#The Godborn
shrineofdolls · 10 months
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once again it’sssss zen
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y-rhywbeth2 · 1 month
"Jergal never tells [the truth/his plans]. If you do pray to him and ask, anything he says will be a means of manipulating you to do or try something (as part of one of his plans), rather than the truth about the plan."
As ever, Withers is a lying liar who lies: 50% of what he says is ominous portents of doom and 100% of what he says is lies and manipulation. He is also apparently an expert at manipulating other deities, and none of them can match his skill at it.
I'm still suspicious about whatever he did to Arabella (which was incredibly disturbing) and possibly Durge, and the worst thing is I don't know if the writers are unaware of this side of Jergal (and thus he's just out of character and overly benevolent) or if I should be concerned in-game.
I mean the thing where he erased Arabella's grief and she's suddenly very casual about killing people did seem framed as creepy, I think? And that taunting of his three favourite pawns at the end... he could be the behind the scenes guy?
Withers makes me anxious.
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sp1resong · 2 days
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[alts under cut]
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rejectshumanity · 6 months
“ get away from me. ” // feel free 2 make this as serious or as unserious as u want lmfao
it's always sunny in philadelphia starters | ACCEPTING
this  so-called  rebellious  phase  is  perfectly  normal,  d’arby  has  assured  him.  in  the  modern  era,  one’s  teenage  years  are  thought  to  be  a  crucial  period  of  development:  a  time  of  self-discovery  wherein  their  unique  identities  begin  to  take  shape,  blossoming  into  forms that are  distinctly  their  own  —  sometimes,  more  often  than  not,  in  opposition  to  whatever  their  parents  had  envisioned.  and  while  DIO  supposes  he  is  fortunate  that  giorno’s  version  of  rebellion  involves  rejecting  his  father’s  style  rather  than  patricide  ( is  not murder  the  ultimate  act  of  defiance? ),  he  must  admit  the  rebuke  stings  more  than  he  would  like  to  let  on,  although  his  sour  expression  makes  no  secret  of  his  feelings.  
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❝  —  i  haven’t  yet  finished  your  makeup.  ❞     he  glares  down  at  his  son  with  a  genuine  pout,  brandishing  a  shimmering  tube  of  dark  green  lipstick.     ❝  hold  still.  ❞
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ironleonine · 6 months
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❝– .. so .. -- ANYTHING? ❞ HER VOICE BETRAYS HER ALOOF FACE, it sounded generally intriqued, excited? GIORNO was giving her a demonstration of his power, taking a pebble from the ground which morphs into a little frog before their eyes; it was such a unqiue power, a very generous stand at that, but she saves the thoughts on the combat possibilities, as she picked up a couple of rocks, counting three, she extends them to GIORNO, resting them in the flat of her palm like little eggs.
❝–  so you could turn these into... kittens? ❞
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vialaviolenza · 6 months
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𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐒 ▓ “ You’ve been so quiet. what’s on your mind? ” @godborn
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Navy blues gaze longingly out a window, savoring the beauty of rainy Italian streets void of bustling crowds. Today proves to be a day dedicated to rest and relaxation on account of having no work and no expectations. A subtle smile perpetually rests on Bruno's features as he steps out from his suite in the Villa to leisurely begin exploring the shared space until he finds himself in the kitchen where he begins to fix a pot of coffee.
The sounds of approaching feet capture his attention and he shifts to glance over his shoulder to find Giorno, there's a quaint nod accompanied by a growing smile before he turns back forward. Another mug is pulled from the cabinet, and two glasses are poured before he brings a tray to the table in the kitchen that rests near a large ornate window. The one cup is offered to the blonde, the sugar cup pushed over knowing how he prefers it. As Giorno fixes his coffee, Bruno merely looks out the window in silence, the sudden direct question pulling his attention back.
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❝⸻Hm ? ❞ Lips part in thought, his hand holding onto his cup as he leans back into his seat, ❝ It's difficult to say if I'm being honest. ❞ He speaks with softness, as his navy blues drift from Giorno to be sure no one else is lingering and listening in. . .and, once it is noted that they are fully alone, he looks back. ❝ I've been reflecting a lot on what's happened between us all. What could've been lost forever, and it's inspired me to take action for the things I desire. Tell me, Giorno. . .Have you ever thought about marriage? ❞ A hum of amusement finds him, eyes relaxing to half-mast as he looks back out the window while he sips on his coffee. ❝ Perhaps you are still too young to be thinking about such commitments, but I'm not getting any younger and. . .he is 'the one' I want to spend my life with. I just haven't the slightest clue of what to do about it all.❞
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asurasleeping · 1 year
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A B Y S S  ,  A B Y S S Godborn Fanart for @shrineofdolls
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redlineoffate · 5 months
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@godborn liked for starter
“I was thinking here recently… You never told anyone your secret about where Abbacchio’s “tea” went then. Not that it was super important and most likely Gold Experience turned it into something living like a fish or something… but just wondering."
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emptycharactermp3 · 10 months
me, making an oc that essentially gets not-themed by his younger brother: is tha? um.. is that? uhhh.... is that a magnus? uuuhhhmmm is that a magnus archives reference???
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samstwilightzone · 2 months
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Have I posted these here yet? No? Okay.
Remember when I drew Aki and the gang in the prince Au loooks? Well... Have a Lore dump as I literally rock your shit. As you can see here, I've taken the silly prince Au and turned it into something much more horrifying.
And also an Au where Aki is in constant state of body horror and can't catch a break.
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You're welcomed, we love seeing a girlboss suffering
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Showcase of Aki's curse marks
Sorry if you can't read the Lore, my front camera quality is ass
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shrineofdolls · 7 months
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im allowing myself to wear pastels again so naturally all i want to draw is my pastel oc
she likes to set stuff on fire
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thestormrunner3 · 3 months
*Zane’s quest to take the godborns to SHIHOM*
Zane: Hey, you know what?
Any other godborn: What?
Zane: I don’t know, I’m bad at conversation starters
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sp1resong · 8 months
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the rebel traitor
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rejectshumanity · 5 months
( icons only ) “ dad , i’m getting married . ”
send "icons only" and something for my muse to react to | ACCEPTING
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ironleonine · 3 months
easily, giorno slips his hand into narancia’s, evidently not thinking much about it as if it’s the most natural thing in the world. “ come on , ” he urges delicately, eyes soft but focused as they look ahead. “ bucciarati wants us to go this way . ” & he specifically doesn’t want you wandering off again, says his gaze as it finally befalls the other’s visage, something playfully fond strung up in aquamarine.
had he imagined it? amongst the busy city center, various locals, tourists mingling in and out of various shops and cafes, some centered around the fountain at the center which many occupied by sitting around or on, some families, some eating lunch and some... looked familiar. gut-punchingly so, big bro... no, he didn't deserve that name. so many emotions ran through him at once it made him dizzy, the world seemed to wade into water and yet the blonde stood clear as day. he hadn't so much as thought of him until this moment, the memories he chose to store in the darkest part of his brain to keep his focus on his new loyalty to BUCCIARATI. yet when it was here, his past staring him down in the face like medusa's gaze, he framed him... he betrayed him. boy stood still as a statue, --a fist clenched, his body tensioning but it melts away as soon as it begins, like magic touch the stone exterier breaks with a jump of his form his eyes widen shattering the snarl that began to tear it's way across his face as he looks to the blonde, violet hues flit along with a sharp turn of his head to GIORNO who had leaned into his peripheral. “ come on , ” his smile warm like an embrace of a loved one, hair like spun gold, his presence was the clarity he needed to bring him back to the surface. “ bucciarati wants us to go this way . ” this time, his mouth splits into a smile, a toothy grin as he's filled with a burst of drive, a task from BUCCIARATI for him and giorno -- he nods eagerly, hand squeezes GIORNO'S hand back and suddenly, he's tugged forward as the older boy breaks off into a run.
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❝–  let's fly, GIORNO !! ❞
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vialaviolenza · 6 months
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𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐒 ▓ “Why does it always have to be a fight with you? ” @godborn
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An alabaster visage turns, painted brows knitting as a faint scoff leaves Leone's lips. While the answer is deeply kneaded into his gut he provides little insight for the blonde teen. How many children had he witnessed throwing their lives away for a taste of this life? It always ended the same, even when he was an officer, so much wasted potential. One golden-haired child isn't going to solve the woes of their reality and instead of encouraging him, Leone attempts to dissuade him in ANY capacity.
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❝ Does it matter ? ❞ Annoyance laces his tone as tight as his knitted brows, the index finger tucked into the espresso cup tightening slightly. ❝ Shouldn't you. . .be used to it by now, Giorno ? ❞ The cup is lifted so that he may sip on it slowly, his gaze refusing to budge now that Giorno had spoken to him. ❝ How long I wonder. . .Till you end up like everyone else who has died with the same dream. You act like you wear a crown, but you have done nothing to deserve it. ❞ A sharp click of his tongue as his cup is set down with a heavy hand, lucky it doesn't crack nor shatter from the impact against the wooden table. ❝ You might have Bucciarati convinced, but I refuse to acknowledge you are anything but a brat who is going to get himself killed. You think you are special, but you aren't. You're like every nameless managed corpse in Naples that had the same vision. The real question is how close to the sun you fly before you catch fire. ❞ The words are harsh, he knows that, but he doesn't let up. He's still as can be and 'calm ' despite the scowl spread across onyx lips.
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❝ You should realize that this is just who I am. It's not going to change for anyone. ❞
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