#Mmmmm I like Hymn too
v-exian · 5 months
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Redraw of past oc made..four months ago?
Belongs to the colony Oardivian created by —> @dimorphodon-x
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purplesurveys · 5 years
You struggle to walk in heels. Nah, I love heels. Even if a certain pair is a bitch to wear, I’d try to power through and I’d wanna look like I’m killing it wearing them. You talk on the phone a lot. Yes, but with just Gab. We call each other up most days. You consider yourself to be pretty extroverted. I can be! Getting to college definitely taught me how to like talking to people more and I have no problem with initiating conversations or doing small talk these days. I’d consider myself like 90% extroverted; the remaining 10% is for those times I still prefer to have all to myself, which is a part of me I know I’ll never lose. You know how to sew. Nah, home ec lessons can fuck right off. I’ll leave the sewing and crocheting skills to my girlfriend. You know how to play a woodwind instrument. Does the recorder count? I mean I think almost everyone can play it as it’s a super basic instrument, but still.
You swear a lot. It’s a habit. I do choose the people I swear around though; I wouldn’t do it in front of kids or with people I’m not necessarily close with. You're a smoker. I vape. You're allergic to penicillin. I dunno. I’ve never been exposed to it, I think. Someone in your immediate family is in a wheelchair. No, no one from my extended family either. You play a lot of video games. I watch a lot of playthroughs, but I don’t play them myself because I am just terrible at them. You've never been on a train. I’ve been on a train once, and it was for an assignment and someone was with me the whole time. It was at a dead hour too, so I didn’t really get the full experience of riding a train in the Philippines. You don't like raisins. I HATE RAISINS You're not a very romantic person. I’m very conscious about PDA but I can be affectionate in many other ways. You're homosexual or bisexual. Am neither. There was one point I believed I was bi, but in the end it all boiled down to me being demisexual. Beer is your alcoholic beverage of choice. Fuuuuuuuuuuuck beer, and I’ll never get tired of saying that. Your favourite colour to wear is red. I look good in red but it’s not really my favorite color to wear. You've talked someone out of suicide. No. I wouldn’t want to be put in that situation either; not because I wouldn’t want to help, but because I’m unfit myself and I wouldn’t know if the things I would say would be helpful or just do more harm. You wear a ring on your left ring finger. I don’t. Yet. You've never had detention in school. But this is because we never adopted that concept here. Like I said, I’ve never fully grasped what detention is and what they make you do when you’re in it. Maybe someone can help a clueless Asian out here, haha. You've dated someone with a full beard. I’ve never been with a guy, and Gab doesn’t grow a beard. You have a pair of fluffy dice in your car. No, and wouldn’t want that decoration either. You've been tested for STIs. No, but I definitely should just to be sure. You've written someone a love letter. Once, three years ago. I really should do it more. Your favourite film genre is horror. I appreciate horror A LOT and at one point it was my favorite genre. It’s since been overruled by drama. You currently live in a country you weren't born in. Born, raised, and currently living in the Philippines.  You don't like wearing hats. I know they’d look cute on me but it makes me feel like people can’t see me, so I always unconsciously take them off because they feel weird. Your blood type is O+. (???) Dude, I have no idea what my blood type is. I don’t think my parents are sure either. You prefer fruits over vegetables. Nah nah nah I hate fruits. You work/have worked in a hotel. No. My parents have worked in hotels all their lives though; they met while working in the same one in the 1990s. My dad has worked in a cruise ship since the 2000s but that still technically counts as a hotel-centric workplace. You enter the lottery regularly. I never have. You have a boyfriend or girlfriend. A girlfriend. You have had sex within the last week. I mean...this is one entry I don’t need to delve more into haha. You get sick often. I never get sick and if I do the fever typically just lasts a few hours. You're close with your siblings. I’m close with my sister. I haven’t talked to my brother in months. You're a pretty paranoid kind of person. It’s part anxiety and part slightly inheriting my mother’s very real OCD problems. You prefer vanilla over chocolate. Mmmmm not really. Vanilla takes like nothing to me D: Idk if it’s meant to taste like that or if I’ve just had cheap vanilla all my life. You own a lava lamp. I don’t but I had a hipster phase when I was like 12 where a lava lamp was all I wanted. Obviously my mom never got me one cos it seemed like such a waste of money, and looking back on it nine years later, it most definitely would have been. You can't whistle. I can. You've had your stomach pumped. No. I don’t even know how that works and I hope I never need that procedure, cos it sounds complicated and terrifying. You don't use emojis when you text. I know most people get paranoid from emoji-less messages, so I kinda just do my part in making them feel better by using emojis. You remember seeing the events of 9/11 on television as it happened. I was too young to have memories from 9/11; I was three and didn’t really watch news back then. You always stay hydrated. Yesssssss. I love my water and it’s also a basic form of skincare, so. You have at least one child. No kids. Your hair is shorter than shoulder length. It’s longer than that now, but I really should give it a trim soon. You're at least 21 years old. Yay I can finally answer this with a yes! You're an opinionated person and stick to your guns no matter what. Yes, unless someone can show me a better and more critical argument. I’m open to hearing them out and reconsidering by then; but until then, I like sticking to my beliefs. You share a bed with someone else every night. I sleep alone. You know how to drive. It’s how I get around places. You're currently wearing an article of clothing that doesn't belong to you. The sweater I have on belongs to Gab, but it’s been with me for three years. You are friends with a lot of people you work with. It makes the work more enjoyable when you like the people you hang out with. :) You shower twice or more each day. It’s a no for me. Once would be enough. You're friends with your boss. JM is technically my boss, and we’re good friends. You've made your own clothes before. Never have; I’m not creative enough (or at all) for that. You have/had braces. I did, back in high school. I just had them for a year and a half. You have two or more ex partners. Nope, just the one. You have a biblical middle name. I’m sure Isabelle didn’t come from the Bible. You've cheated on someone. N e v e r. You mop/vacuum the floors in your house once a week. My mom prefers to do all the cleaning stuff around the house. You have dandruff. There’s really nothing I can say about this other than I don’t, lol. Your parents are religious people. My mom is massively religious, enough to drive me insane. I don’t get my dad though; he told me he was atheist when he was in college, he sympathizes with me whenever I grumble about our family going to mass every Sunday, and he doesn’t mind when I use my phone in church, but sometimes I’ll see him singing along to church hymns. I don’t pry though and I’m just glad he’s on my side whenever I bitch about having to sit in church for an hour. You work/have worked in fast food. I have not tried this. You live near a national park. I live very far from Luneta, which is I think the only national park we have. You're a flirty kind of person. As a demisexual, the idea of being flirty is a horrifying prospect to me. You've never dyed your hair. It would terrify my mom, plus I’m about to graduate college so it’s a little too late to experiment with hair dye now. You've been to Arizona. I have not. You listen to a lot of country music. I hate this genre. You listen to a lot of pop music. Yeah I’m a pretty basic bitch lol You exercise several times a week. Just for this semester because I’m taking PE. In fairness, our instructor is a very good coach so I’m pretty open to still continue doing the workouts once the sem ends. You can do at least 10 pull-ups. I couldn’t before, but my PE class taught me how to haha. You travel primarily by bus. I can drive, so I don’t really need to take the bus. You prefer hot weather over cold weather. Ugh noooooo I hate feeling hot. I’d rather feel uncomfortably cold all year round than uncomfortably hot and sweaty. You've never been to IKEA. We don’t have IKEA. You're more creative than you are logical. I have zero creativity in my system. You've been in trouble with the police. Not with the police per se but I’ve had traffic enforcers pull me over for various ‘violations.’ You have something more important to be doing right now. It’s 1:42 AM. That important thing I should be doing right now is sleeping, but I had coffee earlier and don’t really feel like doing that at the moment.
You share a lot of your looks/appearance with your siblings. I’m the feminine version of my brother. I’m not sure if I look anything like my sister though. You've been in an open relationship. No. And I’ll never entertain the thought. You had beef for dinner last night. I’ve skipped dinner for two nights in a row, because my toothaches are really bad :( You live with roommates. I live with my immediate family. I live fairly close to my school (close enough to be able to drive there, anyway), so I’ve never had to move into a dorm or condo. You drink alcohol at least once a week. I drink a lot whenever I get to but I only do it once a month or once every two months. You have to go to work tomorrow. Nope. It’ll be the 3rd day of my 5-day weekend, so I’ve still got a lot of time to rest up :) You have taken acting classes. Acting is so not my forte. Your favourite kind of juice is cranberry. I don’t really like juice. You lost your virginity at the age of 16. 18. You're close with your cousins. I’m close with my cousins on my mom’s side. Not so much on my dad’s, but I did play a lot with them growing up; we just became less close as we got older because they eventually moved to Laguna and I saw them less and less. You have family who live in England. I don’t think I have family living in Europe. You've had a blood test. When I was confined in the hospital when I was 11, they did several blood tests on me to check my platelet count. You know someone who has two parents of the same sex. Nah, there’s a small chance of that happening here. I wish I knew someone, though.
You know how to do karate. I never took lessons. You've never had a pet dog. I have one snoring under my bed right now. Your current partner if you have one is your college/high school sweetheart. It’s a corny term, but yeah you can call her that. You have a cool scar. (?) I’m not sure almost being blinded by a glass jar to the eye is a cool scar story to tell. You've considered joining your country's army. No. You live near a very large body of water such as the ocean or a lake. Mmm not really, I live in a very urbanized area. I’ve never experienced living close to the sea, but I imagine it would be very peaceful. You watch and follow motorsports. Never have. Your mother was under the age of 20 when she was pregnant with you. Nope, she was 26. You're allergic to some kind of vegetable. I don’t have any allergies. You hate wearing socks to bed. Yessss, it feels itchy and it feels like my skin is being suffocated hahaha so I take them off. You play a lot of board games. Nothing against board games, I just don’t play them a lot. You know someone personally who was born in Japan. That’s a good possibility, but I just wouldn’t know who. You always keep spare change handy. In a place like UP where everything is cheaper, it helps tons to keep some change. Your house has three or more bedrooms. We have four bedrooms. You weigh less than you want to weigh. I’m a little less than 100 lbs, but I do wish I was at a healthier weight because I’m underweight.
You prefer tampons over pads (if you're a female who menstruates). I’ve never tried tampons and the idea of wearing it sounds like such a horrifying prospect for me hahaha. For context, pads are the (very very dominant) norm here and I literally know 0 menstruating people who use tampons. You've had sex while menstruating or had sex with someone while they were. I’m obviously not gonna share the story on here lol but it was purely an accident and I’ve made sure it never happened again. Your parents live in a different country than you. My dad has worked in different countries my whole life, but he comes back home every few months. You've been banned from a store or other location/venue. My friends and I were kicked out of a McDonald’s once for making a lot of noise, but we weren’t banned.  You like to cook with a crockpot/slow cooker. I don’t cook. You have a clock radio in your bedroom. The only clocks I have are the ones on my laptop and phone.
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fortheheavenssake · 4 years
PG MM Anon Interpretation Collection - 20
129: Nov 30
MM ANON ……… “Darling’ please pass the Wrinkle cream” ………”she’s on this blog I read”💜……… “ we’ve been invited to the Boxing Day shoot” …… WoW ‘ that’s a beautiful photo Kate …… “he’s to young ‘ good grief William!!”…… ‘This cobra has no fangs ……… “The service, maybe bring C&G.” ……… “ The spring diary ma’am’ was thinking they could do The America’s and Canada” ……… “ the Children too”…… “what say you Philip?” …… “indubitable , old thing” …… “ Settled!!”……” Sidney’ more refreshments”
November 30/2019 Riddle #128
1325 hrs CST
“Darling’ please pass the Wrinkle cream” “she’s on this blog I read”💜
I AM SQUEALING WITH EXCITEMENT OMG!! Catherine is doing her skin care, which every woman of beauty, style and substance MUST DO REPEATEDLY, “” Don’t cha know!” (sorry MM ANON l had to pilfer those last three words from a riddle few days back because they are so unbelievably exciting and significant!). She asks William to hand her the wrinkle cream. William looks dumbfounded because there are about 35 jars on the counter, wondering which one she wants and asks, Catherine why do you have all these? She replies, the woman recommending the creams is on the blog she reads! PURPLE HEART!!💜💜💜💜💜 KIDS I HAVE MADE IT, I AM A CLUE IN AN MM ANON RIDDLE WHICH MEANS CATHERINE AND THE GANG READ THIS BLOG AND READ OUR CONTRIBUTIONS! From the 💜 lady on the blog you read, Catherine, whatever you’re doing, it’s working, but if you ever do want to talk skin wrinkle cream, you know where to find me💜💜💜💜😁😁😁😁
“ we’ve been invited to the Boxing Day shoot”
Lots of us have surmised for quite sometime now that Harry has a lovely partner, and a few of us are dead certain on who it is. He completed his tour of duty at the culmination of the SA trip and RS services. She is now fully out of his life, the public just doesn’t know yet. I am certain an annulment will occur. Anyhow it sounds like they have been invited for Boxing Day. She will be perfect and everyone has always wanted Harry happy, after all he and the family has been through, 2020, at least for him will bring a brand new start!
WoW ‘ that’s a beautiful photo Kate”
I can hardly wait for the Christmas photos, Catherine is such a phenomenal photographer, and as l said the other day, she snaps her children through the loving eyes of a mother. Someone is complementing her one of her photographs. It’s not William because he calls her Catherine. I think those in the field have really taken note of yet another skill she has. Sounding like a public exhibition of her photographic works is in the works!
“he’s to young ‘ good grief William!!”
Back to the shooting day on Boxing Day, Catherine is aghast that William even entertains the idea of him coming along. He’s a big boy, but not that big, yet! The way time flies, time will be here soon enough. Might this be the time for me to once again place ,y request for #4.☺️☺️💜
‘This cobra has no fangs
Madam, wherever on this planet she is, has been defanged. Whatever she held is being held no more. She is in a world/whirled of trouble, just the IRS back taxes alone! Plus any other alleged charges, l won’t go into because we are all singing from the same hymn sheet you know the words!🤣🤣😂😂
“The service, maybe bring C&G.”
YES PLEASE! I would LOVE to see them do the morning walk to and from church with all the other family members! THAT would most certainly be a Christmas gift for me!!!
“ The spring diary ma’am’ was thinking they could do The America’s and Canada” “ the Children too””what say you Philip?” “indubitable , old thing” “ Settled!!””Sidney’ more refreshments”
Saturday afternoon, morning of riding and now just having tea ☕️, refreshments and a good talk. The next few days will bring some major events, The NATO greeting and the banquet on December 3/2019, that has all been fully organized, arranged, menu, seating plan etc etc. LG speaking regarding the official Diary for 2020. Oh MM ANON , this riddle just keeps on giving and giving, it’s like Christmas morning! Sounds like an official Royal tour of America, and Canada with the entire Cambridge family!! If l were a 🐕 dog, my tail would be wagging so fast right now!!! This is very very exciting!!! HMTQ asks PP his opinion, and he very much concurs, then that’s that , it’s settled!! Cord pulled, and as usual he is there almost simultaneously,Sidney, a Boddingtons for himself and a Gin and DuBonnet for HMTQ!! Are you guys getting tired of my scenes of HMTQ, PP, the cord pulling and drinks??Or is it enjoyed? Because l LOVE it, they’re human!!
GSTQAOBC 🇨🇦. 1410 hrs CST
After the horror of yesterday, thank you MM ANON for a fun riddle. I enjoy them all, but this might just be my favourite, for OBVIOUS REASONS☺️😁😁
Thank you dear PG! What a delight….such fun! And look at you! Known for your wrinkle cream! This was great! We love your stories….😊💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Ask Skippy
130: Dec 2
MM ANON ……… the king in waiting ……… “Mmmmm , not many diversions left”……… in need of some TLC. ……… financial scrutiny ……… financial mutiny !!! ………… “ Don’t piss down my back and tell me it’s raining!!!!!!”………… “Catherine ‘ it’s HM” ……… “ Catherine, I want your discretion”………… “ it would be my privilege ma’am”……… “ That’s a tough one, old thing” ……… “she can do it!! “…… “makes you proud old thing, he looks the part” ……… “backseat ,a Philip?” ………… “ dot The Is…………”
💜💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻THANK YOU MM ANON🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜
December 2/2019 0045 hrs CST RIDDLE #128
the king in waiting
This phrase has been used in regards to the Prince of Wales, for decades now. Since PP stepped down from official duties, HMTQ has been steadily handing over various patronages , to PC, The Duchess of Cornwall, William and Catherine, Harry, gosh even madam got the British Theatre patronage! Lots were delighted about that, NOT! Yet that one was part of the prolonged game of charades the Royal family has been forced to play, even though it’s a game they live, certainly not this variation of the game! PC has been successfully voted in as Head of the Commonwealth, that role does not automatically be bestowed on him. PC will continue to take on more and more responsibilities. In that, we shall observe some of that during the NATO visit, as well as decision making regarding several impending crises situations, which in all likelihood are made and done, we just have not been officially informed of as yet!
“Mmmmm , not many diversions left”
Madam has hardly been a peep heard from, her PR used to have 10-15 articles a day in the DM alone, it’s almost like she is contained somewhere? She used the rare old uncle cards a week or so back. She does not have a whole lot more to pull out of that giant rabbits hat/fedora she often wore! The will she won’t she et al about going to America thanksgiving game is over. The IRS is waiting!
in need of some TLC.
TLC, is a tv channel here with oddest shows, pimple popping doctors, married fiancés overseas, guy with five wives etc. We don’t need ,THAT, TLC. TLC is what nurses excel at, good ones anyhow, Tender Loving Care. Whose in need of that? PP is recovering from flu/cold? However he doesn’t strike me as a man that would like to be fussed and clucked around! HMTQ is strong as they come. I wonder if this is our Harry. Adjusting to life without madam, l wonder when and how this will all be made official? I know the surrogate baby is not Harry’s and l have no doubt the child is being lovingly anonymously looked after. Harry, whom,l think l was correct about him being on the bridge the other day, would have had his first active duty incident. He may need not described as TLC but rather debriefing as would the entire team. This is always done after a major incident, first to review protocol, was it carried out, do any changes need done. Then it’s the emotional debriefing, THATS THE ESSENTIAL part of keep a critical response team functional, make sure to debrief the emotions! I imagine , the debriefings, the formal ones are done, 72hours is the golden time window. I have led and been involved with quite a few debriefings, the mental health end of it. Often team members are assigned a mentor especially if they are new to the unit! Great work Harry! I have never ever given up on you, nor will l ever!! Notice they all wore balaclavas, for security! It’s what we wear here in winter to not have our face freeze off, if cross country skiing, snowmobiling etc etc.
financial scrutiny ……… financial mutiny !!!
This is what is keeping madam in the UK! I cannot even fathom how much money she owes her government since she last filed taxes, has she been honest in all her previous tax filings? Seriously? You think she has? The amount of money made in a zillion ways over her lifetime, and what has all transpired since she entered the orbit of the BRF , we are talking millions and millions! I am quite certain, given the fact Americans are still due to pay taxes even if a non resident and given her status and the wealth she married into, l have no doubt the IRS is auditing her, hence the word scrutiny. Mutiny , that a seafarers word for disobeying the captain and the crew takes over, is also a criminal conspiracy among a group of people to openly oppose, change, or overthrow a lawful authority to which they are subject. Now does this sound like a group of individuals we might know? Madam, MA, JM, etc, the families,in America, Mexico, all allegedly working in tandem.
“ Don’t piss down my back and tell me it’s raining!!!!!!”
I love this phrase, my uncle used to say this, the horse rancher, whose son now runs it. In other words, Pissing on, means doing something bad to someone. Don’t piss on my boots and tell me its raining is a response to someone dressing up a bad situation — usually for their own benefit — by telling them to knock it off and stop lying. In other words madam has been doing this her entire life and using the raining excuse to explain her way out of everything! Well LG is having none of that, no more using that as an excuse or exit strategy. The game is over, in fact it never was a game to those she was pi**ing all over!
“Catherine ‘ it’s HM” “ Catherine, I want your discretion”“ it would be my privilege ma’am”
HMTQ rings Catherine, rather than a visit. I would assume, like , in movies, especially High Society with Grace Kelly and Bing Crosby, huge mansions/palaces, their phones have no dials, just labelled whose line it is, how old am I?🤣🤣🤣😂😂. But l am quite certain HMTQ would use a landline phone, because l do😁😁😁. After squidgygate, and other similar ghastly phone calls that were recorded, and then made public, plus intelligence and needs for security in today’s world, l have no doubt that everything is encrypted, and they likely have blocking technology so none of those fancy devices you can, it’s like a clear plastic umbrella, it gathers sound from a distance and you can listen in, you need a jamming device to block the signal, muddying it, if you like. I am sure technology is way way way advanced of that already.
William is away, is she asking her to sit with Harry at the NATO banquet and used discretion when others ask where madam is? I hardly think that would require a big private ask. I wonder if she is needed to witness and sign some legal papers referencing divorce or annulment. Giving her statement or witness to some madam has said or done.
Does this have something to do with the Marchioness of Cholmondeley????????
“ That’s a tough one, old thing” ……… “she can do it!! “…… “makes you proud old thing, he looks the part” ……… “backseat ,a Philip?”
HMTQ and PP, spending time near the great hearth, so warm , cozy, absolutely nothing like the feel of, sight of, smell if and sound of a crackling wood fire. Weather has a definite chill, time for wooden sweaters, and warm family time. Himself , a Boddingtons, 🍺,HMTQ gin and DuBonnet 🍸 . Discussing the next few days and what has happened in the last few. Pondering the decision HMTQ to call Catherine, tough decision, tough thing to ask. PP is reassuring HMTQ that Catherine is very capable, can be trusted and relied upon in any and all circumstances.
More changes in the offing so they can spend more time together. Makes them proud, PC has done, and with increased responsibility he very much looks the part of a King in waiting. If HMTQ does decide to make PC Regent, this conversation would be very much the same, trust and he looks every bit the Regent! Last abbreviated line, HMTQ says is rhetorical, meaning not expecting an answer but rather stating her intent, she is going to be taking a backseat for Charles to be Regent!
“ dot The Is…………”
Is it annulment as l hope? Or divorce? When one says, ESPECIALLY in legal matters, dot the letter i and cross the t, it means make sure everything is done 109% correctly, no way anyone can back out, Sue or twist it. So we shall very soon be hearing a press release of either an annulment or a divorce final between Harry and madam!!
0205 hrs CST. GSTQAOBC 🇨🇦 🥂 🍾
Thank you dear PG! Fascinating read….much seems to be going on…..much appreciated!😊💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Ask Skippy
131: Dec 2
MM ANON … “when we are born, we cry , that we are come”…… “your RH. that’s why you didn’t go” ……… “Four” ……… ahhhhhrrr , I hate mornings!! ……… “give a dog a bone …” ………… “ yes , we’re all watching it! It’s very addictive “ ……… “ How the f***did they know that!!!”………… “ I told them Philip!!” ……… “bloody snoops” …… At the last count sir , all was Ticketyboo.
💜💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻THANK YOU MM ANON🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜
December 2/2019 Riddle #129
1700 hrs CST
“when we are born, we cry , that we are come”.
Dear MM ANON returneth us to the bard, William Shakespeare’s King Lear.
Babies do not automatically cry at birth, some do, but some need a slap on the bum, holding upside down rubbing on chest to loosen any fluids that may have been aspirated(inhaled) during the traumatic birth process. It’s a physical trauma for mum to be sure but also babe. Going from, dark, warm, safe environment of dark, echoey sounds, to bright theatre lights, many staff, beeping of machines, it’s parents noise of joy, and than itself own crying noises.
The entire play, uses one similar stance as (Macbeth, Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage
And then is heard no more: it is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing. )
Lear is full of cons and duplicity.
This whole life and the world madam moved in , nonstop using people to climb up the ladder, obtaining information and using that and on and on. This will be very shortly end and l truly believe Christmas will be enjoyed! BY ALL!!! Those who serve their dark master do not truly celebrate Christmas anyways!
“your RH. that’s why you didn’t go”
I think this is Catherine explaining to someone why she didn’t attend the TUSK Awards, for “childcare reasons “, was what we were told. l think, in light of the above news, it was childcare, just feeling unwell, and taking cate of her baby bump. Now l hope MM ANON you haven’t teased us or l over reading into the clues! If in fact, Catherine is expecting, this , if all her children would be her ‘easiest first trimester’ because previously her hyperemesis gravidarum, has required hospitalization and then that care at home for subsequent pregnancies. This would be marvellous news anytime but ESPECIALLY NOW!!! I can just the smile across the persons she is speaking with face, as they realize oh THATS why you didn’t attend!!
“Four” ahhhhhrrr , I hate mornings!!
William is awoken by a sound, one he knows all too well. He looks at the clock and makes the comments groaning. He gets up to go tend to Catherine in the bathroom. They look at one another, smiling! BABY NUMBER FOUR IS ON HER WAY!! Thank you ever so much for granting my repeated requests and congratulations!💜💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻PG🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜💜
Harry continues his training, and duty, early morning, VERY early mornings are part and parcel of that.
“give a dog a bone …”
When you give a dog a bone, you not only give him a treat but something to tease him with, and dogs love that so much! The media has been giving us bits of flesh but no major bone, YET! It’s coming! I wonder what tomorrow’s headlines will read after the Panorama tonight. I wonder the next day after the NATO reception/dinner. There is so much neat, on the bone that is ‘madam%’, her lost years, her connections, behaviours you could cater 100 Royal receptions and still have plenty!!
“ yes , we’re all watching it! It’s very addictive “ ……… “ How the f***did they know that!!!”………… “ I told them Philip!!” ……… “bloody snoops” Royal family discussion night and blog reading time. They get on the topic of the Netflix show, The Crown. It sounds like they are enjoying it and find it addictive even, that’s high praise, l hope Netflix producers read Skippy blog!! PP is wondering how they knew something and HMTQ states unequivocally that she told them! Is she the unwritten/uncredited official Consultant? PP chimes in again, calling the press and it’s investigators bloody snoops.This is a good fun, conversation, not the invasive, boundaries crossed angry time.
At the last count sir , all was Ticketyboo.
LG receiving reports for tomorrow’s NATO events, dinner/reception. Ticket boo, means everything is perfect, just as it was planned to be, no anticipated issue! The capitalization of Ticketyboo, means Ticket, an actual invitation , likely numb and signed with allow entrance to the event. There will be zero gate crashes, if for some reason madam or anyone might try!
1750 hrs CST GSTQAOBC 🇨🇦
Thank you dear PG….sounds like so much news coming! Can’t wait….I hardly doubt NetFlix is reading here though….I love your stories! Much appreciated….😊💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Ask Skippy
132: Dec 3
MM ANON … email shemail ……this hole is getting deeper …… Christmas service treat🦄🦎…… “keep hold!! he’s a runner”…… a welcoming absence …… “ you can leave your scarf at home darling”…… “ Chaz & Don”…… Megan come Beggin…… “hope she stays for New Years”……Emmanuel & Don🎭]……… NATO,HATE-O…… “Philip, You’ll miss the banquet!!” ……… “bloody good!!”………” it’s your night old thing”………” Mmm , Catherine’s Tiara?” ………” Emeralds, would do the trick”……… “Sydney’ strong refreshments!!”…… “the Crown old thing?”
💜💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻THANK YOU MM ANON🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜
December 3/2019 Riddle #130
1110 hrs CST
email shemail
Email has been made public between from PA toGM, with the topic being VRG, asking questions. It kind of confuses him saying he never met her nor knew her, however he may have heard her name. If l am correct the email was sent January 3/2015. 0550 hrs so that’s early, sense of urgency? Or just a disciplined military man who rises early?
this hole is getting deeper
There is a focused multifaceted attack on the BRF! The more information, rather PR/media and interviews come out, instead of letting the legal system address any issues is further poisoning the water! Again, NOT DEFENDING ANYONE, but of all the high placed men WHY IS PA BEING BURNED AT THE STAKE? With high powered wealthy men, why is she so unafraid for her family?? Photos put buying beer and cigs? Who or whom are/is paying from this continued assault on the Monrachy!!??
Christmas service treat🦄🦎”keep hold!! he’s a runner”
Christmas pageant at Battersea, if Nanny Anon, is to be believed it’s tonight, l thought NATO reception was tonight, for weeks l thought it was the 4 th, l honestly cannot keep track. However, they each hVe a role of that l am certain, however Nanny says Charlotte is an angel, with a line to speak and George is rehearsing the role of his future, one of the three kings, NOT of Orient are🤣🤣🤣😂. Louis must a going concern, as we say here, constantly on the move. They best keep him firm in hand or he will do a runner through the audience and steal the show🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂. There would be one shriekingly ticked off Princess if that happened!
a welcoming absence “ you can leave your scarf at home darling”
Madam will not join the family at Sandringham, the first Christmas in two years without her. Catherine joking with William he need not bring his scarf🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂. His passive aggressive, sorry William but it was 🤣🤣😂😂, fiddling with his scarf whilst leaving the chapel on madams first unmarried Christmas , she was trying to engage him but he fiddled with his scarf . This went nuclear all over the internet and social media! I believe there is an actual official listing of the word scarfing!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂 Oh man, and l had bought him the loveliest purple scarf, what shall l do with it ?🥺🥺😩😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣
“ Chaz & Don”
PC and DT , abbreviated as Chaz for a Charles and Don for Donald, will spend time together today at this evenings reception. I firmly am thinking l was right all along and the banquet is tomorrow. I am sure PC role is expanding they will have plenty to talk about. PC is the consummate host.
Megan come Beggin
Madam begged pleaded shrieked, until she finally got her wish to not be forced anywhere near the person she hates , the President of HER country. MM ANON , l hate to ask, is this a typo, Megan, not Meghan? If it’s not a typo, who is Megan???
“hope she stays for New Years”
This is the general consensus, that madam can stay wherever she is until AFTER New Years.
However, if this is the special friend, this may be leaning in a
positive vibe of hoping she will STAY until the New Years Eve.
Emmanuel & Don🎭]……… NATO,HATE-O
Presidents Emmanuel Macron and Donald Trump have had an extremely dramatic almost theatrical relationship. When they first met, Macron was so huggy , touchy feely, the word bromance was used. They have had some cracks with the U.S. pulling out of the Paris Climate Accord. President Trump has issues regarding NATO, paying funds etc, there is much changing on the worlds stage politically, the U.S./NATO/BREXIT/EU etc etc etc. Not the least of which has been the double barrel attacking of the British Monarchy!
“Philip, You’ll miss the banquet!!” “bloody good!!”” it’s your night old thing”” Mmm , Catherine’s Tiara?” ” Emeralds, would do the trick”
HMTQ and PP conversing, less pressure on the agenda, with the words done by LG and his team, yet he is not up to attending the banquet, plus he has retired from the world stage. Which sounds TRUT H be told, he has had his fill during the many decades attending them!🤣🤣🤣😂😂. Just reassuring her it’s most important that she, HMTQ, is there, she is so amazing as a hostess, she is involved with every little single detail! Well, well, well madams hair will be on fire!! Catherine will be wear the Vladimir Kokoshnik, l think that’s the one, it’s most certainly the one with huge Emeralds,tiara😁😁😁😁. I can hardly wait to see those photos!
“Sydney’ strong refreshments!!”…… “the Crown old thing?”
To end of conversation, the pulled cord, and again, as always, Sydney arrives, smiling, anticipating their request, Boddingtons for Himself and gin and DuBonnet for HMTQ.CHEERS YOUR MAJESTY, SIR!!
1150 hrs CST
Thank you PG…interesting stuff today…I can’t wait to see which tiara Kate will wear…could it be that one! Oh my! Much appreciated dear PG!😊💜💜💜💜💜
Ask Skippy submission
133: DEC 5
MM ANON ……… lovers not-on or emerald??…… Alexander McQueen green machine??……… Clean sweep!!!……………Trump wants his ball back…… Banquetiquette ……… “ One has to watch the hot mike Donald!!”……… Meanwhile’ crying in a corner……” a clash of Wills”……… “come on old thing,tell me all the gossip”………” Sydney ‘ gin and Du……” “ Ones a tad exhausted “…… “ you looked stunning Catherine “……… “yes ‘ I saw your killer 👀side eye “…… 👑👑💕💕And so to bed Zebedee!!……… “ Lottie ‘turn your pad off!!”…George’ sleep!!
💜💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻THANK YOU MM ANON🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜
December. 5/2019 0020 hrs CST
lovers not-on or emerald??
I was sooooo certain l had read months ago that December4/2019 there was to be a formal NATO Banquet. Maybe l was wrong , unlikely it was changed. Nonetheless there is a Diplomats Banquet next week, l could be wrong too😏😒😂. Catherine, for a number of such occasions has worn the Lovers Knot Tiara and done so brilliantly, l might add! There has been rampant rumblings of her wearing the Vlad Emerald Tiara!! It’s gorgeous, all those emeralds, imagine with her gorgeous eyes?? 👀 👀 👸🏻 Allegdly(ha ha) a certain someone demanded this for a gathering of very VERY unhappy people! HMTQ ABSOLUTELY PUT HER FOOT DOWN NO!NO! The banshee was heard screaming all the way up in Balmedie!!!🤣🤣🤣😂😂. So l will firmly say, whether it the Diplomats banquet or not, whatever the next black tie/formal event, Catherine will be wearing the Vlad Emerald Tiara!!! No ifs ands or buts!!!
Alexander McQueen green machine??
Did she not look stunning at the reception? Green or any colour she wears so beautifully! Even a red puffer and skinny jeans!! She slays! As the kids say now! The papers should get their designers right, they had it wrong on RS as well, that was a McQueen military inspired gorgeous piece she wore, one paper saint Caroline Walker. No offence but that was not her style. Last night dress was said to be Emilia Wickstead. So is it now McQueen? Either way that was the colour of envy for sure, did she purposely wear it? OF COURSE SHE DID!! I cannot WAIT for the Diplomats banquet or next formal/black tie event. The gown she will wear , and Of COURSE SARAH BURTON, from the House of McQueen, who designed her wedding gown, will have designed it, bespoke to go with the Emerald Tiara! Put your ear plugs in kids, madam will be flying her 🧹 broomstick over London screaming 🙀 at the heavens!!! Jealous much!OH YES JEALOUSY THE GREEN EYED MONSTER HAS BERN OBVIOUS SINCE SHE CAME ONTO THE SCENE!
Clean sweep!!!
This immediately makes thing if curling! Hurry hard! Hurry! Sweep Sweep! If you’re Canadian or Scottish you will be laughing now🤣🤣😂😂. A clean sweep in a game is winning the game with the opposing side having a score of zero, or Ina finals winning the games needed to take the Stanley Cup, example, to win the series. A clean sweep can also, and here l believe is MM ANON meaning, to sweep out the dust, filth, unwanted or unsavoury things when cleaning house. So the cleaning house, clean sweep metaphor may be related to a clash of wills in when to release the hounds on madam and what on earth to do about the VRG issues!!!
Trump wants his ball back. Banquetiquette. “ One has to watch the hot mike Donald!!”
This is a childish reference to PT leaving before the final press conference after our PM, BOJO, Macron and Princess Anne were on ‘ hot mic’ which is the news means you’re microphone isn’t live , that’s how the ABC reporter Amy Robach got caught out saying ABC quashed her interview with VRG years ago. So l guess DT , l have to be very care here to not upset my American friends whilst defending my PM. I will just lay facts no subjective opinion ok? They must be VERY VERY VERY careful what they say, when they say it, because sorry JT but even without the hot mic, with my poor hearing l am used to lip reading and using closed captioning on the tv, l could read your lips! DT was upset, called him two faced. You can all opine about them now.
It was a reception, not a banquet, however etiquette is etiquette and the rules still apply. Good manners, carry oneself well and be above reproach. I am afraid some , have your own opinions ok, but there was some etiquette not taken. See above clue please.
A short time later, DT himself was caught on hot mic, congratulating himself for calling our PM what he called him and for leaving without the last presser, press conferences are called pressers in America. Saying that was funny that he said that name. It happens to everyone, hot mic, in politics or celebrities, they have to be careful unless they just don’t care.
Meanwhile’ crying in a corner
Madam, just go back to your corner, you have misbehaved so much, get used to the corner! Oh she must be spitting bullets of jealousy, if she saw Catherine, just wait till she sees the Christmas photos!😄😄😄😄🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂
“a clash of Wills”
William in back, he has proven himself a force of nature in becoming too. Dealing with family issues, is there disagreement regarding PA. There have been calls for him to lose his HRH status , is that on the docket? And great clashing of that? Wills was Diana’s name for William, wills is also ones determination to do or not do something
“come on old thing,tell me all the gossip”………” Sydney ‘ gin and Du……” “ Ones a tad exhausted “
HMTQ and PP again, indulge me, l know he’s at Wood Farm and she’s in London but indulge me, l love this, so do you, and so do some others. HMTQ finally out of her dress clothes, wearing comfortable nightdress, gorgeous purple velvet slippers and completely bespoke housecoat of the finest PUR velvet with silver seaming and luxurious embroidered collar with ER on the breast plate. PP in his nightclothes, grey slippers and matching bespoke grey robe with dark stitching along the seams barely there but if you look closely the beauty of each stitch is breathtaking. THANK YOU MM ANON FOR ADDING THE DRINKS I HAVE BEEN HAND TYPING FOR QUITE SOME TIME NOW!! PP already has his Boddingtons , cord was pulled just as she sat down, Sidney arrives, and PP orders her favourite cocktail, gin and a DuBonnet. She , you know it’s HMTQ when she speaks in third person, l do that a lot too😄😄😄😄😁😁, says she is a tad bit exhausted which means she is more tired than any of us have ever been! She is a force of nature! Majestic, strong, beautiful and tender when the needs be. They proceed to discuss all the goings on, at the reception and there was plenty!
“ you looked stunning Catherine “……… “yes ‘ I saw your killer 👀side eye “…… 👑👑💕💕And so to bed Zebedee!!……… “ Lottie ‘turn your pad off!!”…George’ sleep!!
William has returned from another successful solo Royal tour to the Middle East. I though the photos of him with the fisherman fixing their nets and then him giving it a go was amazing. He really , like his wife, has come into his own. Telling Catherine how stunning she looked last night and teasing her about her side eye, which she does very well! Remember the stolen pencil incident a few weeks ago? Louis long ago asleep, George and Charlotte keen to see daddy, imagine what did you bring me? A million times over and at a maximum volume!😂😂😂🤣🤣Zebedee, Zebedii, that was often what l heard or said for bedtime. A jovial memory of television and a cute sweet way to colour the word bedtime by making it fun because the word kids HATE is bedtime. Then when you reach adulthood and parenthood one prays for bedtime.🤣🤣🤣😂😂 l have never been a parent but l know many, enough to prove that statement!
Charlotte ever the controller of wifi and devices😂😂😂🤣🤣,we have read this in other riddles! Time for bed a George!!
0125 hrs CST
Thank you so much, especially doing this when feeling unwell. You are greatly appreciated. The Diplomatic dinner is December 11th. This is sounding good…😊💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Ask Skippy
134: Dec 5
MM ANON …… “ no, not the service”……… Strip and rip…… IRSt in peace……” I think you’ll find it best ma’am”…… “ exactly ‘ peace and quiet”…… Distant thunder ……… “On Her Majesty’s secret service”…… No!! Not the whole enchilada………… The dossier, almost complete!!…… “Yes!! It certainly is personal”……… “she lived by the sor-did…… “gather thee rosebuds …………”…… “ not a word,old boy”. ……… “ Mmmm, unfortunate name for a club”……… “a sticky wicket,what!
💜💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻THANK YOU MM ANON🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜
December 5/2019 1040 hrs CST
“no, not the service”
Prince Andrew has had virtually everything but his HRH ripped away. Papers saying now this morning that not only Prince Charles dressed him down, but Prince Philip did as well. He may be 98 and retired but a massive alpha male who can throw down with the best of them. Sounding like PA will NOT be permitted to attend church Christmas 🎄 morning as per usual. The Royal family walks and greets the public coming and leaving, HMTQ is driven.
Strip and rip
This sounds like a bikini wax or a back waxing . More like a search for drugs, substances, paraphernalia or weapons at a prison or psychiatric hospital, believe me, l have done many such searches, for those needing hospitalization. This clue could be twofold, firstly, reportedly three blackened windows Discoveries were seen high speed driving near Banbury, a day or so ago, evening l think actually, madam is rumoured to be near at SoHo or perhaps in Banbury, the hometown of a certain sycophantic royal reporter. Me oh my oh!! Has she been taken into custody by the Americans??? Did she fly back with the President?
Secondly this may refer to Prince Andrew, strip and rip him of everything including his HRH. Is that what is being ripped? The public and many are demanding it including his fellow military members! Might l again say, he has NOT BEEN INTERVIEWED NOR CHARGED! Just a fact, l hate sexual abuse and human trafficking it’s loathsome. But there seems to be a direct torpedo, pardon the wordage, directly at him.Why no one else? Whose agenda is this??
IRSt in peace
Madam is in a world/whirled of hurt with the IRS, America’s tax division. I have no idea her last filing, or how accurate she has ever been. Since joining the Royal family, although never really did, she has had a myriad of income sources and likely many we don’t know. Might it be not the literal death of her but in terms of finances, she will be if not already in process,be audited and may be garnisheed for the rest of her life to,pay what is owed?
“I think you’ll find it best ma’am”“ exactly ‘ peace and quiet”
I think LG is suggesting HMTQ head for Sandringham early, to be out of London when the walls come tumbling down so to speak. Peace and quiet, readying for family Christmas, although that too brings its own pains!
Distant thunder
Softly rolling distant, quiet, getting closer, more loud, and BABOOM CRASH!! The storm that has been brewing and slowly simmering in the background is coming, coming closer, when it arrives,it will be ELECTRIC!! The information and scandal will rock the globe. I am not just talking about when all about madam is revealed but her backers and their sordid dealings! BOOM CRASH FLASH! Winds howling! It’s going to be earth shattering.
“On Her Majesty’s secret service”
We have had several Bond references. This was the only Bond film that a George Lazenby ever starred in, did you know that? Connery or Moore?? The other actors don’t count! CONNERY LASS AM I , AYE TIS SO💜💜💜💜. I do believe our William has been on the intelligence gathering and l do wonder about our Harry. You kids remember me repeatedly talking about his wedding ring months and months ago and saying it’s no regular ring?Sure you do, one of you went hunting and posted a picture of a ring with GPS chip! It’s very unusual in the U.K. especially royalty, in my experience , for men to wear wedding bands yet Harry insisted, ask yourself why? Why? Why? By the way, great film, and great documentary l have pvr’ed , The Secrets of Her Majesty’s Secret Service. It was on PBS last week, an anon posted about it, so l pvr’ed it!
No!! Not the whole enchilada
So again, the whole enchilada is a metaphor for the entire sum of something, usually valuable. What and whom is this referencing? Again, is it PA, losing more? I doubt that, the phrase the whole enchilada , that is not a British expression it’s American. This must be regarding madam. Meaning, she has to give up everything, her HRH, every merching etc etc. She’s upset about it. What, to stay out of prison? Testify against someone? Tell the whole truth and nothing but? This woman cannot even spell truth. There are so many lies over so many decades allegedly, there is no way she knows who she was with when doing what.
The dossier, almost complete!!
Information is almost done, evidence, witnesses, intelligence, video, audio, photos, texts, emails, carrier pigeons and any other sort of stealth data to solidify alleged treason charges along with a boatload of other financial and Heaven only knows what from the past has raised its filth from the depth of those lost years! All the i dotted t crossed, airtight.
“Yes!! It certainly is personal”
Very personal, this attack was planned, guided, paid for, well planned, multipronged, family paid off, witnesses paid off or worse etc etc allegedly. So yeah it’s personal to HMTQ,PP, PC and PW.An attack on the thing HMTQ has spent her life serving! The very monarchy! Sordid plot to crumble the Monarchy! So hell yes ITS PERSONAL!!! To our a Royal family and TO ALL OF US!!
“she lived by the sor-did
Old saying live by the sword ⚔️, you die by the sword, you all know that one. Madam has allegedly lived a very sordid, deviant lifestyle for money and luxuries. This will be her downfall, any previous association with JE, l can only imagine what her role was and then became. This whole sick, satanic, house of cards is crumbling, the cockroaches are running for cover. Does she think the backers are going to pay for her attorneys or testify on her behalf? 😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣 She is crazier than l thought! ALLEGEDLY!
“gather thee rosebuds…
While ye may, love this .This beautiful piece of magic written by Robert Herrick hundreds of years ago but relevant now as then. Speaking how quickly time flies, make the most of each second, do not waste time on frivolous things or unsavoury things. Sadly, many lost souls here, and damaged ones, so evil. However we have HMTQ, PC , William and Catherine, the Monarchy, with them at the helm, is resilient, will cut the extras and forge a new Monarchy.
“ not a word,old boy”.
Someone is keeping schtum about something. I imagine there are many, likely most of the details will remain classified. The five eyes met at the NATO conference. I truly do wonder, although l love my little life, what intelligence was shared! PP likely speaking with Netty, and keeping things classified, most probably about when they plan to break and let loose! We all know who Netty is right? I have explained it in a few riddles!
“ Mmmm, unfortunate name for a club”
Tramp nightclub, the source of many stories VRG and PA. PA also was there many times with Fergie and that’s where he met Koo Stark way back when for those of us at a certain age! Horrible just horrible name for a club!
“a sticky wicket,what!
This is a croquet term, hitting the balls through the wickets. It’s also a cricket term! Jiminy 🦗 Crickets, that’s my new favourite saying😁. A sticky wicket in life refers to awkward, difficult, unexpectedly challenging time. Well doesn’t that just describe the last two years!! OR MORE! What detail is sticky still? Something needing sorting. I just cannot fathom what it is! But it’s important because it’s in the riddle!
1155 hrs CST GSTQAOBC 🇨🇦
Oh my! Not sounding good for MM! We are getting there it seems! Fantastic job dear PG! Thank you so much!🙏🏻💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Ask Skippy
135: Dec 6
MM ANON …… megbots in crisis …… megs spotted on ISS…… megs searchers internet for archificial upgrade …… megs still breastfeeding …… frogcott staff witness meg and Harry in screaming row 😱……… meg accused of bugging KP……… meg and archbishop in risqué photo shoot …… Archbishop denies clergy gossip …… meg ,VF interview ‘ I hate my chicken legs ‘…… Harry in GQ interview, I want a divorce ‘…… GQ, shock ‘horror, Harry’s OK’…… meg pens, ‘confessions of my yachting years’. … $20 million advance.
💜💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻THANK YOU MM ANON🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜
December 6/2019 1150 hrs CST
Thanks to the wonderful 💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻fortheheavenssake 🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜who is documenting all my riddle interpretations, l apparently have used two numbers twice🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂 so this is RIDDLE #135
megbots in crisis
Madam has had zillions of ‘bots’ online to bolster or artificially , not archficially🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂, boost her numbers and popularity on social media and PR. The well is running dry,no new storyline , last uncle pulled out of the woodwork weeks ago, bots, they cost $$$$$#£££££££€€€€€, she is in serious overload and underfunded. The bots are sputtering, spinning, electrical charges sparking, powering down, all the things 🤖 robots do when system failure, permanent fatal error blue screen, does not cooommmmmppppuuuutttteee………….
megs spotted on ISS
Oh now she’s an astronaut??? Really on the International Space Station??🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂. Yes, like l said last week Sasquatch and Elvis hang out in my back yard! Has she gone there to get another moonbump direct from the source??🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂
megs searchers internet for archificial upgrade
Oh my Jiminy Crickets!!🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂, l just typed that! Well not the internet part. Yes at some point she’s going to have to show a child, growing bigger, however Archficial was already a big boy, they used to call them huggy l think. She is madly trying to find the cheapest price for the new model of archficial. Maybe retailmenot or some other sites like Rakuten has coupon codes!!
megs still breastfeeding
Is she now? Is she a card carrying member of the La Leche League? Breastfeeding until the child is 18 or wed! Yes, it’s a great excuse for privacy, because despite what her PR says, she definitely wants privacy, no pictures, no one talking about or to her, yet yammers because no one asks if she is ok! Pathetic instagram post, photoshopped photos, one year anniversary of Hubb kitchen visit. Talk about grasping at straws for attention, and using year old photoshopped photos😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣😩😩
frogcott staff witness meg and Harry in screaming row 😱
I do believe this was/is a story in one of the American gossip rags, could be wrong but everyone reads here so look for that headline next week if you’re into tabloids😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣.Interesting, there are no staff at FC, because NO ONE LIVES THERE! Perhaps an old spirit, but they take care of themselves! They have never lived there, every celebrity or article about who has visited there and held/fed/played with archficial are all liars, allegedly.
meg accused of bugging KP
Not surprised at that, taking a page right out of MA’s playbook at SoHo. Secretly record, gather intel, blackmail=$$$$$$$$€€€€€€€£££££. I wonder what secrets she gathered! Add that to the charges, LG and Netty, Sirs! Please! Allegedly! 🙄🙄
meg and archbishop in risqué photo shoot
There has been something odd about everything madam does/has done. One of the most bizarre is Justin Welby, the A of C, he allegedly privately baptized her. He allegedly christened archficial, with one wee issue, he was hours from London at that time at a Church conference. Now he has come out defending her. So there is no confusion these are his exact words.
💜💜Justin Welby, the Archbishop of Canterbury, defended the Duchess of Sussex against what he called the “totally undeserved” criticism she has received.
“She’s a person of profound humanity and deep concern for people, seeking to carry out her role with every ounce of her being, and I think she’s a remarkable person💜💜.
What’s gone on here? Are you suggesting she has something on him so he has done these things under blackmail allegedly. Not a thing in this mess would surprise me one wit!
Archbishop denies clergy gossip
Parishioners talk, clergy members talk, they’re human, when things don’t add up, it makes for lots of speculation and questioning. Is the A of C denying that other bishops or members of the clergy have been speculating and questioning some of the issue l typed above? This is all too weird. If we had a whole wall with every single odd event, altered facts, stories comments etc etc, it would be like string art we used to do way back when. Better still twist like Christmas lights, and trying to figure out which bulb is causing the whole string to not light up. I know most of you remember that, the good old days before prelit trees in weird colours that make noises and flash so rapidly you get a migraine. Jiminy Crickets, l sound like one of those two grumpy men in the balcony on the Muppets Show😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣.
meg ,VF interview ‘ I hate my chicken legs
Harry in GQ interview, I want a divorce ‘GQ, shock ‘horror, Harry’s OK’
Madam did the VF, wild about Harry, was all PR lies! I think in terms of madams legs millions would agree! Now now, is this how this is going to roll? Tit for tat, pun intended🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂, is Harry doing a GQ cover giving her the same treatment by shockingly wanting a divorce?? Oh please 🙄 JIMINY CRICKETS 🦗 l want ten copies!!!💜💜💜Please sir, l want some more! The first person who comments where that line is from gets a smile from me😁. 💜💜💜Imagine the worlds shock?! Oh MM ANON DON’T TEASE ME!🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂 LG your brilliance is only surpassed by your loyalty and dedication to HMTQ Tip hat 🎩 Sir!
meg pens, ‘confessions of my yachting years $20 million advance.
During the weekend when madam went to help her Bestie SW completely lose the U.S.Open, they didn’t want her there, she went anyhow, didn’t she do a great job? Flirting grossly with SW husband, ignored by SW’s mum and graciously using the ‘Markle effect’ and SW lost soundly! She was summoned there, post haste allegedly to meet with backers and take a meeting with publishers. There have been rumblings and rumours of a book. Good luck fact checking that one, the poor ghost writer and editor🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂. I think she will have to forget a lot because the IRS apparently doesn’t like it if you do not declare income or not be truthful, allegedly. And also, law enforcement may have issues with some behaviours, in relation to those missing years. And a wee tiny issue of archficial fauxmegnancy, not of the body. Trying to pass off a surrogate baby, not Harry’s child, all allegedly of course! As a blood royal baby!! Just a minor treason charge. Then there is the SoHo issue…….bugging, recordings, blackmail, all from the plot of a juicy film! As far as a $20,000,000 advance, if that happens, l will eat my hat! I don’t have one, got toques, might have to eat one then!! Who in their right mind would give her that cash advance? Unless it was not the right but the left, the leftists globalists backers….yep that l can see!!! Help us oh Lord🙏🏻🙏🏻 please, the light needs to be shone on the horrors that have been happening. Our beloved HMTQ, it just is breaking my heart, she is so beloved.
1250 hrs CST
What fun! Loved this. Thank you MM Anon for the humorous riddle and PG your great interpretation! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Ask Skippy submission
136: Dec 6
MM ANON …… Muffin the mule…… looby loo & Andy pandy …… 95 , time!!…… “no’ not chaz”’……… “ I’m Meghan Markle and I indorse this massage” ……” An American Christmas card”…… betrayal in B&W……… “ it’s HMTQ your talking about!!!”…… “ tell her to PO ‘ it’s the Boxing Day shoot”……… 🎼I’m dreaming of a right Christmas 🎼…… a shortie but goody
December 6/2019 1530 hrs CST RIDDLE #136
Muffin the mule
Muffin has a naughty meaning as well as the breakfast bit. Mule is a very stubborn animals or someone carrying something illegal across borders as in a drug mule. First thing l thought of was a Moscow mule, classic lovely drink. There was an article in the DM about madams Christmas decor ideas and menu, the Moscow mule in copper was her idea!🤣🤣🤣😂 Well, l can’t drink anymore, but to me l would have one anytime but they and the copper was all the rage about five years ago, so she seems to be a wee bit behind the trend! However in fairness, it was taken from the 2015 Tig.
looby loo & Andy pandy
I read in the DM and saw photos years ago, Prince Andrew dancing up a storm, with a Heidi Klum, didn’t look like her but she was in a wig, costume. Also another female. Apparently he liked to be massaged by two women simultaneously, not underage, or rude, fun. The loony loo is known here as the hokey pokey, a hand , leg, body action dance. Is this having a go at PA ‘skills’ on the dance floor?? The hokey pokey also has a naughty meaning too.
95 , time!! “no’ not chaz”
HMTQ will be 95 in 18 months. Double exclamation mark, someone or several are firm in her making PC Regent at that time! It sounds like a firm opinion that PC is not the choice for Regent. Might William be tapped to step up and put a whole new modern face on the Monarchy? My goodness, to quote London Scoop, up is down, down is up, the world is spinning too fast!! The winds of change are gusting stronger and stronger!
“ I’m Meghan Markle and I indorse this massage”
Ha ha. Is she doing adverts now for special yacht massages.🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂 Oh dear imagine the oils and other items she would smear around!!! 😫😫😫😩😩😩🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢Just imagine the worst grossest thing you can muster!! Is she going into politics or has she massaged major politicians???? The end of every tv ad during election, l am so and so and l endorse this message. Yikes, crazy world!
“ An American Christmas card”betrayal in B&W
Of course the Christmas card will be in black and white, what else do we expect from madam? Likely have her back turned as well. Will Archficial be backwards too? Ultimate betrayal of wedding vows, to the public. A child not Harry’s, and not of her body! Will this be released and dealt with before Christmas? I pray so🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
“ it’s HMTQ your talking about!!!”…… “ tell her to PO ‘ it’s the Boxing Day shoot”
PP is angry and someone has been disrespectfully talking about HMTQ, PP is soundly bringing them about. PP is laying it down, madam has no input in the shooting day, she’s to be told to PO! PP talking to Harry, l am confused about why Harry would be still bring requests or demands from madam. I am wondering if it’s LG, because l am pretty certain Harry is far away from her and no interaction. It’s about Christmas, Sandringham and the annual family Boxing Day shooting party. Madam has been aggressively against it, allegedly previous years. So is madam still in a position to make demands? Well it sounds like she will be told what’s what!
🎼I’m dreaming of a right Christmas 🎼
I watched the film White Christmas last night, gorgeous songs by a Irving a Berlin, fabulous, again movies when they were movies! I am thinking the wish is that Jeremy Corbyn loses and BoJo, the conservatives, oft referred to as the right. Corbyn is leaning left strongly and much upset about alleged anti-Semitic beliefs. I think all this crap with madam has to wait till after the election, December 12/2019.
a shortie but goody
Is this little Louis? He is toddling around, l recall the summer videos at the park garden Catherine designed, him running in the bridge arms wide to balance. I can hardly wait for the Christmas photos! I can only imagine running round now, he will be into anything and everything!Bless him🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻 l am exhausted, haven’t slept since Thursday morning. Two riddles, other posts sheesh JIMINY CRICKETS 🦗 I AM DONE💜💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜💜
1605 hrs CST
Thank you PG…two in a day! MM Anon must know you love a great challenge….thank you for doing this…😊💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Ask Skippy submission
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dannyphandump · 5 years
tagged by: @ladylynse!
Nickname: Tali usually on here, don’t really have any nicknames irl
Zodiac: Scorpio
Height: 5′ on a good day
Last movie I saw: Cinderella III!  Which WOW I had some really emotional reactions to for being a fanfictiony Disney sequel, I blame the fact that I’m also writing Stroke of Midnight right now but Cinderella is Best Disney Princess and you can’t change my mind
Last thing that I googled: probably where scallops live for a fic lol
Favourite musician: I’m not good at decisions but Utada Hikaru and the Goo Goo Dolls are both great
Song stuck in my head: I have had Don’t Think Twice stuck in my head ever since the minute-long preview dropped with the KH3 Monster’s Inc. trailer in February 2018
Other blogs: taliaxlatia, phandomphightclub, taliax-second-dumpster, taliaxlatiart (I have too many blogs r i p)
Followers: uhhh I’ve been avoiding dropping this because I wanted to do an event/giveaway but I keep being busy lol, it’s 827 on here though (I’m always in the middle of a different event when I hit a milestone ^^;;)
Following: 303 but a lot of those are probs dead
Amount of sleep: I need a solid 8 hours but considering I’m starting a 6am job in a few days probably less than that lol
Lucky number: Probably go with 13 or 14 because of KH related things
Dream job: Author or animator would be great
What am I wearing: a friggin old bass pro shop shirt my dad got for $5 and plaid pj pants because pjs are the best
Favorite food: mmmmm fried rice w/ steak and shrimp
Language: English and like 2 sentences of German lol
Can I play an instrument: piano!  Not great because I don’t practice nearly enough but I can still play a few video game songs and hymns for church!
Favorite song: A lot of things but currently Don’t Think Twice (from KH3) and Pluto (by Sleeping at Last).
Random fact: When I was in 4th grade I really really wanted a green Rayquaza fanny pack from the Pokemon Center store and my mom wouldn’t let me buy it.  Thank you mom for saving me all the embarrassment and bullying that probably would have resulted from that even though I was so sad at the time
Describe yourself in aesthetic things: noclipping through the floor of your 4th story apartment but nobody notices, walking slowly through the rain without a hood or umbrella and smiling
Tagging:  @babypop-phantom, @what-is-love-babey-dont-hurt-me, anyone else who feels like it
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slave2writing · 6 years
World in Flames (3/?)
Part One
Full Chapters posted at Fanfiction.net and ArchiveofOurOwn
The sun began to set behind the bridge, casting the ocean in a brilliant hue of gold, the color spilling across shadows of skyscrapers looming above the city.
In preparation for the festival, police officers were being dispatched on the corner of every city block where the parade would soon be passing through. The floats were primed and ready, resting in Avatar Korra Park. Banners were strung up and held suspended above the concrete streets, some featuring the Fire Nation insignia, others depicting the solemn faces of popular Fire Lords or grinning Avatars. Families were camped out on rooftops, warming their hands around fire pits, roasting meat and laughing over stories, droplets of alcohol spraying over the sides of residential buildings.
Asami shoved her fists inside her coat pockets, skin prickling in discomfort as she kept bumping into people while trying to make her way back to the apartment, the city streets thickening with activity and tense anticipation.
While Fire Nation immigrants and descendants had never been explicitly forbidden from celebrating their ethnic heritage, their cultural center had previously always passed on the opportunity to publicly celebrate the beloved Fire Days Festival out of fear that any show of pride would come across as insensitive in the wake of the Hundred Year War.
It was a bit disconcerting for some pedestrians traversing the downtown area to see it taken over by street performers juggling fireballs, a chorus of school children being led in a traditional Fire Nation hymn, boisterous athletes racing around with spirit masks, grown men howling in pain while their friends and families keeled over laughing at the sight of them attempting to win a flaming fire flakes contest.
Ducking a bobbing lantern, the beginnings of a parade march about to take place, Asami neared her apartment building and raised her hand in greeting towards the doorman whose eyes always crinkled up when he smiled.
“Hey, Miss Sato!” He seemed excited about something, straightening his uniform with two quick tugs on the ends of his jacket.
“Bao.” She greeted him politely, passing through the door he quickly pushed open for her, taking out her mailbox key and reached in for the stacks of magazines she subscribed to. It was a healthy mix of scientific breakthroughs and revolutionary fashion. Gathering them up in her arms, she was mildly surprised when the doorman abandoned his post to follow her inside, beaming as he got the elevator for her, dragging the gate open and making to step inside with her.
Asami granted him a confused smile. “Ah…?”
“Oh,” Bao paused mid-step, still brimming with some excitement. “I thought you might need someone to help you into your apartment. Open the door?”
“I’m fine, thanks.” Asami arched a dark brow and waited for the doorman to sheepishly step back, closing the gate and the door to the elevator. She shook her head in bemusement, unsure if that was his weird and out of the blue attempt to hit on her, and punched in the penthouse button.
When the elevator rose to the tenth floor of the skyscraper, the light flooded through the windows carved into the box, the top half of the building providing Asami with a view as she continued to rise. Though she still had the mansion on the outskirts of the city, she found the massive estate far too quiet. She preferred her solitude to be accompanied by the hustle and bustle of the sleepless metropolis. She pressed her forehead against the small oval window, the light of a dying sun combing through her raven hair, she could almost feel the heat seeping across her scalp.
The elevator came to a halt, its passenger gently swaying before her body steadied. Balancing the stack of magazines in one arm, Asami drew open the gate and pushed open the elevator door which opened immediately into the penthouse foyer. Her low heels clicked on the small marble steps, and the main door creaked open, more of the dying sunlight spilling into the open suite than the young woman’s eyes could briefly handle. There were spots of shadow though, where her gaze jumped to for relief; the tall bonsai trees placed in almost every corner of the apartment, a human figure partially hidden beneath the shade of a large leaf.
Asami didn’t think to scream, or run away, or even contemplate fear. There was a spark of indignation, and then a full blown avalanche of rage propelling her forward, the stack of magazines slipping from her arms, each page slapping the floor.
The figure turned, startled by the war cry, and Asami barely had time to register the familiar shade of bright blue eyes before a gust of wind was skirting around her body, and she was lurching forward into nothing but solid wall, the bump of her nose brushing against it when suddenly there was a rock hard arm wrapped around her waistline, and heated breath on the nape of her neck.
“Sami, it’s me.”
Her body went to war; muscles loosening, going lax in the Avatar’s arms, while her heart pounded violently against her chest, breath quickening. When the Avatar seemed to trust she wasn’t about to attack, the arms around her waist relented, and Asami turned around.
A blindingly white grin shone on the heiress’ glittering black gaze, like moonlight scraping the night sky. “Hey.”
There was a brief pause, the air between them still. And then they were both colliding in a hug, the shorter Avatar burrowing her face in jasmine scented tresses, inhaling her best friend’s comforting fragrance. Asami’s arms tightened around Korra’s broad shoulders, heart rate accelerating, thudding between her ears and at the base of her throat, she could not imagine Korra would be unable to hear it.
“You’re a lot softer than your statue…” Asami mumbled into her friend’s neck, cheeks immediately tinting pink when her brain registered the admission.
“Nothing!” Asami pulled away, clearing her throat and plastering on a rather watery smile. “It’s so good to see you, I thought we were meeting at Narook’s though.”
Korra followed the young CEO into the kitchen, smiling when Asami gently stepped out of her heels and began to fix them both cups of tea, the height difference between them no longer quite as stark. “Bolin tried to reach you and then asked me to just fly over here, we’re postponing until tomorrow.”
Occupying herself with the kettle, Asami worked to find legitimate excuses around the kitchen to avoid her friend’s eyes. “How disappointing. There’s nothing wrong, I hope.”
“Just official duties got in the way.” Korra waved her hand. “Nothing to worry about.”
“Official like… royal?”
Korra hesitated, leaning against the kitchen archway, watching the tall brunette ruminate on which tea bags they ought to indulge. “Yes.”
The confirmation was deafening. For a moment, Asami was horrified to feel there were tears on her cheeks… only to exhale in relief when she realized it was just steam from the boiling water. “Well,” She said. “That makes sense. I certainly can’t blame you for wanting to spend the festival with a princess of all things.”
Korra released a breath tinged with laughter. “Sami, you’re one of the richest people in the world, and I’m the freakin’ Avatar. Royal titles don’t impress me much.”
“A pretty face does.” Asami muttered.
“Nothing.” The kettle shook, carved into the shape of a dragon, steam shooting out through the nostrils. Asami bent down and blew out the flames.
They relocated deeper into the apartment, where the large windows looked out onto the darkening skyline of Republic City. Each room in the suite was separated by fusuma, the wooden doors sliding open to allow the air to flow. Asami and Korra sat opposite one another on the floor pillows, their side profiles illuminated by the dying sun bleeding into the room.
They fell quiet for a few moments, save for the gentle drill of Asami’s nails against the side of her teacup. She watched the Avatar sip from her own, always averting her gaze when Korra looked up over the rim.
An exaggerated mmmmm-hmmmmm finally broke the silence, Korra draining her tea much too quickly, cheeks puffing out as she filled her face with it. A decidedly unladylike snort exited Asami’s nostrils.
“Whuh?” Korra’s voice was a little muffled, literally trying to talk around the liquid sloshing around her tongue. “S’good!”
“I see that.” Asami hadn’t realized her shoulders were raised so high, until they were relaxing, slumping down to a natural level.
“You make really good tea. I’ve always thought so.”
“I don’t think anyone else appreciates my brew quite as much as you. Consequently, no one is in as much danger of choking.”
“I am not going to choke.” Korra stubbornly took a larger gulp of the slightly bitter concoction.
“What will the gossip rags say when they hear the Avatar found comatose in my apartment, brought down by a lungful of tea. Oh, come here.” Asami set her cup down and crawled forward, green eyes the same shade as the tea leaf clinging to the bottom of her friend’s pouty bottom lip.
Korra’s bright blue eyes caught her own just as Asami’s thumb brushed against the parted mouth, gently wiping the leaf from her friend’s sweet stained lip. “The headlines would read Miss Sato is a hero.”
A tiny shiver ran down Asami’s back at the use of her surname. She’d never been quite sure if Korra understood what hearing that did to her. She thought she hid her reactions quite well. “For having you collapse on my floor?”
“For bringing me back.” Korra’s eye contact was steadfast, like the roll of an ocean wave steadily crawling towards the beach. “You do know how to resuscitate, don’t you?”
It felt like the room was collectively holding its breath. Asami’s lashes fluttered as the Avatar leaned in closer, their noses gently bumping against one another. In the distance, musicians hired for the festival were starting their preliminary notes. Plucked strings and trilling songstresses stretching syllables that haunted the air, lingering in the dying light. It felt like a spell had been cast. Webbed traps binding the city in magic; silk chains wrapped them in music. It spilled into the apartment suite, it splashed against their dark hair and burning bright eyes.
Korra leaned forward, crossed legs unfurling, and made to close that last inch of distance between them. But the weight of small hands gave her pause, Asami pressing against her shoulders and leaning away from her in the space of a silent note.
“What would your princess think?” The heiress cracked a smile, trying to appear playful, but the words were as slightly bitter as the taste of her tea.
Korra fell back on her bottom, the spell broken. “She’s not my - ”
“The festival is almost starting. You ought not be late.” Asami rose from the floor, cheeks tinted pink, like the blush of a rose. “She doesn’t seem like a girl that likes to be kept waiting.”
The Avatar rose with her, raising a hand to try and touch the taller woman’s shoulder. “Asami, she and I - ”
“Korra, it’s fine!” There was a whip of lengthy, ink black locks as the inventor strode towards the balcony, inhaling the air, scented now with the fried delicacies wafting up from the food carts rolling through the darkening streets. Floating lanterns had been set loose throughout the districts, and were bobbing in the air. One of them was rising the length of her apartment building, slowly gliding towards the sky, its amber luminescence catching them in the act.
Asami turned its back to it, biting her lip as she looked upon her friend, blue eyes stricken with a mixture of emotions she couldn’t unpack. “You don’t owe me an explanation.”
Pausing, Korra deliberated on that as she entered the balcony as well, chewing on her own lip. “You’re right,” Her agreement was slow, chin pointing upwards. “You’re the one who ended things, after all.”
“Yes, I did.” Asami’s hands curled around the balcony edge behind her.
Korra sucked in her breath, chest puffing up beneath her tribal garments. “Is that why you’re so bothered? Can’t believe a princess would want to slum around with the likes of me?”
“You know I don’t think that.” She watched Korra grab for her staff which was leaning against the wall.
“Whatever, I have to go.” With a snap of her wrist, the blue wings of her gliding staff were erect. Korra hopped up onto the ledge. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Korra, wait - ” Asami’s fingers brushed against the heavy skin of the tribal trousers, but the Avatar was already diving off the balcony, the elements sweeping her up and pushing her forward. A deep, long dive into the darkness and narrow gaps of the glittering metropolis. A dark silhouette illuminated by flashes of amber lighting, the bobbing lanterns catching her in mid-flight, the roar of the crowd merging into the streets rising and falling depending on where they caught sight of the soaring guardian.
Asami was left alone on the balcony, her fingers still warm from where she’d made contact.
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