#aged care cleaning Sydney
multicleaningau · 8 months
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With the growing aging population in Sydney, the demand for aged care cleaning services is growing by leaps and bounds. A professional aged care cleaning services provider renders specialized services tailored to match the specific needs of seniors.
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cleaningservices34 · 8 months
Expert Aged Care Cleaning Sydney Services | Trusted Cleaners
Looking for top-quality aged care cleaning Sydney? Our team offers professional cleaning services for aged care facilities in Sydney. Get reliable and affordable aged care cleaning today!
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sparkleencleaning · 2 years
The Benefits of Electric Toothbrushes and the Importance of Flossing
Having your teeth professionally cleaned is one of the most important steps you can take to keep your oral health in top condition. Your dentist can give you tips for better oral health and floss your teeth in tight areas. X-rays and fluoride treatments are also available for your teeth. Usually, you don't need to have these treatments more than once every six months, but you can if you'd like. Listed below are some of the benefits of professional-grade electric toothbrushes and the importance of flossing.
Root Planing
Root planing is a type of cleaning that involves smoothing out irregular areas of the tooth. This process reduces the buildup of plaque and bacteria and is an excellent alternative to a standard cleaning. During this procedure, dentists may use specialized dental curettes or hand instruments to remove the plaque and buildup. In some cases, root planing does not require any incisions or anesthesia. Although root planing is not for everyone, it can help improve the overall health of the mouth.
There are two types of deep cleaning techniques used by dentists. Root planing is the first. It involves using a hand held instrument to scrape off plaque. This deep cleaning technique also involves cleaning beneath the gum line. Patients who are good candidates for this deep cleaning procedure have significant tartar and plaque issues and are at risk for gum disease and tooth decay. Your dentist may recommend root planing to your teeth after a routine checkup.
If you have been noticing a change in your gums, bad breath, or color stains, it may be time for a scaling dentistry cleaning. People who have high plaque deposits may need several cleanings. This can be a result of poor oral hygiene and diet. Tobacco, sugar, and sugary foods can cause plaque to build up in the mouth. Scaling dentists remove these deposits to create a healthy environment for gums and bone around the dental structures.
If you've been avoiding your biannual cleanings, it's important to get a professional dental cleaning. This process, known as scaling, is a necessary component of the cleaning process and is often performed in conjunction with other procedures to remove plaque and bacteria. It's best to schedule a cleaning appointment every six months. Aside from keeping your dental health at a high standard, scaling helps you enjoy a brighter smile.
Fluoride Treatment
During your dentistry cleaning, you might get a fluoride treatment, which can help strengthen your teeth and reduce the chance of cavities. Fluoride also works to protect your enamel and remineralize it, so your teeth are less likely to decay. This treatment is inexpensive and beneficial for your oral health in the long run. Your dentist may also use flavoured fluoride so you can enjoy a delicious treat while getting your teeth cleaned.
Fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral found in soil, plants, oceans, and groundwater. Its properties make it a popular addition to dental products and community water supplies. Fluoride protects the enamel on teeth by fighting bacteria that cause tooth decay. In addition to strengthening the enamel, it also fights bacterial infections. The result is a healthier and more resistant smile. But what exactly is fluoride?
Professional-Grade Electric Toothbrush
A dental professional recommends a Professional-grade electric toothbrush for cleaning teeth. Ideally, it should be angled at a 45-degree angle and brushed back and forth to cover all the surface areas. A classic dental-care brand is a good choice, as they have been researched and proven to be effective. However, today's electric toothbrushes are more sophisticated tech products than ever, and include sonic technology, oscillating technology, and battery-operated models. Some models are even equipped with bluetooth connectivity.
The diameter of the cleaning head is also an important factor. According to Dr. Sahakyan, a universal size brush head will penetrate into hard-to-reach areas and get rid of more dental plaque. Another factor to consider is the handle, which should be soft and non-slip, and the bristles should be of medium hardness. The latter type will effectively cope with dental plaque and not harm the enamel.
Sparkleen Cleaning is one of the fastest growing general and speciality cleaning company based in Sydney. We are totally Australian owned and operated. Starting in 2016, we have grown from strength to strength with a strong emphasis on Quality, Customer Service, & Professionalism. Our Management has a total of over 15 years of cleaning experience and are very versed with the cleaning procedures.
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aupluscleaning · 5 months
Elevating Quality of Care: AU Plus Cleaning's Exceptional Aged Care Cleaning Services in Sydney Olympic Park
Introduction: In the heart of Sydney Olympic Park, where the commitment to providing outstanding aged care services thrives, AU Plus Cleaning stands out as a reliable partner in maintaining a clean and safe environment for elderly residents. In this blog, we will delve into the essential aspects of AU Plus Cleaning's specialized aged care cleaning services Sydney Olympic Park , highlighting their dedication to enhancing the quality of care for seniors in the region.
A Clean Foundation for Quality Care: Ensuring the cleanliness and hygiene of aged care facilities is paramount to creating a comfortable and healthy living space for seniors. AU Plus Cleaning recognizes this fundamental principle and goes above and beyond to deliver meticulous cleaning services tailored to the unique needs of aged care environments.
Expertise in Aged Care Cleaning: AU Plus Cleaning understands the specific challenges that come with cleaning aged care facilities. Their team of highly trained professionals possesses the expertise to address these challenges effectively. From common areas to resident rooms, every space is treated with care and attention to detail.
Compliance with Industry Standards: Aged care facilities are subject to stringent health and safety regulations. AU Plus Cleaning ensures that all cleaning practices adhere to industry standards and guidelines. This commitment not only creates a safe environment for residents but also helps aged care facilities stay compliant with relevant regulations.
Tailored Solutions for Unique Spaces: AU Plus Cleaning acknowledges that each aged care facility is unique, with its own layout, design, and specific cleaning requirements. Their services are customized to accommodate the individual needs of each facility, ensuring a personalized approach that guarantees optimal cleanliness.
Respect for Residents' Privacy: AU Plus Cleaning recognizes the importance of respecting the privacy and dignity of aged care residents. Their cleaning schedules are designed to minimize disruption, with a focus on maintaining a quiet and unintrusive presence within the facility.
Flexible Cleaning Schedules: Understanding the dynamic nature of aged care facilities, AU Plus Cleaning offers flexible cleaning schedules. This adaptability ensures that cleaning services can be tailored to accommodate peak times, events, or any specific requirements of the facility.
Commitment to Sustainability: AU Plus Cleaning is not just about meeting immediate cleaning needs; they are also dedicated to promoting sustainability in their practices. By using eco-friendly cleaning products and adopting green cleaning techniques, they contribute to creating a healthier environment for both residents and staff.
Conclusion: AU Plus Cleaning's aged care cleaning services in Sydney Olympic Park stand as a testament to their unwavering commitment to elevating the quality of care for seniors. Through expertise, compliance with industry standards, tailored solutions, and a dedication to sustainability, AU Plus Cleaning ensures that aged care facilities can provide a clean, safe, and comfortable home for their residents. Choosing AU Plus Cleaning means choosing a partner that understands the unique needs of aged care environments and is devoted to maintaining the highest standards of cleanliness and hygiene.
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jbncleaning · 9 months
Want to know about aged care cleaning costs in Sydney? Administrators, providers, and families must have a clear understanding of the financial aspects of aged care cleaning. This knowledge proves beneficial when choosing the right commercial cleaners for the job and when examining how aged care cleaning services are priced.
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sdfgbhjknbgvcfx · 10 months
Coronavirus (Covid-19) Infection Commercial Cleaning - Keen To Clean
Most Australians are feeling frightened and unsure about how to protect others and themselves from the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic. Following the rules established by the Australian Government and the World Health Organization (WHO), including good hygiene, sanitization, and disinfection measures, is advised by experts as the best defense.
We're prepared to assist covid-19 infection cleaning
. We can overcome this together.
Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19): What is it? According to the WHO, COVID-19 (also known as "Coronavirus disease") is an infectious disease brought on by a fresh strain of coronavirus that was only recently detected in humans. The name "coronavirus" often refers to a group of viruses that can cause anything from the common cold to more severe conditions like Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS).
Fever, exhaustion, a dry cough, shortness of breath or other breathing issues, body aches, nasal congestion, a runny nose, sore throat, or diarrhea are typical symptoms. When the condition is severe, it can result in pneumonia, kidney failure, SARS, and even death. When an infected person coughs, sneezes, or exhales, droplets from their mouth or nose are released into the air and can be inhaled or come into contact with. These droplets travel through the air and land on nearby surfaces. When people touch or breathe in these areas, they may potentially contract the disease.
Effects of COVID-19 The rapidly spreading COVID-19 epidemic is now regarded as a global pandemic, which denotes that a new illness is thought to have spread "worldwide." Over 700 COVID-19 instances have been confirmed as of the time of publication in Australia, with New South Wales and Victoria accounting for the majority of cases. In Australia, more than 100,000 people have undergone viral testing, and regrettably, six people have already passed away.
Australian authorities currently advise frequently washing hands with soap and water or using hand sanitizer when hand washing is not an option to prevent contracting or spreading the virus. using the crook of your elbow or arm, not your hands, to cough and sneeze Avoid touching your face as much as you can practice social distance by staying 1.5 meters away from other people whenever you can isolate yourself if you feel ill, have recently been abroad, or have come into contact with a confirmed case
How can I clean in a way that keeps both myself and others safe? It is more important than ever that we all adhere to best practices for personal hygiene, surface sanitization, and disinfection, especially in locations with limited space, like commercial office complexes.
How long can a virus remain on a surface? Although the solution is now unknown, experts think the virus functions similarly to other coronaviruses. In light of this, it is likely that the virus can survive on surfaces for anywhere between a few hours and many days, depending on elements like the type of surface and climatic variables like temperature. Disinfectants should be used to clean surfaces that are thought to be contaminated in order to eradicate the virus and lessen the risk of injury to you and others.
Cleaning vs. Disinfecting for COVID-19 The practice of disinfecting involves destroying or deactivating disease-causing bacteria and viruses on surfaces, whereas sanitizing will generally only reduce the number of bacteria on surfaces to acceptable levels and is ineffective against some viruses. Disinfecting is chosen for treating surfaces at a higher risk of contamination, especially if such contamination relates to a highly contagious virus like the new coronavirus, even though cleaning is typically sufficient for low risk circumstances.
Do I require expert cleaners for my property? Publicly accessible locations like malls, food courts, grocery stores, pharmacies, community services buildings, schools, daycare centers, and other establishments that frequently house large crowds of people should receive special attention from trained cleaning specialists during an outbreak and, in fact, during a pandemic. Hospitals, nursing homes, community centers, and medical institutions all need frequent specialized cleaning since they care for the most vulnerable people (the old and those with weakened immune systems). It might mean the difference between life and death.
Why hire experts in this case? Quality and experienced professional cleaners are trained and equipped to apply best practices to disinfection and sanitization of surfaces suspected of – or at risk of – contamination resulting from coronaviruses. Professional cleaners are also fully equipped and prepared to protect themselves from potential infection when cleaning hazardous areas and have the means to ensure proper disposal of contaminated waste. In a time when supermarket shelves are bare and supplies available to the general public are low, you can rest assured that reputable professional cleaners will have access to cleaning agents, equipment and personal protective supplies. An established set of protocols will be used by a respectable professional cleaning service to guarantee adherence to the most recent recommendations made by the Australian Government and the World Health Organization. We at Keen To Clean recognize that this is a difficult time for everyone. Our experienced and dedicated team of professional cleaners are here to help alleviate some of that stress and anxiety by ensuring your premises are appropriately sanitized and disinfected, and helping you to do your part to reduce the spread of the outbreak. Currently, we provide services to clients in Adelaide, Melbourne, and Sydney's suburbs as well as the city center. Get in touch today to discuss your needs and obtain a free quote.
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pappaservice · 1 year
Reputable Aged Care Cleaning Services To Opt For Green Approach In Sydney Looking for professional aged care cleaning services in Sydney? Pappa Services has got you covered! While offering services, we keep our elderly clients in mind. Our affordable aged care services aim at offering the cleanest homes possible and help people live their days in comfort and dignity. We always opt for a green approach for our cleaning products. .
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readingwiththereids · 11 months
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yanda! speaks: hello my pretties! as promised, here is chapter 2! again, minimal carm so i’m sorry but we do get to see camila interact with the rest of the gang <3 hope you like it, don’t forget to like and reblog! lots of love and light 🤎
night rain ; chapter 2
Emilia was hyper and extremely difficult to tire out. Even after a two-hour trip to the park filled with nonstop monkey bars and swings, the young girl still always had another activity in mind for her and her mother to do. And that was why Camila was currently trying to stop Emilia from jumping from couch to chair and cracking her head open as they played “pirates”.
“Emmy, I swear to God if you jump, I won’t make you pudding for a week.” Camila yelled as she eyed her daughter sternly.
As the toddler huffed and sat down on the arm of the couch, a muffled ringtone sounded from under the pile of toys on the living room floor prompting Cam to rush to answer. It was Tina.
“Mami? ¿Qué pasó?” [What happened?]
“Why would you assume something happened, Camila? What if I just wanted to hear your voice?”
“Because when I tried to call you during the day last week you told me to, and I quote, ‘hop off your dick’.”
“Okay but that was different, I actually want something from you now.”
“So you do need something.” Camila chuckled into the speaker.
“Yes. Yes, whatever, God you’re just as bad as the new girl.”
“No one. Could you please be my darling daughter and bring me one of my extra clean aprons? Your boyfriend won’t stop yelling at me about it.”
Ignoring the way her mother referred to Carmy, Camila replied watching Emilia start to yawn on the couch, “Are you aware that your darling daughter is also the mother to a two-year-old?” 
“Isn’t it nap time? Just bring her with, she can sleep in the car.”
A pause.
“Will you take care of her on Friday during the gala?” 
“I’ll be right back.” Camila whispered as she exited and locked her child in the car.
5 minutes. Just 5.
The woman thought as she hesitantly walked through the door of The Beef before being met with almost half a dozen bodies hovering around what seemed to be sandwiches.
Marcus spotted her first, immediately walking around the group to engulf her in a huge bear hug. Suddenly everyone was surrounding her. She couldn’t even count how many hugs, kisses on the cheek and pats on the back she received from her chosen family. The commotion obviously summoned the king of noise and ruckus himself, Richie and an unknown girl with multi-coloured braids trailing behind him. 
“As I live and breathe!” Richie’s voice boomed through the front of house.
“Hey, Cousin.” Camila laughed as he picked her up and spun her around.
“Feel like I haven’t seen you in ages, Mini.”
“Likewise,” she said before turning to the girl she had yet to be introduced to. “Camila, nice to meet you.” she smiled.
“Hi! My name’s Sydney, I’m staging today.”
“Awesome, I hope everyone’s made you feel welcome.” 
Angel stepped in, clearing up the confusion on Sydney’s side. “Cam is Tina’s daughter.” 
“And Carmen’s ex-girlfriend.” Ebra loudly whispered.
“Ebraheim, you know you can’t whisper.” Tina rolled her eyes, slapping his arm.
Breaking the awkwardness, Sweeps walked up to Camila with a sandwich in his hand. “Yo, you gotta try this.”
“Holy shit, this is fu-”
“Fucking fire, we know!” Richie groaned. “I don’t know why you all act like Cousin shits out a golden egg every time he makes something, nothing is that good!”
“Well, have you tried it, Richard?” Camila asked.
The scruffy man paused before shaking his head as if that was one of the most absurd questions anyone had ever dared to utter in his presence.
“Exactly,” Cam continued. “Also, I’ve seen you eat a slice of pizza off the floor in the middle of Millennium Park, so I’m not entirely sure if your standards are up to code, Rich.”
That statement resulted in many exclaims and expressions of disgust, amusement and pure shock which were all interrupted when the kitchen door slammed open.
“Alright! Everyone stop standing around, we only have an hour left till-”
When Camen looked up from his phone and saw the very reason his employees refused to get back to work, he froze. Believe it or not, this was the first time in three years that he had seen Camila’s face. After she left, she never told him where she went, removed him from all her social media, left some money for him to pay off their apartment and basically disappeared off of the face of the earth. It hit him hard at first but he soon realised that he had to just keep going, keep himself busy, which his career did a fine job at. 
However, it still felt weird seeing her again. Not exactly like reopening an old wound but rather reminding him of one that never really healed, that he’d just forgotten was still hurting.
Due to his train of thought, Carmy failed to notice that the room had almost entirely cleared out, leaving just him and the woman he’d been in love with once (and honestly was still in love with).
“Hi.” he eventually croaked out.
“Hi.” she smiled sadly.
yanda! speaks (again): cam in her bad mom era tbh. like girl why are you leaving your child in the car in the middle of river north?? 🤨
🏷️ list: @rexorangecouny @louderfortheback
[dm me to get on the tag list :b]
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spideryves · 2 years
carmen berzatto x fem!reader
warning: cursing, mention of death, & angst
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Cigarettes weren’t something she smoked often. She preferred weed, the high filling the emptiness she felt when life got too real, the memories of her mistakes and failures flooding in and mixing with whatever shit she was going through at the moment.
Currently, that shit involved the death of Michael Berzatto.
The news knocked the wind out of her lungs, grief taking over her daily routine and leaving her an empty shell of a person for far too long.
Even with Carmy’s (her former best friend) return and takeover of ‘The Beef’, seeing his face for too long only reminded her of what they’d both lost.
The sound of a lighter flickering next to her alerted her of a presence. As if he’d been in her head all along, Carmy leaned against the wall behind her, before inhaling his own cigarette as well. His actions were monotonous, a routine he seemed to know all too well.
It made her shudder a little.
With an exhale, Carmy spoke without catching her eye. “Tina said she saw you run out here, said something about a panic attack.”
Damn you, Tina.
Y/N loved the woman as if she was born and raised by her, but the amount of times she played mother when she didn’t want her too were too many to count. She almost envied Tina’s disdain for some of the other workers, like the new hire Sydney, who walked on eggshells around the older woman.
If she wasn’t on the verge of tears right now, Y/N would’ve let out a chuckle.
“You okay?”
And there it is— the wall she was currently holding came crashing down, silent sobs escaping her lungs as the cigarette fell out of her hands, belonging concrete and piling with the few she smoked a few hours prior.
Carmy’s concern, although genuine, pissed her off greatly.
It was one thing to come running back to save the restaurant after Michael’s death, but to barely acknowledge her existence besides a few moments in passing or direct orders in the kitchen hurt worse than anything else she’d experienced these past few weeks. Even with the small thought of it being the way Carmy decided to grieve made her stomach turn. He had no right to take it out on her.
As he put out his own cigarette, he wrapped his arms around Y/N, engulfing her in a hug she’d silently craved. The smell of the kitchen almost knocked her off her feet, the overwhelming aroma mixed in with whatever cologne he was wearing started to give her a slight headache, but it wasn’t enough to stop her from leaning into his warm embrace.
Only a few minutes passed before she leaned out of the hug, her crying subsided and her breathing only slightly hitched.
They both finally got to look into each other’s eyes for the first time in ages. His brown eyes stared at hers, pools of sorrow and regret calling out to her. He lips moved, as if he was about to mutter an apology or some sort of explanation, but the only thing that passed was a sigh.
He looked away, shame clearly coming across as his cheeks tinted a slight pink.
“I forgive you,” she said, leaning her head against the wall. “But I can’t act like you didn’t ditch me for New York.”
Carmy bit his lip. He clearly felt like an asshole.
“It’s okay. Apologize when you’re ready..just stay with me for a minute, okay?”
And so he did, the pair now sitting on the concrete of the alley way surrounded by trash and old cigarette butts. The Beef would be closing soon, and they were definitely needed in the kitchen to help be apart of the clean up crew. Y/N was sure she wouldn’t hear the end of it from Richie, dreading his shrill voice in her and Carmy’s ear later that night, but she didn’t care.
Y/N had Carmy, and Carmy had Y/N. I’m her mind, a small piece of her reality was back to normal. Even just for a night.
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aesir-alchemist · 1 year
Hi, I'm The Problem, It's Me (it's the Avengers throw a party one) (Loki x Reader)
Summary: A continuation of the series where I write my take on my favorite fanfic clichés.
It's New Years Eve, and the holidays have you feeling nostalgic and well… you forgot to check the guest list for the Sanctum's killer party. Isn't it always the way? That your exes creep back into your life just as you've begun to forget about them? Well Loki's no different- just more handsome. Hooking up with Loki after he ditched you without a word is a terrible idea... Maybe it's the alcohol, maybe it's the way Avengers parties always seem to get so messy, or maybe it's the unresolved feelings that you're trying to ignore, but you find yourself in the mood to make some bad decisions before the year is done.
Author's notes: These one-shots are meant to celebrate frequently used story tropes. Please feel free to comment with your favorite fanfic clichés, and I'll add them to the list.
Pairing: Loki (Marvel) x Female Reader
Content Warning: 18+ smut ahead (Reader is of age). Not a condom in sight.
Word Count: 3,288
"'I wouldn’t blame you,' he said, catching your gaze and holding it. Soft curls fell over his forehead and down his cheek, framing his intense expression, 'People I’ve hurt have done worse for less.'"
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“Hi,” was all he said. 
You hated that all it took was that one stupid, short word from his satisfied, smirking lips for you to forget all of your better instincts. 
Of course Loki was here. It had been years of careful avoidance and you’d finally managed to all but forget the taste of him. And isn’t that always how it went? Without fail exes always came crawling back as soon as you found a moment of peace. And your idiotically blissed out brain hadn’t even thought to wonder if he’d been extended an invite. But of course. If Thor was there, he was there. They were a bit of a package deal these days.
Loki leaned against the bar, his white dress shirt unbuttoned to almost his navel. His black velvet suit jacket was still on, but open. If you knew him, he’d be losing it soon enough. He never left a party with the same outfit he’d arrived with. His clean-shaven chest was draped in 3 slim chains that you were sure he just couldn’t help himself from wearing. 
You glanced around, looking for backup. A way out. An excuse to leave. Maria, Wanda, Steven -all right there moments ago but now… miraculously elsewhere. So you took a deep breath and sighed, resigned,
“Hi,” was all you said
His emerald eyes caught in the disco ball gleam of the tinsel streamers hanging from every corner of the room. Everything shimmered green and gold for a moment and it made your breath catch. 
“You’re not surprised to see me are you?”
“I guess I shouldn’t be,” he was never where you needed him to be. That had been the main problem. Only showing up when it convenienced him. You gestured at his rather peacockish appearance, “Seems like you haven’t changed at all Loki.”
“It’s only been several years,” he conceded.
“Many several,” you retorted.
He had just disappeared one day, to Asgard presumably, then turned up back on Earth with a shipload of refugees and nothing even resembling so much as a phone call. You’d taken it personally at first. Deeply personally. After all, you’d thought he was dead, until one day he was nt. One day he was just there, and apparently he hadn’t even thought of you at all. 
And then you talked to Thor. And apparently that was his brother’s M.O. A pattern of behavior that you’d wanted to ignore. A series of red flags that had been covered up by all of the green that blinded you. And when that truth hit you. That he would rather die than make a tough exit. That you were just some play thing in a series of playthings, and well… you killed him again. You killed him in your heart and in your head and you vowed to never look back. He was in New Asgard and you were in New York. And Paris. And Sydney, and Tokyo and Seoul… you made sure that you were anywhere but Norway. And you left a wake of broken hearts in your path as well. Just to get the tase of him out of your mouth. It had worked too. You were a new person. More confident, self assured and successful. More self-aware. More evolved. 
“Scotch on the rocks and a mezcal negroni,” he said to the bartender, placing a generous tip in the collection, “That is… if it’s still your drink of choice?”
Maybe you hadn’t changed that much. 
“You’ve got me,” you replied, glancing casually to the low-cut neck of your dress, making sure everything was in its proper place. 
“You look ravishing in this,” Loki brushed the tips of his fingers down swell of your hips, ostensibly feeling the soft satin weave. Forward as always.
You rolled your eyes at him, but your lips couldn’t help but curling. Why was his flattery so goddamn effective? You’d infiltrated countless organizations and done more to keep international peace than the UN but something about this would-be king made you abandon all good reason.
You clenched your fists around your purse, composed yourself, and managed a stern glare, not your best, but it was something, “Flattery will get you nowhere a phone call couldn’t.”
The bartender placed two drinks on the counter. Instead of reaching for his scotch, Loki instead took your jewel-red cocktail in his long fingers (covered in thin bands of gold, of course. Garish but appealing) and took a sip.
The look you gave him was one of amusement and half-shock. 
“I had almost forgotten the taste,” he purred, “Still bitter, I see.”
“And why shouldn’t I be bitter?”
He handed you your glass and picked up his own, but you grabbed his scotch before it could reach his lips, taking a swig and making a show of twisting your face. 
“Still stringently unpleasant and leaves a sour taste in your mouth,” pettiness overtaking you completely. 
You turned away from him, ready to down your drink. Then three others. Then, ideally, to take home some fresh young sorcerer before the ball even dropped. Someone blonde or dark skinned or round. Someone the exact opposite of the long, raven haired prince. Someone to to help you put Loki firmly behind you once and for all. 
But he had other plans, and his hands were once again on your waist, catching on the fabric of your dress and pulling you back towards him.
“One dance? For old time’s sake? One dance before we put this year to bed?” His lips were at your ear and the heat of his breath sent a pleasant shiver down your spine. A more naive you would have thought that the power he had over you was magic. But the self aware version of you knew that he was just your weakness. Loki of Asgard was just your type - tall, lean, dark haired and intelligent - but he was as if your type were turned up to a million. He was as if he were the prototype that all other similar men had been based on but could never quite measure up to. 
“One dance,” you acquiesced, your body relaxing ever so slightly. You knew that this one slip in your defenses could snowball into letting Loki snake his way back into your life. It was inadvisable in every way, but the shape of his body felt so familiar, and New Years Eve had a way of making you feel nostalgic.
“I promise it’ll be fun,” he said, and he spun you around, twirling your hand in his, making the hem of your dress rise dangerously high. You didn’t doubt that it would be fun. Fun had never been the issue with him. The issue had been his ability to make you fall apart completely and never show remorse. The issue at hand was that out of the myriad ways you knew you could be destroyed, letting Loki break your heart once more sounded like the most delicious. 
But the drink was settling in you now, making you feel loose, and pliant, and it wouldn’t be long until the champagne came out. Your preservation instincts were quickly being overcome by your body’s need for pleasure. So you spun, and you swayed and you moved with the music, Loki’s hands on your hips, and then your arms, and then entwined on your fingers. 
The colors in the room blurred in rhythm to the music and you found that you could still taste the last time your limbs had been entangled with his. It tasted like the pine of his cologne on clean skin. It tasted like worn sheets clenched between your teeth. It tasted like you, still sticky on his lips. 
The DJ that Wong had hired was good. Songs seamlessly blended together, hit after hit, and soon enough, what would have passed for one dance turned into two, turned into three, and then you were handed a bottle of Veuve and then time didn’t matter. It was just your hips following his until you were dizzy and breathless. 
Loki spun you into a corner. Thank god these old New York buildings came well appointed with nooks and crannies. There were eyes on you, you were sure. Thor must have had thoughts, as did everyone else with a shoulder you’d cried on. A large portion of the party’s attendees you figured. You didn’t relish the thought of them knowing how little it took to get you back into those lean, muscular arms. 
Loki grabbed the bottle, exposed chest heaving from exertion. He’d lost his jacket at some point, as you’d predicted, and he’d undone another shirt button or two. You followed the line of exposed skin from the waist of his slim cut pants, over his navel and the peaks of his abs and to the bobbing apple of his gold-draped neck. His chin was up, exposing all that tender, vulnerable flesh. In your pettier moments you’d dreamed of taking a knife to that perfect, pale skin just to relish him bleeding out. Instead you put your hands around his neck, enjoying the heat of his pulse beneath your fingers, and the ridges of his throat against your thumbs. 
Part of you itched to squeeze. Give him a taste of his own medicine. Show him how hard it was to breathe in the weeks, months, years after he left without a word. 
He stepped closer, cornering you completely against some mystical curio cabinet. He wrapped his arms around your body and rested the chilled bottle of champagne against the base of your spine. It sent a shiver of pleasure through your over-heated nerves. 
“I wouldn’t blame you,” he said, catching your gaze and holding it. Soft curls fell over his forehead and down his cheek, framing his intense expression, “People I’ve hurt have done worse for less.”
It wasn’t an apology, but it was an admission of guilt. It was something.
A conscience. That was new. 
You did squeeze, slightly, and you pulled too. You pulled him towards you, his lips to yours and you kissed him, gently, questioningly, asking yourself for permission to enjoy, consequences be damned. 
The consequences were immediate. He kissed you back hard, pressing his still heaving chest against yours, pushing your sticky skin into the glass of the cabinet and the bottle into your back. 
Loki’s kiss didn’t ask questions. Loki’s kiss was hungry. Loki’s kiss devoured. Loki’s kiss told the story of a man who’s appetite had not be satiated. It was a kiss that wanted more, and it was the kind of kiss that you could not get enough of. 
When he finally pulled away, your mouth was still parted and all good sense had left through the eager opening. 
“You lips are just as lovely as I remembered,” you could feel the sinews of his throat stretch and flex under your grip, still sticky and hot around his throat, “Please tell me that your cunt tastes just as sweet?”
And that was when you fell apart - your resolve evaporated completely and every lesson you’d learned about this man’s effect on your well being fell by the wayside. You were completely at his mercy once again.
“I know a place,” Loki said, and he led you away from the party. You kept your eyes on the width of his back, not daring to glance at the rest of the party. Shame and excitement churned in your belly and rose to your cheeks, adding to the champagne glow. 
Loki’s long fingers pressed on an ancient door, it’s creaking muffled by the churning bass of the music, and you found yourself in a long, dark corridor full of portraits of sorcerers illuminated by the moon filtering through old multi-paned windows. He locked the door behind you and pressed you up against it, his skin catching the lunar glow and making him look more godlike than ever. 
He kissed across your clavicle as he ran his fingers tenderly over your breasts and down your body. His delicate touch glided over the soft silk of your dress and you whimpered slightly as his thumbs passed over your nipples and the heat of his breath warmed your throat. 
Your throat that was once covered in marks he’d made.
Your throat that once caught on sobs of pain when he was gone.
His hands passed your hem, his fingertips still light of touch, but they pressed firmly into your skin as they moved back up your body, underneath your dress this time, caressing your thighs and hips as he reached around and grabbed the soft ample cheeks of your ass.
Loki growled a deep laugh into your breasts.
“You never were one for underwear,” he dug his fingers into flesh, hungry, “Fuuuuuck,” he growled, “I missed these games.”
You did too. You missed removing your underwear clandestinely in mission debriefings. You missed slipping pieces of lace and cotton into his pocket when passing in the halls. You missed waiting for him to come sniff you out and take his prize. Sometimes it took hours, and you missed the anticipation. You missed growing wet with wanting. You missed being soaked to dripping by the time he found you.
You were almost as wet now. Loki slipped two long fingers between your thighs to feel it, groaning with delight when he was not disappointed.
He pushed up the skirt of your dress, your slick on his fingers folding into the satin creases. He wasted no time kneeling before you. He took one leg and put it over his shoulder, resting your thigh against his neck and the hungry hollow of his cheek. 
Loki looked up at you one last time. His eyes were wide with adoration. His lips were parted with thirst. Your leg lifted slightly with his every bated breath. It was a look of pure hopeless longing. It was a look that had the power to destroy civilizations. It was a look that probably had. 
And then he dove into you.
His tongue licked between your folds, lapping up your nectar and moaning with hungry satisfaction into hollow of your body. You bit back whimpers, not trusting the throng of the music on the other side of the door to hide the evidence of your poor decisions.
You remembered every filthy word he’d whispered into you between your legs. Every time that he’d promised, heavy lidded and laden with lust “I will ruin you with pleasure. I will ruin you and your perfect, aching cunt.”
You tried not to think about how those words made themselves very nearly true. 
He sucked on your clit while he flicked the tip of his tongue across the ever growing sensitivity. He built pressure there, circling your need harder, building it up and up and up and up…
Until he broke, gasping for air and making you squeal a desperate moan.
Loki bit at your swollen labia before dipping his tongue deep in your wanting void, burring his face in you, letting himself get messy with you he lapped you up.
It was too much. It was not enough. You wanted to push him away. You wanted to pull him closer.
He replaced his tongue with two reaching fingers that pulled at you, bringing your whining, insatiable lust toward him until it broke. Until you broke. Until you broke into a million pieces and every cell burst with elation like champagne pouring into your core and filling you up with sparkling, delightful undoing. 
He’d learned so much about your body, and in the meantime he hadn’t forgotten it. He’d put it to good use. 
Your hands were desperately grasping at the doorframe, your nails digging into ancient wood when your knees gave out and your legs failed you. Loki caught you before you slid, wrapping your legs around his waist. His tight pants bulged with yearning. It pressed against your exposed cunt. 
“Set me free, love,” he begged, his hands around your waist, and his breath, still hot with your scent. And you wished, wished so hard that he loved you, like you, after all this time still undeniably loved him. But love was a matter for another day. All that mattered now was his need, and what he needed was you you. By the ragged sound of his voice, he needed you desperately. And that was enough for now. 
You loosened his black leather belt and unbuttoned his pants, grasping hungrily at the pull of his zipper until his hardened cock twitched free. You stifled an exasperated laugh when his glossy tip became readily exposed, “Slut,” you joked. He too had foregone underwear. 
“I learned from the best,” Loki slid into you easily, pressing you up against the door causing it to rattle. 
You prayed that the hinges of the Sanctum were made of stronger stuff than your resolve to stay away from Loki Laufeyson. 
He pushed, and pressed, and thrust into you, exploring you with the length of his cock with every shaking exertion. You could taste yourself on his lips and he was right, you did still taste sweet. You hoped that he understood how sweet you really were. You squeezed yourself around him every time he pulled out of you, and you relaxed, welcoming him in every time he encroached. 
“TEN!” You heard the crowd from the other side of the door.
“NINE!” The moans he let loose every time you tightened around him should be bottled and sold like a drug.
“EIGHT!” His fingers gripped at you, drawing greedy lines of red along your sides and back. 
“SEVEN!” His mouth was on your neck now, biting and sucking and making marks you knew you’d see in the morning.
“SIX!” Marks you could not erase by any method but time. Marks that would serve as a reminder of this dalliance.
“FIVE!” Marks that made you his. Over and over again, he claimed your body with each one. 
“FOUR!” Your hands were in his hair, fistfuls of black ink.
“THREE!” Your toes tensed and your abs flexed, bracing against every impact, so certain of the impending fall.
“TWO!” Your thighs gripped him, pulling him in even closer, his breath catching on every ragged inhale.
“ONE!” Fireworks erupted. Fireworks in your veins, Fireworks on his skin. Fireworks outside the window showering you in a green and gold and red and blue glow.
He let loose, growling into your moaning mouth. Your euphoric muscles clenching his length, coaxing it into spilling everything he had into you.
Your breath was still in synch. There were horns and party whistles and the melancholy chords of “Auld Lang Syne” on the other side of the door, but all you could register was the beating thrum of your heartbeat slowly calming to a reasonable tempo.
Loki kissed you again, this time with a lingering sweetness. This was the kind of kiss you missed the most. The truly intimate kisses. It made your heart ache anew, your nerves now satisfied of its overwhelming lust, leaving room for agony once more.
He wiped your hair away from your sticky forehead and he pressed his temple against yours. 
“Happy New Year,” and he whispered your name into your ear causing you to grasp at his shirt in yearning and frustration. There was a time when all you wanted was your taste and your name on his lips. You’d thought that time had passed.
You were wrong.
“I missed you,” he said, his eyelashes brushing your still sensitive skin. 
“I know,” you said. And you checked on your body, noting every place that felt sore, and every place that felt raw, and every place that felt renewed and you realized that he meant it. 
If you liked this, please find me on AO3 here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/44328766
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circusclownsam · 7 months
Attack On Titan / AOT OC (may not sense canon-wise, sorry)
Basic Information
First Name - Min-Ya [can be written as MinYa]
Surname - Choi
Nicknames - Minnie, prefers that name only
Age - 20s - 30s
Date Of Birth - 3 / 9
Biological Sex - Female
Pronouns - She / Her
Sexuality - Straight (sorry girlies)
Race - Asian
Nationality - Korean - Australian
Birthplace - Seoul, South Korea
Previous Residence(s) - Seoul, SK. Sydney, Aus
Current Residence(s) - [depends on roleplay]
Height - 5’2, 158cm
Weight - light (idk)
Face Claim - https://pin.it/5FkjIFk
Body Shape - hourglass, average thickness, small waist, d cup size
Eye Colour - Deep sea blue
Hair texture - 2C
Hair Length - Hip Length, almost reaching her thighs
Hair Colour - Chocolate Brown
Skin Colour - Warm tan
Scarring - inner thighs, arms and back. prefers hiding them with her clothing
other features - freckled cheeks, nose and shoulders. dimpled smile
Everyday -
Sleep -
Personality: Minnie is quite cold and antisocial, though she cares deeply for her team; often cooking them food and doing their laundry, she’s the “Mum” friend of the group, to put it short. she can be quite flirtatious though it’s rare. If her team is feeling down, she’ll crack a joke or two while baking them some bread or meat. Despite her overall passive personality, Minnie can become quite violent when necessary, she often scolds her teammates when they speak out of line or act in a manner she deems inappropriate. when she isn’t performing her “mum” duties, she’s often spending time with Hange or simply reading outside.
Interests: cooking and cleaning for her team, reading in her spare time, when the others don’t pester her (mood), occasionally studying titans with Hange, cauliflower, making memorials for the fallen members, her personal space, tending to the crops
Disinterests: when the others pester her and overwhelm her, watching the others get hurt when fighting titans, spinach, being touched without permission, formal events; finds them uncomfortable and stuffy.
Goals and Ambitions: to soon live in a safe world without titans, to keep her teammates fed and happy
Habits: picking at her nails, smoothing out her skirt, scratching at her scars [specifically when having a flashback]
1 - Poor 10 - Advanced / Trained
Strength - 9
Using Gear - 6 (she’s getting there..eventually)
Killing Titans - 6
Hand to Hand Combat - 8
Ranged Combat - 7
Speed - 7
Endurance - 7
Agility / Balance - 8
Offense - 7
Defense - 7
Social Skills - 6
Confidence - 3 (bby needs some love😭)
Intelligence - 8
Wisdom - 7
Teamwork - 7
Leadership - 5
Mental Strength - 6
Planning Strategies - 6
Military (ik this may not make sense canon wise but it’s an OC for a reason)
Regiment - Survey Corps
Rank - Cook
Rank at Cadet Graduation - 6th
Years in service - N/A
Name - Lin Choi, 58, Korean
Status - Deceased, crushed by debris during the attack on the wall, close relationship
Name - Robert Kingly, 67, Australian
Status - Deceased, Eaten by a titan, strained relationship due to abuse
Siblings: only child
Other Relatives: none as far as she’s aware (they all died of old age / diseases)
Name - Levi Ackerman
Status - Alive, she cares deeply for the captain
Name - Hange Zoë
Status - Alive, the two have a mutual bond though aren’t close
Age - 1-2
Event - her family migrated to Japan when Minnie was between the age of 1-2
Age - teens - adulthood
Event - during her teen years, Minnie lived within the walls of Maria(?). Soon joining the military as a cook once she hit adulthood
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sparkleencleaning · 2 years
The Importance of Office Cleaning
The importance of office cleaning cannot be overstated. Keeping your business premises spotless and healthy is essential for the safety of your employees, clients, and day-to-day operations. When the Covid-19 cleanliness certification came into play, demand for office cleaning services in Sydney soared. In fact, in neighbouring regions, this certification is a legal requirement for businesses. It's easy to see why. Getting a Covid-19 certificate is now a must for all businesses!
Sparkleen Cleaning
Sparkleen Cleaning is one of the fastest growing general and speciality cleaning company based in Sydney. We are totally Australian owned and operated. Starting in 2016, we have grown from strength to strength with a strong emphasis on Quality, Customer Service, & Professionalism. Our Management has a total of over 15 years of cleaning experience and are very versed with the cleaning procedures.
At present, Sparkleen Cleaning is taking care of over 100 facilities across Sydney, with clients ranging from Aged Residential Cares, Dental Clinics, Gyms, Meditation Studios, Child Care, and Strata Complexes to name a few. All our team members are very well trained , police checked, and have experience to take care of your cleaning needs. Contact us today for a peaceful and hassle free cleaning service experience!.
Clean Group is a 15+ year Old Commercial Cleaning Company
A comprehensive list of services is available from Clean Group, a company that has been providing quality cleaning services for over 15 years in Sydney. The company's portfolio includes office cleaning, hospital and medical center cleaning, gym and childcare facilities, malls, and occasion-based cleaning. Its services are certified and fully insured, and its certified cleaners are trusted by thousands of businesses in Sydney. They also offer Covid-19 cleaning, which sanitizes surfaces and eliminates the risk of bacteria and viruses.
It Offers a Variety of Cleaning Services
There are many advantages of getting your office cleaned by professionals. These services are cost-effective and can increase the overall appearance of your office. Professional cleaning teams are well trained, vetted, and equipped to meet high standards. In addition, you can rely on their experience, with more than two decades of service. A professional cleaning team will ensure the best results, while also exceeding your expectations. Moreover, they will work hard to create an exceptional first impression for your clients and business associates.
It Has a 100% Satisfaction Policy
If you're searching for a Sydney office cleaning service, you've come to the right place. We specialize in commercial cleaning services. We offer deep cleaning, regular cleaning, and customized services based on your needs. We'll even clean windows and glass, strip flooring, and seal rugs and carpets. You'll also find a variety of specialty cleaning services, including refrigerator and microwave cleaning.
It Offers Flexible Timings
There are many different types of commercial cleaning services, each with their own specific requirements and strengths. While many Sydney cleaning companies will take on a larger scope, others may specialize in smaller spaces. Whatever the case, Infoclean is here to provide the commercial cleaning services your business requires. You can even customize the services to meet your individual needs. To find the best commercial cleaning service for your business, make sure to ask for a free onsite assessment. After this assessment, the company will determine what services are required and will create a cleaning protocol and plan. A proposal is provided to you that will detail all aspects of the service and pricing.
It Uses Eco-Friendly Cleaning Products
Using environmentally friendly cleaning products is important for any business, but there are a number of things you should look for when choosing the right products for your needs. Off-the-shelf products can be misleading, and some of them may contain hazardous ingredients. To be truly green, you must choose a product with the EPA-registered "Design for the Environment" label. You should also look for cleaners that contain low or no-VOC levels.
Sparkleen Cleaning is one of the fastest growing general and speciality cleaning company based in Sydney. We are totally Australian owned and operated. Starting in 2016, we have grown from strength to strength with a strong emphasis on Quality, Customer Service, & Professionalism. Our Management has a total of over 15 years of cleaning experience and are very versed with the cleaning procedures.
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sumeyyeunsal · 1 year
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have you seen SÜMEYYE ÜNSAL around the crash site? we’re trying to make sure they’re still alive after the crash! according to the manifesto SHE is a 23 year old CIS WOMAN. i hear they’re known being a COLLEGE STUDENT. SÜMEYYE is also known to be EMPATHETIC yet also GRUDGING at times. we have a couple questions for SÜMEYYE when we find HER, we heard something about a secret they might have? such as SHE WAS SECRETLY MARRIED FOR FIVE WEEKS BEFORE IT WAS ANNULLED!
full name: sümeyye aslı ünsal
gender & pronouns: cis woman, she/her
age & dob: 23 years old / october 14th, 1976
birthplace: seyhan, türkiye
orientation: bisexual
occupation: college student
face claim: özge yağız
character study.
alignment: neutral good
personality type: isfj-t
temperament: melancholic
zodiac: libra
Sümeyye was the youngest of two, born into a traditional lower middle class family in Seyhan, Adana Türkiye. Her parents, while loving, were very strict, with a set idea in mind of how their daughter's life would go. For the longest time, Sümeyye did not fight them on it. She was the dutiful daughter, helpful around the home and studying hard at school, rarely ever arguing back against anything put forth to her. She had her freedoms, her hobbies, a love of music and art that would pull at her attention from time to time, but at the end of the day she was always back home to help serve dinner on the table. It was a fate Sümeyye was fine with, at first. Something similar to her parents' marriage, her mother a stay-at-home bride who took care of the house and children. She seemed well suited to it, never showing open desire for anything more.
It was a boy, in the end, that changed the trajectory of Sümeyye's life. His family was money, well above her standing, and yet he took interest in her anyways. He was charming and fun, sweeping the young woman off her feet in a secretive, fairytale romance. Neither family would approve of the match, and so it was kept to themselves, stolen away in private moments to enjoy each other's company. It was foolish thinking, that the world would eventually just fall in line for them to be together, but Sümeyye was young and naïve and in love enough to believe it could conquer anything. When he proposed they run off to get married, she responded with an enthusiastic yes. Everyone else would come around, surely, once it was a done deed. She thought wrong.
While they had gambled everything for love, the reality of that choice set in quickly, sending the romance crashing down. Her husband's family threatened to estrange him if he did not dissolve the marriage, cutting him off from all their fortunes and resources that had shaped his entire life thus far. When it became clear their threats were not bluffs, he folded to their demands and returned home to his family house, leaving Sümeyye behind. Their marriage was annulled within a manner of weeks, a dirty secret to be swept under the rug. The time after her marriage was a miserable period for Sümeyye, choosing to stay at home in her bed more oft than not. It was only the time when her parents began pushing a new marriage, a more suitable and family-approved option this time, that finally snapped her out of it.
Whatever she wanted of life, she decided it was to no longer be a simple housewife. Particularly to someone not of her own choosing. Instead, Sümeyye chose to pursue university, to have something more in her life. All her time and energy was poured into her studies, and her dedication was rewarded with the chance to attend school abroad on a scholarship, landing Sümeyye in the United States for the first time in her life. It was a whole new world for the young Turkish native, but a part of her relished in the opportunity to have a clean slate more than anything.
present day.
It was the holiday break that took Sümeyye to that flight to Sydney. Her roommate at college had also been a foreign student, Australian by birth, and had invited Sümeyye to spend the New Year with her family. It seemed like a good idea, at the time. Better than the thought of going home did, and the chance to see somewhere else entirely new sounded thrilling. If only she knew just how much it would be.
In way of survival, Sümeyye's skills are few. She's lived a comfortable life, and while her family was never particularly wealthy, they kept food on the table and a roof overhead. Most of her skills are sociable rather than practical, though she is a rather good cook and a decent sewer.
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cloesylvster · 2 years
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was that [ MAIA MITCHELL ] spotted down at the shoreline of east hamptons main beach? must just be, [ CLOE SYLVESTER ] the [ TWENTY - FIVE ] year old [ NURSE ]. whenever i hear [ PAPER DREAMS by JAMIE N COMMONS ] it reminds me of them. they are known for being [ ARROGANT ] but they make up for that by being [ CHARMING ]. they have been living in the hamptons for [ THREE YEARS ]. ( lara, 23, gmt+2, she/her.) 
✎ lara , 23 , she\her , gmt+3.
hola! i’m lara, or lori call whatever you’d like! and here’s cloe
✎ Some   facts    about    cloe;
Name: Cloe Sylvester
Age: twenty five
Sign: Libra  
Work: nurse
Traits: charming, passionate, competitive, impulsive, detached, charismatic, realistic, arrogant.
Sexually: heterosexual
✎ background;( tw: adoption, blood, murder. )
cloe was born in Broken hill, Australia but was adopted by two wonderful mothers and moved her to Sydney, Australia. Growing up cloe had everything that she ever dreamed of. Her mothers were great and she couldn't ask for more. cloe never knew why was given up for adoption until that very day, her fourteen birthday. Apparently her biological parents were two junkies that couldn’t even behave for themselves, but yet— they were in love and couldn’t be happier to have a child together. Although the hospital crew noticed that something was wrong with the couple and decided to call the Ministry of Welfare to prevent the couple from raising the baby, leaving the couple heartbroken. She woke up to her birthday, but knew that something was off about that day, she got up from her bed and there were no balloons in her room and her mothers’ didn’t wake her up. Coming down the stairs there was blood everywhere and looking to the side she noticed two strangers sitting on the sofa with a birthday cake. ‘You don’t need your fake mothers, you have us’ those are the words she’ll never forget. They looked gross and neglected, and then cloe realized that something happened to her moms. She slowly started to walk to the door and she got there she just ran off, didn’t know where she was going until she could somehow call to the police. Her biological parents were looking for her all this time and they finally found her, but yet again left her orphan. Her grandfather moved into the empty house to stay and take care of cloe, it was something she’ll never forget, that’s why you’ll always see cloe, well cleaned, the best clothes and in her best shape. She could never imagine herself look like that in her life, and that’s why she’ll never look at the stoners and will never try anything about that. Not having a male figure in her life was always something she loved, because she always looked at guys with mysterious eyes, wanting to discover them and know everything she could about them. That made her a flirt and charismatic. as she grew up she always wanted to be something to help the comunity, so she became a nurse. and something told her that she doesn't need to stay in Australia so she moved to the states and found herself in the hamptons.
Cloe is fun, social, goofy and loving person. She will charm you right off the bat with just her smile alone and has the tendency to make new friends wherever she goes. It can feel like the whole world is in this one person. This woman loves to be loved, but she wants someone who will be patient with her when it comes to opening up. It can be difficult for her to truly know what she wants and to vocalize it, which is why she struggles with making decisions. She wears her feelings close to her chest because she doesn't want to get hurt. She will reveal them to someone when she's ready, but don't push her to speak her mind when she's not in the right mindset. It can take time for her to get to that point where she's self-sacrificial in a relationship. You must prove your love to her before she can open up wholeheartedly. She also needs to feel safe. But once she feels like you are 100 percent committed to her, she will fly to the moon for you
MOTIVE; ‘ cause I see you trying, subliminally trying. To see if I’m gon’ be the one that’s in your arms.’
This guy wants to do something with my muse, but she’s sceptical. She does’t know what he want from her but she has to know what’s on his mind before she starts to show some interest.
BAD IDEA; ‘ I’m gonna call you over to numb the pain away. ‘  
This is about two people knowing they have each other’s back. For all the good reasons, goofy interactions and all the odds of it. They know it’s not so good for the rest of people on earth but they manage to work their relationship up.
TOUCH IT; ‘ how do I make the phone ring? Why do I even care? How you’re all around me? When you’re not really there. ‘
This plot is about tough love for my muse. She’s so friendly and caring, but somehow she managed to catch feeling for someone who rather be with someone else, leaving her over thinking about how things could go if he would give her a chance. taken by DANI HAIDER
BOYFRIEND; ‘ cause we know we be so complicated, but we be smitten it’s crazy. I can’t have what I want but neither can you.’
You know that type of thing when you’re like jealous for no reason for a person who can’t handle a good relationship. Well so does my muse. When together everything is bright, but the two aren’t stable and can’t handle the fact that someone else is touching the other’s skin.
BEST MISTAKE; ‘ how soon do we forget how we felt, dealing with emotion that never left. Playing with the hand that we were dealt in this game.’
Ex that will never leave my muse’s heart. She care for him but they broke up for some reason, are the feeling gone? No one knows. Xoxo, broken heart. taken by KAI BROOKS 
WHY TRY; ‘i'm loving the pain, i never want to live without it. so why do we try? you drive me insane. now we're screaming just to see who's louder, so why do we try? you got me like na, na, na.’
when you have that toxic person that you can’t get rid off and you don’t even want to? yeah so that’s all about it.  taken by JADEN NICKLE
𝔸𝕟𝕕 𝕙𝕖𝕣𝕖 𝕤𝕠𝕞𝕖 𝕞𝕠𝕣𝕖 𝕤𝕠𝕟𝕘𝕤 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕚𝕟𝕤𝕡𝕚𝕣𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟 𝕥𝕠 𝕓𝕣𝕒𝕚𝕟 𝕤𝕥𝕠𝕣𝕞.
-a little bit of your heart -Why try -Everyday -Into you -Stuck with you -Almost is never enough
RAIN ON ME; ‘ living in a world where’s no one innocent, but at least we try.’
Do I need to say more? This is the ride or die friendship everyone loves and desires. taken by SERENITY AMOR
LEAVE ME LONELY; ‘ so when you walk out of the door, don’t you come back no more. My heart had had enough of the give and take. And as much as I want you to stay.’
This is about a good friendship that ended up badly. My muse tired of running around and trying to keep up with the other person that she had enough and she’s not regretting this.
FAITH; ‘ and you’ve been such a good friend to me, now that I love you somehow. I met you, hallelujah! ‘
This is your besite/silbing type of plot, meeting somehow and the other bringing such a big light to my muse life. taken by KALANI CHOI and IVY AMOR
BREATHIN; ‘ time goes by and I can’t control my mind. Don’t know what else to try, but you tell me everytime. Just keep breathin’. ‘
Don’t we love that person who could really get to my muse? Behind the picture perfect, my muse needs someone who could handle her when everything is going down.
𝔸𝕟𝕕 𝕙𝕖𝕣𝕖 𝕤𝕠𝕞𝕖 𝕞𝕠𝕣𝕖 𝕤𝕠𝕟𝕘𝕤 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕚𝕟𝕤𝕡𝕚𝕣𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟 𝕥𝕠 𝕓𝕣𝕒𝕚𝕟 𝕤𝕥𝕠𝕣𝕞
. -one last time -7 rings
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emy-jek · 16 days
Enhance Your Aged Care Facility with Top-Tier Cleaning Services in Sydney
In the realm of aged care, maintaining a pristine environment is not just about aesthetics; it's about ensuring the health and well-being of residents. This is where Smart Cleaning Services steps in as your trusted partner in Sydney and beyond, delivering unparalleled expertise in aged care cleaning.
Why Choose Smart Cleaning Services?
With over a decade of experience since our establishment in 2009, Smart Cleaning Services has earned its stripes as Australia's premier aged care cleaning provider. Our commitment to excellence is underscored by our ISO 9001 certification, a testament to our dedication to world-class quality management systems.
Tailored Solutions for Your Unique Needs
Recognizing the diverse requirements of aged care facilities across New South Wales, we offer customized cleaning solutions designed to address specific challenges. From metropolitan Sydney to rural areas, our expert cleaners are equipped to deliver impeccable service wherever you are located.
Unmatched Expertise and Reliability
At Smart Cleaning Services, we understand the critical importance of reliability in the aged care sector. Our team of trained professionals undergoes rigorous sanitation cleaning practices to ensure the highest standards of cleanliness and hygiene are maintained at all times.
Customer Satisfaction Guaranteed
With a customer base exceeding 1000, we've honed our services to not only meet but exceed expectations. Our dedication to customer satisfaction is reflected in our transparent, licensed, and secure approach to cleaning services.
Seamless Integration with Your Operations
We seamlessly integrate with your facility's operations, offering complete cleaning and maintenance departments if required. Our goal is not just to meet your needs but to surpass them, ensuring your facility is always audit-ready with glowing commendations on its cleanliness.
Experience the Smart Cleaning Advantage
Elevate your aged care facility to new heights of cleanliness and professionalism with Smart Cleaning Services. Contact us today for a no-cost obligation-free site assessment and quote, and discover why we are the preferred choice for aged care cleaning in Sydney and beyond.
Aged Care Cleaning Sydney
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scsgroup · 16 days
Premier Aged Care Cleaning Services in Sydney
Maintaining a clean and hygienic environment is crucial in aged care facilities, where the wellbeing of residents is paramount. SCS Group offers professional Aged Care Cleaning Sydney services, ensuring that facilities, whether small assisted living homes or large retirement villages, meet the highest standards of cleanliness and hygiene.
With over 15 years of experience and a 98.5% retention rate, SCS Group has serviced more than 1500 sites, including reputable facilities like St Mary’s Villa. Our commitment to excellence is evident in our tailored approach to each client. At the start of every new partnership, we assign a dedicated account manager to develop a customized cleaning solution, ensuring transparent communication and efficient service delivery.
SCS Group understands the critical role cleanliness plays in the accreditation process of aged care facilities. Our team is regularly trained to comply with aged care quality standards, using recommended cleaning products to safeguard residents and staff. From general cleaning to specialized services like steam cleaning, high-level dust cleaning, and gardening, we offer comprehensive solutions to meet all cleaning needs.
Our services extend beyond traditional aged care facilities to include retirement villages, commercial kitchens, offices, and medical facilities. This versatility ensures that every corner of a facility is meticulously maintained, creating a safe and pleasant environment for everyone.
Recognizing the unique challenges in aged care settings, SCS Group offers 24/7 support for ad-hoc cleaning services. Our swift response to client requests ensures that any cleaning issue is promptly addressed, maintaining a hygienic environment crucial for the health and wellbeing of residents.
In addition to our core services, we provide specialized cleaning options such as window cleaning, strip and sealing, deep cleaning, steam cleaning, and scrubbing. These services are designed to tackle specific cleaning challenges, ensuring that facilities remain spotless and inviting.
For those interested in learning more about our comprehensive aged care cleaning solutions, we invite you to explore our offerings and see why SCS Group is a trusted partner in maintaining clean, safe, and welcoming environments in aged care facilities across Sydney. Aged Care Cleaning Sydney
Contact us today to receive a personalized cleaning proposal and ensure your facility meets the highest standards of hygiene and care.
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