#Serenading Estinien
toadeyes-miqote · 1 year
Serenading Estinien
(Is headcannon now what Hylnyan's bard songs sounds like if Estinien is in the party. Thanks Fuckable FF14 men)
"Ishgardian Knight~~~ Is like Thavnairian days~~~~~ More often than not, he's hot as Nidhogg So smite the enemies in my way ~~~~~~~~
Ishgardian Knight~~~ I’m serenading you~~~~~~~ You’re buff and you’re tough! Let’s get that boss out of the way~~~~~" “Thancred!!! Stop laughing and get her to quit serenading me as if I’m a maid to be courted!” “Estinien! Hylnyan is our bardic support, she has to sing!” G’raha defended. “She does not make up silly songs about you two!” “Its just a phase, she’ll get over it. Eventually. Take your frustration out on the enemy Estinein.” “…Fine… Aymeric does not hear of this. Understand.” “Too late. Some of those songs came from Ishgard. Nyaha~~~”
If you recognize where the songs come from
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gothmiqote · 3 months
odds for the ship game -- for WoL/Estinien or your Azem ship!
gonna do wolstinien for this one & delegate the other one for hythazemet ~
under a cut because length lol & also ig heads up for spoilers of like. the whole plot kinda fhgjj idk things get mentioned that happen up to EW & also some not-safe content lmao
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Is your muse a romantic? Do they dream of love and marriage?
Yes? Maybe? Kind of? Varha has this weirdly domestic side that she's actually pretty comfortable with (likely wouldn't appreciate having this pointed out, though), so there's potential for her to wander down this route of thoughts. Realistically though I think her attachment issues would end up freaking her out too badly to seriously consider anything legally permanent. That's not to say it's off the table in the future or anything, but it's a very distant notion & she's not going to come to the conclusion that she's also able to be the one who initiates.
(Another thing to factor in here is that neither of them are the type of people to would even be thinking of the 'let's sign this for tax purposes'-type scenarios. Varha is considerably better about money & related bureaucratic life things than Estinien 'lost his company credit card privileges in record time' Varlineau, but she still lacks any foresight around planning for her future beyond next week.)
She will react favourably to the type of romantic gestures he does do, though. Like he's not subjecting her to the objective torture of having someone go 'hey I wrote this song about you :)' before they publicly serenade you acapella style, thank the fucking Twelve for that, there's not a version of her that has a strong enough poker face to take it. She melts when he remembers small likes/dislikes or takes note of something she never even bothered to verbalize in the first place. She's not a shy person, she can flick the switch into an affectionate mood pretty damn quick with the right incentive, she's just maybe not the most in-touch with her emotions all the time & sometimes needs to be coaxed.
At the end of the day, she's pretty sure that Estinien is her person. When she says she feels content with him, it's the farthest thing from 'settling' despite the connotations of the phrase. She's perfected the art of putting up a more secure & confident front, but in truth, she's gone through the bulk of her life feeling transient in her own and temporary in the lives of people around her. As the Warrior of Light, she's not only good enough--she's capable of exceeding external expectations. As herself? Not as much. She hasn't quite outgrown the deep feeling of never being anyone's favourite, of constantly being the tag along with her siblings growing up. She tries too hard to be something loud & useful & fundamentally unforgettable, and it's a knife to her side every time she falls back into acting with that desire in mind.
Estinien has been one of an exceptionally small number of people who have never added to the feeling, intentionally or not. She's not sure if it's right to be attracted to someone for the way they make you feel, if it's something that feels that selfish (in her mind). But he's obstinate enough that she knows he wouldn't have bothered to even take the chance with her if he didn't want to be there. She thinks, oddly, that part of the reason she's able to believe his motivations is the fact that he spent so long with a deliberate distance between them. It left her with less time to perform, and less time to ruminate on her hidden self-worth problems. Whatever the reason, she knows that she's never felt this way with anyone else, and no one else has cared enough to even give her that time to explore that internally. The wariness she held towards herself was more or less melted away when she was faced with how good she actually felt for once. There's a reason she didn't mind when the verbalized declarations of love started slipping out after a few months.
Is your muse good at kissing? Are they experienced?
Very good kisser.
Most people tend to assume Varha's far more experienced than she actually is for this reason--in reality, she's had a relatively small number of sexual partners, she just thinks kissing is fun & generally won't take much convincing for making out. She's particularly prone to this after a couple drinks, and sharing is caring when she's not in a serious relationship. It's hot and intimate without the full commitment of getting naked with someone & cleaning off afterwards, and it helps that she's bringing a public + outdoor sex kink to the table--even if things don't escalate to that point, the need for privacy is pretty small.
The side of her brain that makes her give in to her more mischievous bastard impulses makes kissing her #1 type of foreplay. She's able to keep herself at a pretty consistent level of arousal for a prolonged period of time while watching her partner completely come undone when she slides her tongue into their mouth in all the right ways. This is a dangerous game to play with Estinien, who is well fucking aware she's being an insufferable tease & will happily delay her own gratification at his expense. Unless he decides to haul her off to escalate things properly, she's about to spend her immediate future doing everything she possibly can to wind him up with her lips & indulgently wandering hands.
Thancred is the only other Scion to have been on the receiving end of one of her infamously white-hot kisses. It was a one-time thing, fuelled by an unholy amount of wine but was nonetheless an enjoyable encounter. (She thinks she may or may not have also done the same with Y'shtola, but that one's a far foggier memory, and she's not 100% sure it actually happened. Y'shtola doesn't help in solving the mystery, but Varha suspects this is more about Y'shtola possessing the same bastard instincts she has, and she also doesn't remember much of anything.)
Overall, she's pretty lax as long as she clicks well with someone & they're willing.
Is your muse comfortable with public displays of affection? 
To a point.
She likes touching a lot. Before now, she actually spent a fair bit of time alone. Post-Calamity, pre-Scion Varha spent her time as a travelling mercenary of sorts, taking on a string of what was essentially risky contract work and never establishing roots anywhere. She's competent when it comes to working a room, which often gives the illusion that she has more friends than she actually does. In reality, she really didn't have anyone, and predictably this led to (unconscious) touch starvation. If she's got the green light from someone she considers a friend, she's content to lean against them or sit close. One might count the physical contact from fighting as some sort of mitigation here (and as far as I remember, it actually can release some of the same chemicals in your brain as positive touch so this probably isn't too far off), but even if that was the case, it wasn't anywhere near enough. While she occasionally did engage in casual sex, the potential emotional intimacy it could lead to (or even a facsimile of the feelings) made her too uncomfortable to take care of her lack of physicality that way, which unfortunately compounded her predicament.
After spending so much time living this way, it's something she unconsciously seeks now that she's got access to it. And while his own personal history doesn't exactly match her own, there are enough similarities in the isolation to put them on fairly even ground.
Varha's caveat for pda is that it has to feel natural. She's extremely averse to anything that reads as 'fake' or trying too hard to win her attention. Something can be very obviously demonstrative, but it can't feel forced, whether the act is platonic or romantic. For most of ARR, she was actually seen as someone who could be pretty distant & cool (not an incorrect read. The walls were very, very real at the time.), and it's unfortunate that it took something drastic like the Waking Sands massacre for them to start coming down ("Wait, these people actively like me? And were concerned?"-style revelations). Over time though, it became apparent that she was actually open to hugs and kind touches, she simply wasn't a) aware that this was a something available to her and b) aware that she wanted or even needed them. She's still pretty quick to fire off a witty remark before baring her heart to anyone (talking honestly is... another beast entirely, but she readily accepts hugs & finds herself willingly sharing too-small seating areas just for the novelty of body contact.
Romantic contact operates pretty similarly. Not that she'd subject herself to seeing someone who felt the need to do a whole song & dance about how in love with her they were, she's still damn glad that's not Estinien's style in the slightest. She likes easy things--holding hands, or leaning against him if they're standing (or he's sitting; that height difference forces creativity on occasion). Hell, she's even more than happy to make herself at home on his lap in casual settings without caring who might be around. They're both incredibly blasé about this sort of thing; any attempts at friendly teasing from the Scions when they became an official 'item' fell comically flat. You definitely won't be hearing any sappy confessions of affection, but it's so obvious that they automatically gravitate toward each other regardless of most social situations.
For his part, Estinien usually likes to have his hand at least resting on her in come capacity. He's got a few draconic quirks leftover from Nidhogg, and this can manifest in some slightly possessive tendencies. Honestly, she likes it. It's nowhere near a level where it would impede her freedoms, but enough to make her feel like he's actually proud of outwardly signalling how he feels about her. She loves how casually he does it; of course she can expect him to automatically draw an arm around her shoulders if she joins him on a seat, why would he think twice about drawing attention to the fact that they're together?
It's not that he needs to be on her at all times or anything, he just... deeply prefers it, that's all. It helps that she's pretty tactile. He's been known to just sort of appear at her side at social gatherings, especially if there's any sort of crowd around her. He's not really trying to be menacing about it, and if she was irritated by it, he is capable of loosening up & finding something else to do (it doesn't happen often, but there have been times when she's needed some breathing room for whatever reason). He definitely doesn't consider himself the clingy type, and if he occasionally orchestrates it so that the Scions somehow end up short a sofa cushion & she simply has to get comfortable in his lap for a casual evening gathering with friends, no one says a word.
He's also got a habit of making small adjustments to her person if she's close enough--fixing a slightly off-center necklace, moving a piece of loose hair, that sort of thing & it's almost always done without him really realizing. This one comes with more exclusivity; she doesn't typically tolerate fussing from anyone else. She'd find it annoying if it were someone else's hand, but when he does it, it has a borderline meditative quality. Once again, pointing this out will lead to an interaction that features both of them shrugging & looking at you like you've grown a second head. They're comfortable with each other and know where the boundaries are, no, they're not concerned about holding up any type of reputation, what an odd thing to say.
They've got no problem kissing in public either, but she finds that as her name & face start becoming more recognizable, people start to get more annoying about her personal life. Plus, while she loves outdoor sex & the risk of being caught, it sort of loses the excitement when the risk factor essentially morphs into a guarantee.
This falls apart when you get liquor involved. They know how to pace themselves, but they also both like to indulge, especially among friends. After a certain amount of wine, it's not uncommon to see his arm tighten around her waist as he starts to press his face into the crook of her neck, leaving kisses that steadily amp up in intensity while she tries to carry on a conversation. Sometimes she'll play the same game, but it's more likely that she simply gets more touchy, draping herself on him in increasingly suggestive ways until one of them finally decides it's time to bid everyone a good night.
Is your muse the big spoon or the little spoon?
Small spoon, which has more to do with how ridiculous she would feel in the opposite role.
Estinien is nearly two feet taller than Varha, despite the fact that she's actually considered relatively tall herself for a Miqo'te woman & usually wears some sort of heel, even if she's dressing for combat. She's tried to be the big spoon before, and it lasted maybe a solid ten minutes before she had to re-adjust. Also, twelve forbid he rolls on her arm in the middle of the night; waking up with pins & needles would be an understatement. He's not bulky, but he's still significantly larger (& by extension, heavier) than she is. So she typically ends up the little spoon--she's an excellent size for holding. He's pretty partial to using her thighs as a pillow during the occasional afternoon nap, dozing off while she runs her fingers through his hair.
In bed, they usually prefer some variation of him on his back and she just sort of figures herself out around him, or facing each other. She likes being able to tuck into his chest, facing away from the world with their arms around each other & legs tangled up under the sheets. He's a cuddler (no surprise there), and definitely sleeps significantly better when they share a bed.
On the other hand, she finds that the quality of her sleep dropped pretty drastically during SHB. Partly because of the cold empty bed, yes (they might not have actually openly laid out what they were to each other before her trip to the First, but they'd spent the night together "by accident" enough times before that to start developing habits), but because of the events she was experiencing. She was always prone to having some vivid dreams, and they got dialled up to eleven after, morphing into something legitimately terrifying. She's at least moderately grateful that she doesn't wake up screaming, but she does jolt awake pretty violently & getting back to sleep after can be a task. It's made significantly easier if she's got a warm, solid body to curl back into & someone who wakes up to make sure she's alright.
Is your muse attracted to any features in particular?
They're both on Team Ass in the ongoing ass vs. tits debate. Varha is pretty shameless about it too. Zero effort to hide any appreciation for the way his thighs flex in his leathers. She's less inclined towards giving verbal compliments, but her thoughts read pretty clearly on her face. Estinien has more decorum by a margin, and by that I mean he doesn't really do the frequent appreciative staring she does (though, there is a certain look he gets in his eye that signals a long night is on the horizon for her), but he will dole out some lightning-quick "compliments" in her ear, sometimes paired with a sneaky ass-grab.
Outside of that, he (of course) loves the entire expanse of her body, but he's consistently drawn to the general area of her neck/collarbones/breasts, the latter becoming more of a focal point after an impulsive decision to get both nipples pierced sometime after EW. It was a more than welcome surprise after being apart for a few months. She's got a (predictable but understandable) weakness for his hands. Skilled, strong instruments calloused & scarred from years of using a lance, she's memorized every crease & scar. Speaking of scars, it's probably another obvious choice, but she can't help wanting to run her fingers, lips & tongue over his. Estinien's collection is more impressive than hers, sporting reminders of Nidhogg on each arm, and they've become natural resting places in her explorations of him.
Have their partners been mostly male, mostly female, or evenly split? 
Varha can count her partners on both hands with fingers to spare at the end of her list. She's not unfamiliar with women, but her past encounters tend to skew male. It's less to do with any real preference and more just a reflection on who was willing & who had her attention at the time. Estinien's history is likely an inverse slant with a similar ratio.
Where is your muse most sensitive? 
Feel like most Miqo'te can probably count the base of the tail as an erogenous zone. She's not super complicated beyond that, though. Biting down on her trapezius will net a pretty intense reaction, but you can probably evoke something similar just by leaving the same type of marks elsewhere on her neck.
Would your muse ever tempt their partner, e.g. flirting, wearing tight/sexy clothing?
Yes, yes & yes. She typically likes to wear things that are short & show plenty of leg even if she's not trying to be a menace. Upping the ante & hiking up her skirt a bit more isn't a problem. She knows her body well, and knows that she's objectively attractive. She's aware of all the best angles for her backside (but likes to pretend she isn't posing whatsoever). She's surprisingly pretty good about not "borrowing" clothes that don't belong to her, but loves how she looks in lingerie & one of his button-ups. But nothing really beats the pure simplicity of entering a room fresh out of the bath & dropping her towel in his line of sight. She's comfortable being nude, so the nonchalance of the act is honestly more what gets him than anything else.
Flirting, in Varha's opinion, is probably one of the most entertaining pastimes known to civilization. She's quick with double-entendres & some pretty loaded implications. She's also fond of suggestive touches or 'conveniently' brushing up against him. Basically, if she sees an opening to make it known that she's angling for something, she'll take it.
Does your muse leave hickies? Do they ask for them?
She loves to be bitten. Which is fantastic, given that he very much likes to bite. It's never really been something she's asked for with words, and the first time he suck his teeth into the side of her neck was a chance taken without asking, but there was no question that it was something that really did it for her. It's also a good thing she enjoys seeing the bruising afterwards too; Estinien isn't particularly gentle about it (surprisingly this actually doesn't have anything to do with the Dragon-like qualities he still possesses--he's just always been that way).
She can definitely get a bit bitey herself, but it's not as much of a need for her like it is for him. She's more likely to leave nail marks behind instead of hickies, though this may be at least partially a product of their positioning from the size difference.
There's definitely a part of her that likes it when you can see the marks on her neck past her shirt collar. Her favourites are always in a spot where they just peek out enough to be spotted, but she's not going to complain if they're higher or lower. She also loves it when he marks up her hips and thighs in similar ways, although those usually stay entirely hidden from public view. It's more or less a given that she's going to have some visual evidence of him on her body any time they hook up.
Has your muse reached first/second/third base? Home run? 
Well. Based on the rest of the questions. Yes.
Would your muse ever send a sexual text message? Would they send pictures?
(I have no idea if this is even possible in-universe but let's pretend it is for the sake of speculation.)
Probably. Maybe nothing in writing--she would do a passable job if she tried, but it's not really her thing. Pictures, though? I can definitely see her taking the time to set up the timer on the phone & have a mini-boudoir shoot with herself for this exact reason. Like I said, she's aware of what she looks like and knows what parts of her body he enjoys. & everyone knows a picture is worth 1000 words. To be honest, it would probably get the message across faster than any written words. I do feel like this would definitely be a 'use with caution' move, though; it's not so much a tease as it would be considered an immediate invitation.
Is your muse the type to discuss their sex life or sexual prowess with others?
If it came up, she has no problems participating in a conversation. She's also comfortable answering select questions, but there's a limit. Varha won't be sitting there offering up intense details of her latest sexual encounter without notice. She's fine if people know she has sex & know who she's with, but doesn't really want to get into it past that. Basically yes, but also, it's literally no one's business.
How interested is your muse in sex and sexual activity?
Part of the reason she was fine with not having a ton of casual sex over the years comes from being content with just getting herself off between encounters. She's got maybe a slightly above-average sex drive, but that can be taken care of solo. She's responsive, though. Estinien has a significantly higher sex drive, & it doesn't take much for her to match that
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yzeltia · 1 year
Year of the Drake: Legally Nuhn
April: College AU Characters: U'rahn Nuhn, @driftward 's Nyx Blackmoon and Zoissette Vauban, Thancred Waters, Alphinuad Levilluer, Alisae Levilluer, Estinien Varlineau, Leonnioux Ouraux, Y'zel Tia, Y'shtola Rhule, @saesama 's Klynt Gothawyn, @erickgage 's Erick Gage, Y'mhitra Rhul, U'thyka Tia, U'khuba Tia, M'zhet Tia, @goldencrusader 's Ioh'juhn Reighn Notes: Script pulled from Legally Blonde. It's very long.
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U'rahn fidgeted a bit as he played with his tie, disinterested in the greater party going on about him. Y’zel and Leon’s wedding would have been completely boring if Nyx hadn’t come along. In truth, he hadn’t thought of inviting her knowing he’d be unable to do more than envision them up at the pulpit instead of the two grooms. It did help that there seemed to be a lot of aerobics involved at an Ishgardian wedding. Anytime he envisioned her in the lovely ice-blue dress, the thought was interrupted by needing to stand, kneel, sit, or call out in Halonic prayer.
Now at the reception and far from hearing bells, boredom had set in. Everyone seemed to be fawning over the couple, which he expected, but aside from offering to serenade the party later, now with Nyx, he felt out of place. Y’zel had been much closer with Jannie and Violet, and paid him little mind. Not that they weren’t friendly; however, it not being an official date or with something for him to keep him occupied, he found himself lonely and put off, even at a table full of people.
“Rahn. You are showing your displeasure,” Nyx mentioned, snapping his attention away from his tie.
“Oh. It’s uh…kinda boring. I mean, the music has been a bit of a downer so far. I think there will be something to dance to a bit later. Keith’s here so I bet his brother will show up and they’ll do some fun stuff.”
Nyx stared a moment. “G-Raha’s husband.”
“Yeah. Their daughter was one of the flower girls.”
“Yes. She distributed flowers rather vigorously and unevenly alongside Khloe.”
“Yeah. Seems like they’re little rivals,” he answered before leaning back in his chair, looking through the large slender windows of the Ouraux estate, “It’s gonna snow all day isn’t it?”
“Air pressure and elemental compass poles suggest the precipitation will persist. Rahn, if you are bored, perhaps telling me another story would be enriching for you.”
U’rahn perked up, smiling as the offer was laid out. “Yeah!? Well…What one though…I guess one that ends in marriage…and an unlikely pair kinda like Y’zel and Leon. Yeah! I got it,’ he explained, snapping his fingers before starting, “It was the perfect day…”
L’whood Nuhn flexed a bit in the mirror, grinning as he admired his physique while his fraternity brothers spread outfits across his bed.
“Try this,” T’hancred Tia laughed, tossing him his usual red sleeveless jacket.
L’whood furrowed his brow, shaking his head then tossing it back at the Tia. “Hey Hey! I can’t wear the same thing I do every day! I’m gonna pop the big question!”
A’lphinaud sighed, shaking his head, “It’s your favourite colour though. Besides, you don’t want to spoil it by being too showy afterall.”
“You’re right…something red then for sure. But let’s go with sleeves. Don’t need the guns out for this,” L’whood purred. 
“That a’boy,” T’hancred laughed, tossing over a nice crisp button down in U’ra- er L’whood’s signature crimson red.
The Nuhn beamed at his Tia brothers, starting to button up the shirt while A’lphinaud pulled out one of his own clip-on ties to accent it.
“She’s here! Guys she’s here,” J’raha shouted, running into the room and going to the window to point, the Tia and Nuhn following.
There she was, a beautiful Seeker with a white bob, sporting a black dress with a high slit. T’hancred whistled while J’raha covered A’lphinaud’s eyes. L’whood beamed as he watched U’shtola saunter up to the fraternity’s front door to ring the bell.
“Well boys. Your star Nuhn brother here is off to woo his lady into happily ever after,” he sang before flicking his tail and heading to the stairs.
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“Go get him tiger,” T’hancred called out.
“Be sure to pace yourself. Don’t get too excited and blurt it out…and…and if she says no I’ll be here waiting up,” J’raha called out.
“Don’t jinx him,” A’lphinaud hushed.
Alisae started to lose it across the table, having joined in near the start of the story. Her twin didn't seem all that amused, arms crossed and brow furrowed as he looked on to his sister.
“I doubt this A’lphinuad character has any resemblance to me whatsoever. It is just a name conveniently picked no doubt. There would be no reason for anyone to shield my eyes from gazing upon a beautiful maiden.”
“When the beautiful maiden in question can subdue you with a mere turn of phrase, you’d want more than your eyes covered,” Thancred chuckled, leaning against the table.
“ANYROAD,” U’rahn interjected, regaining control of the story.
Dinner had come and gone quickly, and with desert on the way, L’whood took his chance, taking U’shtola’s hand.
“Here’s to us,” he cooed, raising a glass.
The other seeker pursed her lips, hand withdrawing as she simply sipped at her wine. Returning her attention to her date, she sat back and crossed her legs. 
“Whood, there was a reason I wanted to come out here tonight.”
“Huh? Wait…didn’t I ask you out?”
“No, it was me. Again.”
“Really? Are you sure? I’ve been making a lot of plans lately. This was a pretty important date.”
“Yes, I am sure.”
“Really? I…could have sworn.”
“L’whood! Please, focus. I’ve asked you here to talk about our future.”
“Ah! Right! Funny you should say future,” he hummed, fishing for his ring in a pocket.
The woman narrowed her eyes then took another sip of wine before continuing, “You’ve been, fun, to say the least. Attentive, doting. The perfect gentleman.”
“Yeah Yeah! Your herrro!”
“Right. Hero. The thing is, I’ll be going to Sharlayan Law. I don’t need a hero. I need to be serious.”
“I can be serious!”
She pursed her lips, “My family expects me to become a Forum member someday…”
“Oh! That’s one of those robed guys!”
“Whood, please. If I’m going to do that I’ll need more than a hero. I’ll need-”
“A husband!”
“...Need to break it off here.”
L’whood’s ghost left him. The entire room was silent, his hand outstretched, ring in hand, ears drooped and lifeless.
“Y-You’re breaking up with me…?”
“If I’m going to be on the Forum, I need someone more Louisioux and not M’razh”
“You’re breaking up with me cause I’m …a Nuhn!?”
“That’s not entirely-”
“Then what? My muscles are too big?”
“Your muscles are fine,” the woman sighed, eyes rolling.
“You said you loved me though…I…I wanted to be with you forever…”
“I do love you. I just don’t see myself marrying you under the circumstances. It’s not like I have much choice in all this. Sharlayan Law was always going to be my destiny. You’ll see this was the right thing in time.”
“If we’re not together, then how is it the right thing?”
“It’s just about my future.”
“Because I’m not some hoity toity Sharlayan born…my dad was in the Company of Heroes! They’re still around! I think most people would agree that it's better than the Path of the Twelve!”
“I told you, I need someone…serious.”
“I was seriously in love with you…”
“If I might interrupt? Who is M’razh? I’m guessing a Nuhn from context, but that name doesn’t stick out like grandfathers…And if that Tia is supposed to be me, then why would he not have been A’ouisioux?”
“Ah, well. It’s not you! And M’razh is a Nuhn…though I guess not a very well known one outside Gyr Abania…” U’rahn thought.
“And then aren’t you the son of someone that was in the Company of Heroes,” Thancred asked.
“That is correct. U’odh Nuhn was in the Company of Heroes,” Nyx answered.
“Hey Hey! That’s not all that important! It’s about the love story!”
“Is it? This guy seems a bit pathetic. I can’t imagine anyone falling for him after that,” Alisae yawned.
U’rahn lowered his ears then glared towards the little red mage before shaking his head and continuing. 
“You’re back,” J’raha called out, holding out his arms for the other, only to be passed by.
“What happened? You look worse for wear,” T’hancred asked, putting his arm around the other as he lowered his tail sympathetically, “She said no.”
“It was some smooth talking Tia wasn’t it,” A’lphinaud accused from above.
“Get to bed,” T’hancred shot up.
“I just don’t understand what went wrong…”
“It’ll be okay buddy…your brothers got your back still.”
“Yes! And your front too,” J’raha laughed, coming in to hug L’whood while T’hancred held him from behind.
“Thanks guys…”
And his brothers did! They made sure he got out of bed, scrubbed up, and ate…but that’s as far as they could get with him. Going through the motions was all L’whood could muster for a time until one fateful day at their gym.
“I’ve got it,” L’whood yelped, looking up from a magazine over his thigh as he curled.
“What is it? What’s going on,” A’lphinaud asked, double pumping two 2 ponze barbells as fast as his little arms would take him.”
“This is the guy she wants,” L’whood announced, holding up a magazine.
T’hancred leaned in, coming off the treadmill with a towel around his shoulders. He squinted a moment before looking to the excited Nuhn.
“I think you need a break or to lay off the Delta Nuhn ale. I know you said she wanted someone mature but he’s….” T’hancred started while pointing to an etching of Montichaigne shaking his hand with a student.
“No not the old guy! The student with him. A law student! I could do it.”
And so, after a shower he hurried to his college counselor to declare his intentions.
“You can’t do this.”
L’whood’s jaw dropped as his counselor shook her head and looked over the resume again, “Sharlayan Law?”
“I have top marks though. My scores are undefeated!”
“The fact that you’re saying they’re undefeated, scores aside…Your major is in Adventuring. Sharlayan Law. I’m not sure Sharlayan Law will be impressed that you…defeated your Weight-Lifting 101 class…” the Roe woman sighed, rubbing the bridge of her nose, “Do you have back ups?”
“No way! I’m going to go to Sharlayan Law!”
“Right…then you’re going to need letters of recommendation, glowing ones mind you, from scholars. And you’ll need to score at least nine-thousand on your LawSATs.”
“I had to judge a wet t-shirt contest once at a Chi Theta party once. I can handle anything!”
“...Get out.”
And he did get out! He got out and studied his tail off, reading night and day. His friends even helped him make his application essay, detailing his heroics in the context of bringing justice to the people around Thanalan U. And of course, with a bunch of etchings of him making shirtless heroic poses. Soon after, the big day came: his LawSATs came.
“WHOOD! They’re here,” A’lphinaud yelled, bursting into the Nuhn’s room along with his brothers.
“Let me see,” L’whood whooped, hopping over to tear the envelope open. 
The Nuhn’s ears and tail perked high, eyes sparkling as he looked up, “I did it Delta Nuhn brothers…I did it. I scored over 9000! I’m going to Sharlayan Law!”
“Actually, the score only goes up to one-hundred eighty,”Alphinaud quipped.
“Seriously brother! Must you insist upon taking the spotlight to make yourself known as the biggest brain in the room? Who cares? It's a storytale," Alisae groaned.
"Right. Sorry! Carry on U'rahn."
And so he went across the sea to the school he set his heart on, determined to win U’shtola back with his newfound smarts. He certainly turned heads, showing up in his cut sleeve shirt and pants that showed off his, er, seat while everyone else wore bland robes or suits. Heading down the hall for his first class, he spotted U’shtola chatting with some students. Taking a breath, he wandered past, tail swaying high so as to draw the eye.
L’whood grinned then made a straight face before turning, “Shtola! By the Warden, I completely forgot you were going here!”
The woman pursed her lips, “You’re not here just to see me?”
“No way! I go here!”
“...You go where?”
“Sharlayan Law School.”
“You. You got into Sharlayan Law?”
“What? Like it’s hard. Oh…look at the time. I gotta head to class, but there’s a gazebo we could meet up at after,” he asked, checking his wrist.
With that, he beamed wildly while U’shtola looked to her friends confused.
“He…He wasn’t wearing a watch.”
L’whood didn’t catch the observation, tucking into his first class, taking up a seat in the front row. He pulled out his favourite bomb notebook and waited eagerly for the lesson to begin while others dragged out scrolls and tomes around him. His ears perked as the professor entered, striding in his white robes before pushing his glasses up into his golden gil-blond hair. 
“Hello, I am Professor Gage. A legal education means you will learn legal words. You’ll be taught to look at the world in new ways and question everything. The seat you’ve picked now will be yours for the rest of the semester…those in the front row, be ready.”
U’rahn swallowed, then thought a moment before fluttering his ears and giving the man a firm nod.
“The law is reason free from passion. Who said this?”
A pink-haired Tia in the back raised his hand.
“Yes, you there…U’zel is it?”
“A’ristotle Tia.”
“Are you sure?” the man asked.
“Would you be willing to stake all your gil on it?”
“...I think so.”
“How about,” the man hummed before tapping a young woman wearing a carbuncle scarf on the head, “Her gil?”
“I…I don’t know.”
“Then I recommend knowing before interjecting. The law has much room for interpretation, but none for self-doubt,” the man scolded before returning to his black board, “And you were right. It was A’ristotle.”
“Oh not you too,” Zoissette huffed, crossing her arms as she crossed her arms, furrowing by the twins, “You know very well it is Aristotoux”
“...who,” U’rahn asked, head tilting as he wiggled his ears.
“Oh for swives sake,” the shieldmaid huffed while shaking her head, “Continue.”
The professor was quick to get on with the lesson, scrawling out things on the black board.
“Now. I assumed you’ve all read pages 1-48 and now understand subject matter jurisdiction. Who can tell me about Gododo v. Stellenoux? …Let’s call on the gil row. L’whood? 
“Huh? Hey Hey! I didn’t get an assignment?”
“Zoiselle Jauban.”
A beautiful, glasses wearing Elezen woman looked up. “Yes sir.”
“Do you think it’s acceptable that Mr. L’whood is unprepared.”
L’whood turned, ears wiggling toward his classmate.
“No. I don’t, um… do not,” the Elezen answered.
“Would you support my decision to tell him to leave and return to class only when he is prepared?”
“I do agree.”
L’whood looked crestfallen, ears lowering. Gathering his things, he rushed out of the room while Professor Gage continued on with his lesson. Finding a bench in the gazebo, he plopped down, crossing his legs and arms as he stewed over being booted on his first day, unaware he’d interrupted another Mi’qote as she studied. This beautiful Keeper looked upon him, face painted black and white, as if to comment on the balance of justice.
“Are you unwell?”
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L’whood looked up, tail twitching as he looked on to the beautiful Mi’qote. If the young man hadn’t been so foolishly in love with the woman who had sparked his journey to Sharlayan law, he might have immediately fallen for her big round eyes and neutral expression.
“We get it. She’s beautiful,” Alisae groaned, “Are all Seeker men this transparent? He almost sounds like Raha.”
Y’shtola drummed her fingers on her arms as she leaned against Zoissette, the Elezen shaking her head. 
“Just the ones that play out of their league,” the Archon huffed.
U’rahn chuckled a bit, face flushed as he looked to Nyx who simply stared back.
“I believe you have lost the focus of the story describing the beautiful Miqo’te in question. Perhaps continue with the dialogue and circumstances. You excel at those.”
“Right right. Okay…so then he was like…”
“Do they all put you on the spot like that?”
“Yes. The professors prefer the S’ocratic method.”
“S’ocratic! Really!? Oh…Never mind. Just get on with it,” Zoissette groaned, occasionally glancing down to the Archon resting against her.
“And if you don’t know the answer, they just kick you out,” L’whood asked in a huff.
“That is Professor Gage’s method. Correct.”
“Did he do that to you too?”
“No, however; I have been reprimanded for correcting my classmates and Professor Gage. I was reprimanded for my objection, though I believe his frustration was assuaged by my corrections being right. It does get easier. Who are your other professors?”
“U’mhitra, Blomstradi, and Stryker.”
The Miqo’te woman paused for a moment then turned her attention back to the brightening underclassman.
“Professor U’hmitra enjoys people who voice their opinions and help to create an enriching environment for other students to engage in debate. Sit in the back for Professor Blomstradi as they swing their arms around for emphasis and tend to throw chalk due to training as a dancer. Professor Stryker takes all her exam questions from the footnotes in the textbooks.”
“Wow wow! Thank you. I’m rrreally glad I met you,” L’whood purred.
“Professor Gage takes into account knowing the quotes he inquires about at the start of his classes. This will be factored as a bonus into your grade. This is classified information.”
“Gotcha. You’re a senior, right?”
Nyx didn’t speak, instead looking up as U’shtola sauntered over. Wordlessly, she stood then went on her way while the Seeker stared down at L’whood.
“Ah! Thanks again for your help,” the Nuhn called out before looking up to U’shtola.
“How was your first class,” the woman asked sharply.
“Pretty good until this Elezen lady made me look bad in front of my professor. But I’m okay now that you’re here. How was your summer,” he asked, patting at the space next to him.
“It was fine,” she answered before looking back as Zoiselle came and stood behind her, “Have you met Zoiselle?”
“Oh…you know her…” the Nuhn huffed.
“I’m er….I am her research partner,” the Elezen answered, brushing her hand over her hair, drawing attention to a beautiful earring.
“I think a little more than that,” U’shtola hummed, blowing upon the jewelry to make the Elezen flush.
“Did I just hallucinate…” L’whood said aloud, his cheeks also a bit pink.
“Zoiselle was my partner at prep school. We rekindled our research together over the summer. I had forgotten just how sharp she was with her tongue.”
“Shtola…um, U’shtola told us all about you. We’ve enjoyed hearing stories; however, I wasn’t aware that you’d be here.”
L’whood’s ears drooped, unable to tell if the Elezen was being condescending or trying to perk him back up.
“E-Excuse me,” L’whood breathed out before pushing past them and hurrying off. He wandered to his dorm to change into his gym shorts then hurried to a small local gym, needing to work out before he fell into tears. Finding a bench, he flopped back then found a ripped Roegadyn woman staring down at him.
“Looks like you’ve been havin’ a bad day. Need a spot?”
L’whood nodded, reaching up to grab the bar of the weight before starting to pump in reps, easily doing 300 ponzes in his depression.
“I worked really hard to get into Sharlayan Law. I didn’t go to spring break, or greek week, or anything just to read a bunch of old stuffy books hoping to get my girlfriend back and now she’s research partners with this really tall pretty girl and I’m pretty sure that means they’re super in love and I wish I’d never come!”
“After you went through all that swivin’ trouble?”
“What am I gonna do? They’re partners…or something more. I’m confused about it but they’ve exchanged jewelry! That’s gotta mean something!”
“You’re askin’ the wrong sailor. I’m with my guy eight years then all of a sudden he moves out on me.”
“What did you do?”
“Drank a lot then gained twenty pounds of muscle,” the woman bragged, kissing her bicep, “Asshat got the swiven ship though and took my precious Leviathan with him.”
L’Whood looked as the Roegadyn woman pointed to the wall where a mural had been painted of her with a small cat on her shoulder.
“I didn’t even get to go to his birthday…”
“No way!”
“What could I do? He followed his dumb-stick to the smoother seas before I could break him in half.”
“That’s terrible…the first bit.”
The woman nodded before helping the Nuhn get the weights back up on their stand.
“So what’s this Zoey got that you don’t? Three tits?”
“Ah. I unno. She’s really tall and smarter than me.”
“Is she as swol as you?”
“Huh? Well,” he started, flexing in a mirror and looking at his tail, “I’m not swol, just good genes.”
“Do you know what genes are,” the Archon asked up, nails digging into her arms as she glowered in his direction.
“Ah, well. You get them from your folks…” he answered sheepishly.
“You think they’re swiven pants don’t you,” Kylnt laughed, seeming to have pulled up a chair.
“Well…I uh…” U’rahn started, poking his fingers together as the table, save Nyx, began to howl with laughter.
“Keep goin’. Keep goin’,” Klynt beckoned, waving her hand with amusement.
As L’whood continued to flex with his new friend in the mirror, a tall Elezen entered, silver hair tied up high in a ponytail and package under his arms.
“Hello there,” he waved, “I’ve a package for you.”
The Roegadyn patron stumbled over, tripping over herself as she went to sign for the item. After scrawling quickly, the man gave them both a nod then walked out of the gym with a wave.
“Thal’s balls! Could I be any more godsdamned spastic,” she growled, chucking the package into the wall, “So…you sure this U’shtola is the one?”
L’whood gulped, looking to the crumpled box before nodding, “Yeah! I love her!”
“Well, if a guy like you can’t swiven’ hold onto his gal, then there isn’t any hope for the rest of us. Steal her back!”
“Right right! Ah! My name is L’whood.”
“I’m Clynt.”
L’whood perked up then nodded hooking forearms with his new friend in solidarity before returning to working out together. With a new found vigor, he steeled himself for more studying and went home to prepare for the next day. Having Professor U’mhitra, he put himself back in front as she started to speak.
“You will all be in competition for the top grade in this class. Those who rise to the top shall see themselves eligible for one of my firm’s highly coveted internship spots for your sophomore year where you’ll study Nymian Law and assist me on cases in both The Black Shroud and La Noseca. Let the bloodbath begin. Now then…let’s get started,” she said before looking at her roster. “Mr. L’whood. Would you rather have a client who uh…who had…”
“Is something wrong, Rahn,” Nyx asked, watching as U’rahn started to swipe away at his tombstone.
“Hold on, hold on. I forget the words…right. Here we go. Sorry everyone.”
“Would you rather have a client who committed a crime malum in se or malum prohibitum?”
“Why not?”
“I’d rather have a client who’s innocent?”
The room started to snicker a bit as L’whood looked about confused.
“Wouldn’t we all Mr. L’whood. Ms. Jauban?”
“Oh. Um. Malum prohibitum. The client would’ve…er, would have committed a small infraction as opposed to a heinous crime.”
Huffing, L’whood shot up his hand, “Can I change my answer? I’d take the heinous one…cause I’m not afraid of  a challenge!”
With that he huffed again then sent a look back to Zoiselle who simply tilted her head in confusion. The rest of the class went smoothly. His confidence was bolstered by the Professor who praised him every time he answered something thoughtfully. A spring in his step, he rounded to the Last Stand to grab some snacks then headed to Noumenon in hopes of joining in on U’shtola’s study group.
“Hey hey! I came with a bunch of goodies! Think I could squeeze in?”
“...What are you even doing here,” U’shtola huffed.
“I believe we already have a full party,” Zoiselle pointed out, gesturing to two other students across the table.
“Oh, I guess this was one of those sign up things.”
“It’s more of a perceptive people thing. As Zoiselle said, we are full.”
“Surely we could make room though,” the Elezen asked, scooting over to try and accommodate more space.
“We’ve already assigned tasks and started,” U’shtola quipped.
“I can help someone! If I’m gonna assist Professor U’mhitra next year I’ll have to get used to some gopher work on top of all my assignments.”
“Whood, please. There is no way you’ll have the grades to qualify. You’re simply not smart enough.”
L’whood’s ears perked then lowered.she
“Oh, I didn’t mean,'' the Miqo’te started, realizing she’d taken a step too far.
“Am I on island hemp or did I not get into the same law school as you did?”
“Yes, you did. Still…”
“Still what, we took the same LasSATs, and are in some of the same classes.”
“L’whood, I just don’t want to see you get your hopes up. You know how you get.”
The Nuhn stared for a moment, then shook his head, “I’ll never be good enough for you, will I."
With that, he turned tail and wandered off, passing by the Keeper he’d met the other day.
“Ah, here. Study snacks,” he said, putting the basket in her arms before heading out to the gym to work out with his new friend and have her drill him as he pumped iron. Over the next few months, he dedicated himself to nothing but studying. The hard days of Professor Gage’s class soon melted away, now keeping up with his studies while impressing Professor U’mhitra by challenging the other student’s arguments with his own so much so that she finally stopped him after class to chat.
“You’re applying for my internship, correct,?”
“Yeah yeah! Here, I even have my resume,” he breathed out excitedly, tugging free a nice crisp stationary. 
“It’s on cardstock.”
“And engraved. Makes it nice and bulky like me! Giving it a bit of an extra kick, y’know? See yah tomorrow!”
As he scampered off, the lady Keeper approached U’mhitra and handed her files.
“These are the O’thyka Tia notes you requested.”
U’mhitra just nodded, sniffing at the resume, “He sprayed it with his cologne.”
“I believe that is just his natural scent.”
“I see…Do you think he just woke up one day and decided, ‘I’m going to law school’?”
“No, but I bet one day he woke up and decided he was going to be a Nuhn,” Erick’s voice sounded out in the distance.
U’rahn looked around, ears twitching as he tried to find the source of the voice.
“You around boss? I thought you weren’t coming.”
A retainer sat down a tombstone, open with Erick’s number being live.
“I requested to be informed of any gossip pertaining to me. I had my man here dial in when your story started to ramp up. Where did the Professor Gage guy go though? There should be a lot more of him and his golden hair. He should help out more too. Maybe get a girl in the end. Perhaps he could also be a spy. The dead-”
The man was cut short, a mix of fingers pressing at the red call end button.
“Okay. So, now that he was all smarter and stuff…:”
Inspired by L’whood’s determination, Clynt set off with him to confront the man that had taken her coeurl, chatting about his recent victories in class as they wandered the Sharlayan docks.
“You showed up U’shtola? I thought you were tryin’ to outdo her ‘research partner’” the woman asked, using heavy quotation marks with her fingers.
“I couldn’t help it. It’s fun knowin’ stuff.  Besides, Zoiselle didn’t do anything wrong. I don’t gotta go out of my way to get in the way of her studies. It’s mainly just so Shtola can see how serious and cool I am now. Even Professor U’mhitra was impressed by my legal skills,” he bragged before stopping at a boat, “You ready?”
Clynt nodded, cracking her fists before hopping onto the deck.
Emerging from the cabin, a white-haired Keeper emerged. L’whood blushed a bit, the duality of his black and white eyes reminding him of U’mhitra’s beautiful assistant.
“What the heck do you want? I’m eatin’ dinner.”
“I want-”
“Wanted to come over and show me what I’m not missing?”
Clynt tightened her fists, so loud that it made L’whood jump on deck with her.
“Ioh’to Reighn”
“Who’s askin’?”
“I’m L’whood Nuhn. Clynt’s attorney. Ah…uh…Under Sharlayan law you and Miss Clynt here had a common law marriage which entitles her to the benefits of property law and equitable division of assets.”
“What,” the Keeper balked.
“Due to the fact that you retained the residence…er vessel, Clynt is entitled to a full ownership of the coeurl property in question and we will be enforcing said ownership immediately.”
“Huh,” the Keeper sounded, scratching his ears.
“Tell him, Clynt.”
“I’m taking back Leviathan dumbass,” she sounded, picking up the Keeper then slinging him overboard before letting the little coeurl run out and into her arms. The two soon took off running back up the docks while the Keeper pulled himself out of the water.
“We did it,” L’whood cheered.
“Navigator, that felt swivin’ good.”
“He’s still back there scratchin’ his ears.”
“Which must be a good vacation for his balls,” Clynt chuckled.
The two laughed then returned to the gym with the little cat to celebrate with a bunch of lifts and skipping leg day. Even Professor Gage had become impressed, when L’whood was able to pick up upon a famous saying by singer F’lhaminn while the rest of the class floundered through by naming famous Forum members instead.
Soon the school was abuzz, a high profile case landing in U’mhitra’s lap had brought her to decide on her internship placements early. To no surprise, U’shtola and Zoiselle had managed to secure a seat; however, the rest were in awe over L’whood’s placement with them. Excited, L’whood showed up in his best suit, ready to dive in and impress upon everyone just how smart and good of a lawyer he was becoming.
“Thank you for coming. You’ve all made it to the top. As such, we need to dive in right away. We’re defending O’thyka Tia, whose very wealthy Nuhn was found shot to death at their estate in the Goblet.” 
“Tribe politics?” Zoiselle inquired.
“You’d think so given the dynamic; however, he didn’t have a need for the Nuhn’s riches as he’s some sort of hunting prodigy that sells instruction scrolls and was poised to take over since he didn’t have a handsome hero cousin to lead the tribe instead.”
“Wait…O’thyka Tia….Of the Mole tribe?”
U’mhitra looked through her papers, shuffling them a bit, “Yes. You know of him?”
“He’s a Delta Nuhn! He wasn’t in my pledge class of course, but I used to go hunting in his parties in the desert before his scrolls took off. He’s amazing!”
U’mhitra stared, “Amazing…how?”
“Well, he could fight off three sandworms at once. I mean, I could do five, but most can’t even do one! He’s super gifted!”
“Well, he’s also most likely super guilty. He was seen standing over his Nuhn’s dead body,” the professor sighed.
“By who,” U’shtola asked.
“Er, whom dear,” Zoiselle corrected.
“His brother, O’khuba and a visiting tribesmen from Gyr Abania.”
“Maybe he just stumbled in on him?” L’whood asked.
“That’s what we’ll be selling to the jury.”
As the room sat on the information, the Keeper assistant wandered in, standing at attention behind U’mhitra.
“Apologies. I was detained by other business.”
“You’re fine. Everyone, this is Myx Whitesun, an associate. She graduated top of her class and is the former editor of the Sharlayan Review. No doubt you’ve seen her doing research on my behalf around campus.
“Or observing you all,” Myx added.
“You’re not even trying anymore, are you,” Klynt sighed, shaking her head as she stifled a chuckle.
“What? It’s a perfectly good name!”
“You do leave little to the imagination, my Nuhn friend,” Thancred chuckled.
“I don’t know what you mean.”
“Waters is referring to the likeness of yourself and companions in your stories.”
U’rahn flushed, “Hey hey! These are just coincidences!”
“They are all facsimiles.”
“Copies of us.”
U’rahn shook his head rapidly. “No no no. They’re not! Just a coincidence!”
Everyone rolled their eyes, save Nyx of course.
“Just move on,” Alisae huffed, sulking as she rested her arms on the table and sunk her chin into them.
“What about the murder weapon,” U’shtola asked.
“The gun is missing. The chirurgeon said he’d been dead thirty minutes when the cop arrived, giving the O’thyka plenty of time to stash it.”
“Hey hey! There’s no way Thyka could’ve done this. Hunting is exercise- exercise gives you endorphins, and endorphins make you happy. Happy Tia don’t kill their Nuhns!”
“You don’t really believe he’s innocent do you,” U’mhitra asked.
“Of course I do,” L’whood answered, blushing a bit as Myx looked at him.
“Then we have a case,” the Keeper announced while the professor sat back in her chair and thought.
With that, the group made their way to Ul’dah, seeking out the prisoner in the dungeons below. U’mhitra took the lead, sitting across from O’thyka while everyone crowded behind her.
“You understand you’re on trial for murder, right,” the woman asked.
“I really didn’t do it! I walked in after my hunt, saw my Nuhn lying on the floor, checked his pulse, then screamed until O’khuba and N’zhet stumbled upon me.”
“Where they saw you standing over the body covered in his blood?”
“Why would I kill my Nuhn!?”
“Why does any Tia challenge their Nuhn? Wealth, Huntresses, Glory? All things the Sultanate will bring up at court.”
“He was my uncle! I loved him!”
“He was an old man not ready to give up his seat of power within the tribe. That’s not going to sound good to a jury, O’thyka. I believe you, but a jury is going to need an alibi.”
“I can’t give you that. And if you put me on the stand, I’ll have to lie,” the Tia whined.
“I believe we’re done for the day,” U’mhitra sighed.
L’whood frowned, tail lowering. As he went to exit with the others, O’thyka sat up, ears perked high.
“I know you!”
L’whood stopped, then pointed to himself, “Yeah. I’m Delta Nuhn and a big fan of yours.”
“Yeah, you went on some hunts with me. Took down…four sandworms on your own. Are you one of my lawyers?”
“It was five…and sort of.”
“Well thank the Warden one of you has a brain.”
L’whood smiled then motioned joyfully to the other before taking his turn to exit the room. Returning to Sharlayan, he went to Clynt’s gym, doing crunches together while Leviathan wandered about like he owned the place.
“I feel….so bad…for him…I mean…he’s in jail! ….And he’s innocent! ….And I’m the…only…one…who…believes!!!”
L’whood panted as he finished his set, hopping to his feet before thanking Clynt as she handed him a towel.
“That’s because they’re all swivin’ stiff ass mother - oh gods.”
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Wandering in, the handsome Elezen wandered in, nodding to some of the other patrons as he sat down a package on the counter.
“Huh? What is it,” L’whood asked to Clynt.
“It’s him,” Clynt hissed before shuffling over to the counter, the Nuhn following.
“I’ve got a package,” he stated plainly.
“He does have a package,” L’whood chuckled.
“How are you doing today,” the man asked.
“Fine,” Clynt answered nervously, seizing L’whood’s wrist under the counter until it cracked.
The Miqo’te’s tail and ears snapped up as he felt the pain shoot through him while the Elezen just stared, silver hair glittering in the gym’s light. 
“I-I’ll sign,” the Nuhn squeaked out, taking a pen and scratching his name on it.
“Well, take care,” the man said to the two before making his exit.
“Oh swive me,” Clynt breathed out.
L’whood  shook out his sore wrist, “Is that it? Don’t you want to say anything else to him?”
“Sometimes I say ‘Okay’.”
“Have you ever considered asking him out?”
“What’s the point? Look at me?”
“I am. And I see a swivin’ beautiful, strong, sexy woman!”
“I’m not interested in the whole Nuhn thing, bub.”
“I didn’t mean it like that! I meant you’ve got the guns, you’ve just gotta read the safety manual,” he chuckled before stepping out from behind the counter, “I’m going to show you a little maneuver my old man taught me when I was a Tia. It’s got like…a 109% success rate in getting anyone you fancy’s attention when used right…and like, 75% rate on getting to go out to dinner. It’s the bend & flex!”
L’whood moved the center of the room, eyes on him as he bent over then came up and flexed, shooting out a grin so fine that his teeth gave a little sparkle. “That’s it. Just bend down to get something then snap into a hero pose! You try!”
Clynt wandered over, mimicking the motions, “Bend…and flex!”
“Good! Now, just flex your shoulders a bit more. Really make your muscles pop.”
“Like this,” a small purple haired Lalafell asked, moving into the pose before shooting off a wild grin.
“Exactly,” L’whood praised.
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Soon the entire gym had joined in on the fun, everyone bending and flexing, and only a few people ended up hitting their heads on equipment. All in all, everyone left feeling pretty confident, especially Clynt and L’whood!
“Oi! Off the table right now! Lord Edmont will be furious with me if I return those with shoe scuffs,” Leonnioux huffed, hurrying over with a broom to swipe at U’rahn and Klynt as they demonstrated the pose.
“Sorry! We were getting into it!”
Leon rubbed his temple, “If it’s not one thing today it’s another. Have you seen Zel?”
Everyone pointed to the balcony.  Given directions, the groom handed Zoissette the broom and then hurried off to catch up with his bride.
“Heh. Right…so then…the trial,” U’rahn chuckled.
O’khuba had been put on the stand, with U’mhitra crossing him, shaking her head as he recounted his version of events.
“I came out from the springs to go visit Uncle, and saw him standing over my Uncle and called for the authorities.”
“Did he have a weapon in hand?”
“Was there any reason for you to believe he had discarded a weapon?”
“Of course. He killed him.”
The courtroom began to whisper while U’mhitra rubbed her temples.
“Was there any evidence that O’thyka stabbed him?”
“Yeah. His dead body with the whole stab wound in it.”
U’mhitra folded her ears back then waved the other off the stand to have N’zhet replace him.
“What did you see when you entered his dwelling,” U’mhitra asked.
“I saw O’thyka standing over the body of O’odh Nuhn.”
“Was he carrying a weapon?”
“No, he was crying his eyes out.”
U’mhitra smiled then nodded, “So then he was upset over his dead Nuhn?”
“Sure. O’thyka is the most sweet, wonderful Tia there is. He’s been my pal since the day I became a Nuhn. We’re…very close,” he chuckled, putting his arms behind his head and flexing his pecs under a metallic dress shirt.
“A brief….a brief recess,” U’mhitra huffed, looking over the other for a moment before leading everyone out.
“They’re swiving,” Zoiselle groaned, shaking her head.
L’whood was taken aback. “There is no way a Delta Nuhn would ever…y’know…do that sort of thing with someone wearing something so shiny! Right U’shtola?”
“How would I know? Though…I do say, I cannot see those two together…Then again, some Seekers will do anything to feel like a Nuhn…”
“So because O’thyka is handsome and has a great body he’s easy? Not to mention he’d…y’know, probably not lift his tail if he was the one trying to play at being a Nuhn!”
“If O-Thyka did not commit the murder. Who did,” Myx asked.
“Obviously the jealous cousin,” L’whood huffed.
“He’s already in charge of all their coin and has the ear of the huntresses. He could have just challenged his Uncle for the position,” U’mhitra interjected
“All I know is that it’s not Thyka,” L’whood doubled down.
“Well that’s nice Whood, but we need an alibi,” U’shtola huffed.
The Nuhn huffed, crossing his arms then left to go check in with O’thyka, bringing him a bunch of jerky and protein powder as a care package. O’thyka was soon brought in, sporting a bright jumpsuit.
“Are you okay bro? You look sad…and very orange.”
“I’m just glad to see you,” O’thyka sighed, perking up, “And not that U’mhitra.”
“She means well. She’s really brilliant and all!”
“She better be for the gil.”
L’whood nodded then started to pull out the treats he brought. 
“I have some jerky, protein, some athletic supports, and of course the Enchiridion,” the Nuhn listed, holding up not the Halonic text but Muscle & Nuhnness. 
“You’re the best,” O’thyka answered excitedly.
L’whood nodded before dropping his ears low, “I’m here for another reason though. We really need your alibi.”
O’thyka’s ears dropped as well as he shook his head.
“I can’t Whood. You don’t understand.”
“Who could understand you better than I?”
“It’s so shameful…”
“But it’ll save you!”
“It’ll ruin me!”
The two stared at each other for a moment before the Tia finally sighed and rested his chin on the table.
“I have made my fortune on my ability to teach Seekers how to perfect their bodies and hunt the sands for prey.”
“I know! Without you I’d have never had the courage to take down six instead of four!”
“Well…on the day of O’odh’s murder…I….I was staging hunts I’d already felled to make it look like I had taken down more than I actually had.”
“No!” L’whood gasped.
“I’m a fraud! I lost my Nuhn already, I'd rather just stay in jail than ruin mine and the tribe’s reputation…”
“Your secret is safe with me,” L’whood nodded before taking the other to his chest to hug.
Later L’whood returned to U’mhitra to reexamine the case with everyone else.
“Any news on U’thyka’s front,” U’mhitra asked as L’whood settled in.
“I went to get his alibi!”
Myx’s ears perked as she turned, looking over with the others.
“...Did you get it,” the lawyer asked.
“I promised him I’d keep it a secret. I can’t break the bonds of brotherhood!”
“Swive brotherhood! This is a murder trial, not some scandal at the fraternity house. I want the alibi,” U’mhitra huffed, slamming her hand on the table.
“I can’t give it to you. All I can say is that he’s innocent.”
U’mhitra let out a frustrated noise while the others shook their heads. Myx soon took a spot across from L’whood while the everyone else took their leave for a break.
“You can’t be against me too!”
“O-Thyka has not provided a substantial alibi. This would imply his guilt.”
“Why does that mean he did it,” L’whood pressed.
“He wanted to best the Nuhn of the tribe and makes a living by telling young men they are not fit enough. These are parameters for not being trustworthy given his circumstances.”
“That old man was wicked strong! Anything O’thyka boasted to do, the old man did twice over and didn’t brag about it. And then he never told me I wasn’t fit enough. He says if they feel they’ve worked their hardest, then they have.”
“This does not change that he is hiding something.”
“...You’re kind of being a butthead right now,” L’whood laughed.
Myx stared quietly a moment, eyes searching the playful Nuhn’s face. “I do not understand. How do I resemble a butthead?”
“‘Cause people aren’t always what they appear to be. You have to have a little faith and then you’ll be surprised.”
A hush fell over them for a moment, Myx continuing with her staring a long while before saying, “No one has ever called me a butthead before.”
L’whood blinked then quickly rummaged around in his bag, pulling out some jerky leftover from his visit. “I saved some for you.”
“Thank you,” she answered before eating it, seeming to not struggle to chew it, “It is delicious.”
“Heh. It’s really good. It improves one’s mood. It projects joy, kinda like you,” he hummed, cheeks turning a bit red.
 “Projecting joy is not my job function.”
L’whood laughed a little then stood up, “Let’s get something to eat before we go back to court.”
And so the two went off and had a very lovely lunch together and talked. L’whood told her of his dream to make a defense league for Nuhn who are discriminated against for various reasons…or called Tia. This amused Myx, though she reminded him there would be little to no legal precedent. Their date soon ended, and they made their way to court where the prosecutor had started to cross examine N’zhet.
“Can you tell us what this is,” a stern looking Elezen asked, holding a purple speedo up on a pencil.
“My uh…hunting outfit…”
“This is what O’thyka would have you wear when hunting?”
“And are you or are you not having an affair with O’thyka Tia?”
The crowd murmured as N’zhet shifted in his seat.
“Define affair?”
“Have you and U’thyka have had sexual relations?”
“Fine. Yes! We have! He’s lifted my tail!”
The whole room gasped as they turned to O’thyka who shook his head angrily. Unable to get control of the room, the judge sent everyone out, with the defendant struggling and looking back to the legal team, “I’ve never! A Delta Nuhn would never hunt with someone who doesn’t wear the proper gear!”
“I believe you,” L’whood called out before being ushered out with everyone else.
Returning to their offices, they all went back to work, looking into anything to help the situation. L’whood falling asleep on a folder soon found Zoiselle gently tapping him on the head with some papers.
“Are you finished with the deposition?”
L’whood wiped the drool off his chin then nodded sheepishly, “Yeah, I read it a bunch.”
Zoiselle held the folder between the fingers, giving it a little shape before turning away, only to pause and look back.
“I..I um…I believe him too. I don’t…I do not think he had an affair with N’zhet.”
L’whood perked up, ears bouncing joyfully as he nodded, “Yeah yeah? Too bad you and I are the only ones though.”
Zoiselle smiled, “I still can not believe you did not tell U’mhitra the alibi.”
“It’s not my alibi to tell-”
“I know. I thought that it was…It was very brave of you.”
“Really? Thanks!”
As they had their exchange, T’hancred and J’raha burst in, scooping the other up chanting “Stag party!”
“What’s all this,” L’whood laughed, letting the two toss him about in the air as he made for the door.
“It’s my bachelor party! I beat my old man. I’m going to be a Nuhn,” T’hancred cheered, spotting Zoiselle and giving her a smile.
“Oh! You made a friend. Bring her along! The more the merrier and all that.”
“Me? Oh-...Oh no,” Zoiselle answered, shaking her head.
L’whood squirmed then fell out of the two’s grasp, rolling then landing on his feet. “Sorry guys. It’s case time. I gotta take care of this and I need to do a really good job. After it’s all over we can have a big party!”
J’raha sighed then relented, arm around T’hancred, “Your duty comes first. Call us though if you change your mind.”
“Brothers foreverrr,” T’hancred howled, walking backward out the door with J’raha in tow.
L’whood chuckled, looking at Zoiselle before she turned to go take her turn with the files. Feeling that he should at least let out a little steam, he took another set of files then headed to the gym to read while working out. As he did some curls and flipped through pages, the door chimed, the Postmog man wandering in toward Clynt.
“I’ve got a big one for you today. Can you sign,” he asked.
Clynt froze for a moment then swallowed before knocking her pen off the table. Reaching down, she started to flex while the delivery man looked over.
“You got it,” he asked before finding the Roegadyn flip up and smack him in the chin with her head, sending him backward.
“Seven hells,” Clynt groaned while L’whood hopped up to check on the passed out man.
“...You broke his nose.”
“I’m okay…really,” the man assured them, rubbing his nose while Clynt hid her face in her palms.
“Well, he noticed me. I maimed him, but he swiven’ noticed me.”
“It’s really fine. Really,” the delivery man echoed.
“Move your tail and let me see,” Clynt huffed, squatting down beside the man to check him out.
L’whood froze for a moment as her words echoed through his head. 
“I gotta go! I think you blew open my case,” he breathed out before taking off back toward the legal offices.
Spotting Myx, he jumped up and down to get her attention.
“L-Whood. We are about to embark for the courthouse. You are underdressed.”
“Hey hey! Forget that. He’s a Tia! N’zhet is a Tia!”
“He’s a Tia. He is making it up and probably being paid off.”
“You have not provided any evidence.”
“Nuhn don’t lift their tails, they do the tail lifting! ‘Cause they’re supposed to be on top. And why isn’t he busy with the huntresses! He shouldn’t have the energy for that sort of thing!”
U’mhitra overhearing this shook her head and sighed. “I appreciate your legal theory…but this is a murder trial.”
L’whood frowned then followed behind everyone dejected as they returned to the courthouse and the trial resumed. Returning to the cross examination, U’mhitra tutted then gestured back to O’thyka.
“N’zhet, do you have any proof of your affair with O’thyka?”
“Just the love in my hearrrt,” he purred.
“If that’s all the proof then there’s nothing more to say,” the lawyer huffed before moving toward her seat.
Myx looked to N’zhet then back to L’whood before standing by herself.
“I have additional inquiries.”
“Proceed,” the judge answered.
“N-Zhet. Did you ever go on a date with O-Thyka?”
“A restaurant in Limsa where no one would recognize us.”
“And how have you been sleeping with O-Thyka?”
“Three months?”
“And what is the name of the N tribes’ Nuhn?”
The audience gasped as L’whood sat up in his seat.
“I knew it,” the Nuhn cheered, tail thrashing with excitement.
“I-I’m sorry. I misunderstood. Of course I am a Nuhn. N’rahz is just some Tia.”
“The hell he is,” a lady Miqo’te stood, “He’s the hero of our village you pretender!”
N’zhet turned pale as the court went wild with murmurs.
“What in the seven hells does being a Nuhn or Tia have anything to do with this case,” Thancred asked.
“He was lying? It ruined his credibility.”
“That doesn’t disprove an affair…no matter where his sword is sheathed.”
“It was enough to establish he was a lying liar that no one should ever believe about being kissed or anything else that’s happened to him with another guy that’s perfectly natural for rough housing!”
The table went quiet for a moment before Thancred cleared his throat.
“Right then…carry on…”
After the trial, L’whood was summoned to U’mhitra’s chambers, the Nuhn feeling high off his perfectly sound and logical victory.
“Hey hey! Is everything okay? We’re gonna go drinking and stuff!”
“Sit down,” the woman ordered, watching him move to a chair, “You followed your gut today and won the case. I should have listened.”
“Thank you.”
“About the alibi…”
L’whood frowned then shook his head.
“I’m sorry, but-”
“I’m impressed you went to get it. That’s the making of a good lawyer. You gained your client’s trust. You’re smart. Smarter than most of the people I employ.”
“That…That really means a lot,” L’whood breathed out, basking in her praise.
U’mhtira moved, then sat down across from him, eyes soft and searching his face.
“I think it’s time we discuss your future. Have you thought about where you might intern for the summer?
“Not really. I know it’s rather competitive.”
“Yes. It’s about tenacity, and grit. Balancing intelligence with might, strength. Knowing exactly how far you’ll go to get it. How far will you go?”
L’whood burned red as he felt her hand on his thigh before hopping up and back.
“Y-You’re hitting on me!?”
“You’re a very handsome Nuhn.”
“So…so everything you said?”
“I’m a woman who know what she wants.”
“And I’m a Nuhn who realized your firm isn’t the place for me!”
U’mhitra huffed as she sat back, “Too bad. I thought you were a law student who wanted to be a lawyer.”
L’whood fled, the building, hurrying down the stairs and bumping into Myx on the way.
“Whood! What is wrong?”
The Nuhn sniffed hard, tears in his eyes, “Law school was a mistake! Getting this dumb internship was a mistake!”
“I do not understand. You have shown increasing merrit-’
“I didn’t earn it! I’m just a piece of perfectly sculpted meat! U’mhitra made it clear that she liked the way I’m built when she tried to feel me up!”
Myx snapped her attention to the higher floor before finding L’whood wandering past.
“Where are you going?”
“Back to my home. I can fulfill my destiny as a useless humbo and join the Thanalan speedo team. No more suits. No more dress boxers. No more trying to be something I’m not.”
“You are already being who you are. Please do not abscond.”
L’whood looked down at his feet then shook his head, “Thanks for not treating me the way everyone else here does. Call me if you’re ever my way.”
And so he left running home to pack. Not wanting to leave Clynt high and dry, he returned to the gym to tell her the news, sniffling a little bit in the process.
“You can’t swiven’ leave now!”
“What’s the point of staying? All people see when they look at me is my six-pack and my biceps. No one’s ever going to take me seriously. The people at law school don’t. U’shtola doesn’t. I don’t even think my old man takes me seriously. He wanted me to grow up and be some sorta generic adventurer. Now for the first time I was gonna do something better than bonking some bad guys around and posing in my speedos.  But I was kidding myself. I wasn’t going to be a lawyer. All I was was a good looking piece of ass. Turns out, I’m just a joke. So I came to say goodbye.”
A grunt sounded followed by the clang of a 300 pound barbell hitting the rest. Sitting up, a rippling Professor Gage sat up, putting his towel around his neck and shaking his head. 
“If you let one stupid person ruin your life, then you’re not the Nuhn I thought you were,” he huffed before towel whipping L’whood.
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As L’whood sniffled then smiled to his professor he felt his tomestone jingle. Answering, he lit up then nodded rapidly.
“Yeah! I’ll be right there! Hey hey! Can you watch my stuff! I got a case to win,” the Nuhn boasted, fist bumping Clynt before rushing out back to the courthouse.
As he entered, U’mhitra was livid, looking to L’whood as he sauntered down the aisle to join Myx and O’thyka at the defendant’s table.
“He’s just a student! He can’t defend you!”
“Thanalan Law 3:03 A law student may appear on  behalf of a defendant in criminal proceedings with a licensed attorney. I am a licensed attorney and will be supervising him,” Myx stated while U’mhitra raged then took a seat in the crowd.
Once the courtroom had calmed down, L’whood found himself standing before the witness stand, O’khuba bitterly looking upon him.
“Uh…so…I’d like to point out that not only is there no proof in this case, but there’s a complete lack of mens rea, which by definition tells us that there is no crime without a vicious will…
“I am aware of the meaning. I do not need a vocabulary lesson. Question your witness,” the judge ordered.
“Right! So! Khuba! When you arrived back at the hut, was your Uncle there?”
“Not that I saw…like I said. I had a turkey leg then went to swim in the springs.”
“And when you came downstairs, what happened?”
“I saw O’thyka standing over his body. Drenched in blood.”
“And did Thyka have a sword or spear?”
“No. He’d stashed it by then.”
“I request that “He’d stashed it by then” is stricken from the record, your Honor. Speculation is not allowed,” Myx chimed up.
“Stricken,” the judge echoed.
L’whood nodded, back to Myx gratefully before looking to the other.
“Did you hear the sound of combat? The meeting of metal and flesh?”
“No…I was swimming in the springs.”
“And at some point…in the…twenty minutes you were in the springs your Uncle was stabbed?”
“I guess?”
“Your Uncle was stabbed while you were in the springs…but you didn’t hear him cry out or get murdered because you were in the springs.”
“Yes. I was swimming.”
“Could you tell us what you were doing earlier that day?”
“I got up, had some Sharbucks, went to the gym, then came home and had a turkey leg like I said.”
“Where you went to the springs?”
“I believe we established that the witness was in the spring.”
L’whood wiggled his ears then beamed at O’khuba, “Have you ever gone swimming before?”
“How often would you say?”
“Twice a day since I was a lad?”
“You know, a boy in my fraternity, A’lphinaud, went swimming. We protested cause the boy isn’t buoyant, but he went anyway. It happened to be on the day of our big turkey hunt. So he had a nice leg himself then headed to the pool. He got a huge cramp and nearly drown!”
“Objection. Why is this relevant,” the prosecutor sighed.
“Hey hey! I have a point,” L’whood protested.
“Make it then,” the judge ordered.
“Right! So! Khuba. Why is it that he got a cramp?”
“Cause he went in the pool after eating.”
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“That’s right. Because isn’t that the number 1 rule  of swimming? Wait thirty-minutes before you go swimming or you’ll drown!?” “Yes?”
“And if someone knows that rule, would they not go swimming? Unless he wanted to cramp and drown!? Even more, if you were busy not drowning, you’d have heard your dear Uncle being slain!”
“He’s younger than even I! Did you not know that? I’ve built the tribe, the trust of the huntresses! I didn’t mean to stab him! I meant to stab you,” O’khuba roared, thrusting his finger toward O’thyka.
The crowd went wild with gasps while the judge banged at her gavel. And just like that the trial was over and to celebrate, the team sans U’mhitra celebrated with a small party at Clynt’s gym. All of L’whood’s friends gathered to celebrate him before applauding wildly at his victory. Even U’shtola managed to corner him.
“You were amazing,” she praised.
“Yeah? Truly?”
“Yes, it made me realize something. I was an utter fool.”
L’whood blushed a bit, swallowing hard.
“Yeah? Uh…”
“You really can be a Nuhn and a lawyer.”
“Huh…I guess I am. Well, I hope we get to meet in court someday! I’m sure you and Zoiselle will make a formidable couple.”
“Surely he means in the courtroom,” Zoiselle interjected, pushing U’shtola away gently.
“Sure sure. Wherever,” L’whood laughed before turning to find Myx staring at him.
“I request you join me for dinner.”
L’whood blinked then tilted his head, “Are you asking me on a date?”
“Yes, that would be agreeable.”
The Nuhn beam then nodded, tail flipping happily. L’whood would go on to graduate with honors and start a chapter of Delta Nuhn at Sharlayan Law. Clynt and the Postmoogle man ended up going in on a larger gym space together. They’re married now. U’shtola and Zoiselle started a practice together, specializing in complicated and emotional cases. As for Myx, she left U’mhitra’s firm and started her own. She plans to ask L’whood to marry her. 
U’rahn beamed as he looked around the table, the mix of Scions and friends rolling their eyes or shaking their heads. Zoissette seemed unable to even look anyone in the eye while Y’shtola swirled a glass of wine, staring daggers in it. Alisae was worn out from laughing, while Alphinaud muttered to himself. Thancred had drifted off, chatting with Klynt leaving U’rahn to turn to Nyx with a chuckle.
“Did you enjoy my story?”
“I enjoyed observing you telling it.”
“I’ll take that as a victory then! It certainly lifted the mood.”
“I would not consider it a victory as far as your storytelling is concerned; however, I believe your goal as always was to amuse me and others. So, in that, you are victorious.”
“Thanks…I think? Shall we dance?”
“Yes. Let’s.”
Smiling, U’rahn reached out his hand then stood, taking Nyx to the dance floor, swaying together until others joined them. As he flicked his tail happily, he couldn’t help but think that this had become the perfect day.
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sntoot · 2 years
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the world would have to cease to exist before hoso would stop serenading his friends
(also a single outtake under the cut)
hehe (mike wazowskis estinien because hoso finds it hilarious)
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0 notes
ginger-nightmist · 4 years
28) Irenic
Oops no WoL. XD Aymeric and Estinien in their Temple Knights days, and how to make good decisions about when it’s worth a bar fight. Probably T for terrible sex jokes/stereotypes.
The voice of the knight over by the bar carries, his (extremely poor) imitation of a back country peasant ringing off the walls of the Forgotten Knight. “And then I sed t’me ol’ mum, I’d rather be balls deep’n a karakul, like a p’oper country boy!”
At their table in a dim back corner, Estinien’s hands ball into fists, a bottle of ale set down with a distinctly ominous clink. He is halfway to his feet before a restraining hand comes to lie atop his own, the warmth and weight of Aymeric’s touch — in public, despite all of his warnings and precautions and he has told the damn noble that if they are going to make risky choices, to at least not slip in public places. Rapidly dropping back into his chair with a rattle of chain, he jerks his hand back, although not before grabbing at his beer once more.
Aymeric seems blessedly uninsulted by his precipitous withdrawal from the touch, his friend’s lips curving into one of those slippery smooth politician’s smiles. “Estinien. You can not continue to challenge every compatriot you hear be ignorant to a fight. If you wish to become Azure Dragoon, you can ill afford to have men you may command or who will work with those under your command actively resentful of you.” His gaze flickers to catch the dragoon’s, spearing him with a blue as damnably pure and powerful as that of the Fury herself. Beneath the table, the restraining hand settles now on his knee, touch light even out of sight.
He should withdraw from it too, let Aymeric’s irenic heart be better kept within boundaries and rules. Yet in the depths of him, he is invariably weak to the pleadings and prayers of that velvet voice, to giving in to whatever ridiculous desire brings a smile to lips that belong on a statue or in a painting, not on mortal flesh. The train of his thought makes a brief hint of heat strain to appear on the apples of his cheeks, and Estinien takes a long swig from the bottle and sets it down again, hard, praying that the alcohol will explain any color that has seeped through. “If they are going to be working with me, maybe they should not be spreading idiotic and crude stereotypes.”
A very gentle squeeze of that hand and Estinien has to down damn near another third of the bottle in one go. This understanding between him and Aymeric, or whatever it was, is still too new and nerve-wracking, and finally, embarrassed, he reaches under and after briefly laying his hand atop the other knight’s and giving it a tight squeeze, he lifts it and moves it away. If only so his mind will return to working normally. There’s an all too aware gleam in the noble’s eyes as he counters, “If they are to do so when on patrol or at work, I would do naught but encourage you. However, controlling the minds, and more relevantly, the manners or every man and woman in Ishgard in their spare hours, is quite beyond the scope of any possible duties. You must learn when to let such things pass.”
Scowling bitterly, Estinien downs the rest of the ale and shoves the bottle over petulantly, watching it spin a lazy circle on the table. After a moment, he huffs out a breath, the glances back towards the bar itself, where the boor has descended into holding hands in front of his hips and enthusiastically mock-pumping into what is no doubt meant to be some poor farm animal. Aymeric’s voice is soft but clear as he says, “He will get cut off soon enough. He’s too drunk and making a scene. However, for the sake of your infamous temper, might I suggest that instead of a refill here, we retreat back to my home for a final nightcap?”
This time, the grin is not a politician’s smooth one, but simultaneously boyish and shy, a chin lowered a little so more dark hair falls over Aymeric’s face, the disarray only highlighting his youthful seraphism. Swallowing down a brief impulse that has nothing to do with anger at all, Estinien surges to his feet, once again grateful for the habit of merely preceding to the tavern in their mail. “I might even be kind enough not to to drink so much I try and serenade your saintly mother with shepherd’s lullabies again.”
Aymeric laughs and rises as well, the firelight shining off his eyes and hair. “She found the tunes charming, if not your voice. At least I could appreciate both.” Snorting to cover an outburst of laughter, Estinien lightly shoves his companion’s shoulders and they head for the exit, soon caught up in friendly jibs and laughter.
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dragoonaway · 4 years
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there's still times i want to break everything i've ever made but i've come a long way from back when i couldn't move, was frozen i told myself it's all good it's only chemical
There was a certain code that she and him seemed to live by. Silent conversations, understanding nods, gentle touches of foreheads. To say the words felt like it would rain hell on the delicate balance they maintained, but the faint kisses and random touches spoke more than anything that could ever be said. Each time she went off to fight the battles for many, he held her, touching his forehead to hers and letting himself be swallowed by the shifting silver of her eyes. 
She had bested him and every other great beast on the planet, and had chose to remain by his side as his partner and his equal. She had torn eyes of power from his armor in the hope that he would have retained some semblance of self, and though she called him every name under the sun for dumbass, he could feel her immense relief through their bond. The little tug that reminded him she was there, and her commitment to him was endless.
He had heard of the sudden headaches and voices by way of Aymeric, and he would have rather heard from her, but she was busy. A war she had to fight, where her lance would be the only one who could stand against the tidings of hell. He forgave her for the moments of silence, but he felt her on the other end all the same, nothing wavering. When she could, she came through the linkpearl, her voice a sweet serenade in his ears. 
But he knew something was wrong. Her link to him felt like it was being run through wires, faltering and then surging, only to falter again. He could feel the great duress she was under, the great pain she felt, and the danger she was in.
Never had he moved faster, finding her about to be slain, the whirl of dragonfire saving both of them as he whisked her off to safety. Fear for her death was prevalent in his mind, overwhelming his senses. There was so much he had wanted to say to her, and much for them to do, he’d be damned if she died on him now.
Estinien knew that there was something greater calling her, and that he might have to live in her absence for a while, but he had come to accept that. He knew she’d return eventually, and he would wait for her. There was no other and would be no other, for they would not have the bond that he had with her.
Her favorite flowers grew in the hard reaches of the mountains, hardy and prevalent even in the worst of snows. The dragons he had spoke to who knew of her great deeds and were fond of her offered other flowers from the Mists, and Vidofnir gave him a piece of jewelry they had crafted for her horns as a gift for her service to the dragons. Orn Khai almost exclusively asked questions about her and if they were beloveds, which they were, but Estinien liked to lead the little one on a tale to reach the answer he wanted. 
She’d find him anyway, if he were not there when she woke. And he wasn’t, because he knew what she was going to tell him and he was unsure of his own ability to be strong for her. For them. For himself.
Estinien felt Liadan come up from behind him, her touch light on his back as she slinked to his side. The view was only reachable by those capable of a great jump, and this view at the moment was only accessible to them. The deep purples of mountains in far places and the stony silhouette of Ishgard was worth the power to get here. In this most precious of moments, they were silent. She leaned against him for support, fingers closing in on the soft fabric underneath his plates.
It was through his silence that he understood she would be gone for a while, and the looming feeling that it was to prevent something catastrophic would not leave him alone.
Yes, he understood, but he did not want her to ever go.
“I love you.” Liadan broke the silence first, voice low and quiet, covered by harsh winds of the mountains. 
“And I love you, my crimson dragoon.” 
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doustadig · 5 years
@lazhadeg​: >> Quietly slips him an envelope across the table, eyes watching partner closely. ❝ Your final gift. ❞ A slight smile, head tilting. He can't wait to see his reaction to /this/. ❝ Happy birthday, Aymeric. ❞ [[ U KNOW WHICH AU THIS IS FOR 8IC <<
          ♢ He ought to nearly protest. Nearly stop his boyfriend from bestowing yet another gift amongst the numerous other ones he had granted him over the last maybe an hour. Feels it, perchance, too much if he were to be honest [ adored was also an emotion he had in mind. adoring him, cherished ], yet it turns out it was too late for him to reject [ and he would not have done so ], eyes falling upon the last item before placing aside his mug to take it up.
     ♢ Slowly. Carefully. As if he could break whatever was inside when Aymeric would turn it in his hands for a few heartbeats he took to prepare himself [ out of some reason, he knew this was something bigger— ] while feeling the fine texture of the paper, before slowly moving to open it up. “ I believe like I had gotten enough already— ” A dainty protest. Knowing it would lead to nought, for Estinien would not be deterred, would not be halted in whatever he set his mind on and this characteristic - amongst so many other things - was so endearing and, even yes, attractive to him.
    ♢ He knows that there would be a smile, perhaps a little sharper, more teasing than the soft little curl from before. Knows there would be the shake of his head.
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    ♢ Eyes then widen when he reaches inside to unfurl the piece of paper and soon recognizes it to be a deed of ownership, to be the one thing that he was still missing upon wanting to move to a larger area, to create a bigger café now that he had made himself a name, a business, had customers that would come back and bring more along. He had spoken with the person owning his desired building before. Had made to set it all up for the next month to come and yet. Yet—? Out of some reason and in some way, his partner had figured it all out, had been quicker and made his dream a reality with the snap of his fingertips.
    ♢ He could not quite believe his eyes.
    ♢ Shocked and, indeed, more than surprised would fluttering gaze scan the words marked down: the contract set up, accepted, signed. That? That was his final gift? But--- " That is too grand... " ---does he breathe it out a moment later. The very exhale having formerly near stung in his lungs for how long it had taken Aymeric to realise. To work with the thought. To know, to mayhap accept [ but he still could not quite? ] that this was not a dream. He knows the lawyer to have money, is aware that he is not beyond sharing it with him, having few wishes for himself, but this?
    ♢ Then his eyes glance up, searching for his partner's own in what could only be called sheer disbelief. " ---Estinien, that is too much. " While still, with words like this, he could not help but be so grateful. So utterly filled with swelling happiness that it nearly burst out of him, in forms far unexpected. In the feeble display of a softened smile, the way tears would well up in his eyes now understandable that he was beyond relieved and still so utterly shaken. He did not know how to thank him, yet decides to do so without any true words [ unneeded they were ] uttered just yet. Folding near gingerly [ as if it would tear ] the paper twice along its length, a manifest of love and adoration he did not expect he would ever receive.
    ♢ Rising then, Aymeric stands to wander around the table, breath fluttering as quickly as the heart would race inside his chest; he did not know how to thank him. Did not know what he did to deserve this kind of pleasant home carved for themselves inside one another [ why was that? ]. And so, without even truly perceiving anything beyond that little world that was his partner's face nearing his own, he would lean down once again. A hand on Estinien's leg just to keep him there [ to keep them both grounded knowing that they were here ] before sealing their lips with a simple kiss, serenading fervour and gratitude for the other. His whispers might go over unheard, soft and pliant. " Thank you. " Breathed against this mouth he so adored. He hopes, hopes so dearly and wholeheartedly, that his lover would just understand.
    ♢ " Thank you. I don't know... “ No thought. No words seemed quite enough. But--- " ...what I would do without you. "
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ladyramora · 6 years
Do you think any of the characters in ffxiv, preferably our babs from Heavensward, can sing? And if so, what do they sound like (soft, deep, etc.) You can also include any of your favs that don't appear in Heavensward! :)
Deep. Smooth. Clear as a bell. The kind of voice that is effortlessly soothing to listen to. Sings to you while dancing. Hums while doing paperwork. Seduces you with the power of his enchanting voice. Aymeric uses charm and it’s super effective. (Is there anything he can’t do?)
Rough, growly. Soft in his embarrassment.Those surprise shivers his voice gives you. Sings you songs from his childhood to help you sleep / keep the night terrors at bay. Clumsy in parts, but oh so sweet. 
Bright, cheerful. Pleasing to the ear even when he sings (intentionally?) out of tune. Loud. Serenades you with made up songs. Sings while he does paperwork (about how much he hates paperwork) Sings in the bath. Sing-flirts to you in the midst of battle.
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questir · 6 years
get to know : masaki qestir ;
NAME,  Mongke Qestir NICKNAME,   Masaki, Saki, Masa, Idiot, etc GENDER, Trans male ORIENTATION,   Bisexual PREFERRED  PET  NAMES,   Love, Darling.... RELATIONSHIP  STATUS,   Single in main verse... I have separate verses for all his other ships tbh FAVORITE  CANON  SHIP( S ),   GUYDELOT AND SANSON IS SUCH A VALID SHIP FAVORITE  NON-CANON  SHIP( S ),   hilda/lucia, aymeric/lucia, sadu/cirina, hien/cirina, estinien/ysayle, lyse/y’shtola, lyse/m’naago, Too Many Other Ships To List, OPINION  ON  TRUE  LOVE,   Always Possible (bcs he’s a romantic fucko) OPINION  ON  LOVE  AT  FIRST  SIGHT,   Also naively believes in love at first sight but it’s a shallow kind of love. HOW  ‘ROMANTIC’  ARE  THEY,   He’s that one secret romantic who’s a sucker for date nights under a starry sky, private serenading, etc. *gags* IDEAL  PHYSICAL  TRAITS,  Pretty hair. IDEAL  PERSONALITY  TRAITS,  Protective and kind. UNATTRACTIVE  PHYSICAL  TRAITS,  ???? UNATTRACTIVE  PERSONALITY  TRAITS,   Extreme avarice. DO  THEY  HAVE  A  TYPE,   Yeah, like. Charming lads with dark pasts.  AVERAGE  RELATIONSHIP  LENGTH,  hHAHAHAHAA PREFERRED  NON-SEXUAL  INTIMACY,   C u d d l i n g. COMMITMENT  LEVEL,   Usually really high. OPINION  OF  PUBLIC  AFFECTION,   Doesn’t mind but prefers to be more affectionate in private. PAST  RELATIONSHIPS,   :’) He was in love with a girl before he left the Steppe and that relationship is pretty much kaput. 
tagged by: EDIT- WAIT FUCK I LIED @lordcommanderaymeric TAGGED ME!!! tagging: spins the bottle and points to everyone who follows me
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toadeyes-miqote · 8 months
There is a drinking workshop after all
Excuse me while I wait for daylight. Not a big fan of alcohol. All my drinking songs about Estinien came from Aymeric with intention to goad him back to Ishgard. Aymeric can be terrible when bored behind his desk...
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toadeyes-miqote · 11 months
Glowy weapon in my colours!
"Look Look! Estinien! Feathers~~" "What exactly is your obsession with feathers?"
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"its has a built in harp!!!!" "No more silly drinking songs about me." "Nyaaaaaah... but I bard."
Other than Shinryu that uses that shade of green and she developed an aversion towards Zenos post in from the cold. This might give Byakko lutebow a run for its money in the Traveller's gear vibe department
And the reason for being so fond of Byakko lutebow is that its slick and slim and not look overly huge for her. Would probably keep this as is until I forgot it was there and glam over it by accident. Its about as large as deepshadow crossbow.
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toadeyes-miqote · 5 months
Big cat little cats 2/2
Dang it Zero!
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In part hesitant to answer. something to do with road to hells and good intention. Is this gonna be a no choice thing?
Oh and definitely noting G'raha's maturity and his guarded Exarch vibes. Thanks for not getting sweep away by her enthusiasm.
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Mainly due to her ARR Alisaie personality with Alphinaud effect if she's gonna bite off more than she can chew
In the name of the greater good be dammed, so many times burned
Is there the chance to see who else is a part of her ruling support party? Hylnyan's acquainted with a number rulers who do have a council
Is DT gonna be her growth story only to have bespectacled Miqo'te guy end up eventually ruler? If he turns out to be the one who has a clear idea of what to do after winning.
Co-rulers or change of governance? See Ishgard and Ala Mhigo
CAT FIGHT! CAT FIGHT! If this turn into the War of the Cats
Alpaca be the Chocobo transportation over there
If in the competition ends up having to rescue Scions
If its a fight the Scions thing - MNK vs Thancred, Fray vs Urianger(if he ends up hurting or sacrificing Thancred in the process, Hylnyan would more than punt him across the scenery), Archer vs Lancer (oh wait this ain't FGO). There is a certain wariness towards Urianger that won't go away until he proves reliable with actions instead of words.
Off the radar - Estinien ends up in Tural because he boarded the wrong ship or avoiding Aymeric's teasing.
Riol? What about Riol? Can recruit Riol?
Here's to hoping that Wuk Lamat's need to prove herself doesn't get herself or Hylnyan's friends and allies killed .
And thus we go into Dawntrail (may typo not bite me and turn into Dawntrial. Trial on the rail, Trial on the rail) At least G'raha is aware enough of Hylnyan's misgivings to back her up. Trail on rail, Trail on rail. Trial on the rail.... Is Mugen train roof top fight on menu?
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Her best bro!!! He knows and he be watching!!!! Intrigue~~~~
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Obligatory Thancred screenshot
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I can see you from here and I ain't Shakespearing thought I is BRD or maybe Hylnyan should serenade her in the absence of an Estinien to annoy
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toadeyes-miqote · 9 months
Prompt 6: Ring
Note – ShB, EW and Duty support character spoiler.  Noisy bard make noisy fight, uplander is sorry.
A clear bell chime, focusing G’raha thoughts. The here and the now is what matter. She is here as surely as the white tip of her bicolour tail that swished into view. He is G’raha, he is in the Source, the here and the now.
A lyre string strong and clear, she had danced into view, firing another volley of arrows, light that pierces, light that burns. She had ended the eternal light and brought back night, Exarch’s duty was over. He is G’raha, he is in the Source, the here and the now.
A short twinkling of strings, blinding light whistling pass him like the wind. She still stand. Light that burns hitting the madden beast up ahead. The white tip of her tail swishing out of his view was all he needed to follow.
A rustling of tiny bells like her laughter in the here and now. He is G’raha of the Source, he could draw on the wealth of Exarch’s experiences and power to fight alongside her. Focus, back her up, the here and the now, nothing more.  
Bonus from Serenade Estinien - A cheery sound rang, enraging Estinien to the start of an idiotic drinking song that smacks of Aymeric’s involvement with the Fortemps brothers. Focusing his ire on the menacing creature before him. He would have words with the four idiots when he’s done with this beast.
G’raha stole this one. He was one of the five light party Duty NPCs I was writing this for and he stole the entire prompt when I got back from work. Alisae is upset about this…
I didn’t realise that Radiant Finale was bells accompanying fiddle
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Gate of Babylon!! Okay fine fellow cat girl Atalanta's Phoebus Catastrophe is practically this instead of Gil's GoB
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toadeyes-miqote · 10 months
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Taking inventory - 3
The amount of procrastination that goes into not wanting to transcribe part 2. I don't mind if Mor Dhona DPS parkour turns into a doodle. *pokes arting minion.
Yes Thancred turned into the person who can convince her to Marie Kondo her inventory. This makes me want the Serenade Estinien series so bad.
I realised I forgotten Hylnyan's Miqo'te face stripes. No wonder she looks a bit off.
It had to be done. They have a baka senpai and baka kouhai relationship and I keep referring to Thancred as her mentor.
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