gabbagepatch · 2 months
Ah, fuck. 2/29/2024
Well, I'm certainly a little worse off since my last blog.
My symptoms have gotten much worse since the death of my dog, and I've acquired a cute anxiety disorder to go along with it. It's definitely some kind of medical anxiety, I am terrified of every creak and groan from my body. I'm expecting my health to rapidly deteriorate at any moment, any event to set off a fatal reaction in my body. It's completely ridiculous! I feel barely functional this week, and the worst part is that I know it's my anxiety but I can't stop! Knowing logically that you're fine seems to do little to prevent your body from deciding you're in a life-or-death scenario. The human mind is fascinating and stupid.
Luckily I have a wonderful PCP and he was happy to give me a months supply of sertraline, which I started Monday. I have to say it's already helping, no panic attacks since the first dose!
Both ears are now experiencing tinnitus, whereas before it was unilateral. This is causing me so, so much stress and anxiety because I have already lost hearing in my right, I don't want to lose hearing in my left as well.
I think the new bilateral tinnitus is causing an increase in headaches and stomach upset as well, which feels very debilitating at the moment. I am having a very hard time eating, I'm hungry all the time but can barely manage a few bites of food. It's awful.
Reached out to a therapist yesterday and I have the appointment tomorrow with an intern. I have no clue why the "intern" option appealed to me but it did, perhaps I am having some kind of clairvoyance? Hopefully it goes well, it's online which is great because I'm struggling to drive lately.
All of this combined means I chose to pull out of 2/3 classes I'm taking this semester. It's honestly breaking my heart! I was doing so well before the symptoms got worse and I lost my dog, I was enjoying my classes so much. Knowing I'm withdrawing with A's and B's is beyond frustrating; if only things were different. It makes me so sad honestly.
TLDR; I am having a rough time right now. I always keep it pushing though. Keeping up with skincare, reading, my custom nails, my ethics class. I'm doing whatever I can when I can, which isn't very much right now. I'm taking so many naps, I feel like I could sleep one hundred years. But anyways, I'm gonna come out of this better, I have faith in that.
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violetstarr24 · 10 months
Haven't seen any posts for you guys, so... happy disability pride month to Deaf/HoH folks. Happy disability pride month to those with hearing aids or cochlear implants, and those without them. Happy disability pride month to those who use ASL as their primary language, and those who don't know ASL at all. Happy disability pride month to those with equal hearing loss in both ears, and to those with uneven hearing loss or hearing loss that only effects one ear. Happy disability pride month to those who were born with their hearing loss, and happy disability pride month to those who acquired their hearing loss over their lifetime. And lastly—happy disability pride month to my besties with SSHL (Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss). Stay strong <3
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dailybloodswap · 3 months
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felt like i hadn't done hers due to disassociation so. new one. sshl/ultimate pirate again
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anjiefiction · 1 year
PSA since I think this needs to be shared: sudden sensorineural hearing loss (SSHL) can strike at random, but is a medical emergency.
I hope none of you ever experience it!! But if you ever wake up one day with a clogged ear, a decrease in hearing/muffled hearing and/or ringing - especially if it's only in one ear: Go to the emergency department. Not a GP or family doctor, and most definitely don't try home remedies of dripping olive oil into your ear. Please just go straight to emergency. Immediately. Right away. Without delay.
Even if the doctors find its just earwax, in which case - you can breathe easy - do insist for a comprehensive audiogram to be done (that is, one that goes higher than the usual 8k frequency). This is very, very important to rule out SSHL, because if it is indeed SSHL, treatment is most effective when started within 24 hours of symptom onset. Treatment effectiveness decreases with each passing day, and after 3 weeks, treatment may no longer have any discernible impact.
I'm starting on it very close to this 3 week mark, so I'm crossing my fingers that things will work out fine. it took me four doctors to finally get a proper course of treatment, because the first two did not realize it might have been SSHL since I didn't show the typical signs of a significant loss in hearing. The third did though, after a simple audiogram didn't show very good results (I had a big drop at the 6-8k range but they didn't have the facilities to test any higher). He warned me to seek a specialist immediately. That was when I found out that my range of loss was in the 8-10k frequency range. Prior to me starting treatment, it has thankfully improved from a moderately severe loss to a mild loss now, but it still isn't back to normal yet. Extrapolating from my first audiogram, the doctor shared that I likely did actually have a big drop in that area all those days ago, which would have warranted an SSHL diagnosis.
It's 20 days after my symptom onset, and Day 2 of medication, and the side effects are horrid to say the least. As long as it helps... I guess I have to try to just bear with it for now.
Which reminds me - speak to your doctor on the potential side effects and how to prepare against it, because it would help to brace yourself for a tough few weeks! Much better than being caught off guard.
I know this is supposed to be a blog dedicated to writing, but I don't have another Tumblr so...feel free to AMA about this! Either in asks or messages.
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dylanwritesgood · 2 years
All your faith, all your rage | Chapter 1
masterlist | ko-fi | ask
Part: One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine
Summary: Gareth is relearning how to deal with high school after sudden hearing loss, and Eddie sees in him another little sheepie to rescue. Set before ST4.
Pairings: Eddie Munson & Gareth Emerson
Word count: 3,324
Warnings: Sudden hearing loss, low-key ablism, and people being weird about disability. Hurt/comfort fic, autistic and deaf character written by an autistic and deaf author
Read on Ao3
A/N: Trying something new and cross-posting to Tumblr even though it thinks I'm a bot and filters me out of the tags but whatever... Deaf Eddie/Deaf Steve/Deaf Steddie seized me by the throat last week, but Gareth is my favorite fluffy little jerk to write for so I applied the concept here. Heavily, heavily based on my own experiences with sudden sensorineural hearing loss (SSHL), which, tbh, is fuckin' terrifying (and has like, a 35% mortality rate because it's a symptom of something worse). Full A/N commentary on Ao3.
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The ringing in his ears filled the spaces around where voices should have been, washing everything in a muffled, surrealistic white noise like he was in a fish tank and looking out. He could see his mom talking with the lab-coated doctor, could see the way her brows knotted together in worry, but he couldn’t hear the conversation through the static. It reminded him of the clap of cymbals in marching band, the sound in his head—crash them together and watch them wobble in the air as they reverberate with the sound waves. But there was no crash and he was left with the ringing, a sustained, torturous note.
It’s a B, just a little sharp, he thought to himself. It was comforting in a way, that he still knew that. Still could pick that out. Didn’t stop the mistuned tone from setting his teeth on edge, though.
The ringing had started a few days ago, but that wasn’t too abnormal after band practices. Usually, it took a few hours to fade away and he’d forget about it. It was taking longer than normal to disappear, but he’d shrugged it off. He’d turn his music down, and stuff foam earplugs in at practice even though the band director would be pissed that he couldn’t hear her, and it would go away.
And then he woke up to a silent world this morning. He didn’t know how quiet silence actually was until the only thing filling the void was a lingering ringing. All the little noises of life were missing—the rustle of his sheets as he struggled out from under him, the rush of the bathroom tap as he washed his face and brushed his teeth, the swoosh of sneakered footsteps down a carpeted hall. His mom’s voice when she turned around from the stove and asked him something. The bustle of the ER, the beep of a heart monitor, leads stuck to his narrow teenage chest.
That had been five months ago. The doctors never did find a reason—sudden sensorineural hearing loss, they’d called it. Most people who experienced it would recover their hearing within a few months, they told his mom. Maybe not fully, but most of it. When September came and summer ended, they scored his recovered hearing at forty percent. Which was almost half, right? He should have almost half his hearing back, which was fifty percent better than none. It was bullshit, that’s what it was.
Gareth started sophomore year with forty percent of his hearing and zero percent of his patience for the pitying looks his teachers gave him as they sat him front and center in their classes. The way they spoke extra slow and extra loud when they talked to him, how each one kept him back after class to check in and left him rushing to make his next class on time. How the other students looked at him like he was a freak. Fifteen and deaf like an old man. He wanted to shout that he could still see them whispering about him, casting pitying looks his way. Instead, he curled his hands into fists, gritted his teeth, and packed the feeling down in his chest like soil over a grave.
He knew things would be different this year. They had to be, but the acknowledgment of that didn’t stop the wind from being knocked out of his lungs when he gathered up his lunch tray and turned around to see that every seat at his old table, the band kids table, was filled. No one looked up as he headed past them for the back of the cafeteria, spine unnaturally straight and his gait stiff. Back to square one, the handful of tables with a rotating roster of outcasts. Maybe he’d end up there for the rest of high school, sat with an ever-changing pack of obnoxious freshmen until they too found their places elsewhere.
Even here, where no one fit in anywhere, people went out of their way not to sit next to him, like he was contagious or something. Whatever. He’d pick at his vaguely pizza-inspired square of cardboard and canned tomato sauce and the bell would ring soon enough. Not that he’d hear it, but the crush of students evacuating the room would let him know. He pushed the watery yellow kernels of corn that were masquerading as a serving of vegetables around their compartment in his tray. It was hard to feel hungry when his stomach had wrapped itself up into an anxious knot as his mom dropped him off that morning.
A body slung itself heavily into the seat across from him, startling Gareth. He’d have to get used to people sneaking up on him, now. He cast them an annoyed glare, not daring to let hope take the wheel. The newcomer grinned brightly, his feral smile framed by a mess of frizzy, dark curls that just barely brushed the tops of his shoulders. He tucked a strand behind one ear then crossed his arms over his chest and leaned back in the chair like he owned the place. Gareth raised one unamused eyebrow. 
“Hi, I’m Eddie,” he said, obviously being careful to enunciate but also not going to the extremes that everyone else did to try and make sure Gareth could read their lips. It only made it worse, actually, but telling them that didn’t stop them. Gareth’s eyes flicked from Eddie’s mouth to his eyes, narrowing a little.
“I can’t hear you,” he said, “I’m d—”
“Deaf! Yeah, I know.” Eddie nodded, smile unwavering. “C’mon.”
Eddie dipped his chin a little as he caught Gareth’s eye and jerked his head towards something over his shoulder. He also made a little come here gesture with his hand as if he wasn’t clear enough. He made it a few steps before he realized Gareth wasn’t following. Eddie wheeled around and backtracked to the table, then slid Gareth’s lunch towards himself, picked up the tray, and walked away with it. He clearly expected Gareth to follow him like a puppy, dancing around underfoot and waiting to see where his meal would be set down. It took him another few beats, but Gareth did trail after Eddie’s skinny figure as he disappeared through the cafeteria crowds.
He caught up to Eddie at a table mid-way down the opposite row from where he’d been. Eddie set his tray at the seat just to the right of the head of the table and then looked around for the mousy little sophomore. Gareth’s pace slowed as he got near, glancing from one new face to the next as they all turned to look at him. Eddie said something he couldn’t make out, then appeared beside him, slipping an arm around his shoulders and dragging him over.
Eddie gave him a little push down into the seat he’d picked out for Gareth and then rummaged around in a black tin lunch pail that even Gareth knew had drugs in it, emerging with a victorious little wiggle as he withdrew a battered pocket notebook and a well-chewed nub of a pencil. He scratched something on the top sheet, then held it up so Gareth could read it. 
I’m Eddie. 
He watched Gareth’s eyes move across the page, then waited for them to look back up at him before he handed off the notepad and pencil. A big guy with short, dark curls took it, flipped the page, and scrawled something. 
KEVIN it read when he held it up for Gareth, giving him a moment before he handed it off to the Asian girl next to him with the sleek, glossy hair: Kim. She gave him a cute little wave.
A white guy with long, straight blond hair and a rolled bandanna tied around his forehead: Joe.
A junior with a sharp face, artfully messy dark hair, and an earring: Vic.
A senior guy with fluffy blond hair and a tacky, colorful bowling shirt open over his tee: Mickey.
The Latino guy with glasses who’d sat three desks away from Gareth in Algebra II: Guillermo (Memo).
The only black guy at the table and one of about four in all of Hawkins, who offered up his name with a braces-filled smile: Jeff.
Gareth almost reached for the notepad himself before he realized the pointlessness of that. Instead, he cleared his throat and glanced around the table.
“Gareth. Hi.”
For a moment, he wondered if he’d slurred his name because they didn’t respond. He couldn’t hear his own damn voice anymore, but the sounds felt right in his mouth, and his speech therapist had told him he generally sounded close to normal, he just sometimes had issues with volume. Jeff flipped the page on the notebook and scribbled something else down in his neat handwriting.
Nope. It was his weird name.
“Gareth. G-A-R-E-T-H,” He said, spelling it out to clarify. No, I’m not mispronouncing my own goddamn name, thank you.
He could almost hear the collective oh he watched go around the table. Almost. With shy, uncertain smiles, they turned back to their previous conversations, leaving him alone with his food again. Even if they couldn’t talk to him, he had a place to sit and that was enough. The one bright spot in a shitty first day of school. 
Someone kicked him under the table to get his attention. Gareth jerked out of his thoughts with a confused look, realizing it had been Eddie trying to get him to look up from his tray. He’d gotten his hands on the notebook again and was holding up a fresh message.
Like comics? Eddie jerked his chin toward Gareth’s shirt, which had a wash-worn print of the Avengers assembled across the front of it. Gareth nodded, curls flopping in his face as he did. Eddie scribbled something else on the page.
“Iron Man,” Gareth answered, as if there was any other option. He tried not to cringe as he saw faces whip around to look at his sudden words. He looked insane, talking to himself. They shrugged it off when they realized Eddie had the notepad in his hands. They’ll get used to it, he sighed to himself. He’d had to get used to a lot of weird shit. Eddie’s tongue peeked between his lips as he wrote something else.
Not Hawkeye? He flashed Gareth a playful smile. Gareth made a confused face. Who actually liked Hawkeye? Eddie gave a little wave that read never mind.
Eddie looked at his watch, then caught Gareth’s eye and tapped his watch before holding up all five fingers and nodding towards his tray. Eat. Five minutes until the bell. 
Gareth could read the clock on the wall over the doors, since his eyes weren’t the issue and he wasn’t a clueless freshman this year, but he appreciated that someone gave a shit about making sure he could keep up. The whole day so far he’d been getting left in the dust, and it’s not that he wasn’t a big boy who could take notes and ask questions and keep using the techniques he’d been taught to adapt, but he was already exhausted and sleepy and it was only a quarter after one. Gareth shoved the rest of his shitty pizza in his mouth and hustled to clear his tray before the crush of students got too chaotic. 
He caught sight of Eddie in the throng as the cafeteria emptied into the halls, hand raised in farewell, and it took Gareth a second to realize the gesture was meant for him. He waved back, noting how Eddie’s eyes crinkled happily when he did, before weaving through the crowd. 
Hawkins High’s administration had set him up with a twice-weekly standing appointment with the school counselor, Ms. Kelly, to… well, he didn’t really know what they were hoping to achieve with this. Monitor him, probably. Look like they were actually on top of a situation that no one knew how to handle, not even Gareth. 
But it’s not like he could really chat with her. Even if she could sign, he couldn’t, and it turned out that when his audiologist fit him with a set of hearing aids, it didn’t suddenly make him hear the frequencies he’d lost. It just made everything fuckin’ loud and muddy and he had to wade through the assault to determine what was background noise and what wasn’t. 
His parents didn’t force him to wear them after the first time he’d had a meltdown because every single sound was overwhelming and he was drowning in it. But he’d seen the cost on the bill his mother hadn’t managed to keep hidden from him and the guilt ate him alive all summer so he’d kept trying. He’d ditched the obnoxious tan devices at home today, though.
He hoped Ms. Kelly was up for passing notes.
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Gareth wanted to kiss whoever did the schedules. They’d given him a free period after lunch, probably because that was when he had to see Ms. Kelly and it was pointless to even pretend he could keep up in a class with that many absences. Even though appointments with Ms. Kelly did take longer for him, it still wasn’t enough to fill a full period, which meant he still got a little bit of free time to himself. 
The first appointment with Ms. Kelly had been awkward, Gareth twiddling his thumbs as she scribbled down questions to ready, only to wait for a one or two-word answer.
Have all your teachers checked in on you so far? Yes.
How do you feel you’re keeping up with what they’re talking about? Okay, he guessed. 
You were in band last year, right? Have you thought about finding another extracurricular? Yes, and no, he hadn’t (He wouldn’t tell her that he was still ripped open, raw and bleeding over having music taken away from him).
Are you connecting with your friends again? Any troubles? No, because all his friends were in band and now he wasn’t anymore. 
Any new friends? It’s the first day. 
But then he sat back, wet his lips as he thought, and added, “One of the seniors, Eddie… Munson? I think? He had me sit with his friends at lunch today.”
Ms. Kelly had looked surprised and made a quick note in his file, but she didn’t ask further about it. The appointment had come to a close pretty quick after that, and Gareth went to hide in the quiet, forgotten corner of the library for the rest of the period. He’d asked Ms. McNally, the new librarian if she’d let him know about the bell because he couldn’t hear it, and used his best puppy eyes (and the guilt everyone seemed to feel about his state) to get her to agree.
Pillowing his head on his arms in a study carrel, Gareth let his eyes slip closed. Just a few minutes and I’ll feel better. Naps were a part of his life now. Twenty minutes, a half-hour to recharge just a little so he could keep trying, working twice as hard to understand a quarter as much. If he tried to power through, he’d hit a wall, bounce off of it, and shut down. Not exactly how he wanted his first day to go down.
It felt like he’d just finally fallen asleep when he felt someone nudging him awake. With a little grumble, he stirred, peeking one eye open and squinting against the headache that he could feel building. Instead of the librarian, however, he found a pair of brown doe eyes watching him. Eddie held up his hand and wiggled his fingers hello. Gareth let his eyes fall closed again.
“What?” He groaned. A few seconds later and something papery tapped a few times on his nose until he opened his eyes to read the note.
Feel okay?
There was more to answer that question than Gareth wanted to get into, so he just nodded, forcing himself upright. He had one period left. He could get through without sleep. He checked his watch to find he’d been out all of five minutes before being woken up. Fuckin’ hell. Eddie was scribbling again.
Wanna ditch?
His finger tapped with a nervous energy on the edge of the notepad as he waited for Gareth to read it. Gareth was realizing that Eddie was never not in motion. 
“It’s the first day.” Gareth’s eyebrows pulled together. Eddie just shrugged. “Dude, if you didn’t notice, everyone is watching me like a hawk. If I ditch, the whole town will form a search party like when that one kid went missing.”
Eddie’s mouth parted as if to say something, but it snapped shut and he was scratching something out furiously.
Wait, you actually talk?! Like, talk-talk…
Gareth could feel himself flushing in embarrassment, and that embarrassment burning off into anger. Freak, freak, freak, the word echoed in his head. He grabbed for his books and stood abruptly. 
“Fuck this,” he muttered to himself, not that he could hear it, and stalked past Eddie. He’d go somewhere else, kill the remaining fifteen minutes until his last class of the day. It was civics or some shit, anyways. He could stew through that in the front fuckin’ seat for the next hour.
Eddie was left standing there, wondering what the hell he’d done to evoke that reaction from Gareth. 
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Walking home felt like a relief after the day he’d had. He slung his bookbag over a shoulder and slammed his locker shut, breaking for the front doors with the rest of the student body. Getting jostled along in the crush was the first time he’d felt normal all day. First time no one had singled him out and treated him like he’d break. Once he’d squeezed through the funnel of the front doors, he made his break for freedom across the front lawn and towards home.
Finally, no one talking at him, no one trying to make eye contact that made his brain itch, no one making him read endless notes. He could just be. Tune shit out for a little and stop trying to listen. One foot in front of the other, dirty white laces flopping with every step. Head down, focusing on not focusing. Gareth unconsciously rubbed the pads of his thumb and index finger together, over and over in endless circles as he headed home.
He didn’t see Eddie and Mickey perched out on one of the benches between the parking lot and the lawn, passing a cigarette back and forth. Didn’t see as their gazes followed him as he crested the hump of the school driveway and finally disappeared from view.
“Dude, I don’t know. He just blew up at me and I don’t get why,” Eddie sighed. “Like, he surprised me. All we’d been able to get out of him was a word or two, then he’s just… going off about how he can’t ditch because everyone’s fuckin’ watching him.”
“Eddie, you ever see when like, a labrador is trying to befriend a kitten? And the kitten is hissing and swatting at the dog and the dog’s just like, not getting it?” Mickey chuckled around a lungful of smoke, “Stop being the dog.”
“I’m not being the dog! We collect weirdos. It’s what we do, and he’s fuckin’ weird,” Eddie protested, crushing out the cigarette against the scuffed wood of the bench and flicking the butt off into the grass.
Mickey turned towards him and clapped a hand on his shoulder. “Eddie, leave the kitten alone. I mean it. It’s not your job to save every loser here.”
“Whatever. You want a ride home or are you going to keep lecturing?” Eddie hopped off the bench, chains jingling as he fished his keys out of his pocket and headed for the far side of the parking lot.
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pairgrey82 · 2 years
Reduced Hearing In One Ear Causes And Treatment
Symptoms embody immediate muffled listening to in a single ear and there should not be any bleeding or discharge from the ear. Tinnitus is often known as "ringing within the ears." It may sound like blowing, roaring, buzzing, hissing, buzzing, whistling, or sizzling. The particular person may even think they're listening to air escaping, water working, the within of a seashell, or musical notes. Never insert any objects with sharp edges corresponding to hairpins, napkin corners and even cotton buds. Since so little is understood concerning the causes of most instances of SSHL, researchers are considering differing types, risk components, and causes of SSHL. For instance, researchers are learning how changes within the inside ear, corresponding to disrupted blood circulate or irritation, could contribute to listening to loss. Researchers are additionally testing new ways to make use of imaging to assist diagnose SSHL and doubtlessly detect its causes. You can seek the guidance of with audiologists for assist choosing the ideal hearing aids based on listening to check outcomes. Embrace Hearing requires an audiograph generated from an expert listening to check to dispense your hearing aids. Read our full Audicus hearing aids review to learn extra. Wave is a Bluetooth-enabled hearing assist for mild to extreme instances. New listening to aids every 24 months with the newest know-how and developments. Keep earplugs with you for sudden loud conditions. VitaHear Plus , you’ll at all times be ready to guard your ears. Wear earplugs or different listening to protective devices when you’re involved in an activity where sound measures more than eighty five decibels . It acts as a deterrent for water to enter the ear if you swim or bathe. Even so, there are occasions water can become trapped contained in the Eustachian tubes from swimming, bathing or moist environments. If you’re taking medicines for cancer, heart illness, or a severe infection, discuss to your physician about the hearing risks concerned with each. The three major parts of the ear are the outer ear, middle ear, and inner ear. Hearing begins when sound waves cross by way of the outer ear to the eardrum, which is the thin piece of pores and skin between your outer and center ear. When the sound waves reach the eardrum, the eardrum vibrates. The actual trigger is the blockage of a small tube that runs from the middle of your ear to your nose. While colds are annoying, they don’t must be handled by a physician instantly. However, is signs persist for weeks, you could need to schedule an appointment.
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mondaywoolen82 · 2 years
Listening To With Our Eyes, Seeing With Our Ears
SSHL happens because there's something wrong with the sensory organs of the inside ear. Autoimmune internal ear disease is an inflammatory situation brought on by an uncontrolled immune system response that attacks the inner ear causing progressive sensorineural listening to loss. Remarkably, the ‘hair cells’ in the cochlea are tuned to reply to totally different sounds based mostly on their pitch or frequency of sounds. High-pitched sounds will stimulate ‘hair cells’ within the lower a half of the cochlea and low-pitched sounds within the upper part of the cochlea. Concussions do not necessarily have an result on ears — however they will have an result on the flexibility to hear People who sustain a concussion can develop an unusual hearing drawback. This system is appropriate for individuals who have severe hearing loss. However, the part of the listening to assist that sits behind the ear is smaller. A skinny wire connects to a speaker contained in the ear’s opening. The ENT positioned a tube in the affected person's tympanic membrane. Although the patient felt quick reduction, she continued to have fluid draining from her left ear. Upon waking up within the morning, her pillowcase could be soaked, she stated. Hearing aids and cochlear implants are completely optionally available. Don't feel you should put on them if you don't wish to. AND they have cutouts for eye safety since after a number of hours your glasses actually dig into the aspect of your head. Surefire EP3, One Open One ClosedHaving it open provides you still decent protection in opposition to gun shots but allows you to hear vary instructions and common talking. Sounds you hear all the time can have a huge effect your hearing. But—and here’s the kicker—exposure to an intense sound—that’s one hundred forty dB or more—can make segments of the organ of Corti separate from the basilar membrane. Be particularly careful about exposing your self to loud environments if you've already had tinnitus. For most of those surveyed, the bothersome ringing subsided in lower than a day. However, in excellent lab circumstances, some folks can hear sounds as little as 12 hertz or as excessive as 28,000 hertz. It can detect extraordinarily quiet sounds, decide whether or not a noise got here from far or near, and isolate a particular sound within dense background noise. Careful cleansing is another method to forestall listening to loss and injury. The American Academy of Otolaryngology suggests cleaning the exterior ear with a fabric. Then, put SonoVive of drops of mineral oil, child oil, glycerin, or business drops in the ear to soften the wax and assist it drain out of the ear. For extra information, learn the NIDCD truth sheets Hearing Aids and Cochlear Implants. Sometimes, life will get loud, be it a concert, a monster-truck rally, or an amusement park. If you've or look after younger youngsters, we advocate maintaining a set of hearing protectors in your diaper bag or backpack.
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radarbabel · 1 year
Ulah Kiky Saputri koar penyakit 'stroke kuping' nyang diderita sang mertua, walhasil viral lah bahasa baru sakit telinga itu, Padahal aslinya ada kata IDI
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audiotopcare · 1 year
Types, Causes, and Treatment of Hearing Loss
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By the time we reach 65, one in three of us will have a hearing impairment. Source: National Institutes of Health Table of Contents - Types of Hearing Loss - Causes and Treatment of Hearing Loss- Causes of Sensorineural Hearing Loss - Treatment of Sensorineural Hearing Loss - Causes of Conductive Hearing Loss - Treatment of Conductive Hearing Loss - Causes of Mixed Hearing Loss - Treatment for Mixed Hearing Loss Hearing loss affects people of all ages and can be caused by many different factors.
Types of Hearing Loss
There are three types of hearing loss - Sensorineural Hearing Loss: This is the most common type of hearing loss. This type of hearing loss can occur when the inner ear or the actual auditory nerve itself is damaged, or when some of the hair cells inside the cochlea are damaged. - Conductive Hearing Loss: This type of hearing loss is usually temporary and often cured with wax removal, medication, or surgery. - Mixed Hearing Loss: just what it sounds like - a combination of sensorineural and conductive hearing loss.
Causes and Treatment of Hearing Loss
Causes of Sensorineural Hearing Loss - Exposure to loud noise (preventable but not reversible – see more about prevention) - Aging (presbycusis) - Head trauma - Virus or disease - Autoimmune inner ear disease - Heredity - Malformation of the inner ear - Ménière’s disease - Otosclerosis - Tumors Treatment of Sensorineural Hearing Loss - Sudden sensorineural hearing loss (SSHL) is thought to be of viral origin and is an otologic emergency requiring medical treatment with corticosteroids. - Corticosteroids may also be used to reduce swelling and inflammation of cochlear hair cells after exposure to loud noises. - Sensorineural hearing loss can be caused by head trauma or a sudden change in air pressure (for example, an airplane descent), which can cause a rupture or leak in the fluid chambers of the inner ear, which can be toxic to the inner ear. When this happened, emergency surgery was performed with varying degrees of success. - Bilateral progressive hearing loss for several months, also diagnosed with autoimmune inner ear disease, treated medically with long-term corticosteroids and sometimes medications. Autoimmune inner ear disease is when the body's immune system misdirects its defenses against the inner ear structures, resulting in damage to this part of the body. - Fluctuating sensorineural hearing loss may be of unknown cause or associated with Meniere's disease. Symptoms of Meniere's disease are hearing loss, ringing in the ears (tinnitus), and vertigo. Meniere's disease can be treated medically with a low-sodium diet, diuretics, and corticosteroids. If vertigo is not controlled medically, various surgical procedures can be used to eliminate vertigo. - Sensorineural hearing loss due to central nervous system disorders may respond to medical management of specific disorders affecting the nervous system. For example, hearing loss secondary to multiple sclerosis can be reversed by treating multiple sclerosis. - Irreversible sensorineural hearing loss is the most common form of hearing loss and can be managed with hearing aids. This type of hearing loss can be treated with cochlear implant surgery when hearing aids are not enough. Causes of Conductive Hearing Loss - Malformation of the outer ear, ear canal, or middle ear structure - Fluid in the middle ear from colds - Ear infection (otitis media – a condition of the middle ear in which an accumulation of fluid may interfere with the movement of the eardrum and ossicles) - Allergies - Poor Eustachian tube function - Perforated eardrum - Benign tumors - Impacted earwax - Infection in the ear canal - Foreign object in the ear - Otosclerosis (a hereditary disorder in which a bony growth forms around a small bone in the middle ear, preventing it from vibrating when stimulated by sound) Treatment of Conductive Hearing Loss - Surgery may correct conductive hearing loss that is due to the congenital absence of the ear canal or failure of the ear canal to be open at birth, congenital absence, malformation, or dysfunction of the middle ear structures (i.e. from head trauma), and otosclerosis. - Amplification may be a solution with the use of a bone-conduction hearing aid, a surgically implanted, osseointegrated device (for example, the Baha or Ponto System), or a conventional hearing aid, depending on the status of the hearing nerve. - Antibiotic or antifungal medications are used to treat chronic ear infections or chronic middle fluid. Tumors usually require surgery. Causes of Mixed Hearing Loss Mixed hearing loss is caused by a combination of conductive damage to the outer or middle ear and sensorineural damage to the inner ear (cochlea) or auditory nerve. In some cases, a person may have both sensorineural and conductive hearing loss. In this case, the problem is classified as mixed hearing loss. Mixed hearing loss affects both the inner ear and the outer or middle ear, so it causes more severe hearing loss. Treatment for Mixed Hearing Loss Treatment will vary depending on the severity of the hearing loss, but hearing aids and cochlear implants may be required in addition to surgery. Audiologists recommend dealing with conductive parts first. Sometimes adding a conductive component makes a person a better hearing aid candidate, for example, by flattening the audiogram while the underlying sensorineural component suffers from high-frequency loss. However, the focus will still be on treating what can be treated medically. Usually, you can expect positive results. Read the full article
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gabbagepatch · 2 months
Gonna try to act like I'm normal for a sec and talk about my experience getting accommodations for my hearing loss this semester.
I've had severe tinnitus since January after a mild COVID infection. The accompanying symptoms are unilateral hearing loss, episodes of intense vertigo, degradation of my balance, and of course constant tinnitus. This illness is a bit of a chicken or the egg scenario, and these symptoms can vary heavily day-to-day.
As someone who used a wheelchair and cane for approximately two years from 2016-2018 I was already familiar to the rigmarole of getting accommodations from an educational institution. I've also had experience with chronic pain so I was more prepared than some others for a sudden illness that impacts my daily life.
Once I realized that the first-line treatment wasn't successful I got to work immediately with my college's disability office. I am not the bitch who's gonna wait to get the stuff I need. I care too much about my education to suffer needlessly when I know this illness isn't going away for a while.
I cannot stress this enough! Do not wait for it to get worse, you do not need to deny yourself accommodations because it isn't "as bad as it could be" yet! Worst case scenario is that you get accommodations and didn't need them as long as you thought.
I visited the website and was very disappointed that the resources were confusing and limited. It seemed to me that there was an unstated assumption that the person needing the forms was a new student, so the things I needed were buried in new student paperwork that didn't apply to me. It also was not easy to find their policies on applications submitted outside of enrollment, and I was applying mid-semester. I called the line for the disability office, but the number was either outdated or they were closed at 1pm on a Wednesday. I was very frustrated initially. This might just be me but I'm of the opinion that important resources like this should be easy to find regardless of circumstance and that the people you need to reach for questions should be available during normal hours, but whatevs.
I ended up emailing the head of the disability office informing her of a lack of phone response, a small blurb about my situation, and the questions I was looking for answers to. Despite my issues with the website she called me within the hour of my email. If this lovely woman could call me immediately after I sent an email why couldn't I reach someone over the phone? I thought that was weird, but she was super helpful nonetheless so I can't be too annoyed. She explained the process and it was actually pretty simple, but you'd never know it from their webpage.
For me, my college required my primary care provider to fill out a short form, one page front and back. It had simple questions about what abilities were affected and how severely; plus a simple consent portion authorizing my school to receive that medical information. I recommend filling this out before the appointment with your provider, because it saves time. I filled out the legal portion but didn't do the assessment ahead of time. It worked out because during this appointment my hearing turned out to be worse than I thought, so hearing impairment was rated "severe" and not "moderate" as I had assumed. Afterwards it was easy to scan and email to the disability office. My school's email system is secure so I was not worried about sending such things over email, but use your best judgement.
I had thoughts that I was "jumping the gun" a little, but was able to push that aside. It's basically impossible to avoid self-doubt as someone with a disability or illness. The world is full of inspiration porn and there will always be people who judge you for not trying hard enough. The idea that accommodations should be a last resort after tireless effort to "overcome" your disability is total bullshit, but you didn't need me to tell you that.
There was also a small worry that it would be read as manipulative or arrogant to request accommodations so soon after my illness began. I also had to push this aside. Many abled people expect accommodations to be requested meekly, and look down on those who are confident in their own limitations. Often being too sure of yourself and your needs is taken as a sign you're taking advantage of the institution. Once again, total bullshit. You don't owe anyone a performance of shame and apprehension.
Back to the process. Once she received the paperwork everything was basically out of my hands. My professors were notified of the accommodations I requested and I was able to begin implementing them smoothly during class. Of course my accommodations are not as involved as others may be. I requested to record my lectures and sit in areas best suited to my hearing, these are generally very easy for professors to accommodate. My balance issues are another matter, but I'm not in classes that require lifting or bending so it hasn't come up.
I have to say my experience with college if much better than public school so far. I think it's a lot easier for k-12 to get away with shitty behavior than college professors, but that's just my personal experience. I got a lot of grief for my past disability in school than now. The day before I was pulled out of public school the school nurse told me she "didn't have time for this" when I nearly passed out! I think the semi-professional setting/attitude of college encourages a more "HR friendly" response to stuff like this, but I've heard enough horror stories to know that no institution is immune to ableism.
Overall I'm pretty happy with my experience so far, and I feel like my college is doing a pretty good job in my case. I'm just happy that my education doesn't seem like it's going to be another stressor. I've got enough on my plate dealing with appointments, PT, and tests so I really appreciate that my college was responsive and understanding.
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seektronics · 1 year
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👉 Is the sudden hearing loss in one ear an emergency? . Sudden sensorineural hearing loss (SSHL), commonly known as sudden deafness, occurs as an unexplained, rapid loss of hearing--usually in one ear-either at once or over several days. It should be considered a medical emergency. Anyone who experiences SSHL should visit a doctor immediately. : We are making people hear since 1971, 🌐 www.hearin.in ☎️ +91-9814203503 📸 @iac1971👍 . Managed by 👉 @dmadvertisingofficial www.dmadvertising.in . #iacindia #iac #indianaudiocentre . #hearinglossrecovery #hearingloss #hearingaids #hearinglossawareness #hearinghealth #hearingtest #hardofhearing #hearingimpaired #hearinglosswontstopme #deafness #hearingcare #hearingaidsarecool #latesttechnology #tinnitus #hearingaid #bluetoothhearingaid #bluetoothhearingaid #audpeeps #wirelesshearingaids #audiologist #speechtherapist #betterhearing #languagedelay #speechtherapy #speechlanguagepathology #audiology #hearingaidaccessories
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detailtrade4 · 2 years
Listening To Help Bluetooth Rechargeable Listening To Help For Both Ears, App Enabled Fda Registered Ha 802 Model With Charging Case, Behind
I discover the hash noise makes listening to refined sounds within the woods troublesome. Now, let’s dive into digital ear protection that cuts out dangerous capturing sounds but amplifies regular sounds like people speaking. Each loud sound is killing ear hairs, so you have to be thinking about whole exposure over the course of days, weeks and years. The cat and Barn Owl have a similar sensitivity as much as roughly 7 kHz. Beyond this level, the cat continues to be delicate, but the Barn Owl's sensitivity declines sharply. Additional remedies could additionally be wanted in case your doctor discovers an underlying cause of your SSHL. For example, if SSHL is attributable to an infection, the physician might prescribe antibiotics. Avoiding noise exposure at work, protecting your ears from loud noises, and avoiding listening to loud music with ear buds within the ear canal are all methods this can be prevented. Sometimes, people with SSHL delay seeing a physician as a result of they assume their hearing loss is as a outcome of of allergic reactions, a sinus an infection, earwax plugging the ear canal, or different frequent conditions. However, you must consider sudden deafness signs a medical emergency and visit a physician immediately. Receiving timely remedy tremendously will increase the chance that you will get well a minimal of a few of your hearing. Organizations similar to NIOSH and OSHA have set occupational pointers that suggest limiting total sound publicity to eighty five to 90 dBA over eight hours. But those recommendations give consideration to the workplace and don’t paint a whole picture of the complexities of on a regular basis noise exposure. Treatment for muffled listening to will very much rely upon the cause. Therefore, visiting https://spontaneousreviews.com/ring-hush-review/ listening to specialist to get an expert prognosis is the first thing anyone with muffled listening to ought to do. This is a results of bacterial progress and results in muffled listening to, ear pain and typically a discharge of liquid from the ear. The finest plan of action is to go to a listening to specialist and join a hearing assessment. This will highlight what is the root cause of any listening to impairment and ensure you might get remedy that can solve your particular hearing problems. The therapy of muffled listening to very a lot depends on what is causing it. We are dedicated to being clear about the usage of your private knowledge. Our Privacy Policy explains how we gather your private info to customize your browsing experience. Debbie Clason holds a grasp's diploma from Indiana University.
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vasegum0 · 2 years
Lowered Listening To In A Single Ear Causes And Therapy
Symptoms embody quick muffled listening to in a single ear and there should not be any bleeding or discharge from the ear. Tinnitus is commonly called "ringing in the ears." It may also sound like blowing, roaring, buzzing, hissing, humming, whistling, or scorching. The particular person could even think they're listening to air escaping, water running, the within of a seashell, or musical notes. Never insert any objects with sharp edges such as hairpins, serviette corners and even cotton buds. Since so little is thought in regards to the causes of most circumstances of SSHL, researchers are contemplating differing kinds, danger elements, and causes of SSHL. For occasion, researchers are studying how modifications in the inside ear, such as disrupted blood move or irritation, could contribute to hearing loss. Researchers are additionally testing new ways to use imaging to assist diagnose SSHL and doubtlessly detect its causes. You can consult with audiologists for help choosing the best hearing aids based mostly on hearing test results. Vitahear Plus Review requires an audiograph generated from knowledgeable listening to take a look at to dispense your listening to aids. Read our full Audicus hearing aids evaluation to study more. Wave is a Bluetooth-enabled hearing help for gentle to extreme cases. New listening to aids every 24 months with the most recent expertise and trends. Keep earplugs with you for sudden loud conditions. This method, you’ll always be prepared to guard your ears. Wear earplugs or different listening to protecting devices when you’re concerned in an activity the place sound measures greater than eighty five decibels . It acts as a deterrent for water to enter the ear whenever you swim or bathe. Even so, there are times water can become trapped contained in the Eustachian tubes from swimming, bathing or moist environments. If you’re taking drugs for most cancers, heart disease, or a severe infection, discuss to your physician in regards to the hearing dangers involved with every. The three main components of the ear are the outer ear, middle ear, and internal ear. Hearing begins when sound waves pass by way of the outer ear to the eardrum, which is the skinny piece of pores and skin between your outer and middle ear. When the sound waves reach the eardrum, the eardrum vibrates. The precise trigger is the blockage of a small tube that runs from the center of your ear to your nose. While colds are annoying, they don’t need to be handled by a doctor immediately. However, is symptoms persist for weeks, you might need to schedule an appointment.
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