#Sheriff Marshall Cabrera
So his name is Sheriff Marshall “Deputy” Cabrera Im crying he’s so silly
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ducky-duckuwu · 1 year
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I was thinking, what if Marshall had some kind of magic ability? Like intuition or future telling or a mixture of both. To say "he knows things basically.
I imagine an scenario where Gyro goes to the past and gets surprised that Marshall know his name randomly, he never told anyone. But Marshall with his gift knew and wants to help him. The sheriff doesn't know everything of course, only some things, it's funny like that. I got a bit inspired on my family and myself, cause it happens to us: sometimes we know an event ahead of times or we get visions of the future, we guess names as well as others things but I'm gonna stop talking about me cause I don't wanna sound crazy.
It would be interesting if Fenton's family had a gift passing generation by generation. In the Fenton centric au that I'm doing yeah he knows his things and has an amulet that helps him but having something like magic heritage would be cool too.
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yuri-cosmos · 2 years
cowboys (off the top of my head):
Yosemite Sam
Marshall (Ace Attorney)
Marshall (Ducktales)
And Jimmy manages to be all of them
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seas-storyarchive · 2 years
I know that Orville "Dead-Eye Duck" McDuck (Titus' 2nd youngest brother) wasn't present in Ducktales (nor was the rest of the Poke-In-The-Eye Gang), but I read about him on his [wiki] page, and couldn't help but give him a bit of a redesign and pair him with Sheriff Marshall Cabrera (ancestor of Maria and her son Fenton).
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The American Wild West's most feared outlaw and the West's newly minted Sheriff, forever locked in an endless and deadly game of cat and mouse, fighting for the fate of the newly settled West. One tor gold and glory, the other for family and future..
Legend says you can still hear their gunfire on the sparce desert wind, shouts and horse hoofbeats echoing across the dry and desolate plains, eternally at odds are the lawful and the lawless. Dead-Eye's final stand with the Sheriff.
Welcome, dear [Cabrera and/or McDuck] traveller, to home and hearth. To victory and vindication. Where blood between [your] families was spilt and bonds were broken to pursue the setting sun. Be you a law abiding citizen or a gun slinging outlaw.
To the wild west.
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ruby-static · 1 year
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After all this time- I finally have a good ref for my Fallout New Vegas Courier 6: Riley Redmont Haddock. (But friends just call him "Red") AKA the nerdy human embodiment of anxiety.
+ some doodles of him with various companions I plan for him to have in my playthrough.
Riley is my timid, easily annoyed, anxiety-ridden mess of a wasteland wanderer. Dude has an affinity for robots, tinkering, inventing, repairing and general science nerdery. Poor guy is wrapped up in an absolute bullshit chain of events and is quietly losing his shit.
If you wanna know a little more about the dude, I'll leave more info under the cut. (I'd also be more than happy to answer any asks about the dude.)
Name: Riley Redmont Haddock
Age: Mid-30s
Pronouns: He/Him (Transmasc)
Sexuality: Gay/Ace
(Current) Voice Claim: Lin Manuel Miranda. Mainly just because of his voice as Fenton Crackshell Cabrera/Sheriff Marshall Cabrera from Ducktales 2017. That is, unless I find a better voice.
Personality: Timid and overwhelmingly anxious, and a bit easily irritated in the face of his new travels. Due to his affinity with tech, he tends to be more comfortable around robots than people. (At first, at least.) A bit near-sighted and stuck inside his own head, while still fiercely looks after people close to him. Over time in his adventures, he slowly develops into a more confident, collected, yet reckless person.
Riley grew up being the child of a Mojave legend known as "The Scarlet Rider", a woman (named Ellie) famed as a masked vigilante who fought to help the people of the Mojave wastes as the stories would tell. But people rarely knew abot "Scarlet's little girl". (Riley had obviously not "cracked the egg" yet for a good while.) Growing up with a traveller and masked hero for a mother, he learned a lot of what formed him into the person he is. Being a decent shot, a skilled mechanic, and more.
But when in a tragic incident his mother disappears, presumed dead, Riley was then sought after and brought in by his estranged father. This man, however, wasn't exactly as noble as his mother. Him being a notorious crime boss of the Vegas area. Having to spend his teenage years as a pawn to a crime lord, certain events would lead to him running off at the age of 16.
Now with his father's men after him, and almost no one to turn to, Riley would travel across the Mojave wastes and other surrounding areas to find safety.
Young Riley ends up finding a group of travelling performers, who he spends his time with for some years. But after a tragic death in the group, the remaining members break apart- leaving Riley on his own again.
Riley starts further developing his skills in robotics where he finds his love for tinkering and repairs. His endless tinkering ends up in the creation of his closest companion, Buddy. A tiny companion robot made completely from scrap, but somehow harboring an endless rabid thirst for violence and wanton destruction. But due to his size, he's effectively harmless. And for a while, he's Riley's one close friend.
So over the years, he's gotten around the wasteland by keeping his head down and taking various jobs and roles. Scavenger, singer, mechanic, and many more.
To Riley, his position as a courier is just a temporary gig "to get me from here to there". He's never really been too attached to it. But with his latest gig, he didn't really have any idea what this seemingly insignificant job would be getting him into.
Because that fateful night with the poker chip and the man in the checkered suit- Well, it just changed everything to say the least.
After the shock from taking a nasty shot to the head wears off, Riley isn't looking for any petty revenge- but answers. Because he can tell something is deeply wrong. And he's just too damn curious to let it go.
Random Info:
Riley tends to be a bit of a "robot whisperer". He seems to become friendly with bots a lot easier than he does with other people. This is typically due to his repair skills, but he generally seems to socialize easier with robots. (Prior to the NV story at least.) For example, he tends to get along pretty well with Victor early in his journey. And the first real 'companion' he meets is ED-E.
As mentioned- prior to the events of the game, Riley has a connection/history with one of the companion characters. Raul Tejada was a close friend of Riley's mother Ellie. So as a kid, Riley grew with Raul as a sort of uncle-figure. After his mother disappearing and him being turned over to his father, they lost contact. After running away from his father, he would come across Raul again, but it wouldn't last for long before he would have to run again with his father's men searching for him. Sadly, they wouldn't meet again for many years until Riley comes across him imprisoned in Black Mountain.
Riley has no idea just how in high hell this happened, but he manages to form a decent relationship with The Kings. He can't explain why he's friends with them, it just... happened. And he's incredibly confused about the whole thing. The King lets him hang out with his adorable robo-dog, though, so he's not complaining.
He also tends to hang around the Followers of the Apocolypse on occasion after bringing ED-E to them. He just tends to chat around with the members- (Arcade in particular.) But he likes to fix any broken tech around, so nobody really complains.
Riley has a texan accent! He tends to hide it around people, but it tends to slip out when he's emotional. (Extremely angry, extremely happy/excited, you get the idea.) Or when he's around certain people, like close friends. As the story goes along, he tends to hide it less and less.
Riley has an interest in various pre-war topics. Specifically, pre-war fashion, pop culture, and music. He believes that if he was born before the war (or if the war never happened) he would be working in fashion. Namely, working in a bridal parlor.
With his additional background in music/performing, he knows a few instruments! Namely guitar, violin, and a little piano.
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asofterduckburg · 4 years
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Sheriff Cabrera, this is a FAMILY show!
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alienfan-666 · 3 years
Sheriff Marshall Cabrera my beloved 💞
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bravequackcathal · 4 years
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i forgot to post this earlier whoops
redraw of a scene from the Cowboy Episode because yes
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glomgay · 5 years
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What I see:
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What I hear:
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WILD WEST AU where one of the clones is zapped back to Marshall’s time during the Timephoon. There he falls in with the wrong crowd and becomes part of an outlaw gang and starts off a crazy forbidden love enemies to lovers kinda thing with the local sheriff ;3
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ducky-duckuwu · 1 year
"what would my ancestors say?"
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-¿Porque eres café?
*I fought with the devil
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Manny The Man Horse x Marshall Cabrera
Requested by Anonymous who said “Cause every cowboy needs his trusty steed”
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linmellowss · 5 years
practica con plumones/plumas
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jeeblixarchive · 5 years
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heh you missed that one, try another!
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I'm a little doubtful, but does anyone else think these town folk might be relatives of Scrooge's employees?
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Maybe this was just a fun little thing for the sake of the scene, but I mean, we already have
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While I'm at it, anyone up for a little scavenger hunt? For some reason, I'm under the belief that there aren't many red-headed male ducks on the show. Aside from LP, Bubba, and the fellow up there, can you find anymore?  Maybe I'm not looking hard enough...
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