#Taylorsville Temple
followjacobbarlow · 2 years
Taylorsville Utah Temple
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kiltedveteran · 5 months
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Today we remember Doug Barney - End Of Watch - 1/17/2016
Officer Douglas Barney, 44, was killed in the line of duty on Sunday, January 17, 2016, while trying to question a man who seemingly had done nothing more than leave the scene of a traffic accident. An 18 year veteran police officer, Doug loved law enforcement and interacting with the community. Doug was perfectly suited to law enforcement, never able to sit perfectly still, always eager for something exciting, and relating to other people in a down-to-earth, sincere way.
Doug was born June 3, 1971 on a military base in Taiwan to Douglas Scott and Darlene Heinz Barney. Doug was raised in Anaheim, California, and worked at Disneyland as one of his first jobs. He attended Clara Barton Elementary School and Loara High School. He played water polo and was on the high school swim team. Just before his senior year, his family moved to Orem, Utah where Doug graduated from Orem High School. He loved the move to Utah and being able to ride dirt bikes daily in the hills behind his family home. After graduation Doug worked a series of jobs, mostly in the auto mechanics field like his father. He loved working on cars and raced his cars a couple of times at the old Bonneville Raceway.
Doug and his wife, Erika, grew up near each other in Anaheim and he liked to tell stories of how he had always had a crush on her. When Erika moved to Utah to attend BYU they continued their friendship and he tried his hardest to get her to commit to dating him (she had a habit of inviting her roommates along when he asked her out for pie.) In 1995 he showed up to her apartment unexpectedly and asked her to marry him. He asked again every day for several months until she finally accepted. Doug married Erika Gilroy on February 17, 1996 in his family home in Orem. Their marriage was later solemnized in the Jordan River Temple. Doug passed away one month before their 20th wedding anniversary.
After their wedding Doug told Erika that although he loved working on cars, it was a bit too lonely of a type of work for him. He didn’t like being underneath the cars by himself all day long and would tend to move around looking for conversations with other mechanics. He admitted to his wife that he had always wanted to be a police officer and, with her blessing, began applying with different agencies. Doug was hired as a corrections officer with the Salt Lake County Sheriff’s Office in December of 1998 and one year later was hired as a patrol officer. He worked primarily in Kearns and Magna, Taylorsville City, and Holladay City during his career. Doug earned a bachelor’s degree from the University of Utah by taking two classes a semester while working full time to support his family. His degree was in Sociology with a Criminal Justice certificate.
Doug was a devoted husband and father who loved spending time with his family and talking about them when he couldn’t be with them. He loved teaching his kids how to shoot guns, appreciate cars, and the basic approach to a few defensive control techniques. He loved music and listened to every conceivable type of music. For years he kept a cassette tape keyed up in his patrol car to Kenny Rogers’ Long Arm of the Law, which he would sing loudly when a prisoner seemed especially sulky on the way to jail. The end result was usually that they would come into the jail laughing together.
Doug was well known for his boisterous personality. He was larger than life in every way. He was very funny and was often able to diffuse a tense situation with a perfectly timed joke. It is very hard for a criminal to consider violence while laughing. Doug’s law enforcement brothers remember him for his signature greeting of, “hey, brotha!” or “hey, sista!”, and an almost knocking-the-wind-out pat on the back.
Doug struggled with bladder cancer and the side effects of treatments and surgeries for many years. He was frustrated by the time it took him away from work and from his family, but had an amazing ability to stay positive and upbeat and even lighthearted about the challenges. His only desire, always, was to be able to get back to work and to take care of his family. Doug will be forever missed.
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latterday-mouth-share · 3 months
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Temples of the world:
1) Oakland, California
2) Manhattan, New York
3) Mesa, Arizona
4) …?
5) Taylorsville, Utah
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abeacontotheworld · 5 years
189th Semi-Annual General Conference Temple Announcements
Freetown, Sierra Leone 
Orem, Utah 
Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea 
Bentonville, Arkansas 
Bacolod Philippines 
McAllen, Texas 
Cobán, Guatemala 
Taylorsville, Utah
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giuseppemartinengo · 5 years
Temples of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Temples of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
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Manti Temple
Speaking in the final time slot of the women’s session of 189th Semiannual General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, on October 5, 2019, President Russell M. Nelson announced plans for eight more temples around the world. Two temples will be built in Utah, in Taylorsville and Orem. The other temples will be built in Freetown, Sierra Leone; Port…
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templetuesday · 4 years
The following news updates and events have been announced over the previous two weeks, or are scheduled to occur within the next two weeks:
The following temples were announced by President Russell M. Nelson during the concluding session of the October 2020 General Conference. Further information, such as site locations, artist renderings, etc, has not yet been announced.
Greater Guatemala City Guatemala Temple
Lindon Utah Temple
Port Vila Vanuatu Temple
Santa Cruz Bolivia Temple
São Paulo East Brazil Temple
Tarawa Kiribati Temple
Brasília Brazil Temple
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The Church broke ground for the Brasília Brazil Temple on Saturday, 26 September 2020, with Elder Adilson de Paula Parrella, president of the Brazil Area, presiding at the ceremony. The The Brasília Brazil Temple was announced by President Thomas S. Monson during the April 2017 General Conference. There are currently seven dedicated temples in Brazil, with another awaiting dedication and two more in various stages of construction. It is anticipated that the Brasília Brazil Temple will be completed sometime in 2023. (Photo from churchofjesuschrist.org)
The following temples are scheduled for groundbreaking ceremonies to be held in the upcoming weeks. Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, attendance at the temple sites for the groundbreaking will be by invitation only, but the proceedings will be broadcast to select meetinghouses in the respective temple districts.
Taylorsville Utah Temple
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The groundbreaking ceremony for the Taylorsville Utah Temple will be held in October 2020, with the exact date yet to be annouced. Elder Gerrit W. Gong of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles will preside at the ceremony. The Taylorsville Utah Temple was announced by President Russell M. Nelson during the October 2019 General Conference. When completed, the Taylorsville Utah Temple will be the 23rd temple built in Utah and the fifth temple built in the Salt Lake Valley. (Photo from churchofjesuschrist.org)
Antofagasta Chile Temple
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The groundbreaking ceremony for the Antofagasta Chile Temple will be held in November 2020, with the exact date yet to be announced. Elder Juan Pablo Villar of the South America South Area presidency will preside at the ceremony. The Antofagasta Chile Temple was announced by President Russell M. Nelson during the April 2019 General Conference. When completed, the Antofagasta Chile Temple will be the third temple built in Chile. (Photo from churchofjesuschrist.org)
Davao Philippines Temple
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The groundbreaking ceremony for the Davao Philippines Temple will be held in November 2020, with the exact date yet to be announced. Elder Taniela B. Wakolo, Philippines Area President, will preside at the ceremony. The Davao Philippines Temple was announced by President Russell M. Nelson during the October 2018 General Conference and will be the sixth temple built in the Philippines.  (Photo from churchofjesuschrist.org)
Mendoza Argentina Temple
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The groundbreaking ceremony for the Mendoza Argentina Temple will be held in November 2020, with the exact date yet to be announced. Elder Allen D. Haynie of the South America South Area presidency will preside at the ceremony. The Mendoza Argentina Temple was announced by President Russell M. Nelson during the October 2018 General Conference. When completed, the Mendoza Argentina Temple will be one of four temples built in Argentina. (Photo from churchofjesuschrist.org)
Bengaluru India Temple
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The groundbreaking ceremony for the Bengaluru India Temple will be held in December 2020, with the exact date yet to be announced. Elder Robert K. William, an Area Seventy, will preside at the ceremony. The Bengaluru India Temple was announced by President Russell M. Nelson during the April 2018 General Conference and will be the first temple in India. (Photo from churchofjesuschrist.org)
Harare Zimbabwe Temple
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The groundbreaking ceremony for the Harare Zimbabwe Temple will be held in December 2020, with the exact date yet to be announced. Elder Edward Dube of the Africa South Area Presidency will preside at the ceremony. The Harare Zimbabwe Temple was announced by President Thomas S. Monson during the April 2016 General Conference and will be the first temple in Zimbabwe. (Photo from churchofjesuschrist.org) 
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Generals Women Session
Sister Reyna Isabel Aburto
- These are natural human emotions. But if they block our ability to feel the comfort and guidance of the Holy Ghost that is depression.
- Sadness is not a sign of weakness.
- Such thoughts can be overwhelming
- Achieving perfection is a process that will take place throughout our mortal life and beyond. —— Will occur throughout our mortal lives and into eternity. And only through the atonement of Jesus Christ
- Bearing others burdens and mourning with them is important, and included in that may be learning about mental illnesses and how to help those with them, eventually bringing yourself and others to Jesus Christ
- Validating that their pain is real can be the first step in healing for them
- when it comes to healing don’t we all need him desperately? Are we not all beggars?
- depression is not the result of sin
- Listening with love is one of the greatest gifts we can offer.
- your struggles do not define you - but they can refine you
- Our afflictions can be swallowed up by the joys of Christ
- let us lift up the clouds suffocating each other
Sister Lisa L. Harkness
- With covenant identity and belonging we are called by the name of Jesus Christ.
- Jesus’ name was known long before his birth. . . . His work of redeeming love was also known of Gods children.
- Prophet asked us to read the BofM and mark all scriptures that mention Christ
- When we remember Him whose name we bear there is no room for self-degrading judgments. . . With our eyes on the Savior, we see ourselves as we truly are: a beloved Child of God.
- “There is no such thing as a part time disciple of Jesus Christ” - Pres Nelson
- I glory in plainness, I glory in truth, I glory in my Jesus, for he hath redeemed my soul from hell. - 2 Nephi 33:6
Sister Bonnie H. Cordon
- 1 at the heart of all we do as YW is our desire to help you gain a sure knownledge of the Lord Jesus Christ
- Change in YW theme
- I am a beloved daughter of heavenly parents with a Devine nature and eternal destiny. As a disciple of Jesus Christ I strive to become like him . . . . Lost it.
- I will cherish the blessing of repentance
- Shift from we to I
- Understanding these truths will change the way you face challenges
- 2 classes
- Prayerfully consider needs and organize according to circumstances
- With only a few you can meet all together
- Can organize by year if there are a lot of YW
- 3 all classes will be referred to by the unifying name of Young Women, retiring beehive, miamaid, and laurel
- 4 all classes, not matter how organized, should still have a class president.
- Calling of class presidency is a priority
- You can serve with confidence as you do not serve alone.
- One of the ways we receive personal revelation is by reoccurring thoughts
President Henry B. Eyring
- Every daughter of God listening to my voice has received a call by the Lord Jesus Christ. - Chosen for you by a God you loves you personally
- for each one who makes these covenants, the service that He calls him or her to do it is personal
- Heavenly Father does not leave us the choice of the frequency, time or stages of assignments
- Ministering sister assignment
- You have a chance to fulfill your call from the Lord as His daughter - they all (the assignments) require the preparation of a loving heart.
- Prepare now with the end in mind
- Will require a loving heart, faith in Jesus Christ, and the guiding influence of the Holy Ghost
- how can a man of any age know what mothers need? That is a valid question. We can observe
- Mother through a partnership with God
President Dallin H. Oaks
- This church was restored so that family’s could be formed and sealed eternally
- Love the Lord thy God and Love thy neighbor as thyself. So we need to love everyone.
- We show that love by keeping His commandments - including repentance
- Strong connection between God’s love and His laws. - Pres Nelson
- Laws of Marriage and Chastity are essential in the plan
- Truth: Marriage was ordained by God. Between a Man and Wife. He has not changed His definition of marriage. Law of chastity is related.
- Ultimate concern is preparing the church for Devine exaltation
- To become like God, with the exalted life like heavenly parents
- Plan for a mortal experience where all can choose obedience to seek His highest blessings or make choices that will lead to one of the lesser kingdoms.
- All (LGBTQ+) should be treated with the love our Savior commands us to show to all peoples
- Should never persecute those who do not share our beliefs.
- The ultimate and final judgement will be by the Lord who has the wisdom and grace
- God promises hope and ultimate joy and blessings for all who keep His commandments
My side note for his talk: I understand where you are all coming from. It feels like he is attacking what you feel and believe. He is not trying to offend. He loves you and knows God loves you as His child. He is coming from a loving place trying to show love to you. Feels like he’s stabbing you in the guts over and over? I’m sorry, I can’t change that, nor can I change what you feel and believe is true. But please, please go towards him with the same thoughts of love. Kill with kindness and love, not hate and bitterness. I am not saying that he’ll come ‘round to what you feel and believe. I’m also not saying that you’ll come ‘round to his beliefs. He is an apostle of God, called and chosen by Him and ordained as such by a Prophet of God. I have said before and will again, every subject in every talk is approved by the first presidency and quorum of the twelve. Some wording may not be exactly right but what President Oaks says, President Nelson has seen and agrees. President Nelson would never These words come from God. They are HIS truth.
President Russell M. Nelson
- Wants to claim us as his relatives - if you want an extra grandpa give me a call
- Study section 25 of D&C and see what the spirit will teach you
- You are armed with Gods power and His angels have charge over you.
- Satan and his angels will constantly provide road blocks to prevent you from understanding your sacred callings and covenants
- Don’t underestimate your stellar spiritual capacity
- You need to distinguish for yourself right and wrong.
- Clarifications of priesthood: you have priesthood authority when set apart with sacred keys. In the temple you have authority
- Section 84 and 107 will lead you to other passages with truths about the priesthood
- 8 new temples
- Freetown Sierra Leone
- Orem, Utah
- Cobán, Guatemala
- Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea
- Bentenvillie, Arkansas
- Bacolod, Philippines
- McAllen, TX
- Taylorsville, UT
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pocketramblr · 5 years
new temples
Freetown, Sierra Leone
Orem, Utah
Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea
Betonville, Arkansas
Bacolod, Philippines
McAllen, Texas
Cobán, Guatemala
Taylorsville, Utah
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godsporncollection · 5 years
The Taylorsville Temple is gonna be within walking distance of my parents house.
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And, it's like, a really ugly spot too. Most of Taylorsville has gotten pretty over the last 10-15 years, but that half-block is probably the ugliest spot in the city.
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biblicomentarios · 4 years
Installing Fence Around the Taylorsville Utah Temple Site
Installing Fence Around the Taylorsville Utah Temple Site
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ChurchofJesusChristTemples.org shares construction news, photographs, maps, and interesting facts about the temples of the restored Church of Jesus Christ.
This website is NOT an official website of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Los artículos de esta sección no son oficiales pero han sido tomados de una fuente confiable y acreditada. La traducción es automática…
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aspenstake · 5 years
The new temples will be in the following locations:
Freetown, Sierra Leone
Orem, Utah
Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea,
Bentonville, Arkansas
Bacolod, Philippines
McAllen, Texas
Cobán, Guatemala
Taylorsville, Utah
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super-news-world · 5 years
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Latter-day Saint temples coming to Orem and Taylorsville, upping Utah’s eventual total to 23 https://ift.tt/2AHQN8r
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templetuesday · 4 years
Here is a full update on the status of temple construction throughout the world. Future news roundups will only feature construction updates since the last roundup post unless otherwise noted.
All temple open house and dedications which were scheduled to occur since the Church closed all temples due to the COVID-19 pandemic have been postponed until large public gatherings are deemed safe by local governmental authorities. There are currently no temple dedications currently scheduled. The following temples are completed or nearing completion and awaiting dedication:
Rio de Janiero Brazil Temple
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Construction has been completed for the Rio de Janiero Brazil Temple. The open house and dedication were originally scheduled to occur in the spring of 2020 but were postponed. The Rio de Janiero Brazil Temple was announced by President Thomas S. Monson during the April 2013 General Conference. There are currently seven dedicated temples in Brazil, with three additional temples in various stages of development. (Photo from churchofjesuschrist.org)
Winnipeg Manitoba Temple
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Construction is nearing completion for the Winnipeg Manitoba Temple. The open house and dedication were originally scheduled to occur in the fall of 2020 but have since been postponed. The Winnipeg Manitoba Temple was announced by President Thomas S. Monson during the April 2011 General Conference. It will be the first temple in Manitoba and the ninth temple in Canada. (Photo from churchofjesuschrist.org)
All temple rededications which were scheduled to occur since the Church closed all temples due to the COVID-19 pandemic have been postponed until large public gatherings are deemed safe by local governmental authorities. There are currently no temple rededications currently scheduled. The following temple renovation has been completed and the temple is now awaiting rededication:
Washington DC Temple
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The Washington DC Temple  has been closed since 29 September 2017 for extensive renovations to the interior and exterior. It was originally scheduled for rededication in late 2020. The Washington DC Temple was the 16th temple in the Church and the first temple built in both the eastern United States and the state of Maryland. (Photo by Stephanie Williams Payne from churchofjesuschristtemples.org)   
The following additional temples are currently under renovation:
Columbus Ohio Temple
Hamilton New Zealand Temple
Hong Kong China Temple
Mesa Arizona Temple
St. George Utah Temple
Salt Lake Temple
Tokyo Japan Temple
There are no additional temples scheduled for renovation at this time.
San Pedro Sula Honduras Temple
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The Church broke ground for the San Pedro Sula Honduras Temple on Saturday, 5 September 2020. Elder José Bernardo Hernández , an Area Seventy originally from San Pedro Sula, presided over the groundbreaking ceremony. Attendance at the temple site was limited to a small number of area Church leaders, due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The San Pedro Sula Honduras Temple was announced by President Russell M. Nelson during the April 2019 General Conference. When completed, it will be the second temple in Honduras. (Photos from churchofjesuschrist.org)
Orem Utah Temple
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The Church broke ground for the Orem Utah Temple on Saturday, 5 September 2020. Elder Craig C. Christensen, president of the Utah Area, presided over the groundbreaking ceremony. Attendance at the temple site was limited to a small number of area Church leaders, due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The Orem Utah Temple was announced by President Russell M. Nelson during the October 2019 General Conference. When completed, it will be the 22nd temple in Utah and the sixth temple in Utah County, Utah. (Photos from churchofjesuschrist.org)
The following temples are scheduled for groundbreaking ceremonies to be held in the upcoming weeks. Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, attendance at the temple sites for the groundbreaking will be by invitation only, but the proceedings will be broadcast to select meetinghouses in the respective temple districts.
Brasília Brazil Temple
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The groundbreaking ceremony for the Brasília Brazil Temple will be held on Saturday, 26 September 2020. Elder Adilson de Paula Parrella, president of the Brazil Area, will preside at the ceremony. The Brasília Brazil Temple was announced by President Thomas S. Monson during the April 2017 General Conference. There are currently seven dedicated temples in Brazil, with another awaiting dedication and two more in various stages of construction. (Photo from churchofjesuschrist.org)
Taylorsville Utah Temple
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The groundbreaking ceremony for the Taylorsville Utah Temple will be held in October 2020, with the exact date yet to be annouced. Elder Gerrit W. Gong of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles will preside at the ceremony. The Taylorsville Utah Temple was announced by President Russell M. Nelson during the October 2019 General Conference. When completed, the Taylorsville Utah Temple will be the 23rd temple built in Utah and the fifth temple built in the Salt Lake Valley. (Photo from churchofjesuschrist.org)
Salta Argentina Temple
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The groundbreaking ceremony for the Salta Argentina Temple will be held on Friday, 9 October 2020. Elder Benjamín De Hoyos, president of the South America South Area, will preside at the ceremony. The Salta Argentina Temple was announced by President Russell M. Nelson during the April 2018 General Conference. When completed, the Salta Argentina Temple will be the third temple built in Argentina. (Photo from churchofjesuschrist.org)
Bentonville Arkansas Temple
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The groundbreaking ceremony for the Bentonville Arkansas Temple will be held in November 2020, with the exact date yet to be announced. Elder David A. Bednar of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles will preside over the ceremony remotely, with video and photos to be released to the public following the event. The Bentonville Arkansas Temple was announced by President Russell M. Nelson during the October 2019 General Conference and will be the first temple built in Arkansas. (Photo from churchofjesuschrist.org)
McAllen Texas Temple
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The groundbreaking ceremony for the McAllen Texas Temple will be held in November 2020, with the exact date yet to be announced. Elder Art Rascon, an Area Seventy, will preside over the ceremony. The McAllen Texas Temple was announced by President Russell M. Nelson during the October 2019 General Conference and will be the fifth temple built in Texas. (Photo from churchofjesuschrist.org)
Red Cliffs Utah Temple
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The groundbreaking ceremony for the Red Cliffs Utah Temple will be held in November 2020, with the exact date yet to be announced. Elder Jeffrey R. Holland of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles will preside over the ceremony. The Red Cliffs Utah Temple was originally announced as the Washington County Utah Temple by President Russell M. Nelson during the October 2019 General Conference. It was the 20th temple to be announced for Utah and will be the second temple built in Washington County, Utah. (Photo from churchofjesuschrist.org)
The following additional temples are currently under construction, with no completion or dedication dates announced:
Abidjan Côte d’Ivoire Temple
Belém Brazil Temple
Feather River California Temple
Layton Utah Temple
Pocatello Idaho Temple
Praia Cabo Verde Temple
Quito Ecuador Temple
Richmond Virginia Temple
San Juan Puerto Rico Temple
Saratoga Springs Utah Temple
Urdaneta Philippines Temple
Yigo Guam Temple
Sites have been announced for the following temples, with groundbreaking plans to be announced at a later date:
Bengaluru India Temple
Cobán Guatemala Temple
Davao Philippines Temple
Mendoza Argentina Temple
Moses Lake Washington Temple
Neiafu Tonga Temple
Okinawa Japan Temple
Pago Pago American Samoa Temple
Phnom Penh Cambodia Temple
Syracuse Utah Temple
Tooele Valley Utah Temple
The following temples have been announced, with additional details yet to be released:
Antofagasta Chile Temple
Bacolod Philippines Temple
Bahía Blanca Argentina Temple
Benin City Nigeria Temple
Budapest Hungary Temple
Cagayan de Oro Philippines Temple
Dubai United Arab Emirates Temple
Freetown Sierra Leone Temple
Harare Zimbabwe Temple
Lagos Nigeria Temple
Lubumbashi Democratic Republic of the Congo Temple
Managua Nicaragua Temple
Nairobi Kenya Temple
Pittsburgh Pennsylvania Temple
Port Moresby Papua New Guinea Temple
Russia Temple
Salvador Brazi Templel
Shanghai China Temple
Tallahassee Florida Temple
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immofr · 5 years
Parker, George Albert
George Albert Parker May 28, 1926 – January 30, 2019 George Albert Parker passed away peacefully Jan. 30, 2019, at the age of 92 from causes incident to age. George was born May 28, 1926, in Salt Lake City, UT, to John David Parker and Ruth Cleveland Hudson Parker. He spent his early years in Salt Lake City and was educated in Salt Lake City schools. He graduated from West High School in 1944 and left the next day for the U.S. Navy, where he served for two years. In the Navy, due to his shorthand ability, he was assigned as a Reporter of Courts-Martial. He was "borrowed" on several occasions by the Army to serve in the same capacity. He received an honorable discharge from military service in May of 1946. After his discharge from the service he was asked by the judge of the First Judicial District Court to come to Logan and temporarily serve as the court reporter until someone was available to fill the position full-time. He agreed to that and moved to Logan in June of 1946, where he served as the reporter "temporarily." He retired from that job 41 years and two months later. George met his sweetheart, RaNee Ballard, in 1947 when she came to work in the County Clerk’s Office, where she eventually became the Clerk of the Court. They literally "courted" every day. They were married Nov. 25, 1947, in the Logan LDS Temple and are the parents of five children, three girls and two boys. George enjoyed participant sports. He played for a short time with the Logan Collegians baseball team, bowled on several championship bowling teams and was an avid golfer. In later years he especially enjoyed a weekly round of golf with his old golf buddies. In 1954 he and RaNee joined the Logan Jaycees organization. George eventually served as the president of the Logan Jaycees and RaNee served as president of the Jaycee Jills. George won the Distinguished Service Award in 1959 and was dubbed Logan’s outstanding young man for that year. George was a faithful member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and was always active in church affairs. He served in many positions over his lifetime, including branch president and bishop. He and RaNee were called to be temple officiators and served nine fulfilling years there. George is survived by his wife RaNee, and their five children: Susan (Brad) Beutler, Sandy, UT; Nancy (George) Winder, S. Jordan, UT; Bruce (Janet) Parker, Logan, UT; Lori (Michael) Lawrence, Taylorsville, UT; and Brian (Susan) Parker, N. Logan, UT; 19 grandchildren and 15 great-grandchildren, with two more on the way. He was preceded in death by three sisters and five brothers, and several siblings who died in infancy. A viewing will be held at Allen-Hall Mortuary, 34 E. Center St., in Logan, on Tuesday, Feb. 5, from 6 to 8 p.m. Funeral services will be held at 11 a.m. Wednesday, Feb. 6, at the Cobblestone First Ward, 420 W. 100 North, in Providence, UT. There will be a viewing prior to the funeral from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. at the church. Interment with military honors will be in the Logan City Cemetery. Condolences may be shared with the family at www.allenmortuaries.com .
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The post Parker, George Albert appeared first on How To Find The Best Apartments Taylorsville Utah.
Read full post at: http://www.immofr.org/parker-george-albert/
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du-lich-saigon · 6 years
Critics of Salt Lake City project say it threatens culture
SALT LAKE CITY — A group planning to revamp part of a city block in the heart of Salt Lake City with 650 luxury apartments, a hotel and space for retails shops is running into opposition from critics who say it would destroy what little remains from a cultural enclave known as Japantown.
The neighborhood where Japanese residents lived after moving to the region to work in the mines and railroad was mostly razed in the mid-1960s, but the Japanese Church of Christ and Buddhist temple remain, descendants of the original Japanese families said.
They’re working to block a zoning change for taller buildings that developers are seeking, The Salt Lake Tribune reports .
Michael Kwan, a Taylorsville justice court judge and president of the Chinese Railroad Workers Descendants Association, recently outlined the concerns in testimony to the Salt Lake City Council. “Once you lose Japantown,” Kwan said, “you’ll never have it again.”
The developer, The Ritchie Group, is hoping to reach a compromise so the project can proceed. Plans call not only for the apartments and hotel, but also an office tower and underground parking. It would be built near the Vivint Smart Home Arena where the Utah Jazz play and not far from Temple Square and two major outdoor malls: City Creek Center and The Gateway.
“We look forward to finding wins for them and wins for us, make the project work and still pay homage to their past and their great history,” said Jayson Newitt of The Ritchie Group.
State Sen. Jani Iwamoto, a Democrat from the suburb of Holladay, told the council she worries that the new development will be a replay of 1966, when stores, markets, restaurants and pool halls that were the heart of Japantown were demolished.
“We hope you can understand and empathize with what this area — what is left of this area — means to our communities and to honor the past, to embrace diversity, to work with us hand in hand and not to repeat history,” Iwamoto said.
The council had initially set the date of Aug. 14 to vote on the zoning change needed for the product but have instead opted to have more hearings and make more time for a decision.
Councilman Derek Kitchen, whose district includes the proposed development, said the delay will allow the council to monitor the issue and try to encourage discussions toward a “a viable compromise.”
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The post Critics of Salt Lake City project say it threatens culture appeared first on D-L-SAIGON.
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zainhashmi18 · 7 years
It was a beautiful day at the Mount Timpanogos Utah Temple. I was thinking of my mother during the time I spent there. She died in 1980 and her granddaughter was getting married.
Activities associated with the wedding were completed, the schedules were finished, and we were in the sealing room.
I looked around and all the seats in the sealing room were filled with about 50 people. We were waiting. I glanced at all of those who were present. We were a family in the house of God.
I thought to myself, “What a beautiful occasion. I know my mother would have longed to attend.” I wondered if it were allowed.
Of all occasions in life, marriage is something that is special for mothers and daughters. This moment was filled with love, appreciation and joy. It was something that my mother would want, desperately, to witness.
I wished to have a personal witness that she was there.
I looked at the chandelier with its tiny, sparkling lights. I looked at the mirrors that reflected on and on into eternity. I glanced around the room at the walls, the ceiling and the people.
I looked for anything out of the ordinary that would give me a special witness, so I would know that my mother was here. I saw nothing out of the ordinary. My eyes detected nothing of special note.
Then suddenly, as if the two curtains on a stage were opening and inside that opening was an emotional feeling, I was overcome by feelings of empathy, appreciation and love.
It was as if someone had said, “You asked for a witness, well, here it is.”
I was struck with the thought that I had looked for an outward sign but I had received an inner witness. It was a witness, with such distinct and personal emotional power, that it was more valuable than anything I could have experienced with my eyes.
I was left with tears in my eyes as I leaned over to my sister, Thelma, on my left and said, “I asked for a witness that mom was here, and I just received it.” She looked at me with tears in her eyes and said, “I did too.”
— Ed Hendricks, Paradise Ward, Taylorsville Utah Stake
from Faith News | Deseret News http://ift.tt/2yH4ioX
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