#abstract nouns
🇸🇪 Reciprocal Verbs and Abstract Nouns
Reciprocal Verbs
"You can add -s to verbs to give them a so called ”reciprocal meaning”, i.e. meaning ’each other’. So träffa is ”to meet”, whereas träffas is ”to meet each other”. So you are essentially saying ”[it was] nice to meet each other”.
This reciprocal -s is very common in verbs that have to do with fighting of some sort, e.g. boxas (to box), slåss (to fight), retas (to tease), but also kramas (to hug), kyssas (to kiss) etc." - Redditor Coedwig
Abstract (vs. Concrete) Nouns
will study forms like
abstract nouns: noun, singular adj, plural adj, adverb (noun, -lig, -liga, -ligt)
concrete nouns: indef singular (a/an foot), definite singular (the foot), definite plural (the feet, the oranges), indef plural (some feet)
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authormarialberg · 1 year
Poetry Month Challenges Day 30: Zeal and Zealousness
Zealousness in Zeal by Maria L. Berg 2023 Zeal & Zealousness Finding the contradictory nature in today’s abstract nouns was an interesting and challenging exercise. Many would say that zeal and zealousness have the same meaning, however, zeal is a feeling and zealousness is being full of or characterized by that feeling. I thought writer Harvey Ardman’s answer to the question of how zeal and…
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mtariqniaz · 2 years
5. Complete English Grammar -- Common and Proper Nouns
5. Complete English Grammar — Common and Proper Nouns
Pronouns Definition Pronouns are words that are used in place of nouns in a sentence. The noun being replaced is known as the antecedent of the pronoun. Using pro nouns We commonly use pronouns in speech and writing to avoid sounding unnatural and repetitive by reusing the same noun in a sentence multiple times. Take, for example, the following sentence: “John said that John wants to use the…
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princesskuragina · 1 year
I love when rp blogs tag my posts #ooc. Yes break character for me boy
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salovie · 1 year
Could I
have loved
the desert
in another life?
If Dad
had been
If we
never left—
would I still
see your face
face the sea
But you are
too dear
for a
and trees
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thoughts-of-kel · 5 months
Kel, do you actually dislike Pink or were you just tricking Aubrey into being racist?
yes i absolutely was tricking aubrey into being racist pink is a wonderful colour and I'd be a sinner if i were to deny that
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so cheerful to know that i am not the only one who did not like the evolution ending
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astarionspocketpussy · 8 months
Thought too hard about how I name Tieflings and started considering the role of "common" in DND and how different real life languages might fit in that framework. Needless to say now I want to write an essay but alas. Its midnight.
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icantwaittomeethim · 1 year
HEY! It’s (Gizmo, i mean) Guillermo!!!
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can you answer this? answer is in the tags. try, don’t peak! from: https://www.khanacademy.org/
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upstartly · 2 years
Theodora feels too feminine
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deliasamed · 2 months
Noun exercises
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Noun Definition & Exercises:
 Common nouns refer to general, ordinary things or entities (e.g., dog, city). Proper nouns refer to specific, individual entities (e.g., Max, New York). Singular nouns refer to one person, place, thing, or idea (e.g., book, car). Plural nouns refer to more than one person, place, thing, or idea (e.g., books, cars). Countable nouns can be counted and have both singular and plural forms (e.g., chair, book). Uncountable nouns cannot be counted individually and usually don't have plural forms (e.g., water, happiness). Abstract nouns refer to intangible concepts, feelings, or qualities (e.g., love, honesty). Concrete nouns refer to tangible, physical objects or entities (e.g., table, tree). Collective nouns refer to groups or collections of people or things (e.g., family, team). Possessive nouns indicate ownership or possession of something (e.g., John's car, the dog's leash). Material nouns refer to substances or materials from which things are made (e.g., wood, metal). Compound nouns are formed by combining two or more words to create a new noun (e.g., toothbrush, breakfast).         Instructions: Please, do the exercises without seeing the Answers. If you are unable to find an answer, you can check the answers provided below after attempting all the blanks.    
  Exercises with Answers:
  Complete the Sentences with Various Types of Nouns:   Instructions: Fill in the blanks with the appropriate type of noun from the options provided in parentheses.   - The ---- (abstract) of her speech touched the hearts of everyone in the audience. - My grandmother's antique ---- (possessive) is displayed proudly in the living room. - The children played with their new ---- (concrete) in the backyard. - The ---- (collective) of geese flew gracefully across the evening sky. - We need to buy more ---- (material) to finish building the new deck. - His ---- (compound) consists of peanut butter, jelly, and bread. - The ---- (abstract) of time is a concept that often puzzles philosophers. - The ---- (possessive) favorite toy was lost somewhere in the house. - The ---- (concrete) outside my window is blooming beautifully in the spring. - Our school's ---- (collective) gathered to celebrate the end of the academic year.   Answers: emotion, clock, toys, flock, lumber, peanut butter and jelly sandwich, concept, child's, garden, community           Abstract and Concrete Nouns Test:   Instructions: Choose the correct answer for each question and circle out. Write the letter of the correct answer on the line provided.   What type of noun is "happiness"? - a) Abstract - b) Concrete - c) Proper - d) Collective     Answer: a) Abstract         Identify the concrete noun in the following list: - a) Love - b) Sky - c) Mountain - d) Honesty     Answer: c) Mountain         Which of the following is an abstract noun? - a) Dog - b) Ocean - c) Joy - d) House     Answer: c) Joy         Select the concrete noun: - a) Trust - b) Tree - c) Freedom - d) Beauty     Answer: b) Tree         "Friendship" is an example of a(n) ___________ noun. - a) Abstract - b) Concrete - c) Collective - d) Proper     Answer: a) Abstract         Which noun is concrete? - a) Wisdom - b) Sun - c) Laughter - d) Honesty     Answer: b) Sun         Choose the abstract noun: - a) Car - b) River - c) Fear - d) Cloud     Answer: c) Fear         Identify the concrete noun: - a) Intelligence - b) Table - c) Justice - d) Peace     Answer: b) Table         "Team" is a(n) ___________ noun. - a) Abstract - b) Concrete - c) Collective - d) Proper     Answer: c) Collective         Which noun is concrete? - a) Dream - b) City - c) Kindness - d) Truth     Answer: b) City           Identifying Nouns Exercise Instructions: Circle the nouns in each sentence and define the type of each noun.   - The dog barked loudly at the cat in the garden. - Sarah's books were neatly stacked on the shelf. - Happiness is a state of mind that everyone strives for. - The children played with their toys in the playground. - The mountains were covered in a blanket of snow. - John's car broke down on the highway. - The team celebrated their victory with a party.     Answers: - dog (common, singular, countable, concrete), cat (common, singular, countable, concrete), garden (common, singular, countable, concrete) - Sarah's (proper, singular, possessive), books (common, plural, countable, concrete), shelf (common, singular, countable, concrete) - Happiness (abstract, uncountable) - children (common, plural, countable, concrete), toys (common, plural, countable, concrete), playground (common, singular, countable, concrete) - mountains (common, plural, countable, concrete), snow (common, uncountable, concrete) - John's (proper, singular, possessive), car (common, singular, countable, concrete), highway (common, singular, countable, concrete) - team (common, singular, collective, concrete), victory (common, singular, uncountable, abstract)             Noun Categorization Exercise: Instructions: Categorize the following words into appropriate noun categories: Proper, Common, Abstract, Concrete, Compound, Possessive, Collective. London, chair, love, river, mother's, team, happiness, treehouse, cat, mountain   Answers: - London - Proper - Chair - Common, Concrete - Love - Abstract, Common - River - Common, Concrete - Mother's - Possessive - Team - Common, Collective - Happiness - Abstract, Common - Treehouse - Compound, Concrete - Cat - Common, Concrete - Mountain - Common, Concrete             Completing Noun Phrases Exercise: Instructions: Write the appropriate noun in the below-mentioned phrase.   - Underneath the ____________ tree, the children enjoyed their picnic and shared stories. - She found her ____________ book lying forgotten on the library shelf. - The ____________ happiness she felt upon hearing the news was indescribable. - New York is a bustling ____________ city that never sleeps. - The ____________ team celebrated their victory with cheers and high-fives. - We gazed up at the towering ____________ mountain, feeling small in its presence. - With a wag of its tail, the ____________ dog greeted its owner at the door. - Their ____________ love for each other was evident in every gesture and glance. - The old ____________ house at the end of the street had an air of mystery about it. - The vastness of the ____________ ocean stretched out before us, a sight to behold.       Answers: - Apple - Fiction - Pure - New York - Soccer - Rocky - Golden Retriever - Unconditional - Victorian - Pacific               Plural-Only Noun Exercise: Instructions: Fill in the blanks with the appropriate plural-only form of the noun.   - She bought a pair of ____________ for the upcoming event. - The students handed in their ____________ at the end of the class. - His collection of ____________ is quite impressive. - They admired the beautiful ____________ displayed in the museum. - We need to buy new ____________ for the winter season.   Answers: - She bought a pair of trousers for the upcoming event. - The students handed in their assignments at the end of the class. - His collection of binoculars is quite impressive. - They admired the beautiful paintings displayed in the museum. - We need to buy new gloves for the winter season.               Singular-Only Noun Exercise: Instructions: Fill in the blanks with the appropriate singular-only form of the noun.   - She offered him some ____________ before his presentation. - The company's ____________ has been steadily increasing over the past year. - The teacher's ____________ greatly impacted the students' understanding of the topic. - His ____________ in the stock market helped him secure his financial future. - We often listen to classical ____________ while studying.       Answers: - She offered him some advice before his presentation. - The company's progress has been steadily increasing over the past year. - The teacher's teaching greatly impacted the students' understanding of the topic. - His investment in the stock market helped him secure his financial future. - We often listen to classical music while studying.         Noun exercises What is a Noun? How to use it? Count and noncount Nouns The Case of the Noun: the Common and the Possessive Case of the Noun Table of Irregular Verbs THE IMPERATIVE MOOD AND NON-FINITE FORMS OF “TO BE” Conditional sentences: Mixed and Implied Read the full article
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My poem won’t do what I want it to. I chew my pen, my nails, my lip and resort to the key- board. No change. Words seem to have lives of their own. They’re off to have adventures, without me, they don’t care about poetry. Yet, they’ve guided me here, to a wordingfount, where poems are found. Kim M. Russell, 21st April 2023 Image: collaboration with Ave Calvar on Unsplash It’s day…
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authormarialberg · 1 year
Poetry Month Challenges Day 29: Yearning and Yield
Poetry Month Challenges Day 29: Yearning and Yield #poetry #photography #abstractart #NaPoWriMo #PAD #AtoZChallenge
Yield in Yearning by Maria L. Berg 2023 Yearning and Yield I still absolutely love the image I made for yearning last year. Much of my current yearning—strong, persistent craving or desire accompanied by tenderness or sadness for something unattainable or distant—to create thought-provoking images that express the contradictory nature of life, began last year during the A to Z challenge with my…
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mtariqniaz · 2 years
4. Complete English Grammar -- Common and Proper Nouns
4. Complete English Grammar — Common and Proper Nouns
Collective Nouns Definition Collective nouns are nouns that refer to a collection or group of multiple people, animals, or things. However, even though collective nouns refer to multiple individuals, they still usually function as singular nouns in a sentence. This is because they still are technically referring to one thing: the group as a whole. Here are some examples of collective…
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cockadoodlebumtits · 1 year
Me: I'm creating my first ever conlang so I'm going to be extremely sensible, methodical and serious about it.
Also me, a couple of months later: Ha, I've created almost all the words and grammar I need to translate this one meme.
Me, thirty seconds later: *creates missing words and makes 'RIP to her, but I'm different' the 17th full sentence written down* I am doing this for fun so I am allowed to have fun with it.
[Edit - Me, about 5 minutes after that: *irritably pondering whether the translation is exactly right*]
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salovie · 1 year
The lion of comfort
is just a cub in my bed,
new as a notion.
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