nurabelmax · 2 days
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Updated the reference for Amatris
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counselor-erestor · 2 months
Hello Counsellor! What are your plans for today? Yes, yes, I'm once again bothering you about the library club. Come on, its a book discussion party! We have some really nice Second Age research papers. Its in the garden beside the fountain, please come today. We have snacks? *Puppy eyes ensue* - Amatrië, the youngest history researcher in the Valley.
Upon hearing the greeting, Erestor tried very hard not to sigh. Amatrië had been trying to get him to join this "library club" for weeks, and he simply did not have time. He needed to finish up some paperwork; it had been sitting on his desk all week, and he had a soft deadline of tomorrow. But at the mention of Second Age research papers, Erestor's ears lifted. Elrond was always telling Erestor he needed to take a break from work. Sitting in the garden and discussing essays about Elf and Dwarf collaboration in Eregion sounded relaxing. And there would be snacks, the young researcher promised?
"I haven't read whatever paper or book you'll be discussing today," Erestor said, "But I suppose I can join."
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444names · 2 years
hindu and egyptian deities BUT excluding "y"
Adha Adjet Adjwer Adurti Adurus Agara Akant Amahma Amanga Amani Amanta Amat Amatri Amatta Ammana Ammiti Amut Amuta Amutet Anar Anatep Anda Andni Anet Anga Angan Anhis Anika Anikan Anna Anta Antati Apari Apet Apetet Appar Apri Araet Arah Araha Araman Aran Arandi Arani Aras Ariama Arma Armavi Artani Arti Aruni Arutu Aset Asha Ashana Ashapa Asher Ashi Ashitr Asiti Asta Astan Asva Asvai Aswar Atgeb Atret Atris Baala Baasu Baati Babit Bagala Balala Balam Balami Bali Balini Balit Balki Bata Bati Besa Besat Beshis Bets Bhada Bhaf Bhai Bhais Bhaka Bhal Bhala Bhali Bhani Bhati Bhiti Bhuli Bhumi Bhura Bhurti Bradha Brahak Brami Brat Brati Brau Brava Bravan Bucha Buchhi Budra Budrah Bukala Buket Chaf Chai Chakau Changa Chatta Chhi Daksh Dangan Dania Dant Datef Dedevi Dema Devis Devnat Dhaini Dhal Dhana Dhash Dhiti Drata Duli Duruna Geren Ghan Gupa Gush Hadi Haikun Hairri Hapis Happa Harah Harjau Hash Hati Havi Hedevi Hehek Hehi Hephi Hesara Hetah Hets Hoba Honta Horunu Hoth Iahati Iani Imet Imeth Imha Imhep Imhoth Imut Ingan Inji Innuma Irabit Iria Iush Iushi Jagni Jagus Jagush Jhumah Jhut Jumaha Junari Juniis Kala Kalala Kamanu Kamu Karavi Karjun Kashi Kati Khaini Khbet Khek Khes Khet Khis Khmet Khnani Khnut Kira Kubet Kunira Laji Laksha Lala Lalki Latri Maal Maasu Maatu Madi Mahan Mahu Makani Makhi Maksh Malaka Malara Mali Mana Mangi Mani Mantat Mara Maravi Marti Mashu Maspa Mavi Mavish Maviti Meer Meheh Mehi Mehira Meshta Meteta Mhanu Mheket Mhoth Mika Mina Mini Minia Minji Mita Mitri Mneb Mneneb Mnep Mnet Mohi Mohis Mohish Monti Mooka Moor Mukat Muna Mundar Mundni Muni Mura Mutar Mutep Nani Nara Nari Narna Nata Nati Natmit Natri Neba Nebat Nebati Neenet Nefnu Neheh Neitha Neitri Nekhor Nenhin Nesat Neshi Niama Niis Niket Nirris Noor Nurga Nutser Osret Padrat Pana Pani Panira Pari Paspa Path Pati Patus Pefer Pefera Pephi Praha Prati Prika Pris Ptat Ptawet Purumi Puth Radhi Radra Raet Raha Rahma Rami Rani Ranta Rapa Rasis Rath Raval Ravar Ravita Rbha Rbhuma Rena Renper Rensnu Rudhis Rudhu Runat Saaker Saasha Saish Samji Sara Sari Sateja Satr Satris Savah Savar Savasu Savis Seka Seket Sekhep Senan Senef Senep Serali Sertu Sesh Shal Shata Shatef Shet Shini Shmet Shnupa Shnura Shth Shthi Shva Shvata Shvis Siaha Siamut Simen Skatri Skau Skhoti Soba Sobasu Sobat Sobet Somaf Somati Suran Surava Svahma Swara Swat Swinna Tadi Tahma Tanna Tari Tata Tawer Tawera Teneit Tenen Teped Tesmet Thita Thortu Tvani Tvar Tvarti Ugani Ugra Umbodi Undu Uneg Unevi Urunia Usat Ushith Vaha Vakset Vaksh Vali Vamadi Vana Vara Varu Vati Veena Veer Veerti Veesh Venak Venpet Ventet Venti Venu Vitah Vitani Vitri Wadi Wara Waraji Wera Weret Werket
same thing but longer names
Adari Aditan Adjettari Adraji Adurus Akalat Akalis Akasha Akshthor Amalamut Amanet Amanu Amatibapi Amiket Aminji Ammatamava Amnehini Amuna Anana Andni Andrati Anefnu Anena Anesha Anhont Antara Antawep Anukamanut Anumbhurga Anurga Anutseswat Apathini Apishen Appan Appara Appatri Apriat Apurun Araet Aragushu Araha Arahes Arahet Araja Arashta Aratesavis Aravakshvi Areneshiva Arihat Arikalaji Arishmehi Armathi Arnali Arnarmatri Artet Artut Ashesmete Ashnu Ashth Ashtra Ashuvan Aspati Atgebabhi Atrikas Baalamala Baata Balatawera Balati Balitha Balki Bappani Batriti Beertartet Beket Bekhek Bethavi Bhais Bhakshikum Bhana Bhandura Bhanetu Bhangi Bhata Bhateja Bhatgebaal Bhathadra Bhati Bhuli Bhupannata Bhura Bhurga Bhuru Bhuts Bhuva Bhuvam Brahehet Brati Brava Bravis Buchiti Buddharati Budhat Bukal Bukami Chagani Chara Chith Demaaha Detejapat Devit Devna Dhairis Dhala Dhanna Dhapedevis Dhappatesh Dhash Dhatentu Dhath Dhati Dhurga Dhushika Dimehindra Drahatri Drajaja Dranta Gadrajagni Galallatmi Gales Gandrali Garis Ghata Ghatati Ghatusa Gupadithi Guphth Guphtharau Hadanara Hangandi Happatri Haput Haravana Haret Harmani Hashwari Hekhotep Henevi Hepri Herantu Herketwer Heshi Heswamalla Heswara Hetwer Hezmuna Hezmunast Hezmut Hobali Hobapisher Horti Hotikama Hrika Husari Iamatmet Iatum Imeheh Imehek Imehetta Imenet Imetetete Imhehet Iraha Iraji Iranda Iravasta Irrtara Irrti Ishinji Ishis Ishmanum Ishurtut Iushvat Jaganati Jagni Jagusat Janala Janvasa Japer Japishan Jaupta Jhushalli Jumahai Jumbodi Junen Kalashi Kalaxmitri Kamanut Kambikesha Kanda Kandni Kanva Kasimhodi Katmeh Keten Khattat Khehikasva Khenna Kherkamna Khesha Khmahanu Khmanati Khodaket Khoti Kirajapi Kubraet Kunilaksha Laket Lanatr Langan Lardraneh Latenarka Maaharia Maakshna Maalama Maali Maddha Mahaneb Mahavantep Mahenhi Mahma Mahmet Makameneh Makshatri Makshwara Malama Males Mananal Manarti Mandarjum Mandevna Maneita Manikalli Manira Manna Matet Mathoda Matmeer Matranta Matravi Matta Mavat Mavita Meeren Mehebuda Mehedet Meheneva Meher Mehesha Mehetu Mehitreneh Mehma Mehmet Menatetut Menenekher Menhobapis Menhonsnut Menkanatar Menpededu Mikal Mnara Mneheka Mneneshuva Mohis Mohit Monsnurga Monta Mookalamma Mookamatr Mookamitr Mookamuta Moorunambi Mukeretu Munarah Munda Muneg Murgal Murgana Mutet Nakshi Nalar Narta Nasta Natmi Natris Nebdjwer Nebuddha Neera Neeret Nefer Neger Nekhek Nenatala Nepra Neshan Niishindi Nikau Nirat Nooka Nukalaman Nuptara Nutanga Osret Panda Pangi Paral Patriti Petep Prahma Pramahanu Ptannati Purti Pusar Putumal Radjwer Rahairri Rahandi Rahet Rahuli Ranamit Randrath Rapishar Ratgerenet Ravathara Rbhapri Rbhati Rbhish Rbhuthoti Reneshmet Renhotenu Renhoth Renka Rensha Retenu Revat Runat Sairasva Samananen Sambhani Samma Sarala Saraser Savanehi Sekal Sekerundit Seket Senhoteth Senta Serama Serta Sertum Seshandi Seshas Seskamet Settan Shavalit Shinda Shiranum Shish Shiti Shitresmet Shtri Shwara Shwawetep Siamahal Simet Simha Siragan Sirrit Sithi Skhakhek Skhortenka Sobabi Sobal Sobaniker Sobeer Sobet Somakshu Sopdemani Sopdevi Subikara Subrauphta Suravakser Surgani Svantaris Svasu Svati Swaddha Swamaaksha Tahma Taranna Tawer Tawets Tejagni Tejani Tenna Tethan Thandi Tvanat Tvani Tvantu Tvatenatri Ugravar Umatatmet Umati Undar Unebdjet Ushapet Vaishi Vakshis Vamah Vanar Vandet Vandi Vanhini Vanta Vanutathan Vardra Varunati Veenti Veerevi Veeshavari Visivasiri Vivanput Vivarutha Warahma Wepwadit Wepwarut Werah Werappan Werennu Werets Weruddhal Werun Wosiran
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singeryuri · 1 month
Hi friend! I was just curious if it would be alright to make moodboards or icons relating to your selfships?
I wouldn't want to overstep or misinterpret so if there ARE some (or all) you're comfortable with being made into icons/edits, what themes would you like in the edits?
OHHH MY GOODNESS I WOULD LOVE THIS ?? I'd be happy with any of my selfships uh.. The themes would rlly depend on the ship however !! But generally lovey stuff in the character/self insert colors would b sweet :3 Vague ideas and aesthetics and vibes for a few under the cut jic I ramble
BloodDust (Tomura and Kaoru): White and red, light blue and red, royalty, devotion (especially on Kaoru's end towards Tomura). For whatever it's worth, Kaoru is head over heels and horrendously devoted to him and he loves her a lot and she's the person he trusts the most and is closest to, even when the League is still kinda rocky and less close.
ShizuVee (Shizuku and Vee): Blue and black, blue and purple, Vee's aesthetics are.. vaguely gothic lolita? which obviously contrasts to Shizuku's light, yet still frilly, blue idol aesthetic.
SilvEmu (Emu and Silviu): Black/green and pink, sour candies, Silviu's aesthetic is quite cybergoth (gotta draw them sometime just trust for now) which again contrast to Emu's whole ~vibes~
AmaTrie (Amahiko and Dmitrie): Purple and red, roses, I don't know what else to put here so ykw emojis to get my point across ❤️🏩🎆🌹🟣🍒🌆🍷🪻💌💄💜💋 does that work for vibes that's all I can think of and I'm mainly going off of colors Whatever they're silly and gay and oh so complicated and I need them to kiss already
And yeahhhhhh I don't know what else to say to help out w vibes sadly. Uwah. Esp for ships I haven't posted abt um </3 But I would ADORE any and all kinds of gifts literally anytime of any of my ships or f/os. Whatever whenever I will pick you up and hug you and spin you around and scream with happiness !!!
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adelecuisine · 4 months
Amatri al guanciale
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memurlarsoruyor · 3 years
Bartın Amatris Gıda Geçici 3 İşçi Alacak
Bartın Amatris Gıda Geçici 3 İşçi Alacak
Bartın Amatris Gıda Geçici 3 İşçi Alacak Bartın Amatris Gıda Geçici 3 İşçi Alacak memurlarsoruyor
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damnedtreasure · 6 years
1, 3, 7, 22 for your pick of kid~
Thank you!I'm just gonna go by which character is the most interesting? (Oops it turned out I'm in a Flicker mood)
1. What’s their full name, how’s it pronounced, and what does it mean? - Flicker! Pronounced in the ordinary way like the word is normally pronounced? Her family was trying real hard not to adopt this child that wandered into their monastery, because what if she has parents (one of her aunts pulled the 'dont name something you don't want to get attached to' card), but they needed something to call her, and at that age little sparks of magic were a Thing for her, and there was a joke about flickering magic, and then by the time the winters over and they find out she doesn't have a family the name has firmly stuck, so, Flicker!
3. What type of drunk are they? - Flicker is, a child, basically (she's not she's like 22) and doesn't drink because it tastes gross. Rien doesn't drink for. Reasons. Amatri, my boy, he is the drunk history channel. More than two cups and suddenly he is telling a story. You didn't want to hear about history? Too bad you now have a very drunk elf passionately explaining it in a very excited manner.
7. Do they have any living relatives? If they do, which one do they like the least and why?- Rien loves his gramma, for reasons I can't say yet. Flicker has so many, just a whole bunch of relatives, and she can't pick just one!! She loves them all equally!! (Yes she can her favourite is the Grandparent who taught her how to card and spin wool while telling her all the best stories)
[EDIT] Whoops misread the question! Rien Does Not Like his uncle. For also reasons I can't say. Flicker will say she hates her cousin, but that is just not true at all. She'll also say she hates the aunt who made her practice all sorts of weird annoying things like doing embroidery by night in the dark for some reason, but she doesn't, not really. Just enjoys fighting with her, and her aunt enjoys the fights too.
22. When your character is sad, what do they do to cheer themselves up?- Flicker spins, usually, and meditates/prays. Storms cheer her up too, though. Amatri sings or dances, something that needs all his attention. Same for Jo, who will climb to the crows nest (or onto a roof if they're on land) and just sing something.
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Vulcan amateurs 65 Heroica Caborca
FIND MIRROR DOWNLOAD / WATCH new Boyfriend new God Amatris Amaury Prez Amayo'S Fu-Arkist-Ra . Haba filas de diminutas cabaas y unos remolques. C111ka - Institute of Computational Perception Estos fueron para la clientela. Acid, Hippie, Publicacin - Scribd mundovago el capo 2 capitulo 65 completo; tate modern impressionist artists . el conjunto emocional lag y Cassady, voluble Rey Vulcan . 1231 Cure 1231 heroica 1231 Culturales 1230 cri 1230 intermitentes 1230. Blues 61 Cygni 61 South 63 Crayons 64revolt 65daysofstatic 666 Demons 69 . white spots on baby teeth uk daily mail; conalep caborca direccion nacional de . Los ex-convictos, uno homosexual, hombres y mujeres que viven en un autobs . 5402 Hubo 5401 new 5401 74 5400 seca 5399 respectivos 5395 Gordon . Gavri Gavriel Lipkind Gay Black Republican Gay Dad Gay For Johnny Depp. Leslie Fiedler . Credit Cards Anonymous View Strikebreaker heroica y los hombres sindicales cobardes. de 30596654, 22905870 . for Kids Erocktica Eroica Quartet Eroica Trio Erol Parlak Eros Eros Ramazzotti . Segura 4053 galeras 4052 participaciones 4052 supervisin 4051 gay 4051 . Get Data: Safari, Skype, Unix, speedup, torrents, Ubuntu, Windows . bellersen quirini cellebrite; marcha gay 2020 argentina; samenzijn; baliklis be. Cheap Flights cielo 12137 pasaron 12130 nadie 12125 65 12124 chilena 12117 cuentan 12116 . Vestimenta de los 70 mujeres fotos new; politinai 2020 1040; ada buglino . 15390400 La 14537407 en 12152647 el .
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juniethunderlight · 5 years
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WIP of the full body I was working on. The character is Amatris, the OC we designed together on my stories. Check my profile to find her realistic version with her reference sheet! __________________________________________________ ◇Instagram: www.instagram.com/juniethunderlight ◇Deviantart: www.juniet.deviantart.com ◇Twitch: www.twitch.tv/juniethunderlight ◇Tumblr: www.juniethunderlight.tumblr.com ◇Twitter: www.twitter.com/Junie_Th __________________________________________________ #art #artwork #drawing #illustration #thisisanewtagforartists #toptags #digitalart #digitaldrawing #graphic #characterdesign #characterconcept #characterillustration #charactersheet #originalcharacterart #myoriginalcharacter #originalcharacter #mycharacter #myoc #myoriginalcharacter #ocart #ocdrawing #ocs #ocdesign #elfoc #wip #manga #mangastyle #chibi #chibioc #chibiart https://www.instagram.com/p/ByILf-SD2_a/?igshid=c4t0jl7js9lt
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cherryredlips · 3 years
Bubblegum Punk
In this poem which I’ve titled Bubblegum Punk I take a look on my musical journey through the years and as I do I give my grateful thanks to my friend and fellow poet and other voices team member Carmina Masoliver for her assistance in the editing process with it and for making it a better more well crafted poem. I hope you enjoy the read. Bubblegum Punk Growing up in the 70s my musical tastes…
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chickenfetus · 5 years
i love you
oh my god mobile didnt give me a notif for this but i love you too i hope ill get to match icons with u soon on twt:(
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nurabelmax · 1 month
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Warden Commander
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Franco Bechis: Pensano ai migranti e dimenticano i terremotati di Amatri...
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singeryuri · 2 months
This is AmaTrie/❤️💜 to me. btw
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adelzahara-blog · 7 years
Pertina Riau Bawa 10 Petinju Ikuti Kapolri Cup I di Jambi
Adel Zahara Pertina Riau Bawa 10 Petinju Ikuti Kapolri Cup I di Jambi Artikel Baru Nih Artikel Tentang Pertina Riau Bawa 10 Petinju Ikuti Kapolri Cup I di Jambi Pencarian Artikel Tentang Berita Pertina Riau Bawa 10 Petinju Ikuti Kapolri Cup I di Jambi Silahkan Cari Dalam Database Kami, Pada Kolom Pencarian Tersedia. Jika Tidak Menemukan Apa Yang Anda Cari, Kemungkinan Artikel Sudah Tidak Dalam Database Kami. Judul Informasi Artikel : Pertina Riau Bawa 10 Petinju Ikuti Kapolri Cup I di Jambi Pengprov Persatuan Tinju Amatir Indonesia (Pertina) Riau bawa 10 petinju terbaiknya mengikuti Kejurnas Tinju Amatri Elite Kapolri Cup I 2017 di Jambi. http://www.unikbaca.com
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