I reread my own fic A Light That Never Goes Out last night and remembered that I actually have notes for it so here y’all go, I’m dumping them here! 🌈
Ch 1
okay so here we go, here’s me explaining the candle thing again
To the newer folks who might not know, when you meet Ephemera in khx (browser chi), he asks you to get a candle from the Moogle because the Moogle wouldn’t let him get one. You’re more successful than he is, and throughout the quests where you’re traveling in the sewers with him, you go ahead and clear out the Heartless while he holds the candle so the flame doesn’t go out. The sewers visibly look darker too, until you both reach the end
You can watch it here
Ch 2
It always bugged me that the union leaders never got to fully grieve Ava or any of the other foretellers on screen. As far as they know, they perished in the war, they’re gone. So I wanted to let Ephemera have a moment to miss her, as one of her friends and someone who liked being around her
I also think that out of anything that happened during the war, it would’ve been really poignant if Player remembered their interaction with Ava. Of course, that’s part of their pain that was meant to be erased via union cross, but I imply that in this fic, Ephemera has gradually been helping them sift through the memories rather than completely suppressing them. Slowly re-exposing them to the memories so they don’t have a total breakdown.
As someone very close to Ephemera, it just feels more right and fair to him that Player gets these important memories back. It’s his sign of trust
Ch 3
It’s the shortest chapter, but still one I really like
It’s important to me that you know just how smitten Ephemera is with Player, and also how great of a friend Skuld is
She plays a wingman role in this fic, basically the one who encourages these two oblivious pining dorks to get together and helps when they need a third opinion
Ch 4
As I said in the notes, this is an expanded/updated version of an ask prompt which you can read here
The most important change to me was Ephemera asking to kiss them first rather than going in all gung ho. It feels more in character for him. Plus we love consent in this household!
Ch 5
I miss khux’s avatar boards…but not buying them!! 😜
The black and white tuxedo Player tries on was foreshadowing for Ephemera struggling to choose between a black and white tuxedo in ch 9
I also just really love Ephemera in red boots. It’s like…a Thing for me now. This will not be the last you hear of it
Now’s a good spot to mention that Ephemera’s absolutely relentless when it comes to being flirty. Not in the “whoa he‘s got rizz” way, but more in the “wow this guy’s a massive cheese ball” way. He’s been like this in my head since 2016 (I blame Kam. Love you Kam!!)
Ch 6
This was written with the intent of Player being somewhere on the ace/aro spectrum (one of the meanings for the chapter being called Purple is a reference to the colour purple on the ace flag). I didn’t really elaborate on it or even mention it because honestly, I’m not ace and I wasn’t sure if I was portraying it accurately enough for it to be a prominent point
What I wanted the focus to be on was simply that Ephemera would love them, no matter what they feel or don’t feel. This applies to chapter 10 too, where he’s very understanding of whatever their opinion on having kids is
Ch 7
The jokes about the barter system is actually from a bunch of skulmerayer mini prompts I tried to write but ultimately couldn’t figure out or even fit in anywhere else
Eph and Player should’ve been able to hang out in Candy Kingdom together like they did in Cy-Bug Sector…..I stand by this
They both have a severe case of the sillies, amplified when they’re around each other
Ch 8
I think Ephemera gets bad dreams too, especially after the war. He often dreams about how hurt Player got, or worse, not being able to save them at all. And now he has bad dreams of the canon universe, where he lost everything, including Player
But this is a different timeline, where the two of them, and Skuld, were all able to escape the data world and meet up with the other leaders again to plan their next move in a new world
Ch 9
In this alternate timeline, all the union leaders continue their work together in Scala ad Caelum at the main tower. Honestly, I didn’t really think of how this would happen, but just imagine some kind of override where they’re able to create a new world at the expense of losing Daybreak Town forever. That part sadly stays the same
Skuld tells Ephemera, “You’ll be alright on your own.” It’s a callback to what he told her before leaving her party.
I like listening to Chikai (orchestra), starting it right before Ephemera pulls out the wayfinder :)
LISTEN I just think gifting a wayfinder can also be a romantic gesture. The sokai fans get this. It can be a big romantic gesture in place of giving someone a ring. It’s cute and made by your partner’s own hands, doesn’t get in the way of gripping a keyblade properly, and always lets you find each other again no matter where your travels take you across the worlds. Its pretty! It’s unique! It’s cute!!!
Ch 10
This is a 10 year timeskip, they’re all in their mid to late 20s now
Ephemera and Player have settled down in Destiny Islands, but take trips to stay in Scala for a few months at a time to relieve the others of their leader duties (and later to teach at the academy). So essentially they live both in Scala’s tower, and in their own home on the islands throughout the year
I feel like in this universe, Blaine would settle down first. Him having a kid on the way ended up giving Ephemera a bit of baby fever, which can often be what happens amongst friends and family around the same age
I have a headcanon ingrained in my head that Eph was raised by two moms who owned a library, so he’s always been surrounded by books growing up
I intentionally kept it vague whether or not he and Player would conceive or adopt children mainly because of Player’s ambiguity and also cause I could easily see them doing a mix of both
(I also headcanon the two of them being a t4t couple so there’s a lot of ways the having kids conversation can be interpreted anyway :D)
but basically, they both end up being parents in canon, so why not make them be parents together? 😊
In conclusion: I love them your honor. Thank you for reading!!!
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kippipies · 28 days
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you're out of touch, I'm out of time
just something i drew for my playlist
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eijispumpkin · 3 years
hi I hope u don't mind me asking but will there be a ch7 for a light that never goes out? I understand if ur busy I just wanted to know cuz I love ur writing but also don't forget to take care of yourself 👉🏻👈🏻
omg you're so soft thank u ily!!!
so YES there will be and ive been thinking about it a lot lately, BUT it'll be a little while!!! i want to overhaul parts of the previous chapters bc it's been some time and there's some stuff i wanna change based on my current vibes (the biggest one is that i want to change jessibe to soulmates and then maxgriff soulmates). it will just be a bit of an undertaking and i think im gonna save doing that for after i have the entirety of paper boats finished (as in the writing, which im trying to get ahead on, not the publishing necessarily).
so yes altngo will get finished!! it's just gonna take a little while <3 thank you for asking, im honestly really happy there's still interest in it!!!!
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jumpforjo · 5 years
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All kinds of excited to finally show y’all what @eijispumpkin and I have been working on! 
Here comes an AshEiji Soulmate AU- they’ll be writing and I’ll be making the art! Check out the prologue [ here ] and keep your eyes peeled for the next chapter later this weekend ;3c
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coffeeandcas · 7 years
The last chapter of ALTNGO is now up! Thank you to all you amazing people who were with me along the way, it meant the world. All the love xo
A Light That Never Goes Out - NOW COMPLETE!
Rated Explicit
Supernatural (Dean/Castiel)
Dean Winchester is a Homicide Detective working in Kansas City. He loves his job, his husband, and his dog. It's 3am on a Friday night and he’s just been called to the scene of a violent rape and attempted murder outside a gay bar in town. When he arrives, he's met with a scene he never imagined he would encounter even in his wildest nightmares.
The victim is his husband, Castiel.
Was Castiel a target, or a random victim in the wrong place at the wrong time? And what was he doing in town in the middle of the night when Dean thought him asleep in bed?
When Castiel wakes from a coma with memory problems, Dean may never get his answers, and their relationship may be changed for good.
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I’m a bit sad that this fic is done, but I’m so glad I got to write it. Thanks for the support!!
Enjoy the finale…chapter 10 🤍🏝
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The penultimate chapter…..chapter 9 🖤⭐️
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Ch 8 is out! 🏢🤍🖤
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yet anotherrr chapter 💚🍀
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here’s chapter 3! 💛🏮
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Chapter 4 babey!! ❤️🧺
A short one, but I hope you like it 😃
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ALTNGO chapter 2 is out 💙🌏
[Chapter 1]
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finally…….my ephelayer collection has started! 🎉🎉🎉
This is 100% because I impulsively posted at 1am yesterday but I’ve made the decision to change the POV to second person. It just flows better imo and I’m more used to writing it.
You can still think of Player as a specific character rather than it being you/a self insert if you want though. It’s all up to your taste. Thanks for understanding 🧡🕯
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heeeeeey chapter 6 is up! 💜🥐
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kippipies · 3 months
Altngo9 (one which I am FOAMING at the Mouth for) and Seaforth -intriguing title!
Ahhhh thank you!! Altngo is my absolute beloved child, and I promise I'm slowly chipping away at the latest chapter 🥹 it's already at 2k words, which probably doesn't mean much since my chapters usually go for 6k-9k, oops. I will say that the ending of this chapter is the most conflicted I've ever been while writing this story, and I went back and forth so many times, and even drafted out branching paths for whichever ending I decided to go for lol. But I've decided to just stick with my guns and go with the ending I've always planned for it 🥲 It's definitely a mean cliffhanger, so I'm sorry in advance 😭
It's hard to post a snippet without spoiling something - there is way too much happening in this chapter lmao, help - so here's an out of context line that made me giggle.
Christ, the next time Harry had to confront Voldemort and his cronies, he was going to slather his entire body in damn oil.
And yes Seaforth!!! I named it after this song. I've always wanted to try my hand at Harrymort, and i adore voldie wins au's, so this fic is my attempt at both. It's drastically different from what I usually write - it's pretty somber and atmospheric?? The premise is that Harry lives on this small island community with no knowledge of the Wizarding world. He lives a pretty average life, except for the odd dreams he has about a shadowed figure. One day, when a freak storm passes through, a mysterious man washes up on that island's shore. From that person, Harry learns that there's someone named Voldemort searching for him, and he'll do anything to find him, even if it means tilting the entire world on his axis.
It's very much a mystery type story, and not everything is as it seems haha, so it's hard to say much about it without massive spoilers 😅
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jumpforjo · 5 years
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Who’s ready for chapter 5 of soulmates?
Running a little behind since @eijispumpkin and I were plowed over by Life, but we’ll be back on track for the next update!
Check out the new chapter [ here! ]
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