#alan nunez
olxapro · 6 months
The Chilling Mystery Behind The Black Dahlia Murder
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letmerunitbiyou · 1 year
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thenerdsofcolor · 2 years
D23Expo: Disney Casting New Spells with 'Disenchanted'
D23Expo: Disney Casting New Spells with ‘Disenchanted’
D23Expo 2022 cast its latest spell of movie magic with its first look at the long-awaited sequel to their beloved live-action musical, Disenchanted. Released 15 years after the original, the sequel sees the return of Amy Adams as Giselle, who seems to having a hard time adjusting to her life as a mother of a teenager and infant in the real world. (more…)
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st-sports-today · 2 years
Alan Shearer on Liverpool's Darwin Nunez and Man City's Erling Haaland | Football
Alan Shearer on Liverpool’s Darwin Nunez and Man City’s Erling Haaland | Football
Alan Shearer on Liverpool’s Darwin Nunez and Man City’s Erling Haaland | Football This summer, Liverpool have signed Darwin Nunez while Man City have bought Erling Haaland Alan Shearer has tipped new Liverpool and Manchester City strikers, Darwin Nunez and Erling Haaland, to be the best in the Premier League. Read…
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reasoningdaily · 9 months
Psychology Today: Consciousness and Intrinsic Brain Information
Does consciousness arise exclusively from complex interactions in brain tissue (materialism)? Or does consciousness originate in some more fundamental level of reality (dualism)? Many nuanced philosophical versions of these positions have surfaced in recent years. The new science of consciousness remains consistent with established physical laws, while fully embracing the knowledge barriers and "hidden reality" imposed by modern physics.
Computer science contributes to this debate through developments in artificial intelligence (AI). A substantial blurring of distinctions between materialism and dualism may be in the works. One source of shifting viewpoints stems from a deeper appreciation of the role of information in both the physical and biological sciences. Information and consciousness appear to be close relatives, some even view them as marriage partners. Prominent scientists and philosophers may claim that “consciousness is just brain-wide information sharing.” But just what is this enigmatic entity “information,” a label often embraced with more enthusiasm than critical scrutiny?
Scientists naturally search for ways to identify, and hopefully even measure, some well-defined “intrinsic information content” of brains. One of today’s leading theories of consciousness was discussed briefly in my post of December 13, 2021, Consciousness and Integrated Information Theory (IIT), a controversial idea with plenty of supporters and detractors. One major issue for any information-based theory is that the meaning of “brain information” is generally subjective and context-dependent.
Information processing may involve multiple levels of organization, ranging from protein molecules, including the tiny microtubules, to cellular scales, to brain-wide cell assemblies to global fields of synaptic action. These nested structures can form and dissolve in fractions of seconds, changing their organizations and mutual alliances at the speed of thought. Brain structures are often loosely labeled as “neural networks,” but their relationships to AI networks might be anything from genuine physical analogs to loose metaphorical similarities. My purpose in this new series of posts is to examine possible relations between information and consciousness, starting at the most basic level so that the discussion is easily available to any interested reader.
Let’s first visit the “binary world” of information. Binary numbers are physically convenient. Bones placed on the ground, beads sliding on sticks, and punched holes in paper tapes have long been used to store and manipulate binary information. Punch cards were the standard means of inputting binary data to early computers. When punched properly, each card location either has a hole or no hole. A famous example of binary misuse involved the “hanging chads” of the 2000 U.S. presidential election. The world of binary information has taken on deep scientific significance—in the second law of thermodynamics, quantum mechanics, biological systems, and more.
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Some Information Basics
Paul L. Nunez
Imagine sand buckets placed in a straight line on a beach. Empty buckets are designated 0 and sand-filled buckets are designated 1; fractional fills are not allowed. I adopt the symbol T (after computer scientist Alan Turing) to indicate the number of buckets in the line. As shown in my first figure, a T-bit binary number can represent base-10 integers up to the maximum number W = 2T – 1. Solving this equation for T yields the minimum number of bits (buckets or binary digits) needed to store the number W: T = Log2W. The right side is read, “the base 2 logarithm of W”. This equation has no fixed scientific meaning; it is simply the rule for transforming any base-10 number W into a binary number T, analogous to a simple mathematical rule like A x B = B x A. The binary transformation rule adopts the ceiling function of computer science, the provision that non-integer values of T are to be rounded up to the nearest integer. Thus, for example, ceiling function (6.2) = 7 bits or buckets; no partly filled buckets or hanging chads are allowed.
State Information
A system’s state is the collection of features that describe its condition, at a fixed time or, more likely, over a specified time average. This simple definition masks an extensive assortment of subtle issues that must be faced head-on in the quest to better understand consciousness. State information may be defined simply by the number of possible states of a system, let’s say water, which can be found in the states of solid, liquid, or gas. Economies, forests, and ant colonies can exist in different states. Brains can occupy many mental states—awake, dreaming, Alzheimer’s disease, planning a bank robbery, or thinking great thoughts. Neuroscience seeks relationships between mental states and measurable physical states. Such relationships are labeled the neural correlates of consciousness.
Let’s begin our discussion of states with simple die systems. If a single cubical die is placed or tossed on a surface, the six possible states of the system are 1 through 6. A polyhedron die is a three-dimensional object with W flat surfaces. If, for example, W = 128, each system state can be unequivocally labeled by a single positive integer in the range 1 through 128. This state description is independent of the causes or probabilities of occurrence of each state, which might be the result of a simple die toss, deliberate placement by an intelligent being, or some hidden process. We only require that the system be found in one of the 128 discrete states, independent of the cause or means of observation. The size of state information is defined simply as W, the number of distinct states that the system can be in. To be more precise, we may call W the size of the die's macro-state to distinguish it from the micro-states, which are determined by the locations and velocities of the elementary particles forming the die. State size can also be expressed by T, the number of bits corresponding to W.
Shannon Entropy
State information is often confused with Shannon information (or entropy) developed in modern communication theory. According to Shannon information, a message consists of a sequence of M symbols selected from an alphabet consisting of N symbols. For example, the 7-bit computer code ASCII can contain up to N = 128 symbols. Consider the message, “The Bird is cruel!”, which probably means nothing much to the reader unless he or she has read science fiction by Robert Heinlein. The message consists of M = 18 symbols, including letters, spaces, and an exclamation point. In the common practice of sending messages, meaning is supplied by both the message content and prior knowledge of the receiver. In contrast, the central goal of communication theory is to provide quantitative measures of the information content of messages, independent of meaning.
A message’s Shannon information is defined in terms of the probability of occurrence of each symbol produced by the sending system (whether human or machine). For example, the letter E is more likely to occur than other letters in English text. The information transmitted by each symbol involves a degree of receiver surprise; the letter Z conveys more information than the letter E and so forth. Shannon information is, by definition, additive. Each additional symbol received adds more information, but the additional information varies in size, depending on symbol probabilities in the chosen alphabet. Shannon entropy H is the average number of bits of information per transmitted symbol. If an entire alphabet were to contain only a single symbol, Hwould be zero. On the other hand, if all symbols were to have an equal probability of occurrence, Shannon entropy takes on its maximum value: H = Log2M. More generally, the Shannon entropy H of any collection of symbols, including but not limited to alphabets, lies in the range between zero and Log2M, depending on the probability distribution of the alphabet. H may or may not have any relationship to the intrinsic properties of the sender.
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Provocative Equations of Information
Paul L. Nunez
Three major kinds of information are defined in figure 2: T (Turing buckets), H (Shannon entropy), and S (Boltzmann entropy). The three equations are nearly identical but express very different physical processes. The discovery of entropy in the mid 1800s was followed by the development of statistical mechanics in the late 1800s and Shannon’s communication theory in 1949. Many seem to have fallen for the fallacy that T, H, and S are the same creature because they satisfy (essentially) the same equation. In this regard, note that mechanical and electrical systems are often described by identical differential equations, providing the basis for analog computers.
Widespread confusion about information and entropy also originates from their inherently abstract nature, mixed interpretations of the symbols H and S, and the births and on-going maturation of many new informational siblings. For example, Boltzmann's sharp distinction between the macro and micro-states in classical statistical mechanics is not fully adequate to describe complex systems.
Brains other complex systems operate at multiple intermediate scales, leading to multi-scale entropy measures. The confusion continues to this day, especially with the advent of AI, quantum computing with quantum bits (qubits), quantum superposition of states, black hole entropy, cellular information processing, and much more. In future posts, I will discuss other kinds of information that appear to be related to consciousness.
Several efforts to find better-defined measures of intrinsic brain information have tentatively adopted Shannon entropy by interpreting the symbols of the Shannon message (M) as measured brain states (W), adopting Shannon entropy (H) as an approximation of the brain’s intrinsic information. One obvious problem with this approach is that the contents of a message may tell us almost nothing about the internal states of the sender. If the sender is a very simple system, like our 128-face die, its message may provide much of the die’s intrinsic macro-scale information. However, in brains as well as other complex systems, the relationships between the system messages (often obtained from experimental data) and the intrinsic information of the system is tenuous at best. I will look into these issues in more depth in my next post.
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dneurin · 2 years
El desayuno (Film, short version) - Miguel Casco from Miguel Ángel Casco on Vimeo.
Largometraje / Performance / Videoarte Miguel Casco en colaboración con Hekatombe Producción Artística
Catorce personas habitan su propia piel para atestiguar el amanecer y compartir sus cuerpxs mientras el sol naciente ilumina el espacio. La interacción se suscita entre ellxs y la premisa principal es celebrar la vida, honrar la libertad y el disfrute. El Desayuno invita a abrazar la desnudez y entrar en sintonía con la naturaleza.
D I R E C C I Ó N Miguel Casco
D I R E C C I Ó N E S C É N I C A Andrea Garay
D I R E C C I Ó N C O R E O G R Á F I C A Sebastián Santamaría
D I R E C C I Ó N E J E C U T I V A Catalina Navarrete
R E P A R T O Mar Castañedo Mónica Colin Marlene Coronel Mariana Domenech Jimena González Aileen Kent Carlos Nunez José Francisco Ordóñez Luis Ortega José Ortiz Baruk Serna
V I D E O Alan Espinosa Erik Jonguitud Michel Trevilla F O T O G R A F Í A Alejandra Edwards David Flores Rubio
M Ú S I C A Sebastián Lechuga (Intro, Oscuridad, Ofrenda y Desayuno) Alejandro Preisser (Locura, Descenso, Claridad y Outro)
E D I C I Ó N D E V I D E O Miguel Casco Erik Jonguitud
D I S E Ñ O F L O R A L Alejandra Velasco
M U S I C A L I Z A C I Ó N E N V I V O Jail Less
E Q U I P O T É C N I C O Humberto C. Cáceres Heber Leonidez Elena Manero Ehécatl Moreno María Naidich Alfonso Pérez Yair Ramírez
P R O Y E C T O R E A L I Z A D O C O N E L A P O Y O D E Etna M. Arroyo, Jacobo M. Casco, Patricia Almada, Luis Antonio Garay, Elsa Hernández, Carlos Navarrete, Rocio Barajas, Carlos Santamaría, José María Macías, Andrés Castañeda, César Meza, Enrique Ajuria, Susana Tovar, Valeria Casco, Luis Antonio Casco, Heleni Castro, Óliver Victoria, Andrea Ayala, Andrea Anderson, Indira Zamora, Roberto González, Andrés Piña, Rafael Hernández, David C. Parra, Youtaek Hwang, Eduardo Palacio, Remi Cárdenas, Rogelio Toledo, Ross Romero, Isabella de la Mora, Tabaré Arroyo, Yair Ramírez, Luis Almada, Omar Cobos, Silvana Larrea, Raffaela Schiavon, Isabel Vieitez, Rebeca Zequera, Leonardo Galicia, Mark Feldmann, Francisco Saldívar, José Francisco Ordóñez, Neil Haidorfer, Bárbara Huerta, Adriana Degetau, Tere Sáenz, Chloe Estes, Fernando Almazán, Gina Guzmán, Mariano Nava, Rubén Ojeda, Diego Ortiz, Santi San Martin, Carlos Santamaría Barajas, José Funcia, Malimna Etnegorozka, Pablo P. Caro, Gabriela Chávez, Gabriel Picazo, Rubén Torres, Roberto Praxedis, Luis Pérez, Jeannette Betancourt, Elena Manero, Ma. Ceci Cuesta, Humberto Schiavon, Celeste Bejarano, Mario Montes & David Martínez.
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The Lost City
“The Lost City” aims to be a crowd-pleaser and it’s fun enough.
Loretta Sage is an author of a successful romance-adventure novel series and a widow. She just wants to conclude the series and be left alone, but her cover model, Alan Caprison, urges her to make more. At the start of her book tour, Loretta and Alan get into a bit of an argument and Loretta storms off. She gets kidnapped by Abigail Fairfax who wants to use her knowledge of the lost city she wrote about to find the Crown Of Fire. Now Alan must set out to find Loretta, save her, and potentially win her heart like in her romance novels.
There’s nothing that really stands out with this movie. It’s the classic Hollywood blockbuster formula in action. It aims to be inoffensive and overall a fun time. If that’s the metric I’m grading this movie by, it does its job. I had fun with this movie. I think Channing Tatum is a fun actor to watch and Sandra Bullock was surprisingly comedic. I love me some Daniel Radcliffe and it’s always fun watching him act because he seems to have a genuine passion for it. Brad Pitt also has a small part in this movie and he was cool while he was on screen. Da’Vine Joy Randolph’s part was unfortunately the weak link in this movie. She’s given nothing to do in this movie. She has this whole subplot about trying to get to the island Loretta’s at and I just couldn’t understand why. Like, what was she going to do once she got to the island? Where would she start looking? She’s also paired with some of the other weak links of the movie. Patti Harrison plays Loretta’s social media manager and she was genuinely painful to watch. I don’t think the actor was to blame in this case either. The material she was given was almost cruel to her. The other person Da’Vine Joy Randolph is paired with was Oscar Nunez. He tries to be this crazy guy we all love to laugh at, but never commits to the role. He also just goes on and on, reiterating the same thing desperately hoping that the joke lands with the audience. The jokes never landed. Because the A-plot was filled with enjoyable performances and the B-plot was filled with nothing but boredom, the pacing felt extremely clunky to me. Still, this movie is filled with some decent jokes and fun performances from the three main leads, so it’s not a complete waste of time. The climax even manages to almost say something slightly profound about love, so I’ll give it half credit. All in all, I’d say this movie is something worth turning on if you have nothing else to watch.
Watched on April 27th, 2022
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aceofsages · 2 years
the lost city: my thoughts
I loved it. It was refreshing, tbh.
Often when I watch rom-action or romcom movies, which I tend to avoid because of reasons i will state now, I keep finding myself either rewriting a scene or flipping the characters’ genders simply because of the sheer passive sexism in the movies.
but this was one of the movies where I was surprised to find that I didn’t want to. It was perfectly non-sexist, and there were no gender norms that were adhered to. 100% recommend
Sandra Bullock plays a writer, Loretta Sage, who took up writing steaming romance against the backdrop of adventure (adventure that is actually based on actual historic findings made by her and her husband) because no one wanted to publish her non-fiction books. She’s lost her husband, and one of the things i found really amazing was that yes, her husband had died, and yes she had isolated herself in her grief, but her husband wasn’t her entire identity. the story does not take place because her husband had been searching for the same crown of fire and he died, and now she has to complete it because she has the chance.
she does it, she steals the parchment from Abigail Fairfax (played by Daniel Radcliffe), not because of her husband or anyone but because if it’s true, she wants to find it, she wants to preserve the history, preserve the memory of Queen Taha and King Kalaman (or possibly Calaman) love. Is her husband and her grief referenced? Absolutely. but her character is not minimised to it. and i love that.
another thing that is very subtle is that Loretta is obviously older than Alan (Channing Tatum’s character) and I love that, because almost always do you see this young girl and an older boy.
also, there was basically a dirty talk scene, well not exactly dirty talk, where Loretta describes how she would write Dash and Lovemore’s sex scene if Dr Lovemore had been helping Dash with his Eczema outbreak. honestly, amazing, because Alan was obviously turned on by that, and also because it’s often times the boy who dirty talked and made some sort of reference that turned the girl on.
Another thing is that Alan never demeans Loretta. Never diminishes her experience and listens to her. Does he want to save her? Yeah, but to prove to her that he can, not because she can’t save herself because she’s a woman. 
I love that Alan was also made this complex character who understands his thoughts and his feelings and that he didn’t suddenly know how to fight when he previously had no experience whatsoever. you’ll be surprised how many times that happens. also it was hilarious how he stated that Jack Trainer (Brad Pitt) loved him. I love how starstruck and obvious his crush was on him. Alan was bisexual (well, it’s not explicitly stated, but it showed) , and it showed and was not diminished at all.
i also loved beth (Da'Vine Joy Randolph) , the publisher, she was just this freaking amazing badass person who was referenced to be aromantic (as seen by her telling Oscar that he was her platonic male friend, at least i took it to mean that and not her telling him that they were never going to be together) and I loved Oscar Nunez’s character. Brad Pitt was awesome!!!!! basically this story was awesome  and I’d recommend it to everyone.
oh, and how could i forget Daniel Radcliffe, aka Harry Potter. LOVED HIM! Someone stated on Youtube that Daniel Radcliffe should keep playing evil billionaires who makes people steal for him, and honestly, I agree
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djmusicbest · 8 months
New House - Bass House - Deep House 2023-08-27
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  DATE CREATED: 2023-08-28 GENRES: Mainstage, Drum & Bass, Hard Techno, House, Techno (Peak Time / Driving), Tech House, Minimal / Deep Tech, Melodic House & Techno, Techno (Raw / Deep / Hypnotic), Organic House / Downtempo Tracklist : Alan C - Bring It Back (Original Mix).mp3 Alan C - Dance Night (Original Mix).mp3 Alan C - My Way (Original Mix).mp3 Alan C - The Original Bad Boy (Original Mix).mp3 Alann M - Flamel (Original Mix).mp3 Alann M - Roshi (Original Mix).mp3 Alann M - Vida House (Original Mix).mp3 Alex Preston - It's Not Over (Extended Mix).mp3 Alffie - Not The One You Think (Original Mix).mp3 Alffie - Proving Myself (IULY.B Remix).mp3 Alffie - Proving Myself (Original Mix).mp3 Alffie - Things In The Hood (Jorge Savoretti Remix).mp3 Alffie - Things In The Hood (Original Mix).mp3 Aliberti, Tico Morales - FEELING BETTER (Original Mix).mp3 Aliberti, Tico Morales - MOOD (Original Mix).mp3 Allan Nunez, Space Fear - Bate (Original Mix).mp3 Andres Read the full article
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muznew · 8 months
New House - Bass House - Deep House 2023-08-27
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  DATE CREATED: 2023-08-28 GENRES: Mainstage, Drum & Bass, Hard Techno, House, Techno (Peak Time / Driving), Tech House, Minimal / Deep Tech, Melodic House & Techno, Techno (Raw / Deep / Hypnotic), Organic House / Downtempo Tracklist : Alan C - Bring It Back (Original Mix).mp3 Alan C - Dance Night (Original Mix).mp3 Alan C - My Way (Original Mix).mp3 Alan C - The Original Bad Boy (Original Mix).mp3 Alann M - Flamel (Original Mix).mp3 Alann M - Roshi (Original Mix).mp3 Alann M - Vida House (Original Mix).mp3 Alex Preston - It's Not Over (Extended Mix).mp3 Alffie - Not The One You Think (Original Mix).mp3 Alffie - Proving Myself (IULY.B Remix).mp3 Alffie - Proving Myself (Original Mix).mp3 Alffie - Things In The Hood (Jorge Savoretti Remix).mp3 Alffie - Things In The Hood (Original Mix).mp3 Aliberti, Tico Morales - FEELING BETTER (Original Mix).mp3 Aliberti, Tico Morales - MOOD (Original Mix).mp3 Allan Nunez, Space Fear - Bate (Original Mix).mp3 Andres Read the full article
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soccerdailyuk · 10 months
Harry Kane to Man Utd? Kane tipped to ditch Tottenham for Red Devils despite Bayern talks
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 Harry Kane to Man Utd? Kane tipped to ditch Tottenham for Red Devils despite Bayern talks Jermaine Jenas, a former player of Tottenham Hotspur, believes that Harry Kane will only join Manchester United after leaving Spurs. Kane, who is an England international, has been consistently linked with a potential departure from the club.  With just one year left on his contract, the likelihood of him leaving has increased. Manchester United has been strongly linked with a move for Kane for a considerable period of time.  However, Tottenham Hotspur has been unwavering in their valuation of £100m, causing Manchester United to explore alternative options for a striker. Despite this, Bayern Munich is persistently pursuing the highly-regarded striker.  Reports suggest that Bayern Munich has agreed on personal terms with Kane, but their initial offer of €70m was rejected. It remains uncertain whether they will make an improved bid for him. Despite the interest from Bayern Munich, Jermaine Jenas believes that Harry Kane is more inclined to join Manchester United rather than the German club. Jenas' reasoning is based on Kane's ambition to surpass the all-time Premier League scoring record, which is currently held by Alan Shearer.  Kane has currently scored 213 goals in the Premier League, while Shearer achieved a remarkable 260 goals throughout his career. Jenas suggests that Kane's desire to surpass Shearer's record will likely drive him towards Manchester United as a club that can provide him with the platform and opportunities to achieve this goal. Speaking on the Tea with Timsy podcast, Jenas said: “Harry has got himself into a situation where he’s almost causing himself his own problem. “It’s obviously important to him to be the Premier League’s top goal scorer. “He’s come so far and he’s only about 50-odd goals away. If he moves and stays in the Prem, he can’t go to Arsenal. “Chelsea would bite their hand off but Daniel Levy’s never gonna deal with Chelsea again after the whole Hazard and Willian situation which is why you don’t see that transaction happen anymore. “Liverpool have got Nunez and City have got Haaland. So Manchester United is his only option!” Manchester United is actively searching for a new center-forward, but they have other potential options besides Harry Kane. According to Football365, the club is extremely determined to sign Atalanta striker Rasmus Hojlund this summer and is willing to go to great lengths to secure his services. Recent reports indicated that Manchester United had an initial offer of £30m rejected, and they are now expected to make a new offer of £40m (€46m). However, Atalanta is holding out for a higher fee of €60m (£51.3m), leaving uncertainty about whether Manchester United will meet their valuation. It is evident, though, that Manchester United will not be matching Tottenham's £100m price tag for Kane. Therefore, if Kane were to move to Old Trafford, it would most likely happen next summer when he becomes a free agent. Unless, of course, Tottenham's chairman Daniel Levy manages to persuade Kane to sign a new contract with the club, which would keep him at Tottenham beyond his current deal.  Harry Kane to Man Utd? Kane tipped to ditch Tottenham for Red Devils despite Bayern talks Read the full article
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marketingstrategy1 · 1 year
"Too many mistakes" – Alan Shearer slams Liverpool star after Anfield defeat to Real Madrid
Newcastle United legend Alan Shearer has lambasted Liverpool star Joe Gomez following his team’s 5-2 UEFA Champions League last-16 home loss against Real Madrid on Tuesday (February 21). The Reds suffered a humiliating loss against the defending champions at Anfield despite scoring twice inside 15 minutes, courtesy of Darwin Nunez and Mohamed Salah. While Vinicius Jr. and Karim Benzema registered…
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popmovie888 · 1 year
Disenchanted มหัศจรรย์รักข้ามภพกับเวทมนตร์อลเวง (2022) พากย์ไทย
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เกริ่นนำ Disenchanted มหัศจรรย์รักข้ามภพกับเวทมนตร์อลเวง (2022) Disenchanted ท้อใจกับชีวิตในเมือง รู้สึกแตกต่างในนอกเมือง และก็ผิดหวังที่ความสำราญของคุณตลอดกาลมิได้หาพบกล้วยๆจีเซลหันไ��วิงวอนจากมนตร์ที่อันดาเลเซีย บังเอิญเปลี่ยนแปลงเมืองทั่วทั้งเมืองให้แปลงเป็นเทพนิยายในชีวิตจริง รวมทั้งทำให้ความสบายในอนาคตของครอบครัวคุณจะต้องตกอยู่ในอันตราย คุณจำต้องแข่งกับเวลาเพื่อย้อนคำแช่งและก็ตกลงใจว่าความสุขนิรันดรสื่อความหมายต่อตัวคุณและก็ครอบครัวยังไง ดูหนังใหม่ออนไลน์ Disenchanted เป็นภาพยนตร์มิวสิคัลแฟนตาซีชนชาติอเมริกันที่ออกฉายในปี 2022ควบคุม โดย Adam Shankmanรวมทั้งเขียนบทโดย Brigitte Hales อิงจากเรื่องราวของ Richard LaGraveneseแล้วก็กลุ่มเขียนบทของ J. David Stem แล้วก็David N. Weiss ผลิตโดย Walt Disney Picturesร่วมกับ Josephson Entertainmentรวมทั้ง Right Coast Productionsเป็นภาคต่อของภาพยนตร์ Enchanted ใน ปีเอมี อดัมส์ ,แพทริก เดมป์ ซีย์ ,เจมส์ มาร์สเดนรวมทั้งอิดิทุ่งนาเมนเซลกลับมารับหน้าที่เดิมจากภาพยนตร์เรื่องแรก ดูหนังใหม่ โดยมีกาเบรียลลา บัลดัคชิโนมาแทนที่Rachel Covey (ศิลปินเป็นตัวละครอื่น) ร่วมด้วยผู้แสดงคนใหม่Maya Rudolph , Yvette Nicole Brown , Jayma Mays , Kolton Stewart, Oscar Nunezรวมทั้งGriffin Newman Alan Menkenรวมทั้งStephen Schwartzกลับมาในฐานะนักแต่งเพลงของภาพยนตร์ หนังออนไลน์ ในตอนที่ Menken เขียนเพลงประกอบ แล้วก็ Adams ปฏิบัติหน้าที่เป็นโปรดิวเซอร์ร่วมกับBarry Josephsonแล้วก็Barry Sonnenfeld ตัวอย่างหนัง Disenchanted มหัศจรรย์รักข้ามภพกับเวทมนตร์อลเวง (2022) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fycmiICkgfk Read the full article
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thegeekx · 1 year
Film Review: DISENCHANTED (2022): Amy Adams Returns For a Lackluster Sequel With a Few Emotionally Uplifting Scenes
Film Review: DISENCHANTED (2022): Amy Adams Returns For a Lackluster Sequel With a Few Emotionally Uplifting Scenes
Disenchanted Review — Disenchanted (2022) Film Review, a movie directed by Adam Shankman, written by Brigitte Hales and starring Amy Adams, Patrick Dempsey, Maya Rudolph, Gabriella Baldacchino, James Marsden, Idina Menzel, Yvette Nicole Brown, Jayma Mays, Kolton Stewart, Oscar Nunez, Alan Tudyk, Griffin Newman, Brooke Josephson, Eimear Morrissey and James Monroe Iglehart. Enchanted from 2007…
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schaflerartists · 2 years
THE FACTS NOW "Katia's Story" from Magellan Rubin on Vimeo.
Director: Magellan Executive Producer: Hani Selim Executive Producer: Rebecca Wray 1st Assistant Director: Brian Bennhoff 2nd Assistant Director: Larry Shure 3rd Assistant Director: Gabby Crohn Production Supervisor: Chris Sheahan Location Manager: Juan Ortiz Cinematographer: Doug Porter Camera Operator: Ryan Dean Assistant Camera: Sean Gilbert DIT: Jason Goodowens Motion Control Operator: Sean Brown Motion Control Tech: John Spencer Gaffer: Rick Kalivoda Best Boy Electric: Gordy Jordan Swing Grip: Alan Cowart Key Grip: John Pivovarnik Best Boy Grip: Pat Meng Art Director: Steve Erdberg Prop Master: Ruston Head Set Dresser: Coy Hancock Scenic: Ross Ostrom Art Assistant: Emily Arthur Sound Mixer: Mike Harvey VTR: Isaac John Script Supervisor: Stephanie Lowell Wardrobe Stylist: Kristen Bleakley Hair & Makeup Artist: Tracy Berg COVID Spray: Joe Ostertag Medic: Troy West Craft Service: Jessica Tripod Motorhome Driver: Alberto Aguiar Production Assistant: Mike Cranmer Production Assistant: Jennifer Gold Production Assistant: Nigel Cassar Production Assistant: Betsy Bracero Production Assistant: Zander Pivovarnik Creative Chairman: Luis Miguel Messianu Chief Creative Officer: Alvar Sunol Creative Director: Gabriel Ferrer Creative Director: Gabriel Reyes Copywriter: Alejandra Vidal Art Director: Danae Nunez Senior Account Director: Elizabeth McCarthy Account Director: Claudia Rodriguez Business Manager: Candy Cabrera Director of Production: Yeyo Marquez Agency Integrated Producer: Rafael Sanchez Brand Director: Laura Corbin Brand Manager: Coadi Burkes Brand Marketing Specialist: Bianca Bulengo Editor: Magellan Colorist: Simon Bourne at Framestore Color Producer: Chris Anthony at Framestore VFX Artist: Tyler Tometich Sound Design: Cesar Haliwa at Chaliwa Sound Mix: Andy Stremer at Chaliwa Sound Producer: Veronica Murphy at Chaliwa
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