#The Capp Family
kamiiri · 1 year
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The Capp Family
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silent-simblr · 16 days
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i've been playing this game for fifteen years now and i didn't even know there was such a greeting animation
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llama-simblr · 2 months
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The Capp Family (3/3)
(+ Regan wound up having triplets! Isaac, Jamie, and Kiara are their names. Also she kind of flirted with Oberon Summerdream. The names of the triplets will be under each photo too!)
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strangetownpenguin · 1 year
On the inheritance rules (and other dynamics) of Veronaville
After watching some of the videos of @letomills regarding the Shakesperean themes of the Veronaville sims, I got inspired and decided to write a wall of text.
Disclaimer. I haven’t read this through properly.
There are three families in Veronaville. Two of them, the Capps and the Summerdreams, appears to be matrilineal, that is, the family name is passed through the females, as opposed to most other families in the game, which are patrilineal, including the third family in Veronaville, the Montys, where the family name is passed through the males.
There’s nothing that suggests that the families follow primogeniture, that is, the oldest child becomes the heir or heiress, but rather the opposite. On The Sims Wiki, they suggest what the heir order of the Capp family would look like if they followed real-life primogeniture through the female line, which I find strange, since that is obviously not how the heirs are chosen in that family.
Even though Goneril, Regan and Cordelia all carry the Capp name and passed it on to their spouses (and children), it is clear to me that Cordelia was the parents’ favourite and crowned the heiress, and that it is her daughters who are supposed to carry the Capp name and bloodline forward. To be clear, I believe the heir rules are as follows: The Capp family heir must be a female, and the Monty heir must be male. The former heir picks the most suitable heir among the available ones. Contessa chose Cordelia. Cordelia never had a chance to choose between Juliette and Hermia, since she died when her children were still very young. Upon Cordelia’s premature death, it was up to Contessa to pick between Juliette and Hermia, and Juliette is said to be the Capp heiress (“Romeo has fallen for the Capp heiress”). This implies that Juliette is the heiress, meaning that Hermia isn’t one. Perhaps this doesn’t exclude Hermia from being an heiress, but I interpretate it as not being the first in line. Exactly why Juliette is the heiress and not Hermia, I’m not sure.
As for the Montys, it was either Antonio or Claudio that was set to become the heir. Based on their personalities, Claudio is the more outgoing of the two, perhaps the more charismatic one, while Antonio strikes me as rather introverted and less outspoken. I will go into more detail regarding Antonio later on. Among the sons of Claudio, that is, Mercutio and Romeo, Romeo strikes me to have been the favourite kid. He is said to be the golden child of the Monty clan and it is safe to say that he has a higher status than Mercutio in the family and is supposed to carry the Monty name forward. I will go into more detail regarding Mercutio later on.
As a disclaimer, I would like to point out that the memories in Veronaville are an utter mess, and that a lot of things are left unclear. The birth order of the children of Contessa and Consort, as well as the birth order of the children of Patrizio and Isabella, are examples of this. My interpretation is as follows: Goneril is the eldest child of Contessa and Consort, Regan is the second, Cordelia the third and Kent is the youngest (or Kent is the third and Cordelia the youngest, I'm not sure), and the age differences between them aren’t that large. With Bianca, Antonio and Claudio, I’m not so sure about the birth order, but I’m leaning towards Bianca being the eldest, based on Patrizio’s memories (Isabella doesn’t have any memories of giving birth to her children). Antonio and Claudio are twins, with Antonio being born first. Again, no large age difference between Bianca and her younger brothers. I know that when Veronaville is first loaded, Antonio is 18 days from becoming an elder and Bianca is 23 days away. Those age inconsistencies don’t really bother me. This game is loaded with them.
The Capps
In King Lear, there are the three sisters Goneril, Regan and Cordelia, daughters of King Lear. Goneril is the eldest, Regan the second born and Cordelia the youngest. Here, Cordelia is Lear’s favourite daughter. I think that this fits nicely with The Sims 2 Veronaville characters. Kent is also a character in King Lear. He is Cordelia’s best friend, possibly even more than that. Also, just like in the play, Cornwall and Albany are the respective husbands of Regan and Goneril. In this narrative, I think it is plausible to interpret Contessa as King Lear. In the play, Lear dies (of grief? I don't remember) shortly after Cordelia is executed. Similarly, Contessa died not long after Cordelia.
I admit it’s been a while since I read King Lear, so 1) I might be a bit off the script of the actual play, and 2) I’m not sure from where I’ve got all ideas for Veronaville headcanons, but anyway, here it is – my interpretation of the siblings Goneril, Regan, Cordelia and Kent in relation to each other and to their parents.
Goneril and Regan always envied their sister Cordelia because she was favoured by their parents. Goneril and Regan attempted to make their parents like them like they liked Cordelia, but they just couldn’t succeed. Cordelia was the little princess, her parents’ precious gemstone, and nothing Goneril and Regan said or did could change that fact. Interestingly, both Goneril and Regan are fortune sims, just like their parents, while Cordelia is a family sim. In Shakespeare’s King Lear, Cordelia is portrayed as very kind-hearted, which is what Lear greatly admires about her. So, to me Goneril and Regan became fortune sims, thinking this would make their parents like them more, but somehow, it was still Cordelia, who chose family over fortune, who ended up passing the test – she taught her parents that family and love are more important than fortune and money. The reason Contessa and Consort approved of this could be because they actually thought that she was right in her reasoning, and compassionate for valuing family so much. But it’s also possible that they would have approved of any aspiration, since I imagine that she was already the golden child and presumptive heiress.
Goneril seems to me to be somewhat conflicted. I’m not sure if I believe her marriage to Albany to be an arranged one. Since they both have the memory of falling in love with each other, it seems like they married for some kind of love, which of course isn’t incompatible with their marriage being arranged. However, I think that the marriage to Albany was one of the last straws that made Contessa and Consort disown Goneril. There isn’t really any evidence to this, but I think that Goneril’s parents parents didn’t approve of her love for Albany, which only made her more eager to marry him since she wanted to rebel against her parents. To me, Albany seems to be a sort of scheming kind of family sim, who managed to get Goneril to agree to have four kids. Goneril’s bio reads: “While Goneril wanted children, it certainly wasn't her idea to have this many kids. And why does she feel like Albany perhaps married her more for her money than for her love?” The childbearing has made it hard for Goneril to advance in a career and make money.
(I love the two first sentences of Albany’s bio: “Albany loves his children. Too bad they don't love each other. Can Albany convince them that family is important? And can he convince Goneril as well?” The last question could imply that Albany wants even more kids.)
Regan has clearly given up on trying to make her parents favour her: “Regan's determined to make it in business—and on her own steam instead of just her parents' money. Can she succeed without alienating her family?” Her marriage to Cornwall seems to be based more on convenience than on love, since they have never been in love with each other. They both seem to be career oriented, typical ambitious fortune sims.
Then there’s Kent, who’s just… Kent. “Kent is the black sheep of the Capp family—far more enamoured of learning than of accumulating wealth or fighting with the Montys. Will he pursue his friendship with Bianca Monty despite his family's misgivings about it?” I love Kent. (I think he could totally have an affair with Cornwall.)
Also, Miranda is the eldest grandchild of Consort and Contessa, both according to me and to Consort. (And after all, last time I took that "which sims 2 premade do you belong with?" quiz, I got Consort Capp... as opposed to 1,5 years earlier, when I got Lazlo Curious.) Shortly after Miranda, Tybalt, Juliette and Hermia were all born in a short time span, and not too long after that, Hal and Desdemona and then Ariel. The age gap between Miranda and Hal is seemingly too large if you interpret it this way, since there's only a 6 day age gap between them, but I think that if Cordelia's kids were born really close in time to one another, the age gap between Miranda and Hal shouldn't be as large. Say that Tybalt and Miranda are almost the same age, and Hermia is just slightly older than Hal. Anyway, what would the game be like without age inconsistencies? A game making sense? Hah! I'm having none of that.
The Montys
Looking at Antonio’s memories, we see that he was never in love with Hero. Whether this is an oversight by the developers, it’s impossible to say, but I personally like the theory that he is more attracted to men, something which Patrizio and Isabella might have known. I just imagine that non-heterosexual sims don’t have the easiest time in Veronaville, and that it was impossible for Antonio to openly love a man. To stop the rumours about Antonio being attracted to men, Patrizio and Isabella pressured him into marrying his good friend Hero, who could have been a former (or even current) lover of Claudio. (Thanks to @letomills for this idea, I really like it!)
Mercutio starts the game off with one single positive memory, and that is that of being potty trained by his mother. The rest are two grew up badly memories and three deaths. Romeo, on the other hand, while don’t remembering learning any toddler skills, has seven positive memories, including two grew up well and four concerning Juliette, and three negative memories which are all deaths. Additionally, Mercutio starts off the game with a red aspiration meter, with one of his fears being losing a fight to Tybalt, something that is likely to happen due to the scripted events and Tybalt’s ten points in body compared to Mercutio’s zero. Romeo, I believe, starts off the game with at least a green aspiration meter. This points to Romeo being in a quite good place mentally, unlike the Romeo upon the start of Shakespeare’s play. Another thing about Mercutio not being the heir is that in Shakespeare’s play, he is not even a Montague, although friends with Romeo. Perhaps Claudio didn’t really acknowledge Mercutio as his son, who knows.
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lillygrovesims · 2 years
Capp Family Week 1 -
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A strict home that leaves its youth with little free time, each begins to act out in their own ways.
Day 1
Hermia, a lover of the arts and tired of the overbearing energy at home, decides to visit the art gallery.  She’d visited the gallery ever since she was a child, Her mother loved the quiet that came with the place and Hermia came to love it as well.  As always despite the years nothing changed in the place, the same pieces remained on the old walls.  Some by local artists from ages ago and some by famous artists just as old.  Hermia sighed, the lack of respect for art and expression in her home town beginning to frustrate her.  Lost in her own thoughts, she almost missed the similarly sullen boy stepping up next to her.
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He wasn’t more than an inch taller than her, his hair a close orange to her own and his lips coated in a layer of black, but the point to his ears caught her attention most.  Her staring, seeming to act as a tap on the shoulder caused the boy to turn to her.  Having his profile suddenly ripped from her sight she was visibly startled.  The boy looked startled as well and averted his eyes.  Silence sat over the two for what felt like forever until the boy finally broke it.  “Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you.”  He mumbled, still struggling to regain eye contact.  “Oh no, it’s fine! I’m sorry for staring, it's just…” She started to trail off, losing the gumption that came from his unexpected apology.  He finally met her eyes again and arched his brow, asking her to continue.  “Are you… Not from here? I mean, I don’t recognize you and if you were from here I would!”  Hermia started to ramble, cursing at herself in her mind for not knowing when to stop. 
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Her self depreciation was interrupted by a soft laugh.  “Yeah, me and my family just moved here a couple months ago.  I heard they had an art gallery here and wanted to check it out.”  He said, trying and failing to suppress a smile.  “Do you like art?” Hermia asked.  “Uh… Yeah?” He said, seeming unsure.  “I don’t make anything myself but I like what it represents.” He scratched behind his ear bashfully. “What about you?” He gestured to her as he asked.  “Oh, Yeah! I write and, uh…” She paused as she thought of how to phrase the rest of that sentence without revealing too much. “I paint.” She settled.  He seemed to notice the hesitance but didn’t pry. The two startled as suddenly a ringing came from the boy's pocket.  He fished for his phone and Hermia guessed the call was from someone important based on the way his brows furrowed.  “I gotta take this.  It was nice meeting you, Hermia, I hope I run into you again.”  He started toward the exit before stopping and turning back toward her.  “I’m Puck by the way!”  “It- It was nice to meet you too, Puck!”  and with a final wave, Puck was gone.  As Hermia gazed in the direction he left something finally struck her…  When did she tell him her name?
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The elegant ring of a piano filled the Capp manor.  Consort’s fingers moved across the keys, dignified in their movements.  The front door creaked, barely heard over the melody.  Hermia rounded the corner to find her grandfather’s hard focus uninterrupted.  She turned away, relieved he didn’t seem to notice her entering the home.  “Hermia.”  She tensed as the piano rang a dreadful tone, Consorts fingers holding down the keys before lifting dropping the space into silence.  “Yes grandfather?”  She turned back toward him, eyes locked to the floor.  “Where were you?” Consort stood from the instrument, closing the lid to protect the ivory.  The lid gave a loud thud as it met the opposing wood, causing Hermia to jump.  She knew her grandfather didn’t mean any harm but that didn’t change that his presence was intimidating.  “The art gallery.”  She responded. Consort paused for a moment before nodding and moving to enter his bedroom.  Hermia let out a breath she didn’t even know she was holding.  She started to ascend the stairs. 
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An hour later dinner was served (burnt mac and cheese, yum!) and once again the sound of silverware on porcelain filled the air.  The family didn’t speak during dinner, at least not anymore.  Meals were dreadfully quiet and once finished every member went their separate ways.  In the quiet Hermia’s mind started to wander back to the events at the art gallery.  A new family?  When was the last time there was a new name in Veronaville?  She’d always heard of the Monty’s and the less than flattering things her family had to say about them.  There were a couple other families she could recall but she’d seen all of them at least once.  Puck, the boy with pointy ears who seemed to know her before she knew him was torturing her mind.  She suddenly thought to ask her grandfather, he seemed to know all the ins and outs of town despite his disinterest in gossip.  “Uh.”  Hermia croaked, the table fell to silence as everyone stopped moving to bring attention to her.  She shrank under their gaze but figured she’d already started so she might as well finish.  “I met someone new at the gallery.”  She stated.  Tybalt was the first to start eating again but not before giving a scoff, making his disinterest clear.  On the other hand Juliette’s interest peaked.  “New? Here? Were they just visiting?” Juliette leaned toward her sister and she spoke.  “No, he said he and his family had moved here a couple months ago.”  The younger girl answered.  “He said his name was Puck?”  She said in a questioning tone, turning toward her grandfather, hoping for a clue if he knew anything about the mysterious new family.  Consort noticed and cleared his throat as he straightened his already straight tie.  “The Summerdream’s have moved back here recently-'' He didn’t get to finish the thought before Hermia interrupted.  “Back?” Consort stared blankly at Hermia for a moment before closing his eyes and continuing.  “Yes.  They lived here briefly when you three were children.  They weren’t very well off then but it seems they had run into some luck while they were away.”  Hermia went quiet, lost in thought.  Had she met Puck before then? Is that why he knew her name? But why didn’t she remember him? She definitely would have, wouldn’t she?  “Why hadn’t we seen them in school?”  Her thoughts were interrupted by Juliette’s question.  She shot a quizzical gaze to no one in particular.  Tybalt scoffed again, discarding his silver on the table and shoving his chair out hashly and stormed off upstairs.  The rest of the party were unfazed, regarding this as normal behavior for the boy.  “They hadn’t enrolled yet.  I imagine you will see them soon.” Consort concluded, finally returning to his dish as the table was plunged into silence once again.
Tybalt slammed his bedroom door and began to pace back and forth.  Juliette and Hermia may not remember the Summerdream boy but Tybalt did.  The anger was misplaced, he didn’t mean to direct it at Puck but instead the Monty brothers he reminded him of.  Tybalt clenched his fist reminiscing about his childhood.  Before the thoughts could overwhelm him he shook his head and groaned. 
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He changed into his workout clothes, hoping to drown out his thoughts with a good work out.
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specter-dollhouse · 4 months
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Regan in red 🗝
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04-u · 9 months
time to wake up veronaville nation ( but it's only about teens)
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sweet-malinshi · 2 months
Capp family from The Sims 2
My version of  the Capp family from The Sims 2 in The Sims 4
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!!! Almost NoCC !!! (only default CC):
Female body
Male body
All outfits are in the video:
PS. Please do not reupload- If you use them for any gameplay or screenshots, please tag me ♥
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elden-hicks · 2 days
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decided to revisit my au
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angelapleasant · 8 months
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how i feel waiting for ts2 to load
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dystopianam · 7 months
My headcanon on the Monty-Capp feud is so intriguing and complicated that if I were to explain it I would need a 37-page PDF documentation with illustrative images.
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zoomzooomfast · 2 days
Random Veronaville Headcanons
I have been Veronapilled so now I have HC's to share with the class :)
-Titania started a tradition within the upper-class society of the Sims world ( besides the Capps think the Goths, Altos, Vanderburgs, Villareals) where for her and Oberon's anniversary she hosts a ball where all other Sims families travel out to Veronaville for a month in the summer and they have small social events throughout the month where they can socialize and set up business deals and their kids can become friends or like date. but on the last night, Tatiana has this huge Ball where all the guests and Tatiana's family dress up in white except Tatiana who wears a colored animal print
-The Monty's own a restaurant that is very successful and Romeo is set to own. Which Romeo very much tries to push on to Mercutio because Romeo likes to cook and all but he does not want to own a restaurant and neither does Mercutio. This is a common fight till one dinner when Antonio is sick of listening to them fight so he tells them the restaurant will be his till they figure it out. Romeo and Mercutio never figure it out.
- Consort constantly calls Kent, Kenny or Kennedy. Because Consort swears that he has 4 daughters. Not because he hates Kent just because he swears that when Kent was born in Roaring Heights he was a girl but when they moved to Veronaville Kent was male(This is based on the fact that when I played the Capps in Roaring Heights baby Capp was female)
-Consort has a very much once it's 9:30 I don't care what goes on in my house because I am in my nice soundproof room. Consort got his and Contessa room sound proofed after her realized he was going to have 4 teenagers at once
-The Capp grandkids take advantage of the fact that Consort doesn't care after 9:30 way more than Consorts kids ever did
-Tybalt and Juliette are the worst offenders. They both sneak out and sneak people in constantly, Even worse there has been times where Tybalt was trying to leave at night and Juliette took his car to do the same
-It's also bad because several time they have both ran into each other sneaking in the Monty Brother and they start fighting about if we are going to the same place don't take both cars and then its weird and all four of then just watch a movie
-Tybalt just doesn't like Romeo. not even in the way of the feud. He just doesn't like him as a person
-Juliette and Romeo get married really young. Like too young, Like they lied about their birthdays and went to Tartosa over the summer and got legally married at 15 before there sophomore year of high school
-Tybalt and Marla Biggs graduated in the same year and are best friends
-Tybalt and Hermia Share a birthday
-Juliette is really only called Juliette by Consort and her Aunts. She prefers to go by Jules.
-Puck lowkey hates Veronaville and moves out to travel and only visits for holidays and his mom's month-long party
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llama-simblr · 2 months
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The Capp Family (2/3)
(+ Ariel and Hal age up to teenagers! Well.. technically Hal will age to a young adult because he went off to college.)
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katatty · 3 months
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That's all from Capp Manor, at least for now! Originally I had a big epic storyline planned for this household but, honestly, there was enough going on with Consort's death and two weddings. Plus I enjoy regular old gameplay more than fancy pre-planned stories at the moment, haha.
I am thinking I will most likely move Tybalt and Tiave out on their own next season, but haven't decided whether they will also bring along Cordelia. Maybe she'd prefer to keep an eye on Juliette? Or move in with Malcolm Downtown? I dunno yet!
As for Juliette and Junior, I'm interested to see where their marriage takes them. Juliette always dreamt of having a large family, but has she changed too much for that to still be worth pursuing? Will Junior come clean about his existing kid, Rose? I'm excited to find out :D
As for the Montys, we'll be seeing them soon...
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fishcemetery · 1 year
Hey girl check this out *fonts your Capps*
It all started with:
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and escalated from there, and fast forward a couple of hours, we had a font assigned to every relevant and semi-relevant Capp.
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Ariel - she started it
Hal - he continued it
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3. Consort - dry and official, serifs everywhere, you'll get tired of seeing him
4. Contessa - almost like Consort, but at least I can look at her without squinting
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5. Tybalt - DON'T scream at me young man. you don't even have your grandpa's humongous serifs for that kind of attitude
6. Hermia - you try and tell me that if the Rockwell font was a chick, she wouldn't wear laced tops and motor boots
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7. Juliette - ohhh girl that's a fancy name, are you italic???
8. Kent - treated like a joke
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9. Caliban - plain ass dead bitch
10. Cordelia - plain ass dead bitch but with a little more style
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11. Regan - looks like a total nerd
12. Cornwall - nerd's husband with stupid little moustache. look at that Q. the hell is that thing
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13. Goneril - why are you so narrow.
14. Albany - W H Y A R E Y O U S O W I D E
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15. Miranda - also a rebel, but Haettenschweiler and Lucida said no to laced tops and motor boots
16. Desdemona - she's 10. she can have those fairy wings if she wants to
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17. Cleopatra, Calpurnia, and their entire in-game female progeny - ladies THE HELL AM I LOOKING AT
[the end, thanks for your attention]
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specter-dollhouse · 6 months
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star-crossed lovers ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
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