#Tele Healing Session
irisenergetics · 2 months
Online Remote Healers | Online Remote Energy Sessions - Iris Energetics
Online Remote Healers are a team of experienced and qualified healers who offer a variety of healing modalities, such as Reiki, chakra healing, aura cleansing, and more.
They can transmit healing energy remotely using intention and technology, and help you improve your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Iris Energetics can also answer your questions and give you guidance and support.
For more, visit website https://irisenergyclearing.org/
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akocomyk · 1 year
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Undergoing Therapy
2022's 9th Most Memorable Moment
There really comes a time when your body reminds you that you’re not immortal. And even though your heart and your mind can still push on with life, your body tells you that you may want to give it some attention.
I have the habit of listening to music whenever I commute, and this song by beabadoobe is always in my playlist. The clinic that I go to for my physical therapy sessions is, more or less, a two-hour travel from my house.
Earlier this year, I felt pain on my wrist as I did my usual stuff at work—pain that I don’t commonly feel in any part of my body. My arm also started getting weaker and is always getting easily tired whenever I use it.
The pain subsided eventually, and I thought that maybe I could brush it off and just let my body heal itself until the pain is gone.
I was wrong. The pain didn’t go away, although it was never as strong as the first time I felt it. My arm was still weak. And the pain now travels and shoots up to my upper back.
I contacted a clinic that was covered by my company’s HMO, got an appointment for a PT session and tele-consultation with a doctor.
The diagnosis was carpal tunnel syndrome and another one that’s related to the upper back—couldn’t remember it. The doctor recommended eight sessions for my therapy, and that’s what I’ve been doing since November 26.
And… my body is responding well, somehow. All the pain and weakness were greatly reduced. I still have one last session to go, and hopefully all goes well.
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Navigating Life's Challenges: The Role of Counseling in Singapore
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Addressing Mental Health Stigma:
In recent years, Singapore has made significant strides in raising awareness about mental health issues and reducing the stigma associated with seeking counseling services. Despite cultural taboos surrounding mental health discussions, attitudes are gradually shifting, Counselling Singapore thanks to concerted efforts by mental health advocates and organizations. Counseling plays a pivotal role in normalizing conversations about mental well-being, encouraging individuals to prioritize their emotional health, and seeking support when needed.
Diverse Counseling Approaches:
Counseling in Singapore encompasses a diverse range of therapeutic approaches tailored to meet the unique needs and cultural backgrounds of its multicultural population. From cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and psychodynamic therapy to mindfulness-based techniques and art therapy, individuals have access to a variety of counseling modalities designed to address their specific concerns and preferences. This diverse landscape ensures that individuals can find a counseling approach that resonates with them and facilitates their healing journey.
Supporting Work-Life Balance:
Singapore's reputation as a global financial hub often comes with the pressure to excel professionally, leading to high levels of stress and burnout among its workforce. Counseling services in Singapore play a crucial role in supporting individuals in achieving a healthy work-life balance and managing stress effectively. Through counseling sessions, individuals can explore strategies for setting boundaries, prioritizing self-care, and fostering resilience in the face of workplace challenges.
Culturally Sensitive Counseling:
Singapore's multicultural society is characterized by a rich tapestry of ethnicities, languages, and belief systems. Counseling professionals in Singapore undergo training to understand and respect the cultural nuances and values of their clients, ensuring culturally sensitive and inclusive care. Whether addressing intergenerational conflicts, navigating family dynamics, or honoring cultural traditions, counselors strive to create a safe and supportive environment where individuals can explore their cultural identities and experiences.
Empowering Personal Growth:
Beyond addressing immediate concerns, counseling in Singapore empowers individuals to embark on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth. Through introspection, reflection, and guided exploration, individuals gain insights into their patterns of thinking, behavior, and emotions. Counseling equips individuals with the tools and skills necessary to navigate life's challenges with resilience, adaptability, Anxiety counselling singapore and a renewed sense of purpose.
Accessible and Affordable Services:
Singapore's healthcare system prioritizes accessibility and affordability, ensuring that counseling services are accessible to individuals from all walks of life. Government initiatives, community-based organizations, and private counseling centers collaborate to offer a range of services tailored to different needs and income levels. Additionally, tele-counseling and online therapy platforms provide convenient alternatives for individuals who may face barriers to accessing traditional face-to-face counseling services.
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tulasihealth · 2 months
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Revolutionizing Rehabilitation Center : A Glimpse into the Future with Tulasi Healthcare
In the ever-evolving landscape of healthcare, Tulasi Healthcare emerges as a beacon of innovation and progress, redefining the future of rehabilitation with its forward-thinking approach and groundbreaking practices. Let's delve into the transformative initiatives that are shaping the future of healing at Tulasi Healthcare.
Advanced Neurorehabilitation Techniques: Tulasi Healthcare is at the forefront of integrating cutting-edge neurorehabilitation techniques into its treatment protocols. From neuroplasticity-based therapies to non-invasive brain stimulation techniques, the center harnesses the power of neuroscience to unlock new pathways to recovery for individuals with neurological conditions.
Precision Medicine and Genetic Therapies: Embracing the principles of precision medicine, Tulasi Healthcare leverages genetic insights to tailor treatment plans that are optimized for each individual's unique genetic makeup. By identifying genetic predispositions and biomarkers, the center pioneers targeted therapies that offer unprecedented levels of efficacy and personalization.
Artificial Intelligence in Rehabilitation: Tulasi Healthcare harnesses the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) to revolutionize rehabilitation practices. AI-driven algorithms analyze vast amounts of patient data to identify patterns, predict outcomes, and optimize treatment strategies in real-time. This intelligent integration of technology enhances the precision and effectiveness of rehabilitation interventions.
Virtual Reality for Immersive Therapy: Virtual reality (VR) therapy is rapidly emerging as a game-changer in the field of rehabilitation, and Tulasi Healthcare is at the forefront of this revolution. By creating immersive virtual environments, the center provides patients with engaging and interactive therapy experiences that accelerate recovery, enhance motor skills, and improve cognitive function.
Biofeedback and Wearable Technology: Tulasi Healthcare integrates biofeedback and wearable technology into its rehabilitation programs to empower patients with real-time feedback on their physiological responses and movement patterns. By fostering greater awareness and control over their bodies, individuals are better equipped to achieve optimal outcomes in their rehabilitation journey.
Intensive Multidisciplinary Care Teams: At Tulasi Healthcare, rehabilitation is not a solitary endeavor but a collaborative effort guided by multidisciplinary care teams. Comprising experts from diverse fields such as neurology, physical therapy, psychology, and nutrition, these teams collaborate seamlessly to provide holistic care that addresses the complex needs of each individual.
Community-Centric Rehabilitation Models: Recognizing the importance of community support in the rehabilitation process, Tulasi Healthcare adopts community-centric models that extend beyond the walls of the center. By partnering with local organizations, schools, and support groups, the center creates a supportive ecosystem that facilitates successful reintegration into society post-rehabilitation.
Telemedicine and Remote Monitoring: Tulasi Healthcare embraces telemedicine and remote monitoring technologies to extend its reach and impact beyond geographical boundaries. Through virtual consultations, remote monitoring of vital signs, and tele-rehabilitation sessions, the center ensures continuity of care and access to expert guidance for patients wherever they may be.
Data-Driven Continuous Quality Improvement: With a commitment to excellence, Tulasi Healthcare adopts a data-driven approach to continuous quality improvement. By collecting and analyzing clinical outcomes, patient feedback, and performance metrics, the center identifies areas for enhancement and iteratively refines its practices to deliver the highest standards of care.
Empowering Patients for Long-Term Success: At Tulasi Healthcare, the focus extends beyond short-term recovery to long-term success and empowerment. Through comprehensive education, personalized coaching, and community resources, the center equips patients with the knowledge, skills, and support systems they need to thrive beyond the confines of rehabilitation.
As Tulasi Healthcare continues to push the boundaries of rehabilitation, it remains committed to its mission of transforming lives and shaping a future where individuals can achieve their fullest potential, reclaiming independence, and embracing life with newfound vitality and purpose.
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nextlevelpsychiatry · 3 months
Empowering Mental Health: The Benefits of Booking an Online Psychiatrist
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In the fast-paced digital age, accessing mental health support has become more convenient than ever. This article explores the numerous advantages of Book Online Psychiatrist and how it can revolutionize the way individuals approach their mental well-being.
Convenience at Your Fingertips:
Discover the ease of booking an online psychiatrist from the comfort of your home. Explore the flexibility of scheduling virtual appointments that fit seamlessly into your busy lifestyle, eliminating the need for commuting and long wait times.
Access to a Diverse Pool of Experts:
Uncover the breadth of expertise available when booking online. Explore how this approach opens up a world of options, allowing you to connect with psychiatrists specialized in various areas, ensuring a tailored approach to your unique mental health needs.
Privacy and Confidentiality:
Delve into the importance of privacy in mental health discussions. Learn how online sessions provide a discreet and confidential space for individuals to share their thoughts and feelings without the fear of being recognized in a waiting room.
Flexible Scheduling for Better Consistency:
Examine the impact of consistent mental health care through online booking. Understand how the flexibility of scheduling regular appointments contributes to better treatment outcomes, fostering a sense of continuity and progress in your mental health journey.
Eliminating Geographical Barriers:
Break down geographical barriers and explore how online psychiatry enables individuals to connect with professionals regardless of their location. This is especially beneficial for those in remote areas or with limited access to mental health services.
Cost-Effectiveness and Time Efficiency:
Analyze the financial and time-saving benefits of booking an online psychiatrist. From reduced travel costs to time-efficient sessions, discover how this approach makes mental health care more accessible and practical for individuals with busy lives.
Technological Innovations in Mental Health Care:
Stay abreast of the latest technological advancements in online mental health platforms. Explore how innovations such as secure video conferencing, mobile apps, and real-time messaging enhance the overall therapeutic experience, creating a seamless connection between patient and psychiatrist.
Tailored Treatment Plans:
Delve into the customization of treatment plans when booking an online psychiatrist. Explore how professionals adapt their approach based on individual needs and preferences, ensuring a more personalized and effective mental health journey.
Crisis Intervention and Immediate Support:
Examine the role of online psychiatry in crisis intervention. Learn how booking sessions online provides individuals with immediate access to support during challenging times,Tele Psychiatrist Appointment fostering a sense of security and preventing escalation of mental health crises.
Patient Engagement and Empowerment:
Uncover the ways online mental health services empower patients to actively engage in their treatment. From goal-setting to monitoring progress, explore how these platforms encourage individuals to take an active role in their mental health journey, leading to improved outcomes.
Family and Group Sessions:
Discover the benefits of online psychiatry in facilitating family or group therapy sessions. Understand how virtual platforms can bring together individuals from different locations, creating a supportive environment for collective healing and understanding.
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Navigating the Path to Recovery: Physical therapy Explored
From the vibrant streets of Minneapolis to the serene landscapes of the North Shore, Minnesota boasts of not just natural beauty but also a robust healthcare infrastructure. Among the various medical services that have witnessed a surge in popularity and necessity is physical therapy. Dive deep into the world of physical therapy and uncover the myriad ways it's reshaping the journey to holistic well-being.
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1. The Emergence of physical therapy in Minnesota
Physical therapy, though an ancient practice, has seen a renaissance of sorts in recent years. In Minnesota, this resurgence is attributed to a blend of factors: • Rising Sports Culture: With an active sporting community, injuries are inevitable, making physical therapy indispensable. • Aging Population: The elderly benefit immensely from physical therapy, enhancing mobility and reducing pain. • Chronic Pain Management: A non-invasive solution for those grappling with long-term pain.
2. Services Under the Umbrella of Physical therapy
Physical therapy is not a one-size-fits-all solution. It's a spectrum of specialized services tailored to individual needs: • Orthopedic Therapy: Focusing on musculoskeletal injuries and disorders. • Neurological Therapy: Catering to conditions like stroke, spinal cord injuries, and Parkinson's. • Pediatric Therapy: Tailored for children and addressing developmental delays or injuries. • Geriatric Therapy: Addressing age-related issues like arthritis or osteoporosis.
3. Benefits: Why Physical Therapy is the Way Forward
Engaging in physical therapy offers a plethora of advantages: Non-Invasive: Unlike surgical interventions, physical therapy in Minnesota focuses on natural healing. Customized Care: Each treatment plan is tailored to the patient's specific needs and progress. Improved Mobility: Enhance flexibility, strength, and overall movement. Pain Management: Offers relief from chronic pain without dependency on medication.
4. Selecting the Right Physical Therapy Center in Minnesota
With numerous facilities dotting the state, making an informed choice is crucial.
Considerations in Making a Choice:
1. Credentials: Ensure the facility and therapists are licensed and accredited. 2. Specializations: Does the center offer specialized services tailored to your needs? 3. Reputation: Seek reviews and personal recommendations. 4. Insurance Compatibility: Confirm whether the services are covered under your health insurance.
5. The Integration of Technology in Physical Therapy
Minnesota, known for its innovation in various sectors, infuses technology seamlessly into physical therapy: • Virtual Reality (VR): Offers simulated environments for effective therapies. • Wearable Devices: Monitors movement and provides real-time feedback. • Tele-rehabilitation: Virtual consultations and sessions, particularly beneficial in current times.
6. Training and Development: Ensuring Top-notch Physical therapy
The state emphasizes the importance of continuous learning in the realm of physical therapy.
Key Focus Areas:
• Regular Workshops: Keeping therapists updated with the latest techniques. • State Conferences: A platform for professionals to share knowledge and best practices. • International Collaborations: Partnering with global institutions for knowledge exchange.
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7. Patient Stories: The Real-life Impact of Physical Therapy
Mark from St. Paul shares: “After my car accident, I was told I might never walk without support. But thanks to dedicated physical therapy, I not only walk but also run today. It's a journey of rediscovering oneself.” Such testimonials highlight the transformative power of physical therapy.
8. The Road Ahead: The Future of Physical therapy
With advancements in technology and deeper understanding of the human body, the horizon looks promising: • Integrative Approaches: Combining physical therapy with alternative therapies like acupuncture. • AI-Powered Rehabilitation: Using artificial intelligence to predict and guide therapy outcomes. • Home-based Therapies: With the rise of telehealth, more patients can access therapy from the comfort of their homes. Physical therapy in Minnesota is not just a medical service; it’s a testament to the human spirit's resilience and the desire to reclaim one’s life. As this therapeutic domain evolves, it continues to offer hope, healing, and a promise of a better tomorrow. Embracing this form of therapy is a step towards a healthier, more active, and pain-free life.
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telechats123 · 1 year
EMDR therapy orange county CA
EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) therapy is a well-known psychotherapy approach used to help individuals overcome the effects of trauma and other distressing life experiences. It is designed to alleviate emotional distress and promote healing by targeting and reprocessing disturbing memories or thoughts.
While I cannot provide specific information about EMDR therapy orange county ca , I can give you a general overview of EMDR therapy and provide guidance on finding a qualified therapist in your area.
EMDR therapy was developed by psychologist Dr. Francine Shapiro in the late 1980s. It is based on the idea that traumatic experiences can get "stuck" in the brain's memory networks, leading to on going distress and symptoms. EMDR aims to reprocess these memories and facilitate adaptive resolution.
During an EMDR session, the therapist guides the client through a structured protocol. The client recalls distressing memories while simultaneously focusing on bilateral stimulation, which can involve eye movements, taps, or sounds. This bilateral stimulation appears to facilitate the brain's processing of the traumatic memories, leading to their integration into more adaptive memory networks.
EMDR therapy is not only effective for treating post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) but also for a wide range of mental health issues, including anxiety, depression, phobias, and grief. It is a well-researched and evidence-based therapy, with numerous studies supporting its efficacy.
To find an EMDR therapist in Orange County, CA, you can consider the following steps:
Online Directories: Utilize online directories specific to mental health professionals, such as Psychology Today or Good Therapy. These platforms often allow you to search for therapists based on location, specialties, and treatment modalities. You can search for emdr orange county and review their profiles to find a suitable match.
Referrals: Ask your primary care physician, psychiatrist, or other mental health professionals you trust for recommendations. They may have contacts or be familiar with EMDR therapists in the area.
Professional Associations: Check the websites of professional associations related to EMDR therapy, such as the EMDR International Association (EMDRIA). They usually provide directories of therapists who have completed EMDR training and are certified or in the process of certification.
Local Mental Health Organizations: Reach out to mental health organizations or clinics in Orange County that offer therapy services. They may have EMDR-trained therapists on their staff or can provide recommendations.
Once you have a list of potential therapists, it's important to reach out and ask questions to determine if they are the right fit for your needs. Inquire about their experience, training in EMDR, fees, and availability. It can also be beneficial to schedule an initial consultation to assess your comfort level with the therapist and their approach.
Remember, the quality of the therapeutic relationship is essential for successful therapy outcomes. Take your time to find a therapist who makes you feel understood, supported, and safe throughout the healing process. At Tele Chats , we helped many people you can also contact us or visit our website now to get detailed information about us.
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gilliamfrederick22 · 1 year
<h1>Delving Into Hong Kongs Health Data</h1>
COVID-19 pandemic forced non-urgent and also succeeding Allied Health and wellness treatments to delay or terminate in Hong Kong medical facility settings for decreasing cross-infection. Tele-care application was enhanced to cut its influence on patients' rehab progression. Today more 小中風 patients can benefit from mechanical thrombectomy through altered guidelines which broaden the moment to home window for endovascular treatment1. Straight To Angio Suite workflows enable comprehensive stroke medical diagnoses to be executed straight in the neuro angio collection.
Stroke Structure Ceo Sharon McGowan claimed the outcomes of this study were encouraging due to the fact that AF was hard to detect and is responsible for severe and often deadly strokes.
Myhealth is Australia's fastest growing clinical centre group offering an exceptional experience for all patients, physicians and staff.
Stroke prevention is the cornerstone of management of people with AF.
Or you can participate in play treatment with youngsters that have spastic paralysis, in order to establish their great motor abilities.
There is usually a space repayment, so make certain to inspect this when you make an appointment.
Weakness or paralysis in the muscular tissues that control the singing chords, making speech audio hoarse, rough, or like a whisper. If the vocal chords are affected to the degree that they can not make any sound, it is called aphonia. Aphasia research study makes use of the length of time within rehab sessions as the major procedure of dosage. By subscribing, you accept SBS's regards to service as well as privacy plan including obtaining email updates from SBS. " Also if you've remained in Australia since you were two 3 and you've spoken English for many years, your ability to talk it as well as recognize it might be definitely influenced as an outcome of your stroke. Michelle Sharkey, the executive police officer of the Stroke Healing Organization, told SBS the concerns culturally diverse people having or recuperating from a stroke dealt with were complex.
The Australian Stroke Alliance:
2021 Alemseged, F., Ng, F. C., Williams, C., Puetz, V., Boulouis, G., Kleinig, T. J.,. Tenecteplase versus alteplase prior to endovascular treatment in basilar artery occlusion. Cerebral microbleed circulation following heart surgery can imitate cerebral 導管取栓術 amyloid angiopathy. 2022 Bacchi, S., Oakden-Rayner, L., Menon, D. K., Moey, A., Jannes, J., Kleinig, T., & Koblar, S. Possible as well as external validation of stroke discharge preparation maker discovering versions.
It was below that she established a rate of interest in vascular surgical treatment as well as the therapy of leg abscess. The therapy of arterial condition using balloon angioplasty as well as stenting is now the recommended technique of treatment as well as utilized instead of huge open procedures whenever feasible. With over 18,000 team and volunteers, we have a national network of 14 Public as well as Personal Health Centers 中風, 72 Residential Care and also Retired Life Communities and also 19 Neighborhood Treatment service centres. Endoscopy is a general term covering any procedure that entails checking out the interior of the body with an endoscope. Calvary Adelaide Healthcare facility has a professional group that makes use of cutting-edge innovation to accomplish all endoscopic therapies.
Dr Matthew Bayfield
Cameron Aubrey has over two decades experience in the massage market, and also leads the group as Course Director at Discover Massage Australia. Cameron holds a Diploma in Remedial Massage, as well as his proficiency encounters a huge range of massage methods, specifically sporting activities, Swedish and entire body massage therapy. Due to the fact that Parkinson's illness typically creates muscular tissue stiffness as well as strength, bodywork's capability to reduce joint and also muscular tissue tightness makes massage a sensible selection. A complete body Swedish or leisure massage therapy can improve operating in dynamic or degenerative main nervous system disorders by literally controling the bone and joint system. Because of the prolonged pathological hyper tonus in muscles in instances of fibromyalgia, fascia becomes tense as well as causes compression of muscle fibers, nerve cells, and blood vessels. With time this continuous tension causes discomfort, which reduces serotonin levels, moderating standard bodily features such as smooth contraction.
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toriroze · 1 year
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It is with great (gay) pride that I introduce you to the incredible brick and mortar space in Oakland, CA, where I will be assisting Folx from all walks of life through their HEALING + HEALTH journey 🙏🏽 @rozewellness will now be doing in-person Reiki Energy Healing Sessions, Vocal Healing, Sound Healing, Body Positivity Reprogramming, Workshops, Guided Meditations, as well as selling our beautiful organic home & body products made by #redwoodandroze 🌲🌹🌲 I will be offering services @alignedinoakland starting mid-February by appointment only ❤️‍🩹 a year ago I wrote to my dear friend @dr.kristancassady who runs this space and stated that I would LOVE to work in such a wonderful environment in support of affordable services and services being provided to POC & the LGBTQIA+ community- ALL ARE WELCOME 🤗 THIS is what manifesting looks like when your heart and the universe are quite literally ALIGNED 🙏🏽 I am beyond GRATEFUL to be able to support my community in a space where every practitioner stands in support of one another too! Their offerings include chiropractic, massage, acupuncture, and yoga 🧘‍♂️ make an appointment to start your healing journey right away 😉 distance services will still be available no matter where you or I am because distance reiki and tele-health are always a thang 😘 Be Well 🌱 Stay Well Roze Wellness/Tori Roze #RozeWellness #Oakland #Reiki #Wellness #lgbtq🌈 #POC #AffordableCare #Care #Healing #AlignedWellness #Alignment #DivineTiming (at Oakland, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnuXhcIpaFt/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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neelycounseling · 2 years
Is Online Counseling in San Antonio Effective?
Getting online therapy for mental health issues is convenient with online counseling. Due to its numerous benefits, online counseling and treatment have gained widespread popularity over the years.
Online therapy has become a popular option for people around the world. During online counseling sessions, chats, videos, telephone calls, and emails are commonly used. The method of communication you choose is entirely up to you.
As Online counseling in San Antonio gained popularity, it gained different names. Counseling online can also be referred to as e-therapy, e-counseling, cyber therapy, tele therapy, virtual therapy, virtual psychotherapy, virtual counseling, or web counseling.
Over the past few decades, the popularity of such counseling in San Antonio has been due to many factors. The most important reason is that it works.
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Why should you choose online counseling and therapy?
Online counseling is highly convenient, which is one of the reasons most people choose it. You can access online counseling from the comfort of your own home. There is no limit to where you can meet with a therapist.
In addition to convenience, you do not need to travel to a psychotherapist's clinic and waste hours in traffic to get there. Online therapy is as easy as dialing a phone number or opening a chat window. It is quick and convenient.
Since online therapy sessions can be scheduled at your convenience, online counseling is popular. For clients to receive therapy, they don't have to take time off work or miss out on their family time.
Compared to in-person therapy, online therapy is less expensive. It is, however, as effective as psychotherapy conducted in a clinic. Therefore, getting effective treatment via the web costs less.
In addition to being more convenient, online therapy is also more efficient. It is much more comfortable to chat with an online therapist than with an in-person therapist.
Various communication options are available via online therapy, including chat, phone calls, and video calls. The process of managing mental health has been simplified. All you have to do is decide you want to seek mental health therapy. You can contact a therapist online to begin healing.
Chat with Our Qualified Counsellors Using our online chat service, you can correspond with our certified therapists from anywhere using our online chat service. Alternatively, you can call, video chat, or email us for online therapy.
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irisenergetics · 2 months
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gaynfl · 2 years
yesterday i did my entire three hour therapy session sitting in a chair in my kitchen, chopping vegetables, and i feel like something in my brain has been reset. i feel healed. maybe tele-health can be okay
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telehxhtrash · 3 years
hi tele!! this is kind of random & personal lol but i wanted to say thank you for the meta you wrote abt gon's self worth issues and disregard for his body a few months back; it has had a huge impact on me. i really resonated with your analysis of his character. like gon, i consistently put myself at the bottom of my list of priorities— despite being an outwardly positive person driven to help anyone else with their goals no matter the cost. not sure if that makes sense, but i didn't realize how harmful that mindset of devaluing myself was until i read your analysis. (i love gon and he deserves way better!! and yk what, so do i!!) it actually inspired me to start going to therapy, and i have my first session tomorrow. i'm really excited for it so thank you again for writing that post and here's to growth and healing !! <3<3 (for all of us and also the characters in canon aha)
omg anon i literally woke up to this ask this morning and cried JBJHBDFGJDBFGJ
i never knew sharing my dumb hxh brainrot could help real life people it made my heart so happy to hear i could help you even just a little bit! 
i’m so proud of you for having the courage to reach out and consider therapy !! i hope everything goes well for you, you got this, you’re strong !!! i’m proud of you <3
thank you so much for letting me know about this it honestly made me cry !! thank you so much. i hope everything goes well for you, sending u big hugs <3
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                              [ CLOSED with @followthedrums13​ - Cont. From X. ]
          Theta had first begun to hear the whisperings of an underground cartel smuggling high-bounty aliens throughout various solar systems to collectors who sought flesh and blood rather than gold and gemstones, when he was visiting a pleasure planet on one of his darker days. On one of the days when his mind had collapsed in on itself, when he was consumed with primal urges and bared teeth, with fingers that gripped and tore, with the desire to tear something beautiful to tatters and leave it squirming in the gutter. Pleasure planets were good for that sort of thing, the hunting- they were brimming with lots of travelers who carry darkness in their past and promises of no true future timeline ahead.
          At least... not one of any real importance.
          The woman he'd captured had thought, incorrectly, that he was after information on someone named Garrik and begun talking the moment she'd felt his cold steel cut into her flesh. The information hadn't been of any use to him at the time, aside from perhaps entertainment, but he'd stored it away just in case he'd ever found himself bored and in need of his own... property. He never looked into it after that, of course, as he wasn't himself the sort to purchase the flesh he destroyed, but he did hear whisperings a few linear months later in the Kasper sector just after purchasing a few spare bits for the TARDIS. A reward for not hiding or locking any doors on him the last few times he'd taken a 'companion' into the ship.
          Under any normal circumstances, Theta would have completely ignored the name Garrik and the few choice words and phrases he'd caught in passing- 'new', 'humanoid', 'heals way too fuckin' fast', 'never seen one before' and 'priceless'. It was really the bit about the accelerated healing that had gripped his attention and held on tight, even as he floated in the Vortex hours later. So, with a grunt and a fist through the wall- twice -he set off in search of Garrik and his 'priceless, humanoid' bounty. It didn't take long to connect the dots between Garrik- one of the head runners of the crew -and the location of their 'safehouse' where most of the 'inventory' was kept. Really, it only took him a few linear days of planet hopping, threats, beatings and two torture sessions that had ended with himself breathless and his victims both laying in bits around his feet. Easy as.
          All he'd needed to do after was target the safehouse (a ship that was in constant motion, never making port on any one planet and therefore nearly impossible to find unless you knew where to look), find somewhere out of the way to park the TARDIS (he'd turned the brakes off for a more stealthy approach) and go searching for something fun to do. Which is exactly what he was doing in that moment- walking the corridor in the direction of this 'priceless inventory' with a guard at his side, wondering exactly what sort of marvel he would find behind the metal cell door at the end of the hall. Would it be a species he'd never met before? One that he was familiar with? Would it be some obscure thing that they had mistaken for priceless when in actuality it was fairly common? 
          His hands were positively itching to find out, fingers rubbing their pads together at his sides as he approached the windowless door. He could hear a growling coming from inside, high in pitch meaning that whatever it was, was likely female or smaller than himself at least. He couldn't feel a telepathic field at all, which was odd but then, considering where he was it wasn't unlikely they would have a safegaurd or two in place for telepathic creatures.
          The corner of Theta's mouth tilted upward and he felt a shiver run down his spine.
          Oh how he craved telepathic unification, something he couldn't get unless the other party were telepathic like himself. Normally when he went into a person's mind, either willingly or unwillingly, it was all one sided. He consumed them but was left wanting after. With a telepathic creature, he could not only shove himself into their mind and invade every single part of them, but he could force them into his as well. The feeling was euphoric, and as the guard reached out to unlock the door Theta wet his lips with his tongue in anticipation. Perhaps he would pay for this one, just this once. He was sure priceless simply meant more money than most people had, but that was the beauty of it... he wasn't most people. As the guard went to open the door Theta held up a hand and motioned for him to step aside. At first the guard hesitated but, once Theta flashed his psychic paper at the man, he turned white, nodded and got the hell out of the Time Lord's way.
          Tucking the billfold back into his inner suit pocket, he reached out and opened the cell door, stepping into it once there was enough space to do so. Once he was fully inside of the cell his eyes fell onto the slumped over, bound form across the room from him and immediately he knew he would be making a purchase that day. "Beautiful..." He whispered in a breath, unable to properly help himself.
          His eyes began to dilate as walked, slowly and with a calculated purpose, toward the woman on the grating. Another shiver ran down his spine, his pupils black as pitch and growing by the second, leaving only a thin rim of green around the edges by the time he stood in front of the lass. He looked down at her as though he already owned her, his arms folding across his chest and his mind locked down tightly- just in case whatever fail-safe they had against this creatures telepathy wore off before he got her into his TARDIS.
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          "Oh you'll do nicely, won't you..." he whispered, but it was loud enough for the semi-conscious woman to hear him. Tilting his head, he crouched down so that he could be more on the woman's level, taking note of her odd clothing that seemed as if it were meant for another time period. Perhaps that's how they were going unnoticed- perhaps they'd gotten their hands on time travel technology, likely smatterings of rogue Time Agent ware that tended to circulate the Black Market fairly regularly. He studied her closely, barely able to contain the excitement shimmering in his bloodlust-blackened eyes.
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nextlevelpsychiatry · 6 months
Unlocking Mental Health from the Comfort of Home: Discovering the Best Tele Psychiatrists
In today's fast-paced world, seeking mental health support has never been more accessible, thanks to the emergence of telepsychiatry. As the demand for convenient and effective mental health services continues to grow, telepsychiatrists have stepped up to provide individuals with the care they need, all from the comfort of their own homes. In this article, we'll explore the concept of telepsychiatry and introduce you to some of the Top Rated Tele Psychiatrist who are revolutionizing mental healthcare.
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Understanding Telepsychiatry: A Digital Revolution in Mental Health
Telepsychiatry, also known as telepsychology or teletherapy, is a branch of telemedicine that focuses on providing psychiatric services remotely. This innovative approach to mental healthcare leverages technology to connect individuals with licensed and experienced psychiatrists without the need for in-person visits.
Telepsychiatry offers several advantages:
Convenience: Patients can access care from anywhere with an internet connection, eliminating the need for time-consuming commutes or waiting room visits.
Privacy: Telepsychiatry ensures that personal conversations remain confidential, fostering an environment of trust and openness.
Choice: Patients have a broader selection of psychiatrists, as they are not limited to professionals in their immediate geographic area.
Accessibility: Telepsychiatry is particularly helpful for individuals in rural or underserved areas, where mental health resources may be limited.
Now, let's introduce you to some of the Best Tele Psychiatrist who are making a significant impact in the field of mental health.
1. Dr. Jane Turner, MD
Dr. Turner is renowned for her expertise in treating anxiety and depression through telepsychiatry. Her compassionate approach and dedication to patient care have earned her a top reputation among her clients.
2. Dr. David Patel, PhD
As a licensed psychologist specializing in telepsychiatry, Dr. Patel focuses on providing psychotherapy for a range of mental health conditions. His online sessions are highly rated for their effectiveness.
3. Dr. Laura Williams, MD
Dr. Williams is a child and adolescent psychiatrist who offers telepsychiatry services for young patients. Her commitment to the well-being of children and teenagers has garnered her widespread recognition.
4. Dr. Mark Adams, MD
Dr. Adams is a geriatric psychiatrist who specializes in addressing the unique mental health needs of older adults. His compassionate and patient-centered care has made him a trusted choice for many.
5. Dr. Sarah Lewis, PsyD
Dr. Lewis is a licensed clinical psychologist known for her work in trauma-focused therapy. Her empathetic and supportive approach to telepsychiatry sessions has helped numerous individuals on their path to healing.
These are just a few of the top-rated telepsychiatrists who are making a positive impact on the field of mental health. Keep in mind that the best telepsychiatrist for you will depend on your individual needs and preferences. When choosing a telepsychiatrist, it's essential to consider factors such as their areas of expertise, availability, and your comfort level during sessions.
In conclusion, telepsychiatry is transforming the landscape of mental healthcare, offering a convenient and effective way to access professional support. Whether you're dealing with anxiety, depression, or any other mental health concern, the best telepsychiatrists are just a click away, ready to help you on your journey to better mental well-being.
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Telemedicine Platform, Telehealth eHealth and Electronic OPD
Telemedicine Platform, Telehealth eHealth and Electronic OPD
Telemedicine is a practice where the provider and patient are not present for face to face interaction, still, the patients can get the facilities of health care. Due to modern technology it is now possible as doctors can consult patients by using video chats applications which we also know as telehealth.Telemedicine platform is a health portal online where doctors and patients are involved in giving and taking tele-medicine services.
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Table  of Content
  Definition of Telemedicine · 
  What is Telemedicine? · 
  How is telemedicine conducted ·    
  What is Tele-medicine ·
  What is Telehealth ·    
  Telehealth Platforms ·   
  Benefits of Telehealth · 
  Telemedicine Platforms ·
  Best Telemedicine Platform
  What are the advantages of Telemedicine · 
  Differences Between Telemedicine and Telehealth
  Healthtech Sector ·  
  Health Apps ·    
  Medical Apps ·   
   Benefits of Tele medicine or e OPD to Providers ·  
   Benefits of Telemedicine to Patient ·  
  Telemedicine Benefits to Players like Online OPD Registration ·      
   What are the disadvantages of telemedicine ·     
   Uncertainty in Policies related to E OP ·
   Reduction in Face to Face Consultation
Expensive Technology
Telemedicine Definition
Tele-medicine is a perfect tool for healthcare. Telemedicine can be defined as a tool that makes healthcare more reachable, less expensive and boosts up patient engagement and is also known as doctor online. People living in rural and remote areas are getting health advantages as these people can reach the doctor virtually instead of visiting them physically.
Telemedicine Meaning
Due to the introduction of the telemedicine, patients and doctor can speak in real time from one screen to another screen.  Patients do not have to wait for appointments from doctors and also do not require to stand in the long queue of hospitals for their turns. They can consult a doctor from their home and offices in their comfort zone. Physicians slowly adopted the idea of telemedicine and telehealth.
However, due to the increase in demand from the tech-savvy population, it is continuously expanding and adopted as E-OPD has features such as cost-efficient, more accessible, and time-saving.
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Conducting of Tele medicine
What is Telemedicine platform?
We can describe it as platform for “the remote delivery of healthcare services”. There are various kinds of tele-medicine, but the three common types of tele medicine are:
   Interactive     medicine     - It permits patients and doctors to interact in real-time while     sustaining HIPAA compliance
   Store     and Forward     – It allows providers to share patient details with a physician in another     place.
   Remote     Patient Monitoring     – It permits faraway caregivers to observe patients that stay at home by     using mobile medical devices to gather data (e.g. blood sugar or blood     pressure)
How is tele medicine conducted?
There are numerous ways to conduct tele medicine. The mode being used most widely is simply video calling. It is similar to a video call to family and friends.
Health providers can conduct tele medicine with portable tele-medicine kits which involve mobile and computer medical equipment such as ECG machines or important sign machines. Digital cameras with high resolutions are also available for comprehensive medical images to doctors and specialists. At last, there are various telemedicine software that permits everything from storing data to live video conference. In general, there are numerous advanced tele medicine devices to meet the different needs of patients today.
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What is Tele-medicine?
As per the World Health Organization (WHO), we can define tele medicine as “healing from a distance”. Telecommunications technology and information technologies are utilized to deliver medical services to patients residing in remote areas. The practitioners for digital imaging transmission, video conferences, and medical analysis now use Telemedicine.
Nowadays, a person does not require to visit the clinic or doctor to have a treatment. Instead of visiting personally, individuals can make video and audio call to physicians and receive the treatment and advice from the comfort of their locations (home and offices). This Feature is also growing in third world countries so we also find telemedicine in India like countries.
What is Telehealth?
HealthIT.gov describes telehealth as "the use of electronic data and broadcast communications advancements to help and support long-distance clinical medical care, patient and expert well being training, public health and health organization." The definition of Telemedicine and Telehealth sound similar but there is a difference. Tele health also includes non-clinical services such as meetings, CME, training for, etc. as compared to telemedicine. It is not a particular service, but a combination of multiple ways to improve patient health.
Overall, telecare and telemedicine fall under the umbrella of telehealth i.e. telehealth is a superset of telecare and telemedicine.
Telehealth Platforms
While most are telemedicine platforms it is very hard to find a true telehealth platform. Only VVFIT is the one that can be regarded as a complete and best telehealth platform.
Benefits of Telehealth or Tele-medicine Project
Ease in Health Services     Operation
Proper appointment and show ups
Higher client satiation
Higher Degree of Quality Health     Services
Cost Reduction
Time Reduction in Health     Services
Greater Outreach
Precision in Services due to     Automation
Enhancement in Services due to     saving of all Practice Resources
Better Records Maintenance     Procedure and Storage
The above list of the benefits of telehealth is inexhaustive.
Telemedicine Platforms
These days several telemedicine platforms have sprung up in the online market but none of them has gained any prominence yet. Most players in this segment seem to be at the experimental stage only. VVFIT is the only proper and the best telemedicine platform.
Best Telemedicine Platform or Telemedicine Centre
As no telemedicine platform has gained considerable success while many keep claiming no one can be determined as a winner while there are a few likes of VVFIT taking lead in this segment yet.
Telemedicine Slideshare or Telemedicine PPT
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What are the Advantages of Telemedicine?
With the rapid advancements in technology, tele medicine is going to stay in the healthcare sector. At the present time, everyone from patients to provider wants to avail the benefits of tele-medicine.
What are the Differences between Tele-medicine and Telehealth?
Recently, rapid innovation in the healthcare sector and technology has brought the new terms in utilization. Terms such as policymakers, advocacy groups, healthcare systems, etc. are used incorrectly while the discussion in medicine and technology. Mostly, the terms “telemedicine” and “telehealth” are used in place of each other, but there are differences for sure. Technically speaking telehealth has a wider perspective with even some of the health IoT systems used while telemedicine is primarily like simple online OPD.
Healthtech Sector
Telemedicine or telehealth are parts of health sector so these can also be taken as derived from health tech sector.
Health Apps
These are app services under health tech sector itself. These merely provide health related services through apps. These can be like heart rate monitor app, pulse rate monitor app, body activity monitor app, medicine reminder app, telemedicine app, medical appointment scheduling app, etc.
Medical apps
Most health apps medical apps but health apps have a wider perspective. In this way medical apps are subsets of health apps and health apps are superset segment of medical apps.
Benefits of Telemedicine or e OPD to Providers
Tele-medicine is used in healthcare systems, physician practices, and trained nursing facilities to take care in a more efficient way. There are various tele medicine software which are integrated with features like AI diagnosis, medical records. These aid medical streaming devices which help medical service providers in better diagnosis and treatment. It also permits providers to observe the patient in real time. By utilizing tele-medicine revenue can be increase for health service providers. It is because doctors do not require to hire more staff or to have large office space.
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What are Benefits of Tele-medicine to Patients?
Tele-medicine has numerous benefits for patients. Earlier, patients who face difficulties in reaching to the physician can access the facilities from their comfort of homes. Seniors who are in trouble due to their age can avail services by using medical streaming equipment. Also, the risk of spreading contagious diseases reduces as patients with such diseases do not require visiting clinics. This also facilitates them by not requiring to expose to doctors in crowded waiting rooms.
Tele medicine also benefits patients in the given below methods
   Transportation: Patients can dodge spending     money or killing time in traffic with video calling.
  No     missing work:     In the present day, individuals can plan a session during a work break in     the office.
Telemedicine Benefits to Players like Online OPD Registration
It is difficult to prove this point but big players like Health systems such as Hospitals are gaining from the tele-medicine. With the improvement in technology, the treatment offers cost saving and will become more evident.
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Telemedicine Satellite
Telemedicine first conceptualized in the US but it has spread even in the third world countries. The use of satellites is very necessary in creating Medical or Health IoT (Internet of Things). China is making meticulous studies and has advanced too much extent in it with the program on use of telemedicine satellites. India’s ISRO Telemedicine programme started long ago in 2001 that connects connecting remote/rural/medical college hospitals and Mobile Units (MSUs) through Indian satellites to major specialty hospitals in cities and towns. ISRO
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network covers various states or regions of its country.
What are the disadvantages of tele medicine?
With the advantages of tele medicine, here come the disadvantages of tele-medicine as well. As the field is developing exponentially, various challenges will also occur.
Uncertainty in Policies related to E OPD and ehealth
As the industry is growing, there is uncertainty faced by the policymakers in regard to reimbursement policies, privacy protection, healthcare laws, etc. Besides this, every state has their own telemedicine or ehealth laws.
Reduction in Face to Face Consultations with ehealth
A few doctors and patients face difficulties to adjust with tele medicine, particularly senior people. Doctors also worry about the mismanagement and misconduct of the patient. Along with this, there is a chance of occurrence of an error in technology.
Is Telemedicine Expensive Technology?
People require training for the adoption and implementation of new systems as staff members may face challenges to adjust to the changes. It involves a lot of time and money. This is also giving rise to Health IoT or Internet of Things
Though it is expensive in the beginning, in the future there are positive returns on the investment.
The information is on the basis of the most prevalent media information and is not a medical advice.
This article was originally published at: https://telemedicineplatform.blogspot.com/2019/11/tele-medicine-platforms.html
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