#Peyton Meyer
dylanconrique · 10 months
disney channel's barbie and ken.
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ficsnships · 8 months
American Housewife premiered 7 years ago! I miss the Ottos so much! 😭
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easthigh · 11 months
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BEST FRIENDS WHENEVER (2015-2016) | 1x09 “Cyd and Shelby's Haunted Escape”
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thecelestialsyzygy · 9 months
Lucaya COULD have been endgame, but here's why it wasn't.
To put it simply: Disney.
It's well known that Disney doesn't often allow more than 2-3 seasons and with the complex plot ideas that Girl Meets World wanted to cover... that's not enough time. I believe if the writers had more time, Lucaya could have been pushed, but because it was limited, the writers ultimately decided to go the easy route and just stick with the "original" pairings Rucas and I say this loosely-- Joshaya since they didn't have much time left for build-up and storytelling. The rushed writing really shows on the last episodes of the last season because of how illogically they played Lucaya off (this post hits the nail on the head as to why it was badly done).
When It comes to filtering , Disney does it best and it really showed with Lucaya's campfire scene aka supposed-to-be kiss that was took out because of Disney's one kiss rule. Disney is extremely basic when it comes to romance and they always go for the more simple fairytale type-of love stories like Rucas because of its younger audience and according to Peyton the writers also took the feedback very seriously. Meanwhile Lucaya was more mature, realistic, and complicated. It doesn't help that Girl Meets World was already deemed too mature and unrelatable for Disney's audience at the time which is one of the reasons it was canceled despite its success in ratings.
They could have made Lucaya "endgame" but between the way Riley's character was written, Disney's filtering, and many other things, it would have required too much de-tangling for the short time frame that the writers would have had to work out the kinks. So, the ending would have still felt rushed and left people unsatisfied no matter what due to Disney imo. Had another network picked up Girl Meets World, I think Lucaya would have had a better chance of happening and would have been handled with more care. Although I do believe the writers would have went through with Lucaya had the circumstances been different, I also believe they held themselves back with Riley being the main character and heavily leaning on the nostalgia Boy Meets World by wanting her to have an ending similar to Cory's.
And this is absolutely no hate to Rowan because I believe Riley wasn't a very strong or interesting main character as it is, but Sabrina really stole the spotlight. Peyton even talked about how he and Sabrina had a lot of on-screen chemistry and were the closest out of the cast at the time. In Peyton's words "I think the writers wanted it to be Lucas and Maya" and I definitely agree. There's many theories about why they added a Lucaya romance arc into the show if they were just going to stick to the original plan, but I believe Lucaya could and would have been worked into the show given it was on a different network, had more seasons/episodes, and if the writers were able to make up their mind (because according the Peyton they had a hard time choosing Riley or Maya and chose the safer option lol). Or it simply never would have happened had Sabrina and Peyton not been chosen to play Lucas and Maya.
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Just going to leave this here...
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lucayapie · 2 years
Riley & Maya are kinda bad for each other
I hate this whole good influence / bad influence thing Riley and Maya got going on, which sucks for me because that’s basically the whole show. 
It has just always felt like the two had this weird toxic view of each other. Maya idolizing Riley(’s life) and never disagreeing with her, never acknowledging the areas in which she might be lacking and also shielding her from the real world which prevents her growth. And then Riley only seeing Maya as this bad girl and not letting her grow out of that persona in season 3 with that terrible “you turned into me” arc. 
It’s just really weird and such a missed opportunity for a show which tagline is “people change people” to have their two main characters prevent each other from actually growing up
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nuttypenguintyphoon · 6 months
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this took me 3 hours😭
[song: labour — Paris Paloma]
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alittleimperfection · 2 years
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thirst-for-boys · 23 days
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Peyton Meyer
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the 1 is a lucaya song idc
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therogue704 · 2 years
He takes her face in his hands, large and rough, and holds it as if its the world.
"Hi," he whispers.
She stares up at him with wide blue eyes, her heart skips a beat.
"You're really cute," he laughs, his voice rough and gentle,"We should hang out sometime
He leans down until he's just centimeters from her face, she holds her breath,
"You make me happy," he says, and his voice is low, like a windswept sea, and his eyes are the color of the waves.
He's about to say more when she brings up a finger to his lips
She smiles, a smile that reaches her bright laughing eyes as she leans forward into his hands
"Ha HUR"
-Just a little something from my notes. I wanted to make a full on lucaya fic but I decided I had waaaaay too many projects going on for that.
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@coreyfogelmanis: hope you’ll stick around to watch us gain our independence and make something of it.
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anthonyfoster · 2 years
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