#My Klaroline Writing
galvanizedfriend · 21 hours
Klaroline Fic: The Wolf IV [01/13]
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Summary: Five years after the downfall of the Mikaelson family, Caroline returns to New Orleans to fulfill the promise she made to Marcel: one day, she would be back for the man he has been keeping prisoner in the bowels of the old compound, and she would not be leaving without him. But the plans to abandon the city's eternal loop of tragedy behind once and for all are thwarted when a new enemy with unexpected old ties resurfaces, threatening not just Eve's life, but Caroline's as well.
S04E01 Gather Up the Killers ✨
The thing about finally getting something you longed for what feels like an eternity is the accompanying dread that it might be taken away.
Even after five years, Marcel is still not used to having it. Peace.
Nobody tells you how unsettling peace is. How it manifests as a constant nagging in the back of your mind, like you're forgetting something, getting soft, letting your guard down. It's quiet and harmonious, yes, but it's also a kind of fear. A cold shudder at the pit of your stomach, as though at any second it can all be snatched away from you.
If he doesn't watch himself, it can easily descend into paranoia.
He doesn't think there has been a single day where he hasn't been on full alert mode, looking over his shoulder, watching over the city from his not-so-new penthouse like a vigilante, waiting for the monsters to come out. And then he remembers that there are no monsters anymore. None greater than him, anyway. He is the thing that everybody fears.
He's always tiptoeing around that delicate line separating caution from madness, one sudden move around a corner away from overreaction that could send all the hard-earned balance they've achieved blown into the air.
One wrong move from turning into him.
Read the full chapter here
-- Took forever and a day, but ta-da! Starting part 4 was so much harder than I thought, but well. Here is something! Like I said, I'm not starting a new AO3 story for this, it'll be [22/34] there, but for the sake of being clearer here, I'm using the S4 numbers and a new summary.
I don't have any art or edit or anything to go with this story, so I just searched my old edits folder and found something that more or less applies, so there you go. :D As always, your comments/kudos/reblogs mean the world to me and I really hope you guys enjoy it! Cheers!
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morningstargirl666 · 4 days
This is your daily reminder that there should be more Bonnie & Caroline friendship in fics, thank you for coming to my ted talk.
“God, I’m so excited for Tyler to finally be able to come home.”
“He won’t have to take orders from Klaus when he’s dead, that’s for sure,” Bonnie muttered. She glanced up when Caroline remained quiet, frowning slightly. “Elena mentioned he invited you to the ball? Why would Klaus do that?”
Caroline scowled up at the ceiling, annoyed by the direction the conversation had taken. “I have no idea.”
Bonnie stopped looking through the grimoire. “Well, what did he want last night?”
“I don’t know.” Caroline shrugged, a little lost, throwing a hand up. “He asked me to dance, we talked, he showed me his artwork-”
“Artwork?” Bonnie echoed.
Caroline frowned slightly, worrying her lip.
“Yeah, he’s an artist, I guess,” she tried to shrug off, like it wasn’t a big deal. Even serial killers had hobbies, right? She didn’t mention the drawing he’d done of her - nope, not happening. She scoffed, shaking her head. “I’m pretty sure interpol has half his art collection listed as stolen or missing - like the feds would have a field day if they raided that place.”
“So he asked you to dance, spent time with you, showed you his personal art collection…” Her best friend paused, slowly closing the grimoire, eyeing Caroline critically. “...like a date?”
Caroline shot up into a sitting position, glaring at Bonnie. 
“It was NOT a date,” she hissed, slicing her hands through the air, as if to ward the accusation off. “There was no ‘dating’ of any kind.”
Bonnie’s eyes widened a fraction and she deliberately turned her gaze back to the grimoire. 
“Sounds like a date to me,” she muttered under her breath, opening the book back up.
Caroline tried to push the memory of Klaus admitting he fancied her out of her head, something fluttering in her stomach. 
“He was just cozying up to me to get to Elena,” she tried to excuse. Her eyes shot to Bonnie, pleading with her to agree. “Right?”
Bonnie sighed, regarding her sadly. “Is it really that impossible to consider that a guy may actually like you?”
“Bonnie,” Caroline carefully enunciated, “It’s Klaus.”
Her friend rolled her eyes, closing the grimoire again and throwing it to the side. “Yeah, obviously I’m not saying you should date him, Caroline. I’m just saying you’re,” she shrugged, gesturing to all of her, “you know, a catch. Any guy would be lucky to have you.” 
Bonnie leaned forward, grasping Caroline’s hands in hers as she smiled softly. Touched, Caroline couldn’t help but smile back.
“Hell,” Bonnie continued, “Tyler doesn’t even deserve you after he left you for dead in the woods and then ghosted you.”
“He’s trying to break the sire bond for me, Bonnie,” Caroline pointed out, her glare half-hearted. Secretly, her friend’s fierce protectiveness warmed her heart.
“Even so,” Bonnie conceded, letting go of Caroline’s hands, “it was a dick move, one he made on your birthday of all days. You don’t have to excuse him all the time.”
Caroline sighed - Bonnie was right. She let her head fall into her hands, running her fingers anxiously through her hair. Biting her lip, she looked back up at Bonnie.
“And if Klaus does actually…like me?” she asked quietly.
Sheepishly, Bonnie smiled, the expression halfway to a wince. “Start growing wolfsbane in the garden?”
“Would that even work on a hybrid?”
“He’s part werewolf, right?” Bonnie shrugged, picking up her grimoire again. A wicked smile curled around the corners of her face. “You’d assume so.”
Caroline shook her head, grinning too as she pulled out her phone. “Guess I need to google where I can get wolfsbane from, then,” she said, like it was a great chore.
“Check Petco, maybe you’ll find the dog version of catnip.”
Unable to keep straight faces, they giggled, both of them doubling over laughing.
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purplesigebert · 1 month
WIP Wednesday #23 DW Crossover
I'm back!
There is a nod to @kirythestitchwitch's jacket theory in this one.
She thought she was being clandestine. 
Truth be told, Caroline was far more stealthy than others gave her credit.  However, other people probably hadn’t memorized her scent.  She smelt like a delectable mixture of jasmine and vanilla. He had committed it to memory on the night he considered their true first meeting.  Her scent clung to the jacket he was wearing the night he held Caroline in his arms. After dropping off the bracelet, Klaus had summoned one of the witches that were loyal to his family and ordered her to cast a preservation spell on the jacket and then he packed it away in his go bag.  It wasn’t as if he didn’t have many more jackets in his closet.  At least it was not as bad as ‘Lijah’s suit collection.
It didn’t escape his notice earlier in the night that Caroline kept sneaking glances at him across the dining room of the Grill.  It was amusing that she only glanced at Klaus when she thought he or her little friends would not notice.  The game of watching her when she thought she was being covert was the only thing that made drinking the subpar swill that this little town called beer bearable.
When Klaus arrived home, there was a large box on the front steps.  There was no signature on the card, only the words I’m sorry, but the scent that wafted up to his nose gave the sender away. Klaus brought the card stock to his nose and inhaled deeply.  It truly was a blessing, his wolf’s sense of smell which allowed him to detect more nuance than he would previously have been able to.  Opening the front door, Klaus went straight to his studio and set the box down on the wooden table.  There was a reason that this room was closed to everyone, even the servants.  Too much of himself was housed in this room.
Opening the box the hybrid found a new set of his favourite brushes and the high end paint from London that he preferred as well as a charcoal set from the shop in Paris that he had been frequenting since the 1920s. Klaus found himself touched by the gift. Caroline had even reused the white ribbon that was around the dress box he had given her - and had tied it into a bow himself - around the paint brushes.
Well well, just how did the alluring baby vampire come by this information on him?
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kirythestitchwitch · 4 months
Klaroline WIP Wed - Freaky Friday Time Travel - An Existential Crisis and a Snack
@galvanizedfriend thought you'd like the tag :]
Part One here
Part Two here
Part Three here
Part Four here
“We’re married?!” Caroline nearly shrieked.
“Well, I wouldn’t want to break the space-time continuum–” Klaus started to demure and she flapped her hand at him.
“Never mind that! This is more important! Are we married?” Them living together was one thing but married? They were vampires for god’s sake, that was a forever type of deal. And she married Klaus?
“Sweetheart,” he said in a soft voice that cut through the panicky haze threatening to consume her at the thought of what her friends must think of her. She wrapped her arms around herself and looked at him. “Where Caroline and I are is the culmination of the choices and decisions we made, and I don’t desire you to feel like you are required to make the same choices as my Caroline.”
Caroline shifted uncomfortably. “What if I mess everything up for you and Caroline? Change the future and all this–” She gestured at the warm room around them, at the home it represented, “–just goes away?” Caroline still wasn't sure how she felt about this whole marriage thing–whether he was or wasn’t saying it–but it felt wrong to take it away from them.
A soft hum. “I don’t believe this time travel works like Back to the Future, love, otherwise Caroline wouldn’t have traded places with you. However, we will be taking your trinket to my witches to be certain. Now here.” He offered her the blood bag, and she unwound her arms from her middle and took it gingerly. “Drink up, you tasted peaky.”
Shoving the necklace into her pocket, she mouthed ‘Peaky,’ to herself in amusement, and then undid the tubing at the top of the blood bag and took a deep sip. “So do I–I mean–does Caroline know these witches?” She could feel the monster crawl in her eyes as she sucked down perfectly warmed blood and all the while, Klaus stood with that same watchfulness.
“Acquaintances at best.” Klaus shrugged.
Slurping the last of the bag got her the irritated look she was hoping for at least. “Can’t we just go to Bonnie? She’s still like… alive, right? She said there were herbs she could take to delay aging, that was always her plan.”
“While the Bennett witch is a powerful ally of Caroline's, my concern is she will spend too much time reminiscing instead of researching.” Klaus plucked the empty bag from her fingers, sped behind her, and then gently steered her past the bookshelf into the closet.
“You’re afraid she’ll tell me stuff, future stuff,” Caroline said flatly, going along with his motions.
“Something like that. Now, shoes are there, and socks are in that dresser drawer there,” he said, pointing at a well-equipped shoe rack and a dresser on what seemed to be her side of the walk-in closet. “Your clothes should be fine. We are in a dreadful neons trend at the moment, but you could pass that off as retro.”
“How come you’re not wearing neon?” she asked needlingly as he grabbed a black denim jacket off a hanger.
The look he shot her said death would come for him first, and then he was out the door. As she picked a pair of flats that would go well with her outfit and ignored the sock drawer, Caroline poked through the clothes hanging in the closet. While Future Caroline had eschewed the neons trend as well, there were still plenty of bright and colorful things in her wardrobe. Pulling down a pink jacket, she wondered as she slipped it on if she’d be breaking any time laws if she brought it home with her. Shoes on, she went in search of Klaus.
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megdalorians · 8 months
Caroline and Klaus are so Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy (particularly from Pride and Prejudice (2005))
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heatherstyles · 1 year
darling, my demons look like you
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Summary: Falling in love with such a dangerous man never felt so right back then. Four years is a long time. But not long enough for the tomb in Caroline’s heart to close completely. This is the last time, she tells herself. She’s not running away from him anymore, she decides.
She's leaving him behind.
So I finally completed this fic that I wanted to publish before 2022 ends. I finally had the time to sit and go over the final touches when I was tested positive for covid. I'm so excited for you guys to read it. (but don't get your hopes too high up cuz I'm still a newbie at writing) Here's a special thanks to @morningstargirl666 for being such a great help throughout the process💗 You're the best.
read the complete fic here
Kudos and comments are very much welcomed and appreciated!! Thank you❤️
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honestgrins · 9 months
Anyone want a mini-fic?
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Urge to write Klaroline hurt/comfort. Someone send me a request that involves one of them comforting the other, any setting, just no children-related plot please and thank you 👏
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galvanizedfriend · 5 months
Fic Update: Speed Dating [3/4]
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Roomates!AU. Friends to lovers. Rom-Com Vibes. AH/AU
I don't know if anybody still remembers this one. A billion years later, and habemus update! I had to split the chapter in two because it was too long, so here's part 3/4.
Read the next chapter here
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morningstargirl666 · 6 months
Chapter 35 of The Big Bad Wolf is up. Excuse me while I go have an existential crisis over the fact I'm 378,535 words in and somehow only halfway there.
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purplesigebert · 2 months
WIP Wednesday #21 - DW Crossover
Ok so, this is for all of the people who wanted something happy!
This takes place around the same time as #12 (oooh the inverse!) give or take a few scenes.
This was always her favourite part.  Peoples’ awestruck faces as they took in the beautiful impossibility of the TARDIS.
It had been a good afternoon. Sure, they hadn’t gotten to meet any werewolves (this time) but Rose and her had spent the day together, and Caroline had finally gotten to ask the older girl about her feelings for the Doctor.
Honestly, she didn’t know it was possible to blush that deeply, it was impressive.  Rose wanted to see the Falls and Caroline agreed, besides how long could they look at the Falls for?
They could still catch up to the Doctor.  The don’t wander off  rule was totally made to be broken anyway!
They heard the whoops before they saw the figure jumping from the top of the Falls.  Caroline instantly knew that’s what she wanted to spend her day doing.  As they approached the edge of the water, the girls saw a boy around Caroline’s age climb onto the grass, laughing even as he pushed his wet, shoulder-length hair out of his eyes. 
Henrik and her had become fast friends; Caroline knew that she would like to see him again.  
After spending about six hours together, the three of them decided to call it a day.  When Henrik made to go in the direction of his village, the girls protested, telling him that they wouldn’t let him go home soaking wet!
Caroline didn’t know what she found funnier, Henrik’s reaction to the console room or his astonishment at the shower.
Eventually, Henrik decided that it was time to go home, he was ready to face the wrath of (one of) his older brothers.
“No, no, we’ll come with you.” Caroline insisted, Rose nodding beside her.  “We can’t let you listen to the lecture alone, especially since Kol bailed on you.”
“Besides, how bad could an Elijah lecture be?” Rose laughed.
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kirythestitchwitch · 7 months
assassin!Klaus/fence!Caroline au - Girl, buy a clue: he is flirting!
He was taking too long. Caroline did her best not to fidget, a bad tell at the best of times, but he brought it out in her. His careful hands–hands that could have belonged to a musician or maybe a sculptor–kept touching things and despite the gloves he wore, she would have to take a Lysol wipe to the knives after he left. 
That was hardly a logical response but Klaus Mikaelson brought that out in her.
Sliding a knife from the velvet cloth they were kept rolled in when tucked out of sight, Klaus tested the weight of it in his hand. “You always have such an eye for a well-crafted blade.” The blue of his eyes was warm as he looked at her sidelong across the knife. “I appreciate you opening your private stock to me on such short notice.”
Caroline crossed her arms. “Well, you did promise to make it worth my while. Where’s this chip?” She made her voice sound skeptical out of habit. Annoyingly, Klaus had always come through on a promise, and he wasn’t likely to start being flaky now.
A sly little smile lingered around his mouth as he slid two fingers into an inner pocket of his casual yet stylish coat and pulled on the ends of a loop of bright blue ribbon. Soon a necklace slipped free and Klaus held it out towards her, like a temptation. Caroline hesitated a moment, then put out her hand for him to drop the necklace into. It pooled in her hand, slightly warm from being next to his skin, ribbon a satin tease against her fingers.
It was a locket, blue and white enamel forget-me-nots on the lid studded with tiny diamonds. The ribbon ended in a necklace clasp. Victorian, excellently cared for, and worth a pretty penny all on its own, the necklace shown in the lights of her cozy outer showroom. She could think of several buyers in the jewelry market who would coo over this, despite the lack of original chain.
“It’s very pretty,” she allowed, prying it open to reveal a Micro SD card inside where a picture probably once resided. Gingerly, she plucked it out of the necklace. “Are you looking to sell it?” Snapping it closed, Caroline wiggled it in her hand, yes or no.
“Sell? No. It’s a bit of a momento, you see.” Klaus set the knife back down on the velvet.
“Pity.” With an underhand throw, she tossed the locket back to him, and he predictably snatched it out of the air. From behind the counter she stood behind, she pulled out a tablet and pressed the SD card into a slot in the side. Tapping her finger on the screen, she opened up the password prompt from the predictably encrypted chip.
“Don’t suppose you’ll give me the password?” She joked, starting to turn the tablet towards him.
“Caroline,” he said simply, and she paused, waiting. After a moment, he clarified. “That’s the password. ‘Caroline.’”
She stared at him for a moment, face turning inexplicably rosey. “That’s a terrible password. Someone could brute-force hack that in like five minutes.” 
Klaus looked extremely amused at this. “They’d have to take it off my person first, and after you kill the first dozen professional pickpockets, the rest tend to get the message. Still, there is the occasional stupid young one.”
Caroline shot him an appalled look as she turned the tablet back around to face her. “Please tell me you aren’t killing every teenager that tries to pickpocket you on the subway?” The mayor would have to declare another Son of Sam.
He shrugged unconcernedly. “A broken wrist seems to suffice as a deterrent,” he replied, as if he and that Ducati he had parked in the alleyway outside her showroom had any passing acquaintance with the subway. You probably couldn’t open her up in the city–although something told her that Klaus didn’t give much of a damn about speed limits–but maybe he got out of the city and let her go on the highways out of New York. She absolutely, positively, did not wish he would take her with him and let her feel that wind in her hair, nope.
Having those types of thoughts–or any others about Klaus–were off-limits. He was a client, nothing more.
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xawkward-ariesx · 1 month
Currently applying for a summer camp counsellor job and had to do a zoom interview for it. Tell me why we were talking about skills and I got asked about my writing and she asked if it was fanfiction or original before admitting she writes fanfic too
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klavscaroline · 2 years
ok so hear me out. 
what if
klaroline were (secret) lovers before the creation of vampires and caroline was a werewolf. after the originals were turned, klaus wanted caroline to live forever but after various attempts to turn other werewolves into vampires, he realises that it’s not possible. so he has a witch unknowingly “freeze” caroline and puts her in a coffin until he finds a way.
and the reason why klaus is so adamant on making hybrids is not for an army, or to feel accepted or whatever, but it’s so that he can find a way to make caroline immortal like him.
and after he figures it out, he wakes up caroline and turns her into a hybrid, and boy she is not happy to find out she had been asleep for a thousand years. 
happy ending of course, bc i’m a sucker for that. 
that’s it. that’s all i’ve got. 
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heatherstyles · 2 years
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for @klarolineauseason
Week 6 - Crossovers/Fusions
Klaroline x Mr and Mrs Smith
Mr and Mrs Mikaelson, a couple in a stagnating marriage, live a deceptively mundane existence. However, each has been hiding a secret from the other: they are assassins working for adversarial agencies. When they are both assigned to kill the same target, Damon Salvatore, the truth comes to the surface. Finally free from their cover stories, they discover that they have been assigned to kill each other, sparking a series of explosive attacks. On their quest to kill each other, they learn a lot more about each other than they ever did in six years of marriage.
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