#Rug design color selection
globalfloor · 5 months
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We are one of the best quality manufacturers of bespoke rugs and carpets with all types of pom pom boxes which can be used as one of the source for colour matching of the rugs.
Email us at [email protected] or whats ap at +91-9839141651 for more.
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lakeshoredesignstudio · 5 months
Website: https://www.lakeshoredesignstudio.com
Address: Vancouver, Washington, Clark County
LakeShore Design, established in 2004 by Suzanne Simon, is a distinguished interior design firm in Vancouver, WA, specializing in a blend of contemporary, traditional, and transitional styles. With a focus on personalized service, the firm offers comprehensive design solutions, ensuring each space reflects the client's unique style. The team, led by Suzanne, is dedicated to staying current with the latest trends and products, providing exceptional design services throughout Clark County, including Vancouver, Camas, Washougal, Brush Prairie, Ridgefield, and Woodland.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LakeShoreDesignStudio
Yelp: https://www.yelp.com/biz/lake-shore-design-studio-vancouver
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escapeaddict · 4 months
Do you have any headcanons about the Hood-Badwolf family?
I got you *cracks knuckles*
this will get long so
the physical affection between Red and Badwolf is limited even in private and/or in front of their own daughters, as they are incredibly paranoid about getting caught, and they only truly relax when they're alone in their bedroom with the door locked and the curtains drawn (but then they cuddle. like. a lot.) but there's always a part of them that feels like they're doing something wrong
idk what canon says about this, but Ramona and Cerise are definitely (fraternal) twins, and Ramona's technically a few hours older, but legally Cerise is several days older because Badwolf waited to register "his" daughter to avoid suspicion
they selected which kid was going to who based off resemblance, which as newborns basically meant eye color (Ramona has golden brown similar to her father, and Cerise has blue like her mother, albeit with a golden ring around the pupil)
the parent who didn't get custody of a specific child was the one to choose that child's name
Granny (Red's grandmother) was the only person "in the know" and helped deliver her great-grandkids, but has since passed away
Red's mother (future Granny) started the rumor that the Huntsman was Cerise's father (because of how secretive her daughter was being, she assumed that the actual truth involved an irresponsible Charming)
the burgundy in Ramona's hair is dyed as to distract from its similarity to Cerise's
a headcanon of mine is that all animal shifters have animal ears in their human form (like Bunny), and so both sisters have a wolf form
until Raven rebelled, the sisters were resigned to their destiny and Ramona always felt incredibly guilty for her part in the story, but she never showed it, instead pushing Red and Cerise away
in contrast, Cerise's relationship with her father was always a close one, and they'd go running together in wolf form in the most deserted parts of the Dark Forest
Ramona acted out a lot during her first semester at Ever After High due to the pressure of Legacy Day even if hers was a year away, and was sent to Fairytale Reform School for the rest of her first year
although Ramona was more free to be herself, she actually felt suffocated by her wolf identity and was envious of her sister for having that part of her as a secret and not something others judged her for
Ramona is pan, Cerise is demi, and Red and Badwolf are bi4bi
Ramona gets irrationally angry at the rebels at first because she feels like her years of struggling with accepting her destiny were meaningless, and that her distance from her mother and sister was her fault for being gullible
after legacy is abolished they definitely "come out" to the public as a family
canon's design is boring, I think Badwolf dresses like an alternative slut(affectionate) especially when Red's going to see him (ripped jeans, sheer shirts, crop tops, v-necks, fishnets, lots of jewelry, so many piercings) in spite of the people who judge him for it (as a buff dude with a "manly" destiny people expect him to be more rugged and wild), but he does despise skirts and make up for sensory reasons
they all have severe ADHD
Badwolf secretly finds his job as a General Villainy teacher very amusing, as he gets to witness a lot of teenage dramatics and amateur sabotage (he definitely gossips about it with his wife)
Red's main income is actually from a remote high tech job, but she still runs a bakery because she enjoys it
the Mad Hatter is a family friend and visits a lot (this is your reminder that canonically Red and Badwolf were married in Wonderland by either the White Rabbit or the Mad Hatter, I don't remember which, but they were both definitely at the wedding, and the couple lived there for a period of time before feeling the need to return to their Setting)
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blueiskewl · 5 months
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Pantone’s Color of the Year for 2024 'Peach Fuzz'
The gentle, pinkish-orange hue was chosen to reflect a collective desire for respite
A soft, pinkish-orange hue called “Peach Fuzz” is Pantone’s pick for the 2024 color of the year, the company announced last week.
Officially called “Pantone 13-1023 Peach Fuzz,” the color is “velvety,” “gentle” and “subtly sensual,” according to the design and color authority.
Pantone is best known for its color-matching system, created in the 1960s, that numbers and organizes hues with a distinct chip format. The company also runs the Pantone Color Institute, which selects the color of the year and conducts color trend forecasting research.
This year’s choice “echoes our innate yearning for closeness and connection,” says Leatrice Eiseman, executive director of the Pantone Color Institute, in a statement.
“We chose a color radiant with warmth and modern elegance,” she adds. “A shade that resonates with compassion, offers a tactile embrace and effortlessly bridges the youthful with the timeless.”
Peach Fuzz is Pantone’s 25th color of the year. The annual announcements began in 1999 to “engage the design community and color enthusiasts around the world in a conversation around color,” per a statement from Laurie Pressman, the Pantone Color Institute’s vice president.
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Every year, a team of color experts examines movies, art, fashion, design, travel destinations, technologies and more to figure out which colors are influencing the world in the current moment. They also use forecasting tools, color psychology research and other sources to predict upcoming trends. From all that research, they narrow down the options to just one color that they feel sets the tone for the year ahead.
Peach Fuzz is less bold than last year’s choice, a bright, pink-red shade called “Viva Magenta.” But the world felt different in 2023, when Pantone “celebrated coming out of the malaise of the last year,” as Eiseman tells CNN’s Leah Dolan. Viva Magenta was intended to evoke verve, power and grace as the world emerged from the pandemic and continued to grapple with social unrest, as NPR’s Rachel Treisman wrote last year.
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Heading into 2024, however, Peach Fuzz “arrives at a dark time amid a tumultuous war and a tense election year,” as Angelica Villa writes for ARTnews. The more muted hue is meant to reflect the “need for some quiet, some peace, some respite,” Eiseman tells CNN.
Where will Peach Fuzz show up in 2024? Rugs, wallpaper, fabric, makeup, tea and more—which are all examples of products released in conjunction with Pantone’s announcement. The color is already showing up in fashion, with celebrities like Taylor Swift and the Rock wearing Peach Fuzz to various events, notes USA Today’s Emily DeLetter.
“It feels like another rediscovered neutral that’s meant to seep its way into every surface of our lives,” said Jeremy Allen, the art director for the New York Times Styles Desk, in a conversation with colleagues.
By Sarah Kuta.
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everyones-fangirl · 11 days
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Delectable Little Pet
Warnings: 18+ This will be about after ascension Astarion so expect some extreme dark romance and future triggers. Female Masturbation. Stalking. Being super forward/not taking no for an answer.
Word Count: 4,247
Chapter 4
The tavern was bustling, a hive of activity as patrons came and went, their laughter and shouts blending into a cacophony of noise. A large table of orcs in the corner grew louder with each drink, their raucous laughter and booming voices dominating the room. The sun shone bright today, its rays filtering through the windows and casting warm patches of light on the wooden floor. Sweat collected at my brow, and the only relief came when the door opened, allowing a brief, cool breeze to waft in and provide momentary respite. I wiped my forehead with the back of my hand, grateful for the bandana that kept my hair off my face. Over the past few weeks, I had learned to favor pants over skirts for their practicality. My attire was a blend of practicality and understated elegance, reflecting both my elven heritage and my current circumstances. I favored garments that allowed me to move freely and withstand the rigors of working at the tavern, yet these clothes also subtly accentuated my natural beauty and grace.
My pants were made of supple, dark brown leather that hugged my curves while providing protection and flexibility. The leather was well-worn, softening over time but still retaining its durability. These pants were reinforced at the knees and hips, places most prone to wear and tear, showcasing thoughtful craftsmanship. Small, intricately embroidered patterns ran along the seams, adding a touch of elven artistry to the otherwise utilitarian garment. My shirt was a simple yet elegant white blouse made of fine linen. The fabric was lightweight and breathable, perfect for long, hot days in the bustling tavern. The blouse had billowing sleeves that cinched at the wrists with delicate, lace-trimmed cuffs. The neckline was modest, yet it featured a subtle, scalloped edge that added a hint of femininity. When I moved, the blouse flowed around me, hinting at the fluid grace with which I carried myself.
Over the blouse, I wore a corset top made of dark green brocade fabric. The corset was intricately designed, with patterns of leaves and vines woven into the material. The corset laced up the front with a series of delicate, silver eyelets, each thread carefully tied to ensure a snug fit that accentuated my waist and provided support. The boning in the corset was flexible yet firm, allowing me to maintain my posture while working long hours without discomfort. I often accessorized with a few select pieces that held personal significance. Around my neck, I wore a thin silver chain with a small pendant shaped like a leaf, a gift from my mother that I never took off. My fingers were adorned with simple silver rings, each one engraved with tiny runes of protection and healing, their magic subtle but ever-present.
My practical side showed in the sturdy boots I wore, made of the same dark brown leather as my pants. These boots were well-crafted, with reinforced soles and ankle support that allowed me to move swiftly and confidently across the tavern's creaky wooden floors. The boots reached just below my knees, laced up the front, and were adorned with small, silver buckles that added a touch of elegance to their rugged design. To keep my long, thick dark brown hair out of my face while I worked, I often tied it back with a crème-colored bandana. The bandana was made of soft, lightweight fabric, and I had a few in different shades to match my outfits. When I wasn't working, I would let my hair down, the dark waves cascading over my shoulders and down my back, shimmering with a faint green luminescence in the right light.
I had started working the counter and tables on my days off. Each coin earned brought me a step closer to moving on, to finding a new place where I could start fresh. As I moved between tables, balancing trays of drinks and plates of food, I felt a sense of purpose, even if it was just for a fleeting moment. The tavern’s interior was a mix of warm wood and rough stone, the walls adorned with faded tapestries and old hunting trophies. The air was thick with the scent of ale, roasted meat, and the earthy aroma of the orcs' sweat. The floorboards creaked under the weight of heavy boots, and the low hum of conversation was punctuated by the occasional cheer or bellow.
At the bar, Caty worked her magic, her fingers flying as she poured drinks and charmed the customers with her infectious smile. Her red hair was a vibrant flame in the dim light, and her laughter was a constant, cheerful background noise. I admired her ability to remain upbeat and engaging, even when the tavern was at its busiest.
As I served a group of dwarves seated near the fireplace, I couldn't help but steal glances at the door. Every time it opened, I hoped for a breeze to cool my flushed skin, but I also found myself scanning the faces of the newcomers. A habit formed from both curiosity and caution, ever since that night with Astarion. The orcs' table erupted in another wave of laughter, and I turned to see one of them pounding the table with a fist, causing mugs to jump and slosh their contents. I hurried over, deftly weaving through the crowd, and set down a fresh pitcher of ale. One of the orcs, a towering brute with a scar running down his cheek, grinned at me.
"More ale! You keep us happy, girl," he bellowed, his voice like rolling thunder.
I nodded, offering a polite smile. "Of course. Enjoy your drinks."
As I turned away, I caught a glimpse of my reflection in a polished shield hanging on the wall. My face was flushed, not just from the heat but from the constant exertion. Despite the sweat and the noise, there was a determination in my eyes. I was working toward something, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant. Moving toward the next table, I felt a renewed sense of purpose. The tavern was just a stepping stone, a place to gather strength and resources for whatever lay ahead.I refused to let anything get in my way—not my aching feet, the sweltering heat, or a certain unnaturally pale elf.
I hadn’t seen him in weeks, but I kept catching glimpses of his silver hair or piercing eyes in the crowd. Each time, a shiver ran down my spine. Something about him made my hair stand on end, and the way he looked at me—as if I were a meal—made me feel extremely conflicted. From the moment he approached our table, I knew he was used to getting what he wanted. When I turned him down, it only further proved my point.
He was dangerous, and I knew scheming when I saw it. It was all I did growing up. Underneath the fear he evoked in me, there was a certain type of heat or desire hidden. It was that feeling that kept him at the forefront of my mind, a secret yearning for him to come back, to approach me again. It had been a while since I found someone who could keep up with my banter. The look in his eyes while he observed me last time was borderline murderous, yet I couldn't deny the thrill it gave me.
I shook my head, trying to clear my thoughts as I approached the next table. The constant motion, the clinking of mugs, the chatter of patrons—all of it was becoming familiar. Yet, despite the routine, my mind kept wandering back to him. His predatory gaze, the way his presence seemed to fill the room, even when he wasn't there.
I felt a mix of fear and excitement whenever I thought about him. He was a puzzle I wanted to solve, a danger I wanted to face. But I knew better than to let my guard down. The stakes were too high, and I couldn't afford to be reckless. My future depended on it.
I shrugged my shoulders as I picked up the dirty dishes from a newly empty table, the clatter of mugs and plates a familiar comfort amid the tavern's chaos. It’s not like he showed much interest in me anyway. I found myself glancing over at Caty, who was effortlessly working the bar. A large crowd had formed around her, captivated by her bright smile and quick hands as she mixed drinks with practiced ease. He was definitely more interested in her, and I couldn’t blame him. Caty’s personality was magnetic, drawing people in with her infectious laughter and boundless energy. But that only made me want to protect her more. The world was full of dangers we couldn’t see, and I had learned to be wary of anyone too smooth, too charming.
When Astarion had grabbed her to take her to the so-called “party” that night a few weeks back, panic surged within me. The memory was still vivid, a chilling reminder of how close we had come to losing her. The way he looked at her was different, predatory and cold. Something in me screamed that if she went with him, I would never see her again.
I gasped in surprise as familiar arms wrapped tightly around me from behind. A small laugh escaped my lips as I struggled to balance the tray of dirty dishes in my arms. “Woah, woah. Careful! If I break these, I’ll lose money!” I playfully frowned at my friend, my heart warming at the sound of her laughter.
Setting the tray down at the bar, I turned to see Caty grinning widely. She hopped up onto one of the stools, her eyes sparkling with excitement. “A couple of us are going out after this shift. You should come.”
I sighed heavily, shaking my head. “You know I can’t. I signed up for a double.” My voice was weary but firm. “I need this.”
Caty's expression fell, a hint of disappointment shadowing her features. She nodded reluctantly, understanding but not happy about it. “I know, I know. But you should take a break soon, or you’ll work yourself to death.”
I glanced around the bustling tavern, the noise of chatter and clinking glasses filling the air. The sun had finally set, and the evening crowd had settled in, making the place even more hectic. Sweat trickled down my forehead, and I wiped it away with the back of my hand, feeling the weight of exhaustion bearing down on me.
“I’ll be fine,” I assured her, trying to sound more confident than I felt. “Besides, we need the money if we want to move on from this place.”
Caty’s eyes softened, and she reached out, giving my hand a gentle squeeze. “I just worry about you, Cassara. You’ve been pushing yourself so hard.”
I forced a smile, appreciating her concern but knowing I couldn’t afford to slow down. “I promise I’ll be careful. Just a little while longer, okay?”
She sighed but didn’t press the issue further. “Alright. Just don’t forget to take care of yourself, too.”
As she jumped off the stool and headed back to the bar to help with the evening rush, I watched her go, a pang of guilt tugging at my heart. I wished I could join her, to let loose and have some fun, but the reality of our situation kept me grounded. With a deep breath, I picked up the tray of dishes and made my way to the kitchen, weaving through the throngs of patrons. The tavern was packed tonight, the energy high and the atmosphere almost festive. Yet, despite the lively environment, I couldn’t shake the feeling of unease that had settled over me. I caught myself glancing at the door, out a window, or just simply over my shoulder more often than usual.
“Cassara, you’ve got a table waiting!” one of the other servers called out, snapping me back to reality.
“On it!” I replied, setting the tray down and grabbing a fresh one.
After the evening rush had subsided, Caty left with our group of coworkers, their laughter and chatter filling the air as they departed. They mentioned something about a circus being in town, and I waved them off with a smile, not entirely sure what a circus was. I made a mental note to ask Caty about it later. The night dragged on, and as the closing hour approached, the tavern slowly emptied. I leaned against the bar, lost in thought. My nightly cleaning duties were done, and now it was just a matter of waiting to lock the doors. The tavern, usually bustling with noise and activity, felt eerily quiet. The flickering candlelight cast long shadows across the wooden floor, adding to the sense of solitude.
I didn’t notice someone slipping in as the last few patrons were leaving. Nor did I see him walk up to the bar and sit down. The sudden noise of someone clearing their throat startled me, making me jump back. “My, my, jumpy little pup, aren’t we?” His familiar voice and the smirk that pulled at his lips made my cheeks flush hot.
“I am neither of those things,” I managed to say, frowning. My heart raced, a mix of fear and something else—something I didn’t want to acknowledge—coursing through me.
Astarion leaned forward, his intense gaze never leaving mine. The candlelight played across his features, highlighting the sharp angles of his face and the cold, calculating glint in his eyes. “You’re working late tonight,” he observed, his voice silky smooth.
“Yes, I needed the extra money,” I replied, trying to keep my voice steady. “What do you want?”
His smirk widened. “Such hostility. I was merely hoping for a drink and some pleasant company.”
I didn’t believe him for a second. There was always an ulterior motive with Astarion. But I couldn’t afford to cause a scene or draw attention. “Fine. What will you have?” I asked, grabbing a clean mug.
“Surprise me,” he said, leaning back with an air of casual confidence.
I turned to the shelves, pulling down a bottle of our finest ale. My hands shook slightly as I poured the drink, my mind racing with thoughts of how to handle this situation. He was dangerous, and I knew I had to be careful. Placing the mug in front of him, I took a deep breath and tried to project an air of indifference.
“There. Enjoy,” I said curtly.
Astarion cut a striking figure as he lounged at the bar, his posture relaxed yet exuding an air of undeniable confidence. His angular features were accentuated by the flickering candlelight, casting shadows across his chiseled jawline and high cheekbones. His skin, pale as moonlight, seemed to glow softly in the dim tavern.
His silver hair fell in loose waves around his face, adding to the aura of otherworldly allure that surrounded him. His eyes, a piercing shade of violet, seemed to bore into mine with an intensity that sent a shiver down my spine. They held a hint of mischief, a dangerous glint that hinted at the depths of his unpredictable nature. Dressed in finely tailored clothing that hugged his lean frame, he looked every bit the aristocrat he claimed to be. The fabric of his shirt and trousers was of the highest quality, the deep crimson hue complementing the pale perfection of his skin. A silver pendant hung from his neck, catching the light as it swung gently with his movements.
But it was his presence, his undeniable charisma, that truly set him apart. There was something magnetic about him, something that drew people in despite the warning bells that rang in the back of their minds. It was a dangerous allure, one that promised pleasure and pain in equal measure.As he sat there, smirking at me with that infuriatingly confident grin, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of unease. Astarion was a predator, a wolf in sheep’s clothing, and I had no idea of the danger that lurked beneath his charming facade.
Astarion took a sip, his eyes never leaving mine. “You know, Cassara, I’ve been thinking about our last encounter,” he said, his tone deceptively light.
“Oh?” I replied, trying to sound uninterested. “And what have you concluded?”
“That you’re quite a fascinating creature,” he said, leaning forward again. “So much fire and spirit. It’s rare to find someone who can resist my charm.”
“I’m not interested in your games, Astarion,” I said, crossing my arms over my chest. “So if that’s all, you can finish your drink and leave.”
He gave me a feigned sad look before breaking out into a devilish grin once more. With a swift movement, he was suddenly looming over me, his body pressed dangerously close. I could feel the heat radiating off him, sending shivers down my spine as his piercing gaze bore into mine. It was like staring into the eyes of a predator, and for a moment, I felt trapped, unable to tear myself away. Before I could react, his hand came up to brush a stray strand of hair from my face, his touch sending a jolt of electricity through me. I sucked in a sharp breath, my heart pounding in my chest as his fingers trailed lightly down my cheek. His scent, a heady mix of musk and danger, enveloped me, clouding my senses and leaving me dizzy with desire.
“Oh, but I think you are,” he purred, his voice dripping with dark amusement. He pressed closer, his body heat seeping into me, making it hard to think clearly. His hand came up to brush a strand of hair from my face, his touch light but possessive. “I have a feeling you’re more interested than you let on.”
I scoffed, trying to push him away, but he held me firmly in place, his gaze burning into mine with an intensity that made my knees weak. I could feel the tension crackling between us, thick with unspoken promises and forbidden desires. “Let me go,” I demanded, trying to sound strong, but my voice wavered, betraying the fear and confusion roiling inside me.
Astarion leaned in, his lips just inches from mine. “Why would I do that when we’re having so much fun?” he whispered, his breath hot against my skin. He inhaled deeply, his nose grazing the curve of my neck. “You smell intoxicating,” he murmured, his lips ghosting over my skin, sending a shiver down my spine.
I struggled to push him away, but his grip was firm, unyielding. “Stop it,” I spat, my anger and fear warring with an unwelcome thrill of excitement.
He chuckled softly, his fingers tracing a path down my arm. “Resistance is futile, darling. You can deny it all you want, but I can see the curiosity in your eyes, the way your body responds to my touch.” His hand slid down to my waist, pulling me even closer. “I can feel your heart racing. Tell me, is it fear... or something else?”
His words sent a flush of heat through me, and I hated myself for the way my body reacted to him. There was a magnetic pull between us, a dangerous allure that made it hard to think straight. But I couldn’t let him win, couldn’t let him see how much he affected me.
“I’m not like the others,” I said, my voice trembling but defiant. “I won’t be one of your conquests.”
Astarion’s eyes darkened, his smile turning wicked. “We’ll see about that,” he murmured. He leaned in closer, his lips brushing against mine in a teasing, almost taunting kiss. I could feel his desire, the raw hunger in his touch, and it terrified me.
I shivered at the feel of his breath against my skin, my pulse racing as his words sent a thrill through me. Despite my best efforts to deny it, there was something undeniably exhilarating about being so close to danger, about dancing on the edge of the unknown. But even as my body responded to his touch, a voice in the back of my mind screamed at me to run, to get as far away from him as possible. Astarion was a predator, a creature of darkness and deceit, and I knew that to give in to him would be to invite nothing but trouble.
With a sudden surge of strength, I shoved him away, my breathing ragged. “Get out,” I said, my voice stronger this time. “I don’t want you here.”
His smirk faltered, he looked almost impressed, a flicker of respect in his eyes but also darkness— danger. But then, as quickly as it had appeared, it was gone, replaced by that infuriatingly charming grin.
“Suit yourself,” he said, his tone laced with amusement. “But don’t be surprised when you find yourself craving the thrill of the chase.” With a final wink, he turned and sauntered back to his seat as if the entire past three minutes never happened. He chuckled softly, the sound sending a shiver down my spine. “I have a feeling our paths will cross again. You can’t resist the inevitable forever, little pup.”
I glared at him, refusing to be intimidated. “We’ll see about that.”
He finished his drink in one long gulp, setting the mug down with a satisfied sigh. “Until next time, Cassara,” he said, rising from his seat. As he walked towards the door, he paused and glanced back at me, his expression unreadable. “Take care. The night is full of dangers.”
With that, he was gone, leaving me alone in the empty tavern. The adrenaline from our encounter slowly ebbed away, leaving me feeling drained and exposed. I locked the doors with trembling hands and leaned against them, taking a moment to collect myself. Astarion’s presence always left me feeling unsettled, a mix of fear and something dangerously close to excitement. But I knew I couldn’t let him get to me. I couldn’t afford to. Taking a deep breath, I pushed away from the door and began to close up for the night. The tavern, once bustling with life and noise, now felt eerily silent. I methodically wiped down the tables, straightened the chairs, and swept the floor, trying to distract myself from the lingering tension. Every creak and shadow seemed amplified, making me jumpy and paranoid. I couldn’t shake the feeling that I was still being watched, even after he had left.
As I finished my tasks and finally headed to my small room above the tavern, the unease stayed with me. I locked the door behind me and drew the curtains, trying to create a barrier between myself and the outside world. Yet, the sensation of being watched persisted, a prickling at the back of my neck that refused to go away. My instincts were hardly ever wrong, and they were screaming at me now.
I tried to ignore the feeling as I prepared for bed. I undressed slowly, letting my clothes fall to the floor, and made my way to the basin. The water was cool against my heated skin as I dipped the rag in and began to cleanse myself. My hair was pulled up in a messy bun, dark strands hanging in escaped tendrils around my face. I let the rag glide over my body, taking my time, trying to wash away the lingering tension. Despite my efforts, my mind kept drifting back to him. The way he had looked at me, the intensity in his eyes, the unsettling mix of threat and allure. As I ran the rag across my bare skin, my thoughts became more vivid, more intrusive. I could almost feel his hands on me instead, his touch igniting a fire within me that I couldn’t ignore.
I paid close attention to my nipples, my breath hitching as I imagined it was his fingers instead of the rag. The sensation sent a shiver down my spine, and I closed my eyes, allowing myself to get lost in the fantasy for a moment. The idea of him watching me, of those piercing eyes following my every movement, made my heart race. A moan escaped my lips, soft and needy, as I continued to cleanse myself with deliberate slowness. My body responded to the imagined touch, heat pooling low in my belly. I knew it was dangerous to let my mind wander down this path, but I couldn’t help it. The desire he awakened in me was as intoxicating as it was terrifying. Finally, I forced myself to stop, dropping the rag back into the basin and taking a deep, steadying breath. I couldn’t afford to lose control, not with someone like Astarion lurking around. I needed to stay vigilant, to protect myself from whatever game he was playing.
I climbed into bed, pulling the covers up to my chin and trying to will myself to sleep. But even as I lay there, the memory of his touch, his voice, his presence lingered, haunting me in the darkness. I knew this was far from over. The hunt had only just begun, and I was caught in the middle of it, whether I wanted to be or not.
As exhaustion finally pulled me under, I couldn’t shake the feeling that my life had just taken a dangerous turn. And deep down, a part of me wondered if I would ever be able to find my way back or if I even wanted to.
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somediyprojects · 8 months
DIY Latch Hook Rug
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Project by Jessica Marquez:
Latch hooking is something I did when I was young, and just thinking about making this project filled me with nostalgia — joyful, creative play with zero pressure. One thing that I forgot was just how long a project like this can take. Give yourself at least a few weeks to make this, but don’t be discouraged by the time commitment. It’s an incredibly satisfying project to complete. With quick craft projects, you rarely develop the rhythm that comes from a longer craft process, like latch hooking, knitting, or embroidery. It’s physical and meditative. I’ve always loved the process of making as much as — and sometimes even more than — the finished piece itself. Plus, it’s the perfect time of year to get cozy while making a warm rug and binge-watching your favorite shows. (I highly recommend the shows I devoured while making this: Chef’s Table and Master of None). My motivation for this rug was the thought of waking up on a cold morning and having the first thing I touch be a warm, fluffy handmade rug under my feet.
This project is inspired by one of my favorite designers, Beci Orpin, who shared a bold and colorful hook rug project in her book Make & Do. Here I created a unique geometric pattern, reminiscent of mud cloth, with pops of color. I can totally see this looking great as a monochromatic rug, too. I hope you give this a try — I know you’ll enjoy the process and the finished, cozy rug you’ll make. —Jessica
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Printed pattern 20 x 25” piece of latch hook rug canvas Sharpie (Stained Sharpies work well) Tape Cardboard pieces (2) 2 ¼” x 8, (1) 2 x 8” Rubberbands Scissors 2 Skeins of yarn (268 yds each, medium “4” weight) in your main color 1 Skein of blue and white or your preferred colors Latch hook Iron-on Rug Binding
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1. Print the pattern out using Adobe and select “tile” in the print window. Tape the pattern together. The final size is 15 x 20”. You can also draw out your own pattern using graph paper to map out your design.
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2.  Transfer your pattern. Iron the latch hook canvas flat to make it easier to work with, Layer the pattern under the latch hook canvas, lining it up with the grid. Tape in place and trace over the pattern with a sharpie.
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3.  Cut your threads. Sandwich the narrowest cardboard piece in between the two wider pieces. Wrap the yarn around the cardboard with consistent tension. You don’t need to wrap tightly. You can slide down and gather the wrapped yarn to fit more onto the cardboard. Once it’s full, cut the tail end, secure the threads with rubber bands and then cut up the length of the cardboard piece on each side. There should be enough space on each side for your scissors to cut between the layers of cardboard. Aim for consistent yarn lengths, about 2 1/4″ long.
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4.  Time to latch hook. Color by color, latch hook the rug working side to side, bottom to the middle and then flipping over. One canvas square is one knot or loop of thread(s). Follow the pattern by placing the latch on the top portion of the canvas square. Insert the latch hook into and out of a square, leaving the top of the square under the open latch hook. Slide two pieces of yarn around the latch hook. Pinch the ends of the thread making sure both sides are even. Cross the yarn over into the open latch and pull the hook down through the canvas. Pull the yarn to tighten the loop.
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NOTE: When I began the rug, I started out only using one piece of thread per loop, but felt that it wasn’t thick enough for a rug. I decided to double the threads. Different yarn weights might require more or less threads. Different types of yarn will also create different textures.
5.  Bind the edges. First, flip over the canvas to see if you’ve missed any squares and fill them in as needed. Trim the edges to about 1 to 11/2” around. Press the edges of the canvas down. Measure out the length of the binding for each side and cut. Place the waxy side of the binding down halfway over  the canvas edge and press firmly with an iron on the wool setting for about 10 seconds. Lastly, give it a haircut. Trim down any pieces of yarn that are sticking out for an even surface.
Tip: You can add a no-slip backing, which also protects the threads from fraying.
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kmp-modernfurniture · 11 months
With a single glance at this interior, one can immediately distinguish the unique square composition that guides its #design and #architecture.
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In perfect synchrony with the sharp edges of this home’s exterior, @annlowengartinteriors combines #moderndecor elements that enhance the geometrical theme established by the architects.
Firstly, following a #minimalist approach the decorations and accessories are limited to elegant flower arrangements and functional yet graceful items such as sleek black ceiling fans, subtle pottery displays, circular wall accessories, and the soft presence of delicate lighting.
In this manner the emphasis is given to the quality of the materials used in furniture and to maximising the connection with nature through natural lighting, bountiful windows, and direct passages to the garden.
Moreover light wood, wicker, and rattan are incorporated into the cabinetry, drawers, side tables and into every possible surface to create a sense of cohesion.
To match the lightness of this material, the #furniture such as #couch , #loungechairs , dinning chairs, and even rugs are selected based on a light grey, white and black color scheme.
All these elements combined create a harmonious, neat, and #moderndesign that brings us tranquility simply by gazing at it.
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mybeingthere · 9 months
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Colourful rugs by Martha Clippinger.
“I’ve always had a kind of addiction to color,” says artist Martha Clippinger. “And I think Mexico fed that addiction, because it’s a country that’s just so saturated in color.”
A visual arts and art history double major while at Fordham, Clippinger spent six months last year on a Fulbright grant studying traditional crafts such as weaving and natural dyes in and around Oaxaca, Mexico.
Though she had lived in Mexico City for a month after completing her MFA in 2008, it was a trip she took to Puebla, led by art history Professor Barbara Mundy, as a junior at Fordham that first fueled her love of the country and its traditional crafts.
“It was an action-packed week, and I was just blown away. The people were wonderful, the landscape was incredible, the food was delicious. It was just overstimulating and thrilling. I felt very comfortable and happy there. And I knew I wanted to go back.”
The trip included a visit to some weavers in Oaxaca who used natural dyes. “I had never had access to that type of color. There was this whole world of abstraction and color that I hadn’t been exposed to before Fordham, before that trip. All of these forms that attracted me to modern art but were now being perceived outside of that context, in a much more ancient place.
Clippinger collaborated with master weavers Licha González Ruiz and Agustín Contreras Lopez of Teotitlán del Valle, Oaxaca, Mexico to create tapetes (Spanish for “rugs”) on view in the exhibit. She said the Zapotec architecture of Oaxaca inspires her designs, while the environs of the region inform the intense hues of the woolen yarns, which are hand dyed by Ruiz and Lopez.
“I often select the rug’s colors in person, based on the dyed wool that Licha and Agustín have available in their workshop,” Clippinger said. “This adaptative process often leads to shifts in color from the original design, but as with the piecing of my quilts or constructing paintings from scraps of wood, I look forward to the surprises that result from a flexible and intuitive approach to making.”
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curatedattire · 3 months
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Mastering TimeChoosing the Perfect Watch for Every Occasion
Allow me to be your guide through the intricate world of timepieces. Today, we embark on a journey to discover the essence of choosing the right watch for every occasion—a task not to be taken lightly, but one that rewards those with a discerning eye for style and sophistication.
First and foremost, let us understand that a watch is more than a mere instrument for telling time. It is a statement—a reflection of one's personality, taste, and sense of occasion. As such, selecting the appropriate timepiece is essential to making a lasting impression.
For formal affairs, such as black-tie events or business meetings, a classic dress watch is the epitome of refinement. Opt for a sleek and understated design, with a thin case and minimalistic dial. A leather strap in black or brown adds a touch of elegance, ensuring your watch seamlessly complements your attire without overshadowing it.
When venturing into the great outdoors or embarking on adventures, a rugged and durable timepiece is paramount. Look for watches with robust construction, water resistance, and legible dials for easy readability in any environment. Whether hiking through the wilderness or sailing the open seas, your watch should be as reliable as your spirit of adventure.
Ah, but what of casual occasions, you ask? Fear not, for here lies an opportunity to showcase your individuality and flair. Consider a versatile timepiece with a stainless steel or canvas strap, effortlessly transitioning from day to night with ease. Embrace bold colors and unique designs that speak to your personal style, allowing your watch to become a conversation starter and a reflection of your creativity.
And let us not forget the realm of horological masterpieces—luxury watches that transcend time itself. Whether adorned with intricate complications or crafted from precious metals and gemstones, these timepieces are reserved for moments of celebration and indulgence. Wear them with pride, for they are a testament to your success and discerning taste.
Choosing the right timepiece for each occasion is an art—a delicate balance of form and function, style and substance. So take your time, explore the vast landscape of horology, and select a watch that not only tells time but tells your story. Until next time, may your watch be as timeless as your legacy.
Keep Curating
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drsa-lightitup · 26 days
Illuminate Your Outdoors with Outdoor LED Flood Lighting 💡🌳
In today's outdoor lighting solutions, LED floodlights stand out as versatile, energy-efficient, and effective options for illuminating exterior spaces. Whether you're looking to enhance security around your property, create an inviting atmosphere for outdoor gatherings, or highlight architectural features, outdoor LED flood lighting from DRSA offers a brilliant solution.
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The Advantages of Outdoor LED Flood Lighting
Outdoor LED floodlights have revolutionized the way we light up our exteriors. Here are some key benefits that make them a popular choice:
Energy Efficiency: LED floodlights consume significantly less energy than traditional halogen or incandescent floodlights, helping you save on electricity bills while reducing your carbon footprint.
Longevity: LED technology is known for its durability and long lifespan. Outdoor LED floodlights can last for tens of thousands of hours, reducing maintenance costs and hassle.
Brightness and Coverage: LED floodlights provide powerful illumination and wide coverage, making them ideal for large outdoor areas such as driveways, gardens, and sports facilities.
Weather Resistance: DRSA's outdoor LED floodlights are designed to withstand the elements, including rain, snow, and extreme temperatures, ensuring reliable performance year-round.
Customizable Options: From different color temperatures to adjustable brightness levels and beam angles, outdoor LED floodlights offer customization options to suit various outdoor lighting needs.
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Applications of Outdoor LED Flood Lighting
The versatility of outdoor LED flood lighting makes it suitable for a wide range of applications:
Security Lighting: Illuminate dark corners and deter intruders with bright, motion-activated LED floodlights placed strategically around your property.
Architectural Lighting: Highlight the beauty of your home or commercial building by using outdoor LED floodlights to accentuate architectural details like columns, facades, and landscaping.
Landscape Lighting: Create dramatic effects in your garden or backyard with LED floodlights that showcase trees, shrubs, and water features.
Sports and Recreation: Ensure safety and visibility in outdoor sports venues, parks, and playgrounds with powerful LED floodlight installations.
Event Lighting: From backyard parties to large gatherings, outdoor LED floodlights can set the mood and ambiance, enhancing the overall experience.
Why Choose DRSA for Outdoor LED Flood Lighting
DRSA stands at the forefront of the marine lighting industry, offering a diverse range of high-quality outdoor LED floodlights crafted for durability and performance. Here's why you should consider DRSA for your outdoor lighting needs:
Expertise and Experience: With over three decades of experience, DRSA understands the unique requirements of outdoor lighting for marine and land-based applications.
Quality Assurance: All DRSA outdoor LED floodlights undergo rigorous testing to ensure they meet the highest standards of durability, performance, and energy efficiency.
Wide Product Range: Whether you need compact floodlights for residential use or industrial-grade floodlights for commercial spaces, DRSA has a comprehensive selection to choose from.
Customer Service: DRSA is committed to customer satisfaction, offering expert advice, installation support, and after-sales service to ensure a seamless experience.
Explore DRSA's Outdoor LED Flood Lighting Solutions
Visit DRSA's website to discover a curated collection of outdoor LED flood lighting options designed to transform your outdoor spaces. From sleek and modern designs to rugged and weatherproof models, there's a perfect LED floodlight for every outdoor setting.
Elevate your outdoor spaces with the brilliance of outdoor LED flood lighting from DRSA. Experience enhanced security, captivating aesthetics, and energy-efficient illumination that will redefine the way you enjoy your outdoor environments. Browse DRSA's selection today and illuminate your outdoors like never before! 💫🌲
🌟 Illuminate Your World with DRSA - Light It Up! 💡
🌟 Business Name: DRSA - Light It Up
🏢 Business Address: 420 US-1 Suite 8, North Palm Beach, FL, 33408
📞 Business Phone: +1 561-842-5704
⏰ Hours of Operation: Mon - Fri (8:00 am - 5:00 pm)
🌐 Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/DRSALighting
🐦 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drsalighting
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kidssmartwatchbypixbee · 11 months
Why Smartwatches Are Better Than Smartphones for Kids?
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Smartwatches for kids have emerged as a popular choice among parents who want to provide their little ones with a safer and more controlled digital experience. This article will explore eight compelling reasons why smartwatches are superior to smartphones for kids. From enhanced safety features to fostering independence and promoting physical activity, smartwatches offer a range of benefits that make them the ultimate companion for young explorers.
Safety First: Ensuring Peace of Mind
One of the key advantages of smartwatches for kids is their built-in GPS tracking feature. This feature allows parents to track their child's location in real-time, offering both peace of mind and enhanced safety for young adventurers. With a Kids GPS smartwatch, parents can quickly locate their child in case of an emergency or if they wander off, ensuring their well-being.
Enhanced Communication: Staying Connected Safely
Smartwatches designed for kids often come with video calling functionality, enabling real-time interaction with loved ones while maintaining safety and parental control. These devices offer limited communication options, allowing children to stay connected with a select list of approved contacts. Parents have complete control over who their children can communicate with, creating a safe and controlled digital environment.
Age-Appropriate Features: Tailored to Kids' Needs
Kids 4G smartwatches are specifically designed with children in mind, offering age-appropriate features that cater to their needs. These features include educational games, step tracking, and reminders. By incorporating learning and physical activity components, smartwatches promote healthy habits, responsible time management, and cognitive development.
Enhanced Focus and Reduced Distractions: Productivity Boosters
Smartwatches provide a streamlined user interface with fewer apps and a smaller screen size than smartphones. This design minimizes distractions and helps children stay focused on essential tasks, such as sticking to their schedule or completing educational activities. With limited access to endless entertainment options, smartwatches encourage a more focused and productive mindset.
Physical Activity Tracking: Encouraging an Active Lifestyle
Many smartwatches include fitness tracking features like step counters and calorie burn monitors. By encouraging physical activity,fitness tracker smartwatches help children adopt a healthy and active lifestyle. With real-time feedback on their activity levels, kids feel motivated to engage in physical activities, promoting their overall well-being.
Customization and Fun: Adding Personal Flair
Smartwatches come in a variety of vibrant colors, appealing designs, and interchangeable straps, making them visually appealing to children. Kids can customise their smartwatches with different watch faces and wallpapers, allowing them to express their personality and sense of style. The element of customization adds a fun and personalised touch to their wearable device.
Durability and Child-Friendly Design: Built to Last
Smartwatches are specifically designed to withstand the active lifestyle of children. They are built with durable materials and are resistant to water, shocks, and impacts. The rugged construction ensures that these devices can endure everyday adventures and accidental bumps, making them suitable for active kids.
Parental Control: Ensuring a Safe Digital Experience
Smartwatches provide essential control features for parents. They can set usage limits, monitor their child's activity, and apply restrictions as needed. These parent-controlled smartwatches give parents peace of mind, knowing that their child's digital experience is safe and under their guidance.
Also Read: [3 Simple Tips for Managing Screen Time for the Whole Family]
Best Smartwatches for Kids
When it comes to choosing the best smartwatches for kids, several options combine functionality, safety features, and durability. These smartwatches are specifically designed for kids, offering a range of features that cater to their needs while providing peace of mind for parents. Here are some top choices:
Pixbee Smart Watch: This popular smartwatch among kids features video calling, games, a camera, and parental controls, offering entertainment and learning opportunities.
Apple Watch SE: A popular choice with a wide range of features, including GPS tracking, communication options, and health monitoring capabilities.
Garmin Vivofit Jr: Designed for active kids, this smartwatch offers fitness tracking, chore assignment, and even educational adventures.
Fitbit Ace: With its colorful design and fitness-tracking features, this smartwatch encourages kids to lead an active lifestyle.
VTech KidiZoom: A kid-friendly smartwatch featuring games, a camera, and parental controls, offering entertainment and learning opportunities.
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arc-77 · 4 months
WHAT DOES YOUR MUSE SMELL LIKE ? In armor, ozone. Blasterfire. Gunpowder. Light dusting of oil and acrid smoke. Out of armor, shaving product. Natural male pheromone. If he's been out in the wilderness, also a little campfire smoke, and a brushing of the local flora (e.g. pine).
WHAT DO YOUR MUSE’S HANDS FEEL LIKE ? Not as calloused as they ultimately could be. He does not engage in the kind of repetitive tasks that would lead to them save for weight training, but proper form minimizes their development. In verses where he settles down, they develop more callousing as he spends time taking care of the homestead. In verses where he has cybernetics, they're covered in synthflesh unless battle-damaged.
WHAT DOES YOUR MUSE USUALLY EAT IN A DAY ? The entire contents of a 24 hour ration packet if he has the opportunity to sit down and heat things up. If not, a simpler ration designed for consumption while closer to combat. Cuberats if really pressed. If he's not in a war zone and he doesn't need the calories he'll eat less ration components and substitute whatever the base is offering, or other local food. In a home environment he eats a lot of eggs, bacon, waffles, etc. breakfast food.
Alpha-Class ARCs have big appetites. If you serve it, they will eat.
DOES YOUR MUSE HAVE A GOOD SINGING VOICE ? It's not deliberately trained, but he can sing decently enough. He knows a selection of trail, folk, shanties, and Mandalorian songs by heart. You may hear him hum or quietly sing them while going about his business.
DOES YOUR MUSE HAVE ANY BAD HABITS OR NERVOUS TICKS ? Generally he's keen on identifying these sorts of things about himself and shaving them away, so that he may be all the "better" an individual. If he is to survive and lead he needs to diminish all the flaws or weaknesses within his control, so it frustrates him when one sticks around.
To this end he is often prone to overworking himself. Long hours, not enough sleep. He needs to give himself a break more often.
As for other bad habits, well. In much later years in the main timeline he's prone to... violence. Murder. If he's at a cantina and somebody bothers him or says something he doesn't like, he'll shoot them, or bash their head into the bar. There's always a provocation in his mind, it's never for no reason or against innocent bystanders, but it's reckless and unnecessary behavior that he's stopped giving a shit about holding back. And why should he? He's invincible. No law enforcement or bounty hunter in the New Republic could take him down. He's freer that he's ever been and he can finally afford to give in to these urges and make these mistakes.
WHAT DOES YOUR MUSE USUALLY LOOK LIKE / WEAR ? The grand majority of people only see him in his armor. Outside of that, rugged clothing befitting of ranch work or hiking. Boots. Sturdy jackets, jeans, and button up shirts or their GFFA equivalent. In a city environment, dark colors with red highlights. Leather.
He keeps his facial hair cleanly trimmed, only letting their hair on his chin grow out in long established home settings. Greying at the temples. Standard Jango Hair.
IS YOUR MUSE AFFECTIONATE ? HOW SO ? He lives a touch-starved life, so once he likes and is comfortable being around someone, he can be surprisingly heavy on the physical-contact. Loves to sit or lay with his partner, play with their hair/lekku, have them run fingers through his hair. Very cat-like.
Love languages aren't real but Fordo is a gift giver. He finds or creates bespoke objects for people he likes. Woodcarvings, knives/tools, modified blasters. He figures out what they need or could use and gets them something special.
WHAT POSITION DOES YOUR MUSE SLEEP IN ? He's a back sleeper, but he's learned not to be picky. The battlefield necessitates getting all the rest you can wherever you can, so just as often he's in a sitting position. In a safe home environment he would fall asleep in a dad recliner, but not by accident.
COULD YOU HEAR YOUR MUSE IN THE HALLWAY FROM ANOTHER ROOM ? It depends. Due to spending so much time in armor, he's learned how to minimize the clacking it makes, which means when he's out of his armor he moves silently like a cat. In the armor, you may still hear him. Later on he acquires sound dampening field technology that nullifies the sound of even his heaviest armor completely.
Speaking wise, likely not. He is careful about maintaining the right level of volume when walking and talking with someone, especially if the matter is private. If saluted, he generally acknowledges non-verbally.
tagged by: @donutdollie (Thank you!) tagging: @iconaclysm @reachfalls @mandogold
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indigenite · 6 months
Elevating Spaces: The Art of Incorporating Home Decor Accents
Creating a harmonious and visually appealing living space goes beyond furniture and paint colors; it's the finesse of incorporating home decor accents that brings a room to life. These accents, whether subtle or bold, hold the power to transform a mundane area into a captivating sanctuary. From artful placement to selecting the right pieces, mastering the art of incorporating home decor accents can turn any house into a home.
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Understanding the Essence of Home Decor Accents
Home decor accents encompass a wide array of elements, ranging from textiles, wall art, sculptures, vases, to smaller decorative items like candles, plants, and throw pillows. These accents play a crucial role in adding depth, character, and personal touch to a space. The key lies in balancing these elements to complement the existing aesthetic and evoke the desired ambiance.
Tips for Incorporating Home Decor Accents:
1. Define Your Style:
Before diving into selecting accents, define your style. Are you drawn to minimalism, bohemian vibes, or classic elegance? Understanding your preferences will streamline your accent choices.
2. Create Focal Points:
Use accents strategically to create focal points in a room. A statement piece of art, an ornate mirror, or a boldly patterned rug can draw the eye and anchor the space.
3. Mix Textures and Materials:
Incorporate a variety of textures and materials for visual interest. Combining elements like wood, metal, glass, and textiles adds depth and dimension to the decor.
4. Play with Scale:
Experiment with different sizes of decor items. Pairing large statement pieces with smaller ones creates a balanced and dynamic visual appeal.
5. Consider Functionality:
While aesthetics matter, ensure that the accents serve a purpose. A decorative bowl can also be functional for keys or a vase that doubles as a centerpiece.
6. Embrace Colors Wisely:
Use accent colors to tie the room together. Whether through vibrant throw pillows, a colorful rug, or artwork, incorporating a cohesive color palette brings harmony.
7. Balance and Symmetry:
Maintain a sense of balance and symmetry in the placement of accents. Evenly distribute elements throughout the room to avoid visual clutter.
Inspiration for Home Decor Accents:
1. Wall Art and Mirrors:
Experiment with a diverse range of wall art – from paintings and photographs to wall sculptures. Mirrors not only add depth but also reflect light, making spaces appear larger and brighter.
2. Textiles and Throws:
Introduce warmth and coziness with decorative textiles like throws, blankets, and rugs. Opt for textures that complement the furniture and overall theme of the room.
3. Greenery and Plants:
Indoor plants breathe life into any space. From succulents to larger potted plants, they infuse natural beauty and a refreshing atmosphere.
4. Decorative Lighting:
Lighting fixtures, including statement lamps, pendant lights, or even candles, not only illuminate the space but also serve as striking decor elements.
5. Statement Furniture Pieces:
Incorporate unique furniture pieces that double as accents, such as an intricately designed coffee table, an artistic chair, or a decorative room divider.
6. Personalized Items:
Showcase your personality through personalized accents like family photos, handmade pottery, or souvenirs from travels, adding a unique touch to your space.
7. Collectibles and Artifacts:
Display collectibles or artifacts that tell a story. Antique clocks, vintage books, or cultural artifacts can serve as captivating conversation starters.
Mastering the art of incorporating home decor accents is about striking a balance between functionality and aesthetics. These accents are the finishing touches that elevate a space, making it reflective of your personality and style. By following these tips and drawing inspiration from various elements, anyone can transform their home into a haven of beauty and comfort. Whether it's a subtle addition or a bold statement, each accent contributes to the overall narrative of your living space, creating an ambiance that resonates with you.
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New type of bolometer detector for far-infrared telescopes To study how stars and planets are born we have to look at star cradles hidden in cool clouds of dust. Far-infrared telescopes are able to pierce through those clouds. Conventionally, niobium nitride bolometers are used as the detectors, despite their low operating temperature of 4 Kelvin (-269° Celsius). Now Yuner Gan (SRON/RUG), together with a team of scientists at SRON, TU Delft, Chalmers University and RUG, has developed a new type of bolometer, made of magnesium diboride, with an operating temperature of 20 Kelvin or above. This can significantly reduce the cost, complexity, weight and volume of the space instruments. Conventional, superconducting niobium nitride (NbN) hot electron bolometers (HEBs) are so far the most sensitive heterodyne detectors for high-resolution spectroscopy at far-infrared frequencies. Heterodyne detectors take advantage of a local oscillator to convert a terahertz line into a gigahertz line. This allows them to measure not only the intensity in great detail but also the frequency. Heterodyne detectors have been successfully applied in balloon and space telescopes and are candidates to serve in future missions. Ground telescopes cannot see far-infrared radiation as it is blocked by the Earth's atmosphere. One drawback of such detectors is its bandwidth, that covers a limited spectral line in one measurement. Another restriction comes from the low operating temperature. Cooling down to 4 Kelvin, either by using a vessel with liquid helium or a mechanical pulse tube, is undesirable for a space observatory considering the constraints on mass, volume, electrical power, and cost. Yuner Gan and her colleagues have now developed a far-infrared HEB detector based on a new superconducting material—magnesium diboride (MgB2)—which has a relatively high critical temperature of 39 Kelvin. This allows them to get a higher operating temperature, at 20 Kelvin or more. They have also demonstrated that the novel HEBs have promising sensitivities and a much increased frequency bandwidth. The publication in the Journal of Applied Physics was selected for the Special Collection Recognizing Women in Applied Physics. IMAGE....(a) SEM micrograph of a spiral antenna coupled MgB2 HEB from the same batch as HEB-A. The inset is a 3D model of the MgB2 submicrometer-bridge and part of the contact pads and the spiral antenna. The colors indicate different materials. (b) Optical micrograph of a device chip, containing four HEBs, from the same batch as HEB-B. A layer of 500 nm thick Si3N4 is sputtered to cover the surface of the chips except for the bonding pads to isolate MgB2 bridges from water and air. The inset in (b) is an artistic impression of HEB-B, which shows exactly the same layout as the design. (c) The resistances of HEB-A and HEB-B as a function of temperature, where the critical temperatures are 33.9 and 38.4 K, respectively. Credit: Journal of Applied Physics (2023). DOI: 10.1063/5.0128791
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modernfurnituredesign · 8 months
5 Mind-Blowing Contemporary Rugs That Will Transform Your Space
Your home décor says a lot about your style and how you choose to express yourself. Whether it’s an art piece that has a personal story behind it or beloved furniture items, the choices we make when furnishing our homes can reveal something about who we are. However, nothing brings a space together quite like having the perfect rug!
Not only do rugs create layers of texture and color in any room, but they also contribute to keeping warmth trapped indoors during those cold winter months. That's why today we're sharing five amazing contemporary rugs that will transform your home with their stunning designs and luxurious feel. So if you've been looking for ways to upgrade your living space without breaking the bank, then look no further because these eye-catching rugs might just be what you've been missing all along!
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Introduce contemporary rugs and explain why they are a great way to transform a room
Contemporary rugs are the perfect addition to any room seeking a modern update. With their bold designs and vibrant colors, these rugs offer a fresh perspective to any mundane space. Not only do they add a visual boost, but they also have practical benefits such as providing comfort underfoot, sound dampening, and protecting bare floors. One of the best things about contemporary rugs is their versatility – whether you’re decorating a living room, bedroom, or even a home office, you’ll find a rug that complements the existing decor and transforms the room into a stylish sanctuary. So, if you’re looking for an easy and affordable way to revamp your living space, look no further than incorporating a contemporary rug.
Present bold, modern rugs that are perfect for adding color and pattern to a space
Transform any room into a stylish haven with our array of bold, modern rugs that are designed to add a splash of color and pattern to your floors. These contemporary rugs are perfect for homeowners seeking to revamp their interior décor without breaking the bank. We've got a wide selection of trendy designs that cater to diverse tastes and preferences. From abstract prints to geometric shapes, our collection boasts various patterns and color schemes that are sure to complement any aesthetic. Whether you're looking to elevate your living room, bedroom, or home office, you can count on our modern rugs to infuse your space with personality and pizzazz.
Feature classic designs with traditional patterns that can be used to create a timeless look
Classic designs with traditional patterns are a popular choice for those looking to create a timeless look. These patterns are a stylish and timeless addition to any home decor, as they never go out of style. From intricate paisley prints to elegant damask, the possibilities for incorporating traditional patterns into your home are endless. Whether you choose to add a patterned wallpaper or a set of classic patterned curtains, these designs are sure to add a touch of sophistication to your space. Not only are they visually pleasing, but they can also serve as a conversation piece with guests. So, if you're looking to create a warm and inviting home, featuring classic designs with traditional patterns is the perfect place to start.
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Showcase abstract, geometric designs for an ultra-contemporary vibe
Step into the world of ultra-contemporary design with our showcase of abstract, geometric designs. These eye-catching patterns are perfect for adding a modern touch to any space, whether you're looking to revamp your living room or spice up your office. Our collection features a range of designs, from bold and colorful to understated and subtle. Each one is carefully crafted to bring a unique and edgy vibe to any space. So why stick with the same old boring decor? Embrace the cutting edge with our selection of abstract, geometric designs.
Introduce subtle pastels and muted tones that will add a subtle touch of sophistication to any space
If you're looking to elevate the aesthetic of your living space, introducing subtle pastels and muted tones is the perfect way to achieve a touch of sophistication. These understated hues have a way of creating a serene ambiance while adding subtle pops of color to any room. Consider incorporating soft shades of blush, mint, lavender, and light gray into your decor for a look that is understated yet refined. Whether you opt for pastel throw pillows, muted curtains, or even a soft-hued area rug, these sophisticated tones are sure to imbue your space with a sense of calm and tranquility. So why not give your home a chic upgrade with these gentle yet impactful color choices?
Offer tips on how to choose the perfect rug for your home
Adding a rug to a space can truly transform it, but it's important to choose the perfect one for your home. One key factor to consider is the size of the room and the rug. A larger rug can tie a room together, while a smaller one can add a pop of color or texture. Another important consideration is the material of the rug. If you have pets or children, a durable and easy-to-clean rug is a must.
Additionally, take into account the colors and patterns of your furniture and décor, and choose a rug that complements or contrasts them appropriately. When it comes to choosing the perfect rug for your home, the options can be overwhelming, but by considering these factors, you can make a decision that will elevate your space to the next level.
Contemporary rugs are an easy and inexpensive way to add a wow factor to any space. From bold prints with modern vibes to classic designs with traditional patterns, the options are truly endless. Try experimenting with abstract geometric patterns if you are going for an ultra-contemporary look, or opt for subtle pastels and muted tones for a more sophisticated touch. Before investing in a rug, take the time to consider your existing decor and color palette. Ultimately, the right rug can dramatically transform and elevate any room, so this is something worth investing in. And of course, don’t forget that shopping around for the best price is always recommended!
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interiox · 10 months
Level Up Your Room Decor: How to Master Baddie Aesthetic with LED Lights
Table of Contents
Understanding Baddie Aesthetic and Its Appeal
Embracing the Power of LED Lights in Room Decor
Step 1: Choosing the Right LED Lights
Step 2: Creating a Color Palette
Crafting Your Baddie Aesthetic Room
H1: Accentuate with LED Light Strips
H2: Mirror, Mirror on the Wall
H3: Bold Furniture Choices
Creating a Cozy Atmosphere with LED Lights
H1: Dimming and Warmth
H2: Illuminating Wall Art
H3: Nooks and Corners
Transforming Your Room into an Aesthetic Haven
Step 3: Adding Statement Decor Pieces
Step 4: Incorporating Nature with LED Lights
Maintaining Your Baddie Aesthetic Room
H1: Cleaning and Care for LED Lights
H2: Refreshing the Look Over Time
Your room is a reflection of your personality and style. If you're looking to level up your room decor and embrace a trendy and bold aesthetic, Baddie Aesthetic with LED lights is the way to go.
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In this article, we will guide you through the process of creating a stunning Baddie Aesthetic room that showcases your unique taste while mastering the art of using LED lights to elevate the ambiance.
Understanding Baddie Aesthetic and Its Appeal
Baddie Aesthetic is a popular interior design trend that celebrates individuality, confidence, and femininity. It's all about embracing bold colors, edgy elements, and self-expression.
With its roots in social media and popular culture, Baddie Aesthetic rooms have captured the hearts of young individuals seeking to curate spaces that stand out.
Embracing the Power of LED Lights in Room Decor
Step 1: Choosing the Right LED Lights
The key to mastering Baddie Aesthetic with LED lights lies in selecting the perfect lighting options. LED light strips, fairy lights, and LED lamps offer versatility and can be creatively used to enhance the room's atmosphere.
Step 2: Creating a Color Palette
To achieve a cohesive Baddie Aesthetic, work with a color palette that complements your personality. Bold and vibrant colors combined with softer neutrals can create a striking and visually appealing room.
Crafting Your Baddie Aesthetic Room
H1: Accentuate with LED Light Strips
LED light strips are a game-changer when it comes to elevating your room decor. You can place them along the edges of furniture, mirrors, or even under your bed to add a captivating glow.
H2: Mirror, Mirror on the Wall
Mirrors are an essential element in any Baddie Aesthetic room. Not only do they create an illusion of space, but they also reflect the LED lights, amplifying the room's allure.
H3: Bold Furniture Choices
Furniture plays a significant role in enhancing your room's aesthetics. Opt for statement furniture pieces that are both functional and stylish, such as velvet chairs or mirrored tables.
Creating a Cozy Atmosphere with LED Lights
H1: Dimming and Warmth
LED lights with dimming options allow you to set the mood according to your preference. Warm-toned LED lights can create a cozy and inviting ambiance for relaxation.
H2: Illuminating Wall Art
Showcase your personality and interests by using LED lights to accentuate wall art and posters. This will not only make your room more personal but also add an artistic touch.
H3: Nooks and Corners
Don't overlook the nooks and corners of your room. Utilize LED lights to transform these spaces into cozy spots for reading or relaxation.
Transforming Your Room into an Aesthetic Haven
Step 3: Adding Statement Decor Pieces
Incorporate statement decor pieces that align with your Baddie Aesthetic. Items like chic rugs, decorative pillows, and elegant curtains can tie the whole room together.
Step 4: Incorporating Nature with LED Lights
Bringing nature into your room can add a refreshing touch. Place LED-lit plants or terrariums to create a harmonious blend of aesthetics and greenery.
Maintaining Your Baddie Aesthetic Room
H1: Cleaning and Care for LED Lights
To preserve the beauty of your Baddie Aesthetic room, regular cleaning and care for the LED lights are essential. Dusting and cleaning will ensure the lights remain radiant.
H2: Refreshing the Look Over Time
As your tastes evolve, don't hesitate to refresh your Baddie Aesthetic room. Rearrange the furniture, add new decor, or experiment with different LED light arrangements.
Embrace the allure of Baddie Aesthetic with LED lights to create a room that speaks volumes about your style and personality. From accentuating with LED light strips to adding statement furniture and embracing cozy corners, you now have the tools to master this trendy decor style. Let your creativity flow and transform your room into an aesthetic haven that radiates sophistication and charm.
Are LED lights safe to use in rooms? Yes, LED lights are safe for room use as they emit less heat and are energy-efficient.
Can I customize the color of LED light strips? Absolutely! LED light strips come in various colors, and some models even offer customizable options.
Do LED lights consume less energy? Yes, LED lights are highly energy-efficient, helping you save on electricity bills.
Can I use LED lights outdoors too? Yes, some LED lights are designed for outdoor use and can withstand various weather conditions.
How long do LED lights last? LED lights have a longer lifespan compared to traditional bulbs, often lasting up to 50,000 hours or more.
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