stroaxk · 10 months
Algorithmic music composed with Supercollider.
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josiah-theory · 9 months
Oops, Nearly 4 Months Went By
Yikes! Hello!
I guess I should summarize how the past 4 months have gone, music/theory-wise.
I began work once more on my music theory library, Harmonica, in Python, which hadn't been touched in some time. Then, I grew frustrated with Python and learned Rust, and began writing the library in Rust. That's how a lot of June and July went.
Then, over a month ago, I started messing with Pure Data again for the first time since 2020, after listening to some Autechre and watching some computer music talks and going, hey I want to create my own music tools from the ground up again. I grew frustrated with programming logic in Pure Data, so I decided to take a swing at SuperCollider again for the first time since 2017.
At first I was moreso focused on learning to use SuperCollider to, y'know, make sounds - learning the DSP tools and the client-server architecture, etc. Then, in recent weeks, I've been focusing more specifically on sclang, the programming language of the SuperCollider environment. Now, as of a week ago, I've been writing my library, Harmonica, as a SuperCollider extension.
My, quite the language-hopping this library has gone through. My rationale for writing it in SuperCollider is that I feel I may as well use it in an environment that's already specifically geared towards making music/sound experiments. After all, the nature of this project is just that: experimental. Also, I always suspected that my music theory explorations would be best suited towards algo music.
Also, sclang seems so far to be a genuinely competent programming language in its own right. I mean... it's also very... quirky (Quarky?) and I must say, coming from Rust, I am VERY underwhelmed by its error reporting. Overall though... so far so good. The gist of sclang is that it's very OOP, but also very functional and has first class functions. So actually, pretty similar to rust in some aspects!
I will say though, SuperCollider's reputation as a slow-burn of an environment with a steep learning curve is not unwarranted - good LORD it takes a lot of work to get going in this environment! Pure Data, as esoteric and opaque as it looks (those patches you see on YouTube with the million erratic lines connecting confusingly labeled boxes across the screen) is much more plug-n-play in comparison.
Alright, that's all I've got for you. Maybe some day I'll have some actual examples to share. Here's to another 4 months! Or, well, hopefully less this time.
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carrolltontxguy · 1 year
Watch "2014 improvised song 'CERN will kill us all one day'" on YouTube
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johnoestmannmusic · 1 year
0x2A763 | Zen's Cyborg Workshop
-- This music, media, and associated project files are available for your study and re-use in your own projects under the Digital Commons Catalyst license. Please read the license document for further details: https://github.com/Soundworlds-JO/Soundworlds-Datapedia
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thekingofgear · 2 years
Jonny’s Touring Ampeg SVT
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A photo of Jonny playing with The Smile in Macerata on July 17, 2022 (picsandrock). Based on his left hand, he’s probably playing Thin Thing. His Ampeg SVT amplifier head can be seen behind him.
In the past, Jonny has generally been happy with smaller bass amps and cabinets (in contrast to his brother Colin, who loves an Ampeg 8x10 cabinet). For years, his main bass amp in studio was a 2000s-reissue Ampeg B-15R Portaflex, which he also used for Supercollider on From The Basement. For Radiohead shows in 2011 and 2012, he just brought an Ashdown 1x15 cabinet, which was probably connected to his Vox AC30 for Supercollider. Jonny rented a new bass combo at each show on the 2016 Junun tour. And for the 2018 Junun tour (opening for Radiohead) he used an Ashdown ABM 300 (or 500) head with the cab from his Ampeg B-15R.
Perhaps the sparser arrangements of The Smile tracks has required Jonny to fill a bit more space with his bass parts, because he’s started to use an Ampeg SVT Classic head and Ampeg 810 cabinet. It’s a notable contrast to Junun songs, where Jonny’s bass took a much more supportive role. The smaller cabinets he used at Junun shows certainly helped Jonny to avoid stepping all over the Rajasthan Express’s complex arrangements. But Jonny also used smaller Ampeg Portaflex amps for The Smile’s Glastonbury show in 2021 and for the Magazine shows in January 2022. So it seems that Jonny wanted the bigger SVT amp and cabinet specifically for stadium shows.
Colin first started using Ampeg heads in the early-2000s, and his SVT-CL heads have a white “SVT Classic” logo. You’d think Jonny would follow suit, he’s instead using a 90s SVT-CL head. The most noticeable cosmetic difference is the “SVT” logo on the amp head, which was briefly red and blue in the late-90s. How important is this difference? Pretty minor. Colin and Jonny’s amps are both from the St. Louis Music era (1986-2005). But it’s interesting that Jonny picked up an older Ampeg, rather than buying or renting a brand new one (like the Fender Super Reverb with a visible tag he used at the Magazine shows).
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For The Smile’s rehearsals and Magazine performances in January 2022, Jonny bought or rented a brand new Fender ‘65 Reissue Super Reverb (visible on the left, with a Oberheim SEM-Pro synth resting on top of it) and Ampeg Portaflex PF-50T (just visible in the darkness on the right). The tag is still visible hanging off the Normal Volume control of the Super Reverb.
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daletraeng · 4 days
See the lyrics for the song “Super Collider” by Megadeth
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micaelatrombini · 2 months
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Las sustancias conductivas que se hallan presentes en el zumo de limones, kiwis y frutillas son monitoreadas por sensores específicos de plataforma de código abierto/Arduino ( sensores de conductividad, electroquímicos, de voltaje) contenidas en el interior de los tubos de ensayo.
Esta información (analógica-digital) relevada por los electrolitos en tiempo real son procesadas por el código en software de composición algoritmica, Supercollider, generando frecuencias del espectro del ruido rosa. Las frutas de esta manera, actúan como interfaces, generando distintas señales eléctricas por cantidad de carga contenida.
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olivewinterleaf · 4 months
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Scientists monitor chevron particle accelerator at the Large Chevron Collider.
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revessie · 5 months
Sediments of "The Flash"? Read The Word of God and know.
→If you haven’t accepted Jesus Christ as your savior yet I pray that this post causes you to do so. I just watched a video on YouTube that I would like for you to watch. I want you to watch this video and understand how mankind can set something into your thoughts that God did not intend for you. There are lies being taught as truths and many people are believing them. The Man of…
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View On WordPress
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clusterchords · 8 months
I like this motif and will make a longer version.
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stroaxk · 5 months
Electroacoustic Improvisation 034
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youcantsaymylastname · 11 months
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King Pin has a supercollider
Inception bingo from 2018-2021 (This is a beast of a tale that's unfinished but not unfinished?)
Saito wants to have a super collider like King Pin.
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udomatthias-blog · 1 year
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johnoestmannmusic · 1 year
0x2A764 | Deadlands Forest Shrine
From upcoming album "Soundworlds Datapedia: Ardune Ambient"
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myspectral · 2 years
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Monome norns shield Made in Czechoslovakia available now! Get in touch, PM for detailed info and link. It was hard to get, but I made single units for those who can not wait anymore for the chip shortage to end. #monome #norns #music #synth #nornsshield #modular #modularsynth #puredata #maxforlive #supercollider #sc #dnb #sequencer #synthesizer #synthmusic #madeinczechoslovakia (at Paris, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/CfMhnYyq5nN/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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"Today, I am wearing my hair long and permed into full curls around my face, tying it up in sheer, silken scarves. I often choose to be late for a date rather than go out feeling "unfinished," which some days means a little powder and Chap Stick and other days means a total makeover. I wear long silk shirts and fluffy sweaters when I want, and regard the word pretty as a compliment again. Still, I know I am regarded as a failure and even a traitor by many in this [lesbian] club because I suffer occasional self-recrimination for being a size sixteen instead of a size six, because I enjoy wearing miniskirts and stockings, because I apparently care about and conform to the opinions of the "wrong" people (people in that other world who label us unacceptable or unfit). They say I am selling out, catering to patriarchy, being codependent on my mother and her opinions. Choose your descriptors, choose your chains. Too often, the saleswomen of the so-called freedom are more like the neo-conservatives and fundamentalists of the world, who say, "Do it our way or don't expect any privileges." They are not selling us the right to be who we want to be, they are selling us the right to be what they believe we should want to be. Sometimes, those rights are the same thing. More often, they are not. And when they are not, worlds may collide in a firestorm of indignation, embarrassment, and rage. I want that freedom they sold me. I want the freedom to love women, passionately and overwhelmingly. I want the freedom to love them the way I want, whether I wear a lace dress or jeans, whether I wear press-on nails or no lipstick. I want the freedom to feel sexy at 170 pounds. I want to do aerobics without resorting to stealth maneuvers. And I want the freedom to be who I am, without embarrassment or fear. I want no exceptions, no contingencies, no caveats. And if our community cannot--or will not--grant that freedom, I, and those like me, the rebel-conformists if you will, will take it. We will even steal it if we must. They'll be surprised at how fast we can run in those tight skirts and pumps."
- An excerpt from "Supercolliding over a Twinkie: Angry Musings from a Femme in the Deep South," an essay written by Constance Lynne for The Femme Mystique. (Emphasis in bold my own.)
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