#a.b.o fiction
dam-peace · 4 months
Apologies for my very long rant. I have alot to say unfortunately.
So I just read the new teasers for both V.V and A.B.O and holy smokes were they good. I loved your writing before don't get me wrong. It took me by surprise and God's was it very... descriptive lol but I loved it!! And I still do.
I tried every variation of the replies MC could've given and they are all so unique personality wise that I know you put so much work into it. Some dialog made me legit 🤭 I loved how humorous and also deadpan it can be.
Also thank you for adding more available for all gender ROs to V.V not that it's a criticism for A.B.O just as someone that usually romances as a MLM it's just super awkward even fictionally to romance a female RO when you simply just can't relate? When you are romancing the opposite gender. I hope that makes sense. And then on A.B.O I appreciate the secret RO then being a MLM romancer only. Tho with my luck it's gonna end up being a villain 🤣
What else was there... oh when it comes to A.B.O am I right in saying Hex and ghost aren't romancable character? They didn't have any MC romance related info in their details.
Lastly I know this has been a long time in the making and honestly you are a very talented writer. I hope you do realize that when things get a bit much writing wise. I cannot wait to read the demo when you release it and I truly hope you get so much more recognition because your work speaks for itself. You havw a major fan in me. 😇
Have a good evening/ whatever time of the day you end up reading this. ♥️
First of all your "rambling" was incredibly sweet and certainly brought a smile to my face. So please don't apologise and thank you so much for your kind words, it just warms my little heart🥹🩷
Also, I'm happy that I was able to broaden my horizons and give players more access to each RO. And in your case that would be MLM RO's so I'm incredibly happy about that, representation is a really big thing for me. And I'd hate to leave certain groups out of the whole gaming process if I can help it. (Also, the secret M RO couldn't possibly be a villain 😂.....or could be? 😳🫢👀)
And yes you're correct, Hex and Ghost are not RO's they were never designed with that in mind. Which will become evident later on, when it's shown in game that Hex is actually 14 and Ghost is 13. Whilst the MC is 16, as well as the other RO's. Apart from Zero and Viper who are 17, so that's a definite no.
And once again, thank you SO much for sending this message in. Like seriously I almost teared up reading this and I'm very much not a crier. Things have been piling on top of me lately, so it's really nice to have words of encouragement every now and then.
Thank you so much for enjoying my work, for your continued support and just simply by taking notice of a little writer like me. Love you, and have a GREAT day/evening 🩷🩷🩷
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PLEASE REPOST, DO NOT REBLOG!  Feel free to add to any of your answers! The purpose is to tell your partners about the way you write!  For the multiple choice ones, BOLD all that apply and, if you want, italicize if it’s a conditional answer!
– b a s i c s –
NAME : Taggerung/Tagg
ARE YOU OVER 18?: Yes / No
ARE YOU SELECTIVE ABOUT WHO YOU WRITE WITH ON THIS BLOG?: No (anyone) / Semi (most people) / Yes / Highly / Private (mutuals only)  
IF YOUR MUSE IS CANON, HOW MUCH TO YOU ADHERE TO CANON?: Not at all / A little / Some / Mostly / Strictly / (OC) I write my own canon. (canon is very dependent on the media and how dirty certain runs/seasons did them)
WHAT POST LENGTHS DO YOU WRITE?: One Liners / Single-Para / Multi-Para / Novella / It kind of depends on my mood
DO YOU USE ICONS AND/OR GIFS?: No / Gifs / Icons / Gif icons / Depends (mostly for asks and starters) 
DO YOU WRITE ON OTHER PLATFORMS? No / Yes (discord this is mostly for people no longer on tumblr)
WHAT LEVEL OF PLOTS DO YOU WRITE? Unplotted / Open Ended Plots / Semi-Plotted / Fully Plotted Epics / Depends  
HOW QUICKLY DO YOU USUALLY RESPOND TO THREADS? Very Slow (more than a month) / Slow (3-4 Weeks) / Average (1-2 Weeks) / Fast (Less Than One Week) / Very Fast (Less Than Three Days) / Depends 
WHAT TYPES OF THEMES DO YOU LIKE? (feel free to add!) Fluff / Angst / Smut / Action / Tragedy / Domestic / Family / Conversational / Hurt-Comfort / All + more 
WHAT GENRES DO YOU LIKE? (feel free to add!) High Fantasy / Supernatural / Science Fiction / Historical / Horror / Comedy / Romantic / Drama / Action / Adventure / Espionage / Everything
ARE THERE ANY THEMES YOU’RE UNCOMFORTABLE WRITING ON YOUR BLOG? No / Yes ( i don't do a.b.o. or much with cheating storylines)
– s h i p p i n g –
WHAT TYPES OF RELATIONSHIPS ARE YOU OPEN TO?: Romantic / Platonic / Familial  /  Physical  / Sexual / All kinds
WHAT TYPES OF PRE-ESTABLISHED RELATIONSHIPS ARE YOU OPEN TO?: Romantic / Platonic / Familial / Physical / Sexual / All of them (i really need to know the mun before i can pre-establlish any relationships and that's case by case even then)
DO YOU HAVE OTPS? No / Chemistry only / Yes (tho there’s no single otp for me with any character/muse, otp is a level not a label)   
DO YOU HAVE NOTPS? No / YES /I don’t know
HOW EARLY IN A RELATIONSHIP DO YOU SHIP ROMANTICALLY?: Autoship / During Plotting / After A Couple IC Interactions / Several IC Interactions / Slow Burn /Depends (on partner & muse)
ARE YOU OPEN TO TOXIC SHIPS?: No / Selectively/ Yes / Never Tried It
ARE YOU OPEN TO PROBLEMATIC SHIPS?: (canon history, age difference, complicated, etc.) No / Selectively  / Yes
DOES CROSSOVER SHIPPING EVER HAPPEN?: No / YES (90% of my ships are crossover or OC/canon)
Tagged by: @untamedtempest
Tagging: Everyone
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talkthatkrp · 1 year
a sana pfp on your profile and act ooc like the majority of people who don’t understand that rp is to write fictional character/scenarios not force everyone else to cater to your own personal preferences // and this everyone is how you find a mun that is into a.b.o AND acts so ooc that they feel called out enough to be here trying to compare rping to giving people knots so they can get hot writing smut lol
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satchaccuss · 4 years
My A.B.O-verse wish.
Not sure if a.b.o-verse is a specific thing or if it is any a.b.o universe containing these roles/classes.
Warning: This might gross some ppl out, it is about a.n.a.l kind of after all.
I want (fan)fiction written where all roles can self lubricate so an*l isn’t such a major hassle when you want a switch-couple. It isn’t that hard to make happen either ffs ppl! 
Just write that because how the roles have genetically developed alfas have fewer lubrication glands in their colon and vagina, and that is just how it is, they will need some prep and lube no matter what, but at least it isn’t dry as a desert if they are sufficiently aroused and excited to have a d*ck up their a*s.
Now this idea all started with me saddened that my bias isn’t really an alfa or an omega, they are more of a middle thing, so a beta and in such: I was feeling it is unfair for betas that they can’t self lubricate like omegas can, and the idea and scenario that developed in my head after that was that: it would realistically actually be more probable that betas also would be capable of self lubrication if there is an alfa present and no omegas. Now mpreg makes me uncomfortable because.... just no thank you. But lets say when early man roamed the earth in this universe it was a thing, then it would make sense that if there were no omegas around the betas would have the kids and such be capable of self lubricating. Tho the mpreg stuff disappeared through the ages and the development of medicine and genetic research and or urbanization or something so it isn’t a thing in the universe anymore. Anyway: I say betas should at the best of times with no omega around and an alfa they want be able to produce equally as much lubrication as any omega, maybe even as much (in rare circumstances of extreme arousal) as an omega in the midst of their heat. All in all: despite the lesser amounts of glands a beta has than an omega the difference in lubrication capability should be mostly negligible.
Tho I do understand that just having the cake and eating it too isn’t very fun or dramatic, hence why I added the realistic rule of: no omegas present. If the couple intends to f*ck against the wall in the middle of a dorm full of all kinds of ppl including omegas the lubrication will be lackluster (but maybe true love, mates, or extreme f*cking arousal can be exceptions to the rule, after all who doesn’t love cake? Unless you do of course but you know what I mean lol) and prepping and physical lube might/will be needed.
Please don’t make omegas trash or lower class citizens and please don’t make alfas c*nts.
I see the roles as more of: Alfas either take charge most or all of the time and/or lead and support the pack and the “weak”. OR my favorite honestly: they are just alfas. Strong “underneath” (Idunno, magic hidden superior muscle tissue?) and ferocious when pressed but chill and laid back and nice and calm and easy going. Sure, he’ll/she’ll help you with your heat no problem, but they wont force you into anything or come at you when they have their rut (if that exists in your universe, I think if the betas work as I want them too tho then maybe you can make some hot stuff happen). (yes ok, I like some power play some times: the alfa being so manly and sexy and amazing smelling that the beta’s or omega’s knees go weak and they f*ck against the nearest surface if they are both actually legitimately willing and wanting of course, no r*pe here please or lack of physical consent: if they kiss back and rub and don’t say no, then go for it you know?). Anyway, the alfas are silent powerful guardians that linger in the back of the pack, ready at any moment despite how calm or uninterested they might look, to back up the actual leader should trouble arise or ready to protect the whole pack or any member of it should the leader fail to take charge or not be present at the moment. Maybe they get ruts, maybe they don’t: it is your story!
Betas take the middle ground: They will lead and take charge if no one else will or they will nurture and care for their pack/ppl if no one else will, they will do what needs to be done especially if there is a role that needs to be filled and it doesn't have anyone to fill it.
Omegas take care of the pack, in any way that fits their personality I guess. Like, the class clown: making merry for everyone's amusement or the “mom”: cooking and cleaning maybe. I think that is a good way of putting it, but: the omegas aren’t necessarily that different from betas in my ideal world: they might’ve been in prehistoric times, but modern society has put an end to the need for such diversity between the roles. Maybe make the knotting-thing an non-necessity too and just have the act of climaxing repeatedly be the end all be all over I don’t know how many days a heat go on for but yeah that. Otherwise having a beta top during a heat is pointless so to speak and if your bias is a beta and you’d like em to top an omega during their heat it wouldn’t be very... productive?
The biggest difference in my universe is simply their smells, it seams. lol
So for the heats/ruts. I think you can work with these existing, and have some nice steamy results. But I want more control. No omega just so blindly in need of a knot or climax that they will take any and all, because that isn’t very romantic, not that all stories have to be romantic but I like the idea of mates, predestined or otherwise, so yeah. And no super crazy effect on the surroundings either please, of course they can smell it, but it isn’t a usual occurrence for any old alfa to approach an omega about to enter into or already in heat and proposition them, it might happen if you are conventionally attractive perhaps, but not usually. This is modern society after all, and civility is the norm. Equally I don’t want no alfa so crazy with need they’ll force themselves on someone either. They might insist quite heavily for sure, but no means no! Antagonists in stories are allowed to break that rule to an extent but no one (should) wants to read about r*pe.
Why the heat/ruts if mpreg is out of the question and modern society has put almost an end to the big diversity between the the non-alfa types? Because it enables lustful hot sex with animalistic instincts as semi-drive? All in all tho: because well-written hot sex is the best and if it comes from uncontrollable forces it can add a nice hot spinn on an otherwise dry (eventual) love story.
I think a rare but nice story element I would like to see is the omega feeling the heat and seducing a chill willing alfa. They do both want it of course, but the alfa isn’t going to just take it from you unless you make that exceptionally clear.
...My thought for this was an excited omega Jangjun wanting his hyung (Idunno why, I just ship them, ok) to f*ck him (or maybe a more graceful way of putting it would be he wants him to help him through his heat) by gently but insistingly “coercing” a semi-sleepy Daeyeol to f*ck him by smelling really good, (I mean c’mon, he is an omega in heat and yeol is a single alfa lol) and licking and nipping at erogenous zones to get the other aroused (in more ways than one hah. Now I ain’t saying he is deep asleep of course, he is just resting in bed for a bit or maybe he is about to go to sleep, either way works. Please someone write this!).
I assume a rut would work the same, the alfa will endure until the love interest offers to help or an assertive alfa might make his interest known to the love interest through asking for help or something. Yeah I ran out of steam, Idunno what to say here. Sorry.
Please make the lubrication idea the norm when it comes to the A.B.O-verse. Not everyone is an alfa or even an omega, some ppl are betas and they deserve some hot spontaneous self lubricated sex too.
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gaysontodd · 4 years
personally, i adore the concept of trines and trios and triads in tf fics; its a rlly interesting idea! esp when its not a biological necessity- ie fics where more than two individuals’ spark energy is required- but is instead cultural.
i love the idea of two creators and a provider; while one parent would be able to help a great deal, they each have a role within their group. i know this is just gender roles repackaged, esp in universes where the cybes in question cannot change from an assigned role, but its easier to stomach than, say, a.b.o.
i think that part of why i enjoy those dynamics so much is that, in fiction about humans, there is the expectation that two people will be together romantically and a third, good friend will be present on the periphery; if children are involved, they are delighted to spend time with uncle jake or aunt rosa. the third person is automatically placed in a category other than parent, for the simple reason they are not romantically involved with the other two.
however, in tf fic, the third person is often welcomed and treated as a third parent- no less important or valued for lack of a romantic partnership. and thats p fucking cool! id adore that kind of relationship one day, but uhh, its not likely.
ig the point of all that was that being aliens and a step removed from humans makes tfs easier to relate to than most human-centric fiction ive read.
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vagabond-pinky · 4 years
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Tagging @scroogemcdyke @friedpotstickers @thatrandombatgurl @it-runs-in-the-fandom @the-sith-in-the-sky-with-diamond @nexxmonia @bpdeadpool @the-chavoi-legacy and whoever else lol
Tagged by @chokit-pyrus​
YES PLEASE: Angst | Gen Fic | Fix It Fic | Missing Scenes | Fluff | Hurt/Comfort | Canon Divergence
I LIKE IT!: Enemies to Lovers | First Kiss | Slow Burn | Friends to Lovers | Humor
TAKE IT OR LEAVE IT: Sharing A Bed | Huddle For Warmth | Established Relationship | Soulmate AU | Mutual Pining
USUALLY AVOID: Coffee Shop AU | College AU | Fake Relationship | Love Triangle | Miscommunication | Fairytale AU | Crack Fic | Drunken Confessions | Royalty AU | Time Loop
NEVER NO NO NO: A.B.O | Amnesia Fic | Pregnancy Fic | S*x Pollen | PWP | Bang or Die (dude i have never heard of this wtf) | Dark Fic | Unhappy Endings | Unrequited Love | Major Character Death | Arranged Marriage | Crossover | Historical AU | High School AU | Body Swap | Baby Fic | Magic AU
i like canon-compliant happiness, thank you very much.
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chokit-pyrus · 4 years
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Tagging @biwabiwa @vagabond1925 @princie33 @the-sith-in-the-sky-with-diamond @cyrraluu @starknstarwars (I AM workin on ur commish!! ^ ^;;) @marcyaugust @thatfirehairedshifter @thegoddamnsun @mathematical-literacy​
Thanks for the tag @rainofaugustsith​
YES PLEASE: Fix It Fic | Canon Divergence | Slow Burn | Fluff | Friends to Lovers | Humor
I LIKE IT!: Hurt/Comfort | Angst | Gen Fic | Mutual Pining
TAKE IT OR LEAVE IT: Sharing A Bed | Unrequited Love | Missing Scene | Established Relationship | Huddle For Warmth | Historical AU | First Kiss
USUALLY AVOID: Soulmate AU | Amnesia Fic | Arranged Marriage | College AU | Drunken Confessions | Fake Relationship | Miscommunication | Fairytale AU | Enemies to Loves
NEVER NO NO NO: Pregnancy Fic | gross | A.B.O | more gross | Crack Fic | PWP | Unhappy Endings | Magic AU | Time Loop | Major Character Death | High School AU | Crossover | Body Swap | Dark Fic | Royalty AU | Love Triangles |  Coffee Shop AU | Baby Fic
I’m so picky with my fics lol
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mrsmegadrive · 4 years
I did a thing and I don’t know if I love it or hate it, but it’s just the beginning.
AKA the LPOTL A.B.O fiction that no one asked for.
ps- Slater made me do it.
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eddie-kas · 6 years
Do you know of any a.b.o fan fiction?
What's a.b.o ????
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milkteamiku · 7 years
Can you do an a.b.o. voltron fiction where Lance has gone into a cleaning mode (nesting) and cleans all of the others rooms... but in the process makes a bigger mess of things.. driving kieth a little crazy.... but have it end with cuddles... please
Sorry for the long wait! I’ve been working on so many A/B/O things lately that it’s hard to finish anything, but I did get a start on this!
Here you go! There will be at least two parts, and hopefully I can upload the second part sometime tomorrow ^^ I hope you like it!
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