#Mark Hollmann
doyouknowthismusical · 7 months
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glimeres · 22 days
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New York City Center 2024/2025 Season:
Annual Gala Presentation
RAGTIME - Oct 30 – Nov 10, 2024
RAGTIME is a sweeping, powerful musical with music by Stephen Flaherty, lyrics by Lynn Ahrens, and a book by Terrence McNally that follows three fictional families in pursuit of the American Dream at the turn of the 20th century.
This gala production is led by Tony-nominated Encores! Artistic Director Lear deBessonet and features Joshua Henry (Coalhouse Walker Jr.), Caissie Levy (Mother), and Brandon Uranowitz (Tateh).
URINETOWN - Feb 5 – 16, 2025
In this side-splitting satire directed by Teddy Bergman (KPOP), a young hero fights to create change in a dystopian world where water is scarce and “Hope” is even scarcer. This three-time Tony-winning musical by Mark Hollmann and Greg Kotis breaks the fourth wall to examine humanity’s darkest dilemmas, all while being “audacious and exhilarating” (The New York Times).
LOVE LIFE - Mar 26 – 30, 2025
LOVE LIFE the only collaboration between Kurt Weill and Alan Jay Lerner, depicts a love story that takes place over 200 years of American history, through the eyes of a family who never ages. This rarely staged production directed by Tony winner Victoria Clark (KIMBERLY AKIMBO) is considered by some to be the first concept musical, an inspiration for musical theater favorites such as CABARET, CHICAGO, and COMPANY.
THE WILD PARTY - Apr 30 – May 11, 2025
Directed by Saheem Ali (FAT HAM), THE WILD PARTY is a jazz-age tragedy about a gin-soaked party. What happens when a night of debauchery leads to a morning of sobering truths? Michael John LaChiusa (THE GARDENS OF ANUNCIA) and George C. Wolfe (JELLY’S LAST JAM) bring Joseph Moncure March’s notorious narrative poem to life in their “dangerous, seedy, fantastic” (The Observer) musical adaptation.
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droughtofapathy · 22 days
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ENCORES! URINETOWN FEB 5 – 16, 2025 In this side-splitting satire directed by Teddy Bergman (KPOP), a young hero fights to create change in a dystopian world where water is scarce and “Hope” is even scarcer. This three-time Tony-winning musical by Mark Hollmann and Greg Kotis breaks the fourth wall to examine humanity’s darkest dilemmas, all while being “audacious and exhilarating” (The New York Times).
ENCORES! LOVE LIFE MAR 26 – 30, 2025 Love Life, the only collaboration between Kurt Weill and Alan Jay Lerner, depicts a love story that takes place over 200 years of American history, through the eyes of a family who never ages. This rarely staged production directed by Tony winner Victoria Clark (Kimberly Akimbo) is considered by some to be the first concept musical, an inspiration for musical theater favorites such as Cabaret, Chicago, and Company.
ENCORES! THE WILD PARTY APR 30 – MAY 11, 2025 Directed by Saheem Ali (Fat Ham), The Wild Party is a jazz-age tragedy about a gin-soaked party. What happens when a night of debauchery leads to a morning of sobering truths? Michael John LaChiusa (The Gardens of Anuncia) and George C. Wolfe (Jelly’s Last Jam) bring Joseph Moncure March’s notorious narrative poem to life in their "dangerous, seedy, fantastic” (The Observer) musical adaptation.
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ANNUAL GALA PRESENTATION RAGTIME OCT 30 – NOV 10, 2024 Ragtime is a sweeping, powerful musical with music by Stephen Flaherty, lyrics by Lynn Ahrens, and a book by Terrence McNally that follows three fictional families in pursuit of the American Dream at the turn of the 20th century. This gala production is led by Tony-nominated Encores! Artistic Director Lear deBessonet and features Joshua Henry (Coalhouse Walker Jr.), Caissie Levy (Mother), and Brandon Uranowitz (Tateh).
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puzzle-cat404 · 2 months
I wonder how mark hollmann would feel to know that there is a 14 year old out there who is feverishly obsessed with a joke interaction that end with one of the characters dying right after coming out and is never brought up again in the rest of the story
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catt-nuevenor · 11 months
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Dagmar Hollmann / Wikimedia Commons License: CC BY-SA 4.0
This is the Löwenmensch figurine.
No cheating now. Have a guess how old this is.
Answer below the cut...
41,000 years old.
That's roughly 41x the time difference between us and William the Conquer, 10x the time difference between us and the construction of the Pyramids of Giza.
The Löwenmensch figurine was found in Hohlenstein-Stadel cave in Germany in 1939, and is thought to depict a figure part lion part human. It's carve out of mamoth ivory, and may also have markings on its left arm showing early tatooing designs, though this is heavily debated.
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Dagmar Hollmann / Wikimedia Commons License: CC BY-SA 4.0
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nonvaleurs · 1 year
Wetzlar: Goldmark 1923
Ab 23. Oktober 1923 gestattete die Reichsregierung Unternehmen und Kommunen die Ausgabe von wertbeständigem Notgeld, wenn es auf Teile der Reichsgoldanleihe vom 14. August 1923 lautete und durch diese Anleihe gedeckt war. Das Notgeld musste nominal auf 4,20 Mark Gold oder kleiner lauten. Die Scheine mussten neben der Bezeichnung „Notgeldschein“ den Vermerk „Ausgegeben mit Genehmigung des Reichsministers der Finanzen“ tragen. Die höheren Nennwerte der Reichsgoldanleihe wurden daraufhin in beträchtlichem Umfange auch von Handelskammern und Städten bei der Reichsbank hinterlegt und so zur Deckung ihrer eigenen wertbeständigen Notgeldausgaben verwendet, so auch in der Stadt Wetzlar.
In der zum Rheinland gehörenden, aber im hessischen Sprach- und Wirtschaftsgebiet liegenden Stadt Wetzlar sind Ende 1923 vier verschiedene Emissionen wertbeständigen Notgelds erfolgt.
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Handelskammer für den Kreis Wetzlar, Notgeldschein für wertbeständige Anleihe des Deutschen Reiches über 0.21 Mark Gold = 1/20 Dollar, ausgegeben in Wetzlar am 6. November 1923. Aufruf zum Umtausch des Scheines spätestens am 15. Dezember 1923.
Davon hat jedoch nur die Ausgabe der Handelskammer für den Kreis Wetzlar eine größere Bedeutung erlangt. In der Vollversammlung vom 3.11.1923 beschloss die Handelskammer die Herausgabe wertbeständigen Goldmark-Notgeldes unter den bekannten Bedingungen des Reichsministers der Finanzen. Die Stellung der erforderlichen Kontrollpersonen während des Drucks der Scheine wurde den Firmen Stahlwerk Buderus-Röchling A.-G., Ernst Leitz und Friedrich Hollmann A.-G. übertragen. Weiterhin wurde beschlossen, das Notgeld an jede handelsgerichtlich eingetragene, im Kammerbezirk ansässige Firma, mit der Verpflichtung abzugeben nicht mehr als 25% der Löhne und Gehälter wertbeständig zu zahlen. Die Verpflichtung musste schriftlich eingegangen werden. Die Ausgabe der Stücke in den Nennwerten 0.21, 0.42 und 1.05 Mark Gold (Goldmark mit Dollar-Valutaklausel = 1/20, 1/10, ¼ Dollar) begann am 13. November 1923 und zog sich entsprechend der langen Druckdauer für die verhältnismäßig große Menge von rund 315.000 Goldmark bis zum 11. Dezember 1923 hin.
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Handelskammer für den Kreis Wetzlar, Notgeldschein für wertbeständige Anleihe des Deutschen Reiches über 0.42 Mark Gold = 1/10 Dollar, ausgegeben in Wetzlar am 6. November 1923. Aufruf zum Umtausch des Scheines spätestens am 15. Dezember 1923.
Das von der Stadtverwaltung Wetzlar in vier Wertstufen von 0.42, 1.05, 2.10 und 4.20 Mark Gold (Goldmark mit Dollar-Valutaklausel = 1/10, ¼, ½, 1 Dollar) mit Datum vom 20. November 1923 gedruckte Notgeld ist erst ab Anfang Dezember in den Verkehr gegeben worden. Da bereits ansehnliche Mengen des Handelskammergeldes umliefen, brauchte man nur rund 81.000 Goldmark zu emittieren.
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Stadt Wetzlar, wertbeständiger Notgeldschein über 1.05 Mark Gold = ¼ Dollar, gedeckt durch Hinterlegung von wertbeständiger Anleihe des Deutschen Reiches, ausgegeben in Wetzlar am 20. November 1923.
Das Goldmark-Stadtgeld Wetzlars geriet durch eine ungeschickt formulierte Bekanntmachung der Handelskammer vom 6. Dezember 1923 einige Zeit in Misskredit. Im Wetzlarer Anzeiger vom 7.12.1923 veröffentlichte die Kammer, dass für das von ihr „herausgegebene wertbeständige Notgeld - im Gegensatz zu dem von der hiesigen Stadtverwaltung herausgegebene - alle gesetzlichen Voraussetzungen erfüllt sind“. Bereits in der nächsten Nummer der Zeitung musste die Kammer diese Mitteilung berichtigen. In der Stadtverordnetensitzung vom 13.12. 1923 erklärte Bürgermeister Dr. Kühn, dass durch diese diskriminierende Meldung das Ansehen der Stadt sehr geschädigt worden sei.
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Stadt Wetzlar, wertbeständiger Notgeldschein über 2.10 Mark Gold = ½ Dollar, gedeckt durch Hinterlegung von wertbeständiger Anleihe des Deutschen Reiches, ausgegeben in Wetzlar am 20. November 1923.
Die Wetzlarer Firma Ernst Leitz, Optische Werke, gab mit Datum vom 6. November 1923 ohne Genehmigung des Reichsministers der Finanzen Gutscheine in vier Nennwerten (0.05, 0.10, 0.50, 1 Goldmark) mit Gültigkeit bis zum 15.12.1923 aus. Ebenso gaben die Stahlwerke Buderus-Röchling A.-G. mit Datum 27. November 1923 bzw. 1. Dezember 1923 Gutscheine in vier Nennwerten (0.10, 1, 5 Goldmark) aus.
Die Leitz`schen Scheine hatten nach ihrem Text offenbar nur Gültigkeit für den Warenbezug in bestimmten von der Firma benannten Geschäften, über den Empfang der Waren war auf der Rückseite der Scheine zu quittieren. Die Buderus Gutscheine waren lediglich für die Mitglieder des Buderus-Haushalts in der Lebensmittel-Verkaufsstelle und in der Hauptkasse des Eisenwerkes verwendbar.
Hans-Georg Glasemann
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Bildquelle: Privat (5/2023)
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Herodotus, the Master of Signs
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The Master of Signs: Signs and the Interpretation of Signs in Herodotus’ Histories
Alexander Hollmann
Readers of Herodotus’s histories are familiar with its reports of bizarre portents, riddling oracles, and striking dreams. But Herodotus draws our attention to other types of signs too, beginning with human speech itself as a coded system that can manipulate and be manipulated. Objects, gifts, artifacts, markings, even the human body, are all capable of being invested with meaning in the Histories and Herodotus shows that conventionally and culturally determined actions, gestures, and ritual all need decoding. This book represents an unprecedented examination of signs and their interpreters, as well as the terminology Herodotus uses to describe sign transmission, reception, and decoding. Through his control and involvement in this process he emerges as a veritable “master of signs.”
Publisher ‏ : ‎ Harvard University Press (31 Mar. 2011)
Alexander Hollmann is Chair of the Hellenic Studies Program and Valdakis Endowed Professor at the University of Washington.
The cover illustration of the book alludes to the well known story from Book IV of Herodotus’ Histories about the “gifts’ sent by the Scythians to Darius of Persia who campaigned to conquer them and the difficulty of the baffled Persians to understand what was the meaning of this bizarre combination of objects.
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thestageyshelf · 2 years
SOLD 🎭 Urinetown @ St James Theatre 2014 (#164)
Title: Urinetown
Venue: St James Theatre
Year: 2014
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Condition: Good condition
Author: Music and Lyrics by Mark Hollmann. Book and Lyrics by Greg Kotis
Director: Jamie Lloyd
Choreographer: Ann Yee
Cast: Jonathan Slinger, Karis Jack, Richard Fleeshman, Jenna Russell, Matthew Seadon-Young, Julie Jupp, Madeleine Harland, Jeff Nicholson, Katie Bernstein, Aaron Lee Lambert, Cory English, Rosanna Hyland, Adam Pearce, Marc Elliott, Mark Meadows, Simon Paisley Day, Chris Bennett, Alasdair Buchan, Joel Montague, Jo Napthine, Charlotte Scott
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musicalsorwhatever · 4 years
“What is Urinetown” is the twelfth song and the act II opener in the 2001 Broadway musical Urinetown. The show featured music by Mark Hollmann, lyrics by Hollmann and Greg Kotis, and book by Kotis. It was nominated for nine Tony awards, including Best Musical, and won three.
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yourfavealbumisgay · 5 years
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Urinetown 2001 Original Off-Broadway Cast by Mark Hollmann & Greg Kotis is claimed by the bisexuals!
(requested by @facade-cake 💖 thank you!)
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a-year-of-musicals · 6 years
Day 100/365 - Urinetown
By Mark Hollmann and Greg Kotis
The show opens with a grim welcome from Officer Lockstock, a policeman, assisted by the street urchin Little Sally. According to Lockstock and Little Sally, a twenty-year drought has caused a terrible water shortage, making private toilets unthinkable. All restroom activities are done in public toilets controlled by a megacorporation called "Urine Good Company" (or UGC). To control water consumption, people have to pay to use the amenities (Too Much Exposition). There are harsh laws ensuring that people pay to urinate, and if they are broken, the offender is sent to a penal colony called "Urinetown", never to return.
The oppressed masses huddle in line at the poorest, filthiest urinal in town, Public Amenity #9, which is run by the rigid, harshly authoritarian Penelope Pennywise and her assistant, dashing young everyman Bobby Strong. Trouble ensues when Bobby's father, Old Man Strong, cannot afford his urinal admission for the day and asks Pennywise to let him go free "just this once". After Old Man Strong's plea is dismissed (It's a Privilege to Pee), he urinates on the street and is soon arrested by Officers Lockstock and Barrel and escorted off to Urinetown. (It's a Privilege to Pee - Reprise).
Later that day, in the corporate offices of Urine Good Company, the CEO, Caldwell B. Cladwell, is discussing the new fee hikes with Senator Fipp, a politician firmly in Cladwell's pocket, when Cladwell's beautiful daughter, Hope Cladwell, arrives on the scene as the UGC's new fax/copy girl. By way of introduction, the UGC staff sing a song in praise of their chief (Mr. Cladwell).
Officers Lockstock and Barrel discuss the journey to Urinetown and how it reduces everyone, even the toughest, to screams (The Cop Song). Hope enters and encounters Bobby Strong. Bobby, distraught over his father's arrest and wondering if he could have done something, tells Hope that his heart feels either cold or empty. Hope tells Bobby that the only answer is to follow his heart. The two realize that they both want a new world where the people can be happy and pee for free, and united by their belief, fall in love (Follow Your Heart). Little Sally asks Officer Lockstock what Urinetown is like, but Lockstock replies that its power lies in its mystery and he cannot flippantly reveal that "there is no Urinetown, we just kill people", and that the reveal won't come until Act II, "with everybody singing and things like that."
The next day, Cladwell's assistant, Mr. McQueen, announces the new fee hikes set upon the urinals. Bobby concludes that the laws are wrong. Opening the doors of the urinal, despite Ms. Pennywise's protests, he begins a pee-for-free rebellion (Look at the Sky).
Pennywise rushes to the offices of UGC, where she informs Cladwell of the revolution. The two give each other long, meaningful looks, but they are interrupted by the situation at hand. Cladwell vows to crush the rebellion, frightening Hope. Cladwell, by way of a series of increasingly convoluted metaphors involving a bunny, tells Hope that it is their privilege and responsibility to stomp on the poor (Don't Be the Bunny).
Cladwell, McQueen, Fipp, Pennywise, Lockstock and Barrel arrive at Amenity #9 to snuff out the uprising. Bobby learns that Hope is Cladwell's daughter. Bobby realizes that the only way out of the trap is to kidnap Hope to use as leverage against Cladwell. The rebel poor escape with Hope as their hostage. The police give chase, but the slow-motion choreography makes it impossible for the police to catch them. Lockstock vows to catch the poor as he tells the audience to enjoy intermission (Act I Finale).
Lockstock welcomes everyone back. He catches the audience up on the situation, and tells them that the rebel poor are holed up in a secret hideout somewhere, gesturing to a large sign that reads "Secret Hideout." The sign leads to the sewers, where the rebels are holding Hope hostage. The rebels wonder what Urinetown is, and two of them, Little Becky Two-Shoes and Hot Blades Harry, explain their theories. Cladwell orders Lockstock to search harder for the rebels, threatening that he will send everyone to Urinetown if Hope isn't found. Bobby and his mother Josephine hand out memos to the other Assistant Custodians in hope that they will join them. Bobby is sure that Urinetown is nothing but a lie designed to keep the poor people in fear. Lockstock catches Little Sally, but she is unfazed by his threat of Urinetown, because as she sees it, they are already in Urinetown; it "isn't so much a place as it is a metaphysical place" that they are all in, including Lockstock. She escapes before Lockstock can ask her what "metaphysical" means. (What is Urinetown?).
Convinced that Bobby, Josephine, and Little Sally have been captured, the rebels, particularly Hot Blades Harry and Little Becky Two-Shoes, decide that the best way to get revenge on Cladwell is to kill Hope ("Snuff That Girl"). They are about to kill her when Bobby bursts in and reminds the rebels that their purpose is more than just revenge. He explains that he made a promise that all the people of the land would be free. One of the rebels reminds Bobby that the only words he said were "Run, everybody, run for your lives, run." Bobby explains that in the heat of battle the cry of freedom sounds something like (Run, Freedom, Run!). Invigorated, the poor rally around Bobby, but balk at his statement that the violent fight could take decades. Just then, Pennywise bursts into the secret hideout telling Bobby that Cladwell wants him to come to the UGC headquarters. Bobby goes, but only after being reminded by the impatient rebels that if anything happens to him, Hope will be killed. Pennywise fiercely swears that if any of the rebels harm Hope, she will have Bobby sent off to Urinetown. Bobby says goodbye to Hope, apologizes, and tells her to think of what they have (Follow Your Heart - Reprise).
At the UGC headquarters, Bobby is offered a suitcase full of cash and full amnesty to the rebels as long as Hope is returned and the people agree to the new fee hikes. Bobby refuses, and demands free access for the people. Cladwell orders the cops to escort Bobby to Urinetown—even if it means that the rebel poor will kill Hope. Horrified, Pennywise marvels at the depth of Cladwell's evil. Cladwell has her arrested as well. She, Hope, and Fipp sing of their regrets of falling for Cladwell's schemes. Meanwhile, Bobby is led to the top of the UGC building, and learns the truth: Urinetown is death. Bobby regrets having ever listened to his heart. Lockstock and Barrel throw him off the building (Why Did I Listen To That Man?), killing him.
Little Sally returns to the hideout in a shocked daze, having just heard Bobby's last words. The ghost of Bobby sings, along with Little Sally, his last words, which are directed to Hope (Tell Her I Love Her). His last words encourage the rebels "to fight for what they know is right," and that "the time is always now." Just as the rebels are about to murder Hope in revenge, Pennywise enters and offers herself instead, proclaiming herself to be Hope's mother. The poor reel back, shocked by this unexpected twist. Hope convinces the rebels to let her lead them, and she, Penny, and the poor march to the offices of UGC. On the way, they kill Officer Barrel, who had just confessed his love to Officer Lockstock, Senator Fipp, and Mrs. Millennium (We're Not Sorry).
Hope reveals to her father that she is still alive. Cladwell is overjoyed, until the rest of the poor reveal themselves. Hope tells him that his reign of terror is over, and that he will "be sent to the same place he sent Bobby and all those who wouldn't—or couldn't—meet his criminal fee hikes". Cladwell pleads to the people that he is their only chance at seeing tomorrow, but it is no use. Pennywise and Cladwell reminisce about their past romance (We're Not Sorry Reprise). Cladwell is led to the roof, shouting that he regrets nothing, and however cruel he might have been, he "kept the pee off the street and the water in the ground." He is thrown off.
With the town at peace at last, the age of fear is over and the people look forward to a bright new day. The Urine Good Company is renamed "The Bobby Strong Memorial Toilet Authority" and the people are henceforth allowed "to pee whenever they like, as much as they like, for as long as they like, and with whomever they like" (I See A River).
However, the town's newfound urinary bliss is short-lived, as its limited water supply quickly disappears. Lockstock tells the audience that, as draconian as the UGC's rules were, they kept the people from squandering the limited water supply; now, much of the population dies of thirst. It is insinuated that Hope suffers a terrible death at the hand of the people for her actions in depleting the water supply, but the remaining townsfolk will wage on, their town now quite like the imaginary "Urinetown" with which they had been threatened for years.
I have to say, as weird a name and a concept it seems, it works! I enjoy the politics and revolution of the story.
Favourite Songs: I like them all, but especially; Follow Your Heart, Run Freedom Run and Why Did I Listen To That Man?
Favourite Character: Hope Cladwell
She gives hope to Bobby, herself and the townspeople and eventually breaks away from her father to do what is right. Although she depleted the water supply, she let people set their bladders free.
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pubcapscott · 3 years
Daily Cycling News Digest - February 10, 2021
Daily Cycling News Digest – February 10, 2021
Here’s the cycling news highlights for February 10, 2021. Valverde Opens 2021 Season at Clasica de Almería Former World Champion Alejandro Valverde will make his 2021 debut at Sunday’s Clásica de Almería. Movistar will look to its two main sprinters, Briton Gabriel Cullaigh and Iván García Cortina for race success. The two are joined by a lineup that features many classics specialists: Johan…
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everysongineverykey · 4 years
it's been five days and i STILL cannot stop thinking about my school's recent performance of once-on-broadway musical urinetown by greg kotis (with music by mark hollmann and lyrics by mark hollmann and greg kotis) that satirizes the legal system, capitalism, social irresponsibility, populism, bureaucracy, corporate mismanagement, musical theatre itself, and municipal politics
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larryland · 4 years
The Theater Barn Announces 2020 Season
The Theater Barn Announces 2020 Season
2020 SUMMER SEASON THURSDAYS at 2pm* and 8pm  ●  FRIDAYS at 8pm SATURDAYS at 4pm and 8pm  ●  SUNDAYS at 2pm * – There is no Thursday 2pm performance on Opening Nights The Theater Barn  ⬤  654 Route 20  ⬤  New Lebanon, NY 12125  ⬤  (518) 794-8989 www.thetheaterbarn.org
Living Together by Alan Ayckbourn
June 26 — July 5, 2020
Annie lives in the shabby Victorian vicarage type house where the…
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artfuledge · 7 years
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Urinetown: The Musical Upper Valley peeps:  Tony Award-winning Urinetown will wrap up this coming weekend. You will want to see it. Here's my review:
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spy-in-the-house · 6 years
SpyInTheHouse/ 674.fm _ podcast 016 _ 09242018
One more wild all-vinyl ride by Claus Bachor (and so hosted by Psycho Thrill Cologne) through all different Electronica genres like HiTech-Jazz, House, Techno, Industrial, Breaks, Electro/HiTech Funk, Detroit, Chicago and Acid as the he first SpyInTheHouse 2018 fall-edition. Live recorded and streamed on September 24th, 2018 via 674.fm broadcast in Cologne/GER from 19-22:00 cet. FULL TRACK LISTING 00 PINK FLOYD [DAVID GILMOUR, NICK MASON, RICHARD WRIGHT, ROGER WATERS, SYD BARRETT]: Shine On You Crazy Diamond (1-2) [ A1/2-track(s) from “Wish You Were Here” Harvest SHVL-814 UK Album | 1975 ] 01 SPIRAL DELUXE [GERALD MITCHELL, JEFF MILLS, KENJI HINO, YUMKO OHNO]: E=MC² [ A-side from “Voodoo Magic” Axis AX-076/ Axis Audiophile Series 2xUS 12" | 2018 ] 02 THOMAS FEHLMANN/TERRENCE DIXON: Dreaming Of Packard [ A-side from “We Take It From Here” Tresor TRESOR-302 US 12" | 2018 ] 03 SPIRAL DELUXE [GERALD MITCHELL, JEFF MILLS, KENJI HINO, YUMKO OHNO]: The Paris Roulette [ B2-track from “Voodoo Magic” Axis AX-076/ Axis Audiophile Series 2xUS 12" | 2018 ] 04 MOLLISON FOLSON & SEAN TATE: Is It Because I’m Black _ Godson’s [RICK WILHITE] Flip Mix [ D-side from “The Godson IV” Mahogani Music MM-042 US 2x12" | 2018 ] 05 MODEL 500 [JUAN ATKINS]: Neptune [ B-side from “Sonic Sunset” R & S Records RS-94043 BEL 12" | 1994 ] 06 RICK WILHITE: Xanadu 3.0 [ A-side from “The Godson IV” Mahogani Music MM-042 US 2x12" | 2018 ] 07 SPIRAL DELUXE [GERALD MITCHELL, JEFF MILLS, KENJI HINO, YUMKO OHNO]: Let It Go _ Terrence Parker Mix [ D-side from “Voodoo Magic” Axis AX-076/ Axis Audiophile Series 2xUS 12" | 2018 ] 08 CAB DRIVERS [DANIEL PAUL & JENS AUGUSTOWSKY]: Holiday Time [ A-side from Cabinet Records Cab-53 GER 12" | 2018 ] 09 DRIVETRAIN [DERRICK THOMPSON]: Lozen [ A1-track from “Plexity” Soiree Rec. Int. SRT-170 US Test-12" | 2018 ] 10 THOMAS BARNETT: Overlords [ R-side from “FOUR313” Four313 The Label TL-001 US 2x12" | 2017 ] 11 TEKNOBRAT [THOMAS STEPIEN]: Relapse [ A2-track from “Plexity” Soiree Rec. Int. SRT-170 US Test-12" | 2018 ]   12 THOMAS BARNETT: The Original Day _ Original Dub mixed by Chez Damier [ B2-track from “Nude Photo The Official Release” Final Sessions FSL-006 US 12" | 2018 ] 13 MARK FLASH [MARKUS LOVELESS]: Elmwood Park [ A2-track from “Corktown EP” Elypsia ELY-06012 BEL 12" | 2018 ] 14 SCAN 7 [TRACKMASTA LOU ROBINSON]: He's Able [ B1-track from “Test Of Time EP” Transmat MS-087 US 12" | 2018 ] 15 MARK FLASH [MARKUS LOVELESS]: Kairad [ B1-track from “Corktown EP” Elypsia ELY-06012 BEL 12" | 2018 ] 16 ORLANDO VOORN: Waveforms Ahead _ Gary G’s Incoming Menace Mix [ A2-track from “Waveforms Ahead” Body Works #2 US 12" | 2018 ] 17 BIRD OF PARADISE [JO HOWARD]: Alone Again _ Steve Legget Dub [ A-side from “RV Trax” R&S Records RSRV-001 BEL 12" | 2018 ] 18 MARTYN [Martijn Deijkers]: Cutting Tone [ C2-track from “Voids” Ostgut Ton LP-029 / Kompakt GER 12" | 2018 ] 19 KECKCLIP [DENON RIKTUS]: Vesicle Interferon [ B-side from “unionmaide 2” Unionmaide Records UM-002 UK 12" | 2016 ] 21 PETTER B [PETTER BÖRGESSON]: Higher Thirds [ B2-track from “Unconfined EP” Bond-011 SWE 12" | 2017 ] 22 DIE GESTALTEN [HENNI HELL, JAN-KRISTOF LIPP, LARS BORGEFELD, MARKUS HOLLMANN-LOGES]: Der Aufstand [ A-side from “Der Aufstand” DIEGESTALTEN-001 12" | 2018 ] 23 AQUANAUTS [BILEEBOB, LAMONT NORWOOD, MILTON BALDWIN]: Cruiseship Killa [ A-side from “UR presents Aquanauts II” Underground Resistance UR7-056 / Submerge US 7" | 2005 ] 24 AQUANAUTS: Relentless _ Xpect No Mercy Mix [ A-side from “UR presents Aquanauts I” Underground Resistance UR7-060 / Submerge US 7" | 2003 ] 25 DJ SKURGE [MILTON BALDWIN]: Slide Skate [ A-side from “Slide Skate / The Time Haters” Underground Resistance UR7-064 / Submerge US 7" | 2005 ] 26 AQUANAUTS: Bubble Beats [ B-side from “UR presents Aquanauts I” Underground Resistance UR7-060 / Submerge US 7" | 2003 ] 27 DEREK CARR: Nauvoo [ C1-track from “Contact” Subwax Excursions SUBWAX E-X-C-LP003 ESP 2x12" | 2018 ] 28 DJ BONE [ERIC DULAN]: Lectronimo [ E2-track from “A Piece Of Beyond” Subject Detroit ‎SUB 044 US 3x12" | 2018 ] 29 KILLAWATT [MATTHEW WATT]: The Roamer [ A2-track from “47 016” 47-016 GER 12" | 2018 ] 30 MARK FLASH: Corktown Groove [ A1-track from “Corktown EP” Elypsia ELY-06012 BEL 12" | 2018 ] 31 DJ BONE: All My Heart [ C2-track from “A Piece Of Beyond” Subject Detroit ‎SUB 044 US 3x12" | 2018 ] 32 SRVD [MATT EDWARDS & PATRICK MASON]: Elevate _ Extended Mix [ A1-track from “Elevate” REKIDS ‎REKIDS-124 UK 12" | 2018 ] 33 DJ BONE: Sweat [ D1-track from “A Piece Of Beyond” Subject Detroit ‎SUB 044 US 3x12" | 2018 ] 34 MARCEL DETTMANN: Metalloid [ D-side from “Test File” Ostgut Ton ‎O-ton-114 / Kompakt GER 2x12" | 2018 ] 35 DJ BONE: Dreamers 9 [ C1-track from “A Piece Of Beyond” Subject Detroit ‎SUB 044 US 3x12" | 2018 ] 36 THOMAS FEHLMANN/TERRENCE DIXON: Strings In Space [ C-side from “We Take It From Here” Tresor TRESOR-302 US 12" | 2018 ] 37 FLUG [SEBASTIÁN LOPEZ]: Rave _ Original Mix [ A1-track from “Rave” Suara ‎SUARA-315 ESP 12" | 2018 ] 38 LOCKERTMATIK [STEPHAN SCHINDLER]: Lock 10.1 [ A1-track from “Ten” Lockertmatik 010 GER Promo-12" | 2018 ] 39 PERM [Stefan Schmidt-Dichte]: Untitled A1 [ A1-track from Shtum 008 GER 12" | 2015 ] 40 ANAXY [THOMAS ECKHARDT]: Lock 10.3 [ B1-track from “Ten” Lockertmatik 010 GER Promo-12" | 2018 ] 41 THE FLAT EARTH [THE DETROIT UNDERGROUND]: Mutual Suspicion _ "Decline"/ Radio Mix [ B1-track from “Mutual Suspicion” Rhythm Tech Records RT-0100 US 12" | 1989 ] 42 FINAL CUT [ANTHONY SROCK, GREG LUCAS, JEFF MILLS, JOSEPH LAFATA, MAX EDGIN, VAN CHRISTIE]: I Told You Not To Stop [ B3-track from “Deep In 2 The Cut” Full Effect Records FE0-700 US 12" | 1989 ] 43 THE FLAT EARTH: Mutual Suspicion _ Dix Mix [ B2-track from “Mutual Suspicion” Rhythm Tech Records RT-0100 US 12" | 1989 ] 44 INHABITANTS: Mut11 [ A1-track from “Mutations Volume II” Tachyon Audio TAC002 / Complete US Promo-12" | 2018 ] 45 PROTOTYPE 909 [DIETRICH SCHOENEMANN, JASON SZOSTEK, TAYLOR DEUPREE]: Anoise_NYC [ B2-track from “Outabeta EP” Schmer ‎schmer-012 / Complete US Promo-12" | 2018 ] 45 INHABITANTS: Mut1 [ B1-track from “Mutations Volume II” Tachyon Audio TAC002 / Complete US Promo-12" | 2018 ] 46 RUSH PLUS: Sweat [ B1-track from “The Sweat EP” E-MISSIONS EMS-005 / Complete US Promo-12" | 2018 ] 47 ANDRÉ KRONERT: The Trip _ re-mastered [ Odd Even ODDEVENONE-01 Decks GER ss-12" | 2018 ] 48 MARCELL DETTMANN: Error (1st Take) [ C2-track from “Test File” Ostgut Ton ‎O-ton-114 / Kompakt GER 2x12" | 2018 ] 49 DESERT SOUND COLONY [DSC]: Fast Life [ A1-track from “Fast Life” Touch From A Distance TFAD-001 GER 12" | 2018 ] 50 H2H [CHEZ DAMIER / BEN VEDREN]: Les Perdre _ The Demo Mix [ A-side from “Les Perdre / Thomas Barnett Mixes” Balance Import Promo 018 FRA 12" | 2018 ] 51 DELANO SMITH: They're Coming [ A-side from “They're Coming / Safe Place” Mixmode 013 US 12" | 2018 ] // 674.fm _ video-stream parts ONE & TWO
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