twinegardening · 1 year
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Rougi by Lapin Lunaire Games
The Palais Garnier, home to the renowned Paris Opéra Ballet, is set to premiere Les Souliers Rouges, a ballet whose very name is rumored to carry a formidable curse. As the premiere draws ever nearer, a series of inexplicable incidents in the opera house stir up a maelstrom of terror and intrigue. With whispers of illicit affairs, sinister motives, and hauntings around every corner, tensions—and the stakes—have never been higher. Here, everyone has a part to play…and everyone is playing a part.
Delve through rumour and reason into the glittering Belle Époque world of the Paris Opéra Ballet and unravel what’s really going on in the wings. After all, the show must go on…
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manonamora-if-reviews · 10 months
Rougi by Jinx/Lapin Lunaire
============= Links
Play the game See other reviews of the game See other games by Jinx or follow @lapinlunaire-games
============= Synopsis
The Palais Garnier, home to the renowned Paris Opéra Ballet, is set to premiere Les Souliers Rouges, a ballet whose very name is rumored to carry a formidable curse. As the premiere draws ever nearer, a series of inexplicable incidents in the opera house stir up a maelstrom of terror and intrigue. With whispers of illicit affairs, sinister motives, and hauntings around every corner, tensions—and the stakes—have never been higher. Here, everyone has a part to play…and everyone is playing a part. Delve through rumour and reason into the glittering Belle Époque world of the Paris Opéra Ballet and unravel what’s really going on in the wings. After all, the show must go on…
============= Other Info
Rougi is a Twine (SugarCube) demo, submitted to the @interact-if 2022 Unranked Game Jam, with Red Herring as a theme. This project is in development.
Status: WIP Genre: Historical, Mystery
CW: / - mention of death, injuries, and implied violence
============= Playthrough
First Played: 24 Feb 2022 Last Played: 9 Aug 2023 Playtime: around 3h (current demo) Rating: --- WIP Thoughts: Dizzying Twirls, Smoke and Mirrors.
============= Review
Invited for a visit at or found your way into the Palais Garnier, you are thrust into a world full of dance, intrigue, and superstitions. Your tasks is to separate fact from fiction, and make sense of the mystery afoot. No matter the supposed curse, the future of the ballet, and its corps, depends on you!
Spoilers ahead. It is recommended to play the game first. The review is based on my understanding/reading of the story.
Set during the Belle Époque in Paris, Rougi paints a vivid and dizzying picture of the ballet scene and its intrigue. Starting from the prologue, you are introduced to a small cast of characters with links to the Palais Garnier or its ballet crew, their relationships with one another, and the hints of conflicts between them. Even before the crux of the mystery is revealed, the game sets the stage for some delicious intrigue.
Thought the project is only in a development stage, the available demo already lays out an intriguing premise, a compelling and layered mystery and interesting use of interactivity (in picking up clues). The story pulls the player in different direction, through crimson strings towards potential answers or red herrings (and there seems to be many red herrings). Is the Director behind it all, due to disagreement with the Maestro? or an admirer of the Danseuse Étoile take revenge for the casting choice? or maybe the Danseuse Étoile walks the path of destruction? Could it actually be supernatural or a former foe behind it all? The game seem to take pleasure in throwing the player off the scent...
Further than the mystery afoot, there are interesting conflicts and backstories I hope the rest of the game will explore. Between the seasoned Danceuse Étoile and the naïve newcomer, will they claw each other out for the top spot or is there something more caring behind the façade? Will Élodie's part in the performance create a stir? Were Camille's failures a coincidence or were they external forces at play? What does it all mean for the ballet?
The writing is somewhat reminiscent of French contemporary(-ish) writers, like Flaubert or Balzac, in its flowery descriptions and detailed flow-y and rather sizeable text. The abundant use of imagery and metaphor adds to the strength of the project, enhancing the theatrics of the story. As dance is to ballet, so it is reflected in words here. The author has also a good attention for details, showing its effort in including the correct terminology in ballet concepts or in the descriptions of the Palais Garnier. It shows that research has been done. I also liked that the author put the MC in a very secondary/observer position. We are thrust into the setting, an outsider looking in and trying to make sense of established facts and relationships. Navigating this whole affair is both exciting and dizzying. (Is it a commentary that as players we are outsider to any story's game too?)
As a sidenote, while Les Souliers Rouges was not a contemporary ballet to the current setting (late 1800s), nor a cursed one at that, but a more recent invention, the author's plan for said ballet share very few similarities. It will be interesting to see where the story takes us and how the premise of the ballet is reflected in the path the characters will take...
As is expected with a working demo, there were some icks that stood out. Some interactive aspects were a bit out of place (like going through Camille's desk when the following line they are here in the room) or lacked the satisfying formatting of the choice list (even for single choice). Passages were at time getting a tad too long, which is a bit of a issue when saving (as Twine can save when moving to a new passage only) or reloading a page. Along with page breaks, I think a better separation between chapters/beats would help with the flow between scenes and make it a bit clearer in the time passed or in the location (maybe a header at the start?). And while I liked the UI, especially its dark colour scheme, I think the Belle Époque aesthetic could be pushed even further to complement the setting of the story (or its mystery).
This project had been on my radar since it was first submitted to the Interact-IF jam, and I've been waiting for its return ever since, hoping to bring back my ball of red twine and connects unlikely dots...
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martinmynster · 1 year
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motobug · 1 year
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meirimerens · 26 days
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Something something threefold bullet (j’ai tout de suite pensé à toi)
my favorite part of those is genuinely the caption. the inherent secrecy and intimacy of Confident. the inherent voyeurisme and triangulation of Indiscret.
also you'll never guess what esteemed threefold bullet scholar and phD candidate max bankys drew one of these days.
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Modern AU Lucy does this to Natsu ok bye
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hakiarleon · 11 months
alright which is it
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onedivinemisfit · 2 years
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Headshot ref - Hisame Rougis
Hiss hiss snek boy. Just a few small touch-ups, and a couple tiny hue changes - greyed out his eyes for idk, blue eye diversity lol
AnS (c) Akizuki Sorata
Art: Me
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sabishi-tomo · 2 years
Count Seiran casually slandering his future son-in-law: a compilation
Ch 43 (5 years before canon):
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Ch 52:
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Ch 78:
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Count Seiran's expression says it all 🤣. Hisame fought back here though (since he actually was present for the slander this time round).
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Ch 103 (Count Seiran appears with reinforcements in the form of Amakize):
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I guess their relationship hasn't changed much over the years, except now the count likes to say it to Hisame's face (and Hisame teases him back in turn). Also, apparently Hisame's comfortable enough to write to Count Seiran to request a delivery of Seiran wine!? (based on the special chapter in Vol 26). I guess that's just like Hisame, though.
There are so many funny duos in AnS but Hisame's ones usually end up being the most entertaining for me. He's just out there living his best life.
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warren-murphy · 1 year
As-tu déjà eu un crush ?
Oui, comme tout le monde je suppose.
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nofatclips · 2 years
Muscle Memory of Missing You by lisa li-lund from the album GLASS OF BLOOD
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trrickytickle · 1 year
i love it when @toweroftickles
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jules-and-company · 1 year
listen. bourdeau acting evil. he. when he’s. he at the he. when. he-
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meirimerens · 1 year
en vrai je m'éclate à peterstakher (au sens positif du terme) du coup viens on lit tous ensemble
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Something souls and fates intertwined, something sun and moon, something breaking and repeating cycles, something something always finding and losing each other.
Anyways go read Flame's Desire by @kiliinstinct
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onedivinemisfit · 1 year
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But what if they were relatives? Just for fun. The Dark Lord took three wives, and from them sprung three lineages. All three have sat on the throne, for the snake-marked run in them all - but never more than one per generation. As such, their political squabbles never include the throne itself, but focuses more on who controls the court, and the holdings.
AnS (c) Akizuki Sorata
Art: Me
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