#Prince George's County MD
larryshapiro · 6 months
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Capitol Heights Volunteer Fire Department Engine 52
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bankruptcylawyersmd · 27 days
Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Can Help You Create A Repayment Plan That Works For You
Filing for bankruptcy can be a complex, confusing process. Plus, there is a lot of bad information out there that can make you hesitant to move forward. When planning to file for bankruptcy, consider Chapter 13 bankruptcy.
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mddeck · 5 months
MD Deck Locations in Prince George's County, MD
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imkrisyoung · 11 months
Prince George’s County Public Schools, the school district that I went to school in, does not, nor has it ever, really cared about their students, especially their disabled students.
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gellymark-blog · 1 year
Optimize The Lifespan Of Your Roof With Expert Roof Repairs In Prince George County MD
https://www.affordableroofmd.com/roof-company-prince-george-county-md/ - Roof Repair is a professional service that focuses on addressing issues and damages to roofs, ensuring their optimal functionality and longevity. They provide expert assessment and diagnosis of roof problems, identifying leaks, cracks, or structural weaknesses accurately. these services employ industry-standard techniques and high-quality materials to execute efficient repairs, guaranteeing long-lasting results. Contact www.affordableroofmd.com for expert assessment and quality repairs.
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colbertlawcenter · 1 year
Maryland Peace and Protective Order Lawyers
If you are in need of protection and are seeking a peace or protective order lawyers, call Colbert Law Center on (301) 576-6200 and book an appointment today!
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anamericangirl · 9 months
Interesting how the mainstream media news isn’t spreading these stories like they are with Jordan Neely:
There were no riots for David Saldana’s death when he was killed execution style while doing nothing. But when a man with 42 previous arrests is accidentally choked to death while he’s threatening and harassing people on a subway, people get mad. It doesn’t make sense.
It’s because they don’t actually care about people who are killed unjustifiably. They only care about the race of the person who is killed, regardless of the situation or what the person was doing and real cases of brutality get swept under the rug to spotlight cases that aren’t brutality.
Like they claim to care about police brutality but they have nothing to say about Daniel Shaver. But that’s because he’s the wrong race and it would hurt their narrative to care about it.
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The Democratic primary for U.S. Senate in Maryland is rapidly devolving into one of the most bitter intra-party contests of the 2024 election cycle.
WHY IT MATTERS: Whoever emerges from the bruising May 14 primary will likely face an electoral juggernaut in Republican former Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan.
• Republicans hope that making the seat competitive – albeit still likely Democratic, according to the Cook Political Report – will force Democrats to defend more territory than expected in an already difficult 2024 map.
• Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.) said Maryland Democrats are "all committed to dampening down the negativity and preparing to support whoever wins."
• "This is so much bigger than any individual's ego or career ambitions. This really is about the future of the country. We cannot afford to lose a Senate seat," he told Axios.
STATE OF PLAY: Rep. David Trone (D-Md.) is running against Prince George's County Executive Angela Alsobrooks to replace retiring Sen. Ben Cardin (D-Md.).
• Trone, the wealthy owner of Total Wine, has loaned his campaign at least $54 million, per FEC filings.
• But Alsobrooks, who would make history as Maryland's first Black senator, has the backing of most of Trone's colleagues in the state's congressional delegation.
THE LATEST: Trone has courted controversy and outrage in recent weeks with a series of inflammatory comments.
• After Trone inadvertently used a racial slur at a committee hearing in March, several Congressional Black Caucus members got off the sidelines to endorse Alsobrooks.
• Last week, Trone ran an ad in which a Black local official said of Alsobrooks: "The U.S. Senate is not a place for training wheels." The ad was rebroadcast without the line following backlash from Black women.
• On Saturday, dozens of local and state officials signed onto statements slamming Trone for referring to Alsobrooks' endorsers in her home county as "low-level folks."
WHAT WE'RE HEARING: These incidents have caught some of Trone's colleagues who endorsed Alsobrooks off guard.
• The "training wheels" ad "indicated to me that Alsobrooks really does have a lot of momentum," Raskin said. "I don't think they wanted to go negative ... that feels like a reaction to some bad news."
• Rep. Glenn Ivey (D-Md.), in reference to the "low-level" comment, noted that he and former House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) both represent Prince George's County and support Alsobrooks.
• "I was a little surprised to hear a comment like that ... some people think Congress is a high-level office," he told Axios.
THE OTHER SIDE: "Our opponent and their supporters have been attacking David Trone for nearly a year, and now a Super PAC backed by a Larry Hogan donor is airing negative attacks to distract Maryland voters," the Trone campaign said in a statement.
• "David Trone is the only candidate in this race who can beat Larry Hogan, that's why his own donors are propping up outside attacks to deliver Mitch McConnell's chosen candidate their preferred opponent."
• State Sen. Jill Carter, who is Black, argued it is "deeply hypocritical" to claim the race is "about making history" because "no ire" was directed at Sen. Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.) for defeating a Black woman to claim his seat in 2016.
• Alsobrooks supporters should "move beyond the dagger throwing so we can focus on defeating Larry Hogan," Carter told Axios.
WHAT TO WATCH: Trone's "low-level" remark appears to be reverberating beyond the Senate race and creating tension within the Maryland delegation.
• Ivey told Axios that Trone and the rest of the delegation had "been able to work together," but "I don't know if that's changed in the wake of his ... strange comment."
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madamlaydebug · 10 months
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The Destruction of Black Civilization and The Origin of African Civilization by Chancellor Williams were challenged at the Prince George County high school libraries in 1993 because the two volumes were said to promote “racism against white people.” In a complaint filed with the state, the works were called “racist pornography” written “to provoke emotions and actions of racial prejudice, bias, hatred, and hostility towards citizens and students in Maryland.”
A widely read history of Africans well researched analysis details the development of civilization in Africa. Now ask yourself, what information is contained in this they really did not want you to know? And do you know it?
Challenged and Banned Books by and about African Americans
Young and Black In America by Rae Pace Alexander
1983—After the Minnesota Civil Liberties Union sued the Elk River School Board, the Board reversed its decision to restrict the title to students who have written permission from their parents. (MN)
And the Walls Came Tumbling Down by Ralph D. Abernathy
1989—Burned protest in Denver because it alleges that Martin Luther King, Jr. was involved with three women. E. Napoleon Walton, the publisher of the Denver Cosmopolitan Advertiser, stated, “[Abernathy] has his freedom of speech, and we have our freedom to burn it.” (CO)
And Still I Rise by Maya Angelou
1982—Challenged at the Northside High School in Lafayette, Louisiana. (LA)
1987—Challenged at the Longview school system in Washington because some “students could be harmed by its graphic language.” (WA)
I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou
1983 – 2009—Over thirty-five challenges in twenty states since the book’s publication.
2009—Challenged in the Newman-Crows Landing School District on a required reading list presented by the Orestimba High English Department. A trustee questioned the qualifications of Orestimba staff to teach a novel depicting African American culture. (CA)
Another Country by James Baldwin
1963—Considered obscene, the book was banned from the New Orleans Public library. After a year of litigation, it was restored. (LA)
Blues for Mister Charlie by James Baldwin
1980—Challenged in Sioux Falls, South Dakota because it’s “pornographic,” and it “tears down Christian principles.” (SD).
Go Tell It on the Mountain by James Baldwin
1994—Challenged as required reading in the Hudson Falls Schools because the books has recurring themes of rape, masturbation, violence, and degrading treatment of women. (NY)
1998—Challenged as a ninth-grade summer reading option in Prince William County because the book “was rife with profanity and explicit sex.” (VA)
If Beale Street Could Talk by James Baldwin
1989—Removed from the St. Paul High School Library because the book contains obscene language and explicit descriptions of sexual activity. (OR)
Tell Me How Long the Train’s Been Gone by James Baldwin
1983—Four members of the Alabama State Textbook Committee called for its rejection because Baldwin’s work preaches “bitterness and hatred against whites.” (AL)
The Toilet by Amiri Baraka
1969—Expurgated at Eastern High School to eliminate “four-letter words or vernacular.”
Manchild in the Promised Land by Claude Brown
1974 – 1987—Challenged five times in four states. (WI, FL, LA, OH, OR)
1987—Challenged at the Parkrose High School because the content is “violent, the language offensive, and women are degraded.” The protestors also questioned its relevance, claiming that Parkrose students have no need to understand life in a black ghetto. (OR)
A Hero Ain’t Nothin But a Sandwich by Alice Childress
1976 – 1994—Challenged five times in five states. (NY, GA, TX, MD, SC)
1976—Removed from Island Trees School Union Free District High School library along with nine other titles because they were considered “immoral, anti-American, anti-Christian, or just plain filthy.” (NY)
Rainbow Jordan by Alice Childress
1986—Challenged at the Gwinnett County public schools because of “foul language and sexual references.” (GA)
1986—Banned from Spokane middle schools because the book’s storyline about a prostitute’s daughter was “too mature.” (WA)
Soul on Ice by Eldridge Cleaver
1969 -1979—Challenged five times in four states. (CA, CT, NY, WA)
1975—Challenged at the Greenwich High School library because the book is “crime provoking and anti-American as well as obscene and pornographic.” (CT)
Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison
1994—Retained in the Yakima schools after a five-month dispute over what advanced high school students should read in the classroom. Two parents raised concerns about profanity and images of violence and sexuality in the book and requested that it be removed from the reading list. (WA)
2013—North Carolina school board considers banning the book after the mother of an 11-grader complained, claiming Ellison’s work was inappropriate for 11th grade summer reading, citing both language and subject matter.
The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman by Ernest J. Gaines
2006—Challenged as an eighth-grade district-wide reading assignment in the Puyallup schools because “racial slurs and stereotyping are used throughout the book, as well as scenes of sex, rape, and implied incest.”
A Lesson Before Dying by Ernest J. Gaines
2004—Removed from the college bookstore at Louisiana College, Pineville by the college president “because a love scene described in the book clashes with the school’s Christian values.” (LA)
My House by Nikki Giovanni
1992—Challenged by the Duval County public school libraries because it contains the word “nigger” and was accused of containing excessive vulgarity, racism, and sex. (FL)
A Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine Hansberry
1979—Responding to criticism from an anti-pornography organization, the Ogden School District restricted circulation of Hansberry’s play. (UT)
Nappy Hair by Carolivia Herron
1998—Challenged in Brooklyn because it was considered racially insensitive. (NY)
The Best Short Stories By Negro Writers an Anthology From 1899 to the Presentedited by Langston Hughes
1976—Removed from Island Trees School Union Free District High School library along with nine other titles because they were considered “immoral, anti-American, anti-Christian, or just plain filthy.” (NY)
Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston
1997—Challenged for sexual explicitness, but retained on the Stonewall Jackson High School’s academically advanced reading list in Brentsville. A parent objected to the novel’s language and sexual explicitness.
Call Me Charley by Jesse Jackson
1979—Parents of a black fourth-grade student filed suit against Grand Blanc school officials after a teacher read this title to their son’s class. The work includes a black youth “Sambo,” “nigger,” and “coon.”
The Autobiography of Malcolm X by Malcom X with Alex Haley
1993—Challenged in the Duval County Public School district because the slain Black Muslim leader advocated anti-white racism and violence. (FL)
Mirandy and Brother Wind by Patricia McKissack
1991—Challenged at the Glen Springs Elementary School in Gainesville, Florida, because of the book’s use of black dialect. (FL)
Daddy Was a Number Runner by Louise Meriweather
1977—Removed from all Oakland junior high school libraries and its use restricted in senior high schools, following a complaint about the book’s explicit depiction of ghetto life. (CA)
Beloved by Toni Morrison
1995 – 2007—Challenged seven times in six states since its publication. (FL, TX, ME, IL, ID, & KY)
2007—Challenged in the Coeur d’Alene School District. Some parents say the book along with five others should require parental permission for students to read them. (ID)
2013—Parent wants the book removed because she believes it depicts scenes of bestiality, gang rape and an infant’s gruesome murder, content she believes could be too intense for teenage readers.
The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison
1994 – 2007—Challenged eleven times in nine states since publication. (AK, PA, FL, MA, MD, NH, CA, CO, MI)
2005—Banned from the Littleton curriculum and library shelves after complaints about its explicit sex, including the rape of an eleven-year-old girl by her father. (CO)
2013– The board of education president in Ohio is criticizing the inclusion of the book on the Common Core Standard’s recommended reading list for 11th-graders, labeling the controversial work “pornographic,” and wishes to ban it from the classroom.
Song of Solomon by Toni Morrison
1993 – 2009—Challenged in five states due to its sexually explicitly language. (OH, GA, FL, MD, MI)
1998—Removed from the St. Mary’s County Schools’ approved text list by the school superintendent overruling a faculty committee recommendation. Complaints referred to the novel as “filth,” “trash,” and “repulsive.” (MD)
Sula by Toni Morrison
2000—Challenged on the Poolesville High School reading list because of the book’s sexual content and language. On October 5, 2000, Montgomery County Circuit Court Judge Paul McGuckian dismissed the bid to band the work from the curriculum. The school, however, decided to remove the book from the summer reading list. (MD)
Learning Tree by Gordon Parks
1976 – 2006—Challenged seven times in seven states since publication. (WY, MD, RI, WA, FL, MN, AL)
2006—Challenged on the summer reading list at LeFlore High School in Mobile becdause the author frequently used inappropriate words, such as “nigga,” “bitch,” “bastard,” and “ass.” (AL)
The Black Poets edited by Randall Dudley
1982—Banned for use in English classrooms at the Tinley Park High School because the book “extols murder, rape, theft, incest, sodomy, and other acts.” (IL)
Tar Beach by Faith Ringgold
1994—Challenged in the Spokane elementary school libraries because it stereotypes African Americans as eating fried chicken and watermelon and drinking beer at family picnics. The book is based on the memories of its author’s family rooftop picnics in 1930’s Harlem. The book won the 1992 Coretta Scott King Illustrator Award for its portrayal of minorities. (WA)
Push by Sapphire
2005—Challenged, but retained at Fayetteville High School despite a parent’s complaint that it was sexually explicit. The complainant also submitted a list of more than fifty books, citing the books as too sexually explicit and promoting homosexuality. (AL)
The Friendship by Mildred Taylor
1997—Challenged, but retained in the Prince George’s County school system after a parent claimed that book has “no redeeming value.” (MD)
The Land by Mildred Taylor
2008—Removed from the Turner Elementary School media center shelves in New Tampa as age inappropriate. A parent challenged the book because the novel contains a racial epithet. The book was a 2002 Coretta Scott King Author Award recipient. (FL)
Mississippi Bridge by Mildred Taylor
2001—Challenged by retained at the Donahoe Elementary School library in Sandston despite objections of its “negative content and [that] it’s riddled with prejudice.” The novel by the Newberry Medal-winning author tells the story of a young black man who tries to save white passengers in a bus accident, despite being ordered earlier to give up his seat to “white folks.” (VA)
Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry by Mildred Taylor
1993 – 2004—Challenged four times in four states. (LA, CA, AL, FL).
Bloods: Black Veterans of the Vietnam War: An Oral History by Terry Wallace
1987—Banned from the West Hernando Middle School library in Spring Hill because of “harsh language and presents a moral danger to students.” The librarian filled a grievance and the book was returned to the shelves following a ruling by the American Arbitration Association. Forty minutes after the book was returned, the book was removed again, pending a review by an advisory committee. (FL)
Down These Mean Streets by Thomas Piri
1976—Removed from the Island Trees Union Free School District High School library along with nine other titles because they were considered “immoral, anti-American, anti-Christian, or just plain filthy.” Returned to the library after the U.S. Supreme Court ruling on June 25, 1982 in Board of Education, Island Trees Union Free School District No. 26 et. al. v. Pico et. al., 457 U.S. 853 (1982). (NY)
The Color Purple by Alice Walker
1984 – 2008—Challenged eighteen times since publication. (CA, VA, MI, TN, WY, NC, PA, CT, FL, OR, TX, WV, OH)
1985—Rejected for purchase by Hayward school trustees because of “rough language” and “explicit sex scenes”. (CA)
The Temple of My Familiar by Alice Walker
1997—Removed from the Jackson County school libraries along with sixteen other titles. (WV)
Jubilee by Margaret Walker
1977—Challenged in the Greenville County school libraries by the Titan of the Fourth Province of the Knights of the Klu Klux Klan because the novel produces “racial strife and hatred.” (SC)
The Destruction of Black Civilization and The Origin of African Civilization by Chancellor Williams
1993—Challenged at the Prince George County high school libraries because the two volumes promote “racism against white people.” In a complaint filed with the state, the works were called “racist pornography” written “to provoke emotions and actions of racial prejudice, bias, hatred, and hostility towards citizens and students in Maryland.” (MD)
Black Boy by Richard Wright
1972 – 2007—Challenged nine times in seven states since publication. (MI, LA, TN, NY, NE, TX, FL)
1987—Challenged in the Lincoln school libraries because of the novel’s “corruptive, obscene nature.” (NE)
Native Son by Richard Wright
1981—Challenged in North Adam’s due to the book’s “violence, sex, and profanity.” (MA)
1988—Challenged in the Hamilton High School curriculum in Fort Wayne because of the novel’s graphic language and sexual content. (IN)
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scotianostra · 3 months
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Scottish scholar mathematician, physician and satirist , John Arbuthnot was born in on 29th April 1667.
Born in the county of Kincardineshire, the son of an Episcopalian priest. These were turbulent times for Scotland and the Jacobites and it is not known for certain where he was educated, although suggestions are that he went to Aberdeen’s Marischal College and gained a degree. By 1691 he had moved to London and taught mathematics for a while. He had a keen interest in science and, the following year, translated from the original Dutch a book called Of the Law and chance .
John Arbuthnot was an intellectually gifted man who was a satirist, physician and mathematician. He is often described as a true polymath and was responsible for the invention, in 1712, of a character named John Bull who would go on to symbolise “middle England” in political and sociological posters, pamphlets and publications. He was one of the founder members of a London literary group called the Scriblerus Club, other members including famous writers Alexander Pope and Jonathan Swift.
Although this work was a success Arbuthnot was struggling financially, a situation eased by a number of tutoring posts that he filled during the next few years. He decided to become a student himself, again, when enrolling on a doctor of medicine course at the University of St Andrews in September 1696. However it was deemed unnecessary for him to take the course, the college awarding him the doctorate on the strength of seven theses on medicine presented on the day of his enrolment.
During the early years of the 18th century Arbuthnot was reading works of a scientific nature with a growing sense of scorn and decided to respond to them with satire. This was the beginning of his time as a noted satirist but, apart from that, he was also being favoured in royal circles. He became close to Prince George of Denmark and the English Queen Anne and, no doubt with their patronage, he became a Fellow of the Royal Society in 1704. The following year Cambridge University made him an MD.
It seems that, despite his academic and social achievements, Arbuthnot found it hard to take his own work, and that of others, seriously. He was quick to attack people seen to act scandalously, or outside the laws of human decency, and yet many saw him as an amiable sort of chap. He certainly held favour at the royal court and these connections ensured that he presented himself as a figure of some importance, as well as one of great modesty.
By the mid-1730s his health was failing. He was overweight and suffering with kidney stones and asthma and announced to his friends that he was dying.
John Arbuthnot died in London on the 27th February 1735, aged 67
More detail on his life can be found here https://history.rcplondon.ac.uk/inspiring.../john-arbuthnot
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larryshapiro · 1 year
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Brentwood Volunteers - Engine 55, Brentwood, MS
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mddeck · 7 months
Deck Builders in Chillum MD
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Are you looking for top-notch deck builders in Chillum, MD? Look no further! We've got you covered.
Finding a skilled deck builder can be overwhelming, but we're here to make it easy for you. With our expertise and experience, we'll help you find a good deck builder that meets your needs and budget.
Get ready to transform your outdoor space into a stunning oasis with the best deck builders in Chillum, MD.
Best Deck Builders in Chillum MD
If you're looking for the best deck builders in Chillum, MD, you'll find a wide range of highly-rated options to choose from. Chillum is home to numerous deck companies, deck contractors, and deck builders who specialize in deck construction. Some of the top-rated deck builders in the area include JW Home Improvement, Independence Landscape, Shiner Exteriors, Phoenix Home Services Inc, and Ace Deck & Fence. These companies have received 5.0 ratings for their exceptional work and customer satisfaction.
One highly-rated deck company in Chillum is Elefante Renovations, LLC. They've a perfect 5.0 rating and are Angi Certified. Elefante Renovations specializes in deck building, porch construction, patio installation, and fence installation. With their attention to detail and prompt communication, they ensure a seamless and hassle-free experience for their clients. Additionally, Elefante Renovations holds a general contractors license in Maryland and has full liability insurance, further assuring their expertise and professionalism.
When it comes to finding the best deck builders in Chillum, MD, Angi is a valuable resource. Angi allows you to easily match with highly-rated local pros, compare quotes, and read reviews from previous customers. It offers a hassle-free way to find and hire reliable deck contractors who'll approach every project with professionalism and a commitment to quality. So, whether you're looking to build a new deck, replace an old one, or add a porch to your home, Chillum, MD has some of the best deck builders to meet your needs.
How Do I Find a Good Deck Builder in Chillum?
To find a good deck builder in Chillum, start by researching local companies and reading customer reviews.
Chillum, MD, is home to several deck contractors and builders who can help you create the outdoor space of your dreams. Begin your search by looking for deck builders in the Chillum area.
You can do this by using search engines or online directories that specialize in connecting homeowners with local contractors. Once you have a list of potential builders, take the time to read customer reviews and ratings. This will give you an idea of their reputation and the quality of their work.
Look for builders who've consistently positive reviews and satisfied customers. It's also a good idea to check if the builder is licensed and insured. This ensures that they meet the necessary requirements and have the proper credentials to carry out the job.
How Much Does it Cost to Build a Deck in Chillum, MD?
Deck builders in Chillum MD can provide you with an accurate cost estimate for building a deck in your area. When determining the cost of building a deck in Chillum, MD, there are several factors to consider.
Here are three key factors that can affect the cost:
Material Type: The type of material you choose for your deck will greatly impact the cost. Pressure-treated pine is often the least expensive natural wood option, while exotic hardwoods like Redwood or Ipe tend to have higher costs. Composite decking, which requires less maintenance than natural wood, also varies in price.
Square Footage: The size of your deck, measured in square footage, will also play a role in determining the cost. Larger decks will generally require more materials and labor, resulting in a higher overall cost.
Local Pricing: The cost of building a deck can vary depending on your location in Maryland. Factors such as labor costs and availability of materials can influence the final cost estimate provided by deck builders in Chillum, MD.
Wood Deck Builders in Chillum MD
When hiring wood deck builders in Chillum, MD, you can rely on their expertise to construct a beautiful and durable deck for your outdoor space. Wood decks are a popular choice for homeowners due to their natural beauty and versatility. Whether you envision a cozy space for relaxation or a spacious area for entertaining guests, wood deck builders in Chillum, MD can bring your vision to life.
One of the benefits of hiring wood deck builders is their knowledge and experience in working with different types of wood. They can guide you in choosing the right wood species that suits your preferences and budget. From classic cedar to durable pressure-treated lumber, they can help you make an informed decision.
Wood deck builders in Chillum, MD also have the necessary tools and equipment to ensure that your deck is built to last. They'll carefully measure and plan the layout, ensuring proper support and stability. With their attention to detail, they can create a deck that not only looks stunning but also withstands the test of time.
Moreover, wood deck builders can customize your deck to fit your specific needs and style. Whether you want built-in seating, a pergola, or a multi-level design, they can bring your ideas to reality. They'll work closely with you, taking into account your preferences, budget, and the layout of your outdoor space.
Residential Deck Builders in Chillum MD
If you're looking to add a residential deck to your home in Chillum, MD, you'll want to hire experienced builders who specialize in creating custom outdoor spaces. Adding a deck to your home can provide a beautiful and functional outdoor area where you can relax, entertain, and enjoy the natural surroundings.
To ensure you get the best results, here are some key things to consider when hiring residential deck builders in Chillum, MD:
Expertise: Look for builders who've extensive experience in constructing residential decks. They should have a solid understanding of local building codes and regulations to ensure your deck is safe and compliant.
Customization: Choose builders who offer custom design options to create a deck that fits your specific needs and preferences. Whether you want a small, intimate space or a large, multi-level deck, they should be able to bring your vision to life.
Quality materials: Make sure the builders use high-quality materials that are durable and long-lasting. This will ensure that your deck not only looks great but also stands the test of time and can withstand the elements.
Deck Contractors in Chillum MD
To ensure a seamless construction process and a successful deck project, it's important to hire skilled deck contractors in Chillum, MD. Deck contractors play a crucial role in bringing your vision to life and creating a functional and beautiful outdoor space for your home. With their expertise and experience, they can guide you through the entire deck construction process, from design and planning to installation and finishing touches.
When searching for deck contractors in Chillum, MD, it's essential to choose professionals who are licensed, insured, and have a proven track record of delivering high-quality work. Look for contractors who specialize in deck construction and have a portfolio of completed projects that showcase their skills and craftsmanship.
Working with skilled deck contractors ensures that your project will be completed efficiently and within the agreed-upon timeline. They'll have access to the necessary tools, equipment, and materials needed to build a sturdy and long-lasting deck. Moreover, they'll adhere to the local building codes and regulations, ensuring that your deck is safe and compliant.
Additionally, hiring deck contractors in Chillum, MD, allows you to benefit from their knowledge of the latest trends and materials in deck construction. They can provide you with expert advice on choosing the right materials, finishes, and features that will enhance the aesthetics and functionality of your deck.
Deck Repair Chillum MD
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For deck repair in Chillum, MD, turn to experienced professionals who specialize in providing high-quality services at affordable prices. When it comes to maintaining and repairing your deck, it's important to rely on skilled experts who can address any issues and restore your deck to its former glory.
Here are three reasons why you should choose professionals for your deck repair needs:
Expertise: Professional deck repair specialists have the knowledge and expertise to accurately assess the damage and determine the best course of action. They're skilled in identifying structural issues, replacing damaged boards, and repairing any insect or mold damage. With their expertise, they can ensure that your deck is safe and sturdy for years to come.
Quality Materials: Professionals have access to high-quality materials that are specifically designed for deck repair. Whether you need new boards, railing repair, or a complete deck refurbish, they can source the right materials that match the existing aesthetics of your deck. By using top-notch materials, they can ensure the longevity and durability of your repaired deck.
Time and Cost Efficiency: Hiring professionals for deck repair can save you time and money in the long run. They've the necessary tools, equipment, and experience to efficiently complete the repairs, minimizing any disruption to your daily life. Additionally, they can provide accurate cost estimates upfront, helping you avoid any unexpected expenses. By choosing professionals, you can enjoy a hassle-free and cost-effective deck repair experience.
Don't let deck damage linger and worsen over time. Turn to experienced professionals in Chillum, MD for efficient, high-quality, and affordable deck repair services.
Porch Contractors in Chillum MD
When it comes to porch contractors in Chillum, MD, you can rely on experienced professionals to provide top-notch services at affordable prices. Whether you're looking to build a new porch or renovate an existing one, these contractors have the expertise and skills to get the job done right. With their years of experience in the industry, they understand the importance of creating a porch that not only enhances the aesthetics of your home but also adds value to your property.
These porch contractors in Chillum, MD, offer a wide range of services to meet your specific needs. They can help you design a porch that suits your style and complements your home's architecture. From selecting the right materials to ensuring proper installation, these professionals will guide you through every step of the process.
One of the advantages of hiring porch contractors in Chillum, MD, is their attention to detail. They understand that even the smallest details can make a big difference in the overall outcome of your project. From choosing the right paint color to installing the perfect lighting fixtures, these professionals take pride in their work and strive to exceed your expectations.
In addition to their expertise, porch contractors in Chillum, MD, are known for their professionalism and commitment to customer satisfaction. They'll work closely with you to understand your vision and goals for your porch, and they'll go above and beyond to ensure that you're completely satisfied with the final result.
Frequently Asked Questions
What Is the Average Lifespan of a Deck Built by a Professional Deck Builder in Chillum, MD?
The average lifespan of a deck built by a professional deck builder in Chillum, MD is around 15-20 years. However, factors such as maintenance, materials used, and weather conditions can affect its longevity.
Are Deck Builders in Chillum, MD Required to Have Any Specific Certifications or Licenses?
Yes, deck builders in Chillum MD are required to have specific certifications or licenses. These credentials ensure that they have the necessary skills and knowledge to construct decks safely and in compliance with local regulations.
Can Deck Builders in Chillum, MD Provide References or Examples of Their Previous Work?
Yes, deck builders in Chillum MD can provide references or examples of their previous work. It's a good idea to ask for these to ensure they have experience and can meet your expectations.
How Long Does It Typically Take for a Deck Builder in Chillum, MD to Complete a Deck Construction Project?
Typically, a deck builder in Chillum, MD can complete a deck construction project in a few weeks. However, the exact duration may vary based on factors like the size of the deck and any additional features you want.
Are There Any Specific Regulations or Permits Required for Deck Construction in Chillum, MD?
Yes, there are specific regulations and permits required for deck construction in Chillum, MD. Make sure to check with Prince George's County and obtain the necessary permits before starting your project.
So, if you're looking for the best deck builders in Chillum, MD, there are plenty of options to choose from. Whether you need a wood deck or a porch, residential or commercial, there are skilled and reliable Maryland decking contractors in the area.
The cost of building a deck in Chillum will vary depending on factors like size and materials used. Overall, with the right deck builder, you can create a beautiful outdoor space to enjoy for years to come.
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moonlight26posts-blog · 3 months
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In Prince George's Co., MD Shelter: Please see below the URGENT dogs that need to be out of the shelter by Friday 6pm.
Please understand any vetting that is not already done might not be able to get done before leaving! 1.Diesel-A535574-5 year old- Male-Terrier/mix 2.Lucas-A544521-2 year old-Male-Husky/mix 3.Emma-A544609-2 year old- Female-GSD/mix 4.Baby-A544745-1 year old- Female-Terrier/mix 5.Scrappy-A543766-1 year old-Neutered/male-GSD 6.Morgan-A544256-2 year old-Female-Akita/mix 7.Vader-A544765-2 year old-Male-Terrier/mix 8.Apple-A544859-2 year old-Female-Terrier/mix 9.Audrey-A544691-1 year old-Female-Terrier/mix 10.Lola Bunny-A544823- 3 year old-Female-Terrier/mix 11.Rico-A544380-1 year old-Male-Terrier/mix 12.Abby-A544697-3 year old-Female-Terrier/mix 13.Mowgli-A544303- 2 year old -Male-Terrier/mix 14.Zeus-A544572-1 ½ years old-Male-Terrier/mix 15.Houdini-A544453- 2 year old-Male-Terrier/mix 16.Sammy-A544069-7 months old-neutered/male-GSD/mix PLEASE EMAIL Kara at [email protected] ASAP if you can help, these babies are ALL URGENT NOW!!
Off Saturdays & Sundays | Prince George’s County Government | Department of the Environment | Animal Services Facility & Adoption Center | 3750 Brown Station Road| Upper Marlboro, MD 20772 | 301-780-7215
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gellymark-blog · 1 year
Optimize The Lifespan Of Your Roof With Expert Roof Repairs In Prince George County MD
https://www.affordableroofmd.com/roof-company-prince-george-county-md/ - Roof Repair is a professional service that focuses on addressing issues and damages to roofs, ensuring their optimal functionality and longevity. They provide expert assessment and diagnosis of roof problems, identifying leaks, cracks, or structural weaknesses accurately. these services employ industry-standard techniques and high-quality materials to execute efficient repairs, guaranteeing long-lasting results. Contact www.affordableroofmd.com for expert assessment and quality repairs.
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colbertlawcenter · 1 year
Personal Injury Lawyer in Maryland | Colbert Law Center
Our personal injury lawyers in Maryland pride themselves on helping victims of physical harm resulting from the negligent actions of another party. Call us today
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