#amazonian parachute
mycoblogg · 7 months
FOTD #128 : amazonian parachute! (marasmius amazonicus)
the amazonian parachute is an agaric fungus in the family marasmiaceae. there is little currently known about it, however it has numerous observations in south america !! they often occur on decaying leaves, & act as decomposers.
the big question : can i bite it?? it is currently unknown whether or not this fungus is edible.
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m. amazonicus description :
"the amazonian parachute is a small mushroom with a brownish purple cap full of irregular pale yellow spots."
[images : source & source] [fungus description : source]
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rwbyvein · 3 years
Firen Lhain: Chapter 701: In the Air:  Part I / III
Yang walked into the small room. "You wanted to talk to me, dad?" she asked, when she saw something out of the corner of her eyes. She quickly turned her head to glare at Raven.
"Look," Taiyang said, "All I'm asking for is you two to talk. Is that too much to ask?"
"Uh-huh?" Yang dismissively asked Raven, before looking back at her father, "Did she tell me that the only reason she helped was because Weiss was going to smash up the camp with her giant... thingie..."
"It's an Arma-Gigas." Taiyang stated.
"How the hell do you know?" Yang asked.
"Language." Taiyang mildly chided.
"I am an adult, now." Yang stated.
"It's still..." Taiyang tried to say.
"It's true." Raven replied, and both heads snapped to her. "It never occured to you that there might be a reason I didn't want to help you?"
"Uh-uh?" Yang asked, "That you're a terrible mother? I think I've already figured that one out."
"I didn't want you to get involved in Ozpin." Raven sharply stated.
"Why the hell not?" Yang asked, causing Taiyang to visibly wince.
"Oh, I don't know?," Raven asked, "so you don't end up like Leo, or Ozpin himself. Or Summer."
"How can you?!.." Yang asked.
"Appearances aside, I did love her." Raven stated. "But she decided to side with Ozpin, and you two lost out, again. Her foolish vainglory was always beautiful, but it was also her undoing."
"So, what?" Yang asked, "Now you are all onboard the Oz train?"
"It's not like I have much of a choice." Raven stated. "Everything I care about in the world is on the line or dead. Do you know how many dead friends I have? At least Tai was enough of a coward to stay out of it."
"Fearing for your life is not cowardice." Taiyang stated, "Which I've tried for years to teach the both of you."
"You can't mean?.." both Yang and Raven stated, and Taiyang smiled.
"If you went in different directions." Taiyang said, "Yang has a tendancy to lose her head in combat."
Yang looked about nervously, "But, I mean..."
"You've found friends to keep you safe." Taiyang said with a smile. "Raven, on the other hand was too calculating, always afraid to make a move."
"Afraid?" an incensed Raven asked, and Taiyang just smiled at her.
"If we left it up to you," Taiyang smiled and walked up to her, "you'd never act."
"I did lead the most successful bandit tribe on Remnant." Raven said augustly.
"You did keep them alive when most of the rest of them have disappeared." Taiyang said, and Raven's eyes grew wide. "What," Taiyang asked, "You think you could leave, and I'd just stop caring about you? You are hard to keep track of, which is why I looked for any news about bandits I could. And more and more they started to disappear."
"That little bit the Schnee girl brought was right?" Raven asked.
"Her name is Aurora, and the Schnee girl's name is Weiss!" Yang said to her.
"They are kind of married," Taiyang stated, "You should learn their names."
"I wasn't exactly expecting this." Raven voiced, and Taiyang just looked at her expectantly. She quickly looked away. "That look is too powerful." she voiced. She looked back and started to smile. Raven then looked back to Yang, "I suppose... if I'm going to try and be your mother, I should meet your... wives?.."
"Apparently," Yang stated, "I'm a chip off the old block head."
"I'm not that old." Taiyang stated.
"You did tame a bandit queen." Yang said to her dad, "so you can't be that old."
"One thing you children have to learn," Raven strongly said to her, "is that men age like fine wine."
"Jaune acting all majestic does really get my juices going."
"Wait?," Raven asked, "Is Aurora part of your little?.." she said and made a circular motion with her hand.
"Nah." Yang said, but then looked worried, "Although she and Jaune have been getting along, like really well. Okay, thanks mom. Now I'm worried. And why's dad smiling?"
"No reason." Taiyang said.
"I've got to go... talk to..." Yang said, and turned to walk away.
Taiyang watched the sliding, metal doors close on their own before turning to Raven. "What exactly are you smiling about?" Raven asked him.
"Oh, nothing." Tai said with glee, and Raven just glared at him, "Just," Tai continued, "that she called you mom." Raven looked incredibly shocked.
* * *
"Hey, Aurora?" Yang said.
"Yes, Miss Xiao Long."
"Miss what?" Yang asked.
"You are my mistress'," Aurora said, and paused, looking pensive, "co-wife?" she asked.
"You... can just call me, Yang."
"Yes, Miss Yang." she said with glee.
"You're enjoying this, aren't you?" Yang asked.
"Indubidably." Aurora said with a smile, "I have spent my entire life cultivating these skills, and they are finally of use. I can do more by helping Miss Weiss, and her... erm... compatriotes, than I could have else-wise."
"You've also been getting really close to Jaune." Yang said accusingly.
"AAAAhhh." Aurora stated.
"AAAAhhh, what?" Yang asked.
"To put it bluntly, I'm a lesbian."
"So?," Yang asked, "Jaune's not the one you are after?"
"I appreciate his appreciation of women." Aurora stated. "And even if I were, I somehow doubt I could compete with the team of gracious and amazonian Huntresses he has promised with."
"You... make a good point..." Yang said contemplatively, "But still, you're sure Jaune doesn't get your juices flowing?"
Aurora stepped towards Yang, gazing lovingly up into her eyes. This caused Yang to step back, flushing orange.
"Whoa, girl. I'm married. Kind of..."
"Do you believe me now?" Aurora asked.
"Considering how the rest of us are, that doesn't really prove anything." Yang said to her.
"I'm not really sure what else I could do." Aurora said to her. "Though?," she asked, "I suppose seducing my boss' husband would likely get me fired."
"Good point." Yang said.
"And if you are finished speaking with your parents, perhaps now is the time for the specialty equipment Jaune commissioned."
"Uh, yeah..." Yang voiced, and Aurora turned to walk away. "Wait." Yang said, and Aurora paused, turning to face her, "Didn't you say you had like a ridiculouly good contract?"
"And what part are you referring to?" Aurora said with glee.
"The part," Yang replied, "where you get paid ridiculously well if you get fired."
"Golden Parachute." Aurora said with glee. "Should I be dismissed, I will never have to worry about my feet touching the ground."
"That's pretty baller." Yang said.
"Indeed." Aurora affirmed.
"But that also means," Yang accusingly said to her, "that you don't have to worry about getting fired."
Aurora just smiled even brighter. "But, should I be dimissed, I would not longer get to spend time with my love."
"Love?" Yang asked.
Aurora breathed in deep and sighed. "I'm sorry."
"For what?" Yang asked.
"For drawing the joke out too far." Aurora said, and curtsied.
"uh... huh?.." Yang asked, "Exactly what part was the joke?"
Aurora thought for a moment. "To be fair, everything I said was true."
"But?.." Yang asked.
"Including," Aurora said to her, "that I have no intention of seducing Jaune."
Yang slowly nodded her head, "Wait a minute? What specialty equipment?"
* * *
Weiss walked into the room, and looked around, seeing R_BY, Jaune, and Aurora there. "Aurora?" she asked.
"Thank you for coming, Miss." Aurora said to her.
"Wait?" Jaune asked, "Why is she a Miss, but I'm a Sir?"
"Because men age like fine wine." Aurora replied as Weiss stepped into the room.
"Wait?!" Yang asked.
"Yes?" Aurora said to her, and Yang looked at her nervously. Her scales were blushing between orange and red, as if she couldn't decide.
"My mo... I mean, Raven, said something similar to that." Yang replied.
"And?" Weiss curiously asked.
"And," Yang said accusingly, pointing at Aurora, "she is most defintiely into men, especially the tall, blond, daddy types..."
"Daddy types?" Jaune asked.
"Oh, shit?!" Yang asked, "Did I seriously get that from my mom?!"
"Ah." Aurora said, "You mistake my meaning."
"And exactly what was your meaning?!" Yang accusingly asked her.
"Men tend to prefer feeling masculine." Aurora said.
"Uh-huh?" Yang asked, as if her patience were being tried.
"They prefer appelations of strength, maturity, capability." Aurora continued.
"Uh... huh?.." Yang asked.
"All things that grow with age." Aurora said, "Women tend to prefer youth, beauty, fertility."
"Daddy types?" Jaune repeated, and Yang looked at him, flushing a deep red-orange.
"Oh, shit." Yang voiced.
"No." Blake said to her, "You don't get to back away from that one."
"It's just..." Yang voiced, "You know how caring Jaune is?"
"Of course." Weiss quickly affirmed.
"I don't mean he cares," Yang said, "but, like, how he literally picked me up, sat me at the table, and told me to fucking eat. Like, he LITERALLY takes care of us."
"It was weird seeing Yang doing what she's told." Ruby voiced.
"Like you're one to talk, sis." Yang said to her.
"Jaune," Blake said, "will literally just pick up Ruby when she's being..."
"Ruby." Weiss added.
"Hey!" Ruby shouted.
Weiss turned towards Ruby and held her hands together in front of her, "As someone who is Weissy, I feel turnabout is fair play."
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cesaray · 3 years
ww84 thoughts: (spoilers under the cut)
you can’t tell me that’s not quidditch 
the gayness 
diana and her boy toy: back to the future
by far the most compelling scenes in the movie and i would watch a 10-episode series of diana Showing Steve the World 
let him have the parachute pants 
aladdin and the magic lamp but make it evil 
weirdly bad floaty weightless CGI 
a lot of lasso-ing in the fight scenes. we’re all about the lasso in this one
i like the exploration of diana’s vulnerabilities and the trade off between steve & her abilities. she’s been all powerful up to this point and it was interesting to see that change
the motivation for max lord is all over the place. he could’ve touched the stone and made a quick wish to Be Rich while in barbara’s office. why does he need to BE the stone?? also the 2 second flashback to his traumatic childhood at the very end felt like an afterthought
pedro pascal could’ve done so much more 
so the peak of amazonian armory just starts falling apart like that? was it not made to ‘withstand the entire world’? ¿
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saiborg224 · 5 years
“Acceleration” Location, car, and character profiles
Well, since I figure I’m not gonna be super active with Acceleration for now, I minus as well release some of what I DO have, right? Enjoy these concept profiles I came up with when I first started the project!
“Qualifying” Race Region: Desert outside of Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
Created originally as a testing ground for cars of extreme speed and ability, this course was overhauled from a circuit taking up over 2 square miles in space, to a sprint course, more than doubling the amount of space, stunts, and obstacles, no longer just to test the high-horsepower cars that would be used, but now to test potential candidates that may drive these cars as well.
/Equipment: Track Tires
“Volcanic” Race region: Turrialba volcano, Costa Rica
This Active Volcano required a special type of track to be built in order to be a viable place to race; a type of track that would not overheat to the point of melting the road itself, or the cars’ tires. The Solution? Cooling lines within the track, along with Titanium Alloy used as Track Material, and lastly, energy shielding used where the Lava would draw close, and possibly even run over the track from time to time. Whilst the metallic track makes things a bit slick, it is believed by the engineers that the heat the volcano will generate in the cars’ tires will be more than enough to counteract this.
/Equipment: High-grade Summer Tires, Heat Reflectance Suit
“Polar” Race Region: N77.00, E112.00
Russia is full of tundra regions, some parts of the shoreline nearby even freezing during the winter. Given the right conditions, this water can even freeze over the track itself. These conditions will force the drivers to measure their movements, reactions, and throttle control with an even greater amount of care than ever before, lest they risk getting froze out in this unforgiving wasteland.
/Equipment: Studded Winter Tires, Emergency Warming Kit
“Costal/Water” Race Region: Philippine island chain, on and off island
Among everyday driving, Drivers typically take great care in rainy conditions to avoid hydroplaning. However, on this track where water covers considerable portions, Drivers will have to quickly figure out how to get across the waterlogged sections in a controlled, but fast manner, where the track is sometimes even missing under the surface.
/Equipment: Specialty “Hydroplane” Tires, Emergency Floatation Ballasts
“Canyon/Cave” Race Region: Colca Canyon, Peru
This Track will require all of a driver’s Reflexes, luck, skill, along with their car’s speed and HID headlights, in order to make it through without making a jump too short, wrecking into one of the many obstacles throughout the caves, or flying off one of the sharp hairpin turns, deep into the canyon’s rocky maw.
/Equipment: All-Purpose Tires, Embedded Grappling-Hook, Vehicle Parachute
“Jungle” Race Region: Amazonian Rainforest, South America
The incredible amount of rain, combined with the dirt and mud throughout this region of the world make this track particularly tricky. With some of the track partially covered in dirt and mud, and parts of the track even made up of the forest floor itself, This means that drivers will be required to find the “grippiest” parts of the track, all while avoiding trees, boulders, and mud pits throughout the off-road sections as they race through at breakneck speeds.
/Equipment: Off-road Tires, Increased Suspension Height Setting
“Desert” Race Region: Arabian Desert, UAE
Sand. It’s loose, capable of causing massive wheel slippage at unexpected times when small amounts are sprinkled over the track, and, when a large enough wind picks up, able to reduce visibility to zero. With parts of the track covered by sand, drivers will have to keep up a brisk pace, and attempt not to accelerate in the sand, lest they risk entirely burying their cars’ tires, and leave themselves at the mercy of the harsh sandstorms common here, of which are difficult enough to deal with on their own.
/Equipment: Deep-Tread Tires, Increased Suspension Height Setting
“Orion Slingshot”
Engine: Turbocharged Second-Gen Lamborghini V12
Horsepower: 1000 bhp
Intake system: Top-mounted direct-feed Intake Scoop
Drive: RWD
Transmission: 7-speed Manual Gearbox
*Top Speed: 285 MPH
Based off a toy car the original creator of these races saw, this particular car is his personal vehicle. With an F12-inspired intake scoop, a Lamborghini V12 engine, and a lightweight “lift-up” unibody design, this car is Lightweight, Fast, and built for extreme top speeds.
Notes: Natural downforce is created by the shape of the car’s body. In other words, the faster this car goes, the “grippier” it gets.
“Modified 2012 Dodge Charger R/T”
Engine: Supercharged 5.7 HEMI V8
Horsepower: 900 bhp
Intake System: Stage 3 Cold Air intake
Drive: AWD
Transmission: 8-Speed Manual Sequential Gearbox
*Top Speed: 260 MPH
This Particular car was one of the first created for these tracks by Daniel Callahan. Given the amount of time that he has had to tune and perfect this car, it is almost perfect for the loops, jumps, and many other insane maneuvers that this car will face.
Notes: Handling characterristics are incredible on-road, but regardless of setup, particularly unfavorable off-road.
“Modified 2007 BMW Concept x6”
Engine: 4.4L S63 V8 Twin-turbo
Horsepower: 750 bhp
Intake System: Dual Snorkel System
Drive: AWD
Transmission: 6-Speed Manual
*Top Speed: 235 MPH
Created originally as a Replica to BMW’s original concept x6, this SUV has become much more. With a Bigger set of Turbochargers, completely rebuilt body, stripping out any excess weight, reinforcing the entire car like a roll cage, this particular vehicle basically became the equivalent of a Supercar built into a trophy truck, and is sure to dominate almost any terrain.
Notes: Was built to take quite a few bumps and bruises; it’ll smash through most obstacles when needed. However, it does have a considerable amount of bodyroll, due to it’s typical setup.
“Rally Duster”
Engine: Dual Supercharged 2005 LS6 Engines
Horsepower: 1000 bhp
Intake System: Dual Blower Supercharger Intakes
Drive: RWD
Transmission: Custom 6-Speed Manual
*Top Speed: 260 MPH
This Particular car is rather unique. Hand-built by one of the racers, of whom had a particular amount of experience in Rally driving, this car is an immense powerhouse from hell. When handled right, no other can match its off-road speed and agility. That is, given that you can handle 1000 horsepower being driven to the rear wheels thru two Corvette engines.
Notes: “Glass cannon” is a good word for it; Terribly well balanced, but can’t take a hit worth a darn.
“2016 Lykan Hypersport”
Engine: 3.7L Twin-turbo Flat-6
Horsepower: 820 bhp
Intake System: Dual Side-scoop
Drive: RWD
Transmission: 6 Speed Sequential Manual
*Top Speed: 265 MPH
The Owner of this car is a little more than “Mildly Eccentric”. They took a car of which as few as 7 were produced, tuned and barely upgraded it for an extra 40 bhp, and even set up the gearing to push for a higher top speed. With a high rate of acceleration, along with it’s new, albeit slightly higher electronic suspension, this car will be one to keep an eye on.
Notes: Extreme acceleration up to the top speed.
“1998 Chevy Tahoe 2-door”
Engine: 5.0L Cummins V8 Twin Turbo
Horsepower: 925 bhp
Intake System: Indv. Throttle Bodies
Drive: AWD
Transmission: 6-speed Race Automatic
*Top Speed: 249 MPH
A rat-rod, Diesel-powered project of torque and pure acceleration, this particular car is about as unwieldy as an angered badger. With stripped off fenders, doors replaced with welded-on “bars”, and the interior stripped out almost entirely, minus a few gauges and a racing seat, this Skeletal SUV was built as a rat-rod project from hell.
Notes: Sacrifices top speed for High Acceleration.
“2016 Local Motors Rally Fighter”
Engine: 6.2L LS3 Twincharged V8
Horsepower: 800 bhp
Intake System: Stage 3 Cold Air Intake
Drive: AWD
Transmission: 6-speed manual
*Top Speed: 237 MPH
Rebuilt by Jabari’s Team of Engineers specifically for these races, the Rally Fighter was already a formidable machine before this, now, however, it is even more so. Whilst keeping most of its physical attributes, this car is made of anything BUT original parts. All of the Panels and wheels are made of Carbon-fiber, frame made of Magnesium Alloy, and even bullet-proof windows installed for extra safety. With a Twincharged V8 to match, this car will surely be a true beast on the track and dirt alike.
Notes: This is another vehicle with a particularly high rate of roll, but incredible durability.
“1997 Race Mazda Miata”
Engine: Turbocharged 2.6L R26B Rotary
Horsepower: 939 bhp
Intake System: Indv. Throttle Bodies
Drive: RWD
Transmission: 7-Speed Manual
*Top Speed: 283 MPH
Light weight frame, rear-wheel drive, and close to 1000 Horsepower? This car will surely kill the driver if they don’t know how to handle it. However, when paired with the right driver, this car will fly like a bird, and sting like a bee. This car was built for high speed racing and maneuverability, and it does NOT disappoint.
Notes: A High top speed is achievable through a high amount of Skill and Balance.
“2019 Kawasaki Ninja H2R”
Engine: 998 CC DOHC I-4
Horsepower: 300 bhp
Intake System: Standard Intake
Drive: RWD
Transmission: 6-Speed Dog Ring
*Top Speed: 249 MPH
This motorbike has had very little modification to it, only modifications made being the electronic suspension system, and Nitrious fitting. Even without said modifications, this motorbike is extremely agile and fast. However, most street bikes weren’t made with off-road conditions in mind.
Notes: Extreme acceleration and top speed on Solid surfaces, handling deficiency offroad.
*Top speeds are measured without the use of Nitrous bottles installed in each car.
Name: Callus Callahan
Age: 54
Gender: Male
Height: 5’11
Ethnicity: African-American
Driving Experience: Track Racing
Car: “Orion Slingshot”
Home Origin: Dillon, Montana, USA
Appearance: Bald, Black T-shirt, loose brown “long-coat”, blue jeans.
Bio: Callus Callahan. The man who started it all, who created the original Circuit, along with incredible cars built to handle it all. The technology and cars he has created have made him a rich man, but with this challenge, he seeks to do something even greater, to revolutionize racing as it is known around the world.
Name: Daniel Callahan
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Height: 6’3
Ethnicity: African-American
Driving Experience: Street Racing
Car: “2012 Dodge Charger R/T”
Home Origin: Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
Appearance: Black, tightly curled hair, Green eyes, Grey Cargo Jeans, Green T-shirt, worn Black hoodie with “ARMY” logo on it
Bio: Son of Callus Callahan, Daniel has been on his own for close to 4 years now, living on the streets with nothing but his car, the clothes on his back, and food gathered with funds from won street races and even some stolen from unlucky passers-by. Despite this, he was offered the chance to take part in these races because his father knows him well enough by now and had even watched him race on the original circuit. However, for Daniel, this is about more than the money. He is here to prove something to his father and to the world.
Name: Sariah Malive
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Height: 5’6
Ethnicity: North American
Driving Experience: Track
Car: “1997 Race Mazda Miata”
Home Origin: Colombia, Kentucky, USA
Appearance: Short black and Yellow hair, Typically wears a loose-fitting one piece racing suit, average body build
Bio: Former Girlfriend of Daniel Callahan, Sariah was Born and Raised in Colombia, Kentucky, and hasn’t left since. When she and Daniel dated, Daniel’s love for cars rubbed off on her, and she became inspired to become a track car racer. Her involvement in this project is mainly coincidental. When the offer was sent out, most of the world’s top drivers were sent the message. Sariah was one of them, and given her and Daniel’s past, she may be one of the most driven competitors here.
Name: Jabari Khari
Age: 37
Gender: Male
Height: 6’8
Ethnicity: African
Driving Experience: Trophy Trucks, Baja
Car: “2016 Local Motors Rally Fighter”
Home Origin: Johannesburg, South Africa
Appearance: Short, blond hair, cut close to the scalp, Loose white Jacket and Jeans
Bio: Jabari grew up in a very rich family. Whilst his family raised him to live like a king, he has always had an underlying instinct that, in a way, forces him to help others. This does not mean, however, that doesn’t mean he doesn’t use his money for fun on more than one occasion. When he was invited to this race, he proceeded to have a car built by his own personal team of engineers and is even maintained by said engineers. Given his background in trophy truck racing, he will certainly have a few tricks up his sleeve.
Name: Ganzorig Tsetseg
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Height: 5’8
Ethnicity: Mongolian
Driving Experience: Street Racing
Car: “1998 Chevy Tahoe 2-door”
Home Origin: Sharyngol, Mongolia
Appearance: Slightly chubby, Messy Dirty-Blonde hair about shoulder length, blue eyes, Torn denim jacket, black crop-top, grey cargo shorts, belly piercing
Bio: Ganzorig has raced her father’s “Rat Rod” wince she was a child, mainly fneding for herself in the town of Sharyngol after her father died in a deal gone wrong. She has continuously proven herself an incredible driver with her constant escapes from bandits, Law Enforcement. However, she seeks a different life, one that she would get if she wins these races.
Name: Petya Aleksandr
Age: 43
Gender: Male
Height: 5’5
Ethnicity: Russian
Driving Experience: Rally Driver
Car: “Rally Duster”
Home Origin: Moscow, Russia
Appearance: shortly cut black hair, worn Russian Army Jacket, Cargo jeans
Bio: Petya Served in the Russian Ground Forces from the Age of 20, up to the age of 36. He was an incredible driver of nearly all of their vehicles, and would have served longer, had his arm not been blown off in an incident with an IED. Despite the prosthetic arm replacing his own, he was no longer allowed to serve. So, he continued with the talent he had discovered whilst in the army; Driving. He participated in rally driving, using the money he had saved up form his work to build his own vehicle, and quickly proved to be one of the best. The way Petya sees this race and its challenges... he sees another day in the army, nothing more.
Name: Rong Guanghua
Age: Ȩ̶̫̳͔͊̓̚R̶̟̱̮͒̏̈̽̕R̸̙̜̲͕͇̫̱̗̾̅̏̓̋̑͋̊̿̓O̸̼͛̓Ṛ̶̡̺͕͂͜
Gender: Female
Height: 5’7
Ethnicity: Chinese
Driving Experience: E̶̗̱̺͔̲̤̰̙͈̥̫͉̩̼̪͊͌̃͌̈́́̔̓͛͝Ŕ̷̡̧̼̯̭͍̳̲̗̹̞̼͚̣͜Ṟ̸̯̽̒̍̽̒̍̾͛̐̌̕̚͠Ȏ̸͓̊͌̂̒̽̋̆̏̂̕R̴͎̜͒͌̄͆͆͋͊̈́̌͂̔̒͒̍̕:̵̲͇̘̖́͗̂̂̀ ̵̡̱̞̼̈́̉̏̈́̈Ḩ̵̲̲̰͓͈̹͙̜͚̼̘͛̓́̓͑͠Ả̵̧̧̨̺͚̹̘͔̪̻͍͈͆͗͌́̋̈́̚C̴̯̲͓͎͓̖̒̎̿̏͗̓̀͝K̴̻̼͎̯̙̗̄͊͗͛́̑͝͝È̴̡̛̘͚͖̭̫̼̪̬̣̯̓͋̈́̍̕͝ͅḐ̶́͂͊̈̂́͒̑̆͂̒̕͠
Car: Kawasaki Ninja H2R
Home Origin: Tokyo, Japan
Appearance: Shoulder-length Black hair, Golden-brown eyes, Black Helmet with Green visor, Black Motorbike Jacket, Motorbike pants
Bio: This Particular Racer is an anomaly.. nobody knows who she is, where she came from, Even Callus isn’t quite sure who she is… But she has proven to be an extremely talented driver. So, for now, Callus allows her to race. Albeit whilst keeping an eye on her when he can.
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sangklp · 5 years
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RT @muglerize: dior didn’t have erin o’connor opening as queen nefertiti, carmen kass closing as a future amazonian warrior with a parachute and shalom harlow as a geisha queen in an origami dress for MGC to make this goddamn closing look for a HAUTE COUTURE show... a complete nightmare https://t.co/raSBzkH7rV https://www.youtube.com/c/lifesang
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Prince of Wales’s Expeditionary Award Presentations
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Rowing across the Atlantic, trekking in the Guyanese jungle, canoeing on the Amazon and building a toilet block for orphans in Peru before taking on the Salkantay trail to Machu Picchu. These are some of the highlights of The Ulysses Trust’s 2018 Prince of Wales’s Expeditionary Awards which this year included a special individual commendation.
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Each year the Trust presents the awards for the best expeditions it has supported in the previous year. These awards highlight the very best in leadership, challenge, courage and planning. The categories are: Cadet Forces, Volunteer Reserve Forces and University Officers' Training Corps Units. Each of the award-winning units will receive a unique certificate signed by The Ulysses Trust's patron, HRH The Prince of Wales.
The awards were announced last year, but the formal presentations will be made over the coming weeks at several events across the UK as follows:
Presentation Date: 3 Oct 2019 Event: Employer Engagement Dinner, Northampton Saints Rugby Club Presented by: HM Lord Lieutenant of Northamptonshire Mr David Laing University Category: Exercise: GUYAN EMU Ten students from East Midlands Universities’ Air Squadron (based in Beeston, Nottingham) travelled to the South American Guyanese jungle. Here they constructed a camp designed by the local people to support the local tourist trade and benefit the local population. Afterwards the students undertook nine days of jungle survival training, which included fire lighting, navigation and hunting. Officer Cadet Jinni Sur said, “For me the expedition had a bit of everything, I overcame mental and physical challenges as well as learning about some of my strengths. I got to give to a community as well as take away an array of knowledge from it. Not only this but I got to do all this in such an environment I never thought I’d get to experience…the jungle!”
Presentation Date: 22 Oct 2019
Event: Lord Lieutenant of West Sussex’s Award Ceremony, Christ Hospital School Horsham West Sussex Presented by: HM Lord Lieutenant of West Sussex Mrs Susan Pyper Cadet Category: Exercise: INCAN VENTURE ADVENTURE This ambitious exercise was undertaken during the RAF 100 celebration year. It saw 24 Cadets and 8 staff from Sussex Wing Air Training Corp (Seaford, East Sussex) travel to Peru where they helped build a toilet block for an orphanage on the outskirts of Cusco. Following this, the Cadets completed a five-day 75km trekking expedition on the Salkantay trail. Cadet Harvey Betts of 1015 Horsham Sqn said: “I didn’t realise what an effect the project would have on me, I came here for the mountains but will be going home more thankful for the little things I have and the support of my family because these guys just don’t have that.”
Presentation Date: 24 October 2019 Event: HRFCA Southern Area Meeting, Stirling Army Reserve Centre Presented by: TBC Reservist Category: Exercise: NORTHERN AMAZON SERPENT 2018 A team of 17 Reservists from 225 Medical Regiment (Glenrothes, Fife) completed 150-mile canoe journey down the Amazonian River Negro in Brazil. Each day consisted of 6-8 hours of canoeing which was broken up by periods of trekking into the jungle. Here the group learned survival skills, observed jungle wildlife and met members of the local population. LCpl Trevor Stewart East said, “During the trip we trekked in to the jungle and learned many skills and techniques vital to survival in the jungle from shelter building, where to find clean drinking water, how to get a fire lit and hunting and foraging for food.”
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Presentation Date: 31 Oct 2019 Event: Lord Lieutenant of Oxford’s Award Ceremony, Pembroke College Oxford Presented by: HM Lord Lieutenant of Oxford Mr Tim Stevenson PRINCE OF WALES’S COMMENDATION: Exercise: ATLANTIC TRIDENT 2017 Between Dec 17 and Jan 18 Cadet Force Adult Volunteer Sergeant Jordan Beecher (an ambassador for Oxfordshire Army Cadet Force) and Captain Jon Armstrong rowed over 3,000 nautical miles across the Atlantic Ocean in the Talisker Whiskey Atlantic Challenge - the world’s toughest rowing race. The pair endured storms, 40-foot waves, physical and mental hardship and capsizing, to set a new World Record for the fastest pair’s crossing of the Atlantic. What makes this achievement even more remarkable is that Sergeant Beecher is a below knee amputee following an explosion whilst serving with the Parachute Regiment in Afghanistan. Captain Armstrong said, “Whilst on the Atlantic the conditions pushed us both to our physical and mental limits and we came to rely on each other for comradeship, companionship and survival.”
The Ulysses Trust welcomes applications from Cadet, Reservist and University Officer units seeking financial assistance for their own expeditions. The Trust also welcomes donations to help support others to benefit from these life-changing experiences. Find out more or make a donation via www.ulyssestrust.co.uk
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skydiveamazing-blog · 6 years
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#skydiveamazing Regrann from @jokkesommer - I'm so excited for the next few months and the adventures ahead 🌎❤️️ From training with the best people and dearest friends in the sky, to expanding my conciseness in the deep Amazonian Jungle 🌿🐸🐍 The gift of life is incredible and I guess we should all make the best of it, right? 😊 This picture was from one of those days, well spent with loving human beings like @valentindelluc and @ni_schafer on camera 📸 @redbull @redbullnorge @edgetvnetwork#redbull #parachute #redbullkosovo #redbullalbania #skydiveamazing for featured Visit our site: www.paragliding.al Follow: @skydiveamazing - #regrann (at Lauterbrunnen, Switzerland)
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Day 418: Rip Johnson
Professional skydiver and member of the Nine Lives club, Rip Johnson is a man with nerves of steel who sees the ground hundreds of feet below as less of a threat and more of a finish line.
Seasoned professional, Rip Johnson not only knows the proper procedures for using a parachute backwards and forwards, but he actually makes his personal parachutes by hand and tests them before every jump.
So when Rip Johnson challenged Wonder Woman to a game of skydiving chicken (how long can you go without pulling your cord before you chicken out) Rip Johnson got a second parachute to give to Wonder Woman when Fly Wright intervened.
Realizing that Wonder Woman suspected him, the human fly offered to deliver the parachute to Wonder Woman in Rips steed.
Then slinking off, Fly Wright began sabotaging the chute. Attaching a grenade to the rip cord, cutting all of the parachutes ropes, soaking the emergency chute in an accelerate so it would burst into flames, and filling the bottom of the parachute with dynamite, Fly Wright was confident that Wonder Woman would meet her doom.
As Rip and Wonder Woman were boarding the plane, Fly Wright handed Diana her parachute and waved them off with a laugh, which convinced Wonder Woman that something fishy was going on.
Up in the air, Rip Johnson told Wonder Woman that he planned to pull his chute at 300 feet, stating that she needed to beat at least that to defeat him.
Wonder Woman musing that she probably wouldn't need the parachute at all, jumped down from the plane shortly after Rip, beginning their decent.
Moments after Rip pulled her own line, Wonder Woman did the same and hearing the click of a grenade, Wonder Woman twisted her arms, and deflected the blast from the grenade with little trouble. Then trying to pull the emergency chute, it caught fire and at that moment Wonder Woman seemed doomed!
However Wonder Woman possessing the ability to telepathically call her invisible plane which possessed a thought driven auto pilot, soon had her aircraft at hand which she landed upon, tossing the parachute aside moments before it exploded.
Knowing now that Fly Wright was for certain behind this, Wonder Woman leaped from her plane to the ground below in time to see Fly Wright in a panic, running towards a nearby river which ran off a log mill. Leaping upon a log, Fly Wright began to float away, gloating.
Wonder Woman however not one to be stopped, gave chase and leaped upon another log, and began log walking towards Fly Wright.
The human fly panicking, began running from log to log, creating a merry chase until she caught up with the human fly. Instead of grabbing him, Wonder Woman began to laugh, and started a log roll, forcing Fly Wright to keep up, the two of them dancing on the log until Fly Wright fell off into the raging current.
Fished out of the water by Wonder Woman, Fly Wright was carted off to jail and the Amazonian princess was approached by the combined roster of the Nine Lives club. Apologizing for the actions of Fly Wright and voicing their awe at Wonder Womans ability, the club unanimously voted Wonder Woman as the president of the Nine Lives club.
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sangklp · 5 years
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RT @muglerize: dior didn’t have erin o’connor opening as queen nefertiti, carmen kass closing as a future amazonian warrior with a parachute and shalom harlow as a geisha queen in an origami dress for MGC to make this goddamn closing look for a HAUTE COUTURE show... a complete nightmare https://t.co/raSBzkH7rV https://www.youtube.com/c/lifesang
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