shy-nee-universe · 5 years
Daesung & Seungyoon's 'UGLY' Cover at YGFAMCON in JPN DVD
Je vote pour plus de duo avec Daesung et Seung Yoon. Ce sont deux super chanteurs, ils ont beaucoup de présence sur une scène. Et pour ne rien gâcher, je les trouve choux ^^
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cynicaluphorium · 8 years
なんつーかわいさ🙈💕べべにお尻叩かれて、ぴゃあ😝ってなってる❤️ #YGfamcon #bigbang #Daesung #DLITE #てそん #ディライト #Taeyang #SOL #YB #よんべ #テヤン
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hereforxian · 9 years
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ji-daddy · 10 years
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141025 GD @ YG Fam con in Taiwan | CaptainG
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top-eyecandy · 10 years
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141019 TOP BIGBANG - Beijing YGFam con | TOPS-GIRLS
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ygentertrollment-blog · 10 years
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Vanity fair Italia translation cr
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tinkerpan15 · 10 years
Haru 하루 - Bigbang #Ygfamcon #YGConcertSG #YGFamilyinSG #bigbang #haruharu
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hereforxian · 9 years
BIGBANG- Bad boy (Japanese Ver.) YG Family Power Japan (M-ON ! Ver) 
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ji-daddy · 10 years
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141025 GD @ YG Fam con in Taiwan | HoneyJiyong
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cindyhedelin · 10 years
Seungri to YG Family Singapore Concert
I know this may be a bit late, but... 
today, I just heard that at the day of incident, 12 Sept 2014 of that Seungri is actually getting off from the ambulance to catch the flight to Singapore but then, in the end he's sent to hospital (may be he's getting scolded by YG sajangnim or GD #hah) again since he didn't look well also with abdominal pain.
I also see the news about YGE that mention about Seungri being so sorry not to able to come the concert in Singapore. 
For real. I actually a bit disappointed. BUT.. that is before the news and before I see how bad the car crash is. Then, I'm all good, wish him the best to recover and enjoy it with all I can. 
JENG JENG!! (typical Indonesian opening sound) when Daesung come to sing 2ne1's "Ugly" and I think, Seungri suppose to be his partner and whereas he couldn't come, Seungyoon sing for his place. The thing that is disappointing me is that WHY SEUNGYOON HAVE TO WEAR THOSE SEUNGRI-EYED-GLASSES??  The reality suddenly hits me (alay) and it makes me all sad. It becomes hard to enjoy that one song even I try my best to. 
As I suffer from the muscle pain and stuffs after the concert, I found the reported news, stating above. I am really sad and really touched by him doing that. By even have the thought after experiencing such a shocking event, all only by himself. I might not be able to do it in the way he did. He is really professional and I'm proud of him <3
"I flipping my car and I should catch my flight to Singapore?" Hell no for me. Even smaller car accident can cause shock, but he is flipping the car dude! he must be really shocked and I wish he didn't get any trauma or something. physical pain is enough and that's it. 
source: daum
source translated by: ShrimpLJY
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nvwju · 10 years
it was amAZING 
WINNER AND PSY REALLY SURPRISED ME. LIKE WOW. PSY IS an amazing entertainer omg and winner’s voices live were incredible!!!! 
and they;re all such qts sjfdbkfksgh taehyun rly dragged me into a pit yesterday hahah shittttt 
tbh at first i wasn’t feeling well and i felt a bit whoozy so i was just sorta chilling bobbing about but then big bang came out and i screamed so hard i couldn’t breathe for a moment omfg  i missed daesung so so so soso somuch :((((((( baby :(((((  they all look so good fuck!!! ji is back to being toned and dae too omgkdjf bae looks smaller hahahha like he isnt as buff as he used to be but he looks good! and then tabi… when does tabi not look good pls 
i got rly lucky yesterday i can’t even believe it! managed to get quite a bit of fanservice woah. only tabi didn’t really come to our area. and i managed to get tablo, tukutz, ji, bom, cl, minzy, tabi, bae, dae, seungyoon, psy & taehyun’s attention it was ridiculous wtf idk i think i was standing on a gold mine or something it was madness and it was perfect jseufnkdjgb i do wish lee hi was there thooo. that qt and her power vocals agh!! 
at one point tablo and tukutz walked off the stage and they passed by my standing pen, and i got a shock so i yelled “woah tukutz!” and he turned and smiled hahah. but friends managed to touch their hands! 
winner’s stage was cool! they came floating in on this wire things and mino was leaning against it being all suave but i was really nervous for him bc the metal thing he was leaning against  kept shaking backward a bit ijsdkbk and i kept accidentally getting eye contact with seungyoon! he sings so well and he was rly hyper which was great BUT WHY DID THEY HAVE TO DRESS HIM LIKE AN OLD MAN! his shirt was so baggy!!! should’ve given him a tighter fitting shirt of something. but he was cute and kept interacting with the audience which was great!
mino and dara during doom dada were so cute omg mino’s voice is rly nice *^* and dara was so adorable!!!!!
when tabi was walking during encore i waved my lightstick at him and yelled choomtop and he waved back!
daesung’s solo was definitely my favourite. i cried ofkdnfgdkajkef and then big bang’s i love you stage was sO CUTE TODAE EVERYWHERE SQUEALS INTO THE HIGH HEAVENS 
and then jiyong’s solo om g nesnufnunufb
i rly cannot remember whe n it was.. but i was holding up my gd black & gold slogan towel and its rly big so i felt bad to hold it up bc it’d block ppl behind me so whenever i held it up i’d count five seconds and put it down LMAO but then bc i was second row sorta, and my friend was in front of my so i thought if i just held it up a little under my chin he should still be able to see it bc only a couple of letters would be blocked.. so i did. the shitty thing is that usually i stand in pen B (east pen, left side) and he always goes to the west pen (pen A, right side). but yesterday, i was in Pen A for the first time and was honestly nervous. and he kept going to Pen B! LIKE RUDE PLZ I COME HERE FOR U AND U GO OVER THERE WHY U GOTTQA DO DIS TO ME. and a lot of the time i just stare at him in awe bc amazing ;nnn; and i kind of forget there are other ppl on stage sometime sigh. so basically he was at the main stage at this point, and i was staring at him most of the time just willing him to look and then i saw him look over, but i wasnt sure if he was looking at my banner, then he did a double take and looked at my banner for sure, then he walked down the ramp a little and then did a little bend over pose and winked and pointed right at me i wanted to die babY PLS i literally actually burst into tears THANK YOU BABY 
i’ve seen big bang 4 times now and every single time feels like a first for me. they always make me tear up or be blown away ughuhhhughuhh but it really did feel significantly emptier without seungri on stage :( baaaaby 
they didn’t fill in his parts for most of the songs… maybe only one. and bae told us that he was okay, just asked for us to continue praying for him. what a sweetie. 
and omg epik high’s stages were AMZING!!!!!!!!!!!11111  TABLO’S INTRO OF HIS MEMEBERS WAS SO FUNNY. he introduced mithra as a LV model, Tukutz as a grammy award winning actor, father of techno and a male stripper, and he was the father of hiphop and what not. how cute. and then he told us that the new album is ready, and they’re oh so humble about it hahah and then “we only ask that you buy just 100 copies of it each.” and the mithra said “no. one million” and then tukutz “no! one billion” and so we all have to spend our life savings on one billion copies of their new album each now welp 
psy was so great holy shit he really talked to us and chilled out w us and made us scream and jump and get high!!! and at one point he looked confused and started laughing bc different groups of ppl chanted psy at different times bc we couldnt get in sync and eveyrone stopped. i was laughing so hard and he looked at me and nodded and then explained the situation on the mic. and then he got everyone quiet and we chanted psy together finally. he also called out some people on the second floor HAHAHAHA bc they were sitting down and everyone else was jumping and he said “you four family have to scream to represent the second floor” so the second floor ppl all stared at them like yALL BETTER DO GOOD AHAHAha and they did!! they yelled pretty loud! and it was so funny omg bc he got a spotlight on them and camera and everything. and then he said “its ok!! shame is only for a moment, the memory lasts forever!!” HAHAHAHHAHA HES THE BEST
also he tweeted saying “unusual sunday” in singapore… it was bc he (and everyone else tbh ncluding me) said that usually saturday crowd is more happening and hyper and all that. usually i go for the day one cons and its pretty damn awesome, but this time the day two concert was better in eevryhtungngidf it was awesome 
the encore was when there was a lot of interaction and people were freaking out bc the securtiy let us take pictures and stuff and all of them looked so happy and having fun aw ksdnfkjsbohsf 
and omg during the con daesung kept coming to our side and we were all yelling fo rhim and he stopped and posed for us and he grinned and waved at me a couple of times.. but what was the best part was that, we were trying to get him to look at this japanese fan friend we made (misao - she’s a daesung stan and she customized her own lightstick so it read daesung and everything its so cute!!!) and he kept coming back to her aw!!! so happy for her!! deja vu tho bc at big bang alive tour 2012 there were these two japanese seungri stans (nanami & keiko) and seungri kept going back to them too. i guess they rly appreicate the full on support! so cute. 
bom was so cute oh my goshhhhhhhhhh fjskdbfksjdb woman how are you like 30 pls!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the girls were all waving at everyone actually so i gave her a heart and she waved at me with both hands it was rly cute omg i want to pinch her cheeks. 
youngbae stood in front of us and danced and then psy came to dane with him and smack his butt hahah 
tablo walked down the ramp and he was gonna go to the other pen to throw water on them but then i yelled TABLOOOOOoooooOOOoOo and then he switched sides and came over to us.. and sprayed us all. yay. then he walked off all smooth to the other pen to continue wreaking havoc. 
during UP, i was singing and jumping along to the lyrics and then tablo was nodding and rapping in our direction i wish i could’ve takena a pic he looked swaggie 
and then omg when winner were walking up and down i just kept staring at taehyun and i grinned and waved and he smiled really sweetly and waved back PLS BOy 
and then ji also came to sit near us, but further down near the camera. in front of some fans and he looked like he was rly enjoying himself. just sat there and then laughed at fans and then he got up and threw his bb shirt to someone. so cuuuuute. 
i also heard that taeyang did the same near the extended stage. he gave his bb shirt to a fan! and apparently he made sure it got to her specifically! amazingggggggg 
ji gave out some headphones to fans on the first day too. 
but thats also when seunghoon fell off the stage :( poor baby! he stepped back to take a video of tukutz, but he stepped too far and tripped and fell! it was a rly hard fall omg and apparently he fainted backstage and was rushed to the a&e but he’s okay ;; he’s resting i think. 
today they’re all out and about in sentosa having fun. universal studios and the aquarium and sightseeing. so cuteee. i hope they enjoy themselves and come back soon huhuhu
i love them all so much and oh god its no joke big bang is everything everything everything 
wow sorry this turned into a full on spazz recount its not everything but its off the top of my head… yea huhuhuhu
i really sincerely hope y’all get to experience these cons one day! 
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thumbbrrbrr-blog · 10 years
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