kishdoodles · 6 months
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"Are you stealing other people's beds?" "You saw nothing."
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antares-dupont · 5 months
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the three survivors of the apacolypse!
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ayyyyysexual · 6 months
hi uh. is anyone else seeing pearl and lizzie's interactions in secret life or am I hallucinating this uh
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tovanori · 2 years
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sometimes it's the littlest things
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gaytimeswith-scar · 6 months
ren is the Secret Keeper btw. he told me himself.
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fanaticsnail · 1 month
Glimpse into my life: Young-Sir's Education
(Young-sir is my four year old son)
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Snail: "Okay, hon. Let's try this again. Who is your favourite One-Piece?"
Young-Sir: "Zoro with three swords and a happy-grumpy face."
Snail: "Good choice. Who is mama's favourite one-piece?"
Young-Sir: "Benn Beckman with the big gun, Sabo with fire, or donkey oaty rosin aunty."
Snail: "Yes to all of those-."
Young-sir: "-And Beckman is my favourite too."
Snail: "It's okay. Mama can share, we're a good sharing family. Now, big question. Are you ready?"
Young-Sir: "Ready."
Snail: "What does Luffy say?" *fully expecting a 'Gum-Gum' response*
Young-Sir: "いえでござる."
Snail: "W-What does Luffy say??" *perplexed af*
Young-Sir: "いえでござる."
Snail: "What-?"
Young-Sir: "-When Luffy has the sword and Zoro wants to share. He says 'いえでござる' and Zoro says 'ちょっとおれにみする'."
Snail: "...How many times have you watched this??"
Young-Sir: "It's my favourite. And your favourite is Benn Beckman."
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calilk · 6 months
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a very not good day
it was just gonna be this silly little doodle but i wanted to fight the slightly mid artist accusations by adding a background and it all snowballed from there. very proud of the lighting and background and feel of this one!!!
my main gripe is with the highlights on cleo but i wanted to keep them cuz they kinda snazzy. also the skull pupils were a silly lil funky time idk why i did them tbh
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wyrmghost · 6 months
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Martyn has been reduced to a pathetic wet cat
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tovart · 8 months
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tw: ideation
Sometimes depression feels like the most familiar feeling in my life. It feels like a hug that's too tight; You can't breathe. Until you realize it's actually choking you. Pulling you down into the depths and drowning you.
idk. Sorry. I just felt like I needed to vent some art or I'd implode.
I'm not strong enough to fight it's pull anymore, I'm really tired of life and I don't want to keep burdening everyone around me. I know what I need to do but I don't know how to do it.
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nguyenan11 · 6 months
may hifu mini
máy nâng cơ hifu mini là dòng sản phẩm của Hifu loại máy được thiết kế nhỏ gọn nhưng không thiếu các chức năng cơ bản của dòng máy nâng cơ. Tham khảo top 8 máy hifu mini
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maytrietlongslife · 1 year
Máy triệt lông spa cao cấp giúp loại bỏ lông trên những vùng da khó khăn như chân, tay, nách vô cùng hiệu quả và an toàn. Máy triệt lông spa chính hãng được phân phối độc quyền tại S-Life và phân bổ trên toàn quốc.
Chi tiết liên hệ tại : 
Website : https://s-life.vn/thiet-bi-tham-my-spa/may-triet-long/
Máy triệt lông giá bao nhiêu : https://s-life.vn/may-triet-long-gia-bao-nhieu/
Máy triệt lông tại nhà tốt nhất : https://s-life.vn/may-triet-long-tai-nha-tot-nhat/
Địa chỉ bán máy triệt lông mini : https://s-life.vn/dia-chi-ban-may-triet-long-mini/
Twitter : https://twitter.com/maytrietlongspa
Pinterest : https://www.pinterest.com/maytrietlongslife/
Behance : https://www.behance.net/maytrietlong
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antares-dupont · 5 months
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wither!grian. was going to draw him w warden!etho but i accidentally spent 3 hours on this thing 👍
might make like. an au around this idk
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maynangcovn · 1 year
Máy nâng cơ
Máy nâng cơ là thiết bị được sử dụng để cải thiện vùng da bị chảy xệ cũng như là ngăn chặn quá trình hình thành nếp nhăn. Đây là một trong những dòng sản phẩm chăm sóc sức khỏe được khách hàng yêu thích tại S-Life.
Chi tiết liên hệ tại : 
Website : https://s-life.vn/thiet-bi-tham-my-spa/may-nang-co/
Máy nâng cơ tốt nhất hiện nay : https://s-life.vn/may-nang-co-mat-tot-nhat-hien-nay/
Máy nâng cơ hifu giá bao nhiêu : https://s-life.vn/may-nang-co-hifu-gia-bao-nhieu/
Máy massage nâng cơ mặt giá bao nhiêu : https://s-life.vn/may-massage-nang-co-mat-gia-bao-nhieu/
Địa chỉ bán thiết bị spa uy tín : https://s-life.vn/dia-chi-ban-thiet-bi-spa-uy-tin/
Twitter : https://twitter.com/maynangco
Behance : https://www.behance.net/maynangco
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tovanori · 29 days
genuinely forgot it was april fools and I just thought someone randomly started a boop trend because literally any trend could happen randomly on this site because someone found it funny and everyone else just hopped on the ride
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gaytimeswith-scar · 3 months
gOd sl cletho fucks me up so so much. they are divorced they are married they are roommates they hate each other they would kill for each other they would die for each other they would survive for each other. but they don’t get the chance
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gocsuckhoeslife · 1 year
Góc sức khoẻ
Góc sức khoẻ mang đến cho bạn những thông tin bổ ích về những bài tập giúp cải thiện và nâng cao sức khoẻ cho bạn. Bên cạnh đó còn giúp bạn hiểu rõ hơn về một số bệnh lý và đưa ra hướng giải quyết, cách khắc phục hiệu quả dành cho bạn.
Chi tiết liên hệ tại : 
Website : https://s-life.vn/suc-khoe/
Tại sao tim hoạt động suốt đời không mệt mỏi : https://s-life.vn/tai-sao-tim-hoat-dong-suot-doi-khong-met-moi/
Một quả táo chứa bao nhiêu calo : https://s-life.vn/mot-qua-tao-chua-bao-nhieu-calo/
Massage yoni là gì : https://s-life.vn/massage-yoni-la-gi/
Làm sao để tỉnh táo vào buổi sáng : https://s-life.vn/lam-sao-de-tinh-tao-vao-buoi-sang/
Mat xa toàn thân từ a đến z cho nam giới : https://s-life.vn/mat-xa-toan-than-tu-a-den-z-cho-nam-gioi/
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Behance : https://www.behance.net/gocsuckhoeslife
Flick : https://www.flickr.com/people/gocsuckhoeslife/
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