#Sims 4 Story
cinamun · 1 day
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What did you do
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ruthplaysthesims · 18 hours
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Accept this humble gift, a bouquet of tender blooms, A token of my heart, in fragrant, whispered tunes. May it be a beacon of warmth, a gentle embrace, Welcoming you to Glimmerbrook, a magical place.
With each petal's caress, a wish takes flight, That in your gaze, love's soft glow alights. I long to cherish moments, in your presence so sweet, Where love's symphony plays, in melodies complete.
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elderwisp · 2 days
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Atlas: Ah, it’s time for the yearly garden. Perfect, more strawberries for me to steal when you’re not around.
Taryn: I’ve always noticed, I just never said anything.
Atlas: OH. Shit.
Taryn: Kai isn’t home today, need me to tell him anything?
Atlas: Actually, I wanted to speak to you.
Taryn: If this is about the other night, can we not…
Atlas: We need to talk about it. Please?
Taryn: You seem to- Nevermind. 
Atlas: I what?
Taryn: I shouldn’t.
Atlas: Taryn, if anything is going to come out of this conversation, you have to be honest with me.
Taryn: Even if it’s difficult to hear?
Atlas: [ squeaks ] yeAH. Hold on, there’s something in your hair.
Taryn: Atlas, what?
Atlas: Got it.
Taryn: [ scoffs ]
Atlas: Bee, wait-
Taryn: Please stop calling me that.
Atlas: I don’t understand.
Taryn: You really don’t see it, do you? You’re charming… [ pauses ] Calculating. Only showing me parts that you want me to see but there’s more to you than that. And I… Fell for it. 
Atlas: That’s not what this is.
Taryn: Then tell the truth. Why me?
Atlas: Because I think you’re neat.
Taryn: Not good enough. Why?
Atlas: Because I look at you and I see someone I’ll never be. I was a bit jealous at first. Questioning if it’s even possible to be so sure of yourself and I wanted to test that theory. Push boundaries. Then I understood the beauty in that. Taryn, there is nothing to change about you. 
Taryn: I- For fucks sake. 
Atlas: That’s a valid response. 
Taryn: Thanks for being honest.
Atlas: T-Thanks?
Taryn: I’m sorry I’m a bit speechless after getting a bomb dropped on my head. 
Atlas: I… Don’t expect you to forgive me. But if it takes an eternity to try and make things right, I’d do it. I’d do anything. 
Taryn: You’ve got to swear that you won’t try anything like that again. I’m not a person to confuse or just another endeavor. 
Atlas: I swear. 
Taryn: Because if you do, you’re dead to me, Atlas.   
Atlas: I swear to you. 
Taryn: To new beginnings. 
Atlas: And to weird friendships. Damn. Your hands are kinda crusty. 
Taryn: Huh… That’s such a curious way of accepting a gesture of kindness. Lemme just-
Atlas: HEY WAIT!
Taryn: [ chuckles ] I made some lemonade, want any?
Atlas: Hell yeah!
Taryn: What’d you do to your hands?
Atlas: I kept falling off my board.
Taryn: HAH! Get good.
Atlas: Taryn!
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funkyllama · 1 day
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Leading Ladies of the Rodchester Dynasty,
Elisabet; wife of Johann II Graf von Celle, 1494.
Margrete von Bayern; Graf Johann IV von Celle, 167x.
Katharina; wife of Graf Fredrik von Celle, 17xx.
Frederike; wife of Graf Georg-Fredrik von Celle, 17xx.
Gräfin Wilhemine von March; wife of Graf Bernard von Celle, 179x.
Elisabet; wife of Everette I, Grand Duke Bergstrasse, 182x.
Kezia Honor, Grand Duchess Bergstrasse; 185x.
Princess Alexandrina of Ériu and the BI; wife of Everette II, Grand Duke Bergstrasse, 193x.
Hana von Helmstadt; wife of Everette III, King of Iona.
Queen Viviana I of the Ionian Union; posthumorus portrait, 2024.
Queen Viviana II of the Ionian Union; 2024.
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stella-romano · 3 days
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weekend getaway 💙
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ninisplanet · 2 days
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Aleja and Omiri spend some time together at the park. While Aleja is unintentionally talking a great amount, Omiri seems to be a little distracted and zoned out. As Omiri vents to her, Aleja reassures him that whatever he goes through, he can always talk to her and he'll always have her in his corner.
To see more, check out my Discover University series here ♥
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tenyrasims · 3 days
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I don't care about my makeup I like it better with my jeans all ripped up Don't know how to keep my mouth shut You say, "So what?"
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Don't care about a reputation Must be living in the wrong generation This is your invitation Let's get wasted
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I don't care if I'm a misfit I like it better than the hipster bullshit I am the motherfuckin' princess You still love it♥
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Some-some how, it's a little different when I'm with you You know what I really am all about You know how it really goes
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Some-some way, we'll be getting out of this Town one day You're the only one that I want with me You know how the story goes
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When it's you and me We don't need no one to tell us who to be We'll keep turning up the radio
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What if you and I Just put up a middle finger to the sky? Let 'em know that we're still rock 'n' roll
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My babiiies♥ Ashina is so fucking gorgeous in this outfit oh my god~ Feel free to share and follow me anywhere for more guys. Also im animating Storys on Youtube. My new story is "Dare To Love Me". Check the Story out -> HERE.
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vikomdynasty · 3 days
✒️Спящий волк: переплетающиеся судьбы [21/22]
❗️ В посте присутствует скрин в формате gif!
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📌 Это прямое продолжение и заключение второго эпизода. 📌 Небольшое введение в предысторию этой вселенной, чтобы понимать что к чему: В этом мире, где жила Киана, обычные люди, в конце концов, узнали о существовании сверхъявственных созданий, но вместо того, чтобы попробовать наладить контакт и заключить союз, люди восприняли их как угрозу и решили уничтожить либо свести к минимуму. Здесь все вампиры, оборотни, русалки, маги и прочие волшебные создания вынуждены прятаться и остерегаться людей. Их убивают либо похищают, ставя опыты или проводя пытки. Киана вместе с родителями была вынуждена покинуть привычный им мир и родной дом, отправившись в глубины бункера, где им приходилось проживать уже как несколько лет. Родители, имеющие больший опыт и сил, в основном отправлялись на поверхность, чтобы запастись припасами и разведать обстановку. Не всегда эти вылазки заканчивались успешно, но в большинстве случаев им удавалось сбежать с минимальными травмами. Кроме этого раза... 📌Я пока не буду спойлерить о том, кем является Роза, поскольку в истории это будет раскрыто. Хотя вы могли уже давно догадаться об этом. 📌 Теперь вы отчасти знаете, что пыталась сделать Киана и что у неё все равно не вышло. И если Стару было горько смотреть на своих "живых" родителей в альтернативном прошлом, то каково было ей общаться с родным отцом, который в её мире не выжил? 🙁
Текст диалогов:
Далекое будущее... Альтернативная линия времени. Киана: Мама?? ??: Дверь!! Киана: *пытается водрузить металлический засов* *но те неожиданно распахиваются...* Неизвестный: Ага! Попалась, мелкая тварь! Киана: Отпусти меня! Неизвестный: Теперь не уйдешь! Ничего, дорогуша, ты послужишь во имя науки. Эй, парни! Сюда! Здесь... *ловит ртом воздух* ??: Пошел прочь от моей дочери. Киана: П-папа? Что проис... Стар: *перебивая* Дверь! Этих отморозков еще много. Роза: Ах... голова. Где... мы... Стар: Не двигайся. Сделаешь хуже. Киана: Что с мамой? Что произошло? Почему на нас напали??? Стар: *почти шепотом* Держись, всё будет хорошо. И не через такое проходили. Роза: Не дай... им... схватить её... *сильный кашель* Киана: Боже, мама... В подсобке ведь есть медикаменты! Стар: *бросается разбирать завал* Киана: Папа? Папа, что ты делаешь?! Нельзя терять время! Маме нужна помощь! Стар: Киана. Ты должна уйти. Как можно скорее. Там туннель... Киана: Что?! Нет! Я вас не оставлю! Стар: Послушай меня, ты должна! Тебе опасно здесь оставаться! Запомни! Двигайся по туннелю до развилки и сверни налево. Как выберешься наружу - уходи отсюда прочь, как можно дальше. Ни с кем не говори, держись подальше от городов, дорог и людей. Киана: Но.. я.... я не хочу... Стар: Ты должна. И ни в коем случае не оглядывайся и не возвращайся назад. Только вперед. В лесу в нескольких километрах отсюда есть небольшое убежище таких же, как мы. Найди их. Возьми. *снимает свой амулет* Ты храбрая девочка. Ты справишься. Не забывай, кто ты. И помни, Киана: чтобы не случилось мы всегда будем любить тебя и гордиться тобой. Киана: *уходит через открытый ход* Стар: Я здесь. Ты слышишь меня? Держись, родная. Мы найдем что-нибудь... Роза: *вяло* Я перестаю ощущать тепло...  Ты же знаешь, что этому нет избавления. Пожалуйста... дай мне умереть живой. Я... я не хочу обращаться... в это. *начинает часто кашлять и задыхаться* Киана: *слышит всё, о чём говорят родители благодаря своим способностям* Стар: Прости меня... Киана: «Нет... Нет-нет-нет. Это всё просто кошмар! Это только кошмарный сон.» Неизвестные: Вот они! Схватить их! Киана: «Я найду способ всё изменить. Обещаю.»
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igotsnothing · 2 days
OC Deep Dive Questionnaire
Thank you for tagging me, @lynzishell! You are the best and I enjoyed reading about Atlas and Asher so much- their warmth and affection were so evident throughout the entire questionnaire! ❤️
For this I chose Sasha and Gideon. If anyone is interested in a different pair, I'd be glad to do it again!
Gideon: Oh, we’ve been invited to do a Deep Dive Questionnaire!
Sasha: No. It’s absurd.
Gideon: We were tagged by Asher and Atlas, though. They’re so nice!
Sasha:  Buuh…Fine.
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-What common/uncommon fear do they have?
Gideon: Are you scared of anything, Sasha? You have to be one of the most fearless people I know. Who walks into a vampire coven meeting like you did? You are something else.
Sasha: When I was little, my mom took me to a petting zoo and bought me feeding pellets to give to the geese; they all kept crowding me and chasing me around this pond and I thought I was going to die.
Gideon: What did you do?
Sasha: I threw all the pellets at them and jumped into the pond.
Gideon: That’s actually very scary for a young child! Did your mother have to jump in after you?
Sasha: Nooo. The pond was pretty shallow.
Gideon...How old were you?
Sasha: Like 10.
Gideon: PFFFF!
Sasha: Shut up.
Gideon: You’re so dramatic.
Sasha: What about you?
Gideon: I fear... not ever having you by my side.
Sasha: [Turning red and burying his face in Gideon’s chest]
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Do they have any pet peeves?
Gideon: Hmm...Probably people who are rude, especially in public. It’s not that hard to hold the door for people or say excuse me, or turn your blinker on before making a turn.
Sasha: OMG, when people sit down at a table and keep talking to each other and when I come over to take their order, they’re like, “Oh, I didn’t get a chance to look at the menu yet.” I’m like- there are FOUR things on the menu. Just order or I will choose your food for you!
Gideon: You also dislike bad tippers.
Sasha: If I get another religious tract as a tip, someone is going to be meeting their lord sooner than they expected.
What are 3 items you can find in their bedroom?
Sasha: We bought a bunch of stuff recently! We got a sofa bed and a fridge... What's one more thing?
Gideon: What about Mrs. Kachky?
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Sasha: She goes where I go. She’s the only thing I have left of my mom’s.
Gideon: I'm feeling a little jealous. I think she gets more cuddles than I do...
Sasha: Awww! I’ll let you cuddle her too.
Gideon: [Inhaling deeply] I’m throwing you back into that pond.
What do they notice first in a person?
Gideon: Appearances can be deceiving. I’m more interested in seeing how people treat those they perceive as being beneath them. People often behave badly when they have any kind of power.
Sasha: I was raised in the Spice District! You think we make eye contact with people while walking around here? You keep walking- mind your business.
Gideon: Let’s combine the next two questions because I think they’re related.
On a scale of 1-10, how high is their pain tolerance?  And -do they go into fight or flight mode when under pressure?
Gideon: I was a soldier when I was mortal and as a vampire, I’ve endured my share of attempts on my unlife: I’ve been stabbed, beaten, and I’ve escaped more than one attempt to burn me into ashes. I assess a situation before fighting. I won’t necessarily run if the odds are stacked heavily against me, but I may try to explore an alternative. I’d say I have a high tolerance. A 9.
Sasha: Me too.
Gideon: [Squinting and shaking his head]
Sasha: Okay, but in my defense that comb snagged my hair really hard- I didn’t expect that. Let’s say a 7.
Gideon: Or a 4... It’s ironic, because you won’t run from a fight. Even if you know you’ll get beaten up. It’s very paradoxical.
Sasha: In Sparta, we die like men!
Gideon: [Rolls his eyes].
Do they come from a big family/are they a family person?
Gideon: My coven is my family, and it is a fairly large one. I think I’ve been somewhat absent and disconnected from them for a while now. I do miss that closeness we shared over the decades.
Sasha: Nope. It was my mom and my dad and me. After she died, I was pretty much on my own. My dad and I haven't spoken in years.
[Gideon reaches for his hand and clasps it tightly.]
Gideon: I'm always here for you, Sasha. You're not alone.
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What animal represents them best?
Gideon: [Laughs]
Sasha: PASS!
What is a smell that they dislike?
Sasha: Depending on where you are walking in this city, every once in a while you’ll catch a whiff of weed that’s just skunky-ass bad. Or pee. Or trash water on the sidewalk.
Gideon: Garlic.
Have they broken any bones? if so, how?
Gideon: Oof...I’ve broken a few. I used to ride horses when I was a soldier and had my share of bad falls.
Sasha: I broke my arm falling off a jungle gym. I was in first or second grade. It wasn’t too bad. All my friends drew on my cast and then my arm was super stinky when the cast came off.
How would a stranger likely describe them?
Sasha: Gideon? Sophisticated. And...Suede.
Gideon: Suede?
Sasha: Yeah! You know, someone like super confident and elegant...
Gideon: Did you mean...suave?
Sasha: ...Wut?
Gideon: [Quickly] Sasha is completely and devastatingly adorable and endearing.
Are they a night owl or a morning bird?
Gideon: I don’t need much sleep, but I find myself keeping hours similar to Sasha’s now.
Sasha: I stay up late when I work at the diner.
What is a flavor they hate and a flavor they love?
Sasha: This man loves the flavor of his fancy-pants whiskey.
Gideon: You forgot my favorite one: you.
Sasha: Stop it...And you hated Twizzlers.
Gideon: Why someone would eat a rope of twisted wax is beyond me. You hate fine whiskey- I'll never forget “liquid leather”. But you love junk food, which baffles me. Have some Styrofoam instead- at least it doesn't pretend to be real food.
Sasha: Heh! I got you some Tootsie Rolls and Necco candy... Can't wait to see you try those...
Do they have any hobbies?
Gideon: I love the arts. I frequented the theatre, museums, and concert halls often. I'd love to take Sasha with me sometime.
Sasha: I like walking around the city. There is always something interesting or new to see. Oh, and piling stuff into the hall closet so the contents fall down on Dima when he opens it. He falls for it. Every. Time.
Boom, surprise birthday party! how do they react to surprises?
Sasha and Gideon look at each other: No.
Sasha: Let’s say what we hate about surprise parties at the count of three. Ready? 1...2...3!
Gideon: Surprises.
Sasha: People.
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Do they like to wear jewelry? if so, what is their favorite piece?
Gideon: I don’t really wear anything except for my Rolex Daytona.
Sasha: F*ck. How am I supposed to follow that? A few pizza-shaped earrings from Claire’s? They were super cute, though. Oh, and a friendship bracelet Tito made me a couple years ago. It broke off but I still have it somewhere.
Do they have neat or messy handwriting?
Sasha: Have you seen his writing? It’s like he signed the Declaration of Independence. Mine is barely legible.  
What are two emotions they feel the most?
Gideon: I sense many of Sasha’s emotions, but I don’t want to put him on the spot.
Sasha: I do feel anxious and upset a lot.
Gideon: My emotions would be frustration and...Hmm...
Sasha: Horniness.
Gideon [Stares in mock surprise as Sasha snickers]
Do they have a favorite fabric?
Gideon: I like linen. It has an elegant simplicity that is timeless.
Sasha: I like flannel.
Gideon: [Playfully] Not suede?
Sasha: Oh, haha, you dick.
What kind of accent do they have?
Sasha: Do I even have an accent?
Gideon: You sound like you’re from San Myshuno. No doubt. What about me?
Sasha: You do have a pretty neutral accent, but every once in a while you’ll sound like you’re from Henford-on-Bagley.
Gideon: Well, it was more likely to hear Simlish from Henford since it is closer to where I hail from.
Sasha, imitating Gideon very hammily: Say, old chap, do you fancy a tipple of liquid leather with some freshly harvested Cheetos? No, wait- Cheeee-tooows!
Sasha: Heh! I guess that wasn't so bad, after all...
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I'm tagging the following storytellers who are wonderful: @agena87, @aurorangen, @eljeebee, @miss-may-i, @aheathen-conceivably, and if anyone else wants to play, please do so. And because I believe in miracles: @damseljamselI and @greighish. @lynzishell, if you wanted to do this for Phoenix and Dawn...here is your chance! I'd totally read it up! I'd tag more folks but I'm feeling a bit off these days and (irrationally- I hope) worried about bothering people. In that vein- this is totally optional! (butifyoudoitiwannareaditall!)
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simsterslife · 2 days
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Hosting the Perfect Family Reunion.
Oh, you bet those Rosewood ladies were absolutely stunning, and Alex sticking around? No shocker there! It was crystal clear that everyone had a lovely time from morning until way past bedtime to celebrate the end of the Summer season. The vibes were top-notch, and the energy was simply off the charts. 
Dahlia's house can be found here, credit goes to @farfallasims. Thank you for the amazing build.
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coatedinhoney · 1 day
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Amaya is a bookworm and loves spending her time analyzing her coursework.
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ruthplaysthesims · 2 days
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"Lately, I've been experiencing a recurring dream. Each time, I find myself awakening in a breathtaking landscape filled with cascading waterfalls. The sky remains a constant shade of orange, with soft lights filtering through the towering trees. The flowers there possess an indescribable beauty. As I explore this serene place, I notice the absence of any other souls except for myself and these exquisite butterflies with wings of crystal clarity. They are a marvel to behold. In these dreams, I am content, free from worries, immersed in joyous moments. Yet, the dream always concludes abruptly, with me standing before Aylin's lifeless form, evoking tears as I wake. I'm unsure of the dome's efficacy, but an unsettling sensation of being observed lingers. I must discuss this with Aunt Berta soon. For now, I'll diligently ensure everything is secured, longing for the companionship of my friends."
Raina A.
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havenroyals · 2 days
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GQ | Previous | Next
Fritz Twins by @fl0ptrait Oleander Twins by @riverofjazzsims Dandre and Trey King by @agena87 Leo and Lia Bassett by @invisiblequeen Tyerra “Tye” & Zayne “Zay” Seals by @blvckentropy
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karie-on · 2 days
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Introducing next townies of Silent Pines.
Doctor Timothy has been running his own medical practice for as long as he can remember, he is the only and best doctor available, so if something happens to someone, he goes straight to his office.
Paige Maxwell is dedicated to her work. She knew from early childhood she wanted to become a nurse to help others. He always greets everyone with a smile full of empathy.
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happy-lemon · 1 day
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cozylattesims · 2 days
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Zoe is now a toddler and she's spending a wonderful time at the Town Centre with her dad and grandparents:)
Beginning I Previous I Next
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