#Not that I love Damien less but I think he looks good in a simpler outfit also he already got to wear little outfits in the movie :D
shu-bullshit · 8 months
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The Holy Man
Disclaimer: all the clothing choices here are made purely for visual pleasure, I absolutely did not research the rules, regions or eras etc.. Don't take it seriously...
I'm also putting single versions in here, take whoever you like ;)
Also adding in all my FAITH/The Exorcist stuff so far to make this a collection post cause these are all the ideas I have so far. You can feed me more tho.
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inkribbon796 · 3 years
My Favorite Human Ch. 2: I Want YOU in This Custody Fight
Summary: It’s not a date if you argue about the kids in front of the restaurant staff.
Chapters: 1, 2, 3
Chase tried to dress nice when he came to this building. It was one of the fancier restaurants under Dark’s control. He didn’t have a whole lot of nice suits but he did have a white button-up and a black vest. But that was as far as he got.
Dark never seemed to mind either way. After all this was strictly business. They’d talk about the twins, and then Chase would leave. The Entity would offer for Chase to order something from the menu, “on me”, and the marksman would always turn him down, even before he first glanced at the menu.
After he’d seen the menu he was determined to never order anything from this place because it was way too much for anything.
But the view . . . the view was amazing. The restaurant was situated by the river and so at night it looked amazing. Dark was always in a private business room, to make sure their conversations couldn’t be easily overheard by errant patrons.
As Chase walked up, sans superhero outfit or mask because he didn’t want his meetings with Dark getting on the news at all, a waiter led him right to Dark.
When Chase walked in he had his usual crisis, his feet stopping and a weight settling in his heart. Dark had his back to him as he looked out into the city.
Chase got his feet to work and he took his usual seat.
Dark sighed when Chase sat down, “I heard what happened.”
“Mori and Tempus think he’s better now, least he’s not runnin’[1] around naked in the woods anymore,” Chase reported. “I think Mem got most ‘a[2] it out ‘a[2] his system.”
Dark clicked his tongue. “I don’t know what’s gotten into him, at least the others don’t have to be watched so some random hiker wouldn’t get attacked.”
That got a chuckle out of Chase, settling a bit in his chair. “Really? I find that hard ta[3] believe.”
“Arthur was a bit of a handful but at least he could be contained to his books. He didn’t actively seek to become chaos itself.” Dark’s fingers drummed casually on his desk.
“Prolly[4] could have cut him off beforehand if I hadn’t been on patrol this mornin’[5],” Chase’s eyes tracked over as a waiter came in to bring some wine for Dark and a water for Chase, he was braced for a random attack. It was mostly out of habit — because of Clubs — but still trained all the same.
Dark’s aura circled around the rim of his wine glass. “Yes, Illinois commented the same.”
The Entity’s aura hummed as he thought, he twisted the base of glass with two fingers. “I was thinking that perhaps the problem is not that they need constant supervision, it’s merely that they’re bored and they do the first thing that comes to mind.”
“Not sure how I can help with that ta[3] be honest,” Chase admitted.
Dark paused to take an especially long sip of his wine. “It has occurred to me that perhaps if they spend a bit long thinking about the ideas they have that maybe they would make wiser decisions. They are very young spawnlings, and there is a certain impulse that such young demons only have when they have never been threatened and feel safe in a territory.”
“Really?” Chase smiled. “Yeh[6] were impulsive back in the day? Would’a[7] loved ta[3] see that.”
Looking away, Dark took another sip, “No, I made Egoton into what it is today so I would not have to waste my time finding a new territory every couple of decades.”
The smile didn’t fade from Chase’s face quite yet. “So yeh[6] got any plans fer[8] the twins, err, boys.”
At that mistake, the smile did drop and Chase was glaring out the window for a full second or two. “Yeh[6] got any plans fer[8] the boys?”
“A couple,” Dark mercifully ignored the slip up. “My first option was to just stick them with Illinois, he’s more than mentally equipped to corral chaotic spawnlings. But with the wedding coming up, I figured . . .”
Dark trailed off, waving his hand dismissively, “Best not to leave the responsibility with Illinois.”
Chase felt the urge to say something, but he didn’t even know what that something was, so he kept quiet. He preoccupied himself with wiping down the condensate from his glass.
“Tempus is fine on her own, but if I leave her to them, she’d only mildly protest at whatever they do and then record them, and Wil only seems to enable their destructive behavior,” Dark continued.
“Hmph, that’s Bubbles fer[8] yeh[6],” Chase dismissed coldly. “I think he might e’en be givin’ ‘em ideas.”[9]
“Oh, of that I have no doubt,” Dark agreed, “Tempus too, a couple of their more harebrained stunts have actually been her idea, despite Memento’s insistence that he’s the brains of their operation.”
That got a chuckle out of Chase.
“But that still leaves me with a problem, namely that apart from Illinois or myself there seems to be only one other person who can reason with them, or at least enough that they don’t get themselves into legal trouble. Their minor antics are fine, especially if they can confine it to the Manor, but running around the parks or beaches is getting them into trouble, and getting them noticed by demon hunters.”
“Yikes, didn’t know it was that bad yet,” Chase sat up a little straighter.
“It’s nothing that can’t be handled, but I was thinking, and Kay and Illinois posed the idea themselves, that you could help,” Dark proposed, his expression neutral and guarded. “Since you seem to be the only other person they listen to.”
Chase was quiet, the room was so quiet that he could dimly hear chatter from the other room. He wasn’t exactly sure where this conversation was going. “I’m tryin’ ta watch ‘em, but I still got patrols ta keep up with. I’ve got ta deal with random bullshite that the Duke or Anti cause in the city. I’m still part ‘a the Coalition.”[10]
“The heroes have more than enough people to deal with them,” Dark dismissed.
“Dark, I’ll keep doin’ e’erythin’ I can fer the boys, but I’m tryin’ ta stay on good behavior,”[11] Chase reminded him. “It’s bad enough they’re barely lettin’ me see my other kids, I don’t know what they’d do if I wasn’t bein’ a hero. It’s the only thin’ I got goin’ fer me.”[12]
Dark meant to be reassuring, that Chase was a natural parental figure underneath his poor mental health and self-incriminating bad choices. That they’d made a mistake when Chase was denied his children. But such words required a certain amount of emotional vulnerability from Dark, and the Entity could never allow himself to be vulnerable, even when it was desperately needed.
So the words that came out of his mouth were, “I could make sure there were no problems.”
Chase froze, staring at Dark in alarm. Normally his head and heart were at war. Between wanting to treat Dark like a dearly loved friend, and his head who reminded Chase that Dark was a dangerous, demonic mob boss. Someone who destroyed lives that didn’t suit him.
At this moment there was no discourse.
“What does that mean?” Chase’s tone was terse.
“I don’t see why anyone should have a problem with you seeing any of your children, Anti has not used you as a host in months. He has not targeted you in even longer. The correct people merely need . . . convincing.”
“No!” Chase snapped, surging up so he was away from the table. “Don’t! Just stop right there. Yer not gonna threaten or “convince” anyone. Stacy’s fine. She’s doin’ fine with ‘em. If yeh could get yer fookin’ claws outta Paddy that’d be e’en better.”[13]
“Your eldest has his own goals and if he wants to achieve it through my Network, I see no reason to stop him,” Dark dismissed. “He is an expert marksman who’s time and skill were being squandered on running around with other delinquents pretending to be gangsters. Crime and trouble would have found him if I hadn’t swept in and taken him.”
Chase made some ugly snort that carried his disbelief and offense.
“The four of them are already embroiled in the Network, it would certainly make things simpler,” Dark suggested, immediately doubling down on his point.
“Simpler?” Chase scoffed. “Fer who? I’m not gonna fookin’ sit on my arse until they do somethin’, it’s not like I’ve got anythin’ useful fer yer little crime organization.”[14]
Dark gave Chase a look.
Chase just stared at the Entity in alarm, “No.”
“You denying the very nature of your magic and soul doesn’t make it any less true,” Dark commented, metaphorically shoving his foot right into his mouth.
“No,” Chase repeated a little more firmly. “Fook[15] off.”
“The heroes have had a top marksman for years and yet you are sidelined constantly,” Dark commented. “Even if you’re not killing in my Network your skills would be more useful. You don’t even have to be in the room to do the job.”
“So that’s what this is?” Chase spat. “I’m just some asset fer yeh ta buy?”[16]
In the absence of anything that wasn’t an emotionally charged response, Dark fell silent.
Chase threw his hands up, so angry that there was a very furious grin where teeth ground together, “No. We’ll keep the system we got, it’s workin’[17] just fine.”
The marksman was boiling with rage and it didn’t help that Dark wasn’t confirming or denying it.
“Enjoy yer[18] overpriced steak, Dark, I’m goin’[19] home,” Chase decided, alright turning.
Dark stayed quiet, and when Chase looked back at him he let out a groan of annoyance and stormed off and out of the building.
The Entity didn’t stop him, he was too busy tending to his blue soul who was trying to follow Chase but was stopped because Dark was staying in his seat.
“He’s angry,” Damien commented in their shared headspace, his fragmented soul full of nothing but emotion and none of the social cues that kept those emotions from being acted on. “What did I do?”
“He’s a human, it’s all they do,” Dark’s red soul commented dryly. She was already wanting to leave, fretting about the mountain of work they needed to do.
“We can give him things,” Damien suggested hopefully, looking to Dark for approval.
Why? Dark asked. Is he the man we’ve been sleeping with for decades? Because I seem to remember someone a little more pink and mad. Or am I wrong?
Dark’s blue soul curled in on himself and stopped pulling the Entity to follow after Chase. He was more subdued than he’d been in a while.
It let Dark finally leave and head back to the warehouses to get some work done. And if Damien urged Dark to give little macabre trinkets to the triplets, he only hesitated for a little bit.
Post A/N: Man, if Dark and Anti were half as good at communicating as they were at killing people, all their problems would be solved!
Accessibility Translations:
1. running
2. of
3. to
4. Probably
5. morning
6. You
7. Would have
8. for
9. I think he might even be giving them ideas.
10. I’m trying to watch them, but I’ve still got patrols to keep up with. I’ve got to deal with random bullshit that the Duke or Anti cause in the city. I’m still part of the Coalition.
11. Dark, I’ll keep doing everything I can for the boys, but I’m trying to stay on good behavior
12. It’s bad enough they’re barely letting me see my other kids, I don’t know what they’d do if I wasn’t being a hero. It’s the only thing I got going for me
13. Don’t! Just stop right there. You’re not going to threaten or “convince” anyone. Stacy’s fine. She’s doing fine with them. If you could get your fucking claws out of Paddy that’d be even better.
14. For who? I’m not going to fucking sit on my ass until they do something, it’s not like I’ve got anything useful for your little crime organization.
15. Fuck
16. I’m just some asset for you to buy?
17. working
18. your
19. going
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trashystar420 · 4 years
Chapter 7 Maribat Babysitter AU
“Alright boys.” Bruce looked at his two youngest. Dick and Jason looked into his eyes.
“Try to not destroy anything.”
“Yes sir!”
“Yes Bruce.”
“I have also asked Tim to join you with your time with Marinette.” Said boy also spits out his coffee at the news.
“What I have to-“
“you are burnt out from overworking yourself. A boy your age should be hanging out with people his age.”
“Everyone is too dumb or in it for the money what do you expect of me?!”Tim shouted at the man. But Bruce did not give in.
“Tim, think of this as a forced vacation, for a day. Relax and have fun. And if your looking for intelligent conversations, Marinette will be there.” Tim lit up at that.
“Fine, I guess I get to learn why the brats over here love her.” He gave in, and rubbed Dick’s head, who just giggled at his older brother’s physical affection.
“I’m fine with ole Tim Bolt here,” Jason said while pointing his thumb at said boy.”
“But please do NOT tell me Demon Spawn is joining us.” Dick cowered at the thought.
“He’s so mean to Marinette. He called her a witch.” Bruce sighed, thanking his lucky stars that he did not ask him to join. The man trusts Selina, and now trusts Marinette with keeping the house in one piece. But they’ve only known each other for around 3 weeks. It was tad suspicious that she would ask if she could take the boys out of the mansion.
But having Tim with the three of them, perhaps nothing too serious could happen. It IS Gotham after all.
“Alright Dick, Jason, pack whatever you need and wait by the door, I need to talk with your brother about something else.” The two obeyed and off they went to pack up.
“You think we should get her something, you know for all the baked goods she’s made for us?” Dick asked. Jason lit up like a Christmas tree.
“Dickie that is so considerate and smart!!! Of course you’d think of that. But let’s think about that later ok!” Dick nodded and continued to pack his essentials, comprised mainly his hero get up and his weapons. Jason and his guns as well.
“Alright Bruce what’s up?”
“Has Damien been doing something he is not supposed to be doing?” Bruce asked. Tim gave a thoughtful hum.
“Not that I know of, want me to look into it?” Bruce shook his head.
“No, I just wanted to know if you had any idea.” Bruce finished quickly. Tim gave him a knowing look, but didn’t say anything. Bruce sighed.
“If he does anything I’ll be sure to stop him.” Tim reassured, but that didn’t really help the old bat much.
“Oh and tell Selina I said hi.” Tim teased. Bruce gave a hearty laugh and left the cave. Tim went to the super computer to last minute check the case he was working on involving Lex Luther. And then he found a strange folder he KNEW he did not placed. He clicked it, and it needed a passcode to access. Folder name: Fxtslqpcna
“Okay.... what the hell.” Before he could type a passcode in, Jason yelled for Tim, which sent him running out the bat-cave and change into some casual clothing.
“Alright boys, ready to have some fun!!!” Mari asked, the boys cheered. Tim just rolled his eyes at his brothers antics, and off the four of them went in the limousine, driven by Alfred.
Jason blurted out a ‘woah’ while Dick was in a trance over the many paintings placed on display. Tim could care less, and sipped his 5th cup of coffee.
“Hey wasn’t that your second cup?” Marinette asked in concern.
“Fifth actually.” Marinette did a double take. She released a breathe as though calming herself.
“Tim, listen sweetie.”
“Don’t even try, Alfred and Bruce and heck even Demon Spawn have all tried and failed to convince me on giving up on coffee.” Mari gave him an offended look.
“Excuse me?!? What makes you think I’d convince you to give up God’s Nectar?!?” She spoke scandalized. Tim spits his drink and tried and failed miserably in holding back his laughter. Which had Mari in a fit of giggles herself.
“Just try not to overdo it ok?” And Tim nodded, finishing his drink in peace.
“Woah Pixie Bob check this out!!!” Jason grabbed Mari by the arm and pulled her towards a painting of a woman in a chair.
“Wow look at the shading.” Mari remarked. Jason then pointed to a strange insignia on the lady’s dress.
“Look it’s a Chinese marking.” Marinette turned as white as a ghost. ‘That’s the guardian’s symbol. But this was made by modern artists, alive! What does this mean?’
“Pixie bob, yo Mari you alrite?” The young concerned boy waved his hand in front of the petrified face of the older woman. She shook out of whatever daydream, nightmare?
“Y-yes Jason?” Said boy gave her a look, but chose not to say anything about it.
“Just wanted to let you know Timbolt and Dickie went ahead.” So the two picked up their pace to catch up with the other boys.
“I am very sorry about that Tim, I was supposed to keep up with you two.” Tim chuckled.
“Don’t worry about it Mar-Bear. Dick just really wanted some popcorn.”
“It’s buttered POPCORN!!!!” Dick yelled and jumped on Tim pleading with him if he could get some.
“Ugh ask the babysitter here.” Shaking the puppy dog eyes towards the Bluenette.
“Fine, but don’t get so much, you need to save some room for lunch time ok. Speaking of lunch...” the four left the art museum and started walking towards the dog park.
“I think it’s time for us to eat, what do you all have to say to that?”
“I think we could all have a snack break.” Tim spoke for himself and Jason, who nodded in agreement.
“Anyways Mon Cherrie, why do you like Popcorn so much?” An innocent question, but one that caused Dick to ponder it over. Wondering if he should say it or not. Tim gave a questioning look, while Jason was scarfing down another piece of a delicious quiche.
“I-It reminds me of my biological parents.” No one dared to even breathe another word. ‘Goddammit Marinette Dupain-Cheng why would you say something so stupid’
“Before the... accident.” Dick paused, and took a deep breathe before continuing.
“ My family and I were once part of a circus group. They were acrobats, and they would always make the most elegant performances ever. One day, when the circus was about to open, my parents would always make some pretty good buttered popcorn. It was much better than the one I’m eating, but idk just the taste of buttered popcorn reminds me of those simpler times, ya know. I-I’m not saying I hate being apart of the Wayne family, I love it, I love you guys.” Loving young blue eyes gazed upon his now family. Tim smiled while Jason gave a cheeky grin.
“Anyways that’s why I love buttered popcorn. It always brings me joy.” Marinette wipes a stray tear, and then perks up at another idea.
“Hey Mon Cherrie, why don’t I help you make the best buttered popcorn! We could even try and replicate it! If you want to that is, I mean I’d TOTALLY understand it you don’t and that it might bring up -I’d like that.” Dick interrupted. The bluenette blushed at her stammering, and then hugged the boy. Jason and Tim joined in after Dick and Mari demand the two to join them with the best puppy dog eyes the two could possibly muster.
Damien Wayne got up rather late. He ended up finding himself alone in the mansion, except Alfred, who seemed to be cleaning a closet.
“Hey where is everyone?” He demanded. Alfred places a broom on a corner.
“Master Bruce is on another date with Selina, and your brothers, Master Damien, are with Marinette. She is taking them out for the whole day.” Damien kept his usual expression. But inside he began to panic.
‘This can’t be a coincidence.’ Is all he thought, and stormed off into the bat-cave. It looks like BlackBird will be investigating a certain case. Marinette Dupain-Cheng.
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(Title pending)
Anime AU
In this world it's kill or hide.
You could die but we never talk about that option. It's too dark. (But then again anything is better than living alone, with no one to count on. )
Anyway this world is that of heroes, villains, antiheroes, powers, dragons, ninjas, assasins, police, chaos and order. Everything in this world is held in a delicate balance and anyone who tips that balance ends up tipping off themselves. (Or in other words 'dissapearing'.) That's exactly what happened to Damiens best friends since childhood, Shayne.
Shayne was never one for order but never wanted to be the leader of chaos. He was strong, charming and originally who brought Damien out of his shell. Back in the days where the universe was plauged with battles between ego filled heroes and edge filled villains and slumbs were common Shayne found and protected Damien. Since then they had each others backs and swore to be with each other, they became unstoppable, they were consantly together and proud to be joint at the top of whatever they did, they shared what no one could break, friendship.
But one day Shayne flew too high for society's liking and was shot down. They came in the early morning, took Shaayne from his house, silenced the truth and Shayne was lost forever. No matter how hard Damien looked he couldn't find him.
Eventually Damien was told Shayne died and became unmotivated, falling into a long lazy mind set and stayed that way, though still staying top of the class just as a way of honoring Shayne's memory. He also, when it came, accepted the offer to join the school he and Shayne had applied to together before he went missing, 'Monogatari High School'.
'The place where legends are made.' Damien snort to himself as he thinks of the famous schools tag-line. He can't bring himself to even smile as he thinks how stupid the school is as he packs, Shayne's memory still haunting him despite the months that have passed.
He shakes his head and sighs as the last piece of clothing is folded and placed in his bag. Damien knows he should be over the death of Shayne by now but everything in his world is dull now without his best friend, he doesn't know how he can move on from that.
Taking the time to zip up his bag carefully Damien realises he should be more conserned about moving away from his childhood town but everything here reminds him of Shayne and he'll be happy to get away. That's part of the reason he accepted the invitation from Monogatari to go there. That and the honoring his memory and all...
"Get down here! I want to see you one last time before you go!" Damien's mother screams, lovingly of course. This breaks Damiens edge-filled thoughts and he smiles, happy with his life despite all that has happened.
"Coming!" He calls back from his room up the stairs from her, happy that he finished packing when he did. It feels like it was almost perfectly timed.
Running down the stairs with the speed of a energy-filled teenager Damien soon finds his mum and hugs her. "Hi mum." He greets, having spent the day so far in his room. That had become his usual routine since Shayne died.
Pulling away from her sons embrace Damien's mum smiles up at him, fiddeling with his hair. "Oh look at you my little angel!" She cooes as she squeezes her sons face before continuing, "You really need to get a haircut."
Damien pulls his head away from her grip before shuffling her remark off with a small snort and retort, "Yeah right, I'll get one when I'm on the train to Monogatari."
Mrs Haas lightly hits her sons head and scolds him for talking back to her, shouting about how she had thought she taught him better than that. Damien accepts the scolding with a cheeky smirk and lets her finish, taking this time to think of how he'll actually survive in Monogatari.
"Okay, okay mum!" Damien starts as his mum finishes her rant, "I promise I'll get a haircut when I get to Monogatari but I don't have time to get one now, I'm leaving tomorrow and the barbers are closed for the night."
This Damien's mum accepts, but then gets an idea. As she gasps at the thought Damien interjects, "And I am NOT letting you give me a haircut! We both remember what I looked like last time."
Bringing her arms to her chest and crossing them at her son's words she can't help but smile, thinking of little Damien and how much he's grown. She has to admit to herself how much simpler everything was when Damien was little, less money spent on food, less hassle on what Damien needed, less talking-back and less worry. Infact the only thing that isn't less than it is now is the amount of effort Damien puts into his work. Lately he has become less conserned on his work and more conserned on relaxing and putting as little effort as he can into it.
'Baby, you know I'm always here to talk to whenever you need right?" Damien's mum tells him as they are finishing their kake soba. Damien slirps his last noodle and looks up at his mum, raising an eyebrow slightly at the question, unsure of where she's coming from with this.
"Of course mum! Now I'm going to hit the hay, that soba was great but it was a lot." Damien answers with a goofy smile as he takes his and her bowl to the sink to wash them, wanting to get out of this situation as fast as he can. His mum nods as she tucks the chairs into the table and moves past him to watch television, kissing him lightly on the cheeks as she passes.
Damien wipes his hands quickly as he finishes the washing up and walks up to his room, feeling his body grow heavy. He swiftly places out his clothes for tomorrow despite his tiredness and yawns, practically falling asleep standing up. Once satisfied with his selection of an outfit Damien flops onto his bed and snuggles into a deep sleep, not bothering to take his clothes off.
Damien opens his eyes to the morning sun shining on his back as he smells rice. Stretching and breaking away from his bed Damien yawns and slowly waks down the stairs, feeling and looking like a zombie. Although he managed to fall asleep he didn't dream of anything, leaving him unmotivated like usual.
"Good morning." His mum greets with a waves as Damien enters the kitchen. Damien mutters a small greeting back but soon slumps into his seat, waiting for the food to come to him. Although his mum rolls her eyes she still places the gohan she just cooked in front of him and watches him eat.
"You'll be happy to know the train has been delayed today." She comments casually as he eats, responding with a small hmph. "Indeed. It been delayed and will not arrive until nine O'clock." Damien's mum states, glancing at her son who is slowly starting to wake up. Damien glances back at her, taking a break from eatting for a moment to smile up at her and innocently ask, "Why are you telling me this?"
Damiens mum shrugs, moving her eyes away from her sons confused face. "Absolutely no reason. It's just quarter to nine now anyway." She finally admits and smiles at her sons reaction.
Damiens smile drops as he processes his mothers words before scarfing down his food and sprinting up the stairs to his room. "Mum!" He shouts accusingly as he runs, angry that she had not woken him up earlier. "Sorry." She apologises but admits that it is revenge for talking back to her last night.
Damien can't believe his own mother, his flesh and blood, did not wake him up for this very important moment in his life, leaving him to rush brushing his teeth and combing his hair before getting changed and grabbing his pre-packed bag. Thank you past-Damien! Thank you for not being a lazy boy!
Praising his past self, Damien quickly stomps down the stairs where his mum is waiting for him with a small bag of food and a quick kiss. He accepts the bag of food and lets her kiss him but very quickly hugs her as well.
"I love you." Damien's mum admits, her voice starting to shake as she pulls away from the hug. Damien smiles shyly as he opens the door and looks back at her, not baring to say anything incase he starts crying. His mum, with tears in her eyes, pushes him through the door despite her heart aching and Damien is off on his journey to Monogatari High School.
Sitting on a train seat close to the window Damien places his head against the glass, wondering what this new step in his life will bring him.
The green fields of a new place pass and Damien knows he's far away from his hometown now. Damien likes adventure but he always thought he would be taking this next step in his life with Shayne and now that Damien isn't, he doesn't quite know if he actually can take this step.
Thoughts of going back, crying in his mum's arms and returning to his home fly through his mind like the blurred images of the outside world flying past the train but he tries to dusniss them, knowing it's to late now. Damien still entertains the thought that he will hate this new place though, thinking about his arrangements when he gets there.
The school, upon hearing of his situation from his mum, decided to still send him a letter to invite him to the school and promised to provide him with private free housing, not wanting to miss out on Damien accepting their invitation to his school.
They must have really needed their pass rates to go up!, Damien thinks as he doesn't understand why Monogatari High School, the most prestigious school in the entire universe, wanted him so badly to join their school that they would be willing to offer him free housing and a scholarship.
"Mind if I sit here?" A voice asks, breaking Damien away from his edgy thoughts again. The voice is calm and caring but definitely belongs to a male, it seems like the type of voice that could easily be naturally childish but has the ability to change into extremely menacing quickly.
Damien turns his head up to look at the person the voice belongs to and finds a silver haired boy. The boy has a finger pointed to the seat next to Damien and is waiting expectantly.
"Yeah, sure." Damien mutters as he shrugs, quickly returning to watching the blurred outside world pass. He feels the boy sit down though, noticing that he also has a bag filled with stuff.
"So, where are you heading?" The silver haired boy asks, making conversation and smiling as Damien turns again to look at him.
Despite not being in the mood for conversation and being uncomfortable Damien doesn't want to seem rude so he answers the silver boy.
"Monogatari High School."
The boy's smile grows wider as he shuffles in his seat and announces enthusiastically, "Me to!"
Damien intertally sighs but makes no sign of annoyance present on his actual face, watching the silver haired boy slowly calm down.
"Sorry. I'm just really nervous to move away from my home and I'm happy to actually meet another person that's going to attend Monogatari." The boy apollogises quickly and smiles happily.
"Well that's nice. I'm Damien Haas by the way." Damien introduces after the boy calms down, thinking that the boy is not too bad actually.
"Wesley Johnson." The boy introduces with a smile and sighs, leaning back against the seat. He stares up at the top of the train before running a hand through his hair.
"So...do you want to get to know each other?" Wesley asks, glancing at Damien as he sits up again.
"Sure." Damien accepts and starts thinking of a question to ask, "Favourite colour?"
"Come on! That's so lame." Wesley states as Damien huffs, admitting that that was all he could think of off the top of his head. Nevertheless Wes still answers, "Silver? It changes."
Damien smiles, happy with Wesley's response, "Mine's dark blue."
Wesley now asks a question, "Best pet?"
"Geese!" Damien admits without a second thought and then corrects himself, "I mean, cats."
Wesley raises an eyebrow before soeaking, "I'd want an adorable puppy but I have to ask, Geese?"
"Let's just carry on Wesley." Damien mutters awkwardly as he tries to move the conversation along, watching Wesley smile.
"It's actually just Wes. It's less formal than Wesley and since we're friends now you can use it."
"Fine. But don't start shortening my name. Dame is not an option if you want to keep your life." Damien responds quickly as he side-eyes Wes.
"Fair enough Dame." Wes teases and watches as Damien growls at him.
After three hours of questions, listening to music and sleeping, the train finally stops and Damien gets off with a new friend.
"See you later Damien!" Wes shouts as he walk off towards a random place before suddenly stopping and turning, "Actually, where are you stationed?"
Damien grits his teeth and thinks hard about if he wants to admit to this new cool friend that the school provided him with private housing. Eventually he makes up his mind and speaks honestly.
"In Monogatari High School, on the school grounds." Damien admits and Wes freaks out, smiling and grabbing Damien.
"No way! I'm staying there as well! Awesome!" He shouts and hugs Damien tightly as they start walking towards where Wes thinks the school is.
"How do you even know where the school is? I though you were a far-off town bumpkin like me!" Damien teases as he narrows his eyes up at Wes, only know noticing that Wes is taller than him by a bit.
"I have instincts!" Wes shouts with a small laugh, pointing a fist forward and walking on.
It turns out Wes was heading in the right direction...sort of. He and Damien arrive at the school, there's no mistaking it as it's big, plain and very very demanding of your attention. It's just that they arrived at the back of the school, a large stone wall dividing them from the school.
"Opps!" Wes admits with a crooked smile as he rubs the back of his neck, this making Damien sigh and slump.
"Come on!" Damien shouts up at the wall, to tired to walk any longer.
They both sigh in defeat before Wes straightens up and smirks, remembering something.
"I could...umm..fly us up there?" Wes stutters, shuffeling his feet.
Damien turns to face him. Stares him in the eyes and sighs, letting his head fall down and admitting, "At this point I don't care enough to question what or how, just get us up and over there."
Wes does as commanded, using deep red wings to fly over the wall, carrying Damien like a bride before landing on the other side.
Unlike both of them had thought the grounds of the school were not dull and grey, they were green and filled with trees and small adorable wooden houses. The inside of the school grounds were very large as well, most of the area being taken up by a large grey stone building that looks a lot like a castle which can be seen outside the wall surrounding the school. The school building is surrounded by the greenery and smaller wooden houses, it truely is a look of natural beauty.
After taking this in Damien finally comes back to reality and notices a rather tense looking boy with glasses staring daggers at them. He is looking up at them with tightly strunched eyebrows and hands on his hips, a universally recognised sign of annoyance. He's dressed smartly, although it looks a bit rushed and little weird, and has a shining shield badge pinned to his coat with a shiny grey J on it.
"Hi?" Damien starts but is cut off by the annoyed boy quickly.
"How dare you! School grounds are closes for the night and you're not even allowed to come in over the wall anyway! Who are you and why are you here!? And don't even THINK about lying! I'm a leader! The highest position in this school!" The boy snaps with a pointed finger and a stern expression, staring directly at Damien who is still in Wes's arms.
"Well...I'm Damien and this is Wes. We accidently came the wrong way and I really couldn't be bothered to walk all the way round to get in the proper enterance so...sorry?" Damien explains, feeling his body get more and more tired with each passing minute. He crosses his hingers and hopes they maybe get away with it.
"Oh! You're Damien!? And that's Wes!? Oh man! Sorry! We were expecting you but then it became late and-Sorry!" The boy stutters and apologises quickly, bowing his head quickly as he trips over his words nervously. "I am so sorry! My name's Joshuar Ovenshire but please feel free to call me Joven! I'm not even an actual Leader, it was just the first day today and they were practically handing these badges out!"
Damien raises an eyebrow at Joven's actions but shrugs it off, not spending to much time on it.
"It's okay...What's up with you?" Damien asks with a smirk, noticing the boys weird behaviour and intending to find out why he acts this way.
"Umm...you're, like, so cool! I've been reading up on all my classmates and stuff and you and Wes and a few others are so cool!" Joven admits awkwardly with a nervous laugh to try and hide his embarassment.
Damien laughs at his weirdness but decides he likes this kid, "Cool. Well nice seeing you Joven, can you direct me and Wes to our housing now? No worries if you can't."
Joven smiles and states that that's one of the few things he CAN do and so grabs Wes's hand and drags them towards a gathering of wooden cabins with a larger one slightly to the right of them.
"Welcome to the club, that right there is my home, please knock if you want me. That hut right there is Wes's and this one is yours, feel free to decorate and paint it and do whatever you want with it, the head said it's our own personal space so...yeah." Joven points out and explains, pointing to a cabin close by and saying it's his and then pointing to a cabin close to the large cabin as Wes's and finally a cabin slightly above the rest as Damiens.
"Huh? Cool..." Wes mutters and rubs his eyes, accidently dropping Damien in the process as he forgot he was carrying him. Joven laughs and helps Damien up before making sure he's okay and walking off to sleep in his cabin.
"You ready to start the school year?" Damien asks Wes as they both head towards their cabins. Wes quickly shakes his head and smirks, happy all the same.
"Yeah. Me neither." Damien admits as he veers off towards his cabin and waves goodbye to Wes. Damien then proceeds to fall down on his new bed in his cabin, falling into a deep slumber quickly and again forgetting to take off his clothes.
Damien awakes to find a person knocking at his door, this annoys him.
He slumps out of bed and yawns, blinking himself awake as he opens the door slowly. "Hi." He greets the person casually as he sees who it is, Damien feels unmotivated like usual.
"Hi! So..umm..I was wondering if you maybe wanted to...not mention that I had wings?" Wes mutters and fiddles with the zip on his red coat, looking away from Damien as if his life depended on it.
Damien smiles, knowing Wes's desire to keep some things a secret, "Sure. Just as long as you admit we're friends and...maybe...consider not judging me when I don't go to class or seem like I'm not putting in effort? I just...-"
Damien starts but is cut off by Wes placing his hand on Damiens shoulder, "No worries, I understand. You ever need anything, I'm your guy, okay?"
Damien nods and smiles wider, "Okay!"
"Okay!" Wes responds, bringing his right hand off Damiens shoulder and infront of his chest in a fist.
(End of part 1: Prolouge?)
(Thanks to @urielectrc for contributing and for inspiration. Don't worry, this is just an adorable set-up for some REAL drama...I hope.)
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trashingenral · 6 years
"Love you"
Just some angsty Darkstache based on this image:
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Sadly the first bits got deleted, but I luckily had screenshots of them. So here they are...
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"I love you!" Wil murmered loudly before he left
"Love you" Dark returned, before leavin to g9 make coffe.
"Mmmmmhm, Can I smelll cofffeeee!!? " Wilford walced down the stairs. "Haha yes! " He exclaimed as he ran over and glomped his husband. "I lovve youu"
"Hm? " Wil hummed through his coffe
"I said 'love you too'"
They had been married for 4 years now; their love was so strong back then. Wilford's still is! Wilford could never even imagine what other
"Hm." Wilford loves coffe. Not as much as he loves Dark though.
Dark had always been there for, just as Wil had been there for Dark. They grew up together, although they've agreed to never talk about their past.
Wilford count even imagine what it would be like without Dark, not after loosing-
"Hey, Wilford? Are- are you alright?" Dark looked over over at his shaking husband.
"It- it was all a joke- I never killed anybody... "
"Ugh not again" Dark sighed and went back to drinking his coffe.
"Hm!? What? Oh I'm sorry what where you sayin? " Wil wiped away the tears running down his face and looked expectantly over to the other sofa. Where for some reason, Dark was sat on the other side of the room.
"I better be leaving for work" Dark put his unfinished drink down on the table, or the 'shin ablitirator' as Wil named it.
"Oh okay! Um, I'll come help you get ready!" Dark forced a smile.
"Yeah" Wil loved him so much, he tried everything to show his love for Dark. Everyday Wil used to receive flowers in the mail, all coloured and sizes, including a singular black rose with a note attached.
Oh Wil remembered their first date like it was yesterday. The awkwardness, the unprepared eye contact, the bill and even the drive home. They loved each other so much.
When Dark finally proposed to Wil all those years ago, it was the most important and happiest thing to happen in both of their lives. Wil still felt the loving tenderness in his heart everytime he saw Dark. Every word that came out of Wil's mouth was in admiration for Dark.
Though the same might not be said for Dark, these days anyway. And Wil could sense it.
Up stairs Wilford fiddled with Darks tie "therrrrreee we go!" Will smiled aloud, but didn't let go of the tie.
"Wilford I must leave for work" Dark didn't look down at his husband
"Why did you say that" Will still didnt look up, but tightened his grip on Darks tie. "You called me that earlier too"
"Wilford i-" Dark grew impatient but kept his calm, Letting out less than a growl. He was getting annoyed for two reasons, one because he didn't understand his husband, and two because he was late for work. Or that's what he told himself anyway.
Will finally looked up into his belovers' eyes. Dark looked down blankly.
Wils eyes were tired. Not tired from lack of sleep, not tired from anything like that. He was tired from open ended conversation, unwanted affection, pecks on the cheek and nothing more and just blank overall expressions.
"I love you. You know that. " Will narrowed his eyes, trying to figure out why everything was numb for Dark.
"Yes. Love you too" Dark grew even more impatient, he didn't want to be here.
"No. Say it. Say you love me" Will also grew impatient.
"I- I just did. " Dark was now confused again.
"No. No you didnt. You said 'love you' like it's some sort of fake act. Why must everything be so boring for you. Is there something wrong? Am I doing something wrong? Do you even love me anymore... " Will loosened his grip as he looked back down. He regretted saying that. He didn't want this. He loves Dark. He didn't want to shout. Think before you speak had always been a rule. Think before you speek Think before you speek Think before you speek Think before you speek Think before you speek Think before you speek Think before you speek Think before you speek...
Wilford moved his hands and spread them over Darks shoulders, looking like he was about to push him back. But instead stepped back himself.
"I love you. So much. " I'm one last attempt, Wilford hung his head and rested it against Darks chest. "So much."
Dark stepped back, looked his husband in the eyes and sighed "I really must be leaving" Then turned and walked towards the door, only to be stopped by Wilford gripping his sleeve.
"Damien, please. Celine, one of you. Did I do something wrong... "
Darks eyes widened, but still didn't look back. "Wilford-"
"NO DON'T YOU FUCKING 'WILFORD' ME YOU MOTHERFUCKING- " Wilfords sadness started to leak out of his eyes.
Dark did nothing but tug his arm back and look down at his husband, who was now sunken on the floor. "William, I-"
"you what" Wil couldn't take anymore violent or aggressive words coming out of his own mouth.
"I can't stay here anymore." Dark could not believe what he just said. He loved Wilford even before he existed. When Damien and his sister would argue over who had the biggest crush on William. And then when they combined and created Darm, their love for Wilford just squared itself. And somehow they had the courage to ask Wil on a date. But now it was just numb, like everything else these days.
"Then go, and never come back." Wilford couldn't take it. Not anymore.
Dark gave one last look at Wil, sighed, and raced out of the door, slamming it behind him.
Wil heard his loud footsteps race down the stairs and down the hallway. "N-No, NO! " Wil got up as fast as he could and aced down the stairs behind him, down the hallway as fast as he could. Only to see the front door slam with flicker of red and blue trailing behind.
The door slam was so loud Wil swore he heard his own heart shatter, but that wasnt the case. It turned out that a framed picture had fallen from a shelf and landed fave down on the floor.
Wil sank back down onto his knees. "No, no no no no no no no no" Wilford cried, right then and there. He sat, knees underneath him, crying.
Wil slowly looked down at the smashed glass on the ground. "no no no" Wil picked up the frame and suddenly he was his old self again. Looking at the picture of him, Damien and Celine brought him back to the old days when everything was so much simpler.
He caressed the glass fragment they were left on the frame. Then he remembered a song, a song that was especially special to him. A song that Damien used to sing to him when he was sad, or woke up in the night, or when he didn't think he was good enough.
"You-" Wils voice broke "Your are my sunshine..."
'Come on Wil! Where are you? '
A tiny Damien ran past in the hallway 'ah! There you are! ' Damien spotted William, alone, in his bed, crying. 'What's wrong? Why are you sad? '
"My only sunshine"
Wil scooted away, closer to the wall. 'They'll laugh at me' Williams had just gotten glasses for the first time.
'No they won't! '
'Yes the will. '
"You make me happy"
'No they won't! I swear'
'Why should I believe you? ' William lifted his head. Damien sat scooted over next to Wil.
"When sky's are gray"
'Because in my opinion, I think they make you look great. Handsome even'
'Really? You think so? ' Wil was unsure
'Yes! And you know I'm always right' Dark lifted his hand to his chest, spreading his fingers and looking up.
(Sorry I want to fucking kill myself right now, Tumblr keeps deleting like half of my work when I've spent an hour writing it. I've already rewritten this twice and god damn it I just wrote the best ending ever and it deleted it to back here. I'm going to edit this in the future but GOD FUCKING DAMN IT THIS ANNOYES ME THAT WAS SO FUCKING GOOD ANDD IT TOOK ME AN HOUR AND A FUCKING HALF)
(And fucking deleted all my editing from the last couple paragraph god fucking damn it)
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