments. It’s obvious when you come to by the way your voice raises slightly, and although your words are unintelligible, the insinuation in your sensual tone is clear.
“Please, baby…” The rest of Tim’s response is lost, deepening to a rough whisper.
The rest of your exchange is too faint to make out, but it doesn’t matter.
You both remember what was said.
Tim glances at you, a muscle in his jaw feathering, his eyes darker than a moment ago. Your hand aches from gripping his, both still resting on your leg. 
“I like when you call me baby,” you murmur lowly. That hand flexes, the fingers stretching, splaying, digging lightly into your thigh. Your breathing stutters.
Tim reaches up to pause the recording. Still kneeling, he turns, and uses his grip on your thigh to rotate your chair as well. His other hand curls around the back of your knee. 
He inches closer, and your legs part without second thought. Tim nuzzles at your inner thigh. A wave of deja vu knocks the breath from you, your heartbeat quickening to a throbbing pulse between your legs.
Thanks for reading! ❤ Find more like this on my Masterlist
“Baby.” There’s a twinkle in Tim’s brown eyes, blatant begging in his tone. “What do you say we listen to the rest of this somewhere more comfortable?”
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Power when the sun doesn’t shine
With batteries based on iron and air, Form Energy leverages MIT research to incorporate renewables into the grid.
In 2016, at the huge Houston energy conference CERAWeek, MIT materials scientist Yet-Ming Chiang found himself talking to a Tesla executive about a thorny problem: how to store the output of solar panels and wind turbines for long durations.         Chiang, the Kyocera Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, and Mateo Jaramillo, a vice president at Tesla, knew that utilities lacked a cost-effective way to store renewable energy to cover peak levels of demand and to bridge the gaps during windless and cloudy days. They also knew that the scarcity of raw materials used in conventional energy storage devices needed to be addressed if renewables were ever going to displace fossil fuels on the grid at scale.
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c-rowlesdraws · 7 months
Trick or treat!
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Duralume Emergency Glow Stick - 6 Inch 12 Hour Long Lasting Military Grade Glow Stick
+12 HOUR GLOW: Duralume 6 Inch Glow Sticks have a long lasting 12 hour glow duration making them ideal for emergency use, military operations, safety drills and recreational use. 12 hour glow sticks for emergency use.
+5 YEAR SHELF LIFE: Duralume 6 Inch Emergency Glow Sticks have a listed shelf life of 5 years and will last past that date. Each Glow Stick is foil wrapped making them perfect for long term storage for emergency and safety kits.
Glow stick wrapped in a sealed foil for long lasting storage.
USES: 12 Hour Industrial Grade Chemlights are perfect for roadside emergency and survival kits, camping, fishing, blackouts, caving, SCUBA diving, military operations and safety emergency use.
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tparker48 · 2 years
Request for TinyToy0
It had been almost a year since the goverment messed with a chemical plant. Deciding to cease in its production since an accident had accord. According to the records, they were working on something that would keep large amounts of products under wraps shrinking them in size so they were easily transportable. It would save them money in the long run, theoretically. Deciding to test their hypothesis, they began to test them. Bringing in a bunch of materials to try them on as they fired a spray onto boxes found from the storage. Seeing the effects they would cause as some them shrank on their platforms.
It seemed to be successful so far according to the results, so they continued. Bringing in the next batch of boxes as the scientist sprayed them once more. But this time, they were left out a slight detail. As one of the boxes began to shrink, a can of nitrogen exploded out as it caused a chain reaction. Hitting the container that contained the shrinking spray as it too bursted out of its can. Casting a large smaug from the mixed chemicals inside as they spread all throughout the factory.
Bursting out into the atmosphere as the weather became effected. Mixing in with a gust of wind from the north as it scattered the chemicals all around. Leaving behind a mess of shrunken items at the factory, as the scientist without suits inside were now miniaturized by blast. After the disaster, a national announcement was given to the surrounding area. Due to the mixture of the wind the chemicals with the spray had morphed the weather. Creating a fog-like atmosphere along the far coast as a bluish stream trickled within it. For those who come across this fog, citizens were warned to stay in doors during the duration it was out. Thankfully, meteorologist have studied this new change in the weather. From what occured almost a year ago would be almost rare now in time of age. Or at least, so they thought.
**present day**
"Come one Sheldon, I Don't have all day"
"I'm..Trying!" Sheldon gritted. His body shaking as he pushed against the form above him.
"Push harder. You're barely even budging"
"Easy for you to say! What's next?!"
"Got a red one"
"A red what"
"A red what?! My hands slipping!"
"A reeed.."
"Grgh..ggh!" Fowp! Sheldon's body collapsed as he fell over ontop of the plastic mat. The form above him still cast over his head as he scorned at it.
"Left foot" Bryan finished. Still holding his body over Sheldon as his limbs spread across the mat.
"You held that on purpose! I almost won that one!"
"Suure you did,you mighta made if you had some more stamina. That's two out of three bud" Bryan said.
"I swear it's only in the game of twister where you have the advantage. You've got longer limbs than I do" Sheldon turned towards the timer as it ticked away on the side of the mat. "gah, let alone how thick they are on their own."
Fwomp! Bryan's legs finally let up as they crashed into the mat. Belly flopping ontop of sheldon as the big guy's crotch above crashed into against the back of his shoulders.
"Oh come on, I'm not that big am I?" bryan asked teasingly. "Its hard on its own to move without making sure you got space. But hey, it always feels rather nice having ya close like this. Really gets me feeling good" He rocked himself in place as he wiggled around the mat. Rubbing against against Sheldon in the process as he added more pressure to his crotch. But jolted up as a thud landed along his balls. Forcing him to roll over on his back. "ooo" he groaned from the discomfort.
"Did that feel good?" Sheldon asked, smirking playfully.
"Heh, now who's the cheapshot" Bryan responded. A hand extending out towards him as he used it to help him up. Still rubbing his crotch partially as a tingled sensation faintly remained.
"Hey you started it, I finished it. Now we're even." Sheldon added, helping Bryan get to his feet before he made his way to the kitchen. "anyway, what do ya want to eat? I'll make it while you're waiting."
"I was actually thinking we'd go out to eat. Heard there was a great cafe place down the road."
"Down the road? Nah, I don't really have that much money on me at the moment."
"Don't worry, I'll pay for it. You just gotta drive."
"But I don't feel like driving, It's a little bit dark out there and I get tired easily when the sun's dow-" Before Sheldon could finish, he felt a pair of arms wrap around him before they hoisted him up. Turning him over as he landed over a shoulder. "Hey!"
"Nah-ah, we're going. We always eat at your place when it's late. I want some foood!" Bryan roared.
"You're not gonna let this go are you?.."
"Heh, Nope!"
"Fine.."Sheldon sighed "But you better not get anything special like that restrauntnt last week."
"Ah that restraunt, still remember the lobster platter."
"Alright alright, I won't" Bryan said. Carrying Sheldon off to the garage as he dropped Sheldon off at the driver's side. Proceeding to move onto the passenger's side.
Later arriving in downtown, the two made their way into the cafe restraunt. Sitting next to the window as they both drank their beverages. "Alright, I'll admit, this is a pretty good place" Sheldon admitted, taking little sips from his cup.
"I know right? And they even have pumpkin spice"
"You always were a fan Bryan, still remember all those cups ya had before we had that test back in Uni."
"Yeah those were the days, had a hell of a energentic spree as soon as we got out. But eventually it did calm down. Thanks to you and your patch of Ice tea."
"The power of the tea, never forget it" Sheldon responded, taking another sip of his drink as he placed it back on the table. Beginning to get a slight chill as he shivered in place "Speaking of ice, It's cold in here."
"Maybe it's the power of the Ice tea" Bryan teased.
"Har har..gimme a sec, I'm gonna head outside to warm up a little." Sheldon got up from the table, making his way towards the door.
"Gotcha, I'll wait for ya in here." Bryan said, returning to his drink as he took another sip.
Meanwhile outside, Sheldon exited out of the restraunt's door. Letting it close on its own as he sat in one of the empty chairs. "goofball, he always was a fan of the place. Though it could really use a heater" he shivered "Way too cold in there."
He sat back in the chair as he gazed up at the center lights further down the road. Admiring its luminescent glow as the towers and skyscrapers shined in the moonlight sky. "A beautiful sight tonight. I suppose it wasn't such a bad idea to head here this time around" he admitted, resting his eyes before he leaned back in the chair. But couldn't get comfortable as he started to smell sulfur. Flaring up his nose even more as he tried to clear it out. "What the?" He said puzzled, looking for the source of it. But found nothing along the streets, but instead a large fog stretching overhead. A bluish color mixed within as they had a slight glow.
"that's a weird looking fog." Sheldon said, a drop landing in his forehead as he extended a hand out to it. "Rain?.."
As more droplets started to trickle down, it slowly started to pour harder. It's soft drips turning into a large roar as a wall of water traveled down the street. Forcing Sheldon to get up from his spot as he booked it toward the door. Holding his arms out in front of him to shield himself from it, but it wasn't enough as they slipped between its gaps. Busting inside, Sheldon was completely drenched. His clothes hugged against his body. His shoes soggy, as the liquid caught within his shoes soaked into the matt below. "Hah..hah" Sheldon panted, Bryan coming over to check on him.
"Woah man, you look like you just got out of a car wash. What happened out there?"
"Rain happened.." He said bluntly, pointing out at the window as the rain poured down more of its water. The bluish clouds still flowing over head as the wind carried them over. "Now my clothes are all wet."
"Rain really did a number on you. Here, I've got an umbrella for situation like these. I'll take you home so you can get changed."
"Yes please, I can't sit in a restraunt like this." Sheldon said. Bryan making his way back to the table as he collected his stuff. Wrapping his jacket around Sheldon as he guided him out the door. Umbrella in hand as he shielded the two of them from the rain.
After a short drive back, Bryan dropped off sheldon at the door. Still remaining in the car as he made sure he made his way inside.
"Thanks for the ride Bryan, but are sure you don't want your jacket?"
"Keep it. You'll need it while your clothes dry off. Besides, I can get a free wash here than at the department.
"Pff, ass"
"Heh. Anyway, you just make sure you get dry. I'll stop by in the morning." Bryan said to him, Sheldon giving him a thumbs up in return before he made his way inside.
Taking off his jacket as he took off the soaked clothes underneath. Tossing them over towards the laundry area as he walked around in Bryan's Jacket. "could he at least give me a heads up about this thing. It smells so smokey" he complained, making his way upstairs as he went in his room. Taking off Bryan Jackets before he burritoed himself within his covers. "Ah well, I'm home now. Guess I can get a bit of rest before I work in the morning. Maybe even catch a few jogs before I do." Giving out a very light yawn, Sheldon snuggled into his covers. Burrowing himself within like a fox as he cradled himself together. Letting the warmth from the fabric take over as he fell into deep sleep.
The sun would be coming up as it shined its glow over the neighborhood. Rising slowly into the air as the birds started to chirp to welcome it. Inside the house, the light would start to pierce through the curtains, its beams laying across the bed as Sheldon still remained covered. Sluggishly waking up as he saw the light touch the walls. "Morning already?" He yawned. "Must've been a pretty good sleep."
Adjusting his eyes, his ears were welcomed with an abrupt ring as his ears cowered in its sound. His heart nearly skipping a beat as Sheldon jolted in place.
"There's the alarm" He said unhappy, reaching over towards it to turn it off. But only made it half way as his hand stopped at the entrance of the cover's cave. "What the..I never had trouble reach its before" He thought to himself. Continuing to reach for it as he felt himself start to strain. "Come on..come" he said as he waved his hands for it. Leaning over the edge of his bed to reach, but lost his balance as he felt himself tumble to the floor. The covers wrapped around him as he pushed and pulled on the fabric. "Gah Seriously!" He groaned, clawing out for open as the folds of the covers overlapped on one another.
"Nah!" He roared as he popped out from underneath. The covers flying off as his body was finally free. Looking around, Sheldon couldn't help but feel something was off. His gaze only met the edge of the bed. The table with the alarm now almost head height, as the beeping continued. "What is going on.." Sheldon muttered to himself, pressing the snooze button as he made his way to the stairs. But stopped as he got to the mirror. "Aah?!" He gasped. Looking at the mirror. He could hardly recognize himself as he patted around his body in a panick. "What the hell happened to me?! My body! My size!"
As he focused on his reflection in the mirror, his phone along the bed began to ring. Snapping Sheldon from his panick as he raced to answer it. It was Bryan.
On the other line, Bryan would be getting ready for the day as he placed the phone on speaker. Tidying his bed before making his way towards his clothes, but stopped as the ringtone finally stopped. "Oh hey, you're up! How'd ya sleep bud?"
"I've lost my size!"
"Your size? i don't think you need a size thing. You already know you come up to my waist.
"No Bryan, I lost my size!"
"Hmm, perhaps you slept for too long. Look, whatever's going on with your size, Im sure its not that bad.."
(10 minutes later at the hospital)
"Clear away, my bud needs to get checked!" Bryan announced. Carrying Sheldon on his shoulder as he made his way to the desk.
"What happened to it not being that bad?!"
"Forget what I said!" Bryan responded, standing in front of the counter as the receptionist typed away at her computer. "Hey! I need a doctor."
"I'll be able to page you through, but you must wait. The doctor's is busy with other customer's."
"Forget the other customers! He needs to be seen."
"Bryan calm yourself!" Sheldon said, patting at his back to het his attention.
"Your friend is right.." another voice chimed i. Adoctor standing in the door frame. "I'll take it from here Diane" he said to the receptionist. Ushering a hand towards them as he guided them into the hallways past the door. Leading towards many rooms residing near the sides as most of doors were open. As Sheldon and Bryan past them, they couldn't help but look inside. In one room, there was a person sitting on a bed. His size no bigger than a regular sized chair. And in another, an even smaller person as they barley stood out from the covers. Slim movements noting their presence as wiggles glossed over the surface.
"Oh man"
"Look at how many there are"
"And this is just the first floor" The doctor added, opening the door in front of him as he held the door. "Place him over there." He said, pointing over towards the bed.
"Alright.." Bryan said, taking Sheldon over to the bed as put him him down. Making his way over to the chair next to him as the doctor approach.
"Now, let's see what we got going here.." The doctor said, grabbing his tool out of the drawer as he placed a stethoscope along Sheldon's chest. "Hmm.." They puzzled, vringing over another tool as he checked his pressure.
"How bad is it doc?"
"well, your body appears to be normal according the rate scale. But your size is something is the one in question" the doctor said, making his way towards the side of the room as he pulled out a radiation machine. "If you would be so kind as to step next to me Mr. Bryan."
"Oh uh sure.." Getting up from his chair, Bryan mafe his way to the doctor. Standing just behind him as they fiddled at the machine.
"Now sheldon, you are going to see a bright light. But do not worry, it is only temporary."
"Okay.." He nodded. In a brief moment, a flash filled the room as it forced. Him to shield his eyes. His pupils shrinking from the burst as a glowing figure remained as he closed his eyes. As it went away, he blinked a few times before his vision came back.
"Splendid job Sheldon, you can relax now. I'll be right back after I check in with the other doctors for the results." The doctor said, heading back into the hallway as he left the two alone. Bryan making his way towards Sheldon as he sat down next to him on the bed.
"You good buddy?"
"Yeah I'm fine, just anxious is all."
"Hey, don't worry" Bryan said softly, placing a hand on Sheldon's shoulder. "Everything's gonna be okay." He assured to him. Sheldon giving out a slight nod as he lightly smiled back.
After a couple of minutes, the doctor returned. Notes in hand as he made his way to the desk. "hmm.."
"What is it doc?"
"Your vitals were normal in standard to rates, but your radiation is what's the issue." Pulling out the data from his folder, the doctors placed them on the scanner as he typed into the computer next to the wall "According to the data collected in the lab, your sudden shrinkage has done a number on your size. With an estimation, your expected to shrink further over the course of three months."
"Three Months?!" The two gasped.
"Is there a cure for it?" Sheldon asked.
"No" the doctor said, folding his glasses as he put them in his pocket. "There's no distinctive cure that would help when the process has begun. Not since the cataclysm that happened a year ago.."
"But I can't be..I can't just.." Sheldon fumbled at his words, his heart racing as the news hit him immensely.
The doctor approached Sheldon as he placed a hand on his shoulder "The best that you can do now, is prepare yourself." The doctor said, giving him a bit of space as he gave the the room. "if you need any assistance during the trasnition, the hospital will help as best we can."
"We shall keep that in mind doctor." Bryan said for the two of them, Sheldon still effected by the news as he stared at himself in the mirror.
"I'm really gonna loose my size, But I can't. I don't want to!"
"Hey come on, he didn't say indefinitely. Just an estimation. And even if your small, I'll take care of ya bud" Bryan said as he returned a hand along his shoulder. But Sheldon's expression only frowned more before he got up from the bed.
"Come on..let's go." Sheldon moped, making his way towards the day.
"Yeah..sure." Bryan followed behind him.
First month:
During the first month, more of the symptoms started to arise as Sheldon slumped out of bed. His feet now dangling off the side, he slid off the bed to get down. Making his way towards the mirror as he looked at his reflection. It was like looking at small child as his clothes barely held themselves on his shoulders. Sagging around his arms as the bottom of his shirt hanged over his knees. "Hmph!" Sheldon sighed stressfully, forcing the loose fabric upward before he made his way downstairs.
"Never thought I'd have to use these more than ever" He said to himself, using the side handles of the stairs as he took slow steps upon each platform. Fighting against gravity as they aligned on a sloped angle. "easy does it..easy-Gah!" Taking a step forward, his knee snagged against his shirt. Jolting him forward as he shielded his head for impact along the steps. But it never came, instead something behind him grabbed him. Holding him up as he was puzzled at why. Looking back, he saw Bryan at the the top of the steps.
"Gotcha!" He said in relief, pulling Sheldon back to his feet as he let him adjust.
"that was a close one Sheldon, are you alright?"
"Yes yes, I'm fine. Just..slipped is all. I can make it down." Sheldon said, continuing to use the handles along the staircase.
"Are sure you can? I don't want you to fall again. I could-"
"No no, I got it" Sheldon assured.
Making their way downstairs, Bryan and Sheldon would be in the middle area of the house. Making their way into the kitchen as Sheldon made hus way to the fridge. "What do you want to eat?" Sheldon asked.
"Hmm..Im not really hungry right now. Had a brief lunch before I came here."
"I see, well then I suppose I can fix something for myself. Maybe some pancakes. I'll just need to get batter out from the.." Approaching the shelf, sheldon looked up at the counter as the cabinet rested along the corner. Just out of reach as it loomed out of reach. "Cabinet."
"The cabinet huh? I can get that for you."
"O-on second thought, I'm not hungry."
"Oh?..you sure?"
"Yeah.." Sheldon walked off, making his through the rest of the house. Leaving Bryan in the kitchen as he went to the bathroom.
Second month:
As the weeks went by, Sheldon grew much more stressed as he tried to move on with his life. Picking up a slightly new hobby as he browsed around dating sites to see who he'd hook up with. None would bite at first, as his notifications remained empty throughout most of the week. But he eventually got the attention of someone, a notification popping up on the envelope as he jumped to his sheet.
"Hello, I saw your profile and thought you seemed pretty interesting to talk to."
"Hey thanks!" Sheldon quickly responded. "Glad to hear you enjoyed it. And I'd be happy to talk with ya."
"Awesome! Mind if we share photos? Get to know each other a little better?"
"Crap..well..here goes nothing" Sheldon thought to himself, leaning his body onto the space bar. Hopping over to the camera view as the webcam above flash on. A recording symbol soon displaying itself on the right hand corner of the screen.
"No! No! That's the video screen!"
**Beep!** "Straight to face camming huh? I dig it. Well, Sheldon what do you thi-whooah you're short." The guy on the other end paused. Leaning closer to the screen as hands fumbled on the screen.
"Y-yeah..But hey! We can still chat can't we?!"
"Er, sorry buddy. I don't think that would work out. Don't get me wrong, you seem like a cool dude, but I Don't exactly know how to handle someone so..small."
"No wai-" **Beep!**
"Gggrh!" Sheldon gritted, slamming into the keys as he angrily pressed them down. "Damnit!"
As Sheldon contiued his rage at the computer, Bryan walked in to check in on him. A cup of coffee in hand as he slowly moved into the frame. "Hey buddy..uh..how did the talk go with your match?"
"How do you think how it went!" Sheldon snapped.
"Ah..I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked that-"
"No It's-..it's fine.." Sheldon sighed stressfully, slumping into the cotton ball behind him. "I'm just..in a lot of stress right now." He said as he got comfortable, a small mug slowly pushed in front of him as Bryan sat in the chair behind him.
"Wanna talk about it?"
"No..but it seems you won't accept that answer huh?"
"..." Sheldon grumbled at the response, but loosened himself as he leaned against the cotton ball. "Gah this stupid shrinkage is gonna be the death of me. I can't eat on my, walk on my own. I don't even have the luxury of walking in my own house!"
"Well technically you do, just got a long ways to go down the stairs and-" Sheldon gave a glance towards Bryan as he frowned disapprovingly. "Right shutting up.."
Sheldon only gave out another stressful sigh before he looked forward at the screen. "I mean how am I supposed to have a sex life when Im small like this? No person anywhere would want to have to be babysitter to their own boyfriend." Sheldon claimed, slumping more into the cottonball as he looked at the open notification above. "I might as well just stop trying at this point."
A brief silence filled the room as the two sat in their chairs. Bryan stirring a bit as he struggled how best to comfort him. But with a glimpse in his mind, he gave out a slight sigh before he loomed closer to Sheldon. "Listen, I gotta tell you something" he announced as he softly pinched into the cotton ball. Turning it around as Sheldon faced towards him.
"Hmm? What's up?"
"You remember all those times during our fun that we had together? That I always liked being on top of you?"
"Well you see..I..er.." Bryan choked on his words as he tried to get them out. But became to flustered as he jumbled around them. Sheldon watching him curiously as he shifted his gaze around. "I really liked having that interaction with you." He finally managed to speak.
"I know, it's wierd. But something about our time like that always seems to set me ablaze. Makes me feel nice when I'm around you. In a way.." He paused, taking a sharp breath before he finally spoke "Your friendship is one of the things that I cherish most. And so, if you want. Would you like to further our fun together?"
"You mean intimately?"
"Yeah. Er! But if you don't if you don't want to, I understand! Just thought it be a special thing between us as good friends."
"Y-you're right, I shouldn't have asked that of you. I should-" as he started to move back, he stopped when Sheldon moved closer. His arms wrapped around his finger.
"No no, It's alright. I don't mind at all. Never thought our fun together would mean that much to you. To be honest I do as well." Sheldon admitted, hugging into his finger "And I would love to have that kind of fun with you Bryan."
Bryan blushed as he watched his friend hug his finger. Shaking it off as he finally looked back down to him "Im glad to hear it Sheldon. Would you..you know..would you like to try it now. I wanted to wait til you were more calm to ask."
"You know for a big guy like yourself, you really are a softy on the inside." Sheldon responded, getting a laugh out of Bryan as he finally gave his answer. "Hehe, I would love to bud."
With a nod, Bryan led down his hand as he lowered to retrieve Sheldon. Waiting for him to hop on as he made his way towards the bed. With his free hand, he took off his shorts as he slinked it down his legs as he walked. Revealing the red boxers underneath as the elastic fabric squeaked with each stride. Sitting down as he placed Sheldon at the end of the bed. "Now, if it gets too much, Im more than happy to stop when you like. Just let me know..alright?"
"I got it. Just make sure you try not to move alot." Sheldon responded, Bryan giving a soft nod as he sat onto the bed. The leg near sheldon hoisting itself over, as it landed on the otherside. The other coming up as it rested along the edge. As sheldon adjusted himself, he looked forward towards Bryan. A wall of calves and thighs surrounding him as a carpet of his own covers led to the crotch ahead. "Alright..Here goes."
He moved slowly towards the Bryan, taking light steps over the folds that stuck out from the covers as made his way to way to red wall up ahead. Clasping around its elastic surface, he used it to hoist himself up the top. The smell of axe and cologne filling his nostrils as they flared up with each breath. Running out of room, he grabbed onto one of the flaps as he hoisted himself over it. A sudden thud welcoming him inside as an outline from the crotch swelled out from it.
"Easy down there, Its got a mind of its own."
"Easier said than done.." Sheldon responded, swaying himself around it as he latched onto the other flap. "Okay, I think I got a hold" Sheldon said as he tugged at the fabric. Hoisting himself upwards to get over the edge. Managing to get his arms around the top. But fumbled to get his legs over it. "Come on..a little more" He fumbled, his feet dancing around the side as they did their best to register a hold. Digging them deeper into the fabric, one of his feet would sink into the flap as it drawed them slightly apart. Feeling a sudden warm surface begin to touch at his leg, before his body thrusted upward. "Woah!" He yelped, as thick flesh pushed into his stomach, carrying him up into the air as he staired at the neck from up top.
"Now you got it excited, guess it wanted to say hello" Bryan chuckled.
"You could have at least given me a heads up you had a hard on" Sheldon said, clinging onto the head as the puffed edges squished into his palm.
"I did say you should take it easy" He chuckled in response, playfully swaying his hips as his cock swayed around slowly. "Come on, slide down." He said to sheldon.
Sheldon would still be stiff as he clinged ontop of the shaft, but loosened as he slowly leaned his backside downward. Letting the rest of his body follow as gravity sent him down. It was a rough way down as he began to slide. The thick foreskin Dragging along his belly as it retracted itself underneath his chin. But thankfully that was the only obstacle, As sheldon slid down with a much quicker pace. Bouncing onto the bulky bulge underneath as he hugged at the base.
"Better now?" Bryan asked.
"Yes, now that I'm on some ground. Thankfully the soft kind." Sheldon commented, patting against the bulge underneath.
"Oooh" Bryan muttered, circling his hips from the sudden touch. "Yeah, they are soft when their not tense. Hold on tight for a sec." Bryan said, grabbing ahold of the waist. Sheldon giving a slight nod before cling9 to the base of the shaft. The fabric beginning to lift as base slinked through the opening of the boxers. Watching it climb up it length with swift glide before they came if the cliff with a sudden bounce. The hand along the briefs moving them the boxers trailed over Brya's legs. Kicked off at the feet as he laid bare on the bed. "there we go." Brian announced.
"Sheesh pack alot under there.." Sheldon Muttered.
"I heard that."
"Er! I mean I've seen better."
"Come now bud, you don't have to lie. It's just the two of us." Bryan teased
"Yeah I suppose your right. Never seen your body like this before."
"You're welcome to touch it if you like." Byan added.
"Really? A-ah I mean yeah sure, why not." Sheldon said, playing it off partially as he gazed back down at the bulk below.
"The floor is yours little buddy." Bryan said, Spreading his legs further apart to leave room.
Sheldon paused for abut as he pondered on the decision, but didn't take too long as he loosened his grip on the shaft. Letting himself lean back as the loose pouch of the sack's skin cushioned his descemt. Letting him glide down its surface as he rolled of them onto his feet. "Wow, they're really big" He admired, moving in closer to them as the orbs rested in the center. He soon placed a palm onto them, feeling its warm surface spill into his hands as the folds covered over his hand. They felt slick at as the glistened sweat trickle onto his finger. But the closer he pressed, they started to become more firm.
"How's it going bud?"
"It's..Nice. It's like im touching a giant bean bag" Sheldon commented, bringing his other hand against his as he proceeded to squeeze around them. The folds climbing up as Bryan moaned, but descended back down as the spilled onto his wrist.
"Nice. That's good." Bryan huffed, wrapping a hand around the base of his shaft as he slowly stroked. A soft grip along its length as he glided it up to the top. Enjoying the little sensation of hands along his balls. Bringing a hand lower, he laid his hand against Sheldon's back. bringing him in more close to the large orbs as he cupped them into his hand. Letting them lay ontop of him as he left some space for him to rub. "Rub as much as you like Sheldon." He soothed through his teeth.
"You got it." Sheldon replied back, his soft glides turning into light grips as he kneaded his fingers between the folds of the clammed skin. Brushing over the strands of hairs along them as he rubbed over the bulk of the orbs. A clear view of the ceiling above as the shaft danced in its pleasure. Almost as if it was waving at him from high above the hill of flesh. As he continued to rub, a slight drip came from up top. Landing along his forehead as a bit of it drooped into his hair. Wiping it off, he looked at it's liquid form. The substance seeming thicker, and milky as he could barely see through it. "Of course, he's leaking already." Sheldon muttered. "Well then, let's kick things up for him."
Using his legs, Sheldon wiggled his feet around underneath Bryan. Brushing his toes underneath his taint as the warm smooth skin against them compressed with each digit. Proceeding to knead into them tenderly as Bryan shifted and turned in his state. "mmm..Mm!" Bryan grunted above. His hips moving slowly while they arched themself forward. The hand behind Sheldon pushing him closer, as he continued to rub.
"Oh a little more right there..yeah that's it." Brian huffed, the pace his hand had going even faster. The sound of flesh against each other becoming more slick, a wet clap slowly following behind them as beated along like a drum. "Ahh!" Brian roared, heaving his hand into himself as Sheldon was buries the bulk of the scrotum. The shaft expunging its seed from its depth from its depths as the scattered to his legs. "Oo that felt good Sheldon, never came that hard before." Brian commented, softly rubbing the hand against his balls.
"Gla ya liked eet" Sheldon managed to say, his voice partially muffled from the skin "Thou I cat say tha sam for ma sheets."
"Oh yeah I didn't think about that" Bryan yawned. "..I'll be sure to get them washed."
"Gad!" Sheldon mumbled, turning his face to the side of the sack. "Peh! That was pretty good fun. Though I think I need a shower after this. Mind letting me up bud?..bud?"
"Damn it, he fell asleep."
Third Month:
As the third month came by, More of Sheldon's size diminished.finding himself smaller than an average Tik tac as the rest of the world grew around him. But with a new interaction through it all, it the impact normally had decreased exponentially. As Bryan and Sheldon become much more closer as friends.
"Man that was a good playthrough of the new Call of Duty. May have a bit of bugs on the maps, but I'm sure they'll fix them sooner or later." Bryan said in his chair, talking to his stream as he engaged with his chat. But stopped as a timer rang from his phone. "Well chat, I'll be back streaming in a little while. But don't forget to drop in the blog and see if any of you won the raffle of this week. See you later!" He waved at the chat, putting it on hold as he exited off the app.
"Ahh" he sighed softly, pulling back his chair as he hoisted his foot onto his lap. Sheldon along the bottom as the toes danced and hugged around his body. "Did you enjoy the foot massage bud?" Bryan asked. Sheldon giving him a nod in response. "That's good, glad I wasn't the only one. You always knew how to get the sweet spots he teased, letting a toes hug into him softly as he wiggled it partially. "Looks like I got a bit of time left before I go back into the stream. Anything you want to do?"
Sheldon pondered a bit as he wondered what they could do. An idea soon popping up as he hopped off of his foot. Making his way towards towards Bryan's pants as he patted at the waistband.
"Aah so you so you want to do that again? Alright." Unfastening his belt, Bryan slinked the waistband down as he held it down along his lap. Pulling the boxers with them as his cock sprawled out from its cage. Slowly stiffening from its limp state as sheldon hopped aboard it. Riding up as the head stuck up in the air. A pair of fingers coming around, as it pinched softly into the edges. The slit becoming slightly open as it suckled at the air. "It's your's bud." He confirmed. Sheldon giving a salute back as he made his way towards the rim of the slit. Cupping his hands together before he dived inside. The lips closing back up as Bryan let go of the sides.
"Try not to rush yourself like you did last time" Bryan teased, grabbing his shaft as he focused on the Sheldon slide deeper into his cock. The sucking guiding his faster towards the base as the muscles deposited into his balls. Closing his eyes, he leaned back into his chair to bask in the moment. His balls jostling in place as the a little lump traveled through the testicles tube.
Inside, pink walls surround Sheldon's vidion as he descend the sack. Light partially shin through the skin as shadows danced around the walls. Expunged into the one of the balls, the sphincter below tenderly squuezed him inside before he plopped towards the bottom. Dropping midway into the puddle, he moved his way over to the wall. Hugging against it as he placed a hand along one of the meaty folds. "Let's get him some fun." He said to himself. Squishing his hands into the cum coated flesh as he proceeded to rub them down. Feeling the walls push back at his grasp, he heaved his body closer. Placing an ear along it he listened to it. It had a peculiar beat to it. Blood pulsing through the sack as its followed the beatimg thumps of Bryan's heart, the sound of muffled faps above as he pounded at his shaft. It was alluring to say the least, as sheldon contiued to rub.
"Mm..mmm!" Bryan moaned more, fully relaxed into his chair as his body started to heat up. Grabbing his balls as he proceeded to rub underneath. Placing his finger onto the left one as he focused on Sheldon's rubs. But stopped when the sound of the alarm rang. "Damn, is it up already?" He snapped out of his state. "Alright, I guess I best to get back to streaming. You alright to stay in their a bit buddy? Give one pat for yes and two for no. He said to balls below. Feeling a limp. Sensation as they rubbed along the inside. Two swift thumps would trail off them, the second adding a little more rubs as Bryan shriveled blissfully in place. "Ah..I take that as a yes. Alright then, I get you out once the stream is over. Won't be long just an hour." He assured, turning towards his computer as he went to turn back on the screen.
As Bryan started to stream, it would began to get more calmer inside his sack as the walls returned to its normal state. Sheldon resting in one of the flesh pockets as he too enjoyed himself. "Mmm I never of that.." He huffed to himself, enjoying the fresh musk of his friend as their salted scent filled his nose. Relaxing more in them, he closed his eyes as he let the walls around rock against hi body. Circling around his sides as he dipped his toes into the puddle of cum in the center. "Maybe being this small isn't so bad after.." He said happily, placing a hand to the side of him as he used the other to rub walls more.
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Zero-boil-off tank experiments to enable long-duration space exploration
Do we have enough fuel to get to our destination? This is probably one of the first questions that comes to mind whenever your family gets ready to embark on a road trip. If the trip is long, you will need to visit gas stations along your route to refuel during your travel.
NASA is grappling with similar issues as it gets ready to embark on a sustainable mission back to the moon and plans future missions to Mars. But while your car's fuel is gasoline, which can be safely and indefinitely stored as a liquid in the car's gas tank, spacecraft fuels are volatile cryogenic liquid propellants that must be maintained at extremely low temperatures and guarded from environmental heat leaks into the spacecraft's propellant tank.
And while there is already an established network of commercial gas stations in place to make refueling your car a cinch, there are no cryogenic refueling stations or depots at the moon or on the way to Mars.
Furthermore, storing volatile propellant for a long time and transferring it from an in-space depot tank to a spacecraft's fuel tank under microgravity conditions will not be easy since the underlying microgravity fluid physics affecting such operations is not well understood. Even with today's technology, preserving cryogenic fuels in space beyond several days is not possible, and tank-to-tank fuel transfer has never been previously performed or tested in space.
Heat conducted through support structures or from the radiative space environment can penetrate even the formidable multi-layer insulation (MLI) systems of in-space propellant tanks, leading to boil-off or vaporization of the propellant and causing tank self-pressurization.
The current practice is to guard against over-pressurizing the tank and endangering its structural integrity by venting the boil-off vapor into space. Onboard propellants are also used to cool down the hot transfer lines and the walls of an empty spacecraft tank before a fuel transfer and filling operation can take place. Thus, precious fuel is continuously wasted during both storage and transfer operations, rendering long-duration expeditions—especially a human Mars mission—infeasible using current passive propellant tank pressure control methods.
Zero-boil-off (ZBO) or reduced boil-off (RBO) technologies provide an innovative and effective means to replace the current passive tank pressure control design. This method relies on a complex combination of active, gravity-dependent mixing and energy removal processes that allow maintenance of safe tank pressure with zero or significantly reduced fuel loss.
Zero boil-off storage and transfer: A transformative space technology
At the heart of the ZBO pressure control system are two proposed active mixing and cooling mechanisms to counter tank self-pressurization. The first is based on intermittent, forced, subcooled jet mixing of the propellant and involves complex, dynamic, gravity-dependent interaction between the jet and the ullage (vapor volume) to control the condensation and evaporation phase change at the liquid-vapor interface.
The second mechanism uses subcooled droplet injection via a spraybar in the ullage to control tank pressure and temperature. While the latter option is promising and gaining prominence, it is more complex and has never been tested in microgravity where the phase change and transport behavior of droplet populations can be very different and nonintuitive compared to those on Earth.
Although the dynamic ZBO approach is technologically complex, it promises an impressive advantage over the currently used passive methods. An assessment of one nuclear propulsion concept for Mars transport estimated that the passive boil-off losses for a large liquid hydrogen tank carrying 38 tons of fuel for a three-year mission to Mars would be approximately 16 tons/year.
The proposed ZBO system would provide a 42% saving of propellant mass per year. These numbers also imply that with a passive system, all the fuel carried for a three-year Mars mission would be lost to boil-off, rendering such a mission infeasible without resorting to the transformative ZBO technology.
The ZBO approach provides a promising method, but before such a complex technological and operational transformation can be fully developed, implemented, and demonstrated in space, important and decisive scientific questions that impact its engineering implementation and microgravity performance must be clarified and resolved.
The zero-boil-off tank (ZBOT) microgravity science experiments
The zero boil-off tank (ZBOT) Experiments are being undertaken to form a scientific foundation for the development of the transformative ZBO propellant preservation method. Following the recommendation of a ZBOT science review panel comprised of members from aerospace industries, academia, and NASA, it was decided to perform the proposed investigation as a series of three small-scale science experiments to be conducted onboard the International Space Station. The three experiments outlined below build upon each other to address key science questions related to ZBO cryogenic fluid management of propellants in space.
The ZBOT-1 experiment: Self-pressurization and jet mixing
The first experiment in the series was carried out on the station in the 2017-2018 timeframe. The second image above shows the ZBOT-1 hardware in the microgravity science glovebox (MSG) unit of the station. The main focus of this experiment was to investigate the self-pressurization and boiling that occurs in a sealed tank due to local and global heating, and the feasibility of tank pressure control via subcooled axial jet mixing.
In this experiment, the complicated interaction of the jet flow with the ullage (vapor volume) in microgravity was carefully studied. Microgravity jet mixing data was also collected across a wide range of scaled flow and heat transfer parameters to characterize the time constants for tank pressure reduction, and the thresholds for geyser (liquid fountain) formation, including its stability, and penetration depth through the ullage volume. Along with very accurate pressure and local temperature sensor measurements, particle image velocimetry (PIV) was performed to obtain whole-field flow velocity measurements to validate a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model.
Some of the interesting findings of the ZBOT-1experiment are as follows:
Provided the first tank self-pressurization rate data in microgravity under controlled conditions that can be used for estimating the tank insulation requirements. Results also showed that classical self-pressurization is quite fragile in microgravity and nucleate boiling can occur at hotspots on the tank wall even at moderate heat fluxes that do not induce boiling on Earth.
Proved that ZBO pressure control is feasible and effective in microgravity using subcooled jet mixing, but also demonstrated that microgravity ullage-jet interaction does not follow the expected classical regime patterns.
Enabled observation of unexpected cavitation during subcooled jet mixing, leading to massive phase change at both sides of the screened liquid acquisition device (LAD). If this type of phase change occurs in a propellant tank, it can lead to vapor ingestion through the LAD and disruption of liquid flow in the transfer line, potentially leading to engine failure.
Developed a state-of-the-art two-phase CFD model validated by over 30 microgravity case studies. ZBOT CFD models are currently used as an effective tool for propellant tank scaleup design by several aerospace companies participating in the NASA tipping point opportunity and the NASA Human Landing System (HLS) program.
The ZBOT-NC experiment: Non-condensable gas effects
Non-condensable gases (NCGs) are used as pressurants to extract liquid for engine operations and tank-to-tank transfer. The second experiment, ZBOT-NC will investigate the effect of NCGs on the sealed tank self-pressurization and on pressure control by axial jet mixing. Two inert gases with quite different molecular sizes, xenon and neon, will be used as the non-condensable pressurants. To achieve pressure control or reduction, vapor molecules must reach the liquid-vapor interface that is being cooled by the mixing jet and then cross the interface to the liquid side to condense.
This study will focus on how in microgravity the non-condensable gases can slow down or resist the transport of vapor molecules to the liquid-vapor interface (transport resistance) and will clarify to what extent they may form a barrier at the interface and impede the passage of the vapor molecules across the interface to the liquid side (kinetic resistance). By affecting the interface conditions, the NCGs can also change the flow and thermal structures in the liquid.
ZBOT-NC will use both local temperature sensor data and uniquely developed quantum dot thermometry (QDT) diagnostics to collect nonintrusive whole-field temperature measurements to assess the effect of the non-condensable gases during both self-pressurization heating and jet mixing/cooling of the tank under weightlessness conditions. This experiment is scheduled to fly to the International Space Station in early 2025, and more than 300 different microgravity tests are planned. Results from these tests will also enable the ZBOT CFD model to be further developed and validated to include the non-condensable gas effects with physical and numerical fidelity.
The ZBOT-DP experiment: Droplet phase change effects
ZBO active pressure control can also be accomplished via injection of subcooled liquid droplets through an axial spray-bar directly into the ullage or vapor volume. This mechanism is very promising, but its performance has not yet been tested in microgravity. Evaporation of droplets consumes heat that is supplied by the hot vapor surrounding the droplets and produces vapor that is at a much lower saturation temperature. As a result, both the temperature and the pressure of the ullage vapor volume are reduced.
Droplet injection can also be used to cool down the hot walls of an empty propellant tank before a tank-to-tank transfer or filling operation. Furthermore, droplets can be created during the propellant sloshing caused by acceleration of the spacecraft, and these droplets then undergo phase change and heat transfer. This heat transfer can cause a pressure collapse that may lead to cavitation or a massive liquid-to-vapor phase change. The behavior of droplet populations in microgravity will be drastically different compared to that on Earth.
The ZBOT-DP experiment will investigate the disintegration, coalescence (droplets merging together), phase change, and transport and trajectory characteristics of droplet populations and their effects on the tank pressure in microgravity. Particular attention will also be devoted to the interaction of the droplets with a heated tank wall, which can lead to flash evaporation subject to complications caused by the Liedenfrost effect (when liquid droplets propel away from a heated surface and thus cannot cool the tank wall).
These complicated phenomena have not been scientifically examined in microgravity and must be resolved to assess the feasibility and performance of droplet injection as a pressure and temperature control mechanism in microgravity.
Back to planet Earth
This fundamental research is now helping commercial providers of future landing systems for human explorers. Blue Origin and Lockheed Martin, participants in NASA's Human Landing Systems program, are using data from the ZBOT experiments to inform future spacecraft designs.
Cryogenic fluid management and use of hydrogen as a fuel are not limited to space applications. Clean green energy provided by hydrogen may one day fuel airplanes, ships, and trucks on Earth, yielding enormous climate and economic benefits. By forming the scientific foundation of ZBO cryogenic fluid management for space exploration, the ZBOT science experiments and CFD model development will also help to reap the benefits of hydrogen as a fuel here on Earth.
TOP IMAGE....The Gateway space station—humanity's first space station around the Moon—will be capable of being refueled in space. Credit: NASA
CENTRE IMAGE....Astronaut Joseph M. Acaba installing ZBOT Hardware in the Microgravity Science Glovebox aboard the International Space Station. Credit: NASA
LOWER IMAGE....Validation of ZBOT CFD Model Predictions for fluid flow and deformation of a spherical ullage in microgravity by a subcooled liquid jet mixing against ZBOT experimental results: (a) Model prediction of ullage position and deformation and flow vortex structures during subcooled jet mixing; (b) PIV image capture of flow vortex structures during jet mixing; (c) Ullage deformation captured by white light imaging; and (d) CFD model depiction of temperature contours during subcooled jet mixing. (ZBOT-1 Experiment, 2018). Credit: Dr. Mohammad Kassemi, Case Western Reserve University
BOTTOM IMAGE....White light image captures of the intact single hemispherical ullage in ZBOT tank before depressurization by the subcooled jet (left) and after subcooled jet mixing pressure collapse that led to massive phase change bubble generation due to cavitation at the LAD (right). (ZBOT-1 Experiment, 2018). Credit: Dr. Mohammad Kassemi, Case Western Reserve University
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electronalytics · 11 months
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craftingcreatures · 11 months
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Welcome to Spero
Exoplanet Ahuizotl 593-d is about 15 light-years from Earth, located in the habitable zone of a yellow dwarf star much like our own. It is a rocky world, with an axial tilt of 7.2 degrees and a diameter of just over 12,000 km. It has a single large moon, somewhat smaller than earth's and very different in origin and composition; this moon is a recently-captured long-period comet, composed mostly of water ice beneath a dark protective layer of organic dust. Ahuizotl 593-d was renamed to Spero (meaning "hope") when it was chosen as a candidate for terraforming and colonization.
Prior to human arrival, Spero was a dead world. Though once tectonically active, it ceased to be so long before humanity arrived, and countless aeons of erosion have ground down the mountain ranges and filled in the ocean basins with sediment. Where once tall mountains stood proudly, small, wind-blasted rocks are all that remain; and where once vast oceans surged, endless fields of sand dunes stand still and lifeless. The only true topography that may be found is the rims of innumerable impact craters, slowly being worn away by the ravages of wind and sand. The largest of these is over 1,000 km across, and is relatively young, at a mere 80 million years old; It has not had time to erode away as completely as some of the other craters, and its eastern rim contains mountains that are much higher than anywhere else on the planet - nearly 3,000 meters high.
The oceans are not completely gone - they are buried, to be certain, but the water still exists deep beneath the sediment. In certain places, scattered across the globe, ancient seawater seeps to the surface, forming saltwater oases - in the depths of the largest crater, these springs seep into the basin to form a permanent lake. However, by far the largest body of water is the Mare Vagus, the so-called "wandering sea": a shallow, hypersaline body of water which travels around Spero's lowlands, propelled by the forces of erosion and deposition. On the windward coast, soft rock and sediment are slowly carved away, only to be re-deposited as sand or silt on the leeward coast; harder rock resists erosion, and may deflect the Mare's trajectory against the wind to the north or south. in this way the seas move across the planet, leaving behind them a trail of salt crystal evaporites that can be seen from space. These bodies of water fuel a small but consistent water cycle - a few freshwater rivers snaking down from the highlands are fed by rainfall.
Despite the bleakness of the landscape, the planet is habitable. The air is breathable, the rivers drinkable, the soil nontoxic, and the sun is almost identical to our own. In a universe where habitable planets are exceedingly rare, Spero is a veritable oasis, and within ten years of the planet's discovery humanity was already putting together a plan for colonization. However, the sheer distance from earth to Spero makes for an imposing barrier; the fastest starships in the human fleet (at 1/6th the speed of light) would have to travel for 95 years to reach it. It would be two hundred and fifty years between the arrival of the first probes and the arrival of humanity on the planet's surface. And humanity did not arrive alone. They brought with them their crops, their livestock - everything needed to prepare a planet for permanent human habitation.
Transporting plants and animals across interstellar space is not an easy feat. Due to the 95-year time gap between launch and arrival, everything living must be either put in cryogenic stasis or maintain a breeding stock on the spaceship for the duration of the flight. Since storage space is a limited resource on ships and carrying that many moving animals, plants, and people (not to mention food and water and life support systems) would be unimaginably expensive, cryostasis was by far the preferred option. For most plants and some animals, this made transport downright easy; simply keep the desiccated seeds or cysts into a low-temperature freezer and thaw them out upon arrival. Thousands of seeds could be transported this way while barely taking up any space at all. Hundreds of species from over 450 different families were brought to Ahuizotl.
Animals, on the other hand, needed a little more consideration. Cryogenic stasis is a complicated affair (though much simpler than transporting moving, breathing animals for 95 years) and requires some specialized equipment. Multiple tanks of liquid nitrogen were needed for every individual animal, plus the metabolic suppressors and the actual stasis chamber itself. For an average-sized human this resulted in a set of equipment which weighed some six hundred pounds and took up almost 2.5 cubic meters of cabin space. For a fully grown cow or camel, the requirements were even more ludicrous.
Fortunately, these huge apparatuses could be shrunken, if the animals themselves were also shrunken. If transported as embryos, with development completed in artificial wombs upon arrival to the planet, each individual animal only took up one-eighth of a cubic meter of space. This was much more reasonable, and so many more individuals could be transported, enough to preserve genetic diversity for multiple species. Even so, space was at a premium, and only 18 species of animal were introduced (three of which could undergo cryptobiosis and were simply chucked in the freezer with the seeds).
Colonization occurred in several waves; the first wave included bacteria, algae, and certain lichens and fungi, and began the process of terraforming by beginning soil production and establishing the foundation of the artificial ecosystem the colonists hoped to create. The second wave included more complex plants, including mosses and ferns, and the first animals - tardigrades, rotifers, and other small creatures which would recycle nutrients. Once these organisms were established and thriving (as determined by robotic probes), the third wave - including the first hardy crop plants, larger invertebrates, and the first fish - arrived. Finally, in the fourth wave, humanity arrived (accompanied by the remaining seed species) to be greeted by a thriving, if taxonomically limited, ecosystem.
Seed List
All species introduced to Ahuizotl underwent genetic manipulation and hybridization to increase hardiness and heterozygosity, maximizing chances of successful establishment and survival into the future. Species were chosen based on hardiness, adaptability, and – most importantly – usefulness to humans. The vast majority of plant species introduced were crops, producing food, timber, or other important products such as rubber and medicines. Animals were either livestock, herding animals, or detritivores necessary for healthy soils and nutrient cycling. Pest species were strictly avoided. Thanks to the extended time spent in cryogenic stasis (as well as close inspection and quarantining by scientists prior to freezing), diseases and parasites were almost completely eliminated.
(Plants not included in this list; there are too many to count. If it's reasonably hardy and useful to humans, it's safe to assume it was brought along.)
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Domestic Goat ~ Capra hircus Cattle were rejected for colonization due to their size and feed requirements - the productive pastures needed to raise them effectively simple didn't exist. Goats were introduced instead, as they could survive better on the sparse scrubby vegetation which had been established by that point. Goats were introduced for their milk, meat, and leather, and for their ability to survive in harsh environments.
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Domestic Sheep ~ Ovis aries Sheep were introduced for meat, milk, and (most importantly) wool. The sheep arriving on Ahuizotl were hybrids between several different wool-producing breeds, mostly of the fine-wooled merino type. Though unable to survive without human care due to the need for periodic shearing, the breeds chosen were very hardy and could survive in harsh climates.
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Dromedary Camel ~ Camelus dromedarius Camels were introduced as pack animals and long-distance transport to desert outposts. They were also used for milk production. Camels were chosen based on their hardiness, pre-adapted to the desert climate of Spero as they were; able to survive on very little food or water and carry heavy loads for long distances, they would be invaluable, especially since Spero had no oil or petroleum deposits to produce fuel for motorized vehicles.
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Domestic Donkey ~ Equus africanus asinus Horses were considered for colonization as a means of transportation on a world where fuel was a highly limited resource, but were ultimately rejected in favour of donkeys. Donkeys were smaller than horses, but much hardier and required fewer resources. Donkeys were also used extensively for plowing and transportation in pulling carts - they were also significantly easier to handle and more comfortable to ride than camels.
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Domestic Dog ~ Canis familiaris Dogs were introduced as herding animals for goats and sheep, much more efficient than robotic substitutes. They had the added bonus of providing companionship to the human settlers (on a planet with a total population of less than 500 spread out over a vast area, loneliness was an ever-present problem). The dogs brought to Spero were all mutts with strong herding dog histories; border collies, blue heelers, and Alsatians were all prominently featured in the pedigrees.
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Domestic Pig ~ Sus domesticus Pigs were introduced mostly for their meat, but also for leather, manure, and disposal of organic wastes. They were also introduced for their unique ability to provide organs and tissues useful in medical applications, such as their heart valves. Hardy animals, able to survive on garbage, pigs were well adapted for surviving the turbulent early years of colonization.
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Domestic Chicken ~ Gallus domesticus Chickens were introduced for their meat and eggs, and their feathers were also used as a natural fiber for stuffing cushions and other necessary textiles. The chickens introduced were hybrid mixtures most similar to Indian and Polynesian breeds, but also included genes from western breeds such as leghorns, orpingtons, and wyandottes.
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Common Carp ~ Cyprinus carpio Fish was a critical nutrient source for the developing world, rich in Omega-3 fatty acids that could not be efficiently produced by plants. Although humanity makes use of many kinds of fish, most species require more advanced ecological environments to thrive. Carp, on the other hand, don’t; and while not typically considered food fish by western cultures their meat is tasty and nutritious. It is their ability to thrive in low-quality environments which made them better choices for colonization than more popular fish.
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Flathead Mullet ~ Mugil cephalus Mullets were introduced for many of the same reasons as carp. Adaptable, hardy, and able to survive in a wide range of temperatures and salinities, their diet of algae and bacterial scum allowed them to thrive in Ahuizotl’s estuaries. Unlike carp they congregate in large schools and so can be harvested in large quantities, an invaluable attribute once large numbers of colonists began arriving and expecting to be fed. The mullet introduced to Spero were genetically modified to have a flexible life cycle and a broader tolerance of salinity; they do not need to return to saltwater to breed, though they can still survive there just fine.
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European Honeybee ~ Apis mellifera mellifera On earth, bees are of critical importance, pollinating a huge proportion of the crops we rely on to produce our food. Thus, bees were practically guaranteed to be included in the seed list. Not only do they pollinate flowers, but the honey, wax, and other products produced by beehives are valuable commodities. The bees introduced are exclusively from the Western subspecies (A. m. mellifera); this is to prevent aggressive and swarming behaviours exhibited by hybrid bees on earth.
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Common Woodlouse ~ Armidillidium vulgare Woodlice were introduced as detritivores, aiding decomposition of excess organic matter and helping to keep soils fertile. This particular species was chosen based on its adaptability and hardiness compared to other woodlouse species, as they can tolerate drier conditions.
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Common Earthworm ~ Lumbricus terrestris Earthworms were introduced to aerate the soil and help keep croplands healthy. They also help to remove organic detritus such as fallen leaves and help mix soils, bringing nutrients within reach of plant roots. This species was chosen due to its ability to survive in diverse habitats.
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White Rat Springtail ~ Folsomia candida Springtails were chosen as detritivores, recycling organic matter and keeping the soils fertile and healthy. They also serve as extra food for woodlice and earthworms. This particular species was chosen due to the ease of culture and adaptability.
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Cherry Shrimp ~ Neocaridina davidi Freshwater shrimp were introduced to help control the growth of bacterial and algal mats in riverine environments, keeping waterways clear. They also serve as a secondary food source for carp. This species was chosen due to its ease of culture.
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Ramshorn Snail ~ Planorbarius corneus Like the cherry shrimp, freshwater snails were chosen to help keep down algal growth and keep waterways and rice paddies healthy and productive. They, like the shrimp, also serve as a secondary food source for carp.
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Brine Shrimp ~ Artemia franciscana Brine shrimp hold little value to humans, except as a food source for mullet, carp, and other marine species. They were mainly included because, as eggs, they can survive being frozen for long periods of time and so did not require the heavy cryogenic stasis equipment needed for most other animals. During early colonization they were used as a feed for the recently-thawed fish fry, and continued to be eaten by subsequent generations of larval fish.
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Rotifer ~ Brachionus plicatilis Like the brine shrimp, the rotifers were included as larval fish food and because they could be transported easily and in large numbers with nothing more than a simple freezer. They were one of the first animals introduced to Ahuizotl, along with tardigrades, and were intended to form the base of a self-sufficient aquatic ecology.
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Tardigrade ~ Milnesium tardigradum Tardigrades were chosen as pioneer animals to help create usable soils. They also provide food for larger invertebrates such as snails, isopods, and springtails. Thanks to their ability to withstand low temperatures for long periods of time in a cryptobiotic state, they could be brought in large numbers in a simple freezer.
These eighteen species of animals - and hundreds of species of plants - were cultivated to form a self-sufficient ecosystem in the dusty, dry wastes of Spero. Croplands, orchards, and timber plantations were planted along the banks of the rivers; farther from water, scrubby grasses and hardy forage plants grew in the infrequent rainfall. While the vast majority of the planet was still hostile desert, endless sand dunes or bare rock swept clean by the wind, humanity managed to eke out an existence along the narrow inhabitable margins of the rivers.
Until a cataclysmic event destroyed humanity's hope of creating a new home... and simultaneously laid the groundwork for Spero to become a thriving paradise far beyond their wildest dreams.
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Christmas Headcanons - Tf2
Don't worry, there's more to come. I just want to post this before Christmas. This list will be updated soon, Don't worry (:
Most mercenaries will either give a genuinely thoughtful gift, one to show that no matter how many tough times there are, they still care about them... Or it's the most traumatizing shit ever, intentionally or not. Some land in the middle, sure, but they probably swing one way over the other.
Scout and Engineer will secretly get up early in December to put up the tree and decorate it. Scout was invited once during his first years as a mercenary, and now helps do it every year. He always helped do it with his mom, and it gives him a sense of that childlike innocence he 'lost' a long time ago.
The Elf on the shelf they had was kept in storage until the first of December, and then it was let free to do as it pleases...For you see, Merasmus had cursed it and now it has a conscience until Christmas day. Honestly no one knows how it gets out every year. ( It was Pyro's doing.) But Medic's the one to always lock it back up. Eventually, they just made Sniper throw it in a river and calld it a day. Hasn't come back since, so they assume the issue has been dealt with.
Spy tries and stays locked up in his room for the duration of the holidays, but the rest of the team always breaks down the door to get him out. Spy hates having to pay for new doors.
Demoman, Sniper, and Engineer always try and play a few Christmas jingles every year. If they already did all the good songs last year, Demo will just get drunk, make up new songs on the spot, write them down, and use them next year. The problem is they don't write down any of the notes, only lyrics, some words are smudged due to booze, and it's barely legible. But they try and come up with something, and no matter how bad the results are from the last year they enjoy themselves.
Mistletoe, no matter where it is, will always be burned down by Pyro. Someone could be holding it and Pyro would just take out a match, light it and just set it ablaze.
Christmas movies are played constantly, as Pyro sits as close to the TV as possible, and Scout just tries to get even a slight glimpse of what's playing. Some of the things that play are 'Somewhere in Dreamland', 'The night before Christmas', and 'Christmas comes but Once a Year'. Before Scout could rebel and push him out of the way, Heavy not so subtly reminds him of Pyro's abilities. Besides, it keeps him from burning down the tree to watch a shiny object get even shinier.
Scout watches these with him not only to make sure Pyro doesn't get bored, but he also finds animation pretty cool. It makes him see 'how much cooler his art style is'....But no, he isn't crying, you're stupid.
Spy is the one who does all the Christmas shopping. They all just hand him a list and he supplies. Nobody knows where he gets any of it. But each and every request (within reason) is met. Meaning that soldier never gets anything off of his list. Instead, they just get him an American flag and other such patriotic frivolous items.
Heavy's tolerance for the others antics surprisingly increases, as it reminds him of how his younger siblings were around this time of year. Spy...It cannot be said the same for, the Christmas spirit has not affected him, and he grows more pissed each minute. He just sort of tries to manage through the year, but all he thinks about are less christmas-y and more gorey.
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