#That's not even going into her yelling at Aphrodite and Paris and her knocking on the side of the horse!
dootznbootz · 1 month
I'm happy that the "Helen is of Sparta, not Troy" post is getting seen and people are giving love to her as they should but I'm getting a wee bit frustrated by the Menelaus inclusion with the whole "She was a possession to others and never had a choice".
Yes, Helen is a victim of fate and multiple horrible circumstances. She gets kidnapped by Theseus and Paris. So much blame is being put on her when she really isn't at fault and doesn't have much choice.
A choice she made though? WAS MENELAUS!
The Oath of Tyndareus was all about how "If you want to have a chance of marrying her, you have to swear to respect her and her choice and defend their marriage if it's needed".
If anything, Menelaus was her "prize"! Not the other way around!!! And they are clearly shown caring for one another!!! uyfuygluhyutfugy
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elfboyeros · 3 years
It Feels Oddly Domestic
Just a far warning there are going to be implied suicidal thoughts through the some of these little stories. I apologize if that tiggers or offended anyone I will put warnings at the beginnings of my stories if that is the cause!
Read the First Part
⚠️ Implied suicidal thoughts⚠️
“Mx. Paris there are other avenues that we could take.”
“Like what?”
“Well, the obvious one is to sue Callisto Merripen A.K.A Earthly Chaos,”
“Oh, come on you wouldn’t do that would you Cordelia?!”
“I don’t know!”
It seemed so outlandish, the idea of pro-hero suing another pro-hero. Especially when it appeared to be a horrible accident. Although the legal avenue for Cordelia to sue Callisto are more then sound.
“GAH, I don’t know what to do,” Cordelia huffed while in the shower, “I mean it does and doesn’t seem like a bad idea at the same.”
They turned off the shower tap, wrapping themselves in a towel and stepping out of the shower, “don’t fall again dumbass,” they muttered to themselves, “the last thing you need to do is all Aizawa or Hawks again to help you off the bathroom floor.”
They continue to think over the possible of suing the pro-hero that left them dying in the street, becoming more frustrated as the paced in their apartment, in an extra-large hoodie and boy shorts.
Cordelia turned to their bed seeing the fluffy gray cat sprawled out within a pile of blankets, “good day, Aphrodite,” they said with a smile going to pet the animal, “maybe I should talk to someone…”
“Thanks Aphrodite.”
Hawks was the first person they thought of talking to. He now the situation in and out he would give them advice.
Hey, I need someone to talk
Cordelia didn’t expect him to respond right away so they went to clean the bathroom to keep their mind of the choices they had to make. Although an hour and a half later they check their phone again.
[read] 4:23 p.m.
They frowned, knowing he was working. Although they wanted to be selfish this once. The possibly of making the wrong decision was eating them alive. They looked at the message list, Aizawa was under Hawks, the pro-hero 10 years their senior be the last person they texted. He had wished them luck in the meeting were the topic of suing Callisto came up.
“I can’t, he’s busy, it’s a weekday.”
Although they wanted to be selfish just this once.
Shota, do you got time to talk
It took less than a minute to get a response:
Is something wrong
Not extremely serious, but some stuff happened at the meeting today and I need advice.
If you’re busy its okay!
Do you want to do it over the phone, or in person
The fact that he had picked on how they like to discuss serious topics made them feel warm inside.
I would like to do it in person but this isn’t really about what I want
It actually is
Give me time to get there  
🙏I’m in your debt
Your not, just provide me dinner
What would you like
It doesn’t matter if it’s food
Yaki Udon?
 Cordelia smiled, heading to the kitchen to begin cooking while Aphrodite played with toy in the background. It felt almost domestic, making Aizawa dinner as he was returning from the school. He’s coming home if you will.
“Cupid, stop being an idiot,” they sighed, blushing, “he’s coming over to talk to you because you asked, this isn’t his home.”
Did Codelia Paris have feelings for Shota Aizawa, yes, Could it be because he was being he was being kind, possibly. Although the B.M.I Hero Fat Gum was kind to the young adult since the day they met, and they had no feelings for the 29-year-old doughboy. No, they had feelings for the 30-year-old tired teacher. But Aizawa wouldn’t have feelings for them, he was 10 years their senior and it’s not like he saw them as nothing, but a young pro and a possible friend.
“And know I’m thinking about Hawks,” Cordelia huffed.
The winged hero, that birdbitch, also had a place in Cordelia’s heart and out of the two men that Cordelia wanted to be with Hawks seemed more realistic, although that doesn’t get rid of the feelings for Aizawa.
A knock at their front door, made the jump, pulling them out of their thoughts, “it’s open!”
The door behind them opened, heavy and tired footsteps entering their apartment, “you shouldn’t leave your door unlock and answer it like that,” Aizawa stated, softly as he removed his shoes.
Aphrodite had waddled her way for to the cat lover, enjoying him picking her up and holding her like a baby, “I knew it was you,” Cordelia replied, back turn toward him.
“And what if I was a murderer, or something, huh,” Aizawa posed.
Cordelia chuckled, turning around and leaning against the stove, “you think I can cheat death a second time?”
Aizawa looked at them for a second, tired, upset, and depressed, but still trying to make jokes. Just like in the hospital a month and a half ago, “don’t talk like that.”
“You brought up, buddy,” they retorted as the would out bowels and utensils.
Dinner was state in front of them at the little circular table in the corner of Cordelia’s kitchen area. The element of sitting across from each other and eating dinner felt so domestic.
“So, what’s wrong,” Aizawa asked.
Cordelia sighed, “My lawyer said I could sue Callisto.”
“Yeah, granted no in the room looked happy with that opinion.��
“You say that as if you have other opinions.”
“I kinda do,” they sighed again, “I could ask for a public apology, which means the actual story gets out and a ruin a young man’s career. He could give me a small about of money, under the table as an apology. Or do nothing!”
“I was told that if I sue, meaning I could get both the money and the apology, but the Hero Commission pulled me aside after and said that was a horrible idea, and would have the wrong outcome for everyone,” Cordelia explained, “but I don’t see how that possible.”
“So, they don’t want you to do anything,” Aizawa remarked as a question.
“Basically, but right now my reputation is in shambles give the cover up job that they did,” Aizawa was silence for a moment, “what would you do Shota?”
“If it were me… I would do nothing,” he replied, “it seems like more trouble than it’s worth, but I’m not you.”
“I just want the people to know what really happened! I don’t care about the money,” Cordelia replied, getting up to place their bowl in the sink, “so I guess I’ll just ask for the public apology, I just don’t know what the right thing would be.”
“I can’t make the decision for me, Cordelia,” Aizawa remarked placing his bowl in the sink beside theirs.
“I know, I’m not asking you to make the decision,” Cordelia sighed, back leaning against the sink with their arms folded against their chest, “I just… I don’t… gah! It shouldn’t be this difficult to make this decision! And of course, I’m the one making it so difficult!”
“You are making it a bit difficult,” Aizawa chuckled, leaning against the arm of the couch.
“I guess I’m just worry about what people are going to think,” Cordelia huffed, “my brain is still stuck in my freshman of high school phase, I guess.”
“and I’m assuming that bad.”
Cordelia nodded, “a bit,” they muttered, “I was a people pleaser and worried about what everyone thought of me, stuff like that.”
“Sound horrible,” Aizawa joked.
“yeah,” they chuckled, moving to sit on the couch.
Aizawa soon followed, Cordelia scrunched up on one couch cushion at one end and the Eraser hero at the other end, “why did you want to please everyone,” he asked.
“I wanted people to like me,” they replied simply, “I wasn’t the rocking bombshell that I am now. I was a nerdy, chubby, kid in America with shitty parents. I was bully through out my American education career. When I got tired of it all, I made it so people would at least tolerate me so I wouldn’t be so alone.”
“So, what happened when you got to U.A.?”
“People were nicer. I found actual friends. Getting to meet Fat Gum and get chances to have a social life where I could be myself, helped me a lot” they explained, “and hey, I even lost a bit of weight.”
Aizawa rolled his eyes at the comment of their weight, which Cordelia didn’t notice, “I feel like since the accident I'm falling backwards,” they added, “as if I'm trying to keep those around me from leaving because “I’ve done something wrong." I know it's not true, but that want a part of my brain believes."
Aizawa was silence listening to them, which was him being polite although, of course, Cordelia’s brain take that way, “I’m sorry for rambling.”
“It’s alright,” he replied, looking at them scrunched up on their own couch, “you can relax, Cordelia.”
“Then my feet would be in your lap.”
“That’s your personal space,” they replied.
“and I’m in your home,” he added.
“I’m not putting my feet in your lap.”
“Too bad,” he huffed, pull at their feet, laying out their legs landing their feet in his lap.
It feels unbelievably domestic!
“Whatever… so tell me about yourself, Mr. Aizawa!”
He rolls his eyes, telling Cordelia very little about his younger ages, only because he didn’t feel like reliving his trauma at the moment. He spoke a lot about his time as a teacher, very little on his actual self.
“Come on, Shota, you gotta give me facts about yourself,” Cordelia chuckled.
“I mean there isn’t much,” Aizawa replied.
“Come on,” they groaned, “there’s no secret talent, or anything like that?!”
“Well... I can tap dance,” he answered.
Cordelia shot up, “dear god you are tell the truth,” they laughed, “THAT’S AMAZING,” they yelled falling back on the couch laughing.
Outside a center winged-hero was flying through the night sky, soaring to a center apartment. It’s not that he was ignoring Cordelia’s text, he was busy. Although the fact that he didn’t get a respond from them had him a bit worried.
“Come on, songbird, be okay,” he muttered.
Hawks landed on their balcony wall; he could see the light were on before he landed. Once he looked inside gave him the answer on why they didn’t respond to his text messages.  They were talking to 1-A teacher.
“Shota Aizawa,” Hawks muttered, “you keep stealing my thunder.”
Hawks looked down at his phone, opened on his messages with Cordelia.
Whatcha need Cupid
I’m sorry I was busy
I’m Flying by if you still need to talk
Cordelia please answer me!
[Delivered] 7:05 p.m.
Cordelia to him was a friend and had been a friend since they had started being a pro. He had someone to flirt with that would flirt back, someone to joke with, someone to feel at peace with when near them. Although since the accident he knew that Cordelia wasn’t doing great, and the red winged hero was trying his hardest to be support, but granted he was never good at that.
Hawks’ eyes fell to the cat sitting, inside, in front of the siding door, giving her a little wave before leaving, “have fun songbird.”
Aizawa and Cordelia looked over at Aphrodite, who sat in front of the balcony, “You want out stupid,” Cordelia asked, getting off the couch.
“Don’t call her stupid,” Aizawa chuckled, watching the beaten hero walked to the door.
“Maybe she’d be called smart if she figured out how to open the door,” they joked, petting the top of Aphrodite’s head, before siding the door open and swiftly shutting it and turning back seeing Aizawa off the couch, “leaving?”
“Well, have a stay trip back to the school,” Cordelia replied, “and thank you for doing this, I’ll make it up somehow.”
“You don’t have to make anything up,” he replied.
“Maybe I could help you grade or train the kids,” Cordelia proposed.
“That’s not a bad idea,” Aizawa chuckled.
Cordelia smiled somberly, the tried teacher could tell something was wrong. Not like if he left something would happen, but just that they didn’t want him to leave, they didn’t want to be alone. He could tell by the smile and the look in their eyes.
“Please text me or call me if you need anything,” he added softly, “I’ll be here as soon as I can.”
“I know,” Cordelia remarked, “now go, Eri probably want you to read her a bedtime story.”
That confirmed from him, that they didn’t want him to leave, and that broke his heart.
“Goodnight, Cupid,” he remarked, reaching for the door.
“Goodnight, Sho,” they giggled.
Once he left things didn’t feel so domestic anymore, they unbelievably felt sad and cold.
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