#Weight Gain After Gastric Sleeve
jetmedicaltourism · 25 days
Struggling with weight gain after gastric sleeve surgery? Visit Jet Medical Tourism for expert guidance and support. Our comprehensive resources and experienced team can help you understand the factors contributing to weight regain and explore effective solutions. Don't navigate this journey alone; let us assist you in reclaiming your health and achieving your weight loss goals.
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mama--sloth · 1 year
And thats already after losing around 75lbs already
you lost 80% of me. you lost the majority of the weight of a full-grown person. that's amazing. I personally struggle with gaining weight, which I know isn't as challenging as losing weight nor similar. However, it is nice to hear about progress other people make.
Now don't go discounting your own struggles! I've seen from other people in my life that for some people gaining weight can be just as hard as losing weight!
And on top of that being underweight can also come with its own slurry of health issues just like being overweight, they're two sides of the same coin and one isn't more than the other nor is one less!
But thank you! I'm still workin on losing what I can, I'm hoping to eventually be able to get gastric sleeve surgery, but thats not for a longways off if ever
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mariacallous · 1 year
A revolution in weight loss is apparently underway. It started in 2021, when the FDA approved the diabetes drug semaglutide for weight loss. The weekly injectable—sold under the brand name Wegovy—can help users lose 5 to 10 percent of their body weight, leading commentators to describe the drug as both a “medical breakthrough” and a “silver bullet” for obesity. Elon Musk says he’s taking it, Kim Kardashian is rumored to be using it, and everyone from Hollywood to the Hamptons reportedly wants a prescription. 
Soon, there will be a new weight loss medication on the block—and it’s even more potent than its peers. Last fall, the FDA fast-tracked the review process for using tirzepatide as a weight loss drug after a clinical trial showed that people with BMIs labeled “overweight” or “obese” lost a staggering 22.5 percent of their body weight on the highest dose. If all goes according to plan, that will make Mounjaro the latest in a fast-growing biomedical sector—spanning everything from bariatric surgery to deep brain stimulation for binge-eating—that aims to combat, if not cure, the problem of “excess” weight. 
For pharmaceutical companies, the race to market is financially motivated: Wegovy and Mounjaro cost more than $1,000 a month. Weight loss drugs are rarely covered by insurance, but people who can afford them have proven they’re willing to pay. And the market seems effectively limitless: Despite an ongoing “war on obesity,” more than 1.9 billion adults globally are considered overweight or obese, and the number of prospective users is growing every year. Now doctors—desperate to treat what is widely seen as an “obesity epidemic”—are coming on board. In January, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommended such medications for kids as young as 12. 
The victorious narratives gilding drugs like Mounjaro are already being positioned as a direct challenge to fat activism. For decades, the movement has pushed for social and economic opportunity for people of all sizes through civil rights, fat pride and liberation, and biomedical evidence itself. Thanks to prominent voices like Audrey Gordon and Michael Hobbes, many people now know that “lifestyle changes” like calorie restriction and exercise fail to produce sustained weight loss for 97 percent of people and that many dieters end up gaining back more weight than they lost. But what happens to the strength of these arguments when a weight loss drug seems to work?
Like other purported weight loss solutions, Mounjaro promises “to fix weight stigma by making you thinner, instead of removing the stigma,” says Susanne Johnson, a fat activist and family nurse practitioner in Pennsylvania. In so doing, these drugs and surgeries further exacerbate anti-fat discrimination. Instead of criticizing people in larger bodies for their perceived lack of willpower—that old “calories in, calories out” adage—people can now blame those in bigger bodies for something more akin to a techno-pessimist, or even anti-science, stance: “Just take the miracle cure!” 
The history of the weight loss industry is more akin to prospecting for gold or investing in crypto than transplanting organs and developing antibiotics; less a story of scientific progress than an endless cycle of wild speculation, where boom inevitably gives way to bust. Fen-Phen was a miracle until it was linked to heart valve damage. Intermittent fasting was going to fix what caloric restriction couldn’t until researchers showed the two produce exactly the same results. And then there’s the complicated case of bariatric surgery.
From their inception in the 1950s, operations like gastric bypass (which reroutes food away from the stomach, inducing malabsorption) and gastric sleeve (which involves partially amputating the stomach so it holds less food and produces fewer hunger hormones) have been sold as a potential panacea, says Lisa Du Breuil, a clinical social worker at Massachusetts General Hospital. While fewer than 1 percent of people who qualify actually undergo bariatric surgery, those who do can lose up to 70 percent of their “excess” weight (or the weight above a BMI of 24.9). 
But Du Breuil, who specializes in eating disorders and substance abuse disorders, has seen some of the worst of bariatric’s side effects. People can develop dumping syndrome—wherein sugar-rich meals leave the stomach too quickly, causing sweating, dizziness, rapid heart rate, and vomiting. Gastric bypass in particular raises the risk of postoperative alcohol abuse. Rates of suicide and self-harming behaviors also rise in the years after bariatric surgery. And even when people follow strict post-operative diets, malnutrition, tooth loss, gout, and new or resurging eating disorders are possible. “It can be really challenging to get a full picture,” Du Breuil says. She learns about new side effects all the time.
Semaglutide and tirzepatide—both part of a larger family of GLP-1 receptor agonists—were developed for diabetes management at lower doses. When pharmaceutical companies noticed their trial participants were also losing weight, they realized “if we can turn the volume up to 11, we can really enhance this side effect,” says Johnson, the nurse. “That means you’re also turning up the other side effects.” 
The primary complaints from users of Ozempic, Wegovy, and Mounjaro sound like the kind of thing you can fix with a bottle (or three) of Pepto Bismol: nausea, upset stomach, diarrhea, and what one patient called “power vomiting.” But these might be less like classic “side effects” of a drug than a mechanism of weight loss itself, as The Guardian recently reported. By making the feeling of eating (and, in some cases, even hydrating) actively disgusting to the user, the drug curbs their consumption—similar to the experience of bariatric patients, who can only fit a few ounces of food in their stomachs at a time. 
The list of complications doesn’t end there. For example, both GLP-1 receptor agonists may increase the risk of thyroid cancer—one of the many BMI-linked diseases that supposedly makes weight loss absolutely imperative for people in larger bodies. And there’s good reason to believe that other side effects will reveal themselves in years to come, as the number of long-term users grows. 
The biggest surprise for many prospective patients is that long-term weight loss isn’t guaranteed—a reflection, perhaps, of the faulty assumption that people are obese because they overeat. Current estimates suggest that the average bariatric surgery patient regains 30 percent of the weight they lost in the 10 years after surgery. One in four regain all of their weight in that time. And 20 percent of people don’t respond to surgery in the first place. 
The same is true for GLP-1 receptor agonists: If you stop injecting, the weight returns. 
In case it wasn’t clear by now, biomedical weight loss interventions often mimic the deadly logic of anorexia, bulimia, or other forms of disordered eating, says Erin Harrop, a clinical social worker and researcher. Harrop would know. At the height of their own eating disorder, Harrop wished they could fill their stomach with air instead of food, or cut their stomach out, or wire their jaw shut. Later, they learned these things exist—in the form of gastric balloons, gastric sleeves, and even a magnetic jaw trap. 
It’s no surprise, then, that some people who undergo bariatric surgery experience a resurgence of a preexisting eating disorder, or develop a new one. Frequent vomiting, never knowing what foods will upset your stomach, and feeling pressure to maintain a post-surgical weight—“you can create an eating disorder that way,” Du Briel says.
But semaglutide and tirzepatide promise to fulfill an even stranger fantasy: eliminating appetite itself. While a drug like Mounjaro works on numerous fronts—including preventing the body from storing fat and “browning” existing adipose tissue—it’s the feeling of being untethered from desire that seems to fascinate patients and physicians alike. People for whom the drug works often say, “I forget to eat,” says Fatima Cody Stanford, an obesity medicine specialist at Massachusetts General Hospital’s Weight Center. 
If doctors really believe that obesity is the greater of any two evils, then this approach makes sense. When it comes to bariatric surgery, for example, a review of the medical literature suggests it is, on balance, associated with a reduction in all-cause mortality—or death of any cause*—*compared to patients with high BMIs who don’t go under the knife (though such studies are profoundly limited, as they often do not control for social factors, like income or education). Many hope that semaglutide and tirzepatide will one day prove just as vitalizing.
But eating disorders kill too. In many contexts, sustained hunger is considered a travesty. And desire—for food, or anything else—is a great way to know you’re alive. “It’s wild to me that we see no appetite as a positive thing,” says Shira Rosenbluth, an eating disorder therapist who works with people of all sizes. Anna Toonk agrees: “I realized that there are worse things than being fat,” she told The Cut last fall. “The worst thing you can be is wanting to barf all the time.” 
Ultimately, the proliferation of drugs like Mounjaro means medicine is not only in the business of dictating “normal” weights (a thing it still hasn’t quite figured out), but “normal” appetites. What was once an intuitive process, in which your body tells you what it needs, became a dictate under diet culture: You tell your body what it can have. Now medicine promises a radical reset: With the right drug, your body will hunger for nothing at all.
Weight loss technology can’t be stopped entirely—nor should it be. Everyone has the right to choose what they want to do with their bodies. But informed consent is built on information, and we may not have enough. Mounjaro was fast-tracked by the FDA based on studies designed to observe weight loss over just 72 weeks, a small fraction of the time real patients will be on the drug. At the very least, patients should be informed that in the first years after a drug hits the market, they are participants in an ongoing experiment. 
As biomedicine’s war on obesity continues, people must work harder to combat anti-fat bias—not on a technicality, but as part of the expansive vision of justice fat activists began articulating more than 50 years ago. For semaglutide, tirzepatide, bariatric surgery, and their ilk are neither miracles nor cures. There have always been fat people, and there always will be, whether they’re “non-responders” to treatment, refuseniks, or languishing on the waitlist. Notably, even those who experience dramatic weight loss after surgery or on injectables may still be overweight or obese, depending where they started. 
Perhaps most importantly, the American weight loss discourse must move away from a reflexive scientism, which has enabled biomedicine to subject the entirety of human experience to its single-minded scrutiny. Weight, like almost every aspect of embodiment, is not an exclusively biological phenomenon or a clear-cut medical “problem” to solve. It is shaped by countless factors, like power distribution in society, personal psychology, and that most frightening of forces: the desire for more.
If you or a loved one is struggling with an eating disorder, the National Eating Disorders Association Helpline is available at (800) 931-2237.
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juniperandjustice · 1 year
Because it triggered me...
Today, this random boomer at a thrift store came up to me after watching me weirdly for a while with a scary smile, told me she's a nurse, asked me if I know what extra weight does to people, and told me how to lose weight ("Don't eat anything after 4 pm! Eat almost all vegetables and no fat!"), despite my edging away and explaining that I AM losing weight (I had a gastric sleeve surgery done in December and have lost 80+ lbs) and have medical issues (several that cause weight gain)- she didn't seem to hear any of this. I felt like crying, being sick, or getting angry, but I just got away from her as fast as I could. No one asked her. She doesn't know my story. The audacity and ignorance of some people. They have NO right. Very few overweight people are not aware of it and why society claims it's a problem and very few of us don't know we need to eat our vegetables. 🙄 I learned nothing from her. She triggered my past ED, instead. I'm mostly okay now, though. I still had dinner. My body won't LET me not feed myself anymore.
Also, I'm actually a certified master herbalist and echocardiography student. I don't have heart problems, diabetes, or anything people like to reference as excuses to body-shame. I only gained weight after I got really sick. I believe that, in almost all cases, there is SOMETHING medical going on that causes any kind of weight difference, even if it is a mental health condition. And that's not a body-shaming stranger's business.
I WAS wearing a very unflattering dress, but I shouldn't have to dress up for people to not harass me.
Of course, after I got over the shock and panic attack, I could think of everything I could or should have said and done. 🙄
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ahappybeginning · 2 years
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It’s happening. Less than 12 hours from now, I’ll be arriving at the hospital and praying that everything will work out the way I want it to in order for me to have this gastric sleeve surgery.
This is something that I’ve been thinking about for several years. I did try to do a complete overhaul of my diet a few years ago, and I managed to lose 120 lbs in one year. And it felt amazing. But what didn’t feel amazing was when I realized that my main motivation for losing that weight wasn’t what I had spent a year very cleverly convincing myself it was. I had told myself I was doing it for my own health, but I wasn’t. My motivation was purely external and I was fantastic at lying to myself about it. And so when that source of motivation exploded in my face in a rather spectacular way, not only did I feel like complete shit and gain every pound I had lost back, but I added an extra 80 for good measure.
That was the darkest period of my life, the time I got closest to simply not caring if I just ceased to exist. Thankfully, I was able to pull myself out of that darkness, but it took a long time and a lot of hard work to unravel the trauma of what happened to put me in that dark place.
And now, just shy of 3 years later, I’m light years ahead of where I was then. At the beginning of this year, I found myself in a similar kind of dark place to the one I’d experienced a few years ago. But the biggest and most important difference was…this time it was almost entirely self-inflicted. I came to realize that I’d allowed myself to be a victim of other people’s bullshit for so long that I forgot how to fight for myself in the ways that really counted, my own mental and physical health. And through some other traumatic circumstances, I forced myself to take action, because I realized the consequences of doing nothing would ensure my death before age 40, and that was just not ok with me. It’s the first time in my life that I decided for myself, and myself alone, that I was worth more than that, and that I wanted to fight to keep myself alive and as healthy as possible to reach an age that in the past I figured I wouldn’t be likely to get to.
So here I am, after 5 months of working my ass off to get my mind and body in the best shape I can before going through with this surgery, and having lost 93 lbs in that time and dipping just below the weight I was at when I started my first diet years ago. It’s something I will be incredibly proud of for the rest of my life, no matter what happens going forward. I’ve committed to this journey, to this new life, to myself.
And now the rest of my life can begin. 💗
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teenmomcentral · 8 days
Kail Lowry’s plan to go under the knife (again) has been put on hold.
On the latest episode of her Barely Famous podcast, the former Teen Mom 2 star and mother of seven revealed to listeners that she was recently informed by doctors that she cannot undergo a breast augmentation until she loses weight.
“ … Listen to me when I tell you, I wanna get a boob job, right? So I call around, I’m like making these consultations to get a boob job. You know what they told me? They told me I need to lose 40 pounds, ok?” Kail said on her podcast. “So, 40 or 50 pounds– more like 50, but maybe I could get away with 40 pounds– before they can even operate on me. So that was extremely humbling.”
“I’ve been wanting to do this breast reduction, implants, lift, whatever it is,” Kail said on the podcast. “[The woman at the doctor’s office] was like, ‘Do you still want to schedule this?’ I’m literally sobbing. Already the water works have started.”
Kail explained in the caption of a clip from the podcast episode that doctors actually informed her that her body mass index (BMI) is “entirely too high to operate” but after doing the math, she determined that she would have to lose between 40 and 50 pounds to get her BMI where it needs to be, according to the doctors she spoke with.
“Make sure you’re in the right headspace,” Kail advised any of her listeners who are considering plastic surgery. “If you’re not, you will be humbled by the fact that they may not be able to operate on you.”
Kail also added that, should she lose enough weight to be cleared for surgery, she is considering getting more than just her boobs done.
“I don’t even know if I can get my double chin done,” she said. “Truthfully, I’d want to do that at the same time as my boob job because why would I pay for anesthesia twice?”
As fans of ‘Teen Mom 2’ may recall, Kail is no stranger to plastic surgery. Shortly after she gave birth to twins Valley and Verse last year, Kail admitted on her Barely Famous podcast that she regrets letting Dr. Miami inflate her rear end with a Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) back in 2016, and that wants to get the procedure reversed.
That same day, Kail also underwent a tummy tuck and Lipo 360, At the time of her surgeries, Kail only had two children, but has since gone on to have five more kids after that.
Back in 2021, Kail revealed on an episode of her Coffee Convos podcast that she had been diagnosed with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), a disorder that often causes weight gain, and as a result, she was considering gastric bypass surgery to help drop some of the weight she claimed to have gained rapidly.
While Kail never went through with the gastric sleeve procedure, she has discussed other weight-loss options in recent months. In January, she told her Baby Mamas No Drama podcast co-host Vee Torres that in order to meet her post-babybabies body goals, she’d need “to get Ozempic shots or something.” She also confirmed that she plans to undergo “another mommy makeover,” calling her previous round of nipping and tucking, “the best decision I ever made.” However, she has stated that she does regret not waiting to have the procedures done until after she was done having kids.
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safwantaha11 · 8 days
Life After Gastric Sleeve Surgery: Trendy Unhealthy Diets to Avoid
Gastric sleeve surgery, a popular weight loss procedure, involves the removal of a portion of the stomach to reduce its size and capacity. While this surgery can be transformative for individuals struggling with obesity, it requires significant lifestyle changes, particularly in dietary habits. In the post-surgery phase, making informed and healthy food choices becomes paramount to ensure successful weight loss maintenance and overall well-being.
Understanding Gastric Sleeve Surgery
Gastric sleeve surgery, also known as sleeve gastrectomy, is a minimally invasive procedure where a large portion of the stomach is removed, leaving a smaller, sleeve-shaped stomach pouch. This reduces the stomach’s capacity and restricts the amount of food it can hold, leading to earlier feelings of fullness and reduced calorie intake. While this surgical intervention aids in weight loss, it also alters the digestive process and can impact nutrient absorption, emphasizing the need for careful dietary planning.
Importance of Healthy Post-Surgery Diets
Following gastric sleeve surgery, adopting a nutritious and balanced diet is crucial for several reasons. Firstly, it facilitates sustainable weight loss by supporting the body’s nutritional needs while promoting satiety and reducing the risk of overeating. Additionally, adhering to a healthy diet can help prevent complications such as dumping syndrome, nutrient deficiencies, and malnutrition, which are common concerns post-surgery.
Trendy Unhealthy Diets
Keto Diet
The ketogenic diet, characterized by high fat, moderate protein, and low carbohydrate intake, has gained popularity for its purported weight loss benefits. However, for individuals who have undergone gastric sleeve surgery, the high-fat nature of the keto diet can pose challenges. Since the surgery reduces stomach size and alters digestion, consuming excessive amounts of fat may lead to digestive discomfort, nausea, and other gastrointestinal issues. Moreover, relying heavily on fats for energy may not provide the essential nutrients needed for optimal recovery and health post-surgery.
Juice Cleanses
Juice cleanses, often marketed as a quick fix for weight loss and detoxification, involve consuming only fruit and vegetable juices for a designated period. While these cleanses may result in rapid weight loss, they are not suitable for individuals who have undergone gastric sleeve surgery. Juice-only diets lack essential nutrients such as protein, fiber, and healthy fats, which are crucial for supporting healing, maintaining muscle mass, and preventing nutritional deficiencies post-surgery. Furthermore, the high sugar content in fruit juices can spike blood sugar levels and may contribute to dumping syndrome in gastric sleeve patients.
Intermittent Fasting
Intermittent fasting, a dietary approach that alternates between periods of eating and fasting, has gained popularity for its potential health benefits, including weight loss and improved metabolic health. However, for gastric sleeve patients, adhering to strict fasting protocols may pose challenges and risks. The surgery already restricts stomach capacity, making it difficult to consume large meals during feeding windows. Additionally, prolonged fasting periods can increase the risk of nutrient deficiencies and malnutrition, compromising post-surgery recovery and overall health.
Alternative Healthy Eating Approaches
Balanced Diet
Instead of following restrictive and potentially harmful diets, gastric sleeve patients should focus on adopting a balanced eating plan that emphasizes whole, nutrient-rich foods. A balanced diet includes adequate protein, complex carbohydrates, healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals, supporting optimal healing, energy levels, and weight management post-surgery. Consulting with a registered dietitian or nutritionist can help customize a meal plan that meets individual nutritional needs and promotes long-term success.
Mindful Eating
Practicing mindful eating involves paying attention to hunger and satiety cues, savoring each bite, and cultivating a positive relationship with food. For gastric sleeve patients, mindful eating can promote better digestion, portion control, and food enjoyment. By being present and intentional during meals, individuals can make conscious choices that support their health goals and prevent overeating or emotional eating behaviors.
Small, Frequent Meals
Eating small, frequent meals throughout the day can help gastric sleeve patients manage hunger, prevent discomfort, and support optimal nutrient absorption. By spacing meals evenly and focusing on nutrient-dense foods, individuals can stabilize blood sugar levels, maintain energy levels, and avoid overloading the stomach. Planning ahead and portioning meals accordingly can facilitate adherence to this eating pattern and promote long-term weight loss maintenance.
In conclusion, life after gastric sleeve surgery requires careful attention to dietary choices to ensure successful weight loss and overall well-being. While trendy unhealthy diets may promise quick results, they often fail to address the unique nutritional needs and challenges faced by gastric sleeve patients. Instead, prioritizing a balanced diet, mindful eating practices, and small, frequent meals can promote sustainable weight loss, optimal recovery, and a healthier relationship with food post-surgery. By making informed and intentional food choices, individuals can embark on a journey towards lasting health and vitality after gastric sleeve surgery.
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santoshkumar369 · 8 days
The Latest Advancements in Gastric Sleeve Surgery in Delhi
Gastric sleeve surgery, also known as sleeve gastrectomy, is a popular weight-loss surgery that has gained significant attention worldwide. In Delhi, the medical community has embraced this procedure with enthusiasm, integrating the latest advancements to enhance patient outcomes and safety. This blog delves into the most recent developments in  best gastric sleeve surgery in Delhi, highlighting innovations, techniques, and the benefits they offer.
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Understanding Gastric Sleeve Surgery
Gastric sleeve surgery involves removing a large portion of the stomach, leaving a tube-like structure or "sleeve." This significantly reduces the stomach's capacity, leading to decreased food intake and promoting weight loss. The procedure is typically performed laparoscopically, which involves small incisions and the use of a camera to guide the surgery, making it minimally invasive compared to traditional open surgeries.
Advancements in Gastric Sleeve Surgery
1. Enhanced Laparoscopic Techniques
One of the most significant advancements in gastric sleeve surgery is the refinement of laparoscopic techniques. Surgeons in Delhi are now using high-definition cameras and improved surgical instruments, which provide better visibility and precision during the procedure. These advancements reduce the risk of complications, minimize scarring, and promote faster recovery times for patients.
2. Robotic-Assisted Surgery
Robotic-assisted surgery is another groundbreaking development in the field of gastric sleeve surgery. The use of robotic systems, such as the Da Vinci Surgical System, allows for greater dexterity and control. Surgeons can perform more precise movements, which is particularly beneficial in complex cases. Robotic-assisted surgery also enhances the surgeon's ability to navigate around vital structures, reducing the risk of injury and improving overall outcomes.
3. Single-Incision Laparoscopic Surgery (SILS)
Traditional laparoscopic gastric sleeve surgery typically involves multiple small incisions. However, the introduction of Single-Incision Laparoscopic Surgery (SILS) has revolutionized the approach. SILS involves making a single incision, usually at the navel, which significantly reduces visible scarring and postoperative pain. Patients who undergo SILS often experience quicker recovery times and improved cosmetic results.
4. Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) Protocols
Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) protocols are a set of guidelines designed to optimize patient care and expedite recovery. In Delhi, many hospitals have adopted ERAS protocols for gastric sleeve surgery. These protocols include preoperative counseling, optimized pain management, and early mobilization after surgery. The implementation of ERAS protocols has been shown to reduce hospital stays, lower complication rates, and improve patient satisfaction.
5. Use of Advanced Imaging Techniques
Advanced imaging techniques, such as 3D imaging and virtual reality, are being integrated into the preoperative planning and intraoperative guidance of gastric sleeve surgery. These technologies allow surgeons to create detailed maps of the patient's anatomy, leading to more accurate and personalized surgical plans. Intraoperative imaging can also help surgeons make real-time adjustments, ensuring the best possible outcomes.
6. Bariatric Endoscopy
Bariatric endoscopy is an emerging field that offers minimally invasive solutions for managing complications and performing revisions of gastric sleeve surgery. Endoscopic techniques can be used to treat leaks, strictures, and other postoperative issues without the need for additional surgeries. This approach minimizes patient discomfort and reduces the risks associated with traditional surgical interventions.
7. Telemedicine and Remote Monitoring
The advent of telemedicine and remote monitoring has transformed postoperative care for gastric sleeve surgery patients in Delhi. Patients can now have virtual consultations with their surgeons, reducing the need for frequent in-person visits. Remote monitoring devices can track vital signs and other health metrics, allowing for timely interventions if any issues arise. This technology ensures continuous care and support, enhancing patient outcomes and convenience.
Benefits of the Latest Advancements
1. Improved Safety
The integration of advanced technologies and techniques in gastric sleeve surgery has significantly improved patient safety. Enhanced visualization, precision instruments, and robotic assistance reduce the risk of surgical errors and complications. As a result, patients can undergo the procedure with greater confidence and peace of mind.
2. Reduced Recovery Time
Minimally invasive techniques, such as laparoscopic and SILS, along with the implementation of ERAS protocols, have shortened recovery times for patients. This means that individuals can return to their normal activities and enjoy the benefits of weight loss more quickly. Faster recovery also translates to less time spent in the hospital and a lower risk of postoperative complications.
3. Better Cosmetic Outcomes
The use of single-incision techniques and advanced suturing methods has improved the cosmetic outcomes of gastric sleeve surgery. Patients are left with minimal scarring, which boosts their confidence and satisfaction with the procedure. The focus on aesthetics, combined with effective weight loss, enhances the overall quality of life for patients.
4. Personalized Care
Advanced imaging and robotic-assisted surgery allow for a more personalized approach to gastric sleeve surgery. Surgeons can tailor the procedure to the specific needs and anatomy of each patient, resulting in better outcomes. Personalized care ensures that patients receive the most appropriate treatment, reducing the likelihood of complications and improving long-term success.
5. Continuous Support
Telemedicine and remote monitoring provide continuous support to patients throughout their weight loss journey. Regular virtual consultations and real-time health monitoring enable early detection of any issues and prompt intervention. This continuous support system ensures that patients stay on track with their weight loss goals and receive the necessary care when needed.
Gastric sleeve surgery in central Delhi has seen remarkable advancements, making it a safer, more effective, and patient-friendly option for weight loss. The integration of enhanced laparoscopic techniques, robotic-assisted surgery, single-incision approaches, ERAS protocols, advanced imaging, bariatric endoscopy, and telemedicine has revolutionized the field. These innovations not only improve surgical outcomes but also enhance the overall patient experience.
If you are considering gastric sleeve surgery in Rajinder nagar,delhi, it is essential to consult with a qualified and experienced bariatric surgeon who is well-versed in these latest advancements. With the right surgeon and the benefits of modern technology, you can embark on a successful weight loss journey and achieve a healthier, happier life.
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mdbariatrics · 19 days
Coping with emotional wellness post-surgery can be complex. Explore the connection between Bariatric Surgery and depression, and discover coping strategies to improve your mental health journey after the procedure. Gain insight and take the first steps towards a happier, healthier you. Read now to know more.
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Understanding Sleeve Gastrectomy: A Comprehensive Guide to Weight Loss Surgery
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In the journey towards achieving a healthier lifestyle, some individuals may find traditional methods of weight loss challenging or ineffective. In such cases, weight loss surgery, also known as bariatric surgery, can offer a transformative solution. Among the various types of weight loss surgeries, sleeve gastrectomy has gained popularity for its effectiveness and relatively low risk. In this article, we'll delve into what sleeve gastrectomy entails, its benefits, risks, and what to expect before, during, and after the procedure.
What is Sleeve Gastrectomy? Sleeve gastrectomy, also referred to as gastric sleeve surgery, is a surgical procedure designed to help individuals lose weight by reducing the size of the stomach. During the surgery, a large portion of the stomach is removed, leaving behind a sleeve-shaped stomach roughly the size of a banana. This smaller stomach restricts the amount of food that can be consumed, leading to reduced calorie intake and, subsequently, weight loss.
Benefits of Sleeve Gastrectomy:
Effective Weight Loss: Sleeve gastrectomy is known for producing significant and sustainable weight loss results. Many patients experience a loss of excess body weight ranging from 50% to 70% within the first year after surgery.
Improvement in Obesity-Related Health Conditions: Beyond weight loss, sleeve gastrectomy often leads to improvements in obesity-related health conditions such as type 2 diabetes, hypertension, sleep apnea, and high cholesterol.
Reduced Hunger: The surgery alters the production of hunger-regulating hormones, leading to reduced appetite and a decreased desire to overeat.
Minimal Nutritional Deficiencies: Unlike some other weight loss surgeries, sleeve gastrectomy typically does not cause severe nutritional deficiencies since it does not involve rerouting or bypassing the intestines.
Risks and Considerations
While sleeve gastrectomy is generally considered safe, like any surgical procedure, it carries some risks and considerations:
Complications: Potential complications include bleeding, infection, blood clots, leaks along the staple line, and rare but serious issues such as stomach perforation.
Long-Term Commitment: Success with sleeve gastrectomy requires a lifelong commitment to healthy eating habits, regular exercise, and follow-up appointments with healthcare providers.
Possible Need for Revision Surgery: In some cases, patients may require additional surgery to address complications or to further enhance weight loss outcomes.
Psychological Impact: Weight loss surgery can have significant psychological effects, and patients may require support to navigate changes in body image, relationships, and lifestyle.
Preparing for Sleeve Gastrectomy
Before undergoing sleeve gastrectomy, patients typically undergo a thorough evaluation to assess their eligibility for surgery. This evaluation may include medical tests, consultations with various healthcare professionals, and discussions about the potential risks and benefits of the procedure. Additionally, patients may be advised to make lifestyle changes, such as adopting a healthier diet and increasing physical activity, to optimize their outcomes.
The Procedure
Sleeve gastrectomy is usually performed laparoscopically, using small incisions and specialized surgical instruments. This minimally invasive approach results in shorter hospital stays, faster recovery times, and reduced postoperative pain compared to traditional open surgery. During the procedure, the surgeon removes a large portion of the stomach, leaving behind a narrow tube or sleeve-shaped stomach.
Recovery and Postoperative Care
After sleeve gastrectomy, patients typically stay in the hospital for one to two days to recover. During this time, they are closely monitored for any signs of complications, and pain management techniques are provided as needed. Following discharge, patients are instructed to adhere to a specific diet progression, starting with clear liquids and gradually advancing to solid foods over several weeks. Regular follow-up appointments with healthcare providers are essential to monitor progress, address any concerns, and provide ongoing support.
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maximusruby · 1 month
A Brighter, Lighter Future: The Journey of Weight-Loss Surgery
Embarking on the journey of any surgery to help lose weight is a transformative decision for those grappling with obesity and seeking a sustainable solution for a healthier lifestyle. This comprehensive exploration will guide you through the phases of considering, preparing for, undergoing, and living after weight-loss surgery, shedding light on what to expect and how to navigate each step for the best possible outcomes.
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Step 1: Considering Weight-Loss Surgery
Understanding Your Options
Before taking any steps, it's crucial to understand the different types of weight-loss surgeries available, including gastric sleeve, gastric bypass, adjustable gastric band, and biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch. Each procedure has unique benefits and risks, tailored to different medical needs and weight-loss goals.
Evaluating Eligibility
Weight-loss surgery isn't for everyone. Candidates typically have a body mass index (BMI) of 40 or higher, or a BMI of 35 or higher with serious health conditions related to obesity, such as type 2 diabetes or high blood pressure. Consulting with a bariatric surgeon will help determine if surgery is a viable option based on your medical history and health status.
Step 2: Preparing for Surgery
Medical and Psychological Evaluations
Successful surgery requires thorough preparation, including comprehensive medical and psychological evaluations to ensure you're physically and mentally prepared for the surgery and its aftermath.
Lifestyle Adjustments
Patients often need to undergo significant lifestyle adjustments before the surgery. This may include dietary changes, quitting smoking, and starting an exercise regimen. These adjustments help reduce surgical risks and prepare the body for a quicker recovery.
Step 3: Undergoing Surgery
The Procedure
The specifics of the procedure will depend on the type of surgery chosen. Most weight-loss surgeries today are performed using minimally invasive techniques, which can lead to shorter recovery times and less discomfort.
Hospital Stay
Post-surgery, you'll typically spend a few days in the hospital under observation. This period allows the medical team to manage pain, monitor for complications, and ensure that you can perform basic activities and consume liquids.
Step 4: Post-Surgery Recovery and Adjustment
Short-Term Recovery
The initial weeks after surgery focus on healing and adjusting to new eating habits. Patients will follow a strict diet starting with liquids, progressing to pureed foods, and then to solid foods as tolerated.
Long-Term Lifestyle Changes
Long-term success depends on adhering to dietary guidelines, maintaining regular physical activity, and regularly attending follow-up appointments. Support groups and counseling can also be crucial in adjusting to new lifestyle changes and maintaining weight loss.
Monitoring and Managing Complications
While modern surgical techniques reduce risks, complications can occur. Common issues include nutritional deficiencies, which can be managed through dietary supplements and regular medical check-ups.
Step 5: Embracing a New Life
Achieving and maintaining weight loss after surgery requires a lifelong commitment to healthy eating and regular exercise. The surgery is not a cure; rather, it's a tool to help reduce weight and improve health. The real success depends on using this tool effectively by making consistent, healthy choices.
The journey of weight-loss surgery is about more than losing pounds; it's about gaining a healthier, more active, and fulfilling life. With the right preparation, support, and personal commitment, weight-loss surgery can be the first step towards a brighter, lighter future. Each phase of the journey brings its own challenges and rewards, requiring a comprehensive approach to ensure the best outcomes for health and well-being.
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healthcaremedical12 · 2 months
Sleeve Gastrectomy Surgeon in Central Delhi- Weight Loss Clinic Your Guide to Effective Weight Loss Surgery
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Welcome to Weightloss Clinic, where we specialize in transforming lives through sleeve gastrectomy surgery. If you're considering weight loss surgery, you've come to the right place. In this article, we'll explore everything you need to know about sleeve gastrectomy surgery and why Weightloss Clinic is your top choice for exceptional care and results.
1. Understanding Sleeve Gastrectomy Surgery
Sleeve Gastrectomy Surgeon in Central Delhi also known as gastric sleeve surgery, involves reducing the size of the stomach to promote weight loss. Learn about the procedure, its effectiveness, and who can benefit from it.
2. Benefits of Sleeve Gastrectomy Surgery
Explore the numerous benefits of sleeve gastrectomy surgery, including rapid weight loss, improved health outcomes, and enhanced quality of life. Discover why it's considered one of the most effective weight loss procedures available.
3. Why Choose Weightloss Clinic?
At Weightloss Clinic, we prioritize patient care and satisfaction above all else. Learn about our experienced surgeons, state-of-the-art facilities, and personalized approach to weight loss surgery.
4. Preparation for Sleeve Gastrectomy Surgery
Preparing for sleeve gastrectomy surgery involves several steps, including dietary changes, pre-operative tests, and consultations with your surgeon. Discover what to expect during the preoperative phase.
5. The Sleeve Gastrectomy Procedure
Gain insight into the sleeve gastrectomy procedure, from anesthesia administration to the surgical process itself. Learn about potential risks and complications and how our team mitigates them for your safety.
6. Recovery and Post-Care
Recovery from sleeve gastrectomy surgery is crucial for long-term success. Explore post-operative care guidelines, including dietary recommendations, physical activity, and follow-up appointments.
7. FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
How long does sleeve gastrectomy surgery take?
Sleeve gastrectomy surgery typically takes between one to two hours to complete.
What is the recovery time after sleeve gastrectomy surgery?
Most patients can return to normal activities within two to four weeks after surgery, with full recovery expected within six weeks.
Will I need to follow a special diet after sleeve gastrectomy surgery?
Yes, a liquid diet is usually recommended immediately after surgery, followed by a gradual transition to solid foods over several weeks.
Is sleeve gastrectomy surgery covered by insurance?
Many insurance plans cover sleeve gastrectomy surgery, but coverage may vary depending on your provider and policy.
Can sleeve gastrectomy surgery be reversed?
While sleeve gastrectomy surgery is considered irreversible, it can be converted to another weight loss procedure if necessary.
What are the long-term results of sleeve gastrectomy surgery?
Studies have shown that sleeve gastrectomy surgery can lead to significant and sustained weight loss, along with improvements in obesity-related health conditions.
In conclusion, sleeve gastrectomy surgery at Weightloss Clinic offers a safe, effective, and long-lasting solution for weight loss. With our experienced surgeons, comprehensive care, and commitment to patient satisfaction, you can achieve your weight loss goals with confidence.
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Best Bariatric Surgeon in Central Delhi
Weight Loss Clinic in Central Delhi
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jdrsandeep11 · 2 months
Revolutionizing Weight Loss: Dr. Sandeep Jain, Your Trusted Bariatric Surgeon in India
Are you tired of struggling with excess weight and its associated health issues? Have you been searching for a solution that can truly transform your life? Look no further, because Dr. Sandeep Jain is here to help you embark on a journey towards a healthier, happier you.
As a leading bariatric surgeon in India, Dr. Sandeep Jain brings a wealth of expertise and a compassionate approach to the field of weight loss surgery. With years of experience and a commitment to excellence, he has earned the trust of patients seeking effective solutions for obesity and its related conditions.
Dr. Jain understands that weight loss is not just about shedding pounds; it's about reclaiming your health and vitality. That's why he offers a comprehensive range of bariatric procedures tailored to meet the unique needs and goals of each individual. Whether you're considering gastric bypass, sleeve gastrectomy, or gastric banding, Dr. Jain will work closely with you to determine the most suitable option for your situation.
What sets Dr. Sandeep Jain apart is his personalized approach to patient care. From the moment you walk through the door, you'll be greeted with warmth and empathy by Dr. Jain and his dedicated team. They'll take the time to listen to your concerns, answer your questions, and provide the support you need to feel confident and empowered throughout your weight loss journey.
But Dr. Jain's commitment to your well-being doesn't end after surgery. He'll be there every step of the way, guiding you through the recovery process and offering ongoing support and encouragement as you adjust to your new lifestyle. With his guidance, you'll not only lose weight but also gain the tools and knowledge to maintain your results for years to come.
If you're ready to take control of your weight and transform your life, schedule a consultation with Dr. Sandeep Jain today. With his expertise and dedication by your side, you can look forward to a brighter, healthier future ahead.
For More Info: Hernia Surgery India
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eazy-group · 3 months
Jenifer lost 247 pounds
New Post has been published on https://eazydiet.net/jenifer-lost-247-pounds/
Jenifer lost 247 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Jenifer lost 247 pounds. Osteoarthritis made activities like playing with her children and walking very challenging. She shared her four year journey with us and how she found success.
Social Media: Instagram: @brown_sugar1173 TikTok: @mamagotdajuice
What was your motivation? Fitness was a thing of my past until I saw that the thing I loved most wasn’t fun anymore. I loved spending time with my kids, but it seemed to become a chore (so to speak). Osteoarthritis destroyed my knees, so any walking or exertion was very painful. The weight made me tire fast. 
Also, trying on clothes was depressing because nothing ever fit. I told my children I wanted surgery. However, I promised to try hard to lose the weight naturally for a year first. 
I joined a Herbalife team (Uplift Las Vegas). Through virtual support, I worked hard to gain mental strength and focus. I followed the eating plan, and it worked. I lost 100 lbs in a year. Then, other health issues made me sit down again, and I regained most of the weight I lost.
I worked with a dietitian and finally got approved for bariatric surgery. I did the duodenal switch, which is the gastric sleeve, but with this procedure, they also do the intestines. 
What is your workout routine? To maintain and keep moving towards my body goals, I work out for 30 minutes at least four times a week. If I can’t get to the gym I still get my steps in and make sure I am closing my rings on my watch. (Body goals: as long as my body looks the way I envision it. I know the scale may not match what I think it should be)
How did you change your eating habits? I try to stick with Keto for my eating routine. I say close to it because I love beans, and that’s not a keto item. 
Starting Weight/Current Weight: When I started, I weighed 462 pounds. I started my journey in 2020. After a setback, I restarted my journey in 2022. I currently weigh 215 pounds. 
What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learned? The biggest thing I have learned is that if you don’t change your mindset, you will give up or go backward. Also, meal preparation is a must. 
What advice would you like to share with women who want to lose weight? If you are struggling, don’t give up. You don’t have to quit if you experience setbacks. You didn’t gain the weight overnight, so it’s not coming off overnight. Do this for yourself! If no one applauds you, show up for yourself every day!!!
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nost0mach · 3 months
Introducing myself
Hi ~ coming back strong into this world after 2 years or so of a break.
I used to be popular on Twitter for having lost 30 in 3 months. I was 17, heartbroken after a crazy relationship, unhappy in a disfunctional family, and desperate to lose weight. I was feeding myself off the nice comments I would get from IRLs and internet strangers and pushing myself to get to 30k steps a day, or 6 liters of water.
One day I looked in the mirror and liked what I was seeing. I was still 10 kg above my UGW, but I felt happy, at peace. I slowly moved on and focused on my final exams to move to uni, in a different country. I met new people, partied, loved and cried, and of course I gained weight.
I was keeping it under control for the first year, but in the last 12 months I have definitely gained around 28 kg. Despite finally having the life I wanted, and an amazing boyfriend to enjoy nice restaurants with, I would binge whenever something like work stressed me. It got SO bad that I would hide my eating habits, eat 3-4 normal meals throughout the day with the boyfriend then go home at night, order takeaway for 4 people, and stuff myself. I was happy, so I didn’t have the motivation to burn those calories anymore, to walk or to hate myself… Until I realized I was barely fitting an XL anymore, definitely not in pants at least. I became so mad at myself that I took an impulsive decision (which I do not regret at all).
I booked a flight and a surgery date, and on January 4th of this year, there I was, getting an irreversible gastric sleeve to force myself not to binge anymore. This surgery was an insane physical and psychological pain, I had to tell my parents and my boyfriend in the end, not eat more than 200cal per day for a month, and so on… Now, after 2 months and 15.5 lost (94.7-79.15), I eat pretty normal meals (although extremely small portions), and I trust the process.
My boyfriend is noticing that I look better again, I see my jawline getting back in the mirror as I put make-up on, and I fit in M tops and size 42 jeans. I’m happy.
I’m only here to silently motivate myself to keep going, although it is not like I have a choice. I will keep losing because I simply cannot eat enough, but this is nice mental motivation. I am not sure if I will post and reblog every hour as I did back in 2021-2022, as now I have a job and a boyfriend that I am in love with and they require time, but we’ll see.
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helpfulltips · 4 months
Best Obesity Surgery in Delhi — Dr. Tarun Mittal
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Obesity is a prevalent health concern affecting millions of people worldwide. In India, the rate of obesity has been steadily rising, leading to various health complications and reduced quality of life for affected individuals. However, with advancements in medical technology and the availability of skilled healthcare professionals, there are effective solutions to combat obesity. One such solution is bariatric surgery, which has gained popularity as an effective method for long-term weight loss and improved health outcomes.
Best Obesity Surgery in Delhi, Dr. Tarun Mittal is renowned for providing the best obesity surgery options to patients seeking to overcome obesity and its associated health risks. With years of experience and expertise in the field of bariatric surgery, Dr. Mittal has helped numerous patients achieve significant weight loss and regain their health and confidence.
Bariatric surgery, also known as weight loss surgery, encompasses various procedures designed to reduce the size of the stomach or restrict the amount of food the stomach can hold. These procedures not only promote weight loss but also help in resolving obesity-related health conditions such as type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and sleep apnea." Best Obesity Surgery in Delhi"
Dr. Tarun Mittal specializes in performing different types of bariatric surgeries, including gastric bypass, sleeve gastrectomy, and gastric banding. Each procedure has its unique benefits and considerations, and Dr. Mittal works closely with patients to determine the most suitable option based on their medical history, lifestyle, and weight loss goals.
Gastric bypass surgery involves creating a small pouch at the top of the stomach and bypassing a portion of the small intestine. This results in reduced food intake and absorption, leading to significant weight loss over time. Sleeve gastrectomy, on the other hand, involves removing a large portion of the stomach to create a smaller, sleeve-shaped stomach. This restricts the amount of food that can be consumed, leading to weight loss and improved metabolic health.
Gastric banding, another option offered by Dr. Mittal, involves placing an adjustable band around the upper part of the stomach to create a small pouch. The band can be adjusted to control the amount of food intake, helping patients feel fuller with smaller portions.
One of the key advantages of undergoing bariatric surgery with Dr. Tarun Mittal is the comprehensive pre-operative evaluation and post-operative care provided to patients. Before surgery, patients undergo thorough medical assessments, including physical examinations, laboratory tests, and nutritional counseling, to ensure they are well-prepared for the procedure and recovery process.
After surgery, patients receive personalized guidance and support from Dr. Mittal and his team to facilitate a smooth recovery and long-term success. This includes follow-up appointments, dietary recommendations, exercise guidance, and ongoing monitoring of weight loss progress and health improvements.
Furthermore, Dr. Mittal employs advanced surgical techniques and state-of-the-art facilities to ensure optimal outcomes and minimize the risk of complications. His commitment to excellence and patient-centric approach have earned him recognition as one of the leading bariatric surgeons in Delhi.
Dr. Tarun Mittal is a renowned surgeon offering a wide range of specialized surgical services in Delhi. With a commitment to excellence and a patient-centric approach, Dr. Mittal provides high-quality care and innovative treatments for various medical conditions. Here are some of the specialized services offered by Dr. Mittal:
Best Appendix Surgeon in Delhi: Appendix surgery, also known as appendectomy, is a common procedure performed to remove the inflamed appendix. Dr. Tarun Mittal is recognized as one of the best appendix surgeons in Delhi, providing safe and effective treatment for appendicitis.
Endoscopic Pilonidal Sinus Treatment in Delhi: Pilonidal sinus is a painful condition that requires prompt medical attention. Dr. Mittal offers endoscopic pilonidal sinus treatment, a minimally invasive technique that allows for faster recovery and reduced risk of complications.
Best Laparoscopic Surgery in Delhi: Laparoscopic surgery, also known as minimally invasive surgery, involves performing procedures through small incisions using specialized instruments and a camera. Dr. Tarun Mittal is renowned for his expertise in laparoscopic surgery, providing patients with less pain, faster recovery, and better cosmetic results.
Best Pancreatic Surgery in Delhi: Pancreatic surgery may be necessary to treat conditions such as pancreatic cancer, pancreatitis, or pancreatic cysts. Dr. Mittal specializes in pancreatic surgery, offering advanced techniques and comprehensive care for patients with pancreatic disorders.
Best Piles Treatment in Delhi: Piles, also known as hemorrhoids, can cause discomfort and bleeding. Dr. Tarun Mittal provides the best piles treatment in Delhi, offering both surgical and non-surgical options to relieve symptoms and improve quality of life.
Best Spleen Surgery in Delhi: Spleen surgery may be required to treat conditions such as splenic tumors or ruptured spleen. Dr. Mittal is experienced in performing spleen surgery, ensuring optimal outcomes and minimal complications for patients.
Best Hernia Doctors in Delhi: Hernia repair surgery is a common procedure performed to treat hernias, which occur when an organ pushes through a weak spot in the abdominal wall. Dr. Tarun Mittal and his team are among the best hernia doctors in Delhi, providing expert care and personalized treatment plans for hernia patients.
Video-Assisted Anal Fistula Treatment in Delhi: Anal fistula is a complex condition that requires specialized treatment. Dr. Mittal offers video-assisted anal fistula treatment, a minimally invasive approach that allows for better visualization and precise treatment of fistula tracts.
Best Gallbladder Removal Surgery in Delhi: Gallbladder removal surgery, also known as cholecystectomy, is performed to treat gallbladder disease such as gallstones or inflammation. Dr. Tarun Mittal is recognized for his expertise in gallbladder surgery, providing patients with safe and effective treatment options.
Best Gastric Sleeve Surgery in Delhi: Gastric sleeve surgery, also known as sleeve gastrectomy, is a weight loss procedure that involves removing a portion of the stomach to reduce its size. Dr. Mittal offers the best gastric sleeve surgery in Delhi, helping patients achieve significant weight loss and improve their overall health.
Gastrointestinal Surgeon in Delhi: As a gastrointestinal surgeon, Dr. Tarun Mittal specializes in treating disorders of the digestive system. From reflux disease to colorectal cancer, Dr. Mittal provides comprehensive care for patients with gastrointestinal conditions.
Best Bariatric Surgeon in Delhi: Bariatric surgery is a proven treatment for obesity and related health conditions. Dr. Mittal is recognized as the best bariatric surgeon in Delhi, offering personalized weight loss solutions and long-term support for patients struggling with obesity.
Best Robotic Surgeon in Delhi NCR: Robotic surgery offers numerous benefits, including enhanced precision, shorter recovery times, and reduced risk of complications. Dr. Tarun Mittal is a leading robotic surgeon in Delhi NCR, utilizing state-of-the-art technology to perform complex procedures with utmost precision and care.
In conclusion, Dr. Tarun Mittal stands as a beacon of hope for individuals grappling with the challenges of obesity and its associated health burdens. With obesity surgery emerging as a transformative intervention, Dr. Mittal offers unparalleled expertise and personalized care in addressing the complex needs of patients in Delhi. His commitment to excellence extends beyond mere surgical proficiency, encompassing a holistic approach that prioritizes patient well-being and long-term success. The realm of obesity surgery is not just about shedding excess weight; it’s about reclaiming one’s health and vitality. Dr. Mittal’s practice embodies this ethos, offering a comprehensive array of obesity surgery options tailored to individual needs. From gastric bypass to sleeve gastrectomy, each procedure is meticulously planned and executed to ensure optimal outcomes and improved quality of life for patients. Moreover, Dr. Mittal’s dedication to patient care extends far beyond the operating room. He provides unwavering support and guidance throughout the entire journey, from initial consultation to post-operative care. This commitment to ongoing support fosters a sense of trust and confidence among patients, empowering them to navigate the challenges of weight loss with resilience and determination. Furthermore, Dr. Mittal’s expertise extends beyond obesity surgery to encompass a wide range of specialized surgical services. Whether it’s appendectomy, pilonidal sinus treatment, laparoscopic surgery, or bariatric surgery, patients can trust in Dr. Mittal’s skill and experience to deliver superior outcomes. His reputation as a trusted choice for surgical care in Delhi is a testament to his unwavering dedication to patient well-being and satisfaction. In essence, Dr. Tarun Mittal epitomizes excellence in surgical care, offering not just treatment but genuine compassion and support to patients in their journey towards better health. With Dr. Mittal by their side, patients can embark on a path of transformation, confident in the knowledge that they are in the hands of a true expert and advocate for their well-being. If you’re considering surgery in Delhi, look no further than Dr. Mittal for comprehensive, compassionate, and unparalleled surgical solutions tailored to your needs.
Certainly, here are 10 frequently asked questions about obesity surgery in Delhi, along with their answers:
1. What is obesity surgery? — Obesity surgery, also known as bariatric surgery, is a surgical procedure performed to help individuals lose weight by altering the digestive system’s anatomy. It aims to reduce the size of the stomach or bypass a portion of the digestive tract, leading to reduced food intake or decreased absorption of nutrients.
2. Who is a candidate for obesity surgery? — Candidates for obesity surgery typically have a body mass index (BMI) of 40 or higher, or a BMI of 35 or higher with obesity-related health conditions such as type 2 diabetes or hypertension. However, candidacy criteria may vary depending on individual health factors and surgical recommendations.
3. What are the different types of obesity surgery available? — Common types of obesity surgery include gastric bypass, sleeve gastrectomy, gastric banding, and biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch. Each procedure has its unique mechanisms and considerations, and the choice depends on factors such as BMI, medical history, and weight loss goals.
4. Is obesity surgery safe? — Obesity surgery is generally safe when performed by experienced surgeons in accredited facilities. Like any surgical procedure, it carries risks and potential complications, but the benefits often outweigh the risks, especially for individuals with severe obesity and related health conditions.
5. What are the benefits of obesity surgery? — Obesity surgery can lead to significant and sustained weight loss, improvement or resolution of obesity-related health conditions such as type 2 diabetes and hypertension, enhanced quality of life, and increased longevity.
6. What is the recovery process like after obesity surgery? — Recovery from obesity surgery varies depending on the type of procedure performed and individual factors. In general, patients may experience some discomfort, dietary restrictions, and gradual weight loss over several months. Regular follow-up appointments and lifestyle modifications are essential for long-term success.
7. Will I need to make lifestyle changes after obesity surgery? — Yes, lifestyle changes are crucial for successful weight loss and maintenance after obesity surgery. This may include adopting a healthier diet, increasing physical activity, attending support groups or counseling sessions, and adhering to recommended follow-up care.
8. Are there any risks or complications associated with obesity surgery? — Although obesity surgery is generally safe, it carries potential risks and complications such as infection, blood clots, gastrointestinal issues, and nutritional deficiencies. It’s essential to discuss these risks with your surgeon and follow post-operative guidelines carefully to minimize complications.
9. Will I need to take supplements after obesity surgery? — Yes, supplementation is often necessary after obesity surgery to prevent nutritional deficiencies. This may include vitamins, minerals, and protein supplements, as well as regular monitoring of nutrient levels through blood tests.
10. How long do the effects of obesity surgery last? — The effects of obesity surgery can be long-lasting, especially when combined with lifestyle changes. However, sustained weight loss and health improvements require ongoing commitment to healthy habits, regular follow-up care, and adherence to medical recommendations.
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