thesecretcrusade · 1 year
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#synergistic ✨ https://www.instagram.com/p/CnofTNmu8C4/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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thenewgeneva · 2 years
Is Sanctification Monergistic or Synergistic? Why It Matters
As Calvinists grow in their understanding of the doctrines of grace they eventually ask “Is sanctification monergistic or synergistic?” In today’s post, @TheRealTony777 discusses this question and why the answer is important:
As Calvinists grow in their understanding of the doctrines of grace, the question is often asked whether sanctification is monergistic or synergistic. Some may wonder if it even matters, but this is an important question with significant theological ramifications. If we misunderstand the nature of sanctification, we face the danger of having a flawed view of the nature of justification. Having a…
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retrocgads · 8 months
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USA 1997
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manynarrators · 5 months
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Grasping Bloodied Hands
The kids aren't alright; five drabbles for the youth of StrexCorp, and one for after the fall of Desert Bluffs.
Read on AO3
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bookofjudith · 2 months
“I want to be much smaller than my partner” oh? You don’t want to double your wardrobe when you move in together? You don’t want to steal their clothes which such regularity that your partner doesn’t even register that you’re wearing his sweater until you point it out? You don’t find it funny when you guys accidentally end up wearing the same outfit because you’re the same person in two bodies? Hm.
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fairydriver · 6 months
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dgspeaks · 3 months
The Power of Synergistic Love: Lessons from Rick and Michonne in The Walking Dead
In a world plagued by zombies and chaos, finding love may seem like a luxury. However, in AMC’s hit series “The Walking Dead,” the characters Rick Grimes and Michonne prove that love not only endures but thrives even in the most dire circumstances. Their relationship serves as a powerful example of synergistic love – a bond that is not only deep and passionate but also strengthens and empowers…
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commanderjuni · 5 months
introducing a new girl of mine!
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synergist drisse! she's currently being levelled and will be a perpetual work in progress but some basic info on her:
young adult age; about the same age as zojja (about 24-26)
very accomplished; known for her unique inventions despite her college of choice being synergetics
more concerned with theoretics and philosophy, making her a perfect fit for her college
a necromancer! and a very scary one at that. thankfully she doesnt use her powers for evil
her necromantic powers mainly manifest in the forms of bugs: grubs, mosquitoes, dragonflies, etc. i like to think that since she was born and raised in metricia province, she spent a lot of time seeing jungle grubs and related insects native to the biome, so her powers kinda built around that
her minions are not "alive" so to speak: she pulls life force from the surrounding area to bring forth "life". um... the miracle of birth i guess?
personality-wise, drisse is a very.. intimidating person. for once, she is physically tall for an asura, and tends to loom over most of her kind. secondly, she's just a bit... intense.
she's very much so married to her work, and rarely bothers with networking if she can help it. doesn't have a whole lot of friends, and those who do call her friend she considers as a work associate. (this is subject to change!)
very much so an "ew... people." sort of person. she thereby is NOT a roleplay character of mine /lh
she has a soft interior... she just is resistant to showing it
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eraserheadadult · 1 year
i thought trader joes employees telling you how good the food youre buying is was fake and a marketing tactic like yeah ok i know they tell you to say that dw about it til i had a cashier tell me they hated the popcorn flavor i was buying
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gamzee · 2 years
when a project takes more than two days my mind turns into scrambled egg
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retrocgads · 5 months
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USA 1997
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manynarrators · 6 months
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//So I don’t know if any of you are Canadian/know the ominous Yellow^tm No-Name brand, but we got the wrapping paper as a joke and it just hit me that it’s exactly the sort of packaging StrexCorp would use.
All of their packaging is the same shade of yellow with a white sans-serif font. Sometimes you get fun descriptions of what it’s for! Just swap the “no name” for StrexCorp and you have yourself some Desert Bluffs stores decked out in nothing but this.
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jones-friend · 1 year
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furrina · 2 years
Korea's Synergist Office design
Korea’s Synergist Office design
Korea’s Synergist Office design – 신어지당 新語之堂 – Angojigi door – and the Synergist name of the studio, which means people who create synergy, and the space where the Synergist works is 신어지당 新語之堂신어지당 (pronounced sin eo ji dang) is a Chinese character meaning added by the Korean pronunciation of synergy ”. “신어지 (pronounced sin eo ji) can be interpreted as considering a new spatial language ’’, and “당…
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zenexus-electronics · 1 month
The Synergistic Duo: Cloud Computing and Robotic Process Automation
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Console Strategy Tactics Games of 1993 - Super Battleship The Classic Na...
Released on both the SNES and Genesis in 1993, Super Battleship The Classic Naval Combat Game is a video game adaption of the classic board game Battleship as well as a new take on the board game Super Battleship.
Developed by Synergistic Software and published by Mindscape and Playtronic Industrial, Super Battleship is one of many video games adaptions of this classic board game. Classic Battleship is one most of you will know, a square 10x10 grid where you place your ships and choose a square where you think an enemy ship is located until either your own or your opponents fleet is destroyed. 
Super Battleship features 8 different levels with a total of 16 missions, each varying from sinking enemy ships in a certain number of turns, escort missions, destroying enemy bases and defending certain locations from enemy ships.
The gameplay of Super Battleship is the same as regular Battleship, with the game playing out turn based with players able to move their ships around the map from a top-down perspective. When in range of an enemy ship a small mini-game takes place where the player and enemy ships trade broadsides until one is either sunk or retreats from the fight. 
1. Intro 00:00 
2. Gameplay 00:15 
3. Outro 10:18
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For more strategy tactics game videos check out the playlists below 
Console Strategy Tactics Games of 1993 
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