#Married reddie
reddiesworldsblog · 5 months
daily reminder day 266: eddie k-tozier is alive and well and right now he’s trying to put something together by only looking at the pictures.
daily reminder day 267: eddie k-tozier is alive and well and right now he’s fucking up his iced pumpkin spice latte and he almost bit richie’s hand off for trying to take a sip of eddie’s drink without asking.
daily reminder day 268: eddie k-tozier is alive and well and right now he’s making richie help him put up all of the halloween decorations because he could really use the extra strength and height and also he just really likes the way richie’s back muscles shift when lifting things….or whatever.
daily reminder day 269: eddie k-tozier is alive and well and right now he’s trying to knit together a sweater for richie as a Christmas gift to him. but it’s seriously failing and it looks like shit. probably because he’s never sewn a damn thing in his life. but it’s the thought that counts which is why he knows richie will wear it anyway. or at least in a box where no one will ever find it. either or.
daily reminder day 270: eddie k-tozier is alive and well and right now he’s eating hot wings and downing them like a champ. meanwhile richie is crying from how hot his wings are and is currently CHUGGING down his 2nd glass of milk. eddie doesn’t mean to laugh, but…
daily reminder day 271: eddie k-tozier is alive and well and right now he’s fallen back into the longtime role of Dr. K. richie somehow managed to sprain his wrist while doing whatever it is that richie toziers do to do that. after eddie finishes wrapping up his wrist, he kisses it per richie’s request; though half-heartedly/jokingly on richie’s part, eddie had rolled his eyes and did it anyway. “thanks, Dr. K,” richie says followed with comically puckering his lips. eddie only rolls his eyes but leans up to kiss him anyway.
daily reminder day 272: eddie k-tozier is alive and well and right now him and richie are taking a late night drive.
daily reminder day 273: eddie k-tozier is alive and well and right now he’s wondering wtf do you think you’re doing??
daily reminder day 274: eddie k-tozier is alive and well and right now he’s working in his shadow work journa- nevermind he just threw it at the wall because it got mad that it was right about something about him.
daily reminder day 275: eddie k-tozier is alive and well and right now he and richie are recreating their first date from when they were teenagers. it had been awkward at first back then despite their many years of friendship, but eddie feels like that was normal. it had made eddie appreciate it more, oddly. their first date included a picnic at the quarry under the stars. and though no quarry in reddies backyard now, they still had a sky full of beautiful stars and sweet kisses shared between them.
daily reminder day 276: eddie k-tozier is alive and well and.
daily reminder day 277: eddie k-tozier is alive and well and right now he’s stress cleaning the kitchen. he has no idea why he’s anxious but he’s this close to pulling up the kitchen tiles and gnawing on them like a fucking beaver….yeah, just come back later.
daily reminder day 278: eddie k-tozier is alive and well and right now he and richie are taking a shower together and singing along to the music they have playing in the bathroom. they do this a lot — sing, laugh, help wash each others backs and hair, etc. y’know, married shit.
daily reminder day 279: eddie k-tozier is alive and well and right now he’s really missing his husband while he’s at work.
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finks-spaghetti · 1 year
Richie getting in a full heated argument with random 11 year olds on COD as soon as Eddie goes to bed but eventually wakes him up by the noises so then of course Eddie can't just let these bunch of 11 year olds diss his husband as its his job so he joins in the heated agruement.
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kyutepups · 11 months
“Eddie died and never married Richie” ermm… what are you talking about I literally married them wearing my Nicki Minaj wig…. Clearly someone wasn’t invited to the wedding…
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peachtozier · 2 months
I am of the opinion that richie tozier has probably had his ideal marriage proposal to eddie planned out since at least high school. he's got a speech. he has a ring. he's booked and cancelled reservations at a nice restaurant ten or twelve times. he's just waiting for the perfect time. which never comes bc eddie beats him to it
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a-a-a-anon · 2 months
the fact eddie constantly thinks richie is trying to fuck him
[richie thrusts his hand out] [eddie shields his dick] "what are you doing now??" "happy birthday to me.." "oh! phew, i see..."
"hey, I've just had a great idea! come with me to the lavatories!" "that's not a great idea, that's the same cheap trick you try every saturday night!"
"so there's only one sleeping bag? "it would appear so, yes." [eddie says suggestively/defensively:] "ooh yeah, I get it..."
"do us a favour, me old pal. grab a hold of my drawstring and give it a bloody good yank" "i beg your pardon???"
"i'm going to get me some liposuction!" "not from me you're not, matey!"
etc etc
is suspicious considering that he tried to fuck richie in season One episode One.... why is this constantly on your mind sir
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adoras-hair-poof · 2 years
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I’m not ok 😀
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quinnick · 2 years
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They are actually husbands and in love. It’s canon. I watched the movies and the mini series and own the book so I think I would know
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bilbao-song · 9 months
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get ur binoculars out bc whatever of this is actually legible is well………cüte
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reddje · 3 months
i had a fake eddie kaspbrak instagram in 2017 and the bio was “i fuck richie tozier so you don’t have to” and i just think that’s so beautiful and so eddie coded
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reddiesworldsblog · 2 months
daily reminder day 281: eddie k-tozier is alive and well and right now he’s terribly dancing to the music he’s playing as cleans the house. eddie is truly in his natural habitat right now.
daily reminder day 282: eddie k-tozier is alive and well and right now he and richie are at the store buying a bunch of candy so they can get ready for trick or treaters.
daily reminder day 283: eddie k-tozier is alive and well and right now he’s working in his shadow work journal that he finally caved and bought from the tik tok shop. he’s mad that it was actually worth the money.
daily reminder day 284: eddie k-tozier is alive and well and right now he’s pissed off that it’s feeling like summer in the middle of fall for some reason. it’s spooky season so he wants the weather to feel like it goddamnit.
daily reminder day 285: eddie k-tozier is alive and well and right now he and richie are in the shower together and eddie insisted on washing richie’s hair. and since eddie is so convincing, richie lets him, getting on knees and hugging eddie around the waist so it’s easier for eddie to wash it, pressing little kisses to his tummy every now and then.
daily reminder day 286: eddie k-tozier is alive and well and right now he’s catching up on some mimimimi’s now that richie is home from his mini tour. don’t tell richie this, but eddie has come to the conclusion that he sleeps better with richie there with him.
daily reminder day 287: eddie k-tozier is alive and well and right now him and richie are dressed up as bert and ernie for Halloween and are setting up for trick or treaters.
daily reminder day 288: eddie k-tozier is alive and well and right now he’s shivering his ass off with how cold it is right now. richie see’s that eddie is shaking and decides to wrap his big arms around his cold husband from behind. eddie can’t help but smile and cuddle back against him as richie kisses the top of his head and sticks his cold nose into the soft warmth of eddie’s hair. it’s officially cuddle weather everyone.
daily reminder day 289: eddie k-tozier is alive and so well right now because richie has taken him on a little retreat in celebration for eddie’s big birthday. he was woken up with kisses and flowers and the plane tickets to the resort and…it’s just been a great birthday so far.
daily reminder day 290: eddie k-tozier is alive and well and right now he’s bundled up in front of a fire right now with his richie just talking about any and everything.
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dogtheories · 11 months
we live in a world where reddie is more popular than milo skeleton twins x lance or whatever his name was. sad
this is what im saying. this world is so sick
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it-one-line-at-a-time · 3 months
"Who cares how far it goes? It looks how- It matters how cool it looks, like it's green, or it's white, or it's juicy and fat..."
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era-m · 2 years
pls god dont let them become this flavor of gay
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turtlecult89 · 1 year
I’m like 100% sure this is a fic I read forever ago now, but Eddie and Richie meeting in Vegas during the 27 year gap and they end up getting drunk and married, but they forget about it when they leave each other and move on.
Skip to Eddie getting married to Myra only uh oh, apparently he’s already married to someone. How the hell can he be married to someone else? Myra is the longest relationship he’s ever had. They assume it’s a mistake until Eddie is sent a copy of his marriage licence and realises oh no, not only is he married, but he’s married to some guy named Richard W. Tozier and isn’t that a stupid yet vaguely familiar name? Myra is furious and Eddie tries to assure her that he isn’t gay (okay, babes) and he has no idea who this guy is.
Cue Eddie’s journey from New York to California to find this asshole and get a speedy divorce before his wedding day. Only this doesn’t go according to plan and it turns out not only does he really like Richie, they have a lot in common with each other and they both have this intense déjà vu that they just know each other. Now Eddie is torn between the life he wants with this not-such-a-stranger and the life he’s already built with the women he’s been with for a while.
I really hope this is actually a fic and someone recognises this/knows what the hell I’m talking about, but let me know because this one feels a little vague!
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jonsaslove · 2 years
going thru my bookmarks on AO3 and realizing that of all my ships JONSA is literally the happiest one and the one that was closest to canon honestly…
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votermood · 7 days
The Reddy family holds a significant amount of power in Andhra Pradesh politics. Both Rajasekhar Reddy and his son Jaganmohan Reddy are well-known in Andhra politics for their unique personalities. Jaganmohan Reddy joined the Congress to begin his political career.
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However, with the passing of his father, YS Rajasekhara Reddy, in 2009, Jaganmohan Reddy founded Yuvajana Shramika Rythu Congress, a new political party in year 2011, as the Congress party consistently disregarded him. It is because of the success of this party, that Jaganmohan is presently the National President of the YSR Congress Party as well as the Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh. After splitting from the Congress and founding a new party, he rose to the position of Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister in under 7 years.
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