ratsoh-writes · 4 months
(Hmmmm.... because you insisted I send in a matchup, here you go. Have fun, lol! Also.. just so you're awareI don't really mind if it's platonic or not, I just want to see what you come up with.)
The Basics:
Height: 5"8
Pronouns: She/her
Sexuality: Demisexual
Soul Trait: Kindness
Personality Type: Introvert
Love Languages: (Giving) Words of Affirmation (Receiving) Quality Time
I like reading, video games, watching anything animated, and deep diving into fandoms. I adore animals of all types, so I need someone who is willing to at least tolerate pets. (Bonus if they enjoy them as much as me). This extends to the typical cats/dogs, to more "exotic/uncommon" animals like reptiles.
The horror genre... just in general. (So no scary movies for me).
And spiders...
I've got some social anxiety, so I'm easily flustered and have difficulty speaking to strangers. But once I know you I can be talkative... especially if you have the same interests as me. I'm always willing to help out a friend if they ask me, and I'm loyal to a fault. At least half of the stuff I do will probably be said or done in an overly sarcastic/dramatic way mostly because that's my sense of humor. You'll also catch me talking to myself a lot. No reason why. I guess it helps me sort out my thoughts... either that or I'm daydreaming and talking/acting it out.
People who don't take care of their things. Like, if you ask to borrow something, I expect you to return it in the same condition. But why wouldn't you do the same thing with your own stuff? Don't you want it to last?
People who shoot down others for enjoying something. It doesn't matter if I'm interested in the thing personally or not, if it makes someone happy I will listen to them talk about it. So it bugs me to see people tear someone else down when they just want to enjoy something.
People who ask for my opinion on something, and then blatantly ignore it. Why did you ask if you didn't want to know?
I don't mind messy people, but I prefer to keep my personal space clean and organized... so just repect that please. Don't go mess it up for no reason.
Hmmm you could work with a lot of the skellys so I had a ton of choices to choose from. After a bit of back and forth, I match you with…. FINN! Seaswap sans!
Finn is a total cutie patootie, a true sweetheart, just an all around good guy. He’s easy to talk to, friendly with every one and totally non-judgemental. Finn is great for someone a tad eccentric as he isn’t bothered at all. In fact he loves that they stay true to themselves! After all every one is a big nerd about something. Your thing is reptiles, his is collecting and coming up with scout badges. In fact.. can he borrow a snake for his scouts reptile handling badge? Don’t worry, your little baby will come pack perfectly fine, if a tad spoiled for the day lol.
Finn is a great listener. He remembers whatever his SO tells him, whether that’s tasks they need done, or just details about their wants and likes. He wants to understand his partner so he puts extra effort into keeping his metaphorical ears open.
While Finn is more of the sporty type, he does have experience with video games thanks to his brother. He doesn’t play on his own but is always down to play in groups or with a friend. He’s surprisingly good at shooters, even if he apologizes every time he kills someone lol.
One downside about finn is he’s 100% a people pleaser, and sometimes will reluctantly agree to things he really shouldn’t do. So he needs a partner who’s willing to put their foot down whenever someone is trying to take advantage of him.
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messedupessy · 5 years
well hello there again fjajjd yes. last time i really liked thoe anecdotes, i would love to listen to more stories that happened to you guys if that's okay ? (that is the second ask so fjksjd there, sayig it here. congrats essy, you're doing great ♡♡♡) -B☆
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“AH! AHOY BABEH FRUNCH FRYE!”, Pass exclaims happily at seeing you, his whole face brightening as he looks at you grinning widely, his hands on his hips. “AN’ YE WAANT MAIR TAILS O’ OOR ADVUNTURES AYE? HOWFUR ABOOT YIN THAT AH DIDNAE GIT TAE TEILL LEST TIEME ALS SOMEBODIE  DECIDNE TAE CAUNTSTANTALY INTARUPT!”
Pass gives Boney an accusing look, which Boney replies with by looking as innocent as he can, which no one is buying because he is doing it in as dramatic of a fashion that he can for shits and giggles.   
((Transtlation: Ah! Ahoy baby french fry! And you want more tales of our adventures aye? how about one that I didn’t get to tell last time as someone decided to constantly interupt!))
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“what? would i do that? interupt ya?”, Boney says, holding a hand on his chest in mock offense. “i’m hurt brother, that ya would accuse me of such wrongdoin’s.”
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“MWHEHEE AYE AH DO! YA KEN WHIT YE DUID, YA SCRAUNDEL!”, Pass laughs, he then turns back to you excitedly. “BIT YE WAANTAD UZ TAE TEILL YE A STOORY!”
Pass’s expression turned thoughtful as he tried to think of a story to tell, as he and his brother had been through many adventures together and there were many, many stories he could choose from. 
((Transtlate: mwhehee aye I do! you know what you did, you scroundel! but you wanted us to tell you a story! ah! I know! how about the one where we murder this fat slaver and freed all of his slaves and set fire to his house?))
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“ ohh, that’s a classic.”, Boney nodded. “tho i will be takin’ over tha tell et so tha save our so ever lovely creator from writin’ too much of pass’s accent.”
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((translation: aww but I wanted to tell it! Buuuut I guess you can tell it this time! the story start under the cut!))
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“all right, with that done with let’s get this story started, cutie.”, Boney says giving you a wink. 
“it all happened a couple of years ago now, back when we still were human, our younger sister lachina asked us fer a favor tha get some documents from a slaver at l’hôpital.”, Boney visibly shuddered at the name in disgust. “it’s tha center of the slave trade here in tha caribbean an’… well it’s a down right horrible place tha live in if you’re a person of colour, or a monster as there are a couple monster slaves as well, tho they aien’t that common.”
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“AN’ AYE, TAIRIBLE STAID.”, he grimaced but his expression turned determined. “TIS A STEIR AH WIDNA MYND BYRN TAE THE GROON’!”
((Translate: Aye Lachina! she be our sister though not by blood, but we see us as siblings anyhow, we haven’t talked with her for awhile now though, we should change that! And aye, terrible place! It’s a place I wouldn’t mind burning down to the ground!))
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“aye, likewise.”, Boney agreed with a nod, before he continued with the story. “but tha plan we came up with was tha dress me up an’ then sell me as a slave to tha guy since i be tha one with tha darker skin an’ better actin’ skills, an’ since tha bastard was well known in his love fer pretty young boys also, well… alas me brother wasn’t up fer tha task.”
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((Translate: aye I be a different kind of pretty back as a human.))
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“aye, lucky ya brother. as i ended up gettin’ me bum pinched by that disgustin’ piece of sheit.”, Boney grimaced in disgust at the memory. “as i had tha seduce tha guy a bit so pass could sneak inta the mansion undetected, he of course had tha cup a feel on me bum an’ i will nevah forgive him fer that.”
“so et sure felt good tha shove me knife in that bastards arse when pass finally arrived.”, Boney grinned satisfyingly and a tad bit bloodthirsty. “it’s what that kind of man deserves fer tha harm he done tha innocent people.”
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“AYE AHN WE TIAED THA GEY UP, GIT TH’ DOCAMETS AN’ THAN WE SETT FYRA THA TH’ HOUS!”, Pass exclaimed gleefully, his eye lights stars at the memory.
((Translate: aye and we tied the guy up, got the documents and then we set fire to the house!))
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“aye, that wasn’t part of tha plan but…”, Boney shrugged. “it’s what pieces of sheits like him deserved, he got burnt alive while me an’ pass escaped without a scratch.”
“don’t worry tho, pass had made a sweep of tha estate before he set his fires so no one but tha fat bastard got hurt.”, he added reassuringly. “we ended up gettin’ chewed out by our sister later but et sure was worth it, as we did get tha job done an’ since we killed tha bastard et let some of her people to sneak in and free tha slaves that was there, so win win.”
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“BIT!”, he then suddenly said, turning fully towards you with a mischevious grin, his eyes a bit lidded as he continued his voice a little lower. “A LITTALE- WE BURDIE TALT YE WUNTAD SOMETHIN’ FAE ME.”
Pass then pulls you into a hug, then suddenly he lifts you up and spins you for a bit with a laugh before setting you back down, and then he presses two kisses on each of your cheeks with a happy grin. 
“TU ES UN BÉBÉ QUE PUE.”, he then murmured flirtily, but with a really bad accent but his words were still pretty clear. 
((Translation: the end! what a exciting story that was wasn’t it? bit! a tiniest birdie told me you wanted something from me. you’re a baby who smells.))
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Boney let out a snort, and then burst out laughing as he couldn’t keep himself quiet anymore and instead began laughing so hard he cried.
“i-i nyehehehe!”, he wheezed, trying to say something but kept getting interrupted by his own laughter. “can’t-can’t believe ya actually said et nyeheheheh!”
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 Pass looked a bit confused for a second before realization hit his features, and he turned around to glare at Boney who just kept on laughing, beginning to laugh too.
“MWHEHEHEE AH SHUID HAID KENT ASKUIN’ YE FUR FRUNCH LASSEUNS WIS A MISTAK!”, he laughed as he turned towards Boney, his hands raised in a groping fashion as his expression turned mischievous. “PREPAIR YE SELF FUR MA  REVANGE BRUTHA, FER AH WINNA BE MERCAFYUL!”
((Translate: I should had knows asking you for french lessons was a mistake! Prepare yourself for my revenge brother, for I won’t be merciful!))
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“nyehehehe oh sheit-!”, Boney laughed nervously in turn, knowing that look on Pass’s face way too well, he then proceeded to quickly make his escape while Pass ran after him, his hands outstretched while shouting insults and how Boney couldn’t run forever.
Which was true as suddenly there was a loud screech of a laugh from Boney, quickly followed by more laughter and also cries.
Because no one can escape tickle master Pass.
((here ya go bb french fry enjoy, and yes I got Princey to ask you how to say that in french bc I sneaky :>c ilu u stinky bb❤  )) 
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me-and-my-gaster · 4 years
Gem Redesign June
This is the last monthly event I’m doing before a (well deserved, I daresay) break. I wanna try some new things during this month’s event, so we’ll see how it goes!
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Send me a character and a Steven Universe gem for me to make a cool half-body redesign!
1. Be nice! Say hello! Connect to me, pretty please! ♡
2. One character per ask! This means no fusions of two or more characters, however, the fusion GEMS are all game!
3. Human and humanoid characters are strongly recommended (but that’s not a dealbreaker)!
4. Tell me why you picked this gem for that character! Is it the color of the gem? Or maybe you know some fun facts about those we have in nature? Or maybe they remind you of the Steven Universe character!
5. No OCs, no obscure AUs. I’m open for drawing characters from: Dragon Age, Gravity Falls, She-Ra reboot, Deltarune, Undertale (Original™️, Underfell, Underswap, Swapfell, Outertale, Seaswap, Lilytale, and Humanswitch) and Homestuck (YES, PLEASE)
7. Make sure to be clear which character-gem combo you want me to draw!
The tag for the event is #gem doodle june for those who want to follow it OR who want to blacklist it. We’re starting Wednesday, June 3rd!
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messedupessy · 4 years
🖊+ Pass~
Sorry for the wait man, been a bit busy the last couple of days, but here goes! Pass boi yes yes UwU ❤
Pass eats bugs. 
You heard that right, he eat bugs, frogs, snails, whatever have you. Not really because it like taste good, but because he is curious, it’s like a adventure to eat something like that, but also it’s for science! Because you never know when you can find something that can be used for like medicine, poisons, explosives etc. He’s a very experimental boy who loves to discover new shit, and if that means slurping down a worm to see if its edible or not, much to Boney’s horrified disgust, then so be it! 
Send me a  🖊 + one of my characters, or just send in 🖊 for a random one, and I will answer with some gushing or headcanon’s whatever I feel like about them yes yes
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messedupessy · 4 years
oh thats a good point actually - do your Boys all have different set romantic/sexual orientations or do you have them change depending on the scenario they're appearing in? :>
Ohh yees this is a very, very excellent question Ethan ohhh :>c
I do not have their sexualities change depending on the scenario they appear in, but most of my boys overall are pretty much completely pansexual, with some small leanings here and there but overall so are they hella pan, or bi.
As I headcanon in monster culture that, unlike humans, so is there no definite sexualities inmonster society, they haven’t needed any names for their sexualities. 
Since there is no stigma whatsoever if you love someone of the samegender or is not interested at all etc, thanks to all monsters been so overly diverse and that there have never been any so called stigma thanks to religion etc, to change that.
They love whoever they want to, or don’t it’s all up to each individual monsters, so pretty much all monsterkind is pretty much pansexual or bisexual, with some few who are not. 
For example, Undyne who is a whole ass lesbian, and Mettaton who is asexual, in my headcanon at least. But while it’s a bit strange to only be interested in one gender or not been interested at all, so is there absolutely no stigma or hate happening. 
With that explained, let’s return to the boys.
Most of them are completely pan, or bi, they don’t really care or have a preference when it comes to gender overall. 
Though some do have some small things they prefer when it comes to appearance and stuff, some leans a little bit more towards one specific gender a tiny bit. But overall none of them cares what you got in them pants, if they like you they like you, simple as that.
But some of them aren’t only pan/bi tho, for example, Stretch; he is also demisexual, it takes a bit for him to grow romantic feelings for someone, he needs a proper friendship connection before romance starts. He is also poly, up for having more than one partner at a time.
Though I almost forgot tho, my G snas boi Gans, he is completely aro/ace. And is the only one out of my boys to be so. 
Technically though, I don’t have proper or set sexualities overall for most of the boys, as they don’t fully need it anyway thanks to my headcanon about monster sexualities overall, they will fall in love no matter what the person identifies as or got in them pants.
And while some, like Stretch above, do have some small preferences, so is this post already getting so long, so if you want to know more like proper specifics then send in another ask ye. 
The only exception to the whole sexualities and this ask tho; are my pirate boys. 
Since they all were originally humans before dying and becoming cursed skeletons, so is it only right that they all got properly named sexualities. Since they have not grown up in proper monster culture and are not originally monsters, unlike my other boys.
So Boney; he is a gay demi bisexual, it takes a bit for him to fall properly in love but this more out of trauma and fear of actually falling in love, but he does lean a bit more towards men overall. This is why I say he identifies as a gay bisexual, easier for him to get interested in a man, or someone who is more masculine overall, but he can still fall for someone who is a woman or nonbinary etc. 
Pass on the other hand is completely pansexual, he literally has no preference like at all, if he likes you he likes you and that’s that. He is also very poly, but it is something he technically doesn’t fully need, as he adapts himself to his partner, if they aren’t okay with adding more people into their relationship so is he completely okay with that.
Then there is my Seafell pap boy Crow, who is completely and utterly gay. Men is the only way he rolls, the gayest ex pirate there ever was.
I haven’t properly thought out the rest of my other pirate boys, but I do have my female versions of Boney and Pass, aka Bon and Nessie. Though Nessie is like pretty much the exact same as Pass though so I’mma skip her.  
Bon tho, she is very much a lesbian. A complete and utter lesbian. 
And that’s all ya get for now yeah. 
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messedupessy · 4 years
💕💙💘 Buc and Boney~
Ohhh damn so did not expect to see this ship in my inbox damn 👀 this has been awhile but damn this gonna be fun, hopefully I can get Buc to be in character and stuff grnkjegekj
Buc is @tyranttortoise‘s oceanfell snas boi btw grkjegkje
💕: who is more likely to make huge declarations of love in front of other people?
I can see them jokingly doing big declarations in public, but doing it for real? Not sure, like Boney is a romantic kind of boy but doing those kinds of things when it’s serious might be a bit too much, like holding hands/arms and other kind of PDA he is all for but like huge, huge declarations is like a no.
Think Buc is a bit the same, except I think he isn’t an overly romantic kind of guy, like PDA and shit is fine, especially more naughtier one’s, but huge declarations of love is a no unless made for fun.
Or when both are drunk off their asses, then who knows what will happen pft. 
💙: who is more protective?
Buc, I think, he got that feel in my opinion of being a tad bit more protective over the people he cares about. While Boney is a tad bit protective too, like not overbearingly so but still protective, so do I think Buc is a tad bit more, I could be wrong but that’s the overall feel I get from him.  
💘: who developed a crush on the other first?
Not sure, maybe Boney, maybe Buc, could see it go either way to be honest.
Like both of them are attracted to one another when first meeting and getting to know one another, like Buc is a so called bad boy which is one of Boney’s weaknesses and they got some stuff in common, while I think Buc would find Boney really pretty and just fun to have around.
So can see Buc only been interested at first just sexually, but then things turning more into a crush as times goes by and they get to know one another.
While Boney it would be something that would sneak up on him, like yes Buc is good looking and great to have around, so who cares if he hits like many of Boney’s list of good bad boy qualities? It’s not like he is going to suddenly end up crushing randomly one day haha… unless??? And then end up terrified because he do not want to fall in love because he scared he will get hurt again etc, and so cue the drinking and some minor avoiding so to not arouse suspicion.
So yeah, can see it go either way really pft
Asks from here 
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messedupessy · 4 years
HoneyMoney and BoneBuc?
I always get these two for these kind of ask thingies, which I am all for, so here goes yes UwU ❤
ship: ew / nonono / maybe / ship it / aww / otp / MY HEART
Heck yeah I ship it! It’s not really a full blown otp for me, but I still ship it af!
There are several takes on this ship that just works so well, have them be close friends that do dumb shit together and push one another’s buttons that then turns into something more. Have them just be fuck buddies at first and then something more, or like have them genuinely get along and be all sweet!
Though my fave take with Cash/Money etc whatever you prefer to call him, is when he got a weird way of showing affection like buying allot of stuff for his romantic interest or try to buy them etc, I just really like that as it can go in so many different ways pft.
But yeah, fully af ship it, but not fully a otp xD
ship: ew / nonono / maybe / ship it / aww / otp / MY HEART
Fyuck yeah ofc I ship it, it’s one of my own ships with @tyranttortoise so ofc I ship it yes xD ❤
This is pretty much the only honeymustard like ship I ship like properly, since they are still technically a swap pap and uf snas, but pirates. Here it’s a honeymustard done right, and that is without the bias of it been with my Boney boy and a friends boy xD
As they are totally a pair of friends at first, gambling and playing poker together, drinking and having fun, that likes to flirt and be rowdy. But then things suddenly turns a bit weird because FEELINGS, and then after some drama it’s proper smooching time, and I am all for it! 
So hella ship it and otp right here! 
Ask thingie from here
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messedupessy · 5 years
11, 12, and 13 for the OC asks. (12 is a weird one to answer, since that could just mean “favorite character ever”, but may I suggest narrowing it to “Favorite interpretation of an AU character (other than yours)” or maybe “Favorite AU character you don’t really use”.) ^_^
Sup Kit! UwU ❤
11. Is there any OC of yours you could describe as a “sunshine”?
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He is the only one I could think of that could fit, but at the same time it doesn’t really work as when I think of so called “sunshine” characters it’s usually those a bit flat characters whose whole thing is just to be overly happy all the time and then there is no depth, but Pass he is often always happy as that is just how he is, he is living his life to the fullest and is having a blast even though he has been and will go through some shit, but his happiness is srs genuine as he is one honest boy unlike Berry, so yeah guess Pass is the one that comes closets to be a sunshine for me xD
12. Name an OC that isn’t yours but who you like a lot
Oh god Kit there are so many tho like seriously so many people I know or just follow whose oc’s or as you said “fave interpretation” of a character as there are a whole lot of them and it’s pretty much impossible to choose just one xD and yeah it’s a slightly weird question and I thank you for the suggestion aye 
But fave oc mhhh… as I said it’s pretty much impossible to just choose one so I am going to choose several! also sorry for tagging so many of you but I need to tell you guys a bit about how much I love your oc’s ok
@me-and-my-gaster got some really good boys like seriously good boys and I adore her Edge and also her swapfell boy Diz he is a delight and such a disaster boi, and of course her latest boy Caliper who I helped making who is such a good boi man
@tyranttortoise like all of her boys??? like srs they all so good man especially her Stretch I love him ❤
@nighttimepixels Night’s genderbent skele girls are so good especially her swap pap one Amber I adore her so much
and speaking of genderbent girls @torrikor ‘s genderbent skele human girls i love them but yet again I adore their swap pap one Ri Ri she is so cute and I will be her Gimli to her Legolas anytime
I also seriously adore your own boys Kit, especially Twist I just srs love that boy and I barely know why he is just so good?? Especially his Atypical version he good! And also Lotus he is beautiful and just yes
@insanelyadd goaty your boys are a delight af especially your eggplant boy and your villain pap boi they are so good and also your swap pap yes
@maxladcomics MAX your oc’s so good too I love you uf pap and like all of them they so good and Papirate he so good yo yes
@captain-shitpost cap your clingy boy your clingy swap pap boi i luve him
And I will stop there because I went overboard and there are just so darn many that I just love so much man erjnkgejk it’s impossible to choose gkjeje xD 
13. Do you have any troublemaker OCs?
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THESE 3, are the biggest troublemakers I got xD when it comes to bad trouble that is, as Rus constantly picks fights and tries to get ppl to fight him or fuck him so he can feel something, he loves to piss ppl off like cray cray. 
Red also loves to mess with ppl but more like he loves to scare them as he is srs infamous in my Underfell and very feared which he finds funny, and he picks fights with ppl he think has disrespected his baby bro, especially if they refuse to join in gushing about him when Red shows his photos etc. 
And Cash he causes trouble all the time like the little gremlin he is with his business deals and that he is a bit of a sadist
Though my swap bros and seaswap bros are also a bit of troublemakers as well, but those are mostly just pranks and crazy hijinks and not actually causing trouble for the trouble’s sake pfft
Oc ask thingie here
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messedupessy · 6 years
Hi! I found you via Tyrant Tortoise's SSLL and I must say you're amazing! The Seaswap bros are awesome!! I was just wondering what kind of ship do they sail? Is the one Fjord gave them the same as the one they had before? Also did they have a crew or were they part of a crew before they became cursed? (What happened to the rest of the crew?) Also I can't remember this so I'll just ask: Is Pass the captain? Final question: what made them become pirates? (Have they always wanted to be pirates?)
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And oh my so many questions ohhh that makes me so happy too ohhhh ok here goes ye
The ship Fjord gave them is a so called Brigantine or just Brig, which looks like this:
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((concept art from assassin’s creed 4 Black Flag))
Have yet gotten to design their actual ship yet but i am working on it
The ship they had before they got cursed and died was a much tinier ship by the type of “Sloop”, so no Fjord did not give them the same ship
The two of them have been part of a pirate crew when they first set out to sea which they stayed part of for a couple of years, like 4-5 something, they then left and decided to start pirating on their own, a “sloop” ship does not need that much of a crew so whenever they needed crew they hired like 2-3 ppl, none that stayed with them for long tho, as the bros preferred to travel mostly just with one another, they did have some regular crew members though which were their friends but since I haven’t thought any of them up yet properly so can i not tell anything about them
Yes Pass is the captain of the ship, he is super knowledgeable when it comes to ships and the sea etc
And lastly, why they became pirates… well Pass has always wanted to sail the seas, he really loves the ocean, and he srs love adventures of any kind, and the both of them really wanted to get out of their hometown of Havana as they felt they didn’t really have a future there, Pass for the adventure and Boney more for the treasures but also for the adventures, so simply said they mostly became pirates because it seemed to be a exciting way to live give or take fifty feet xD 
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messedupessy · 4 years
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HAPPY PRIDE YA ALL!! (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ❤🌈
Holy sheit I am feeling so proud for finally finishing this xD I started on this pic last year, heck Boney and Pass have pretty much been completely done for months, but I never got around to finish this until this very moment and I feel great, especially since it’s the last day of June and I finished this in time gnjergkjejk
Gods it feels so crazy that I actually succeeded in finishing this, since I didn’t get to work on it again until yesterday, and I just speed through all the remaining stuff so fast I am amazed with myself xD like yes there is allot of stuff I could had done better, cleaned up allot of stuff better overall and so on, changed Pass’s outfit a bit so he better match the modern style I went with the other two and so on, but nah don’t feel like it and don’t have time for it either, this is done and I am so flipping happy with myself gekjgnkje
Anyway, last year I started this one, and I had planned that I would tell ya all about my Seaswap bro’s sexualities and so on in it, but since I didn’t finish it in time I instead ended up telling it in an ask instead xD but my plan was that they are all wearing flags etc that represent them, except for Pass who is also wearing a shitton of other flags because he can
So, Boney is a demi gay bisexual, it takes a bit for him to grow romantic feelings and he usually lean more towards men overall, but that does not mean he can’t catch feelings for a woman, nonbinary, genderfluid or anyone in between, he just happen to easily catch feelings for men pft. 
Pass is a poly pansexual, he don’t care what you got in your pants or what pronouns you prefer, if you like him and he likes you, great! That’s all he needs, and while he is poly it does not mean he needs to be in a poly relationship, he is ok with whatever his partner is most comfortable with, he will adapt.
And lastly, the angry kid Charon, who is nonbinary and go solely by they/them, they have yet to figure out their own sexuality since hey they just 13 currently and is busy being a brat. And I haven’t decided just yet what they will be, but when they older they prolly will be either bisexual or pan, we shall see pft
But yeah, happy pride ya all, know life is a mess right now for all of us, but stay strong and know that I love and support ya all af UwU ❤  
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messedupessy · 5 years
Ok so last night, I went and made a poll on twitter asking if I should go and do a little ask me headcanons here one tumblr about my boys, au’s, headcanons overall etc, because I want to do that as I wanna be social etc and the answer that won was yes, yes I should, and so here we are :D
Rules are simple, you can ask me about pretty much anything about my au’s, my characters etc etc, you can even just ask me about myself if there is something, like pretty much anything frikking goes, just keep it sfw, try to keep the asks as simple as you can and only up to 4 characters at a time as I am not doing all of them at the same time as I would never be able to finish it gekjgekjegkj
You can also send in more than one ask, tho preferably not the same one for different characters as that’s just boring man, and uh yeah think that’s it xD
These will be open until late tomorrow night, unless I feel I haven’t gotten enough and want more then I might extend it, tho technically asks are always open if there is something ya all be wondering ye
And I am free to refuse to answer any ask I do not feel up to answer to or if it makes me uncomfy, or if it will spoil something that I got plans to reveal eventually, like stuff from Seaswap, and these will take some time to answer as I plan to mostly just do them whenever I feel like answering some stuff so be prepared for it taking awhile ye
Lastly, I’m up for answering asks about regular classic Undertale for headcanons there, alongside au’s which are: Underswap, Underfell, Swapfell, Swapfell KH/Purple, MessedUpTale, Seaswap, 3In1Tale (G snas au), asks about any other one’s will be yeeted into the void ye
But yeah, send them in peeps UwU ❤
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messedupessy · 5 years
Bb! Bby! My sexy neighbor! I'd love to see the writing prompt no. 2 with Seaswap bois. :>c Good ol brother shenanigans are a rarity and it would be cool to see this with my fave pirates!
Ahhh finally after weeks it’s finally done gknrengjek UwU ❤ sorry for the wait Gasty bb seems like I ended up with a bit of a burnout or something, but hey I finished it at last so here ya go enjoy :D wrote like most of it today and it turned out pretty good yes
Also translations of Pass’s accent will be at the end ye
Shut Up and Catch Me
Relationship: None, just bros
Warnings: Minor panic attack but otherwise none
Prompt: “Quit asking how I got stuck up here and just catch me.” 
Summary: Don't question how an explosion could make him fly off of a building.
This was not how he thought his day would go.
Like, Boney was used to be in dangerous situations, it was kinda part of the lives he and his brother led.
But his current predicament was a bit unusual to the usual dangerous situations he usually got into.
Because he was currently stuck, clinging for his dear life, onto a flag pole. After been literally blasted off of a building, don’t question how that was even possible. Since someone, no other than his brother of course, had gotten careless with his blasted explosives.
And he would have slid down the pole already if it wasn’t for the fact that his one boot had gotten stuck and all tangled up in the rope used to raise and lower the flag.
He could technically just slide his foot out of the boot or just cut the boot off, but there was no way he was going to cut them up to get free, they were some of his favourite boots and there was just no way he was ruining them or leaving it stuck up there!
He also refused to run around with only one boot that would just be stupid and he would look silly.
Which was why he was in the process of trying to untangle the mess of ropes his boot was stuck in, using a small knife he had pulled out of said boot to slowly but surely cut the surprisingly thick ropes while holding onto the pole with his other hand so he wouldn’t end up back dangling upside down with only the rope holding him up.
Letting out a small indignant sound of irritation, he kept on cutting into the rope carefully as to not accidentally cut and ruin his boot, worry growing inside of him as he kept hearing shouting from the slavers he and his brother had gone and visited and ended up fighting.
Like yes, he knew his brother was like a one man army, but that didn’t stop him from getting worried about his safety anyway even though he knew that his brother was more than capable of getting out of anything completely unscathed, especially since the people they were fighting was way more incompetent than usual.
After several more minutes of him fighting with the rope, so was he very close to just say screw it if his boot got ruined as his worry for his brother just grew, as his brothers safety was way more important than the safety of his boot and he let out a stream of curses in various languages that he knew because why was the rope giving him so much trouble it was ridiculous!
An all too familiar booming, and laughing, voice cut Boney off from his string of curses, making him quickly look down to the ground and lo and behold there was his brother, looking as bright and lively as always with no visible injury he could discern from where he was at, which made him breathe out in relief.
“quit askin’ how i got stuck up here an’ just catch me!”, Boney shouted back down, with some irritation still left in his voice, as he then proceeded to finally succeed in cutting through the rope that was holding his prized boot, and himself, stuck on the pole, letting out a small sound in victory.
“AH AARICHT GIT YA!”, Pass replied grinning widely as he extended his arms out in preparation to catch his brother.
Boney grinned as he then pushed himself away from the pole and began his descent towards the ground, as he could just have slid down the pole to get down which he originally had intended to do, which technically would have been easier and much safer, but…
What was the fun in getting down if he couldn’t do it as dramatically as he could?
As he fell through the air, looking up at the night sky a intrusive flash of something he wish he could stop remembering flashed through his mind, the all too familiar scene of been surrounded by water as he quickly sank down into the depths of the ocean, his eyesight getting blurry as his lunges were filled with liquid.
He couldn’t breathe.
Boney barely noticed as he landed safely into his brother's arms with a soft thud, his brother laughing over his shenanigan, but which quickly stopped as Pass then looked at him in worry, feeling how his whole body was shaking in his arms as Boney kept his eyes shut.
“BONAY…? YE ARICHT?”, at the sound of his name Boney snapped out of it, his sockets opening wide while breathing in deeply as he caught his breath and looked into the face of his brother who was looking at him with concern.
“ye-yeah i’m good.”, he assured him, quickly making himself calm down and pushing what he just had experienced into the deepest reaches of his mind where it belonged.
He then, with his expression turning from minor panic to more of a pout, he gave Pass’s shoulder a small smack as he said chidingly. “but ye should really watch ye explosives…! me outfit almost got ruined thanks tha ya!”
“MWHEHEEHE YE KIN AYEWIS GIT FREISH ONES!”, Pass laughed, clearly deciding not to ask Boney what just happened which he was grateful for, even though he knew his brother most likely would try to bring it up later which he was so not looking forward to, since Boney just wanted to ignore it and pretend it never happened.
Before Boney had a chance to reply, a window shattered loudly behind them, alongside the familiar smell of smoke from something big burning and gunpowder.
“pass… what did ya do?”
“MWHEHEHEE WEILL…”, Pass chuckled, but before any more words escaped him the oh so ever familiar sound of a massive explosion been set off was heard loudly behind them.
Pass turned around towards the sound, so both of them got to watch as the large fancy mansion they had been in earlier, and which Boney had gotten blown off of to start with, get completely exploded apart with pieces of wood and other parts that made it up fly everywhere.
They stood there, or well Pass did as Boney was still in his arms, watching the now completely ruined building, debris and the remaining standing walls quickly catching fire while the still remaining and alive slavers kept shouting and screaming.
“… dunno why i’m even shocked.”, Boney eventually muttered with a deadpan, Pass letting out another laugh at his reaction. His brows suddenly furrowed as he asked. “ya did get what we went here tha get tho, right? ye didn’t jist go an’ blow tha place up before getting’ it?”
“NA NEED TAE WIRRIE BRUTHA, AH GIT THA THIN’ SAUFELY IN ME POCKET, YE KEN A NAW SUMPF!”, Pass immediately reassured him with a roll of his eyes, still smiling wide.
“aye, i know.”, Boney grinned in turn, he then wrapped his arms a bit tighter around his brother's neck, making sure he was secure in his hold. “anyway we been dallyin’ here fer tha long, let’s head to tha ship pass before tha survin’ guards finds us.”
“SHUIR THIN’!”, Pass grinned back, shifting his hold slightly on Boney before he began sprinting towards the ship, holding his brother securely in his arms while sounds of more explosives been set off and people screaming and shouting was heard here and there around them.
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messedupessy · 5 years
i don't know how to explain to you that constructive crictism is helpful and can help improve your art instead of it being like the same exact thing for three years.
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Anon my dear sweet anon, buddy, pal, chummy chum chum, yes constructive criticism can be helpful indeed when done right, but to do so the person you want to constructive criticize needs to want to get their stuff criticized, I am not one of those people who want it. And I especially do not want it from someone I don’t even know the face of, who I know absolutely nothing about except that they seem to think overly highly of their criticism skills and is trying to force me to accept their criticism even though I clearly said no in the last ask they sent, it is very, very rude of you.
And if I now wanted it I so would not want it from someone I don’t even know, if I want it I have friends and people I know who got the skills and knowledge and who won’t be fucking rude about shit, but most of the time I don’t want it, as I already know what I need to get better at, what I want to change and so on, and I don’t need some random person on the internet who is hiding behind anon on tumblr to try to come and tell me how to do stuff.
And my art being the exact same thing for 3 years? My fucking god that line made me laugh so much because you, you rude little piece of shit, really don’t know anything or can see the difference of how much I have truly improved during 3 years…
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Because as I hope your not functioning eyes can see, so is there a hella big fucking difference in how I drew stuff 3 years ago when I just got into the UT fandom to now xD That was pretty much my first ever swap pap I ever made, it’s bad af, the lines are shit, it’s all rly shitty but still good, and now my seaswap boy who I finished like the other week, is completely different, different how I drew the lines, how I draw overall but still it’s visible af that I have drawn both of these, because it’s called having a art style u moist cabbage! 
Now begone and stop pestering me about this, because srsly I have already said no once, and I sure as fuck won’t say yes when you are being rude af, like I kind of think you in reality is just trying to be nice, but the way you write, the cut of your jib, is just so rude and I want nothing of it, now begone and have a good day of reflection over not being rude to people on the internet UwU ❤
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messedupessy · 5 years
ksdhkdfjh THANK YOU!! XDDDD 👀 for Swapfell Rus and 💟 for Swapfell Sans and and 💗 for Seaswap Papyrus and 💔for Seaswap Sans
Anytime Puffy bro and thank you grjekgnkjegkj UwU ❤
👀 Would they ever enter/have they ever entered into a friends with benefits relationship?
hell yeah he have, or rather kinda, he uh don’t really have any friends as he is such trash, or was before getting up on the surface and deciding to fix himself and stuff, but before that he was just one big trash boi and was too busy with pissing people off so they could hurt him etc, so he has never really been in one.
But he sure af would not mind joining one tho, back underground he didn’t really do relationships though, so it would have to happen up on the surface, which would depending on the person go pretty well or horribly wrong, as surface Rus has a habit of becoming possessive, not controlling just possessive, so yeah but now I’m getting off track, no he has not been in one but he sure would not mind been in one.
💟 What is their stance on PDA?
He got very conflicting emotions about this, on one hand he loves the attention of it from his datemate it makes him happy to be close and do couple things, but he also hates it as it makes him so fucking flustered, like any publing displays of affections is pretty much off the table until way into the relationship as he just can’t handle any of it until he has grown more sure of himself and the relationship.
Scratch is an anxious filled to the brim boy and he needs to feel srs secure where he’s at and with his partner before any pda can happen, as he is so afraid of been made fun of somehow etc, and when he finally is he is pretty ok with it, he is still easily flustered even by just hand-holding, but he will get used to it and get better at it with time ye.
💗 What advice would they give a potential partner about making their relationship last if they could with no judgment?
Ohhh darn this a tough one, but mhhh... I guess maybe to not push him too much, do not prod into things Boney keeps private too much, like Boney got some srs trust issues and fears romantic relationships after the whole getting betrayed by his once lover and getting both himself and his brother killed as that will give you some messed up trauma, and in turn this has made Boney very closed off with his own feelings, he is afraid of falling in love a whole lot.
And so with a potential partner, he wouldn’t want them to push him to open up too much or too fast, he will get there eventually but for that he needs time and that might take awhile, so guess it would be him asking this potential partner to have a whole lot of patience with him and don’t try to make him open up when he is not ready.
💔 What was their worst breakup?
Ohh another tough one darn! But uhhh... I am not even sure if he has ever been in a bad break up?? No wait I have an idea!
Ok so when Pass was still a kid, like 9-12 somewhere there, before he had learned some things about how to handle relationships and what is a no no and so on, so was he together with several people at the same time, 3 girls to be precise in his age, and they were not happy when they found out they were all together with him at the same time. But Pass had never lied about not being with all 3 at the same time and didn’t see anything wrong with him been with all 3, as after all more the merrier and he liked them all and they liked him, so why couldn’t they all 4 be together?
So he ended up fucking that up as he didn’t think about asking what these 3 girls opinion on the matter was and they all broke up with him, which in hindsight he deserved, and also made him realize he did deserve the end result of them breaking up with him, and that was how he learned not to be a cheating ho :D especially since he did end up hurting all 3 girls which he didn’t want at all, but he did succeed in becoming friends with all 3 later on again but never romantically again etc after apologizing proper for his mistake.
Love and sexuality headcanons here ye
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messedupessy · 5 years
Essy’s To do List UwU
Because I have a need to make one again so to get my mind on track a bit, and for once I am going to write them in order of importance/need/want to work and finish in
And also just want to give you all a bit of an update as well, and to tell you guys that I have installed Sims 4 on my gaming comp so I will be a bit off with art etc for prolly a week as I will end up playing it non stop for a bit pfft xD
Anyway here’s the list:
Last pic for 12 days of papcäst, it has been sketched up just need to keep on sketching and then add some colors and then it will be done
Secret santa for a discord which ends around 25th February I think it was, have been sketched up just need to keep on working on it
Start and finish a birthday present for a very special sweet neighbor ❤
Finish answering the Seaswap asks from my birthday got like 5 left just need to get to it
Old comic for when I hit 800 followers, its mostly sketched up just need to finish said sketching and then it will be done
Colour palette requests from my 1000 followers raffle, haven’t worked with them at all and will take a bit to get back into it, got one in the works with 2-4 sketched up and needs to get scanned in
Finish more Seaswap refs, got two that are almost done that are gonna be posted together
Seaswap intro comic which I need to fix up on allot and draw some things for the pages
Refs for my MessedUpTale au bc I need to show you my sad old boi 
And many, many other things which I can’t be bothered to name as my list is already so long but these are the important things ye (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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