bawkesfullofmuses · 28 days
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excuseme-greentea · 1 year
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smithrowed · 2 years
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ARS v NOF G. Martinelli 5' R. Nelson 49', 52' 57' M. Ødegaard 78'
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tvrningout-a · 9 months
would you trust him??
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i dunno who he is yet but you probably shouldn't asdf
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wispon · 2 years
that caterpillar you reblogged would be a good edgy sonic oc
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you are SOOOOO right
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rhysgoodwin · 2 years
November DWC Day 2 - Illusion
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With a few twists of his wrist, Rhys finished installing the projector on the ceiling of his new room, and now it was the moment of truth! Flipping off the lightswitch, he picked up the little remote and clicked it on: The room was suddenly bathed in shades of blues and purples, with little white specks of light scattered all over. The illusion was very convincing, it looked like he was staring into space itself when glancing around his ceiling and walls. This was perfect for those cold winter nights when he didn’t want to be outside; he could bring the outside in.
The room had been a serious upgrade from the previous one. It still occupied the same space above the barn of the farm he worked on, but the owners of the farm decided he was overdue for something a little more suitable for a young bachelor. He was able to do most of the decorating himself, opting for brighter colors, art of sunflowers, and photographs of the farm animals he helped raise littering the walls. It was perfect, and it was his.
The Padleys had even allowed him to plant a small field of sunflowers in an unused area of their land, knowing of his love to lay in the neighboring farm’s field on his days off. His sunflowers had managed to grow larger than those of any of their neighbors; turns out that Rhys was a natural green thumb. After that, the farmer often asked for Rhys’s input when he was planting for the year, and the farm thrived with their combined knowledge.
Life was good.
“Wees...” Apparently the name ‘Rhys’ was not easy for a toddler to say. The little girl made ‘uppy arms’ at him, and he swooped her up and set her atop his shoulders. 
“Do you like it, Lia?” She gave a quick nod, stretching her little hands out towards the stars. “You’re welcome to come up and look at the stars with me anytime, but only if your mom says it’s okay. Speaking of, we should get you back down to your parents, it’s almost dinnertime.”
Aurelia was a surprise for the Padleys. They were both older in age, and Mrs. Padley had assumed that ship had sailed years ago. Their other children were grown adults and living their own lives now. Yet here they were, blessed with a bright and bubbly little blonde-haired, blue-eyed girl. Rhys had taken to the role of ‘part-time babysitter’ quite well, he had a special bond with the little girl from the start.
Of course, they all knew the truth.  Mr. Padley had been sterile for years.
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birdricks · 4 months
WAHHH i need to draw my rnm ocs sooo bad but theyre literally all so normal n borinh LOL
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afc-agitprop · 4 months
We can either beat liverpool next week and hand city the title...again. Or we let liverpool beat us, but city don't win the league🤔🤔🤔
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neverafters · 7 months
garrett graham was a hockey king, and not just on the podcast he did with jake connelly. he was hockey royalty, a hockey god, whatever you wanted to call it. they called him one of the greatest players of all time. so it wasn't exactly easy to sneak into a practice in the same rink he played on in college, but sometimes he got lucky. he stayed one of the back rows of seats with a ball cap on his head like that would conceal his identity. anyone that looked close enough would know who he was, but college girls were too wrapped up in their own sport to pay attention to whoever watched them skate. practices were easier for garrett to watch than games, but he never missed the latter. watching a practice helped him really see how far his daughter had come, and how much she had improved over the season. he knew he was biased as hell because she was his prodigy, his mini me, but she was so freaking good. garrett was her biggest fan, on and off the ice. he always had been, and always would be.
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he saw himself in @unbetweens , especially when she stayed after practice to help one of the younger girls with some shooting drills. if she wanted to, she would make a great coach one day, just like her uncle dean. or maybe she'd just take over the hockey kings hockey camp. maybe she'd make her own version for girls and call it hockey queens. by the time the girls finished their private session, garrett was watching from rink side, ready to catch his daughter before she ran off to the locker room to change. "she's good. not as good as you, but still good," he said in lieu of a greeting, smile playing on his lips. he loved watching his kids skate. well, just his girls now. gigi still played hockey and logan did figure skating. their brother . . . well, he was his mother's son. wyatt was so good at hockey on a technical level, but his heart was never in it. gigi's head and heart were both in the game, all the time. "go shower and get changed, then we can grab dinner at della's. just like old times," he offered.
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realmforged · 6 months
Are self insert OCs still cringe or can I be indulgent 👁️👁️
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woso11 · 2 years
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byanyan · 7 months
took a page out of moon's book and started playing around with the idea of illustrated icons but i am Unsure
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dutybcrne · 7 months
Fem!Kaveh makin brain go brr
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🎒 Tino
Musical Theather, Debate Team, also track and baseball teams.
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Send me 🎒+ an OC and I’ll tell you what clubs they’re in at school
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chmerical · 1 year
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hehehe i love her sfm :')
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ilovechelseafc · 1 year
frank lampard as caretaker until the end of the season? GET INNNNNN
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