#My headcanon is that his fav candy is candy canes
disneynerdpumpkin · 7 months
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Look at this adorable Pumpkin King 🎃
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ragityazzclown · 6 months
My Jax x Ragatha x Pomni headcanons:
1:Jax loves to torment Pomni and Ragatha but ne never takes into far. the one time he made pomni cry, he felt like shit for weeks and was very quiet around her for days, not wanting to make her hate him.
2: Ragatha likes to bake cakes for Jax and Pomni when they are having a bad day. She sees them struggling and instantly makes their favorite sweets.
3: Pomni still feels guilty about leavingRagatha on her first day in the circus and will some times sneak in to her room and cuddle her while mumbling how sorry she is about it. Ragatha already forgave her.
4:Jax secretly loves it when Ragatha plays with his ears but will never tell her that. She knows tho cuz he never stops her from doing it.
5: Its hard to tell when Ragatha is having a bad day cuz she is always smiling, but jax can always tell and will give es hints to pomni to have her hug Ragatha better, thinking she is better at giving hugs then he is.
6: Jax misses Halloween, and told Pomni this once. So she went to cane and asked if they could have a Halloween day with lots of candy, pumpkins, and costumes. Jax was a Vampire, Ragatha was a witch, and Pomni was a ghost. (CANE PICKED THE COSTUMES)
7: Pomni likes to hear Ragatha sing when she thinks no one is listening. Ragatha is too shy to do it in front of people and always gets flustered if she finds out pomni is listening.
(These are just a few I thought about and I'd love to hear some of yours in the comments if you have any I may even share my favs later :3 with credit of course.)
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stereotypcd · 1 year
ooc;; Just me rambling about two of my fav background characters lol all of this is nonsensical n totally just me p going over board w my ideas for a kids show like normal lol
Numbuh 23 and Numbuh 20,000 are twins. ( it’s called heteropaternal superfecundation: The biological phenomenon of giving birth to twins with two different biological fathers is called. )
Numbuh 20,000 and Numbuh 23 were in and out of foster care. Chester was one of their ‘foster parents’, but of course he was really running a business using the kids as free labor. Until one day they KND raid his place and rescues all the kids- That’s where the twins learn about the organization and decide to join it. At first Numbuh 23 was just in it for the free food and shelter, n the idea that her brother was safe. But she grew to love her job and see how much the KND really did for kids all over the world.
Numbuh 23 always has candy in her hair because of her job in the KND. She’s also always got a lollipop in her mouth.
Numbuh 20,000 suffers from panic attacks. His twin is the only one who can calm him down.
Numbuh 23 often worries about her brother because of how reckless he is and how willing / ready to throw his life away for the KND. She loves how loyal he is, but she’s so scared that she’ll lose him because of it. ( It’s happened before and she knows it would stop. )
She loses her leg in a battle. So she replaces it with a candy cane one, it’s as strong as a jawbreaker.
She’s constantly drawing up new ideas for weapons, often she’s get so lost in her head that she forgets to eat and sleep.
They both join the TND on their 13th birthday.
She goes on candy hunts with Sticky Beard. Numbuh 20,000 doesn’t like it. She’s even teamed with Abby a few times. She loves finding new candy to make weapons with / also just just stuff her face with.
She makes her own root beer. And helps out at Lime Ricky’s.
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nexyra · 3 years
for the rwby character asks, whatcha got about Nora? :)
Ooooh Nora !! Thank you for the ask, I wasn't expecting her but this is great, this is gonna be interesting, I'll be organizing my thoughts & realizing how I fel as I go
My fav ship(s) for the character
Basic but I'm obviously very soft for Renora 🥺 The show has given me too much for me to not like it y'know ??? The companionship, the shared past, their easy bond & complicity, how well they complete each other... Nora with her determination and enthusiasm and emotionnal intelligence. Ren who is more level-headed, peaceful but also insightful. MHMMM I dunno if I'm making my case well but yea; I care them ! There's like... only one detail I dislike about their shipping interaction (the unexpected/kind of unasked for kissing at Robyn's rally if anyone is wondering) but otherwise they're very good
Next up is the poly Renorarc, I dunno I just think they're soft. Like; on one hand Ren & Nora are sooo close but at the same time I feel like the show striked a great balance and managed to still really make them a trio and I love their team-moments where they are all grieving or touching or caring for each other. They're neat !! And Nora has the biggest emotionnal intelligence I think, and she takes care of them both so well... She's also a pillar of enthusiasm. I love the scene they have at Pyrrha's statue !
If I have to think of a less common ship, I'll prob go with Gingersnaps, I think Penny & Nora had cute moments in V8; they're both lovely enthusiastic cuties, and thematically they both had an ongoing arc about finding themselves so they're nice together.
My least favorite ship(s) for the character
Mhmmm the least fav is harder already. So; like for pretty much all the kiddos I'll start out by saying that all the ships with adults are a No from the get go. Now to elaborate on the more "feasible" ships...
Candy Cane (Nora x Oscar) is a No from me. They are family, brother & sister strictly, I can't see them any other way ! Nora is the cuddly & overbearing big sister, nothing more >:0 Please let them beee ;;
Other than that, Heavy Metal (Mercury) & ThunderCat (Blake) are both ships that don't really interest me, I don't remember any interesting interaction to bring them together so meh x)
My fav & least fav platonic relationship(s) for the character
Good question ! I'm not sure so let me mull on it for a bit...
I like the Renorarc team both romantically AND platonically they have their spot here...
I really like Nora & Oscar ! She's such a big sister to him it's adorable. In V4 to V6 she's one of the characters who tried to include Oscar the most. Teasing him, hugging him & including him in the convo and the chaos. She's very earnest and open about her appreciation and he really needs that. At the same time, she can bit a tad too much but she recognized that and I liked that. How slowly and softly she hugged him at the start of V8 ;; So yea.
I'm not sure what my least fav platonic relationship would be... I can't think of anyone right now honestly !
My favorite thing about the character
Mhmmm I think I like her emotional intelligence ! Like, we all know Nora is funny and excited and enthusiastic... But I like the calmer & more vulnerable moments; when she recognize Ren's trauma & takes off with him, when she takes his hands and say "I won't let you kill yourself like this." When she tells Jaune "You're not being fair to yourself. We love you, just like we loved Pyrrha.". When she comforts Penny "It's just a part of you, don't forget about the rest."
I just think it's nice when Nora gets to comfort those she cares about, along with protecting them =)
My biggest criticism for the character
Mmmmh good Q too. I don't think I have much to criticize about how they handle Nora's character in general ? Soo maybe more like... how things were presented maybe ? If anything, I guess there are some details that could have been handled better about her relationship with Ren in V7-8. For example, I wish the faults had not been presented as so one-sided. Ren struggles with communication and it was shown clearly. However Nora's "Screw talking then !" and subsequent kissing wasn't any better in term of communication, even though it was taken as a great milestone because "first kiss !!". I personally feel that they both were at faults during this arc ? Ren for bottling up & not sharing his struggles, but Nora as well because she lacked patience and was more concerned by their relationship/where they stood than how Ren was actually handling everything. Does that make sense ? I looooved the second part of their convo in Risk, it was adorable really. But I wish the first part hadn't be so unilateraly accusing toward Ren ? Sorry if I'm like... branching out from Nora it goes together in my head ?? Tell me what y'all think !
When was their writing at the peak according to me
To be honest, I think Nora is peaking right now so I have high hopes for her character in the next season ! As for the why I like Nora right now... I think V7 was good at putting her a bit in the spotlight, with the times she confronted Ironwood about Mantle's situation. It was reminiscent of the harsh times she lived herself, and how she could relate to Mantle as a consequence. As someone who liked V7 Ironwood, I sometimes found her to be a bit harsh but you know what ? It was still a GREAT thing. She can be harsh and go too far. It makes sense for her. Let her be a not 'big picture' kind of character who focus on the little person. It let her fight for what she believed in & what she knew. So I really liked that !
V8 was good too because it acknowledged what some people disliked about her, aka the fact that it was Renora instead of Ren & Nora. Nora needs the room to breathe as her own person, and V8 acknowledged that, it brought to life some of her insecurities and all of it was nice. Who am I if not the overexcited "be strong hit stuff" girl ? That's the question I'm eager to see her solve. There is of course already MORE to her, that she fails to see, but it should still be interesting to delve into.
A song I think fits them & why
Line without a Hook (Ricky Montgomery) for Renora + Walk me Home (P!nk) + I wouldn't mind (He is We) + Would you be so kind (Dodie) + I dare you (Bea Miller) ? (might edit to add more, i want a non-romantic song but it's late & i'm lacking in ideas rn)
A headcanon to make up about them
Nora has a big appetite and doesn't hesitate at the table because she knows what it's like to go hungry. She takes full advantage of Ren's cooking ;)
She's still able to share with her closed ones though
What I would change about them if I was making a re-write
MHMMM, apart from what I've said in the criticism section maybe just... mhm... OH YEA ! I'm... well I kind of understand why they did it ig, because they wanted Nora apart from Ren in V8; and I liked Ren's side too much to change it but... I feel like it would have made more sense for Nora to help Mantle instead of Amity in V8 ? Because in V7, Nora was very much in opposition to Ironwood. It was "the little guy" vs "the bigger picture" and it fitted Nora well... But then she chose Amity over Mantle and like. I wouldn't go as far as to call it JARRING but if you mull on it, it's definitely kind of weird.
My guess for their MBTI/Enneagram
ENFP 6w7 9w8 3w2 so/sx
One aspect that I think would be nice to delve deeper into ? (optional)
Give us her backstory ! I mean I know we got the Renora village backstory but I wanna know what happened to her before. What is it with her mom ?
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weirdcrocodilelady · 7 years
Hey for the headcanons meme could you please do Finny? I need more Finny headcanons in my life.
Yesss my baby Finny!!!
1. 2-4 songs probably on their iPod: Part of Your World, I Can Go the Distance, Colors of the Wind, Out There (Hunchback of Notre Dame)–I think Finny would love Disney if he lived today, and his favorite part of every movie would be the dramatic “what I want most out of life” song at the beginning…I picked songs that I think he would relate to because of his cooped-up, beaten down childhood, plus Colors of the Wind because it’s all about his beloved Planet Earth :)
2. The one place they sometimes end up falling asleep (where they’re not supposed to): Ciel’s favorite armchair! (RIP Finny)
3. Game they’d destroy everyone else at: I’m going to assume this refers to video/computer games because face it, Finny’s going to beat everyone except Sebastian and maybe Lizzy at any “real life” game or sport :0 anyway, he’d rule at Mario Kart and Abyssrium. His faves are the fantasy RPGs, but he sucks at them bc all he does is create different characters and go “exploring” lol
4. The emoticon they use most often: Definitely the blushing smiley face!
5. What they act like when they haven’t had enough sleep: Basically the same, but extremely hyper. He probably doesn’t need much sleep anyway tbh, and he might not even notice when he’s tired because he’s just so cheerful and energetic by nature…I see him being like a little kid in that someone else has to observe him and straight up tell him when he’s tired. When he starts flirting with the plants, the others know it’s time to start keeping an eye on him. When he gets down on the floor with Snake’s snakes and tries to be one of them, it’s beddy-bye.
6. Preferred hot beverage: Hot chocolate. The more marshmallows, the better. Extra points for a candy cane, even if it’s July.
7. How they comfort/care for themselves when in a slump: He’s kind of the same way with self-care as he is with sleep–he’s so un-self absorbed he honestly won’t realize he needs something until it gets really really bad. Someone else in the household has to force him to sit or lay down and be taken care of. ( “But Mey-Rin, what will the gardens do without me? Can you tell them I’ll be right back as soon as I’m feeling better? Let them know I haven’t forgotten them! )
8. What they wanted to be when they grew up: This is pretty much canon, I guess–not really a specific career, just anything where he could go outside regularly and not be a lab experiment! (poor kid T_T so glad he got the future he wanted!)
9. Fav kind of weather: Sunshine of course! Though he likes a nice rainy day too because it makes the plants happy :)
10. Kind of singing voice: high tenor, pretty much still a boy soprano (how old is Finny anyway? is his voice changed? xD) and I like to think he’s pretty good! not trying out for the Opera anytime soon, but he can hold a tune and the others like to hear him sing to himself while he works (even Ciel, though he’d never admit it :D )
11. How/what they like to draw or doodle: Well, he doesn’t have much access to paper, but he does like to draw in the dirt! Usually stick-figures of himself with the other servants, or of Ciel and Sebastian and their various friends/guests :)
((hope you like these! I had so much fun writing them omg thanks for the ask @whathozier!!))
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