#also flowers bloom update... I AM working on the next chapter I promise I am trying
cassmouse · 1 month
I'm really emotional today but I'm also really busy and also experiencing the most severe inability to sit down and write I've ever had and my god I want to write a Checkmatch oneshot fic but my god I physically cannot
Also if I'm gonna write anything I really need to write Flowers Bloom 😭 lord help me
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trulybetty · 8 months
Sunday | Week In Review IX
I feel like I just wrote the last Sunday Week in Review five minutes ago and like six years ago at the same time. Short work weeks and coming off the back of vacation really do mess with your sense of time.
Another short week ahead too, Canadian Thanksgiving tomorrow, happy Thanksgiving to my fellow Canucks who observe this holiday! 🧡
October has brought so many good stories to my dash that my drafts list is out of control and I still have so many good fics I haven't finished reading yet! Having said that, I've enjoyed the pause to jump in with these October x 500 prompts. It's been a jolt of inspiration/creativity that I needed.
Having said that, on with the week in review!
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T R U L Y  U P D A T E S . . .
october x 500 (masterlist)
oct' x 01 - ruffled hair (joel x gn!reader)
oct' x 02 - apple scent (chiffon!dieter x bryony)
oct’ x 03 - full of colours (tim rockford x f!reader)
oct' x 04 - walks in the forest (strings!joel x reader)
oct' x 05 - autumnal (dieter x gn!reader)
oct' x 06 - falling leaves (gold rush!joel x charlotte)
oct' x 07 - chestnuts (chiffon!dieter x bryony)
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W H A T  I  R E A D . . .
On Deck (One Shots) (Jack AU) by @something-tofightfor Just when I think I’ve gone through someone’s master list, I manage to find a gem and this is one of them. I have no clue about baseball, went to a game and had no idea what was happening no matter how many times someone tried to explain. However, I am 110% positive that if Jack was to explain the rules to me, I’d know him inside and out, oh and maybe a bit about baseball too. Gotta make sure those lessons get stretched out…
Bloom (Joel AU) by @penaonthestreets-javiinthesheetsThis was such a delightful opening chapter! Reader has their own flower shop, and just so happens our favourite Texan pays a visit. The characterization of Ellie almost steals the show from Joel’s meet-cute with Reader - I’m not going to spoil it, but I had to pick myself off of the floor after - just saying…
Working Title | Chapter 13 (Dieter) by @rhoorl I’m so rooting for these two! Both deserve a happy ending (in more than one sense!) and yet it seems there's those who want to bring them down or stand in their way. This update was a little angst, incredibly sweet and the last bit, well - I can't wait to read the next update!
Kinktober Day Two (Frankie) 🌶️ by @youvebeenlivingfictional I love the whole fun roleplay trop between established couples and this one does an excellent job of doing just that! Reader and Frankie are out at the bar having fun and, I'm not going to spoil it - go enjoy it for yourself!
Tip Your Server (Dieter) by @nothoughtsjustmeds This is just the best! Dieter and wife!reader on the night of his Oscar win and it’s just so much hilarity, sweetness & spice and the banter between the two is just the best. Please go read it, you won’t be disappointed, I promise! 
Kiss Me Quick (Dieter) by @secretelephanttattoo This, how I love this so! It’s a love letter to the British seaside and is told through a day at the beach with the one and only Dieter. It managed to not only invoke laughter but homesickness too. I’d go to the seaside for a stick of rock any day of the week with Dieter. 
Sofa So Good (Frankie) by @secretelephanttattoo This was cozy, domestic bliss wrapped up as tight as my fingers would be in Frankie’s hair. This was a sweet slice of life and so done so well. A perfect cozy Sunday read if you’re looking for one!
Video Nasty I & II (Joel) 🌶️ by @sin-djarin I don't think I've recovered from these two yet... Oof, incredibly hot, incredibly Joel and incredibly read-again worthy! Also provided a fun memory of mine working in a video store and will Marcus be forever associated with a poorly titled porno? Yes. Yes he will be.
Paranoid Heart (Javier P.) by @goodwithcheese This was such a great opener and introduction to our main character and Javi. Now, if you're thinking you need to watch Narcos to read this, take it from me, Ms. Truly 'I think I've watched six episodes now but can't remember' Betty, you don't need to, because Megan is so good at immersing you in her characters worlds that you'll be well taken care of. Can't wait to see where this story leads us!
A Month of Sundays(Various) by @gnpwdrnwhiskey I love each and every one posted so far! There’s something to be said about drabbles, little slices of life etc., six-sentence fics - because they’re not as easy to write as you think. There needs to be some establishing of what’s going on, and while not a resolution - something to end on. These are all great insights into some established characters and some we’ve not met before and I can’t wait to see what the rest of the month brings!
No Panties, No Problems (Frankie) by @blackfemalenerd Frankie is an A-grade menace here and, oof is this hot? Please do yourself a favour and go read it and leave your comments - because I think we all deserve some more of this Frankie!
Delta Landscaping | Chapter 7 (Triple Frontier Boys) by @rhoorl Jess really knows how to weave multiple stories and character backgrounds together and take you through from start to finish and never feel like you've missed something or added confusion. This week's installment is no different! We've got it all packed into this chapter and I don't want to spoil anything, but please go check it out!
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M E M O R A B L E  P O S T S . . .
The next guest appearance on Mulefalls Court @rhoorl
the grey sweatpants revelation
hands, hands and more hands
a visual from @maggiemayhemnj that I won't be forgetting anytime soon, and this one here where I might still be on the floor from
a good Tumblr 101 + reblog etiquette post from @morallyinept
Bob's Burgers fest started by @darkroastjoel
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B R O U G H T  T H E  J O Y . . .
Just how lovely this community is - this week I've had so many great interactions with equally amazing people and I'm so happy to have found a home in this little corner and appreciate every one of you who comes and interacts with my blog and me in whatever capacity 💕
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F R A N K I E  C A T ™️ . . .
I missed last weeks update, so here’s an update on Frankie Cat - she’s very much settled in. She is pretty laid back as her name sake, but sometimes her tiny humans can get on her last nerves, but baby Truly #2 and her are BFF’s (mostly because baby Truly is forcing Frankie to love her, like I would the actual Frankie…)
She also has to go back to the shelter today for treatment, as she’s not 100% a Truly until her spay (which if anyone has tips for care after I’m all ears) - hopefully she doesn’t get excited and think she’s finally getting away from us… sorry Frankie Cat, you’re one of us now. Even if you do rip my feet to shit. 
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T H I S  W E E K ' S  J A M . . .
Back in my Sons of Anarchy feels as I finally work my way through season seven (no spoilers or talk please, I've gone this long without a spoiler, I'd like to finish it out the same way)
Happy Sunday all! Here's to another great week! Feel free to share your favourite posts, stories, thots and whatever and never hesitate to tag me in it 💕
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hiscyarika · 4 years
thoughts on best writers in the pedro fandom?
Oh boy. There are SO MANY
Let’s start with @theforceofdarkandlight, who wrote one of my favorite Mandalorian series EVER. Lauren’s “Healer” series is one of the first things that I read when I joined the fandom back in December, and with every update she continues to amaze me. She’s also started writing for Javi, and her little one shot “Stars” had me feeling all of the feelings at like 2:30 in the morning. Everything she writes is magic and she hasn’t even been in the game for that long. Natural talent. Hell yeah.
Second is @haildoodles-writing. Hail’s “Ka’ra” series is a really interesting one, because despite the fact that her Reader character is blind (a common trope in Mando fanfic), I never felt like I was reading something that I had already read before. The original ending is beautiful, but you also get the added bonus of a more angsty ending (which I absolutely love). Anyway, it is also one of my favorite series, and I go back and read it all the time because it’s just that good. (ALSO, Hail is an amazing artist whose visual work is stunning AND she’s started doing custom Pop! figures).
Then there’s @aerynwrites. Now Aeryn has written for multiple Pedro characters, including Javier, Oberyn, and Whiskey, and I just love everything that she writes. Honorable mention goes to “Trust is a Fragile Thing” (Din), “Husband” (Javi), “Taken” (Javi), and “Whispers” (Agent Whiskey). Those two Javi fics were the first that I read for the Narcos fandom, so they hold a special place in my heart too. You won’t regret going through her entire masterlist. I promise. I also reread her stuff all the time because it’s so good.
Next we have @murdermewithbooks. Alyssa has written the beautiful “All I Wanted” (Javi), and it is one of the greatest things I have ever written. I’m so glad she decided to tag me in it out of nowhere, because reading it as she wrote it was a great adventure that I won’t forget. She just finished the final chapter, but is also working on an alternate ending. Also she wrote a little one shot following the Sam Smith song “Not in That Way” that absolutely BROKE ME in the best way possible. If you’re looking for good Javi content, this is one of the authors to go to.
Then there’s @forever-rogue. Patricia writes for like. All of Pedro’s characters from what I’ve seen. And everything that I have read from her has been amazing. I’m a huge fan of the requests that she fills from prompt lists. Every one that I’ve sent to her has always been. She’s another author that I’ve been following practically since I got here, and I haven’t been disappointed yet.
Next we have @tarrevizslas, who has graced us with the “Much Obliged” series (Agent Whiskey). Reading this series really made me fall in love with Jack, and I’m always looking forward for the next update. This series has everything you could want in it: angst, fluff, smut. Yep. It’s just perfection and I love it so much. Elisha also writes for Ezra, Maxwell Lord, Javier, and Pero Tovar. I just haven’t had the chance to go through her masterlist yet. 
Then there’s @rzrcrst, who also writes for a multitude of Pedro characters, but my personal favorites are her Tovar and Ezra fics. I literally only watched The Great Wall and Prospect because of her writing. Her Tovar fics don’t really stick to canon but honestly it’s better that way because The Great Wall was a disaster of a movie that I did not need in my life. And the way she captures Ezra’s vernacular is so spot on. Perfect. She is the authority on those two characters as far as I am concerned. 
Honorable mention goes to @dindjarindiaries, @hopelikethesun, @themandjalorian, @longitud-de-onda, and @flower-petal-blooming. I haven’t read a whole lot of their works but what little I have has been amazing and I can’t wait to get the chance to explore more of their writing!
And honestly this list is not exhaustive because I am probably forgetting people that I really enjoy reading the works of, but we’d be here all night because this fandom is filled with such great talent. Please also check out my “fic rec” and “author rec” tags for even more content.
And the thing is? All of these people are also so kind and supportive. I have not had a bad experience with any of them. Everyone is so friendly and that’s the best thing about all of them. This is a really special group of people. Really, the Pedro Pascal Fandom in and of itself is special. I’ve said it before but I’ll say it again: I have been in and out of fandoms for almost a decade and none of them have been like this. I love it so much. 
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Commission for Confidence, 10
Summary:  Y/N has been struggling with her self-esteem for years. After incessant pushing from your best friend, Y/N decides to commission an artist to draw her, expecting everything to happen via Internet. However, when your phone is stolen, you try to cancel the commission, but Peter Parker has other ideas. He quickly becomes enraptured by you, and a friendship forms easily. Will it lead to something more? Or will your past fears get in the way?
A/N: ALRIGHT Y’ALL, HERE IT IS. Omg, I feel like it has been FOREVER since I updated this fic, and I feel so bad!! However, I know it’s because I was working on other stuff, and stuff with life has popped up. I hope you guys like this chapter, I am relatively happy with it. After this one, I’m gonna do a little time skip. It might be a bit before that, though, because I want to do some of the requests I’ve gotten!! Enjoy this chapter and let me know what you think! There’s also some conversing in sign language and I hope I wrote it in a good way! I know that when you’re actually signing a conversation, there are a lot of little filler words that get cut out because that’s obviously the nature of the language, but I wrote the signing as it was meant to be interpreted. Please give me some feedback on how I wrote it if you can, I just want to write well!!!
You can still get on any of my taglists, including my permanent one! If your username has a strikethrough, it means it isn’t working
Permanent Taglist: @pparkerwrites, @jordyns-library, @natblidaclexa, @peterseuphoria, @lesbian-x-blackwidow, @beccaboo929, @softrdj, @icecoldban, @paintballkid711
CFC Taglist: @scatterbrainedgenius, @wildfirecracker, @pastlives-purplesouls, @maybemona, @hotchocolattee, @heregoestheworld, @willowtree42095, @134340-cm, @this-is-just-for-fanfic-lmao, @poc-gotbang, @sincerelygmg, @toastedpopsicles, @imstupidsblog, @casual-vaporwave, @xfangirl-trashx
Word Count: 4855
Warnings: fluff, Monopoly related anger, some nerves and anxiety, mostly just fluff I think???, some mention of pain pills, swearing lmao, minor self esteem issues but barely there, legit it’s mostly fluff
You woke up to your alarm and groggily pressed snooze. After pressing snooze twice, you sat up with muscles that protested, but nowhere near as loudly as they had that morning. The TV was asking if you were still watching, so you pressed the yes button and stood up.
Checking your phone, you padded to the kitchen and turned on the electric kettle again. There were a few messages, to your surprise.
Monica had texted you multiple times, demanding to know how you were and why you weren’t responding. You realized with a wince that you’d forgotten to tell her about the entire incident the previous day.
The other messages were from Peter, asking you about your snack preferences. They were more recent, thankfully, so you replied to those first.
As you crossed to your room and debated what clothes to wear, you called your best friend. You were unsurprised when she answered on the first ring.
“What the fuck, Y/N?” she demanded immediately.
“Listen, Monica—”
“No, no, you listen!” she interrupted you. “I was scrolling through some apps last night, and I saw a news clip of Spider-Man, and there you were! You were right there! And I saw you afterward, covered in cuts and bits of glass! What the fuck happened?”
You sighed and gave a quick overview, knowing that Monica was squeamish when it involved injuries. She started squealing with excitement as you told her that Peter came to keep you company, and that he made dinner for you. When you told her that you needed her help picking an outfit for game night, Monica was immediately facetiming you.
“What are we looking at?” Monica demanded as your face appeared.
“A casual night, meeting his aunt and best friend,” you explained. “We gotta go quick, though, because I really want a shower. Like, I think it’ll make my body feel so much better.”
“Of course. What about that Spider-Man shirt you have? And some leggings, that one black pair that you totally rock.”
“But that’s a crop top,” you argued quietly. “Not much of one, but it is…”
“Do it, you rock that shirt,” Monica encouraged you. “Besides, it’s casual, you’ll fit in perfectly! And, if I remember correctly, it’s a super comfy shirt.”
“Of course, you remember correctly,” you chuckled as you pulled it out, “you bought it for me, remember?”
“I do,” she beamed at you.
“Okay, love, I’m gonna get in the shower. I’ve got it from here.”
“Alright, hot stuff,” Monica winked, “don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”
You raised a brow at her, causing her to cackle and quickly blow a kiss to you through the screen. With a quick goodbye, she hung up.
The hot water from the shower was amazing. It made everything feel just a little bit better, the muscles in your body nearly melting upon first water contact.
After one of the best showers you ever had, you dried off and inspected your bandages. You were thankful that you had plenty of bandages, because you felt a bit more comfortable with clean bandages on your cuts. There were only a few that looked like they were still a bit oozy.
You got dressed, incredibly happy that your muscles were arguing less, and put on just a little bit of mascara. Then, after making sure you had everything, you slipped your shoes on and began your walk to Peter’s apartment. He didn’t live super far away, and you realized as you checked your phone that you were thirty minutes early.
Instead of going into the building, you continued past it and into the flower shop right next door. You adored that flower shop; they always had the nicest and freshest blooms for the season. And their prices were very fair. You’d been visiting the shop since you moved to the city; at first you’d wandered upon it, but then you made some fast friends.
You waved to Sofia, the owner, and signed, “Hello, Sofia. How are you?”
“Great! Business is great,” she signed back, giving you the brightest grin. “What do you need today?” Suddenly, her eyes zoned in on the bandages on your arm and face. “What the hell happened to you?”
“Just a small incident with some broken glass. I’m fine, I promise. It doesn’t even hurt. I need something for a friend’s aunt,” you explained. “She’s like a mother to him. I’m thinking something not too big, with bright colors. Maybe some tulips and daffodils?”
“Okay, well, as long as you’re okay. Tell me, what’s she like?"
You paused for a moment, trying to think about what you could say. “I haven’t met her,” you signed, “but I’ve heard only good things.”
“What’s her kid like?” Sofia asked. “Name?”
You quickly spelt Peter’s name with your fingers and Sofia grinned. “Oh, is he nice?”
“He’s very sweet,” you informed her, “almost like candy.”
Sofia wiggled her eyebrows at you and held up a finger to pause the conversation. You waited patiently as she walked farther into her shop, obviously on a mission for the bouquet she had in mind. After she didn’t show up for another two minutes, you turned and began to admire the day-old bouquets behind you.
You turned back as Sofia approached with a simple bouquet in her hands. There were orange tulips and yellow daffodils, arranged artfully. Without asking, Sofia put them in a simple vase with a bit of water; she tied a yellow bow around it and showed it to you with pride shining in her eyes.
“It’s perfect!” you cheered, emphatically signing your admiration and appreciation. “You are so talented, Sofia!”
She waved you off playfully, a grin on her lips. “I hope they all like them.”
You paid the woman, noting that she knocked the price down for you; you shoved a twenty-dollar bill in her tip jar when her back was turned. Sofia handed you the receipt and gave you a sly smile.
“Tell me about Peter,” she urged, raising an eyebrow.
“He’s really sweet, an artist,” you explained. At her look, you cut her off. “He’s just a friend, Sofia. I’m about to go over to his game night with his roommate and aunt.”
“That sounds like fun. Is he cute, do you like him?”
Your eyes went wide at her blunt question and her laughter made it obvious that she already knew the answer. “He’s a wonderful person,” you informed her, trying not to give more away. Sofia could always see through anything, though.
“You like him,” she signed with a wicked grin. “You do!”
“He’s my friend!” you protested, rolling your eyes. “Speaking of Peter, I need to get going to game night.”
“Fine, fine, I hope you get some!” Sofia signed quickly.
Your blood rushed at her words. Instead of gracing her with a response, you stuck your tongue out at her and bid her a goodbye. Her laughter followed you out of the shop.
You bustled to the apartment building next door, holding the flowers close to your nose. They smelt divine.
The person in the lobby recognized you and gave you a wide smile. You waved at him and went straight to the elevator. It was a smooth ride up, and as you adjusted your arm, you felt a twinge of pain. Perhaps you should’ve taken some ibuprofen before you left…
You got off the elevator and walked to Peter’s door. You were ten minutes early, but that was okay. After going through a mental checklist, you nodded to yourself and finally knocked on the door. There was an urge to rock on your feet to get your nerves out, but you managed to curb that urge.
The door opened and you were met with Peter, a breathless smile on his face; as he looked at your shirt, he blushed bright red. Right behind him were two people, each peering around the man to get a look. You found yourself essentially giggling with mirth at the sight of two heads crowding in with Peter’s, nearly pushing the man over. It was downright hilarious to you, and you had to turn away from the door to try to quiet your chortling.
“I’m sorry,” you finally managed to get out, constantly interrupted by your own giggles, “I’m sorry, it’s just so funny, you’re all smushed together like that!”
Peter started chuckling with you, and after another minute, you turned back around. He was still at the door, the most adorable smile on his face, the blush still prominent (you had no idea why he was blushing, but it was super cute). The people that had been behind him were gone, but you could hear them talking in the apartment.
“Sorry,” you chuckled lightly.
“Hey, I love your laugh, so please, laugh away,” he grinned at you.
Your blood seemed to sing as you finally followed him in. Standing by the dining room table was a woman, one you assumed was May Parker.
“Y/N,” Peter began, “this is my Aunt May. And in the kitchen is Ned.”
“It’s nice to meet you,” you smiled a bit shyly at the woman. You held the flowers out. “I had some extra time before coming here, so I got you these flowers. I hope you like them. I-I know it might be a little weird, but I’m very fond of your nephew, and he speaks so highly of you. Besides, surprise flowers are nice,” you explained nervously.
“Thank you so much!” May beamed at you, coming forward and taking the vase from your hands. She wrapped one arm around you in a surprise hug and then kissed your cheek. When she pulled back, her smile was wider, and she sniffed the flowers. “Peter was right when he said you’re a sweet woman.”
You blood warmed slightly and you shifted on your feet. “Peter is really sweet, too.”
“I know, such a good kid,” May said adoringly. “Well, are you ready for game night?”
“Just how intense is it supposed to get?” you asked with a grin.
“Depends on how much you can handle.”
“What are we playing?”
“Thought we’d start with Monopoly.”
Your grin widened. “Oh yeah, I can definitely handle that intensity.”
“A girl after my own heart. By the way, I love your shirt, it’s super cute and on-brand for this family,” May told you as she wrapped her arm around your shoulder and steered you to the dining room table, where the game was already set up.
 “I swear to fucking god, Peter, if you put another hotel there, I will flip this table!” Ned was yelling ninety minutes later.
“What about you, buying all utilities?” Peter shot back, his eyes full of fire.
“It’s only because Y/N bought all the airports!”
“That’s how the game works!” you and May joined in simultaneously.
“You’re just jealous that I got all the red spaces!” Peter yelled to Ned.
“Because you know I love the red spaces!” Ned shouted.
“That’s why I got them! Payback, bitch!”
“Oh, so this is payback for the time I decided to play as the dog because you were running late again?”
You glanced at May and erupted into laughter. Despite the semi-harsh words being said, you could see the amusement in both men’s eyes and the smiles on their faces. It was, all in all, incredibly amusing. The energy of the room was electric and warm, incredibly comforting in an unusual but not unwelcome way.
Ned and Peter stopped arguing as they heard your laughter. You were leaning back in your chair, your head tilted and your hand on your chest as you tried to calm your cackling. May joined in, and soon, so did Peter and Ned.
“I think I have a solution,” you informed them as your laughter sobered.
“Let me hear it,” Ned and Peter said simultaneously.
You grinned at them before quickly flipping the board over. Everything went flying and you immediately dissolved back into laughter at everyone’s shocked faces. Their mouths remained open and you continued to laugh as you cleaned up the board and put everything back in the box. The laughter had devolved into chuckles when May began to help you put stuff away, a bright smile on her face.
“I like you, Y/N. You fit right in,” she said frankly.
You smiled sheepishly as you organized the money.
When you turned to look at Ned and Peter, they were both turned away from the table, whispering to each other and glancing over their shoulders. As you raised an eyebrow at Peter, he immediately turned red and jerked his head back.
With a shrug, you discussed what movie to watch with May. You both agreed that it was probably a good idea to put a movie on and play a different game. May was suggesting Cards Against Humanity, and you were seriously considering it. Of course, you were also weighing in the possibilities for total embarrassment with that particular game.
“Oh, what the hell, let’s do it!” you beamed, finding May’s cheer adorable.
Ned and Peter were still whispering while you helped May transfer all cups and food to the coffee table in the living room. You were setting everything up and they were still whispering as May put on Weird Science.
“Truly one of the great classics, May,” you informed her with an approving nod.
May nodded at you before giving you a pointed glance towards the boys. You gave a tiny nod of confirmation and walked over to them.
“Guys,” you stated loudly behind them, making Ned jump in surprise. “C’mon, it’s time for Cards Against Humanity and Weird Science. Wanna make some popcorn?”
“S-sure,” Peter stuttered, his ears and cheeks bright red.
“What’s got you two all worked in a bunch?” you asked gently.
“I, um, I have to run into the office really quick,” Peter admitted in a rush.
“Oh,” you blinked in surprise. “Um, okay? Is that what you’ve been discussing?”
“Y-yeah,” Peter admitted, his blush getting deeper.
“Are you worried about me?” you asked gently.
“I just, it would be rude—”
“Hey, Peter, it’s okay,” you interrupted him tenderly. “Emergencies happen. It’s totally cool with me. Besides, I like Ned, and I’m ready to win all of May’s love for all eternity.” You leaned forward slightly and pretended to whisper, “I’m gonna be her favorite, Peter; I’m gunning for your spot.”
Peter and Ned laughed loudly at that before Peter jogged to his room to get something he needed for the office. Ned rushed to the kitchen to make some popcorn while you went to sit on the couch with May.
“So, May, Peter has to go to the office for some sort of emergency,” you informed the woman as you plopped onto the couch next to her.
“That happens a lot,” May shrugged a shoulder. “And you can call me Aunt May, Y/N. After all this stuff tonight, I’m pretty sure you’re one of mine now.”
You laughed brightly, trying to calm the excitement that coursed through your veins. It had been awhile since you had that sort of motherly affection, and you didn’t quite know what to do about it. But you decided that you would roll with it.
“Okay, gotta go, see you in a bit, bye!” Peter’s voice flashed by you as he ran to the front door and left loudly.
“That was… weird,” you muttered under your breath. “Figured he’d actually, y’know, face us to say goodbye.”
“Oh, he gets like that when there’s an emergency,” Aunt May explained casually.
“Y-yeah, sometimes he doesn’t even go out the door, he goes down the fire escape,” Ned said almost… nervously.
As you watched the movie and casually played Cards Against Humanity, occasionally taking photos of the really good plays to show Peter when he returned, you found yourself getting really comfortable with the other two people. When the movie was over, Aunt May popped in another comedy, White Chicks.
About halfway through the movie, Aunt May decided to call it a night. She gave you a warm hug and a squeeze, telling you to wear the Spider-Man shirt more often with a wink. She gave Ned a squeeze and told either of you to give Peter a hug when he came back from the office. With another wave over her shoulder, Aunt May left.
Luckily, it wasn’t awkward with just Ned. You talked about both your jobs and your shared love of science fiction as the movie played. Ned even told you a few funny Peter stories that you soaked up with a vigor. When White Chicks was over, Ned decided to pop one more movie in while waiting for Peter (he picked Airplane).
You found yourself nodding off slightly while the movie was playing. Between the worlds of awake and asleep, you stretched out on the couch a bit more. It was an incredibly comfortable couch, obviously easy to fall asleep on.
Not even halfway through Airplane, Ned saw that you were sleeping peacefully. He figured that were still tired from the previous day, so he turned down the volume of the TV. After draping a blanket over your sleeping form, he went to bed.
 Peter entered through the living room window cautiously. He could see that the TV was still on, so he didn’t want to alert you if you were still home, but his window had been getting stuck and needed fixing.
Rolling through the window silently, Peter sprang up to see you asleep on the couch. The light from the TV, playing the menu screen for Airplane, was giving you a light blue glow. You looked absolutely fantastic, but you also looked slightly uncomfortable as you used your arm as a pillow.
He took a step to you before remembering that he was still in his suit. Quickly changing into a pair of sweats and a t-shirt, Peter lightly jogged to your sleeping form with a pillow in his hands.
“Y/N,” you heard a gentle voice prodding you awake. “Y/N, wake up.”
Groaning lightly, you managed to open your eyes and push up from your position slightly. To your slight surprise, you saw Peter kneeling next to you. The light from the TV was making him look unfairly attractive, as was that damn tight white t-shirt.
“You’re too cute,” you muttered as you relaxed your arms to lay back down. “’S not fair that you’re so damn attractive,” you continued to mutter. “’S not fair to others that aren’t pretty, people like me.” A yawn stretched your lips and you smacked your lips.
Peter’s light chuckle floated to your ears. “You want a pillow, Y/N?”
You grumbled, making him laugh.
“C’mon, let’s get you more comfortable.”
“Are you comfy?” you mumbled.
“I mean, I’m kneeling on the floor.”
“Are you a comfy person?”
“I-I, I mean, I guess.”
“I’d rather use you than a pillow,” you admitted, still mostly asleep. “It’s cause ya look so comfy and cuddly.”
Peter chuckled again as you settled into your previous position. Your slightly opened eyes saw him biting his lip in thought before he nudged you over. You complied easily, scooting back until your back touched the back of the couch. You mused over the wideness of the couch and lifted slightly so Peter could snake his arm under your head.
He settled in next to you and you nuzzled closer and into his chest. You wrapped your leg over his and let out a small hum of comfort. Peter chuckled and you felt him hesitantly trail his hand down until it rested on your waist. With another hum, you felt yourself fall back into a deep, comfortable sleep.
 You woke up slowly, feeling more rested and comfortable than you had in a long time. The night of sleep had been so nice, in fact, that you really didn’t want to continue to wake up. Still, you knew that you had to wake up eventually, so you opened your eyes.
Peter’s sleeping face was right in front of yours. His curly brown hair was falling across his forehead adorably, and the peaceful look on his face made you want to take a picture. You couldn’t do that, of course, because it wasn’t like you were his girlfriend or an actual artist like he was.
You couldn’t remember exactly what happened after you fell asleep the first time. As you memorized Peter’s sleeping face, you tried to recall how you came into this predicament. Peter’s arms holding you close did not go past you.
You let out a slight sigh and tried to squash the excitement that came when Peter let out a small grumble and tightened his hold on you.
A vague whisper of a memory came into your mind as you couldn’t help but bring your hand up to brush some of Peter’s hair off his forehead.
The memory told you that you’d mumbled some things that you would not have said otherwise. Apparently, sleepy you had much more confidence and a much smaller filter than fully aware and awake you. You felt your blood rush as your boldness from your sleep-induced state came into your living memory.
As you played with Peter’s hair, you decided to not focus on the words you’d uttered. Instead, you focused on the softness of his hair and the smoothness of his skin. He was so peaceful, and your tender, hesitant touches seemed to make him relax even more.
Peter let out a sigh and pulled you ever closer. After another minute, and you tucking your arm back against your body, your gaze was met with Peter’s sleepy brown eyes.
“G’morning,” he murmured, giving you a squeeze. “You’re a really good cuddle buddy. So warm and soft and nice. Smell good too.”
You chuckled lightly before you nudged Peter slightly. “Sorry about last night,” you said quietly. “I didn’t know I’m so… bold when I’m sleepy.”
Peter chuckled sleepily and the breath tickled your skin. “It’s alright,” he sighed happily. “I liked it. And I liked cuddling with you.”
“I did too,” you admitted shyly. “Peter?”
“I need to use the bathroom.”
Peter let out a dramatic groan before removing his arms and rolling over. He obviously forgot that he was on the couch, because he landed on the floor with a thud. You couldn’t stop the loud laughter that left you as his fluffy curls popped up while Peter glared at you for laughing at his plight.
You climbed over him, still laughing, and hurried to the bathroom. All the liquids you had ingested the night before had caught up with you, and you cursed your past self for causing your present self to have to leave Peter’s cuddles. Then again, you pondered as you washed your hands, you hadn’t expected to spend the night, nor to cuddle with Peter.
If you weren’t so relaxed and still sleepy, you’d probably be freaking out.
When you walked back out, you saw that Peter was sitting on a counter in the kitchen. He was typing on his phone and a pot of coffee was brewing in the kitchen. As you entered the kitchen, you let out a groan of relief at the smell of the coffee.
“You should make that sound more often,” Peter informed you casually as he glanced up from his phone.
Your blood sang through your body and you decided to not comment on that. You texted Monica and told her that you planned on calling her later in the day, and a few minutes later, Peter was handing you a mug of coffee.
“Thanks,” you smiled at him.
“No problem. Thanks for inviting me to cuddle last night,” he smirked lightheartedly at you. “That was the best sleep of my life.”
You chuckled as you made your coffee the way you liked it. “I slept very well, too. Thank you, Peter. And thank you for being so cool about it.”
“Why wouldn’t I be?”
Shrugging a shoulder, you sighed as you took your first sip of coffee. “I don’t know,” you admitted, “just… I don’t know. But I still appreciate it. I don’t always sleep the best, and it really was a nice sleep. So, thanks, Peter.”
“Hey, anytime. I seriously mean that, by the way,” he gave you a pointed look.
You barked out a laugh and nodded. “Okay, I’ll keep that in mind.”
Peter offered you some toast, or a bagel, but you politely declined. At his concerned look, you explained that you weren’t normally hungry right after waking up. You also told him that you needed to get home and take a pain pill to get rid of the little ache you still felt in your body. He pouted but seemed to understand.
After you finished your coffee, you went to the bathroom and your hands through your hair to make sure it didn’t look too crazy for your short walk. Sure, it was NYC, but you didn’t like to stand out. Peter laughed and told you that your hair was fine, but at your sideways teasing glare, he chuckled even more and left you to fix it up.
“Okay, Peter, I’d better get going,” you announced as you entered the living room.
Peter was adorably curled on the couch with a sketchbook in his lap. You pretended to peer around his shoulder to see what he was working on, but he held it to his chest and gave you a fake glare. He relaxed as you chuckled and stood up.
“Okay, well, thank you for having me over,” you said as you walked to the door.
“What are you thanking me now for? I’m walking you home,” Peter chuckled as he followed you to the door.
“Oh, you don’t have to—”
“I’m walking you,” he said in a no-nonsense tone.
You didn’t argue and instead let him lead the way out of his apartment.
The walk to your apartment was brief but nice. The coolness of the morning air was refreshing, and Peter kept up a casual stream of conversation that you eagerly participated in.
Almost too soon, you reached your building and turned to Peter. He grinned at you and shoved his hands in his pockets.
“Thank you, Peter,” you said softly, changing the whole dynamic around you. You felt a bit vulnerable with the shift you caused, but you pushed on. “I had a really great time. It really took my mind off of things, and I really appreciate you inviting me into your life. I feel… honored to have met some of the people most important to you. Thank you.”
Peter’s smile was tender and made your heart dance. “Thank you, Y/N. I’m really happy you got to meet Ned and Aunt May, and that you get along so well with them. I know I had to leave, but I’m really, really glad you had such a great time. Aunt May was texting me and telling me that you’re her favorite now, so… lucky you, I guess,” he pretended to pout.
You laughed and shifted your weight a bit. “She’s a wonderful woman, and she raised a wonderful man. I know you’ll always be her actual favorite, but I’m gonna soak up that title for as long as I can.”
The atmosphere had shifted again, and you felt less vulnerable. Still, you felt good; you didn’t feel guilt at sharing your feelings the way you sometimes did.
“Well, I’d better let you get back to your Saturday,” you announced, wincing internally at the awkwardness of the announcement.
“Y-yeah,” Peter agreed, giving you a smile that perhaps had a tinge of sadness.
“I’ll, uh, see you soon? If you want?”
“Yeah, definitely!” His eagerness made your heart do a little Irish jig. “Let me know if you need anything, okay? I know you’re still sore from the other day.”
“Of course. You too, Peter. I mean, any excuse to see you again, am I right?” Your face heated as you realized what you said. “Text me when you get home so I know you’re safe, okay? Tell Ned I said thank you for letting him into his home, and that it was nice to meet him,” you plowed on quickly. “Anyway, thanks again, Peter. Stay safe!”
Before you realized what you were doing, you stepped forward and kissed his cheek before retreating inside. You didn’t look back as you rushed to the building door, much too focused on dealing with your river dancing heart. When you glanced at him from the door, you saw the brightest, happiest smile you had ever seen.
Your river dancing heart slowed down at the sight of his smile. Warmth filled your body and your muscles relaxed. With one more smile at him, you went inside.
As soon as you entered your apartment, you slid down the door and onto the floor. Your smile was almost hurting your face with how long it had been there.
No matter the ache in your face, you didn’t want this feeling to fade.
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elesianne · 4 years
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A Silmarillion fanfic, chapter four of seven – Carnistir/Tuilindien
Chapter length: ~1,500 words; Story rating: Teenage audiences
Some keywords for the whole fic: romance, marriage, family, some fluff, some angst, implied sex, years of the trees
A/N: A less happy chapter. There are bad days in every relationship.
In this chapter, near the end, there are some lines from the lyrics from The Amazing Devil's exquisite love song Fair where the title of this fic is also from.
Chapter IV //  Stormy days
There are stormy days, too, in between the days of bliss and comfort.
Literal autumn storms, which force Tuilindien to stay inside instead of spending love in her beloved orchard, are more common here in Tirion than on Taniquetil. On the slopes of the holy mountain Manwë's benevolence protects Ingwë's court from the harshest of his winds.
And there are the kind of storms that rage inside Carnistir.
Most of the time he can control them, and Tuilindien knows that he works hard to do so. He comes home late after clearing his head elsewhere, or expends his rage and energy by chopping firewood even though they have servants who would do it, or he goes to his study after a gruff apology and sits there in silence as the light around him mingles and changes. And when he does come to Tuilindien, the storm is mostly cleared, the rough waters of his mind not too difficult for the two of them to navigate.
But sometimes he comes home irritated and only grows more so as the evening goes on, and Tuilindien tires of being careful with him and grows quiet. And though he usually would, he does not notice, too preoccupied with his own vexations.
And then he snaps about something over dinner, about something which is not even her fault or in her control, and Tuilindien lays down her knife and fork, and says, her voice shaking in that way that she despises, 'If you are going to be like that tonight, Carnistir, I will cut this meal short and go visit Parmandil.'
He stops and stares at her and snarls, 'It's too late for visiting.'
'It's too angry here.'
Silence, and shame in their connection that both of them have tried their best to close.
'I didn't even shout', Carnistir says after a tense minute.
Tuilindien's knuckles are white from grasping her skirt. She cannot look at him when he says things like that, things that bring into too bright a light what he is used to, what are his standards for 'too angry' – or what they used to be anyway, and still bleed through.
'I am not going to wait here until you do.' She stands up, fully intending to leave. To go to her friend Parmandil's house or, if she is not home, to – to Indis, or to their own stables to sit down in a pile of straw and let Mirwannë snuffle at her. Anywhere but here.
Yet she tarries, moves slowly as if in an unwanted dream as she gathers her skirts in her hands and pushes her chair back.
More silence and shame from her husband on the other side of the table. And then the scraping of another pushed back violently.
'Stay', Carnistir says. 'I will go out and come back when I won't hurt you. I wouldn't mean to do it –'
'I know', she says, because she does.
'– But I might. I am sorry.'
And he is, he always is, but she still cannot breathe with all that anger in the air, choking and poisonous, only more so when it is directed at himself. She knew this about him when she promised herself to him, and she accepted it as part of him, but that does not mean she has to breathe in the same air as him when it is clouded by rage.
So she lets him leave, grateful that she doesn't have to be the one to go. He has many more places to go than her.
He has to walk to her side of the table to get out of the room. He comes close to her, not touching, and hesitates.
'I argued with Ontamo and was still angry about that when I came home', he admits gruffly. 'I'll go see him and resolve things with him. It was not fair of me to bring the argument home.'
'No', Tuilindien agrees, with as little accusation as she can. It is not very little. Her day had been good, and she'd looked forward to the time with him in the evening. 'Please don't come home when you are like that. No, do come home, always, it is your home too, but do not come at me with your anger when I am not even its cause.'
'I won't.' There is so light a touch to her arm that Tuilindien is not sure if she imagined it, and then it is gone, and so is Carnistir.
Tuilindien sits back down and leans back in her chair and drinks a glass of wine. She has no appetite for food.
So he fought with Ontamo, she thinks as she stares at Carnistir's half-eaten meal on the other side of the table.
Ontamo is Carnistir's closest friend, Tuilindien assumes, though Carnistir has never explicitly said so. He appears to be the only one who is not a family friend – most of Carnistir's friends are also friends of one or more of Carnistir's brothers. Carnistir and Ontamo were apprentices to the same stone-smith when they were only boys, and forged a bond during that time, Tuilindien has gathered. It is a bond that has weathered many disagreements over the years.
She hopes it will weather this one too.
When the light in the dining room begins to turn rather silver, and her glass of wine is empty, Tuilindien goes to get a cloak so she can wander in the garden in the cooling evening air.
There are few flowers in bloom now, the garden settling into winter's rest. Only lavaraldar trees still carry their pale flowers. Tuilindien has always loved these trees for their resilience even in the midst of winter. They rest for a short while, and then they bloom again, filling the air with their faint, sweet scent that brings restfulness.
She stands for a long time among the trees, doing little more than inhaling deeply.
She wonders if Carnistir is doing something similar, or if he is yelling at the top of his lungs.
Tuilindien is slipping into bed when he comes home. She has brought a book to the bedroom, which she rarely does since books tend not to get read there, but she leaves it on the nightstand and sits back against the headboard as she watches Carnistir strip himself in brisk movements that do not look too angry.
She can feel little from him besides shame, again. She is tired of it.
'Are you feeling better now?' she asks.
'Yes.' He yanks his undertunic up and over his head, and tosses it on the floor. Then he grimaces, bends down to pick the tunic up and places it neatly on the chair where he leaves his clothes every night.
'It was a stupid misunderstanding', he says. 'But I am quick to anger, and he is quick to indignation when his ideas are not appreciated, so we both got into a huff and parted when we should have kept talking.'
'I am glad that Ontamo and you cleared the air', Tuilindien replies carefully. 'I know that he is important to you.'
Carnistir sighs and sits down on the side of the bed. Tuilindien notices that he places himself so that he doesn't touch her. She feels the heat of him on her skin anyway, and misses it.
'He is', Carnistir says. 'Most of the time he is the best person to discuss my ideas with and to work alongside, whether on a shared project or on our own projects. He is less demanding than my father and less sarcastic than Curufinwë. But we both have a short temper and sometimes they flare at the same time and then we cannot just laugh it off.'
'Things are well now, though?' She doesn't mean only things with Ontamo.
They look at each other, properly in the eyes, for the first time since Carnistir came home with a dark cloud in his spirit.
'I will likely be half-grumpy for a while yet but things are well if my most beloved vanimelda is well', he says. 'Tuilë, I am sorry –'
She cannot help but say, 'I am tired of apologies. I always forgive you anyway. You did not mean to hurt me and you barely did before you left and gave me the space of our home.'
'You have fewer places that you could go here in Tirion', he says, and at that she opens her arms and welcomes him back to her, like she knows she always will, because she loves him beoynd reason and beoynd her understanding of herself and beoynd the borders of the world, though it is impossible. Beoynd the stars into darkness.
She brushes her hand through his hair as he clings to her, his frantic heartbeat calming down against her chest, and she thinks again, it is not fair how unreasonably in love I am with you, and, it is not fair how much I love you even when you make me ache.
Perhaps she thinks that at him, having unconsciously opened herself up to him again, because he mumbles into her hair, 'I love you to irrationality and back. I'll always come back to you and this home that we've created.'
A/N: Please note that I never claimed to write only healthy relationships. Tuilindien and Carnistir SHOULD not be taken as a model of what is good or acceptable in a marriage.
The next chapter includes a prompt fill for Alkarinque that I have previously posted on Tumblr, but I've added a lot to it. In the chapter, Carnistir and Tuilindien go on a journey. I'll update on Thursday.
As always, I appreciate and am delighted by reblogs and comments.
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Yours Truly [Part Nine]
Summary: Layla leaves for Minnesota with her grandparents, which allows Sadie and Chris to explore the feelings between them. Pairing: Chris Pratt x OFC, Chris Evans x OFC Word Count: 2115 Warnings: FLUFF. A/N: This fic was previously posted on my multi-fandom account; in honor of OC Appreciation Day, I figured I would queue it all up for your reading pleasure throughout the day! This was a collab with @captain-s-rogers , and I will link her chapters at the end of all of my posts! Some GIFs were difficult to find again, so if there’s no credit, they’re from Google Image Search or from the original post. 
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July 9
I … what do I say? Is it awful that I’m excited you finally got some good sex? Okay, so it’s not the greatest of circumstances, and Charlie isn’t horrible, but Caroline – Chris is perfect for you. If I could handpick someone for you, it’d be Chris Evans! Handsome, obviously interested in politics and the country but not necessarily a straight-up politician. He gets your life but he would keep you grounded in the non-political world, too. OH! And if you guys got together, you’d be this amazing husband-wife team, running the country. Tell me that’s not your dream life!
By the way, stop thinking about what other people would think. I know you! STOP thinking that RIGHT NOW. Neither the media nor the public is ever completely pleased with the President and the way he lives his life, so don’t let that dictate anything you’re doing. Live YOUR best and happiest life.
Okay. I’m ending this letter here because I’ve been watching TV while I write this (Layla left for Minnesota with her grandparents this morning) and I just saw a clip about you and Chris. Hot but … yeah. I’m just gonna call.
Yours truly,
Feeling under the weather for a few days after Fourth of July, Daniel told the family they would put off the trip back to Minnesota for a few days. It was no big deal; just more time for Chris to spend with his family and more time for his parents to get to know Sadie.
By the time the morning came for Daniel, Kathleen, and Layla to begin their road trip, Layla was on pins and needles. She had convinced herself that once she left, her father and Sadie would – well, actually, Sadie was pretty sure that Layla had no idea what she really wanted to happen, the five-year-old only knew that she wanted them to be together.
“Sadie,” Layla whispered, coming into Sadie’s room before the sun was even up, “I’m ready to go now.”
Sadie forced her eyes to open. She turned on the light and took in Layla’s appearance: mismatched shirt and shorts, and boots on her feet. Her hair was still a mess from a night of excited sleeping. Sadie chuckled.
“Take off your boots and come up here with me, silly girl,” Sadie said, turning off the light and patting the mattress. Layla did as she was told, cuddling up to Sadie. “I’m gonna miss you.”
“I’ll miss you, too. But I’m going to bring you a surprise from Minnesota. Oh! And Daddy has a surprise for you, too.”
“I do like surprises.”
Layla was asleep again not too long after that, but Sadie was awake for some time after, wondering what Chris’s surprise for her could be.
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Chris and Sadie watched the travelers pull away from the house in the small camper, head down the gravel driveway, and, finally, out onto the dirt road.
“Can’t believe she’s gonna be gone for a whole week. I’ve got a couple of interviews, but I’m going to miss her like crazy,” Sadie sighed.
“Mmhmm.” Chris was still staring down the driveway, arms crossed over his chest. He seemed distracted by other thoughts, and it suddenly occurred to her why that would be the case. Sadie felt a little selfish; after watching Emily leave, no doubt watching Layla leave, even with his own parents, had to stir up some of those feelings again.
Sadie cleared her throat. “I’m sorry, that was probably insensitive of me. Of course you’re going to –”
Chris turned to her and interrupted her apology. “Do you want to have dinner with me tonight?”
“Dinner,” Sadie repeated. “You mean – dinner. Like a date?”
“Yeah, a date.” His voice read confidence but his teeth gnawing on the corner of his bottom lip gave away how nervous he felt.
Sadie licked her lips, an action borne of her own nerves. “Would this be the surprise that Layla told me you had for me?”
“Part of it,” Chris smirked. “I didn’t tell her everything, but I did want to make sure she was going to be okay if I asked you to dinner. Don’t want to give her a complex or anything.”
“Oh,” Sadie nodded. She licked her lips again and nodded. “Yes. I’d love to have dinner with you tonight.”
Chris’s smirk turned into a full-on smile. “Great. Seven-thirty work for you?”
Sadie nodded. “Sure. I’ll be ready.”
Chris nodded and walked around back of the house to get to tending the fields. Sunflowers would be blooming soon, he had told Sadie the other day, so she knew that tending to them now was as important as ever.
Letting her smile break into an ear-to-ear grin once Chris was out of sight, Sadie headed into the house to write a letter to Caroline.
The phone only rang twice before Caroline answered. The friends went right into a discussion about the news piece covering the pictures taken outside of Chris’s house which hinted heavily toward some sort of affair. Sadie couldn’t believe how relieved she felt after finally having a voice conversation with her best friend after so long.
The conversation started to wrap up, but Sadie knew she couldn’t just let it end without updating Caroline on her life as well.
“Uh, since we’re on the subject of love lives …”
“So I was right then, you got Farmer Pratt to fall in love with you,” Caroline chuckled.
Sadie chuckled, too. “He’s not in love, C. But we do – okay, I don’t know which letters you’ve gotten yet, but Layla is spending a week with her grandparents in Minnesota. Chris and I held hands on Fourth of July – I know, that’s no big deal, but it feels like a big deal. As soon as Layla and her grandparents were out of the driveway this morning, he asked if I wanted to have dinner with him. Oh, and did I mention that he has a sunflower farm? I’m rambling. I need to stop.”
“A sunflower farm? Seriously? It’s like you were destined to find this job and him. So, he asked you to have dinner. What did you say? Yes, I hope. Is he taking you out? Are you staying at the house? I mean, isn’t this technically your first time alone with him since you started the job?”
“I said yes. I’m not sure I’d be capable of saying no. Yeah, except for a couple of times that Layla was in town with her grandparents, it’s our first time alone with each other. I’m still staying at the house because I’m looking for jobs in the area. Is that a horrible idea?” She ran her fingers through her hair. “Why am I freaking out? Also, I’m assuming we’re going out. I should have asked.”
“Good, I’m glad you said yes! And I don’t think that’s a horrible idea at all. Looking for jobs in the area is a great idea, especially if things work out between the two of you. You’re freaking out because you like him, he’s technically your boss, and he owns a damn sunflower farm! It’s like he was made for you. But try not to stress out about it. I’m positive that it’s gonna be an awesome night for you!”
“You’re right. I just need to calm down,” Sadie said, letting out a deep breath. “And you know what? I think things are going to be fine for you, too. You and Chris. Together. I can feel it. This is our summer. Or something.”
“I don’t know about me and Chris but I know it’s gonna be great for you. You’re right, though, it is our summer. Or something.”
They both chuckled, promised not to get into the habit of calling each other, and to stick to letters for the most part going forward. Once the call disconnected, Sadie set her phone down on the couch next to her and let out a few deep breaths. With time to herself since Layla was gone, she decided to go into town and find something to wear for her date with Chris.
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At seven-thirty on the dot, Sadie made her way into the front room. Chris was waiting for her there, dressed in crisp, dark blue jeans and a cream-colored button up shirt, sleeves rolled to the elbows. It wasn’t unlike his outfit for Layla’s birthday, save for the tie. He had cleaned up his facial hair, but left some scruff behind. His hair was styled with pomade, and he smelled so good, Sadie’s nerves instantly multiplied.
“I brought this outfit with me for interviews, actually,” Sadie said, somehow feeling underdressed in her blue-and-white striped dress with the brown sandal wedges. “I went into town to find something that would work for a date, but I wasn’t happy with anything they had so I just –”
Chris stepped forward and took her hand. “I think you look amazing.”
Her rambling stopped; she didn’t bother to hide her smile or her blush. “Thank you. So do you.”
“Thanks. You ready to eat?”
Sadie nodded. “Yes. Where are we going?”
Chris squeezed her hand. “Come with me.”
He led her to the back patio. A table for two was set up there, dinner on covered plates, and a few sunflowers in a vase in the middle of the table. Chris pulled out her chair for her, pushed it back in once she was seated, then took up the chair across from her.
“I know this probably isn’t what you had in mind when you accepted, but – I don’t know. I got it into my head that I wanted to do this for you and couldn’t stop thinking about it.”
Sadie smiled at him. “Chris, this is so perfect. I didn’t tell you when you told me about what you farm, but I really love sunflowers.”
“Those are the first blooms of the season,” Chris informed her, pointing to the flowers.
“They’re beautiful,” Sadie replied. “Thank you, for doing all of this.”
Chris nodded. “My pleasure. Shall we eat?”
Sadie giggled at his feigned English accent. “Yes, let’s.”
They carried on good conversation while they ate, and continued over coffee afterwards. Chris set up the iPod speaker and let music play quietly while they sat across from the other, getting to know each other in a way they had toed the line on with Layla around.
“I love this song,” Sadie smiled, humming along to one of her favorite country songs.  
Chris stood and offered her his hand. “Then we should dance to it.”
Sadie slipped her hand into his, nervous all over again. “I haven’t danced with anyone in a while.”
“Me either. Let’s see if we can figure it out together.”
As it turned out, after a few moments of stumbling, they found an easy position to hold each other, and swayed back and forth to the music. Sadie held Chris’s gaze as the song began to build up, and Chris willingly stared right back.
“You’re something else, Sadie Coleman. Layla and I always had each other, but you – you filled a hole in our home that I don’t think we even knew was there.”
Sadie shook her head. “You’ve held her together. I just taught her the alphabet and some numbers.”
“You taught her way more than that – academically and otherwise. And you’ve taught me a thing or two.”
“Oh, really?” Sadie chuckled. “What’s that?”
Before Chris could answer her, a clap of thunder sounded from the sky overhead; a shower of rain immediately followed. The couple went into action, picking up the things that couldn’t be left out in the rain and rushed them inside.
With the things on the kitchen counter or in the sink, they looked at each other, and burst into laughter, until the next boom of thunder, when Sadie shuddered.
“Cold?” Chris asked, pushing a wet tendril of hair behind her ear.
Sadie shook her head and blushed. “It’s the thunder.”
Chris slid an arm around her waist. “If I kissed you, would it help you forget the thunder?”
Sadie nodded, the only affirmation she was able to give at that moment. Chris cupped her chin with his free hand, tilting her mouth upwards to meet his.
She was ready for the soft touch of his lips against hers. She was ready for both of his strong arms to tighten around her, pulling her closer. She was ready to find the hair at the back of  his neck and comb her fingers over it while they kissed. She was not ready for what happened when he pulled away from her.
“I love you, Sadie.”
Part Ten
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genyatta · 7 years
Updated Fanfic List
Here’s the update to the monster list of fanfics I recommend! I think Mod G had a good idea with a monthly update and post for the massive list, so the next post about this will probably be around Halloween.
~Mod Mage
Incomplete Fics (as of compilation):
Clarity Line by SimonBlackchill (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
Genji has family issues and sorts them out by prank calling the supposedly psychic omnic who appears on television. He gets a lot more than he bargained for.
 Saturday Morning Sentai by Phylix (Rated M; No Warnings Apply)
Sentai AU that’s a little bit more like modern superheroes; not necessarily gritty but a little more realism is tied to it.
Personal warnings for depictions of violence and usage of drugs, though none are explicitly described.
 Ryujin Sentai Goranger – Season 3; Episodes 1-11 by choriarty (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
Brought to you by the same author of “Oni and Okashi”, it’s the third season of the show Ryujin Sentai Gorangers! (In choriarty’s words, “don’t worry about seasons 1 and 2 the 3rd one is best”.) It’s a combination of Sentai, Power Rangers, and Sailor Moon and is the fic to read for all your cheesy, glorious Sentai needs. One of my personal favorites.
 At the End of the Day by Anemoso (Rated G; Chose Not to Use Warnings)
Pretend Relationship AU where Genji’s still human.
 Miraculous by choriarty (Rated G; No Warnings)
Genyatta Week Summer 2017
 Senses by enigmatic_fossil (Rated T; No Archive Warnings)
One person’s take on Zenyatta and Genji meeting and subsequently traveling together.
 Mind, Body, and Soul by Grovey (Rated T; No Archive Warnings)
Genji and Zenyatta at the Shambali Monastery as Genji comes to terms with his own self (and feelings for Zenyatta, who’s dealing with his own issues).
 Summer by Trashbab (Nopholom) (Rated T; No Archive Warnings)
Genyatta Week Summer 2017
 Hero by phalenne (Rated T; Chose Not to Use Warnings)
Sentai AU
 Deleted Scenes by Hubris_and_Crafts (Rated T; Chose Not to Use Warnings)
Side stories from wyntera’s Popcorn Redemption, starting with (and so far only having) Genyatta getting together with the movie Hero of My Storm. Also Shambali Shenanigans.
 Ain’t No Sunshine on the Psychic Plane, Darlin’ by notzenyatta (Rated T; Graphic Depictions of Violence)
Zenyatta is kidnapped, Genji rescued him under mysterious cicrumstances and nothing is right.
 The Dragon Becomes Me by thel9stwea699 (Rated T; Graphic Depictions of Violence)
Weredragon Genji is ousted from his clan and wanders the world, and accidentally stumbles across Zenyatta.
 Summer Love – Genyatta Summer Week 2017 by snickering_lemon
(Rated T; Chose Not to Use Warnings)
 Judgement by vibidi (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
I can see why I don’t see a lot of talk about this one, but I promise it’s worth the time! Genyatta is a little bit of a side note in this one. It follows Zenyatta through the Recall and trying to deal with his own issues as well as coming into a team where not everyone likes the fact that he’s there. Also, honorable mention of the alternate title: Maybe the Iris Was the Friends We Made Along the Way.
 Moments of Hana by ObsidianCoffe (Rated T; Chose Not to Use Warnings)
Focusing on Hana “D.Va” Song, Genyatta is definitely in the foreground and features in at least two of the (currently) five chapters. It’s adorable and also great in terms of team relations.
 Those Who Need It by tea_and_outer_space (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
Modern, human AU where everyone has some form of chronic illness, pain, or mental condition, but they all find friends in a free group therapy. Genyatta’s not really a focus of the fic, more so the parts about Genji.
 The Tale of the Lost Dragon by the artisticfox (Rated T; No Archive Warnings Apply)
Directly related to another AU I haven’t read (yet), it can serve as a stand-alone. Mythical AU.
 I Would Move Mountains by twitchtipthegnawer (Rated M; Chose Not to Use Warnings)
Hybrid AU where Zenyatta is human and Genji is a hybrid. They set off from Amsterdam to Nepal, but the peaceful journey isn’t always so peaceful.
 Dragon’s Guide by Ayleid (Rated M; No Warnings Apply)
You’ve heard a lot about this one already! Slow burn, modern day, college professor AU. Definitely a good read but super lengthy – don’t start this one at 2 am. Or 11 pm. (Trust me.) There’s actually a side fic where Genji, Hana, and Lucio all make academic vines which I recommend as well, though Genyatta isn’t even really mentioned in that one. It’s the second link.
 Mountain Air by calaverita (Rated M; Graphic Depictions of Violence)
Angst fest Genji who becomes slightly less angsty and is more smitten with Zenyatta.
 Make My Spirit Still by Poee (Rated M; No Warnings Apply)
AU in which the brothers are friendly with each other but are stagnating in skills. Therefore, they are sent to learn among the Shambali. Human AU where “Hanzo doesn’t get access to the sharp object cabinet just in case”. (I don’t think it’s going to be continued, however, so fair warning.)
 I Know the Doubts that Plague You by CinamonPizza (Not Rated; Graphic Depictions of Violence)
Personal warning for cannibalism explicitly stated and non-graphically described. Sangzang Zenyatta/Oni Genji AU slow burn.
 True Self, Without Form by Byacolate (Rated E; No Warnings Apply)
True self is without form.
 Complete Fics (as of the compilation):
What’s Left by robberreynard (Rated G; No Warnings Apply)
Genji has issues and Zenyatta is perceptive.
 kisses & rainfalls by crystalldragon (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
Human, College AU that is all fluff. Genji and Zenyatta wait in the rain for Mondatta to pick the latter up after a trip to Japan.
 Hum by SimonBlackchill (Rated G; No Warnings Apply)
It’s a rainy day, and Genji makes the most of it. With some encouragement from Zenyatta. If you read “Paw Beans”, it’s now a series with this as the second installment. Series is the second link.
 The Highest Priority by Bumbles (Rated G; No Warnings Apply)
Zenyatta thinks about Genji and what the ninja means to him.
 The Man-Machine Dichotomy by Balenae (Rated T; Chose Not to Use Warnings)
Genji goes to the Shambali Monks in order to heal, but it’s not what you think. Balenae’s piece for the Genyatta Zine “We Walk In Harmony”.
 Garlands and Other Tricks by SimonBlackchill (Rated G; No Warnings Apply)
Third in the series with “Paw Beans” and “Hum”, flower crowns and gentle kisses in a flower field.
 Quiet Solidarity by fre (Rated G; Chose Not to Use Warnings)
Eating is a complicated thing for Genji, not so in the action but more so in the preparation. Zenyatta’s priority is Genji’s comfort, first and foremost.
 Blooming by NeonCandies
A Hanahaki Disease fic – Hanahaki Disease being where unrequited love is expressed in flowers that grow in someone’s body. A problem for humans, but less so for omnics.
The blooming cherry blossoms still put Zenyatta at risk.
(Implied Reaper76 as well).
 Isolation by fre (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
Genji’s experience with death and how he associates himself haunts him. Zenyatta does his best to help.
 Feathers and Scales by SimonBlackchill (Rated G; No Warnings Apply)
Starcaller AU. Starcaller Zenyatta runs into the constellation  Aquila, and Dragon Genji saves him.
 tactile by viscrael (Rated G; Chose Not to Use Warnings)
Pre-relationship. Genji has problems sleeping because of something on the horizon and Zenyatta is tactile.
 Afternoons (More or Less) by Brightspark (Kitchat) (Rated G; No Warnings Apply)
Genji wonders if accepting the Recall was the right move, and Zenyatta comforts him as best he can.
 Catharsis by Anemoso (Rated G; Chose Not to Use Warnings)
Genji is tired and Zenyatta is mischievous. Also mutual pining and sharing a bed.
 Where the Past and Future Meet by KNACC (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
Genji and Zenyatta sort through an old storage locker that holds relics from Genji’s past. Part of the “Something About Us Verse” series.
 Paw Beans by SimonBlackchill (Rated G; No Warnings Apply)
Zenyatta and Genji go into a cat café. Adorableness ensues.
 Pulling My Black Waters by SimonBlackchill (Rated G; No Archive Warnings)
Genji helping Zenyatta with Mondatta’s death.
 Fellow Feeling by hyrulehobbit (Rated G; Chose not to use warnings.)
Networking fic where Genji and Zenyatta have a mind-blowing experience. Personal warning for possibly graphic depictions of violence.
 Opening Night by choriarty (Rated G; No Archive Warnings)
Modern College Theatre AU.
 Rememberance by hyacinthis (Rated G; Chose Not to Use Archive Warnings)
Genji helps Zenyatta as best he can.
 Genyatta Prompts by LegendaryBard (Rated G; No Warnings Apply)
Short and sweet, ten one-word prompts that all deal with Genyatta.
 Nobody’s Perfect by deerna (Rated G, No Warnings Apply)
Pre-ship that is technically a part of Genyatta Week Summer 2017. Genji and Zenyatta end up watching Some Like it Bot.
 a whisper that’s just loud enough to make out by Fluoradine (Rated G; No Warnings Apply)
Human AU. (I can’t tell if it’s supposed to be part of Genyatta Week Summer 2017 or not.)
 in good memory by Fluoradine (Rated G; No Archive Warnings Apply)
While it’s been a year since the Overwatch Recall, it’s also been a year since Mondatta was assassinated, and Zenyatta and Genji go to have a memorial for him. It’s a bittersweet piece.
 somebody said you disappeared in a crowd viscrael (Rated G; Chose Not to Use Warnings)
A brief talk about Genji and Zenyatta’s first “meeting”.
 Beautiful by SlishFlash121 (Rated G; No Archive Warnings Apply)
Short, cute piece about touch.
 Winter in Nepal by theorchidhorror (Rated G; Chose Not to Use Warnings)
Love confession – prompt “I think I’m in love with you, and I’m terrified.”
 Melting Hearts, Melting Circuts by RojoManzana (Rated G; No Archive Warnings Apply)
It gets cold in Nepal. Genji ensures Zenyatta doesn’t freeze over.
 earth and sun by Fluoradine (Rated G; No Archive Warnings Apply)
Genji is leaving, but he wants to give Zenyatta something before he goes to remember him by. Problem: it can’t be just anything.
 To Do Things Right by Agent_Fluff (Rated G; No Archive Warnings Apply)
Shimada Genji doesn’t do a lot of things. The writer lives up to their name.
 People Watching by choriarty (Rated G; No Warnings Apply)
Oni/Kitsune AU.
 Genji’s Diary by nicoisbest (Rated G; No Warnings Apply)
A twist on the cliché you’re expecting. It’s solid fluff.
 Memory of Happiness by Scientia_Fantasia (Rated G; No Warnings Apply)
Genji helps Zenyatta deal with Mondatta’s death.
 Embrace Tranquility by Scientia_Fantasia (Rated G; No Archive Apply)
Fluffy piece about Genji being touch starved. Oh, also love confessions.
 Glitches (as a metaphor for genji’s emotional state and as a general pseudo-medical term for omnic illness by notzenyatta (Rated G; Chose Not to Use Warnings/No Warnings Apply)
I kid you not that’s the full, actual name of this fic. They’ll be another one by them in the list. But I promise it’s actually a really good read with pre-relationship worried Genji and cool as a cucumber but sweet as cotton candy Zenyatta. Sick fic.
 The Little Things by Fis (Rated G; No Warnings Apply)
Literally just fluff.
 Push and Pull by Masu_Trout (Rated G; No Warnings Apply)
Even in Numbani, Genji doesn’t feel like he belongs. Zenyatta tries to make him feel better.
 Mercy by notzenyatta (Rated G; Graphic Depictions of Violence)
Zenyatta and Mercy have a disagreement and Genji tries to comfort his robot boyfriend.
 Transcendence by FandomAmbassador (Rated G; No Archive Warnings Apply)
Genyatta marriage proposal and subsequent wedding. Also Hanzo is a good bro.
 chuck-a-hunk-o’-wood-and-slice-it-in-half-mid-air-with-your-katana by notzenyatta (Rated G; No Warnings Apply)
I wasn’t kidding. Anyway, Genji is touch starved and deals with affection poorly. Zenyatta calls him out on it eventually.
 Slow Motion by dressrosa (Rated G; Chose Not to Use Warnings)
Fluffy, gay robots during a rain shower.
 Waltz of the Flowers by FandomAmbassador (Rated G; No Warnings Apply)
They dance. So fluffy.
 Chocolate by 4RU (Rated G; No Warnings Apply)
Genji makes chocolate for Valentine’s Day.
 Snow Day Antartica by Dorianssecretlibrary (Rated G; Chose Not to Use Warnings)
Has McHanzo and ZarMei (what’s their ship name?) as well. Classic snow day activites shared between couples after an impromptu vacation.
 new year; new love by jyoou (Rated G; No Warnings Apply)
Nostaliga and new beginnings. Isn’t that what the New Year is all about?
Resolutions by novalillies (Rated G; No Warnings Apply)
Happy New Year, you gay robots.
 Jokes by biTurret (Rated G; No Warnings Apply)
Zenyatta tries to help Genji cheer up with Mondatta’s encouragement due to the cyborg’s issues with adapting to the monastery.
Morning Ritual by AlphaKantSpell (Rated G; Chose Not to Use Warnings)
Slice of life of two beings waking up.
 Christmas Letters by Nievia (Rated G; No Warnings Apply)
In which Genji is #relatable and struggles with finding the right words to write. Oh and love confessions, those to.
 Zenyatta Mondatta by greygerbil (Rated G; No Warnings Apply)
AU where the omnic crisis never happened, leaving omnics as servants to humans still. Genji meets Zenyatta, who defies all of his expectations.
 Paths Converging by greygerbil (Rated G; No Warnings Apply)
Zenyatta decides to leave the monastery, and Genji realizes that he can either go with him or stay. Love confessions.
Snow Day by FryinHawaiian (Rated G; No Warnings Apply)
For Genyatta Week 2016, first snow day. Pre-ship.
 Doubt by greygerbil (Rated G; No Warnings Apply)
Genji doubts his place. Zenyatta helps him and Genji asks to be his student. Pre-ship.
 Thankful by MamaPenguin (Rated G; Chose Not to Use Warnings)
What are you grateful for? Follows the whole Overwatch Team during Thanksgiving.
 Blue Slipper by HamandChiise (Rated G; No Warnings Apply)
Cinderella AU in which Zenyatta is not a damsel in distress and Genji is smitten.
 Hide ‘n Seek by LovePills (Rated G; No Warnings Apply)
Cute, innocent one shot about Genji and Zenyatta playing hide and seek. Cause why not?
 Always Comfort by Exorciststuck (Rated G; No Warnings Apply)
Genji helps Zenyatta deal with Mondatta’s death.
 Kiss the Cook by xXCrossArrowXx (Rated G; Chose Not to Use Warnings)
Genji didn’t know Zenyatta could eat, much less cook.
 Alongside by bexacaust (Rated G; No Warnings Apply)
Domestic fluff.
 Mercy Deserves Better by ObsidianCoffe (Rated G; Chose Not to Use Warnings)
Mercy’s not paid enough to deal with a crushing cyborg and semi-oblivious monk. Not Gency.
 Kintsugi by Fledgling (Rated G; No Warnings Apply)
Zenyatta is a sweetheart and Genji’s in love with him. Established Genyatta.
 Sore in the Morning by xXCrossArrowXx (Rated G; Chose Not to Use Warnings)
Morning kisses and fluff.
 Monster by overlordy (Rated G; No Warnings Apply)
Genji is haunted by a child’s remark. Zenyatta tries to banish the thought. Love confessions ensue.
 Digital Love overlordy (Rated G; No Warnings Apply)
Fluffy love confessions.
 Broth by artvinsky (Rated G; Chose Not to Use Warnings)
Genji cooks for the team that has become a family to him. Background Genyatta.
 Petals by tinybeasts (Rated G; No Warnings Apply)
Bastion tries to make friends with the other robos.
 A Step at a Time by Brachydios (Rated G; No Warnings Apply)
Zenyatta has a crush on Genji and Lucio is the best bro. Love confessions – and also mischievous Zenyatta.
 Dandelion Pine by Byacolate (Rated G; No Warnings Apply)
Hanzo and Zenyatta both worry when Genji is sent on a mission without them.
 Little Surprises by Exorciststuck (Rated G; No Warnings Apply)
Genji tries to surprise Zenyatta He succeeds when he least expects it.
 Impromptu Nap by stripesyturtle (Rated G; No Warnings Apply)
Genji sleeps and Zenyatta helps him do so peacefully.
 Peace by Musical_McCree (Rated G; No Warnings Apply)
In which Zenyatta is #relatable and doesn’t want to wake up. Genji tries to smooth the transition.
 Wearing the Pants in the Relationship by Brachydios (Rated G; No Warnings Apply)
A silly, fluffy thing where Genji steals Zenyatta’s pants and the latter just wants to go to the meeting. Established Genyatta.
 Is This Easy Mode? By iencourageviolence (Rated G; No Warnings Apply)
I’m just going to say “arcade date” and leave it at that. Established Genyatta.
 Park Bench by pyropinkfish (Rated G; No Warnings Apply)
Human Genji meets Zenyatta in a park. Well, more like finally introduces himself to the omnic he always sees walking through it.
 Ticklish Bird by Rhymepod195 (Rated G; No Warnings Apply)
Talon Genji and Sunyatta Zenyatta fluffy drabble. Implied Genyatta.
 ryuu no ikari by weegie8 (Rated G; Chose Not to Use Warnings)
McHanzo and Genyatta. The Shimada bro’s significant others are captured and have induced their wrath. Badass Shimada bros.
 metamorphic frying pan of love by agmundr (Rated G; Chose Not to Use Warnings)
Zenyatta is a dog walking fashion disaster. Genji, for reasons beyond his own comprehension, is smitten. (Human AU.)
 Warmth in Winter by Brachydios (Rated G; No Warnings Apply)
Fluffy morning with the robos. Established relationship.
 the clouds breathe for you by agmundr (Rated G; Chose Not to Use Warnings)
Human Kid AU where Zenyatta and Genji bond over being different.
 Stars by goldengoddess (Rated G; No Warnings Apply)
Genji and Zenyatta take a break from a party and confess their love.
 Deepest Sympathies by Beldam (Rated T; No Archive Warnings)
Reverse AU; Genji helps Zenyatta after the death of one of his brothers.
 Summer Start by Lacertae (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
Genyatta Week Summer 2017
 Oh the Time That Has Passed by MedicDuFrense (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
Written for PutridVodka’s Hidden AU, combines canon with AU.
 Rhythmic by Lacertae (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
Pre-ship dancing.
 The Path is Never Straight by sturmfreii (Rated T; Chose Not to Use Warnings)
Deals with Genji having a heavy dissociation episode and Zenyatta trying to help him. Lots of fluff at the end.
 A Purple Glow in the Dark by BenevolentErrancy (Rated T; No Archive Warnings Apply)
Shit goes sideways as Genji and Zenyatta make their way to Gibraltar after the Recall. Bittersweet. Has a fight scene in it but not a graphic one.
 Folding Papers by Lacertae (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
Starts out pre-relationship and ends with established Genyatta. Genji wants to give Zenyatta a gift since he’s been under the monk’s tutelage for a year now.
 Lend Me a Hand by Sp00kWorm (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
Author might be Spookworm; it’s hard for me to tell. Anyway, fluffy as cotton candy marriage proposal.
 like sunlight dripping by SmugShimada (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
Nomad Genji and Sunyatta Zenyatta. Fluffy drabble.
 a little world created by love by crystalldragon (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
Non-binary Zenyatta and Genji take a vacation and discuss the possibility of children.
 Along the path Happiness Follows by Lacertae (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
Friends to lovers. Honestly the summary is best. It’s a slightly longer read, but worth it.
 being more (than what i’ve been) by mywordsflyup (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
College Librarian AU.
 I Think, Therefore by Byacolate (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
Bastion has some questions about love.
 Touch by Lacertae (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
Genji is both touch starved and reluctant to initiate contact.
 The Greatest Life and Stickiest Leaves by Byacolate (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
I have to make honorable mention of one of my favorite tags: “Shimada Genji’s Affection Erection”. Anyway, fantasy/mythical creature AU with unresolved romantic tension and pining Genji.
 Cardamom and Pepper Kick by Byacolate (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
Technically part of a series, but the first part is incomplete McHanzo and is unnecessary to read to enjoy this one. Anyway, supernatural AU featuring fluffy, domestic witches and oracles.
 The Mistletoe Started It by Mo-Mouse (abyssmalDeath) (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
In which Genji and Zenyatta kiss under mistletoe and proceed from there.
 A Letter to an Old Friend by greygerbil (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
Genji struggles for words here, too. Luckily, Zenyatta knows how to help him.
 A Call to Arms by greygerbil (Rated T; Graphic Depictions of Violence)
The Shambali are attacked, and Genji and Zenyatta are of the few able to help. Doesn’t mean Genji’s not worried about it though. (Part of Genyatta Week 2016.)
 Tannenbaum by tenuous_pteradatyl (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
Written for Genyatta Week 2016. Just holiday fluff.
 Follows Me Everyday by goonyte (Rated T; No Archive Warnings Apply)
Genyatta Week 2016
 Preternatural by tenuous_pteradatyl (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
AU where Genji is a dragon and Zenyatta seeks to help those who need it.
 Hesitation by greygerbil (Rated T; Graphic Depictions of Violence)
Genji is reminded of how precious his and Zenyatta’s time together is and comes to the conclusion that he has a question to ask.
 Trust by Unchained_Silver (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
Genji eventually shows his trust to Zenyatta – by showing his face. Zenyatta has a crush.
 Universal Motion by Balenae (Rated T; Chose not to Use Warnings)
Mondatta and Zenyatta have a discussion. Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, the truth.
 Take a Load Off by alohiel (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
The Overwatch team has a Thanksgiving feast. Featuring sweaters and Bohemian Rhapsody.
 parlez-vous francais? ;) by slxightofhand (Rated T; Chose Not to Use Warnings/None Apply)
Literally just kissing.
 A New Man by Sp00kworm (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
Again, might be SpOOkworm (it’s hard for me to tell). Anyway, one shot about Zenyatta helping Genji in the very beginning. More about Zenyatta than Genyatta.
 Needy Sparrow by Flamenoodle (Rated G; Chose Not to Use Warnings)
Genji feels the need to share his affection.
 New experiences by Iyrs (Rated T; Chose Not to Use Warnings)
In which Zenyatta wonders what it would be like to feel, and Genji shows him that he can.
 Sugar Crystal Sisyphus by Byacolate (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
Human AU where Genji works in an ice cream parlor and is a little in love with one of their regulars.
 curse.exe by Byacolate, mywordsflyup (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
Frog Prince AU. Has a podfic by Arioch that’s about 55 minutes long. Podfic is the second link.
 Hug by ObsidianCoffe (Rated T; Chose Not to Use Warnings)
Recovery is not a straight line. Zenyatta helps Genji.
 Touch Starved by chelseyelric (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
Genji is touch starved, but is afraid to initiate it. Zenyatta has no such boundaries.
 Similar Pains by Corvidae_Corvus (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
First meeting between Genji and Zenyatta. Zenyatta heals Genji, but physical wounds are fleeting compared to those on souls.
 Floating by chelseyelric (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
Genji got an upgrade and is now able to levitate like Zenyatta. Well, he would be if he stopped overthinking it. Zenyatta helps him with the happy thoughts part of the Peter Pan saying.
 A Chapel of Unreason by Byacolate (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
Cuddles. Literally just cuddles. Established Genyatta.
 The Saltiest Sea Knows its Own Way to Me by Byacolate (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
Just gentle fluff.
 Softly by ObsidianCoffe (Rated T; Chose Not to Use Warnings)
Kissing. That’s it.
 Sketches and Kisses by xXCrossArrowXx (Rated T; Chose Not to Use Warnings)
Genji decides to sketch Zenyatta one day.
 empty nester by goabani (Not Rated; Major Character Death Warning)
It has a happy ending, I promise!
 Catching Stars by choriarty (Not Rated; No Warnings Apply)
Starcaller AU. (For those like me who have no idea what that is, it’s Space-y/Fantasy AU.) Love confessions and first meetings.
 In Plain Sight by cellostiel (Not Rated; No Warnings Apply)
Zenyatta talks to himself in Nepali. Genji wants to know what he’s saying.
 Suteishi by BashfulInfidel (Not Rated; No Warnings Apply)
The road to recovery is never easy; especially not with the wide canyon between the brothers now. Genji tries, Hanzo tries, and Zenyatta tries because it’s important to Genji.
 Cuddle Time by superfast_pinetree (Not Rated; Chose Not to Use Warnings)
Drabble about sleeping in the same bed.
 Flower Crown by Flamenoodle (Not Rated; Chose Not to Use Warnings)
In which Genji teaches Zenyatta how to make flower crowns.
 A Perfect Night to Dance by Ladytronus (Not Rated; Chose Not to Use Warnings)
Pining central as Genji and Zenyatta dance.
 i remember touch by choriarty (Rated M; Graphic Depictions of Violence)
Soulmate AU where the first words your soulmate says to you appear as a tattoo. Follows Genji.
 Convalescence by tenuous_pteradatyl (Rated M; No Warnings Apply)
From first meeting to travelling to joining Overwatch after the Recall, this follows Genji and Zenyatta and their growing relationship as shit goes sideways with the Shimada Clan. Also some nice brotherly relationship with Hanzo and Genji.
 Ode to the Lettuce Leaf by Byacolate (Rated M; No Warnings Apply)
Rapunzel/Witchcraft AU where Zenyatta is in a tower and Genji finds said tower.
 You Must Forgive Yourself by megsblackfire (Rated M; Major Character Death)
This is part two of a series but it’s not necessary to read the first one. Hanzo drowns and Genji blames himself. Hanzo doesn’t blame Genji, but how’s he supposed to tell him that when he’s a bearded dragon? Pre-ship Genyatta.
 Oni and Okashi by choriarty
(Rated T before being rated E for Chapter 13; the chapter’s skippable. No Warnings Apply.)
Oni Genji meets Witch Zenyatta when the latter summons him completely by accident. You’ve actually probably heard a lot about this one as well; there’s a lot of brilliant fanart for it!
 The Lotus of the Iris Café by Cawaiiey (Rated E for chapter 2; No Warnings Apply)
First chapter is fluffy as all hell and ranges from first meeting to first date to first kiss in a human, college AU. Second chapter is all smut.
 Something About Us by KNACC
Delves into the relationship of Genji and Zenyatta – sort of slice of life, in-between moments. Follows Genji. Main fic is incomplete and rated “E” for Chapter 10, the other two are complete and are rated “T”.
 Kamen Hero Dragon by KNACC
Slow to update but oh, so worth it. Sentai AU; second installment is Genyatta Week 2017.
 Pit Viper by Byacolate
Sanzang Zenyatta/Oni Genji; the best way I can describe this is “whimsical”. All the same, they’re both fairly short but sweet. There’s even a podfic of them both by Arioch (second link).
 the curving path by chuchisushi
Described as a “five plus one that got a little out of hand”, the main story is a super long read but holy mother of things great and small, it’s one of my personal favorites. Also has a podfic by Arioch (I have it downloaded; it’s about 1 hour and 45 minutes long). Again, podfic is the second link. The second installment is just smut, while the third focuses mainly on Tracer interacting with Genji and talking about him.
 Equilibrium by NeverwinterThistle
Hurt/comfort series with more comfort than hurt. Both pieces are on the longer side and slightly introspective.
 Color Palette by Balenae
The first piece is rated E but has more than just smut (even if it is present in almost every chapter). It’s not completely necessary to read to understand the series: it’s an AU where Genji is still human and meets the Shambali when they come to Hanamura. Second installment has “a glimpse of canon” and the third one is pure smut. Still, a good read.
 Collection of small Genyatta drabbles by bluegemini
Exactly what it says on the tin, neither piece is over 500 words. Super cute and super fluffy.
 Moments by Balenae
The first installment is rated E for chapters 9 and 10, both of which are pure smut. Warning for major character injury and non-graphic descriptions of violence and pain. Second installment is a prequel about Genji and Zenyatta’s first meeting.
 Genyatta Week Series
Casualhomesatanism Genyatta Week 2017
Angededesespoir Genyatta Week (2016)
Sacramental_Wine Genyatta Week Summer 2017
Evanescentwoodnymph Genyatta Week (2017)
Mo-Mouse (abyssmalDeath) Genyatta Week 2k17
LittleMissSweetgrass Genyatta Week 2016
Angededesespoir Genyatta Week (2016)
SuklaaSiili Genyatta Week 2016
YoousUffish Genyatta Week 2016
TymBunn Genyatta Week 2016
4RU Genyatta Week 2016
Overlordy Genyatta Week 2016
Crystalldragon Genyatta Week 2017
 Genyatta Zine
Restless by Fluoradine (Rated G; No Warnings Apply)
 Kachou Fuugetsu by Beldam (Rated G; No Archive Warnings Apply)
The Man-Machine Dichotomy by Balenae (Rated T; Chose Not To Use Warnings)
Fics where Genyatta is a side ship:
 modern romance by gleed (Rated T; Chose Not to Use Warnings)
Modern, Human AU where the Overwatch team lives in an apartment complex. Honestly gleed puts it best:
“Hana has no idea that the Karaoke Night she organizes will lead to this much gay nonsense.”
 Gravity Plays Favorites by headraline (Rated T; No Archive Warnings)
Modern day aerialist AU; McHanzo is the main ship but Genji and Zenyatta are together and are part of the main cast. Their relationship is definitely in the foreground, though as mentioned it’s not the focus.
 Oil and Ink (Series) by Demon_Apostle
McHanzo is, once again, the main ship, but Genyatta is mentioned in quite a few of them and the 12th installment has them as the main characters.
 Worth the Trouble (Series) by headraline
Following the trend of McHanzo being the primary ship, but Genji is one of the main characters and is in a relationship with Zenyatta. Also a good read for brotherly relations between Hanzo and Genji. They rescue a kid and end up having to care for her as shit goes sideways.
As a heads up: Genji does make a joke about incest but it’s only a joke. I don’t really think it’s that big a deal but better to be safe.
 The New Tattoo by Unholy_Author (Rated M; Graphic Depictions of Violence)
Another McHanzo as the main focus. It’s an AU where a tattoo appears for whoever you love. It goes beyond romantic love, too, which is my favorite part. Genyatta is in the foreground of this fic even though it’s not the main focus. All done now!
 Reconstruction by Balenae (Rated M; Chose Not to Use Warnings)
Following Hanzo, the Genyatta is mentioned but so far unfulfilled. Still a good read!
 Non-Lethal Solace by casusalhomesatanism (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
It can comes across as McGenji at first and then switches to McHanzo. The Genyatta is more implied than anything, but it’s still a good read. Resident Shimada whisperer Jesse McCree.
 A Force For Galactic Good (Series) by LiterallythePresident
Mass Effect AU. Genyatta is heavily implied in the fourth installment and can be read as a standalone. All of them are short and sweet and despite having never played Mass Effect, I enjoyed reading them.
 Death’s Best Man (Series) by deliciously_devient
Focuses on McCree and has past McGenji in it, though it shifts to Genyatta after the Recall (though the latter is only implied). A supernatural AU, and no, not the TV show. Since it focuses on McCree, the main ship is McHanzo and the most recent installment does have smut in it.
 not your fault by Anna_Blossom (Not Rated; No Warnings Apply)
Personal warning of mentions of suicidal tendencies and injury, as well as a scene where someone is killed in self-defense (none of these are graphically depicted). More about Mercy and Hanzo coming to terms with one another, but Genyatta is present. Genji and Mercy are good friends. Also there’s a puppy.
 The Mariachi AU No One Asked For (Series) by arcxphxbia
McHanzo is the main ship of the series but Genyatta is mentioned in almost all of the installments and is in the foreground in the third one. College Mariachi AU (where McCree is the only one in the Mariarchi.)
 First Time by kdwalbring (Rated G; No Warnings Apply)
I never realized how much McHanzo overlaps in the Genyatta tag, but here we are. Anyway, main focus is McHanzo with Genyatta in the foreground. Also adopting children. And trans Hanzo.
 Lost in Translation by BenevolentErrancy (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
Again, McHanzo is main ship. Mostly follows Genji as Hanzo is insufferable and only flirts with McCree in Japanese. Problem: McCree doesn’t understand Japanese. Zenyatta is a gift. Genyatta is present but again, not the focus.
 Claws and Crumbs and Red Bean Buns (Series) by Byacolate and mywordsflyup
(Rated E; No Warnings Apply)
Both pieces are rated E, though the Genyatta one only has smut in the last part of the second chapter. It’s not strictly necessary to read them in order, but the reason this is here is because the first (and main installment) is McHanzo focused, though Genyatta is in the foreground.
 Don’t Take My Sunshine Away (Series) by Krasimer
Jumps between various members of Overwatch; it’s technically an AU since a lot of this was written before the canon came out. Mainly focusing on Reaper76, but other relationships include WidowTracer, McHanzo, Rein/Ana, PharMercy, RoadRat, and Genyatta. Also implied Sombra/Symmetra (sort of).
 this grave ain’t big enough for the two of us by sajere1 (Rated G; No Warnings Apply)
AU where every Overwatch member that was presumed dead goes “Surprise! Not dead!” during McCree and Hanzo’s wedding. Genyatta is background. A nice, humorous piece.
 For Shits and Giggles:
The rules of the Watchpoint by DpsMercy (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
Overwatch DnD Nights by NevaRYadL (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
 Short List of authors of interest:
Byacolate: http://archiveofourown.org/users/Byacolate/pseuds/Byacolate
Mywordsflyup: http://archiveofourown.org/users/mywordsflyup/pseuds/mywordsflyup
Balenae: http://archiveofourown.org/users/Balenae/pseuds/Balenae
KNACC: http://archiveofourown.org/users/KNACC/pseuds/KNACC
ObsidianCoffe: http://archiveofourown.org/users/ObsidianCoffe/pseuds/ObsidianCoffe
Choriarty: http://archiveofourown.org/users/choriarty/pseuds/choriarty
 Short List of Rec’s:
Ryujin Sentai Goranger – Season 3; Episodes 1-11 by choriarty 
Oni and Okashi by choriarty
Mind, Body, and Soul by Grovey
Dragon’s Guide by Ayleid
 we slip back and to, beloved by chuchisushi
 Something About Us by KNACC
 And if you’re interested in my stuff:
Genyatta Week 2016: http://archiveofourown.org/series/600379
Genywatta Week 2017: http://archiveofourown.org/series/756789
My main focus right now: http://archiveofourown.org/works/9151075/chapters/20790313
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kierarutherford · 7 years
All My Works
Here is a master list of all my works to date. All comments, kudos, reblogs, tags (yes I read each tag and squeal, hopping around my living room,) are all amazingly appreciated.
Into the Darkness - my first fic written in the DA verse. It is a long fic. 
Don’t Leave Me - A modern AU. It was a spur of the moment idea that bloomed into a length and satisfying piece. 
Dropped In - This was a modern take on the old Goosebumps thrill of when the main character got trapped in their book, movie, video game. 
Scars Run Deep - a short piece that I just couldn’t get out of my head. It’s probably tagged all wrong on AO3 because I suck at tagging things.
Collection of Short - this is all my prompts, and holiday fills. It’s still growing but a little neglected right now. Lots of smut, and fluff.
Where Flowers Dare to Bloom - my most recent long fic and my current baby. Currently updated every Tuesday at 1pm EST
Diplomatic Dilemma - interesting OT3, sex for country thing. 
Diplomatic Diaries - sequel to Dilemma and currently updating Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 1pm EST
If you like what you read, and feel like you just can’t survive without buying me a coffee (help me pump out the next chapters of my work with caffeine!!) then click this link and feel free to buy me a COFFEE. 
Also I am open to prompts you would like to see in my style, and commissions. Just hop in my box and talk to me. I promise I don’t bite.
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