#Rescued whumpee
jordanstrophe · 3 days
Water as cold as ice was dumped over them. Whumpee gasped awake, feeling themselves getting dragged across the ground by their leg. They're thrown into a room and the door slams shut, leaving them in pitch dark.
Rather if whumper intended for it or not, whumpee knows they'll die here. They tuck their knees to their chest as tight as they can. It offers them no extra warmth, and the shivering only burns away their energy.
Suddenly, a hand touches their face, they didn't even hear the door open. It feels like the warmest thing they've ever felt. Another hand touches their arm and pulls them to sit up. Caretakers voice makes a comment about their injuries, but whumpee only hears bits and pieces; they're only focus is the hand pressing against their cheek.
Caretaker's terrified of hurting them as they pick them up. Their only comfort is feeling whumpee tight clinging to their wrist with their eyes closed.
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lumpsbumpsandwhumps · 6 months
amnesia as a trauma response has the potential to be so fucking funny because imagine you just spent like 6 months breaking Whumpee down piece by piece, stripping them of their rights, destroying their mind and body with scars that will never heal, relishing in the irrevocable damage done by your hand even after they've been rescued
and then you run into them at a grocery store and they're like "oh hey (: sorry didn't see you there ((((: no i have no idea who you are but you're blocking the shelf i need to look at"
my ass would be humbled so goddamn fast. i would be shinji gripping the sink sobbing in the mirror because Whumpee basically just called me cringe. my brilliant torturing apparently meant fuckall and i'm not even worth the time of day. they'd probably misspell my name on a starbucks cup. whumper turned whumpee because how do i recover from that. what the fuck.
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inkwell-and-dagger · 9 months
living weapon whumpees who, during the first few months of recovery with caretaker, are foreign to the concept of comfort‼️‼️‼️
have them flinching away from caretaker's soft touch because they believe they don't deserve it‼️‼️‼️
have a caretaker gently massage living weapon whumpee's shoulders, soothing words further adding to whumpee's overall confusion before they eventually lean into caretaker's warm touch‼️‼️‼️
have caretaker's soft words and hands holding whumpee's face snap them out of their conditioning after something / someone accidentally triggered them, startled at first before recognizing that, caretaker wasn't a threat, they were safe with them and that whumper wasn't here anymore ‼️‼️‼️
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dinkflocculent · 4 months
Creepy intimate whumpers make my heart go berserk <3
- Non-con kissing; grabbing their hair, shirt, horns, or head to pull them closer <3
- Non-con hugging; holding whumper as they squirm or violently shake <3
- Forcing whumpee for both of them to sleep in the same bed <3
- Whumpers who actually love whumpee (bonus if yandere) <3
- Physically-affectionate whumpers <3
- Whumpees who hate any form of intimacy; it is extremely unfortunate to be with whumper. <3
- Once physically affectionate whumpees conditioned to freak out when in intimate situations <3
I plan on having a whumper like this in a series; I just love them so much <33
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whump-blog · 1 year
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Whump Art 9
Whumpee is safe, but terrified of his rescuers, or maybe he's still with Whumper, who is trying to be a better person, but Whumpee can't forget all the things Whumper did to him so easily.
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Newly rescued whumpees where caretaker doesn’t realise how much whumpee has been thru until they see whumpee get excited about normal every day things.
Caretaker being confused that whumpee is so happy to see grass, to sleep in a bed, to eat food that isn’t mouldy.
Whumpees being surprised and slightly apprehensive to all the ‘luxuries’ they are being given, not understanding what they have done to deserve them.
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oddsconvert · 10 months
Whumper is a shapeshifter. Throughout Whumpee’s captivity, they morph into Caretaker’s form to trigger, manipulate and test Whumpee. It breaks Whumpee down and crushes their spirits - but at least they don’t fall for Whumper’s games anymore.
Until one day, it IS Caretaker that rushes to their rescue. When Caretaker bursts through the cell door, Whumpee refuses to believe it’s real. Whumpee even tries to go back to sleep and ignore them.
“N-No... please... not - just not today, Whumper. I’m too tired.”
“Whumpee-” Caretaker’s voice wobbles, their hands shaking as they reach out, “It’s me- I’m here to save you-”
“I-I’m not stupid. I won’t try to escape anymore - promise...please don’t hurt me.”
“Whumpee, just look at me, please. It’s caretaker. We’re going home-”
“You’re not caretaker... It’s never caretaker... It’s always you.”
Whumpee fights and thrashes as Caretaker releases them from their restraints and tries to carry them to safety. When they’re home, they’re resistant to the care and attention they need. Pushing helping hands away, screaming and kicking. Whumpee is hysterical, crying out in anguish. Rambling promises to be good and swearing they’re not disobeying Whumper, they still think it’s all a test. They won’t look at Caretaker, they won’t stop begging to go back to their cell.
Whumpee truly believes that caretaker isn’t themself, that it’s Whumper disguised. What will it take to snap them into reality?
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hurtcomfortguaranteed · 7 months
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In The Professionals 1x07, Peter and his bodyguard Vincent end up on the run from several villainous parties, leading to lots of whump for the both of them.
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sugarsweetwriter · 25 days
୨୧┇So..... (cult) whump recovery? Gender neutral! Whumpee, Caretaker, and Whumper (who's referred to as The Leader/God)
"Do you remember what you were like before?" Caretaker asked gently. Too gently—and Whumpee hated it. Whumpee absolutely despised the softness, the kindness they always held in their voice as the sweetly coaxed Whumpee's secrets out of them, to, of course, use against them later—Whumpee thought. It was the same voice that The Leader would always use; Whumpee wondered why it scared, angered them so much to hear Caretaker take on the same tone. How could they dislike the same tone Their God would use? It all confused, and immensely bothered, Whumpee.
"Yes, I do. I was sinful" Whumpee seethed. Their eyes darted around the room, before settling on the white, floral fabric, draped over their bruised thighs. The dress was apparently Caretaker's cousin's, and it was the only clean clothing they had when unexpectantly taking Whumpee in, only about a week ago. Since then, laundry had been done, but Whumpee seemed attached to the dress, and Caretaker wanted them to be as comfortable as possible. It was much prettier, silkier, than their previous, everyday-garment; a gray, modest dress which covered them from head to toe. It sat on them loosely, and was itchy at the shoulders, but that had never mattered.
Caretaker frowned at the response, but Whumpee hadn't dared to look up to see it.
"How were you sinful—if you're comfortable telling me?" Caretaker questioned—again, far too tenderly. Having sat at the foot of the bed for around 10 minutes now, Caretaker kept conversing with Whumpee—though it felt more like an interrogation for them.
Whumpee hesitated for a moment before answering:
"I.. I wasn't "holy" yet. I hadn't found The Leader yet—I hadn't found The God yet. I hadn't begun worshipping them- and, so, I couldn't have been-.. righteous," Whumpee paused briefly, then continued.
"I would've.. never been forgiven if I had continued like that, but-.. Now, I'm sure I'll never be forgiven again.. no matter how hard I could ever pray" Whumpee practically whispered the second half of the sentance, taking in a shaky breath before muttering the very last part—they sounded as if they were about to sob.
Caretaker sighed, sorrowfully, before slowly—very, very slowly—moving over towards Whumpee, to which Whumpee only stared at them for a moment before looking back down at their thighs. Hesitantly, Caretaker spoke:
"I know, I know it's scary—but none of that's.. true. Please.. know that you're safe. The Leader.." Caretaker hesitated, "God—can't hurt you, anymore. I promise. You're far away from them all now, and I won't ever let anybody from back there hurt you ever again. You're safe" they finished.
Caretaker, now sitting knee to knee with Whumpee, looked back into their eyes, only to be met with a small, scarred, terrified, baby deer. Their eyes, yet again, frantically searched for a focus of interest around the room as tears spilt freely now, quiet sobs racking through their chest as they attempted to mutter a defensive response—but to no avail, as they could only let out pitiful whimpers.
How could Caretaker challenge The Leader? How could Caretaker challenge The God—the only being who knew true virtue? It went against all that Whumpee had known for the past four years. And deeply, it both shook and absolutely terrified Whumpee.
Once more, Caretaker moved towards Whumpee, little by little, attempting to look back at Whumpee's face—failing, since Whumpee's head was now lowered and pressed against their thighs, still covered by soft fabric.
"Whumpee-.. Can I touch you?" Cautiously, Caretaker asked—unsure as to whether Whumpee could even heard them through their now, much louder, sobs. Though, even through Whumpee's hysteric sobs, Caretaker could've sworn they'd heard something among the lines of "Yes, okay". And so, steadily, they wrapped their arms around Whumpee, who quickly lifted their arms as well, almost instinctively, wrapping them shakily around Caretaker and burying their face in Caretaker's neck, breathing heavily and smearing their tears everywhere. Whumpee had been denied of touch for so long, it was only natural to crave it.
After the surprise of it all, Caretaker dotingly whispered sweet confirmations, holding Whumpee firmly yet tenderly, making sure to comfort Whumpee yet not trap them.
Words of "It's okay, it's all okay. I promise—you're safe. The Leader can't get to you here" are spoken, caringly.
Eventually, the cries died down, and Whumpee was left in Caretaker's arms, whimpering quietly, their arms now drooping down Caretaker's back.
"How... You're- you're wrong" Whumpee sniffled, well aware of how weak the defense was.
But they were so tired, and still, so scared. Desperately, they just wanted to believe Caretaker, wanted to believe that they were safe, and even that god- not The Leader- but god, either didn't care about them, or didn't even exist to begin with.
Still terribly unsure of whatever the real truth of it may be—they feared The Leader was right, it was what they'd been taught for so long anyway—they just hoped, so wholeheartedly, but exhaustedly, hoped that they'd be okay. That they'd be safe, that they wouldn't be punished—not for leaving, or for daring to doubt The Leader, and even god.
Though, for now, in Caretaker's warm arms, they did, indeed, feel safe—for the first time in a very, very long time.
In response to Whumpee's defense, Caretaker only hummed affectionately. Truthfully, Caretaker was proud, so proud, of Whumpee. For the first time in the week they'd been staying with Caretaker, instead of hiding in the closet, or just uncontrollably sobbing and praying while pushing them away, they accepted the touch, and the comfort, the help.
Caretaker knew it'd take a long, long time to work with Whumpee and work towards recovery; Whumpee was still working on processing the very notion that it all, that all of the punishments could've been for nothing. It wasn't as if they had never considered it before. They did at the start, and later on they wondered if—regardless of whether The Leader, or any god was real—anything could've made all that they had been through worth it. Eventually though, they became far too fearful to ever even consider any of it ever again.
Yet here, they slowly fall asleep on Caretaker, their weak body slumping onto them, head awkwardly positioned at their neck; to which Caretaker gently—not too gently this time; without saying anything in fact—positioned Whumpee's body in a more comfortable position, and as Whumpee slept, safely, and warm, Caretaker was sure of it now; they will never give up on Whumpee.
୨୧┇A/N: First writing on here! Posting this before my intro as well... it's 3 am now but I just had the urge to write and came up with this (touch starved Whumpee my beloved)... I haven't seen any cult whump recovery drabbles before, so here's one! Hopefully someone enjoyed my writing! ^^
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Unripe Bread?
Caretaker offers the recently rescued whumpee a piece of bread and doesn't understand why the whumpee isn't taking it. It's good bread, even without any butter. Caretaker can clearly hear whumpee's stomach growling and knows it's been days since they've eaten.
It doesn't occur to Caretaker that Whumpee doesn't know what it is; that Whumpee might not have seen fresh bread before. And Whumpee hasn't. The only bread they know is hard and covered in colorful spots. Perhaps this bread isn't ripe yet? They don't deserve ripe bread.... or Caretaker doesn't know it's not ripe yet? Is unripe bread even edible? They're hesitant to find out.
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rizzoto-whump · 1 year
An exhausted caretaker, perhaps?
"I can't keep doing this, Whumpee. I'm exhausted from taking care of you all the time."
"Sometimes I just want to walk away and live my own life."
"How did my life become only about your needs?"
"I miss having time for my hobbies and interests. I never have a moment to myself."
"I wish I didn't have to be responsible for you all the time."
"I'm tired of constantly worrying about you and not living my life."
"How long can I keep up this caretaker role? It's just too much."
"I'm tired of being your caretaker."
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jordanstrophe · 11 hours
Torturing whumpee was never about whumpee breaking, it was about breaking caretaker; who inevitably can't watch their precious whumpee scream any longer. They give in to every one of whumper's demands, rather it be money, weapons or information.
Whumpee's flooded with guilt at the trade; they don't blame caretaker.
-They blame themselves for not being quieter, for not gritting their teeth more, maybe if they kept their face calmer they wouldn't be bundled in caretaker's car being taken to the hospital.
Instead of feeling free, they felt nothing but defeat.
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rescued whumpees are good but they're even better when they're fucking feral.
kicking, hollering, biting, scratching anyone who even tries to come near them, let alone touch them in any capacity.
huddling themself up in a corner or under furniture as some sort of escape.
literally growling/hissing, glaring at everyone with shifty and untrusting eyes, ready to pounce the moment they see a chance at escape.
not believing the hand reaching to bandage their wound won't make them hurt even worse afterwards.
gaining and losing trust with a caretaker in half a second when they move too fast or try to touch something that hurts.
having to be worked with for days, weeks, months just to get them to settle down when another person occupies the same space as them.
only bonding with other whumpees who were only just recently rescued as well, immediately sensing a similar distress and trying to comfort them
becoming twice as feral when it comes to 'protecting' said whumpee friend from all these people that just want to help
making so much progress in learning how to be comfortable with someone, only to have it undone by an innocent mistake that triggers their past abuse
latching on to one specific caretaker only and being a hellion with anyone else because they're just not the same
causing such a ruckus for so long that it's unnaturally eerie to see them quiet and submissive when a certain face appears to offer their assistance in taming them...
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inkwell-and-dagger · 4 months
rescued pet / guard dog whumpee who was conditioned to follow orders based on patterns (e.g tapping on something with a certain rhythm). they thought this trained response no longer affected them, but when caretaker's fingers tap on the table with a familiar rhythm, or they tap the edge of a pan with a spoon, whumpee reacts immediately
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dinkflocculent · 4 months
A few years ago, I read a wonderful pet whump on Wattpad. Unfortunately, it was deleted, but gave me a great whumper idea.
- Whumper would use the clicking of their tongue for commands for whumpee. It would alert whumpee to stand up straight to their master.
- Whumper would show off their pet to guests, like they were a rare breed of dog they just adopted.
- Whumpee would be severely punished when making a sound—any sound—without being told to. If whumpee needs to sneeze or cough, they need to hold it in.
- When rescued, whumpee is conditioned, and it might take years for them to let it go partly.
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whump-blog · 1 year
Prompt 45
From the first day of his rescue, Whumpee had been difficult. He wouldn't talk to anyone, wouldn't come out from under his bed, wouldn't eat, and from the dark circles under his eyes it looked like he wasn't sleeping either.
Many workers at the rescue centre had tried to talk to him, but Whumpee didn't seem to trust anyone except Caretaker. Caretaker was the only person Whumpee talked to, ate or slept with in front of. But, Whumpee was nothing personal to Caretaker, just another rescue. So how, after all the progress Whumpee had made, would Caretaker be able to tell him that he was being transferred to another rehab centre, and they would never see each other again?
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