#and i feel this is what cc did to my morons
roxannepolice · 2 years
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#you know what this will be#not a polish artwork this time just a self-made gif from one of my favourite movies of all time#i guess forman was czech so it's still central-estern europe#but that gif is generally too good not to be giffed and has been with me for a while#like look i wouldn't be going through the trouble of hiding my thoughts in tags under visual arts#if i didn't respect that people enjoy the direction cc took thoschei in#but ffs it's cosi fan tutte in reverse#cft is an arguably misgynistic and a teensy bit racist by current standards opera#but what can you do it's the 18th century and two artisans trying to appeal to austrian court#but on a deeper level it's a story about pitfalls of deifying the object of affection instead of loving them as they are#in all of their human downfalls passions vies and virtues#and i feel this is what cc did to my morons#like one of the things that made this relationship so special to me is the intimacy of knowing someone for centuries#seeing through all of their good and evil masks and having a concoction of feelings that still feature love of what's underneath#yes there's jealousy too but jealousy is still a feeling for an equal amadeus is prime example of it#why just why would you make THE MASTER so keen on deifying the doctor even if spitefully#like i already made the case for why the potd fundamentally doesn't work afa *being the doctor* is concerned#but the very desire is no longer resonant just empty simulacric sentimentality#this is reversing from loving and hating someone as they are towards empty deification#and as wolfie says: that's not love this is just rubbish#and idk maybe if there was some cathartic realisation on the master's part?#or if cc's keen on keeping him a moron then some relfection from the companions?#but no the story the companions even the doctors memories are absolutely in on the idea#that the reason the master is not the doctor is magic of friendship :3 not memories and suchlike#details that make up the person#idk it just upsets me to see my child being a begrudging agnus dei and pontifex maximus in the show's narcissistic cult#i mean like with ttc this might have worked if it was given to someone else?#say after tdotd and hb there pops up a time lord absolutely idolizing the doctor?#we might even have a discussion on celebrity politics and cancel culture#but no let's just dump it on a character that's always stood out for the lack of delusions about the protagonist
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ivys-garden · 3 months
Alright, I'm going to write my own thoughts down on the situation, sorry if this gets rambly
First of all, Shubble is so brave for speaking up, it's really hard for victims to speak up against there abusers in a public setting and she deserves all the respect in the world for it
That being said we do need to be mindful to give her space, this was a really traumatic thing for her and we all need to be mindful of that, give her room to breath.
On the same lines, don't go after other ccs for not ""releasing statements"", content creators aren't companies, there people. Don't get on at them for not publicly supporting Shubble, especially since there undoubtedly doing it in private, which is probably better than shoving it out there for millions of people to see. Let people support there friend in a way they and shubble are confortable with, if shubble wants them to say something or they think they need to say something themselves, they will say it.
It's like Pearl said, just because you don't see something happening publicly doesn't mean it isn't happening
Also, don't jump to call Tommy or Phil or Grian or anyone else enablers because they haven't said anything, they'll need time to process this too, it's hard to find out that your friend is a domestic abuser, let them process this in piece and don't try to cancel them over nothing like a fool. (People like Tommy will need time especially since Wilbur befriended them when they were young and by all accounts manipulated them too)
If anyone of these people have anything they feel they need to say they'll say it when there good and ready, good life tip folks:Don't Harass People. Especially if they have almost nothing to do with this (honestly Saw someone say they were going to go on to fucking RT about this despite him not knowing either person very well, the fuck)
I know why people do it, they want to make sure there favourite content creators aren't also bad, but they are people and they deserve respect, I can garentee you that almost no Qsmp or Hermitcraft or Other MCYT member who knew him stands with Wilbur
(Also if anyone brings Techno into this fuck right off let the man rest.)
Also, some brain dead morons are saying that people calling out wilbur are doing it for clout and that they should have done it sooner, but most of the abuse happened in private, and wilbur manipulated others, many wouldn't have realised anything was wrong and if they did its still better and more respectful to come forward after shubble since its HER story to tell.
(This attack also doesn't work anymore because we have things like tubbos stream, where he actively discourages his chat from treating him like a hero for speaking out, but yeah sure they all don't give a shit about shubble and just want to make themselves look better, fuck outta here)
Now, if your a former wilbur fan, let me make this super clear
"BuT SePuRaTe ThE ArT FrOm ThE Arti-
Nah. That doesn't work here. You can separate a book or game or movie, you can't with a cc. Its there face, there voice, there personality. Find a different band, find a different CC to watch. There are other options, I know it sucks to find out someone you like did an awful thing,but that doesn't mean we should support those people for our sakes, especially when people were actively hurt by there actions. Trust me everyone, this will get better, things will go back to how they were before
Finally, this should go without saying, Fuck William Gold to the core of teh fucking earth. And any who still support him.
He is a raging egotistical manipulator and abuser. don't blame people for not seeing it sooner, no one can do that. What we can do though is blame people who still wholeheartedly support him and his actions.
He has not "changed" nor will he ever at the rate at which he's going. He's still a egomaniac who's more concerned with saving his image than actually apologising for his actions, even then an apology wouldn't fix all he's done,it would just be closer and a jumping off point to be better, but he can't even fucking do that.
If wilbur does reflect and grow, good on him, but if he doesn't then I can say with absolute certainty we wouldn't fucking miss him.
Fuck Wilbur. Support Shelbym
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spideyskrunkly · 2 years
Hungry for Help (Ch2)
Characters: David Jeremiah Jones, Kailin Stanford, GPD, CC suspects
Relationships: June/Jones (complicated)
Warnings: Swearing, somebody got drunk from grief and is being a dumbass, mentions of starvation, someone crying
Kailin and Jones just wants to find the killer asap and get this over with.
"It's June we're talking about!" Kailin did hang out with June a few times to know he would never be a killer.
"He would kick ass. I'm not saying he'd kill someone though." Jones never wanted to see his partner kill someone. "Plus, I'm a little scared for him and I think that maybe he's not in the best condition... God, why did I leave him alone."
"You left him alone in his house?!"
"He said he wanted to be alone! He didn't even want me to be there for long."
"Fuck it, we might as well check on him. And I think we should have another look in the carwash..."
"Alright, I'll drop you off at the carwash and walk on on over to June's house. Thankfully, both places not that far."
"Sounds like a deal." And with that, the two left.
Jones and Kailin were off. Kailin went to the carwash as Jones went over to June's place.
Kailin looked through the office and found a board full of addresses. She searched for Sheng's address. "In the apartments? Could be helpful."
"Why hello, little fella! Mind telling me why you're in my office?"
Kailin looked behind her to find Jack. "I'm uh... Temporary Officer Kailin. I'm on the case about a Sheng Shiloh."
"Aw yeah, your friend came over here and I told him about the last time he was here."
Kailin thought hard. "What was your relationship with Sheng? Were you guys close?"
Jack answered with no hesitation. "He and I were pals. He only came here a month ago and we became full buddies! If it weren't for the system, I'd make him employee of the month... too bad that ain't never happening now."
"... Right. Well, I got his address so... have a nice day."
Jones made it to June's place in the apartment buildings and use the spare key he gave to him.
As he opened the door, he noticed the room was empty.
"June? I know thing are... pretty bad right now... but I need, NEED your help on this case. It's only just this case, don't worry. I promise, if you just answer my questions, I'll leave."
...No answer.
He walked in, hoping he was okay. Then he heard giggling from the bedroom.
"... June?"
He hurried into the bedroom, only to end up... embarrassed.
June was alright physically. Not with his emotional state though. Next to him were 2 bottles of strawberry wine and playboy magazines as he layed in bed reading one of them in his green shorts and blue tank top. Not only that, he seemed in a silly goofy mood.
Holy shit. He was drunk. Again.
"JUNE! WHAT THE HELL!" Jones couldn't help but feel,embarrassed for this idiot. Sure, his brother just died, but there could have been another way to go about this.
"David!!! I'm so *urp!* happy to see you! <3<3" June tossed the magazine to the side and stood up. Not straight enough, though. (Literally)
"Oh my fucking God, you are such a moron sometimes. I CAN'T EVEN INTERROGATE YOU NOW, DUMBASS!" Jones raced over to June as he was trying to balance. June looked up and down at Jones and said this:
"Can you handle my weak legs, David? Cuz I would have fallen for you if you didn't catch me..."
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"Oh my God. June. You're clearly not in a state to even do anything. You're drunk."
"Baby, all these bottles and I still need a sip of you."
Little did Jones know, Kailin was watching this from the door of June's bedroom.
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"Lmao I gotta take a pic of this."
"NO! NO. NO. I- June. June. You're clearly not in the right mind to be interrogated, so I'm just... gonna have someone over and... keep watch over you."
"Best we could do-"
"NO! NO, DON'T LEAVE ME! DON'T LEAVE ME LIKE SHENG DID, PLEASE...." June embraced Jones and wanted to hug Kailin, but she was too far away. "Please, don't leave me like Sheng an- and Remise and Howie- Howard!" And mom and Calvin and- and... I don't know man, just please! Don't leave...." June started to cry as he held onto Jones.
Jones started to feel really bad as he remembered why June got drunk today. He held June in a warm embrace. "I just have to investigate your brother's murder, okay? But for right now, I'm gonna send someone over to watch you. We'll stay with you until they come."
June calmed down and looked at Jones with heartbreak and pain in his amber eyes. His scars madee him look more beau- sad. Just. Sad.
"Kailin, call Nathan to have him take care of June. I'm gonna try to get him to go to sleep."
Nathan stayed with June, who was sounded asleep from his headache and sadness. He didn't seem to have a problem with it anyway.
Jones and Kailin continued their investigation by heading to Sheng's apartment which, was far from June's place and from GPD.
They explained to the office why they were there and got free access anytime.
"So... wanna explain about uh..." Kailin was referring to what happened back at June's place.
"Sometimes he drinks because he's frustrated (mostly from work or Frincley) and then he goes in some lovey dovey mood because of how the taste of strawberry wine is. He usually would drink like one glass which was ABSOLUTELY POSITIVELY enough for him. But this case... may have hit him hard. And until he's sober, we're just gonna have to wait."
Kailin checked her photos as they entered Sheng's appartment. They looked around for clues. "Hey, old man, I found this bat w/ some blood! This might be what was used to hit Sheng!"
Jones turned to Kailin. "Ok, first of all, don't call me that, second of all, you should find some sample off of that. Here." Jones handed the sampler to Kailin. "And when you're done, hold onto that so that we can give it to Grace later. Meanwhile, I'm gonna search through this book, it seems to hold photos of when Sheng came to Grimsborough."
Jones looked through the pages.
June 21, 2014 - came to Grimsborough w my girlfriend !
"21st of last month. I'm really sorry, man."
June 23 - I got a temporary job here. The boss and I are good friends!
"So the boss was telling the truth." Kailin peeked over Jones's shoulder.
June 24 - woah! I see GPD and my brother's here ! Hi June!
"He would have loved to see you again..." Jones and Kailin felt bad. They continued the page.
June 26 - Quinn and I managed to earn the money to where it's enough for him to work at the park to sell ice cream! I really oughta visit him, he's a cool dude!
"Quinn? QUINN STAVES!" Kailin yelled loud enough to where she almost destroyed Jones's ear.
"Ay! Watch it! Do you know him?"
"Yeah! This guy sells ice cream everywhere at the park where Sheng was murdered! He might have seen something if he was there!"
"Then maybe we should go back to the park and see he's there."
"What about this book, what do we do with this?"
Jones looked at the book and thought. "We'll hang on to this till the end of the case. And then, we'll give it to June once this case is over."
After sending the blood sample to Grace, Jones and Kailin made it to the park and that's when Jones's phone started to ring. "Sorry, let me get this." He picks up and sees it's the chief. "Hello?"
"Jones! How could you let June find out about his brother's death?! I called Nathan asking where he was and said that the maniac's drunk and is asleep from the incident!"
"Calm down, Chief. We didn't think he'd find out. He must have been informed or may have eavesdropped."
"Well, harm is all done now. Did you guys find anything?! Leads, samples, anything?!"
"We sended a sample to Grace and we're actually about to talk to a suspect." Kailin spoke up for Jones. "Should be enough to help us."
"Well, get to it! Find the killer for June and Sheng!" He hung up.
Kailin managed to spot the ice cream man at the park. He had green eyes, shaved brown hair and freckles coming out of his face. "Ay, Quinn Staves! Don't move, we have questions for you!"
Quinn looked up from his cart and spotted the two officers heading towards him. "Hello! Would you guys like some ice cream! We have mango, strawberry, coconut, mint, bubblegum and cotton candy! Sorry, I don't really have watermelon right now. But I'm working on bringing it back!"
"Dang it." Kailin whispered under her breath. "I'll just have the cotton candy mixed with bubblegum." She pulled out her wallet.
Jones was more focused on the case. "We're here because a man was left to die here yesterday night. Have you seen anything, recently."
"Not really. I'm more focused on my business than what's going on around me. Here you go, young lady, that will be $2.50." He handed the ice cream to Kailin.
"Well, Sheng would have loved to see your business grow."
"SHENG'S DEAD?! SHENG SHILOH?! Man... he and I were two pals in a pea. I used to work at the carwash with him. He and I would support eachother."
"His boss seemed to have favored him more. Did jealousy get to you?"
"Jealous? I supported my man if anything! He was the best guy around. Sure, his girlfriend and him had their ups and downs, but I wouldn't blame him. She's been reading playboys and drinking wine lately. Obviously a whore."
"Sure, maybe we'll... not call her that. But thanks anyway." With that, Jones and Kailin left.
As they headed back to GPD to wait for Grace, Jones had more thoughts racing. "I feel like maybe we'll have to question his girlfriend at some point. She seems to really have had a complicated relationship with Sheng."
"Maybe. But right now, we should head on back. ...Is June gonna be okay? As much as it was funny to watch him drunk, it's really sad."
"Oh, now you're worried about him?" Jones said with a teasing smirk. "I thought before you said 'No! I'm never getting attached to anyone here! Bleh!'"
"Shut up, asshole, you were being lovey dovey while having June fall asleep. Caressing his head and whispering to him. Wanna explain?? 📷"
In Grace's lab layed the blood sample of all their answers.
"So, I have found that the killer has orange or amber eyes. I couldn't tell which, but I managed to run blood tests to show what the eyes can see."
"Tha- thanks, Grace."
"Something the matter, Kailin?"
"June... fits most of the description..."
"Not all of it." Jones butted in. "He doesn't own a white shirt."
"How do you know??"
"He says it makes his... breasts show."
Suddenly laughter shotted in the air from Kailin and Grace.
"Of course he would say that 😭😭😭"
"So our killer wears a white shirt, drinks wine, has amber or orange eyes and... reads playboys. Got everything?"
"Yep." Jones nodded as he filled the killer's description in his notebook. "Now we just need to-"
Quinn ran into the room like a maniac. Kailin quickly rushed to him. "Hey, asshole! What's your problem?!"
"You might wanna reword that, Kailin." Jones patted her on the shoulder. "Is everything okay, Mr. Staves?"
Ch2 End
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the-firebird69 · 9 months
There's some outstanding items in our son's life that are a problem
-his credit card was sent to fort Myers is still there in the police department and the person that took it is Billy z and it's in the evidence locker and it keeps threatening to use it
-who is he took an old phone of our sons and it was Billy z and he was using it and make it Walmart run his cc card. His bank card. A lot of people on it right now and then going up to the key Bank to destroy him and they are taking him out of our son's life by getting rid of his and him here and they're hitting him it's very annoying but they're doing it to these people too and using the threat. The warlock lives a lowly life and they can't tell if they can't pull up it's a problem they had a hard time seeing this guy and now they do what they're pretty much a lot smaller than they used to be they're sitting down a lot of troops down into the tunnels and they must
-does it feel the things that are outstanding a few things are outstanding his health is not much better if not worse and Tommy f is to blame he's not getting adequate oxygen the ship above is causing problems for him and a lot of people and before he gets choked out we want to try and get him some air I'm doing that this morning and it's working but it happens every morning and that's it the rest of the day is very low and the skillet is on most of the time
-he has a lot of his possessions he's threatening our son using them and we don't want that to happen he is not in space anymore and he's going to have a ships up and he's going to try and threaten Hera quite a bit, we have these threats off our son and the planet he'll be less able to do so and we're moving on it couple more things, he is hated by people now who are helping him and it's Tommy f who did that, he has put down and put out of every group or area organization or club but you can think of because of this fool tommy f.
My son says it might stay that way because we're actually getting power and that's true but you don't he doesn't have to live like a dog so I'm going to bust him up and take him out because he's a jackass in the first place it's just a mean spirited retard and he's Tommy f is going to go down
Several more things to announce
-we don't appreciate people who are missing words here mincing where it's here and we're going to mince you
-we don't want you here in our face and we told you not to be and people like John remillard you're dead I'm putting hits on you now I don't want you in my face at all you're a freaking useless turd
-I've had it with these retarded people we have to show them whose boss and right now
I'm going to come in there and plow through this morons I want them all out of here and nobody seems to get them out nobody seems able to
Thor Freya
I've tried and I'm going to try with them and see if they do anything different
Me too we've applied ourselves heavily and we want to know how to do it
We use it all but I do see how many instances I want to see how they surmount it
Abomination and She Abomination
0 notes
And I’m back, Mother fuckers! And I’ve got a blog update!
Now that I have a little more free time once again, I’ve got some news. So let’s get the main thing out of the way. I’m done with the Sims 4 anti paywall Community. They’re a bunch of team killing fucktards, and they’re gonna eat themselves alive, and uh, as a good song once said. “I have no fucks to give, my fucks have run a-dry!”. Worst case scenario, if shit hits the fan, and we end up back at square 1 with EA, where they aren’t enforcing their policies, and CC creators are illegally profiting off of their content, I’ll do what I did before I found the anti paywall evidence community. I’ll pay for tiers, nab the content, and leak it with burner accounts. Point is, I couldn’t give less of a shit about the morons in that particular community. Karma is a real fuckin bitch, and everyone’s gonna get what’s coming to them eventually. It’s just a matter of time. P.S. There’s also been a lot of discourse since a bunch of screenshots dropped by Mack, and everyone’s bitching about how she was being dumb for it, and irresponsible, and I have to laugh at those people. Since she’s not online anymore, I might as well spill the tea for ya. Yes. We’ve been talking off of tumblr. She blocked me on tumblr, something I personally told her to do, because it wasn’t worth her getting dragged into my shit, but eh. It happened anyways. What can you do? News flash my guys. People don’t have to shun others just to make you feel better about yourselves. If you think that way, then all I can really do is tell ya to fuck right off. Like seriously, sit the fuck down, Diet Mean Girls, Virgina George will always do it better than you, simply because she’s prettier and smarter. Regardless, yes, we had been talking behind the scenes. I knew she was going to drop the screenshots. She was in the middle of actively investigating that shit, got tired of everyone’s bullshit, dropped the screenshots, and left like a fuckin mad lad. So please do continue to bitch about how the dropping of the Harrie legal threat ring screenshots was done irresponsibly, because literally it’s a bunch of people losing their minds over shit they caused to happen in the first place, lol. It’s fucking comedy gold. You want things handled sensitively and responsibly, maybe don’t treat the person doing it like a punching bag. That in mind, I’m doing a content shift, and when I say content shift, I mean I’ll be going back to my roots. I’ll be returning to the writing and drawing aspect of my blog that it had been the majority of this account’s time on tumblr. It’ll range between regular and random art, fandom stuffs, as well as my own original works. Maybe even the occasional Sim, CC recolor, and house build as Sims 4 has become one of my primary creative outlets. I’ll also be looking through my followers, looking for iffy accounts, and removing them from my blog. Mostly because I know there are individuals who’d love to sit there and look over my account every second of the day like the fucking schizo lunatic they are (They will not be named, because I’m not drawing more attention to them than I need to, if you know, you know.), might as well clear out the weirdos that are either leaking them shit from my account, or allowing them to even look over my account, as well as ultimately burn some unneeded bridges. If I get asks about certain things in regards to anti paywall stuff, I’ll still respond so long as it’s to that and nothing else, but otherwise, I’m not going out of my way to be apart of community structurally built on selfishness that attracts fake ass bitches. (Yeah. I see some of you stupid hoes in the back who were originally holding the same stances as myself, only turning your back on them when they weren’t popular anymore. I suppose I’m not surprised in a community where the figure heads are a bunch of pick me girls.) I want to do my own shit again, speak on shit that interests me, and post my creations. If that ain’t your kind of content, then I’d unfollow. Otherwise, that’s it folks. Expect a change in content.
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littlx-songbxrd · 3 years
Ok I meant to answer you're question about what I thought of the show ages ago but I forgot.
I LOVED IT OMGGGG! I got so many kitty vibes from Wilhelm and Simon! The touching! The softness! It's those vibes exactly! I want that energy in TWP.
COMRADE SIMON!! We stan! That speech he made at the very beginning about the differences in attitudes towards "tax evasion" vs. "Welfare fraud." Legend behavior.
Sara!!!! My girl!!!!!! An autistic/adhd character PLAYED BY AN AUTISTIC ACTRESS!!!! THIS IS SO HUGE!!! I would die for my problematic queen. I made an entire post on her but the gist is, I get where she's coming from and understand why she feels the way she feels but dear God girl make better choices and stay the hell away from August.
Speaking of.... I wanna run August over several times. Vroom vroom motherfucker. The fact that he
-kissed Sara behind Felice's back when they were still dating WITHOUT HER CONSENT BTW
- Wanted to blame Simon for the drugs because he knew it would be easy because Simon's family is lower class and doesnt have the same social standing as one of the "members of the society"
- Also it didn't escape my notice that the cult like faternety type group with all the rich, mainly white boys is called The Society. This shows commentary on class is vv interesting. Especially the little things like two girls just randomly advocating for THE DEATH PENALTY. The rich people audacity.
-Anyways back to August, when he tried to excuse his actions with Wilhelm and get all teary like no bitch you can't manipulate your way out of this one. And again with Sara! When he said "Wilhelm has everything" I wanted to scream! Like he's fucking closeted and clearly suffering from panic attacks and extreme anxiety you moron.
-Anyways!! I also think that Wilhem might be autistic because he just feels autistic. Like the vibes are there.
- The girl group is so sweet? And to have the popular girl be a Black girl who isn't "stereotypically attractive" with a more medium sized body and bad acne. As someone who has really bad skin I needed that. Felice is kinda awesome imo.
Let me see what else??
-Simon and his mom speaking Spanish consistently throughout the show. It sounded pretty natural to me? But I'm not a native speaker. (Or even fluent honestly lol.)
- Simon and Wilhelm are honestly so adorable and in love and it made my heart ache. (I am so touch starved I swear..)
-My only main beef is the outing plotline and the show using an outdated medical term for Sara, aspergers. It's literally just autism. Also it's kind of offensive because Hans Asperger was a n*zi who literally killed autistic children because they weren't useful to capitalism. SOOOO yeah.
As for the outing plotline, I feel like the cishets have like three plotlines that they use for queer stories. Outing/coming out, one of them dies, or one if them bullies the other until they both fall in love. It's tired.
But overall I really loved it.
I wanted to correctly talk to you about this series so I logged in through my computer to make it easier for me :D
LOOK AT THIS POINT IVE RELATED THEM TO LITERALLY EVERY COMFORT SHIP I HAVE LIKE. I've compared this to kitty, I've compared this to Thomastair, I've compared this to my friends to ocs who she has obsessed me with (youd actually like them if you liked this tbh) IVE COMPARED ME TO MY OCS
what was the point cc??
new favorite character
SHES PLAYED BY AN AUTISTIC ACTRESS?? Sorry I hadn't known! Haven't actually gotten to obsessively look at the cast I've been trying to get over the last episode BUT THATS SO COOL. SARA IS AMAZING AND I ADORE HER. I'll read your post after this! But of course STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM AUGUST GIRL PLEASE
Tbh I understood where she was coming from with everything with Simons image falling apart and her having to suffer when she had just started having friends , just after finding he had been lying to her. But love, AUGUST?
A U G U S T ???
Also random and stealing this from @marzzinaa i totally hc Sara as a demi girl for some reason
Im kinda sad we didnt see her speak spanish as much we did simon :(
You already said it all, I just agree
Ok I'll bring a machete you bring whatever you wish and we kill him sound good?
meanwhile they wanted to pass off to Simon who came from a lower class family the blame
Also I'd like to mention how that would also play into the stereotype latinos are all drug dealers
Which I love how they didnt make his dead beat alcoholic man the latino parent, when I first read the description I thought they might do that, but im so glad they didnt
I think it might have been a comentary idk i liked that they DIDNT make the poc parent the dead beat
I love how they didnt make her stereotypically perfect AND YES MID SIZED REP WAS AMAZING TO SEE
Also im so glad you got to see that represented!!
So I am a native speaker and him talking to his mom MADE ME CRY
pls most her phrases reminded me to my own mom
Autistic wilhelm you say?? omg tell me more (if you want)
Oh thats awful, well I'll just refer to Sara as autistic and hope the showrunners fix that next season because if they dont-
Oh yeah, thats valid critisism. But in my opinion they actually wrote it pretty well so I wont really be complaining about an overall media problem with queer stories rn. If so I'll be here all day. But yeah its an overall problem but it wasnt done bad in my opinion so!
I'll shut up, for now
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aces-to-apples · 4 years
Written for Day 1: Hurt/Comfort of Codywan Week 2020 @codywanweek
Here on AO3
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Category: M/M Relationships: CC-2224 | Cody/Obi-Wan Kenobi, Alpha-17 & Obi-Wan Kenobi Notable Tags: Blood and Injury, Concussions, Mandalorian Culture, Blunting Teeth
“daze of our lives”
“You’re an idiot,” Cody said bluntly, manhandling Obi-Wan onto the ‘fresher sink like he weighed nothing more than a bunch of Alderaani emerald grapes. A feat made even more impressive by the fact that Obi-Wan was fully kitted out in a standard set of trooper armor and the commander wasn’t even wearing his own blacks.
“Yes, Cody, thank you for reminding me.”
The look he shot Obi-Wan was normally reserved for misbehaving children—or shinies, as the case may be.
Obi-Wan attempted a reassuring smile only for it to turn into a grimace as the movement pulled at his split lip, renewing its sluggish flow of blood once more. For reasons known only to himself, Alpha-17 had focused rather heavily on causing his face as much damage as possible, rather than seeking to neutralize him efficiently. Of course, Alpha-17 was a bit of a bastard with a vicious streak a parsec wide, so perhaps he’d simply nursed a grudge against Obi-Wan all this time.
Two years and change was a long time to hang onto said grudge, and seemed more than a little extreme, but he supposed anything could happen. Whatever the reason, it made pacifying his commander nearly impossible.
Scoffing, Cody wetted a rag and began furiously cleaning Obi-Wan’s face of… well, gore was perhaps an accurate description. His movements weren’t rough, by any means, but they were perfunctory and Obi-Wan didn’t need to be an empath to feel the low-grade burn of his anger in the tight quarters of the refresher. “Complete fripping moron,” he growled, as more and more damage was revealed beneath the blood.
“Cody,” Obi-Wan began, bracing himself as best he could. He knew that tone of voice well. “There’s no need—”
“How does a Jedi,” Cody cut him off, voice dangerously mild, “cock up so badly that he ends up in a punishment spar with the only Alpha who can nominally stand him?”
“Now that’s hardly fair to Alpha’s age-mates,” he protested weakly as Cody shoved his head and began examining his possibly-broken nose. “I’ve never had the pleasure of meeting any others from the Alpha class.”
“Seventeen warned them all away. Calls you a menace.”
Cody’s voice was serious—dark, even—but Obi-Wan snorted. “Of course he did,” he said, fond without worry and accepting the notion without doubt. “I do regret the number of grey hairs myself and Anakin have no doubt given him over the course of our acquaintance.”
“The stress doesn’t even have the decency to slow the bastard down,” Cody muttered darkly in reply. “Let alone kill him.”
There was a worrying shift in his ribs as Obi-Wan wheezed but he ignored it because, damn it, the idea of something so mundane as stress being the thing to kill Alpha-17 was unbearably funny at that precise moment. Cody shifted back on his feet and watched him impassively. It took a moment for him to realize that perhaps what he was feeling was what the troopers referred to as punch-drunk.
The corner of Cody’s mouth tugged up. “Yep,” he drawled, “that’s what happens when you let one of the Alpha class get their hands on you like that.”
“Oh,” Obi-Wan said, frowning. “Did I say that out loud?”
“Dear me. I believe I may have a concussion, Cody.”
The commander did not look impressed by his powers of deduction. “I told you that ten minutes ago, General.” He scowled and rinsed off the cloth in his hands before turning to Obi-Wan’s split and battered knuckles. “I peeled you off the mats and you said you were ‘happy to see my pretty, grumpy face’ and I said ‘you definitely have a concussion if you’re admitting I’m pretty in mixed company.’ And then you tripped over your own boots and tried to blame Anakin for it.”
“Still with me, sir?”
Obi-Wan hummed again, feeling more and more like he was floating as the adrenaline filtered out of his system and pain filtered in. “Always, my dearest commander. Always.”
He sighed but said nothing again for a while, tisking over the damage Obi-Wan had managed to do to himself without the aid of Alpha-17. “What even happened to your gloves and gauntlets?” he wondered aloud, and scoffed when Obi-Wan cheerfully admitted that he hadn’t a clue. “Still haven’t told me what you did to deserve a punishment spar from an Alpha. Don’t think I’m going to just let that one go.”
“I wouldn’t dream of it,” Obi-Wan enunciated with care. “I simply don’t wish to tell you because then you’ll be disappointed with me.”
“And that’s a valid reason to piss off your marshal commander instead?”
“Oh, not at all! I’m just far better equipped to deal with you being angry with me than disappointed.” A punch-sober Obi-Wan would likely not have admitted that, but the Obi-Wan of the moment was perhaps not as wise as he. All he wanted was Cody’s continuing single-minded care and to all the Corellian hells with his dignity. “You have a remarkable talent for making me feel utterly worthless when I’ve disappointed you.”
The silence that followed that statement went on long enough that Obi-Wan had nearly forgotten it by the time Cody responded. “I don’t mean to make you feel like that,” he said with a gusty sigh. “That’s not what that look is supposed to mean.”
Of that Obi-Wan had always been certain, but disappointment had always been inextricably linked with feelings of personal failure and worthlessness, ever since he was a child. Coruscanti Jedi initiates were a cutthroat bunch to start with and his age-mates in particular had been even moreso than the average.
“It’s all right,” he said absently, when he realized Cody was waiting for a reply. “It pushes me to do more, do better, always has.”
“That’s not very reassuring, jetii,” Cody grumbled, swatting away the hand that attempted to clap him on the shoulder. “Quite the opposite.”
“Oh, I’m a jetii again?” Obi-Wan attempted to rouse himself from his post-beating lethargy. The return to the uncomplimentary epithet that Alpha-17 had passed on to his commander before their meeting boded ill. It’d taken months for Cody to finally wheedle out of him why he always chuckled at its use and several more for him to cautiously switch to the less aggressive Traat’ad. “You only use that when I’ve done something to deserve, well…”
“A punishment spar from Seventeen?” Cody supplied, deceptively innocent. “I can only assume you have, if you’re letting him turn your face into paste like this.”
“When I’m disappointed in you, it’s because I know that you’ve made your decisions based on faulty logic and you’re not dumb enough to buy into faulty logic about anyone but yourself,” he continued, unconcerned with Obi-Wan’s attempt to defend himself. “When Alpha-Seventeen is disappointed in you, it’s because he knows you’re not stupid and thinks you’re acting like it anyway. So, what’d you do this time?”
Obi-Wan sighed and let his head fall back against the mirror. “Have you ever been through a ‘punishment spar,’ as you call them?” he asked, feeling very tired.
“Fortunately, I’ve managed to avoid pissing any of the Alpha class off quite that badly.”
He smiled, winced, and soldiered on, as it were. “It’s based on an old Mandalorian ritual: pelir edee. Went through it when I was on Mandalore as a padawan.” Cody hummed, well-aware of its history as well as his own. “Usually it’s because a clan member has lashed out at another, disproportionately so, or deliberately brought harm to the clan.”
“You take a swing at Seventeen?” the commander said, joking, but also curious. “Because if you did then I take back calling you an idiot and will be much nicer at your funeral.”
“It’s also—” Obi-Wan swallowed “—unofficially, you understand, used when a leader ignores the advice of their clan members and so brings harm to them through incompetence.”
Cody doesn’t respond for another long while.
“It wasn’t your fault.”
“It was.”
“Our intel was faulty—”
“—and if I had listened to your concerns then we wouldn’t be on this planet you all despise so much, collecting shinies to fill the empty spaces where loved ones once stood.” He had nothing to say to that, knowing full well that Obi-Wan had the right of it. “Alpha got his hands on the mission report that brought us here and asked me to explain what happened. I obliged. And he suggested a spar.”
“With Blitz, Colt, and Havoc.”
Obi-Wan inclined his head. “Naturally. He suggested, as well, that we all armor up for it. Apparently he doesn’t approve of my choice to return to wearing Jedi tunics.”
“None of us approve of that,” Cody muttered. He’d finished cleaning and bandaging Obi-Wan’s hands long ago, now just holding them in a gentle grip. “You don’t listen to us about that, either.”
Well and that was fair.
"Ni ceta, Kote," Obi-Wan said, not meeting his eyes. "I should have listened to your council and now your brothers are marching far away because of my…"
Pride, arrogance, conceit.
"… mistake," Cody finished, quiet, gentle. "It was a mistake. One that cost us, but you're not omniscient, and you did the best you could. That's all any of us can do."
"You knew better."
"Then learn from this time and listen to me the next."
Obi-Wan nodded and allowed himself to be tugged out of the 'fresher and stripped of the death-white armor. Each piece of plastoid was tugged out of magnetic alignment by sure hands and piled out of the way, until nothing remained but his blacks. Those hands then pushed and maneuvered until Obi-Wan was lying on his side in the commander's bed, Cody's chest pressed right up against his back.
The two of them rested like that for a long time, settling together until their hearts beat nearly in sync. Then Cody, his arms wrapped firmly around Obi-Wan's body, clasped their hands together.
"What did Seventeen want you to see, Obi-Wan?"
He linked their fingers together more securely before answering.
"As a Jedi, I have a responsibility to all life in the galaxy. As a general, I have a responsibility to the lives under my command." He took a deep breath. "As a partner, I have a responsibility to treat you with honor and respect. When I ignored your council, I failed in all of those responsibilities, and your brothers paid the price. Alpha-Seventeen wanted me to see those failures and understand that I need to trust you, and the rest of our comrades, in order to keep such a tragedy from occurring again."
"… Sounds quite kind for one of Seventeen's punishment spars."
Obi-Wan smiled as best he could. "Well, I'm sure he'd phrase it differently were someone to ask him. Regardless, I should have done better and will endeavor to do so next time."
"Good," Cody murmured into the back of his neck. "I love you, Obi-Wan."
"And I you, Cody."
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Survey #404
“death doesn’t answer when i cried for help”
The person you had the strongest feelings for dies, do you care? I'd be fucking devastated. It wouldn't feel real. Is there something you’re happy about at the moment? A few things. I'm still on that high of my APAP mask working, like I'm actually getting some fucking quality sleep, and I think I'm noticing the effects of my TMS therapy finally, too. My PTSD has most notably been much more bearable, and my interests are beginning to spread again. Do you want someone dead? No. Do you ever wonder what your ex is up to? I mean yeah, I think that's pretty normal, even for someone without my issues. Have you ever fed or taken care of a stray animal? Oh, many times. What is something you tend to worry about? My health and future. What is something you do that is unhealthy? Sit at the computer for way too long. I'm absolutely certain my vision is as poor as it is partially because of me endlessly staring at screens. What is something you do that is good for you? I'm not afraid to prioritize my mental health. What last caused you to force a smile? I was watching a Mark video for the first time in a while and was just reminded of how much I love and appreciate that moron. What was the last video game you played? Was it fun? Because you said "video" game, I guess I'll exclude computer ones, in which case I'm pretty sure it was Silent Hill 2. Given it's one of my all-time favorite games, of course I think it's fun. It's one hell of an emotional ride. What is something not many people know about you? The fact I was a dancer for many years would probably surprise people once they have a good idea of me and what I like. What word describes your basic style? Lazy, honestly. I dress for comfort, and given that's usually just pj pants and a tank top... yeah, I don't put much effort into my clothing when I'm going most places. Have you ever been told you were going to Hell? She kinda beat around the bush, but yes. Have you ever wanted to kill yourself? On more than one occasion. If yes, what convinced you not to go through with it? Well, I did OD once, but on the other occasions, it was the fear of the unknown that deterred me. Have you ever rejected a guy, only to have him push the issue by asking “why?” and insisting that you just need to get to know him better? Omg no, thank god. I would NOT handle that well. Is there something that you believe everyone should do and you can’t believe that some people don’t do it (e.g., recycle or go to the dentist regularly)? I didn't know 'til a survey question asked it that there are people who don't brush their tongue when brushing their teeth. Like holy shit dude, there are SO many germs on your tongue, clean that shit. Regarding the last good choice (healthy choice, kind choice, selfless choice, etc.) you made, what was your real motivation behind it? Ummmm the nearest that comes to mind is I guess taking my meds? I mean I do that every single day, but it's still a healthy choice for me. The motivation was because I am very serious about doing what I can for my mental wellbeing. What is something that you have had to practice at to get the hang of it? If you can’t think of anything, that’s okay, what’s something you are currently practicing at and trying to master? I really can't think of something for the first half of the question, but I can tell you that right now I'm attempting to force a routine of applying a therapy technique called "opposite action" into my daily life, where you, well, do the exact opposite of what your depression tells you to not do. It is WAY harder than it sounds, but I'm doing it with reading 30 minutes a day! Have you ever gone to the store to buy something, like a video game, when it came out at midnight? Not to my recollection, no. Regarding the last novel you read, was there a romance included? If so, was it central to the plot? The last novel I finished, yes. It wasn't central to the plot. Have you ever done relaxation meditations or listened to relaxation guides or positive-thinking/healing recordings? No, except in therapy when different therapists wanted me to experiment with it during a session. They just don't work for me. Do you have any interests that are also often shared by children? Yeah. Those are the one I'm especially self-conscious about. there something that could be a solitary activity but you really only like to do it with other people (e.g., watching movies, playing video games, etc.)? Watching movies or TV. Are you satisfied with the interior design or decoration in your home? Or do you think it needs a total home makeover? A makeover would be nice... Is there something that you’d like to own but you can’t find it anywhere? If not, can you a remember a time when you wanted something? Did you ever end up finding it or did you eventually stop wanting it? OKAY SO I actually have seen this custom-made once long after deciding I wanted it, but it was RIDICULOUSLY expensive. There's a location in the Silent Hill games called Heaven's Night, and I'd love love LOVE to commission someone to duplicate the neon pink sign of it to hang in my room. Hopefully one day I could still do it. Who makes you smile the most? Probably my cat, honestly. What piercings do you want/have? I've talked about the piercings I have, but I'll talk about those I want. My #1 is absolutely collarbone dermals, but as I've explained a billion times, I want to lose weight so the bones are more prominent for the sake of contrast; you can't really see my collarbones now, so I just think it'd look pretty dumb and random to just have random piercings somewhere around there with no dimension. I also want way more in my ears, dermals in my back dimples also once I've lost weight, my right nostril for the dozenth time (but this time I'll wear a hoop), and while I'd absolutely adore an undereye microdermal as well, it'd be pointless with glasses. :/ What's your favorite website? KM is my pride and joy and really feels like my online home, so despite using sites like YouTube more, that 'ole RP site has to be my fave. Do you own a fish tank with fish? No. I had fish bowls (AWFUL idea) as a kid, but never tanks Do you like the movie 300? Never seen it. Do you pop your knuckles? NOOOOOOOOOOO. I absolutely hate the sound. It makes me cringe and shiver. Do you have Photoshop? Yes. It comes in the Adobe CC photography bundle I have. Do you use tinypic or photobucket? I used Photobucket back in the day. Now I just upload to imgur. What’s your favourite song from the 1980s? You're talking to someone who adores classic rock/metal, haha. How about the 1990s? There are way too many songs to choose from. Have you won anything recently? No. How often do you make Excel tables? What for? Never. What was the last baby animal you saw in the wild? There was a poor fawn as roadkill on the highway recently. :/ Are you always available or online? Preeeetty much. Do you have dietary restrictions? Or do you just eat what you like? I can eat whatever. Do you prefer gold, silver or steel jewelry? Or no jewelry at all? Steel. I'm allergic to silver, and I think steel is more subtle than gold. Have you been binge-watching any shows lately? If so, what? No. If you dye your hair, do you do it yourself or go to a salon? I do it at a salon. If you have any, do you like your in-laws? I don’t have any. Would it bother you, if your partner had cut contact with their parents? If they had a good reason, no. Have you ever wondered whether you were adopted? As a kid I did because I thought Mom was meaner to me than my siblings, lol. What’s the best physical feeling in the entire universe? ........... This question is a setup lmfao. Have you ever grown a berry bush? No. Have you done something new to your hair recently? No. It's been the same for quite a while. I wanna dye it badly. Do you have bad anxiety? If so, do you take any kind of medication for it? I'm diagnosed with generalized and social anxiety, so yeah. I take Klonopin once and day and Ativan as needed for attacks. One thing you’ve experienced that you thought you never would have? HA, the first thing to come to mind was being noticed by Mark by making a viral (in the community, anyway) gif of he and his doggy. I shit you not, I couldn't sleep for three days lmfao. What was the last thing someone said to you that kept repeating over & over in your head? That I gained fucking seven pounds in two months at my last doctor appointment. I wanted to scream. How often do you have late nights out? Never. I'm a homebody. If you could, would you work from home? Do you think that would make you more or less productive? No. It would absolutely make me less productive. If you had the ability to change the weather, what would you change it to right now? Cool with a nice breeze, mostly clear skies, crisp air... That'd be nice right now. Is there something that you really need to do, but can’t seem to get motivated to do it? I say it all the time: finish decorating my room. It's funny, because I KNOW I'll feel more at home and cozy with my bedroom more personalized. Most disturbing movie you have ever seen? Paranormal Entity. The ending was... a lot. Has a life goal or dream ever come true for you yet? If yes, what is it? If no, do you think you’ll achieve it? Not that I can think of. .-. I hope I can achieve some... Have you ever had food poisoning? No, thank God. What are you listening to? "The Man Who Made a Monster" by Dance With the Dead. Do you think there will be a WWIII? I find it inevitable at some point down humanity's future. People are too hateful for it not to eventually. Has anyone ever asked you if you were emo? Yeah. Has someone ever liked you that you never thought would? Maybe? Idk. In all honesty, can a person be too nice? Yes, in some instances. Has one of your friend’s boyfriends ever tried to cheat on them with you? Yes, when I was around 12. And I let it happen. It's one of my biggest regrets. Is mental abuse really as bad as physical abuse? Of course it is. Emotional abuse can cut just as deep as some physical blows, or even deeper. Do you shop at Sephora for make-up? No. Zelda: Twilight Princess or Ocarina of Time? I'm actually not into TLoZ. Do you own a rosary? I did as a kid growing up in a Catholic Sunday school. If you were homeless, how would you cope? If I had no loved ones in my life and no sign of things getting better, I'm honestly preeetty sure I'd end my life.
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xxisxxisxxis · 4 years
Preview: Gateway Drug | Part Sixty-Nine
Tag List: @unknownoblivion  @sinningsixx  @edwardtriggerhandzz  @lemmyjelly  @haileynicoleseavey17  @cierrasixx19  @oskea93  @mgkobsessed  @vamprlestat  @sharon6713  @itsametaphorbriansblog  @miriampraez  @allie-mcginn @xpoisonousrosesx  @rebeccaphillips14  @nicholeh7  @fandomshit6000  @lilmou5ie  @tamedhearts  @divaanya  @kingbouji3 @evrsncnewyork @6ixx6ixx  @ratedrkohardychick91  @floregrohlssard  @oldschoolimagineblog  @thanks2pete  @abaldboi  @swoopygorl @justjodeye @liith-ium  @caos18blog  @ytwahsog  @shamlessobsession @scarecrowmax  @toadspleen @random-internet-user-4471  @solohqrry  @loveofmyloif  @sparxx27  @kaitieskidmore1  @cruecifymesixx  @ijustwanttokiss70srogertaylor  @emmaelizabeth2014 @meetthesixxter  @sixxsixxsexx @sublimeprincesswasteland @arianareirg  @girlnight-terror  @mcnibberachi
@fancywasmyname1  @teller258316  @ggorehorror  @blowinmeupwithherlove  @xrosegoldwolfx  @mylifeisjustafeverdream  @redlipscrystalskies14 @str4nge-haze
“Because you just think I’m trying to compete against you.” I say sharply to Tansy.
“No, in order for you to ‘compete’, you’d have to do what I do, as good as I do it, and you didn’t.”
“Oh, I think I did or else you wouldn’t be as upset over it as you are." I hiss back. 
"Seriously, can you not get into this right now?" Axl asks us, the guys awkwardly keeping their mouths shut, and me and Tansy ignore him. 
"No, Vivian, you're not competing with me, because there's no competition, because this is what I've been doing for a living the past six years. I'm sorry if you regret starting a life with Nikki because you never got to finish school and have your own identity and your own thing going for you--"
"--You think I regret starting my own life?" I ask her in disbelief.
"I think you regret not going to school and being a dancer like you'd planned, because all of us are living the dream we've had since we were kids, except for you, so you feel left behind." She clarifies. 
"Who the hell said I'm left behind? I'm still with you guys, I'm still here." I argue. 
"Yeah, as 'Nikki Sixx's wife' and 'Tansy Lyn's Friend', and that's why you posed because at least your actual name--you as an individual--would finally be on a fucking magazine, the only problem is you don't think it was worth it, now." 
"Girls--" I put my hand up, causing Slash to stop before he starts, and he shakes his head and lets out a breath. 
"--Are you sure I'm the one that thinks being plastered naked in a magazine isn't worth it? Who's the one so strung out she's completely projecting her bullshit on to her friend and belittling her to make herself feel like she's won?"
"Won what?! What's the fucking prize, Vivian?!"
"I'm outta here." Slash mumbles, not wanting to be around the bullshit drama, as I yell back:
"Attention, Tansy! Everybody knows the thing that drives you is attention and how other people view you! You're so jealous at the fact that, for onc, guys aren't focused on sweet, little, travel-sized-bed-bunny, Tansy, that you don't know how to fucking handle it! And modeling with your pussy and tits out isn't worth it to you anymore because, yes you've got money and fame and attention, but you are still so fucking unhappy! You're angry and envious because I'm content with the fact I'm naked in a magazine, and you're so sick with yourself for doing the same thing!"
"Viv, c'mon, now." Duff says lowly as he nudges me to cut it out, but I can't. I'm too pissed. 
"God, Vivian, you are so fucking privileged!" She starts laughing, tears in her eyes and I raise my brows. "I winded up modeling for these nude magazines because me and mama needed the fucking money! I never got my license because we couldn't afford a car for me so what the hell was the point?! Any 'spending' money was put towards pageants and cheer, and when I got the offer I took it and ran with it because I was tired of being fucking broke!" She yells and I roll my jaw. "You, however, did it just because you wanted to! And I know they gave you a lot of money for it and you're scared of Nikki not leaving you enough money to take care of yourself when you guys divorce--and I'm sorry for you, that sucks--but, Vivian, you didn't sign a prenup so half of his shit is going to you, anyway, and being that he's casually had checks of $600,000 chilling in his mailbox before, you're gonna be pretty fucking set for a while without having the extra $40,000! You are so fucking spoiled and you don't even realiz--"
"--I'm sorry, I'm what?!" I scream, taking a step closer to her, causing Axl to get a little closer as well. 
"Viv, seriously, please just leave it alone." Duff begs me and I disregard it as Tansy goes on. 
"You literally went from your dad buying you everything you fucking wanted, to Nikki buying you everything you fucking wanted, and you've never had to lift a finger to get any of it! All you had to do was ask your dad for whatever, and now all you've gotta do is give Nikki a blowjob and the world is yours!" 
"I don't recall asking my dad or Nikki for a fucking scholarship to Juilliard! I don't recall asking neither of them to fill in for me, dancing for eight fucking hours a day--on my fucking toes--for years, or study for me in all my classes so I could have a high GPA to get into a good school! I might not have a 'thing' right now, but I do know what hard work is and if you want to compare dancing and modeling, we sure as hell can because I assure you, Tansy, you're not where you are because you worked your ass off, you're where you are because you fucked all the right people and got to the top!"
"And so did you!" She exclaims, and Duff and Axl are pulling me off of her a few seconds after my nails are going for her throat.
"Fuck off!" Axl screams at me, getting us separated, standing in front of her to guard her as Duff's got my back against him, his long arms having a steel grip around me in case I try to go again. 
Tansy's only got a small, surface scratch over her neck.
"I might have my issues, Vivian, but anytime any of us act batshit crazy and just attack people it's because we're tripping on something and don't know what we're doing! You're so fucked up all on your own without needing anything to bring it out of you!" She yells. 
"I didn't start losing my temper and being 'crazy' until you and Nikki and Tommy and Vince decided to become raging drug addicts and alcoholics and then act like it's still all fun and games when two of you OD at least twice a fucking year!" I shriek back. "And I don't feel left behind, yet, but I will when you junkies finally shoot your last fucking cc, and I'm left to plan fucking funerals!" 
Her face falls at my words, realizing why I'm such a fucking wreck all the time. 
"I don't look at you and think 'model' and I don't look at the guys and think 'Mötley Crüe' because I just see fucked up morons who need help but refuse to fucking accept it, so congratulations, Tansy, at least you found your 'thing', I mean really, I'm so envious that I'm not a sloppy heroin addict, alcoholic, crackhead. You really do win." I finish, getting out of Duff's grasp, leaving and slamming the door behind me. 
"The fuck is your problem, Vivian?!" Axl barks, following after me and I ignore him, causing him to grab at my arm roughly, stopping me, and I whip around to face him, seeing Duff coming to us. 
"Leave me the fuck alone, Axl!" I warn him. 
"Or what?!You gonna hit me?! I wish to fuck you would, you crazy bitch, I'll have you laid out right here!" He cuts back. 
"Axl, man, leave her alone." Duff tells him, trying to be calm while he pulls him away from me but Axl sharply snatches away from him. 
I see Fred coming towards us from the corner of my eye, Slash and Doc following behind him.
Getting the timing perfect, the palm of my hand is smacking as hard as it can against Axl's cheek, and we're being pulled apart before he can hit me back, which I know he's planning on doing. 
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migleefulmoments · 4 years
Imagine being a tinhat and such a HUGE fan of a celebrity that you literally hate EVERYTHING they do. That takes epic skill. And not only that, when someone asks you to actually list what you "like" about said celebrity, all you can offer is a list of traits one single character he played on a now defunct TV show had but that aren't actually traits of the real-life celebrity. Tinhats have elevated themselves to such a level of moron, there's no longer an accurate scale to assess their stupidity.
You summarized the tinhatters very well.  After I read this ask I popped over to read their posts today and was struck by a few comments that really embodied their inane need for Darren Criss to be someone he only was when his lines were written by RIB. This piece was originally posted by Actyourshoesizegirl on 12/24/18 (X). It’s a much longer piece written by a bisexual who for some reason is convinced that Darren is gay. I had many conversations with her back in the day and the best she could come up with is her gaydar says he’s gay). Rouged adds her always colorful 2 cents. IT’s worth clicking the link and reading the whole argument becuase she starts out agreeing with Shoesize-who is argues that stepping back from any more gay roles is the right thing to do. But by the end, rouged is hitting all the cc tropes about Ryan Murphy
actyourshoesizegirl.And if that is the case, then it is up to each and every one of us to decide whether him being straight or him remaining in the closet makes a difference to how we feel about him and his work. I personally liked him for his intelligence and the complexity of his personality and I am definitely too old to fall for the straight sex object heartthrob his PR has been trying to sell for the past few years. Others might like that version of him. That’s up to them.
rougedraconteur But this is really about one person.  Thank you, Darren, for Blaine Anderson.  He was lovely, and beloved.  He still will be, by me and millions of others, for as long as we can remember him,  even if we never, ever, see him again.  You do you, as you see fit, as needed, and I will decide if I like what I see as you go forward, and make my decisions to support you, or not, with my time and dollars, accordingly, as any thinking, rational person should.  I will always be biased toward you, but I may not go there, based on my own complexities, like personal ethics.  Many of your fans were attracted to that unique intelligence and singular personality you displayed early on.  Don’t lose that completely, don’t erase it from view, no matter what “they” may say or do. Some of us saw ourselves in you, in those moments.  You don’t really reflect us now, but something is still there, in the shadows, in chosen moments, when we look closely..  As you said, you fully expect those fan faces to change, for reasons known well by you, and you did not mean that they would just grow older and add a few wrinkles.  Just be at peace with it. (I’m not sure why Rouged thinks we might see Blaine Anderson again unless she’s waiting for Darren to turn into him.  Holding out for a Glee reunion or reboot with the same cast is pointless. Klaine has moved on. As always I’m never entirely sure what her point is -I’m not sure she knows.)  
awesome-fanfictionada All of this above. Because of some conversation I got dragged into today. These two posts embody everything I think about D. I still hope, though I have little faith left, that he will at some point decide to rebel and be himself again. (Here we have it- she’s hoping Darren will once again be “himself”. Darren is himself. He’s himself every single day. I can’t believe it’s so hard for these people to understand as he’s probably the most real person in Hollywood-he just isn’t Blarren and that is the main problem. If you love someone you haven’t seen in 5 years and 5 years ago his TV show went off the air you should probably sit down and do some deep soul searching about who you really liked, the man or the character)
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productivebuddy · 4 years
Hello again! I am not trying to be annoying about the advisor issue, but you had mentioned bringing my situation up to a friend of yours - is there any chance he/she talked to you about it yet? I am super duper stressed about my situation and feel so discouraged about it....
Hi! Yes, we talked about it! I wanted to reply to your asks from my computer, but I never got around to it, because I was busy with work, so I’m so sorry for this late reply! Also, for some reason, what I had already typed before just disappeared so I have to start over again. I hate it!
I’m gonna put your original ask here in case someone sees it and wants to share their opinion too.
I attended one particular school in the 2018-19 school year, transferred to a community college this past school year, and plan to return to that school in the fall. Just went to a CC to save money. The school I'm hoping to return to is an incredibly large UNI, and has the same core requirements as the CC. I enrolled in US HISTORY II in the Spring 2019 semester, and thought I should take US HISTORY I at the CC. My advisor convinced me that I had taken the other class, US HISTORY I at the other and WROTE DOWN for me to take US History II last semester (Fall 2019). The class I had already taken! I questioned him about it, and for some reason my record at the CC showed that I had taken US History I previously, but it was wrong. Did he screw me over on purpose? I feel SICK realizing that I took the wrong class, particularly when I had a gut feeling that something was not right! Do you think any place I try to transfer to will automatically reject me over this issue? Hope not. I feel so furious at that idiot. I also am trying to get into law school, and they’ll likely see my error. What a moron! What do I do? I feel this was entirely my fault. Now I am 3 credits shorter than what I thought I was, and it makes me feel less motivated to complete this semester. I will, but it’ll be less of an accomplishment if I get a 3.6 or something because of last semester. What a waste of time, money, energy, etc. I hate that advisor.
I doubt there were rotten intentions coming from your advisor, because that sounds like a slip (an ugly one) that can happen, but the fact that it has gone for that long sucks. Honestly, I think you will not forget this experience, but I’m still telling you to be more careful next time, and this is something my friend has stressed to me before: People may be in a position of authority or somewhere where a student assumes that they know what is going on and is expected to know better, but they are still human, so we as students need to know it’s okay to stand up for something we may think could be done better. Anyway, done is done and in the past, so now, what’s next?
I think, first (and sorry for saying it lol), calm down. While I don’t know the specific schools you attended and the way they handle their paperwork, I think the procedure should be pretty much the same or strongly similar across all higher education institutions, and my friend thinks so too. He told me to tell you he doesn’t think it will represent a big issue later, but I’ll get to that later.
One of the tasks my friend handles at work (told you he works at a university, right?) is actually related to major transfers, as in he checks if a student’s classes taken in the past can be checked off in the new major; kind of similar, so that’s why I wanted to ask for his opinion.
Since I don’t know the specifics of this situation, I’ll say it’s a possibility that the advisor wasn’t actually that far off and the History II class you took is like the equivalent of a History I course in the CC, but in case you are sure that that is not what happened, you need to get a copy of the syllabus or whatever dictates the structure of the subjects in both institutions, say HI and HII for the uni and the CC, that’s four in total. That way you can compare them yourself and see if it’s different enough that no exceptions can be made in case there’s actually an issue, which I doubt and hope it’s not the case. 
You said that they pretty much had the same core requirements so that’s why we think that the worst that can happen is that the CC’s syllabus is not equivalent and the subject/class will be dropped as if you never took it, so it had been indeed a waste of money and time, as you said. If this happens, it’ll be like you never took the other class (not emotionally though) and there’ll be no more further issues.
And since I can’t speak in behalf of the schools you’re applying to, if you really need closure (?), then the only thing to do is to contact the administration of the university and calmly explain the situation, asking specific questions regarding the process and ‘consequences’ of this. I think this ought to have happened to someone else before you at some point in time, or at least something similar, so hopefully it’s not as big a deal as one may think. 
And yeah, having taken HII twice and no HI will look weird, but he doubts it will be a pretty big deal, unless the new school’s administration is really really thorough and strict. 
Anyway, I hope I made sense, so please get back to me and tell me what you think or if you had already done any of this lol. Best of luck to you!
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phdead · 4 years
Thank you so much! I attended one particular school in the 2018-19 school year, transferred to a community college this past school year, and plan to return to that school in the fall. Just went to a CC to save money. The school I'm hoping to return to is an incredibly large UNI, and has the same core requirements as the CC. I enrolled in US HISTORY II in the Spring 2019 semester, and thought I should take US HISTORY I at the CC. My advisor convinced me that I had taken the other class,
US HISTORY I at the large uni, and WROTE DOWN for me to take US History II last semester (Fall 2019). The class I had already taken! I questioned him about it, and for some reason my record at the CC showed that I had taken US History I previously, but it was wrong. Did he screw me over on purpose? I feel SICK realizing that I took the wrong class, particularly when I had a gut feeling that something was not right! Do you think any place I try to transfer to will automatically reject me
over this issue? Hope not. I feel so so furious at that idiot. I also am trying to get into law school, and they'll likely see my error. What a moron! What do I do? I feel this was entirely my fault. Now I am 3 credits shorter than what I thought I was, and it makes me feel less motivated to complete this semester. I will, but it'll be less of an accomplishment if I get a 3.6 or something because of last semester. What a waste of time, money, energy, etc. I hate that advisor. 
I’m so sorry to hear about that! It sounds like an incredibly frustrating situation, I can’t imagine spending so much time on something and have nothing to show for it
I don’t think your advisor would’ve done it on purpose. Professors are generally very busy people and will forget many things (I usually have to remind professors about meetings we had a week earlier) and they should be motivated to see their students succeed because that’s their reputation
I don’t think a school will reject you over this, transcripts are generally regarded for your overall grade but if you’re aiming to go into law (if the application process is like other grad programs) the focus will be on your LSAT scores and supplementary materials and not the courses you took
If you have a curriculum director I’d suggest reaching out to them to see if there’s anything they could do to fix the issue so that it’s not visible to schools that will be looking at it 
i hope you take care of yourself anon 💛
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moonhime-hyuga · 5 years
The Real Team 7
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Hinata sat in between her two new team mates. She was nervous, excited, and shy. She his behind her long dark indigo hair, that curtained her face, her bangs falling above her brow in a fringe. Kakashi had to start with her didn’t he? She poked her two fingers together nervously.
“I..M-my name is..H-hinata Hyuga..I ..I l-like- Could you speak up, dear? I can’t hear you” Kakashi interrupted, his orange book in front of his face.
She turned read and took a deep shaky breath. She spoke louder, her voice still soft..“M-My..my name is..H-hinata Hyuga..I..I like..l-looking at the..s-stars and the moon..I..um..d-don’t like..m-mean people or b-being picked on” She said shyly, her cheeks pink.
That had been very difficult for her, she had never been a true Hyuga. Hyuga’s were hard, cold and controlled their emotions, none of which she was or could do. At least that was what her father constantly told her. 
Kakashi raised a white brow..”And?” He asked her. She turned redder, “Wh-what?” She asked feeling like a moron. Kakashi must of pittied her because he never snapped at her and seemed to be patient with her. “What is your goal?” He asked.
Hearing that question, all shyness and nervousness left her. She lifted her chin. “To become strong and to beat my sister and become heir” She said firmly.
Kakashi stared at her a bit and then nodded. “Sasuke?” He asked the ebony haired boy.
She looked at Naruto to her left, He seemed friendly, dumb..but friendly, to her right she glanced at Sasuke, he had to be the most georgous being she had ever laid eyes on, but he terrified her, he was so dark..cold. He’d make a wonderful Hyuga, she thought to herself..yet..he seemed darker than any Hyuga. He was also a mystery. It was no wonder he had a ton of fan girls.
Was she one? She wasn’t sure..she found him too intimidating, was she attracted to him? Well she would have to be blind not to be, but she would never have the guts to pounce on him as Sakura and Ino did.
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maxhoemo · 6 years
Joji and the Pussycats
im sorry idk how to write people writing music so I just made this instead...
(it’s literally cc in the josie and the pussycats world its so dumb)
“Another gig, another shit payment... Sometimes I wonder why we even try...” Max sighed, packing up his guitar.
“Come on Max. We play music cause we love it. It’s not about getting rich,” Joji countered.
“Sure, I know...But we need something! It’s just so unfair, I don’t want to work at the record store my whole life....”
“Well...” Ian tried. “We’re out here, playing. We’re putting ourselves out here, we’ve got our stuff online. What else can we really do?” 
“Guess you’re right....” Max frowned, as Ian pulled their van into the driveway of their shared house. They unloaded their equipment back into the house, Max feeling disappointed and frustrated. 
Meanwhile! At Cancerous Trash Music Inc.
“I can’t believe this!” The blonde executive screamed into her phone. “You killed another band! Was it at least on purpose this time!?”
“Tana, relax. I did what had to be done...”
“Yeah, great going, Keem! We don’t have a goddamn band for the Arena Show! And we cannot afford another TanaCon disaster!”
“Well, I mean, that was mostly your fault...”
“Shut the fuck up! If you don’t find a new band within 24 hours I am going to break both your legs!” 
“Oh hey Chad, nice of you to show up...” Max glared as Chad and Jack came strolling threw the front door.
“What’s your problem?”
“You’re our manager, cunt...” Ian chastised. “You’re supposed to at least show up to our shows!”
“Well, Jack and me we’re busy...” he defended.
“Yeah, buying matching pink outfits by the looks of it...” Joji snarked. While they weren’t exactly matching, both guys were dressed in various shades of pink.
“Pink is the new yellow,” Jack shrugged.
“Ugh. You two have more money then you know what to do with....” Joji shook his head.
“So, Ian...” Jack started. “Given any more thought to me maybe joining the band?”
“Uhh.... Well, jeez, Jack. You don’t play anything or anything, you know?” Ian tried to be polite, but it was difficult.
“Yeah, I know. I was thinking I could be a dancer for you guys! Check this out!” Jack gave the band an enthusiastic dab.
“Hey...That’s...Pretty good.... We’ll think about it, okay?”
“Okay, Ian,” Jack smiled at him.
“Look guys, don’t go crowing at me for being a bad manager or whatever. Check out what I just got you guys from City Hall. A busking permit!”
“Busking?” Max asked. “You want us to go play out on the street corner for change like we’re bloody homeless or something?”
“Well Max, you already look the part,” Jack quipped. 
“I’m nervous about this...” Ian admitted. Driving the van, the group were headed to a meeting with Cancerous Trash Music Inc. “The guy barely heard us play. He spotted us on the street-corner and offered us a record deal...”
“It seems a little suspicious...” Joji admitted.
“But Ian,” Max interjected. “You said we have to make things happen for ourselves, and we did... What do we have to lose?”
“We either become huge stars, or we’re right back where we started,” Joji said. 
“There’s always the possibility we become moderately successful.”
“Alright, these guys are fucking perfect I swear! They’ve got a great look. They’ll look great on the cover of J-14 or some shit.”
“Look, I know you aren’t good for much with your minuscule little pee-sized brain, but I hope to fucking god that these three dumb cunts are in the fucking studio!”
“O-on their way right now!”
“Good! Record a fucking song and shove it on the air! I’ve got a meeting with some failing old media morons!” Tana slammed down her phone.
Max was taken aback. He had never been in a recording studio like this before. It was pristine, everything was brand new. It was too perfect, as if it were artificial or something. “Wow...” he whispered under his breath. 
“It’s all state of the art,” Keem said. “Latest greatest technology, boooiiii!”
“What does it sound like?” Joji asked. 
“Well, go on and play something fella’s. I’ll show you!” The executive crossed his arms over his chest, giving the trio a confident, and slightly unnerving smile.
Still, the boys picked up the brand new instruments that were provided and played one of their songs. Just some silly breakup song they had written back in high school. It was one of their oldest, so they had it perfected at this point. 
“And now, we’ll play it back...” Keem grinned. The boys followed him over to the sound board. 
“Holy shit...” Ian exclaimed, listening to the playback. He had never heard them sound so clear and....Huge... It was nothing compared to the GarageBand laptop recordings they’d done at home. 
“I want a Big Mac…”
Ian looked over at his friend who had suddenly spoken. “Max, you’re a vegetarian...”
“I know, but I just want one!” 
“Okay….” Joji agreed, nodding his head to the music. “As long as we can stop by Foot Locker for a new pair of green Tretrons!”
“Jerkin’ Tretrons are the new Adidas!” Ian exclaimed. 
“Yeah, sounds like that’s working really nicely....” Keem grinned, turning the sound off.
As soon as he did, Ian clutched his head, looking over at his two friends. Like him they looked slightly dazed.
“Two weeks ago, nobody knew who the fuck you were. And now you have a number one hit song?” Jack asked, looking Max up and down suspiciously. “It seems a little suspicious...”
“Suspicious? That’s the business!” Keem exclaimed from the background. Jack just rolled his eyes.
“You’re only jealous.” Max answered. “You’ve always wished you were in the band, and now you see us have a little success, and you wanna ruin it...”
“Whatever,” Jack dismissed. “I’m just saying. I turn on the radio, there’s Max. I go outside, there’s Max on a billboard or an advert. Max on TV, Max all over the front page of YouTube....”
“Oh god, are you jealous!” Max laughed.
“Alright ladies, enough yammering. Time for everyone to shut their pussy-hole’s!”
“Well, I don’t know about these guys but I don’t have a pussy hole...” Joji started, but was quickly cut off by Keem again.
“You guys have to get ready for your record release party! Tana went all out, and she cannot wait to meet you guys. She has been talking non stop about this party for Max and Joji.”
“What about me?” Ian asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Huh...” Keem glanced at his phone, pretending to check something. “No, doesn’t look like you were invited, Ian. Well, I guess you can tag along too if you really want.”
“What about us?” asked Chad.
“Wow, Max...You look amazing...” Ian was a bit taken aback when he met Max at the party.
“Thanks...” he laughed nervously. “I mean, they sent this outfit over....”
“Yeah, but...You wear it well....”
“So, did you guys meet Tana yet?”
“Yeah,” Joji answered. “She’s nuts.” 
Ian nodded in agreement. “She gives me this...creepy feeling, I don’t know, I can’t explain it.”
“I kind of get that same feeling from everyone here...” Joji added. “It’s all so...Fake...”
“It’s more than that,” Ian went on. “All these people we’ve met in the city, all our fans, everyone, they’re all such sheep. They all dress the same. They talk the same...”
“Well...People are usually sheeps...” Max countered.
“I know. But... I’ve just been thinking. When we did that fan meet and greet, nobody could tell us why they liked our music. They all just liked it. No personal story, no connection.  Just ‘Deadly Twister is the new Boyinaband’.”
“Boyinaband? I know that name...” Max said. “He’s that musician from YouTube. He was so big. And then he died in that plane crash....”
“Deadly Twister is the new...” Joji muttered to himself. “That reminds me of something... When we recorded in the studio for the first time...Remember Ian? You said something just like that. We all did.”
“Yeah... That was so weird...”
“Why are those two asking so many questions?” Tana sneered, tapping her long fingernail on the desk as she watched her security footage. “I don’t like that... I want them taken care of... Max is the star anyways. Those two snoop dogs are dead weight and dead meat!”
“Tana... I don’t think Max will play without his friends.”
“Oh no? Well Keem, I think we might persuade him...”
“Ian...” he heard someone whisper from behind him as he was trying to sleep. “Ian... Get up...”
“What’s going on...” He rolled over, seeing Jack at the edge of his bed. “What are you doing?”
“I saw someone...”
“Huh?” Ian asked, taking his glasses from the nightstand and putting them on. 
“Someone is creeping around in the hotel room... I’m scared...” he pouted.
“Shit...” Ian rolled out of bed. He didn’t like the sound of that.
“Oh, Ian, I’m scared!” Jack clung to Ian as they checked the room. “Hold me...”
“Be quiet!” Ian whispered. 
“Hua! Did you hear that?” 
Ian nodded. He looked around for the source of the sound, just as he did, a crash was heard from inside the closet. Ian signalled for Jack to be quiet, tip toeing over to the closet and opening it with a creak. Something was moving under a coat on the ground, but nothing big enough to be a person. He pulled off the coat, annoyed at what he saw. “Goddammit Jack! It’s just your dog!”
“Oh, Klondike! You useless mutt! You ruined everything!” Jack pouted.
“What are you talking about?”
“I told you it wouldn’t work...” Chad smirked, emerging from the kitchenette.
“What the fuck?” Ian questioned.
“Jack wanted to play damsel in distress.”
“Shut up, Chad!” Just as he was about to speak again, the three heard another loud crash. “What was that?”
“It wasn’t us!” Chad assured.
Ian raised a brow. “It came from the bathroom....”
Ian cautiously opened the door, Jack cowering behind him. He looked around, seeing nothing. He switched on the light. Luckily the bathroom didn’t have any hiding spaces, so it was obvious nobody was there. At least, not anymore.
“Shit, look!” Chad pointed.
“A message on the mirror!” Jack exclaimed.
Ian looked over, taking a few steps towards it. Huge letters, written using the bar soap. “Beware the music...” he read.
“What does that mean...?”
“I don’t know.... But I’m going to find out...”
“Alright, hope you’re ready for your press conference!”
“Press conference?” Max asked. “I wasn’t...”
“No, no, no,” Keem interrupted. “Not you, Max. Just Joji and Ian. You know, Tana’s idea. She thinks the public needs to get to know your backup a  little better.”
“Backup?” Ian questioned. 
“Look, let’s not get caught up in semantics. There’s a car waiting downstairs, come on, you’re gonna be late.” 
“Hang on...” Joji protested.
“Don’t worry, don’t worry, they’ll be wardrobe at the studio, come on,” he insisted, practically shoving the two of them out the door.
“So...Do I have the day off then?” Max asked.
“Not exactly. Here, just one thing you need to do,” Keem smiled again, that smile that made Max unnerved. “I just need you to listen to the demo for your new single.” He took an ipod shuffle from his pocket, handing it to Max.
“Oh...Well, Okay... What exactly am I listening for...?”
“Just listen very carefully. Trust me, you’ll get the idea.”
“What the fuck is going on?” Joji asked, looking around at the barron location they’d been dropped off at. 
“This is just an empty warehouse.”
“I’ve got a really bad feeling about this, Ian...”
“Me too. Like, I never got the chance to tell you. Last night, there was this message written on the bathroom mirror. But in the morning, it was gone.”
“What did it say...?”
“It said-”
“Hey dudes, what’s up!?” 
Joji and Ian turned around. “Jake Paul?”
“You’re the guys they sent to interview us...?”
“Oh man, it’s Ian and Joji!” Jake shouted.
“You guys have like, the most popularist band in the world,” Rice added.
“What? You mean most popular?” Ian asked.
“Yeah, yeah, that’s the word...”
“I don’t get it...” Joji told them. “Why here? There’s no camera....No nothing....”
“Well, that’s the funniest part,” Jake laughed. “We weren’t exactly sent here to interview you.”
“We were sent here to kill you.”
Later that night...
Max was sitting in an arm chair. The new single sounded pretty good. In fact, he couldn’t seem to stop listening to it. God, no wonder he was such an overnight success. He was good. 
Max jumped, pulling the earbuds from his ears. Joji and Ian bursting through the door obviously giving him quite a shock.
“What’s going on?”
“Max, Jesus Christ!” Joji panted. “Jake Paul and Ricegum just tried to kill us. And I know that sounds like a joke, but that literally just happened.”
“I think it has something to do with our music. The mirror. Last night. Did Jack and Chad tell you?”
Max only blinked. Giving the two a skeptical look before finally speaking. “...Why did they let you two in here?”
“Max! Are you even listening!?” Ian demanded. 
“Yes, Ian... I am listening very carefully. And do you know what I hear? I hear someone glomming on to my talent, and my credit... Our music, Ian? I basically write everything!”
“No, you don’t.” Ian said bluntly. “Someone tried to kill us. We had to steal one of their lambos to get away. What the fuck is wrong with you!?”
“Nothing is wrong with me. You two on the other hand... Your days are numbered, you know.”
“Max, you’re starting to scare me...” Joji took a step back.
“Ian. How long do you really think you can keep up the act? You’re replaceable. Bass players are a dime a dozen, and you’re not even one of the better ones. I’m the face of the band. I’m the one with the talent. I’m the one with the looks. I don’t even know why I brought you along.”
“So that’s how it is, Max? What? Keem and Tana finally get to you? Or is this how you’ve felt all along?”
“Ian. I don’t need you. I never needed you. Now get out of my hotel room before I call security.”
“Fine!” Ian spat, turning on his heel and slamming the door behind him.
“Max...?” Joji asked. “Why are you doing this...? We have more important things to worry about....”
“Oh, what’s the matter George? Is the little emo boy gonna cry? Go on, Joj. Cry for us. Oh, I’d love to see it one last time. One last time just for fun.”
“Shut the fuck up, Max.”
“You talentless fucking loser. I can’t believe you convinced me to keep you around all these years...”
“I’m going to find Ian.”
“Good. I hope you never come back.”
“How’s Max doing?” Tana asked, grin crossing her face.
“Oh, he’s just perfect now,” Keem smiled. 
“Excellent! I don’t want anything coming in the way of this arena show! This is bigger than coke, Keem! Bigger than maxi pads or tide pods! Tomorrow night these kids will be exactly where I want them!”
Max was glad Ian and Joji were gone! He didn’t need them! He never did! He strutted down the street, ipod in his ears. He’d never felt this confident in his life. It was probably Ian and Joji holding him back all this time.... Sure, he was glad they weren’t dead. He guessed. But as far as he was concerned, they may as well have been. As Max walked along, he suddenly felt someone grab him from behind. He let out a scream. “Let go of me!” he kicked and flailed, doing everything he could to get away. When he finally broke free, he bolted down the sidewalk as fast as his feet could possibly carry him. He ran, looking straight on ahead. Not looking down, his foot hit a raised edge of concrete, causing him to come crashing to the ground. 
He stayed there for a moment, in shock. His hands has scraped across the sidewalk from breaking his fall. His headphones lay on the ground, as well as his wallet. The contents spilled over onto the streets. Quickly, he began to gather them up and put them away. Money, keys, credit card, busking permit...Wait, why did he still have that? He paused for a moment, looking at it. 
This busking pass gives permission to Max Stanley, Ian Carter and Joji Miller....
Max blinked. It was only dated two weeks ago.... “Max...Ian...Joji...” he read aloud to himself. He put it away, stuffing his wallet back into his pocket. Then he looked at the ipod lying on the ground. He could hear the music faintly as it blasted from the headphones. The sound made him nauseous. He picked up the device and threw it out into the street. Taking a moment to catch his breath, he stood and dusted himself off. As he did so, he came face to face with a billboard across the street. ‘Deadly Twister Twist of Lime Pepsi!’ He looked up into the faces smiling back at him. Fuck... 
“Ian!? Joji!?” Max called, bursting into the hotel room. He looked around. Nobody but Chad and Jack. “Where the hell are Ian and Joji!?”
“Since when do you care?” Jack asked. “I heard what you said, diva cunt...”
“Look. Something is going on! Joji and Ian are in trouble, and I have to get to the bottom of this! Chad, Jack! You two are gonna help me, come on!”
“I don’t think we’re supposed to be in the studio this late...” Chad said warily.
“I don’t care...” Max groaned. The three sat at the mixing board, Max fiddling with different switches and sliders. “There’s something on this track. I know it...I was listening to it and...There’s something about it...”
“What? It sucks?” Jack asked.
“Ugh...” Max groaned in frustration, turning down the volume on the vocals but hearing nothing. He turned down the guitar, then the bass, then the drums and the background vocals until all he heard was silence.
“Great sleuthing, Sherlock Homo....”
“I swear to God, Jack...There’s....” He blinked, and he saw it. Out of the corner of his eye. Something on the monitor was still flashing. Moving up and down. Arching a brow, he scanned the mixing board. Finding only one slider that wasn’t completely at the bottom, he turned it all the way up. As he did, an off-putting, stunting and nasally voice filled the room.
“Freedom is slavery! Conformity is freedom! Deadly Twister is the most rockin’ band in the world!”
“Oh my God...” Jack let out. “I know that voice...That’s... That’s Top15! How the hell did you get him to put this on here!?” He demanded. “You slept with him!”
“Shut up! I didn’t put this on here! Tana did....To brainwash us....”
“You need an H&M vintage tee! Ethan Klein is the new Pewdiepie!”
“I want a vintage tee...And Ethan Klein...”
“Sorry, it’s just...That voice... It’s so strange, yet...Hypnotic!”
“Exactly! This is why! Everyone dressing alike, talking alike, buying shitty products! They’re selling all this shit through the music!”
“...Deadly Twister is the most rockin’ band in the world!”
“They’re selling us through our music! Well, it stops here! They can’t control people like this! It’s wrong! It’s evil! And Tana... Tana is gonna pay!”
“Oh...Am I now?”
“Shit...It’s Tana...” Chad squaked. 
“God, Max, you almost got me...” Tana smirked sarcastically. Leading her muscular goons, Max, Chad and Jack in their grip, across the basement of the arena. “Take those two and tie them up over there..” She pointed with a manicured nail, the men leading Jack and Chad away.
“Where are Joji and Ian!?”
“Don’t worry. They’re safe. At the moment...” She laughed.
“What are you gonna do to them!?”
“That all depends on you, cupcake...” She patted his cheek. “Keem!” With a shout and a snap of her fingers, Keem emerged. Ian and Joji bound by their wrists, and lead out by a tight grip to their shoulders.
“Get your hands off me, cunt!”
“Shit Ian, it’s Max!”
“Ian! Joji!”
“So Max, are you going to co-operate? Or is Deadly Twister going to have to meet the same fate as Dave and Pewdiepie...”
“Pewdiepie...?” Ian asked. “Pewdiepie’s dead...!?”
“Oh, very shortly!” Tana laughed. “Special request from our new client, the Wall Street Journal! In fact, I think I’ve got a late breaking news story about it! Keem...”
He switched on a nearby flatscreen. “What is up, you beautiful bastards? Some really sad news to start off with, unfortunately. Pewdiepie was found dead late last night...”
“See, Maxy?” Tana cooed. “Philly-D here is a good little cupcake. He does what he’s told. And Maxy, I think you should too. Otherwise, well... I think Phil provided us with another advanced news story, huh Keem?”
“Oh, I think you’re right...”
“Ian Carter and Joji Miller, brutally murdered in their dressing rooms.... Police have already confirmed their manager Chad Roberts as the culprit...”
“What!? Why me!?”
“I don’t like you,” Tana shrugged.
“...Max Stanley has yet to release a statement on the tragedy....”
“Well, Max...” Keem grinned. “What is your statement? Did you always know Chad was so unstable? Will you be releasing a memorial album in tribute to your friends?”
Max glared at his captives. “What do you want...!?”
“Simple, dollface. Just go out there, and play the show. It’s the last thing I need you for.”
“Why don’t you just get a new band, and let us go home?”
“You can go back to your shit lives after, I promise. But it’s too late to get a new band. It has to be you, Max.”
“It doesn’t matter...” Max looked over. It was Ian who spoke. “Your threats won’t work, so you might as well kill us. He doesn’t care what happens to us.”
“Ian, that’s not true!” Max shouted. “It wasn’t me, okay!? I didn’t mean anything I said! It was the single! The music! It has subliminal messages, that’s how they’re able to control everyone!”
“Of course! That’s why I wanted those ugly shoes!”
“Beware the music....” Ian paused, the pieces falling into place. “...Oh God, Max, I’m sorry!”
“Yeah, very touching...” Keem rolled his eyes. “I’m tired of all this time wasting!”
“Me too! Someone get me some of that fat cunts hair to plant on these two before we kill them!”
“No! No! I’ll do it, okay!?”
“Good to hear...”
Max returned minutes later, after being whisked away to hair and wardrobe. 
“Alright Max, ready for your big night? You’re finally a star! Doesn’t it feel great!?”
“Tana...” Max sneered. “You’re gonna have a difficult time with your secret messages once your secret’s out...”
“Oh, please! Who the hell would listen to the insane ramblings of some paranoid, Aussie cunt!?”
“We will!” A voice echoed off the walls. Tana and Keem turned to the source.
“Who the hell are you?” She demanded.
“Someone you thought you’d gotten rid of....”
“Fuck!” Joji shouted. “It’s that Dave guy! I thought you died in a plane crash!”
“So did I!” Tana spat. “What the fuck, Keem!?”
“Oh no, I never boarded that plane. I overslept.”
“Keem!! You fucking idiot, you told me he was dead!”
“You two have to stop with the assassinations...” Another voice rang out. That Swedish accent was unmistakable. The two stepped out of the shadows.
“How the fuck did he get out!?”
“It doesn’t matter! I’m not dealing with these two right now! Congrats, you survived! You shouldn’t have come back, but I’ll have to finish you two off later!” The two turned back to Max, who had taken the opportunity to untie his friends. “Where do you think you’re going?”
“I’ve got them, Tana...” Keem grabbed Ian by the arm, who quickly gripped him by the wrist with his other hand. Pushing him backward, he punched him hard in the stomach.
“I’ve wanted to do that for so long...” Ian smirked.
Tana immediately put her two goons up against them, but Ian, Max, Joji, Chad, Jack, Dave and Felix managed to take down the group in an epic fight scene I’m not going to write because I can’t write fight scenes but trust me it’s pretty cool.
“That’s it Max, you’re finished!” Tana screeched, grabbing a guitar and swinging it above her head like a weapon. Max put his hands up in defence, taking a few steps backwards.
“W-what are you gonna do...? Kill me with the guitar!? Who’s gonna go out there and sing!? You need me, remember!?”
“Need you? Muffin, I created you... And believe me, I can destroy you!” She swung the blunt instrument hard at Max’s head, who dodged just in time. Instead, hitting the sound system behind him. “Oh, no no no...” A loud hiss and feedback emanated through the room.  “Keem! Fix it!!”
“Oh god...” Joji covered his ears at the sound. Before anyone could do anything, Top15′s secret message began to ring out.
“Shit....” Tana muttered.
“Tana, is the most coolest, hottest girl in the world!”
“What the fuck....?” Chad muttered.
“Most coolest?” Joji asked.
“Well, it’s the Top15 guy...” Max shrugged.
“Everybody wants to be just like Tana Mongoo!”
“No, no, you aren’t doing it right!” Tana’s own voice came over the speakers. “It’s pronounced Mojo! Do it like this! Every guy wants Tana so bad, and all you girls, you wish I was your best friend! Everyone wants to dress like me, they think I’m hilarious! My abrasive attitude is charming! Not disgusting or anything like that at all! I’m the prettiest, and the most smart! TanaCon was the funnest ever! You wanna go back every year!”
“That’s the secret message that you wanted to send out?” Max asked in disbelief. “That you’re cool!?”
“Shut the fuck up! You’re so pretty and talented! You have no idea what it’s like... To be mocked and ridiculed your whole life!” For the first time, the blonde seemed to be showing some form of vulnerability. In fact maybe a little too much. “All I ever wanted was to be popular! Tell me, is that so bad!?”
“But you’ve been conspiring against the whole world to do it!” Ian shouted. “You’ve been manipulating people, killing! You’re a total sell out on top of it! You’re no better than anyone who’s bullied you! In fact, you’re actually a lot worse, considering....” he gestured around the room. “...All this...”
“Uhhh, Ian...” Jack questioned. “I’m lost. What exactly is the point you’re tryng to make? I mean, what’s the moral of the story here?”
“I think the moral of the story is...” Chad spoke up, “...That we should be happy with who we are. This whole time we’ve been spending money on expensive clothes to try and impress people? Never made me happy. No! Happ - -Oh, my God…..Happiness is on the inside! I’m not this.” He ripped off his shirt, throwing it on the ground with force. “ I’m not what I wear. I’m not what I wear!”
“Wow. That’s beautiful Chad,” Joji smiled.
“What the fuck is going on here....?” a man in a suite asked, coming across the entire scene.
“Who the fuck is this?” Felix questioned. 
“I’m Agent Smith, I’m with the government.”
“Oh, thank god you’re here!” Max ran up to him. “Tana and Keem over there, have been using their music to brainwash people. To make them buy things and think things....”
“Oh come on,” Keem laughed nervously. “You guys knew about this the entire time...”
“No, no, I can assure you the government knew nothing of any brainwashing... You two are under arrest...”
“They totally knew...” Ian shook his head, watching the two record moguls be dragged away. 
“Now what?” asked Max.
“Well...” Chad, now completely naked, came up between the two and put an arm around each of them. “I think you’ve got a show to play...”
Max looked out into the crowd. The biggest crowd he had ever seen. He looked to Ian, then to Joji. They smiled at him with encouragement. Taking a deep breath, he stepped up to the microphone. “Umm...Wow...Hi...” The crowd cheered. But Max frowned. They’d all been manipulated. “Umm... I know...I know you guys came out because you heard something on our album that you liked....” They cheered again. “Well... We’re gonna play something different tonight. It’s cool if you like it, it’s okay if you don’t. Just...Decide for yourselves...” As Max started up the first few chords to a new song they’d recently written, his friends soon followed. The crowd seemed unsure at first, but before long they seemed to get into the groove of the song. Max couldn’t believe it. They liked them for them!
As the song came to a close, the crowd was losing it. Screaming, jumping up and down with pure excitement. “Max, Max!” Ian shouted into his microphone. He looked just as hopped up as the crowd.
“I have to tell you something! I don’t know when else, or how else to tell you! But I feel really fucking good right now so I’m gonna say it! Max... I love you!”
The crowd erupted in cheers. 
“Ian!? I love you too! I always have!”
“Oh wow... I never thought you felt the same!”
“Of course I do!” Stepping forward, bass still in hand, Ian kissed Max the best he could in their position. Again, the crowd cheered. Max just grinned in shock disbelief.
“Ohhhh....!” Jack whaled, watching the scene unfold on stage. “it isn’t fair...”
Jack looked up, Felix now by his side. “Hey...”
“You know, I always thought you were pretty cute...” he said, placing his arm around Jack.
Jack grinned. “Same to you...”
“Do all ya’ll motherfuckers want another song!?” Joji screamed into his mic. The crowd shrieked. 
“Ladies and gentlemen!” Max practically jumped in place. “Joji fucking Miller on the drums! Ian mother-fucking Carter on bass!”
“And this bitch on guitar is the love of my goddamn life! Max Mother FUCKKkkkker!!!”
And they all lived happily ever after. Probably. Maybe. I’m not sure. But probably.
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thotyssey · 6 years
On Point With: DJ Sammy Jo
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A veteran NYC DJ who’s stellar career began during the Great Nightlife Shift of the late 90s, this legend remains an integral beatmaster on the dancefloors of today. Thotyssey gets all the glamorous, glittery details from DJ Sammy Jo!
Thotyssey: Thanks for chatting with us, Sammy! You DJ’ed at the legendary Night of 1000 Stevies in Irving Plaza the other night... how did it go? DJ Sammy Jo: It was fantastic. It’s my fave party of the year. Just tons and tons of good energy always.
Excellent! Oh, and of course, happy birthday! How are you celebrating today / tonight / in the near future?
A quiet dinner, and then I’m working at Club Cumming “hosting”. I’m saving a big blowout for when they get their new license approved. [CC co-owner] Darren Dryden and I have the same birthday, and since we DJ together on Saturday nights normally, we decided to wait til we could really do it up.
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I was gonna ask you about all that business with the zoning and licensing snafu later, but we might as well get into it now. How do you feel about this whole mess--where because of some discovered filing error, Club Cumming has had to cease all live music and dance parties? How is everybody who works and performs there handling this weird state of limbo? 
I have to say everyone--employees and patrons--has been amazingly supportive. In nightlife, you expect to people to jump ship the minute something like this happens. But we’ve had some record nights on Saturdays, and the hardcore Monday crew is still coming. It’s such a great sign that it has nothing to do with hype--that it’s really just a place where people genuinely want to hang out.
Is there hope for the future? Things seem more complicated then we all originally thought.
Cross fingers, it will be resolved in a week or two.
Wonderful, here's hoping! 
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You've had a stunning career, and I suppose you've seen a fair share of highs and lows in this challenging industry. Which reminds me: isn't it weird to see our ex-mayor Giuliani--the killer of nightlife in the 90s--just behaving like a garbage lunatic, sabotaging his last good friend President Trump on national TV?
There’s something slightly satisfying watching his complete meltdown and--most likely--ostracization from the shittiest administration in American history. I mean, if you get fired from the Trump administration because you’re too much of a loose cannon, then you have to be a fucking moron. Like I always say, everything comes out in the wash. It’s nice to see the whole nation catching up to what we already knew.
It does seem impossibly odd that these states who hate New York types embrace Trump and Giuliani, two of the most extreme cases of obnoxious New York personalities. Yeah. I don’t know if it’s a testament to how stupid those people are, or what accomplished grifters Trump and Judy are!
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Ha! Okay, so Sammy Jo! Where are you from?
Two places, sorta. My first eight years were in northern Florida, and the rest were spent in an NYC suburb. I’m so thankful my family moved back down to Florida to retire.
Florida is good for that! Were you always musical?
Yeah, pretty much. When I was 5, I used to set up a stand at the end of our driveway and try to sell my Winnie the Pooh and Lambchop records. Seriously. Most kids had lemonade stands. I had a record store.
Aw, that's cute! By the way, are you really named Sammy, or is that a nod to Heather Locklear in Dynasty? Dynasty. My real name is David, but only my parents call me that.
Werk! Aside from Lambchop, who were some of your favorite artists and genres growing up?
Disco and AM radio rock were really important to me in my early years, but then I dove right in to new wave and goth in the 80’s. Erasure, The Cure, Siouxsie, New Order, The Cult, Nitzer Ebb, Cocteau Twins. And then later on I was very into British bands like Saint Etienne and Pulp.
That's all the soundtrack of my life!
Haha! I feel very fortunate to have grown up with those bands just emerging. 
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How did you start DJing? 
I was working at the nightclub Mother in the late 90’s One night, my boss and mentor, Johnny Dynell, was playing on some off-night, and he had to take care of something in the office. So he said “here, just play my records ‘til I get back.” When he came back, he said he knew I had “it.” He couldn't say what it was, but he knew from the stuff I chose and how I lined up the tracks that there was a DJ in me just itching to get out. Then I started DJing at bars and restaurants around the East Village, and it kind of grew and grew from there.
I guess you could say it was kind of accidental, but I was always obsessed with music and making mixed tapes for friends. I would also read album sleeves and study who did what on my favorite records.
That's the best education!
What's something about the partygoers and partythrowers, the club kids, the drag queens etc. from that period that was really unique to that time... that maybe you don't see so much today?
I never went to the big gay clubs back then. I was going to Jackie 60, Squeezebox and Cake. I preferred parties with a little dirt on them. What I miss now is a certain intellectual hedonism from that time. The weekly themes at Jackie were so intricate and referential--and even though a lot of them went way over my head, I always felt part of something bigger happening. Like, we were all there making art, even if we were just drinking and dancing and laughing at the shows they put on. 
And Squeezebox was so OUT of the box for drag, making queens sing live instead of lip syncing. and Miss Guy playing the best rock and roll for faggots. I had no idea what was happening at Sound Factory or Palladium, and I didn’t care. I had found my home.
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Sounds like Heaven! You’ve also been a touring DJ for the Scissor Sisters. How did that come about?
[Scissors’ frontman] Jake lived two buildings away from me on East 12th St, but we met when he was dancing while I was DJing at Click +Drag, a cyberfetish party. We got along like a house on fire... and this was the beginning of Scissor Sisters, so I would book them at parties where I DJed. Then they disappeared for a bit to go and work the UK scene. 
One morning, I was laying in bed with my then-partner Vivian Bond, and at some ungodly hour the answering machine clicked on (this was 2004, mind you), and it was Jake saying “things are going really well here in the UK, and we’re about to start a proper tour... and we wanna know if you will be our opening DJ?” From then on, they were stuck with me! 
It was kind of a perfect match, because I like playing all kinds of music--and their references were so all-over-the-map that I could play whatever I wanted. 
They've had a great career, and Jake Shears is an electrifying frontman. So I think it's ironic that their biggest American hit had Ana Matronic as the lead vocalist!
I know, it is bizarre that of all their songs, the gayest one was the big American hit. I think a lot of people don’t understand the magnitude of what SS accomplished. There never was--and there hasn't been--a fully Out and Proud, successful American pop / rock band like them. We had Michael Stipe barely out of the closet in the 80’s. Then what? Adam Lambert, like 4 minutes ago. It was really special what SS were able to accomplish, and on their own terms. I think people wanted to dismiss them as ironic, but they actually are one of the most genuine pop bands.
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You just mentioned your ex-partner Justin Vivian Bond, who of course has become this legendary cult cabaret performer and activist over time. What do you think of Mx. Bond’s evolution as an artist and a person over the years?
It’s been so amazing seeing V change and grow, and become so happy in her own skin. V is proof that we are constantly evolving--not just as a society, but personally. She’ll always be the love of my life....even when she’s a pain in my ass.
Incredible! It seems like these days, DJs in the gay bars are kind of expected to stick to Top 40. Do you feel this limitation on your nights, or do venues only get you on board when they want something different than that?
I feel lucky right now that I get to DJ at places that don’t dictate what I should play. I’m at The Cock, Club Cumming and House of Yes. They could not be more different from each other, but they all just want me to do my thing. So it’s great to have that kind of freedom, and none of them want me to play current pop music.
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You've been DJing the Cock Friday night party King-Size alongside Nashom, Ernie Cote and Chris Flynn for a minute now. Are you distracted by all the sexy skankiness that can go down there?
I love it! I’m never one to participate in that kind of stuff, but I like being near it. I like the energy of people who feel free enough to carry on like that in public.
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And when can we next find you at Brooklyn’s House of Yes?
Eric Schmalenberger and Steven Klavier do a monthly gay Sunday party called Bad Behavior. The next one is May 13th. It’s really fun!
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And before that: on Thursday, May 10th at the Town Hall, you'll be part of an all-star tribute to the late nightlife legend Flawless Sabrina. That should be a moving night. How do you remember Sabrina?
Yes, that’s gonna be great! I first got to know her when she would come to Cheez Whiz, a night I did with Sweetie (RIP!). She would be there ‘til the latest hour, and get onstage and just tell stories about “back in the day.” It was always fascinating and hilarious. She was so supportive of the younger generation, even though she had every right to be snarky and jaded. A true queen, she was.
She'll be greatly missed! 
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Anything else?
I’m DJing outside at Times Square on the 13th for the NY X Design Expo 6-8pm. It’s fab! I just play a bunch of disco outside, and strangers all start dancing together. If we’re living in a bubble here, then I hope it never pops! Amazing! Okay, last question that I like to ask DJs, especially of your caliber: what's the best advice you can give to a new DJ coming up today?
Always be aware of who you’re playing for. There’s nothing more annoying than seeing a DJ wanking to themselves in the booth. Your job is to try to make everyone in the room have the best night of their lives... without dying. Words of wisdom to spin by! Thanks, Sammy Jo!
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DJ Sammy Jo spins weekly Fridays at the Cock (10pm) and monthly Sundays for “Bad Behavior” at the House of Yes (10pm). He hosts--and hopefully soon will once again DJ--“Haus of Cumming” Saturdays at Club Cumming (10pm) Check Thotyssey’s calendar for other scheduled appearances, and follow Sammy on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Soundcloud.
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caepaecaesurae · 6 years
> CC + MA : Talk about Arlequin and Justice and Psii a little
Tuesday at 2:52 AM
methodicalauxilium »- I have an odd question -> caepaecaesurae That's promising Please, any time methodicalauxilium »- Do you think, if you had lived, you w001d have taken Arlequin's hand? -> caepaecaesurae On Alternia? Or here and nowv, nowv that wve knowv Beforus? methodicalauxilium »- The fact there is a difference fascinates me -> »- Both, if it's not too much to ask -> caepaecaesurae That's more than a bit prickly. I'll need a moment.
methodicalauxilium »- Of course -> »- You can withhold your answer, if you like -> »- Arlequin just wants me to be angry at him for e%iling me -> »- The events aren't equivalent, but -> caepaecaesurae But they are the twvo wvrongs he has committed ovwer wvhich he most likes to brood, so ... methodicalauxilium »- Indeed -> methodicalauxilium »- He wants me to punch him -> caepaecaesurae The man that I am is not the man that I wvas, and I dearly wvant to say that the man that I wvas wvould havwe had his skin for a rug.  ...Howvevwer. Arlequin wvaited to ask for me to judge him, until I wvas afflicted by an anon that removwed my Beforan half from me. He activwely wvants to be punished until it is right. methodicalauxilium »- The reason I ask is because I was angry, for a time -> caepaecaesurae Stains against his honor are hard for him to bear, and continually return to his mind. methodicalauxilium »- I think it's petty to ask him to live with it as punishment -> »- Or lazy -> »- But... -> »- It's strange, to think if it's kinder to punish him, or to let him brood -> caepaecaesurae I decided I wvould rather livwe in a wvorld wvhere he allowved that incident to pass, and forgavwe himself, and ceased seeking me out for justice. One wvhere wve could be friends again, as he had provwen wve could be. I think he wvorries sometimes, that it may havwe been fear of repercussion that stayed my hand. caepaecaesurae If you wvish to see howv he may react to wvhat you may do, ask him wvhat he wvould think, if I had performed the punishment or lack thereof. methodicalauxilium »- I think he was justified in e%iling me -> »- So it's hard to think that he deserves punishment, or I some sort of recompense -> »- I can't even think if I sh001d, let alone what it w001d be -> »- He's annoyed, that I think it's justified -> caepaecaesurae Ask him to explain to you, in wvords, wvhy it is not just methodicalauxilium »- He thinks I sh001d not view myself as a t001, to be put away when I'm no longer useful -> caepaecaesurae Then attempt to find the causes of each such reason.  Particularly wvhether the fault leads to you, or him, or the Empress. methodicalauxilium »- He thinks I sh001d consider him a coward, for not standing up to Her -> caepaecaesurae If you are a tool, howv does a tool deservwe to be treated? methodicalauxilium »- When a t001 breaks, or is no longer useful, it is thrown away, or put away until it becomes useful again -> caepaecaesurae He may hush if you tell him you're not ashen for his relationship wvith the empress. methodicalauxilium »- I pledged myself to him, and to a lesser e%tent to Her -> »- When I failed to uphold my pledge, he decided to put me away rather than killing me -> »- That'd be interesting, w001dn't it -> caepaecaesurae He wvill forevwer be unresolvwed about some things. methodicalauxilium »- Unfortunate -> »- Aren't we all -> caepaecaesurae His mind chases him in circles, particularly wvhen guilt eats at him. I suppose wve are at that methodicalauxilium »- I told him I felt lost about how to feel -> »- And I sh001d have known his response w001d be 'angry' -> methodicalauxilium »- The world is so different now, my place in it is uncertain -> »- And considering the perception I held for centuries wound up being wrong -> »- It's...  -> »- Unresolved is as good a word as any, I'd say -> caepaecaesurae WVhen I speak wvith the unreasonable wvho do not listen, I often begin to respond to their wvords wvith inappropriate non-wvork-safe commentary.  It servwes as a distraction, and drawvs their mind out of existing loops. methodicalauxilium »- Honestly, Caesurae -> »- Do I seem the type to do that -> »- I'm pretty sure his pan w001d never work right again if I began using your tactics -> caepaecaesurae Oh, aye that.  He'd be purple out to his ears if you asked wvhether he needed to be called a naughty boy. methodicalauxilium »- Oh god -> »- Ah -> »- Are you doing that right now, in a roundabout fashion -> caepaecaesurae Hard to say, really. This all IS unresolvwed, and I don't knowv wvhere answvers lie.  I don't knowv if it can be resolvwed. methodicalauxilium »- I am not afraid to hit you, Cronus -> caepaecaesurae I methodicalauxilium »- I don't know either -> »- It's rather annoying -> methodicalauxilium »- Honestly, it's only annoying because Arlequin seems to want an answer -> »- I was alright resigning myself to the feeling of being lost -> caepaecaesurae all i meant, is that i don't alwvays choose wvhat to do based on wvhat is right. methodicalauxilium »- It is familiar, after all, even if not for the same reasons -> caepaecaesurae sometimes you havwe to just focus on wvhat wvill take you wvhere you wvant to be, you knowv? methodicalauxilium »- ... I won't a%ually hit you -> »- You're right, that's a good way to think of it -> »- I think I w001d have gotten the same response from Mituna, if I c001d have figured out how to phrase things without making him fuss -> »- But I c001dn't, so -> »- Thank you -> caepaecaesurae do you wvant him to let go, or seek truth that might not be out there? do YOU wvant to let go, or seek truth that might not be out there? methodicalauxilium »- That second question is far harder to answer than the first -> caepaecaesurae i mean i think he has a point but so do you you're both so sure that you're in the wvrong, and flabberghasted that the other wvants in on the action methodicalauxilium »- Tsk -> caepaecaesurae havwe you considered that maybe it's her fault? methodicalauxilium »- Oh, certainly -> »- It is hers -> »- And the fault of the society we grew up in, of course -> methodicalauxilium »- That one mistake cost me everything... -> »- But I can't e%actly blame /her/, can I? -> »- Not actively -> »- Meenah has her body, and her face, and none of her memories -> »- And it w001d be f001ish to get angry at her -> caepaecaesurae blame condy, not meenah methodicalauxilium »- Arlequin is a very action oriented person -> »- He wants me to /do/ something about it -> caepaecaesurae yes, because he wvants life to be simple methodicalauxilium »- He's an idiot, life is never simple -> caepaecaesurae it's nevwer going to stop bothering him until you can put it to rest caepaecaesurae you need some symbol methodicalauxilium »- Is it wrong for me to want him to suck it up and let me mourn my time alone in peace -> »- I don't want to bear the burden of his guilt -> caepaecaesurae pff no, it's not is there some sort of legal paperwvork thing methodicalauxilium »- Hm? -> caepaecaesurae like "your hearing for this is in 10 sweeps and will not be spoken of till then" methodicalauxilium »- Honestly -> methodicalauxilium »- Cronus, I'm not going to hit you -> »- Ever -> caepaecaesurae are you stubborn enough to conwvince him it is unjust to ask about this before you bring it up yourself? it might do him some good, and get him to stop doing this might do you some good to actually grapple some wvith all this an figure out howv to explain to him methodicalauxilium »- I'll remember that -> »- Acknowledge what I'm telling you -> caepaecaesurae i'm not entirely done vwith the original topic methodicalauxilium »- We can go back to it in a moment -> caepaecaesurae If I lose my train of thought, I'm probably not going to find it again You knowv I'm not that bright methodicalauxilium »- You're bright enough, Caesurae -> methodicalauxilium »- That was a pretty stark rea%ion to a teasing threat -> caepaecaesurae I do that methodicalauxilium »- It feels new to me -> »- Did I miss it? -> caepaecaesurae It's a little newv But I'm fine. methodicalauxilium »- You've probably told Kankri about it -> caepaecaesurae Generally speaking methodicalauxilium »- But you stopped using capitals almost instantly -> »- And your formality went away -> caepaecaesurae I just startle a little.  Had a fewv too many jokes turn into reality. methodicalauxilium »- I'm sorry -> methodicalauxilium »- You're alright? -> caepaecaesurae You didn't do anything Can wve talk abou the other thing? methodicalauxilium »- You are alright? -> caepaecaesurae Yes methodicalauxilium »- Let's talk about the other thing -> methodicalauxilium »- Talking about Kurloz being a moron sh001d be easy enough for his two quadrants -> caepaecaesurae You both could stand to change a fewv things methodicalauxilium »- What c001d I stand to change? -> caepaecaesurae He needs to kick the habit of laying his guilt on other people caepaecaesurae You... are messed up about evwerything that happened and shouldn't blame yourself as much as you do. I guess I feel like he might be able to help you get out of that rut some methodicalauxilium »- I don't know that I'd call my feelings 'blame', per se -> »- My a%ions caused my e%ile -> »- But everything else just -> »- Happened -> caepaecaesurae You're harshing at yourself, to use the vwernacular caepaecaesurae I mean I think you logically understand evwerything going into wvhat happened, but logic aside, does wvhat you feel match wvhat you knowv? methodicalauxilium »- Arlequin asked me if anyone'd ever told me that my head is messed up -> »- It doesn't, which is why I feel lost -> »- I came to terms with what I thought happened -> caepaecaesurae WVell... he's all about feeling. methodicalauxilium »- But now it turns out that isn't what was going on, and everything was so much less deliberate -> »- And more messy -> caepaecaesurae He missed you, a lot. methodicalauxilium »- Tsk -> »- I was waiting for him -> caepaecaesurae You knowv those scenes in romcoms, wvhere twvo guys showv up to opposite ends of an airport, wvait for eachother, assume they'vwe been stood up, and then misunderstandings ensue That's not a great place to be methodicalauxilium »- You're ridic001ous, you know that? -> caepaecaesurae The difference betwveen a rom com and a tragedy is if it wvorks out in the end methodicalauxilium »- I think neither suit me well -> »- Can we pick a different genre? -> caepaecaesurae nah caepaecaesurae Sure methodicalauxilium »- Hmm -> »- Fantasy adventure anime -> caepaecaesurae choosing a gesture to symbolically bury and end the wvhole mess, especially one that's just spiteful enough to help me lose the edge off my owvn anger, is my style. That's howv I do things. But it's not you. methodicalauxilium »- No, it's not -> »- I'm not one for big gestures -> caepaecaesurae You like truth, and arguing. methodicalauxilium »- Yes -> caepaecaesurae So.. fight to get to the bottom of it. methodicalauxilium »- Yes -> »- Speaking of symbolic gestures of revenge -> caepaecaesurae oh? methodicalauxilium »- I've finally deliberated my way into a so100tion to my temporary stint as war prisoner -> »- I have a new assistant -> methodicalauxilium »- He used to be a stablemaster -> caepaecaesurae Good luck wvith that one Hope it wvorks out great methodicalauxilium »- However it works out, three hundred and sixty six nights of his life are mine -> methodicalauxilium »- And I don't have to read the handwriting of the students who never had a proper education in writing anymore -> caepaecaesurae Using him to grade papers? methodicalauxilium »- That's the first and least of his tasks, yes -> »- I'm not cruel -> »- But I am very petty -> »- And I'm 100king forward to this -> caepaecaesurae Sounds like a sure route to peace methodicalauxilium »- I think e%plaining the problem was loss of agency cleared things up a lot -> »- I understand war, I've been through a few -> »- Prisoners of war happen -> caepaecaesurae Aye Unavwoidable really caepaecaesurae Treatment's important though methodicalauxilium »- Certainly -> »- I think the worst thing he will have to face, besides partic001arly petty comments -> »- Is just dull -> »- Tutoring students, reading essays -> »- Substituting, on rare occasions when I can't be there -> methodicalauxilium »- My intention is to waste the time of someone important -> »- Which was much better, apparently, than my original idea of challenging every single fae to a duel one at a time -> caepaecaesurae That wvould be a bit time-consuming Impressivwe to wvatch though methodicalauxilium »- My life span has reset, I'd get it done eventually -> »- I'd win, of course -> caepaecaesurae Oh? caepaecaesurae Against evwery single one? methodicalauxilium »- Of course -> »- I turned the tide of one war -> »- I modified myself so I w001dn't be too powerful -> »- And Arlequin has managed how long on his own -> »- One on one, I'd crush them -> caepaecaesurae The twvo of you wvould be a force to be reckoned wvith methodicalauxilium »- Not literally, of course -> caepaecaesurae I think the fae wvould regret that I'm sure they wvouldn't let it stay one on one methodicalauxilium »- I'm very merciful -> »- Yes, it was impractical -> »- But I c001d have managed, if I put my mind to it -> methodicalauxilium »- It'd put a lot of my other goals on hold, though, and this furthers them -> caepaecaesurae Keep the eye on the ball I'm glad it wvorked ou, chief.  Or wvill wvork out. methodicalauxilium »- I'm sure you w001d be glad, considering your relationship with Arlequin -> caepaecaesurae Not sure howv you mean methodicalauxilium »- I am talking directly about relations between Arlequin and the Fae -> caepaecaesurae Ah As long as they're mad at eachother about things they actually intended to do, it's a step in the right direction but peace is better, aye methodicalauxilium »- I appreciate your relative idealism -> caepaecaesurae Someone's got to do it, I guess methodicalauxilium »- It's important -> »- And I'm glad it comes through your partic001ar filter -> caepaecaesurae Thanks, chief caepaecaesurae I'm not sure I could tell you wvhat my filter is methodicalauxilium »- The filter of your life e%periences and your partic001ar tone -> »- You're a very idealistic person -> »- In either life -> caepaecaesurae Ironic, really methodicalauxilium »- Oh? -> caepaecaesurae Orphaner, an idealist? methodicalauxilium »- Yes -> caepaecaesurae The rom-obsessed liar, mooning ovwer ideals and philosophy? tsk methodicalauxilium »- Oh, definitely -> »- I didn't say they were good ideals -> »- Just that you definitely strive for them -> »- And it shines through your tone -> caepaecaesurae Suppose that's true. I like ideals. Honor, truth, lovwe, hate, wvhatevwer it is. Beauty. caepaecaesurae The Greater Good, wvhatevwer That is. Strength, responsibility, on and on. methodicalauxilium »- Of course you'd add beauty into the list -> »- Truth is the most idealistic of all, I'd say -> »- Or at least, it's idealistic to add it to the list -> caepaecaesurae Art and music qualify as beautiful, despite the vwarious other things I think qualify for the list methodicalauxilium »- Mmm -> caepaecaesurae I don't think truth exists, unless you believwe in it. Maybe not then. methodicalauxilium »- I think it e%ists -> »- But it is ugly -> caepaecaesurae It can be methodicalauxilium »- It is hard to find -> »- Idealized truth provides clarity -> »- A%ual truth, only if you get lucky -> caepaecaesurae But wvhat about the truth, the moment you learned your feelings for Arlequin wvere requited? WVas it ugly? methodicalauxilium »- Tsk -> »- Cheating, that involves love -> caepaecaesurae Evwerything's connected methodicalauxilium »- I c001d say a lot right now to make you annoyed -> »- But I'll let you have a victory -> caepaecaesurae I'll take that mercy methodicalauxilium »- I like truth -> »- I like how messy it can be -> »- I like unraveling the secrets -> »- But I also like leaving things to shadows -> caepaecaesurae It can be beautiful to see howv things connect, or painful. Choosing wvhich parts to expose is art. methodicalauxilium »- That's idealized truth for you -> »- You know, I kept a lot secret from Arlequin, during the time I was under him -> caepaecaesurae I shouldn't be surprised methodicalauxilium »- Ah, but are you? -> caepaecaesurae It's bafflingly easy to think of you as the eternal straight man, evwen though I knewv you wvhen you wvere young. Old habit I guess. methodicalauxilium »- Cultivated image is important -> »- But the truth peaks through, if you 100k closely enough -> »- I'm not sure if keeping these things secret does me any good anymore -> »- I think it'd disappoint Arlequin if he found out, though -> caepaecaesurae Or impress Or both Depends on the secrets. There's a fewv things he wvould'vwe been annoyed at me for methodicalauxilium »- Mostly, people I killed for him -> caepaecaesurae People he wvanted alivwe? methodicalauxilium »- Sometimes -> caepaecaesurae That wvill annoy him methodicalauxilium »- And people who wanted him dead -> »- And people who w001d have used him -> caepaecaesurae It seems like he ought to knowv, but I wvouldn't wvant to be anywvhere nearby wvhen he did. methodicalauxilium »- Hm -> »- I wonder if he'd want to punch me -> caepaecaesurae And I wvouldn't blame you keeping it quiet ... WVell you twvo probably could use it as an excuse to fight if you wvanted one of those methodicalauxilium »- No, I think I'd use it as an e%cuse to not fight -> caepaecaesurae It sounds like you twvo think about being hit by the other, a lot.  WVistfully. methodicalauxilium »- False, I don't want to be hit -> »- I just thought it was funny -> caepaecaesurae Just a mis-read on my part then. Probably. methodicalauxilium »- An interesting idea, to make him want to hit me, and then claim that right as his punishment -> »- It w001dn't work -> »- But it's funny to think about, in it's own way -> caepaecaesurae "Your punishment is that wve havwe to forgivwe eachother right nowv." methodicalauxilium »- Yes -> caepaecaesurae "Here's wvhat you're forgiving me of." methodicalauxilium »- Yes -> »- We both desire absolution, in some way -> »- I don't think I w001d, if not for Horuss, but here I am being annoyed at myself anyway -> methodicalauxilium »- I don't think he c001d forgive me for some of it, though -> »- So it's best if I keep it to myself -> caepaecaesurae I think there's vwalue in our Beforan sides, as seldom as I really think about it. methodicalauxilium »- He's annoying -> caepaecaesurae Inconvwenient, annoying, ... and vwaluable reminders of howv wve began. methodicalauxilium »- Hm -> »- Your younger self is more obviously idealistic -> »- After all, he did ask me out -> caepaecaesurae The less said about that the better methodicalauxilium »- You know, the date was honestly fun -> »- In it's way -> caepaecaesurae WVowv wvill you look at the time methodicalauxilium »- Is that all I need to do to make you leave? -> caepaecaesurae Beforus wvas an embarassing stage for me, sometimes methodicalauxilium »- I can't believe that date isn't as special to you as it is to me -> caepaecaesurae Fields aren't really my thing Last Tuesday at 7:47 AM methodicalauxilium (✿´ ꒳ ` ) caepaecaesurae Chieeef, you're killing me methodicalauxilium »- Oh? -> caepaecaesurae tsk, wvhat am I supposed to do wvith you Ball of fucking mischief is wvhat you are methodicalauxilium »- You c001d try, perhaps, accepting my teasing with grace -> caepaecaesurae Grace?  nevwer heard of it. methodicalauxilium »- You c001d meet me in another field and watch an a%ual horse graze -> caepaecaesurae That's graze, not grace methodicalauxilium »- I know -> caepaecaesurae Different letter, I can see the confusion methodicalauxilium »- I thought you'd never heard of it -> caepaecaesurae You expect me to be consistant? methodicalauxilium »- You make teasing far easier than it needs to be -> caepaecaesurae I keep hearing things like that but nevwer can be sure howv or wvhy methodicalauxilium »- You have many appreciable features, and that happens to be one of them -> caepaecaesurae Terribly complimentary tonight methodicalauxilium »- I hope you mean both terrible and complimentary -> caepaecaesurae Could be a bit of both, aye methodicalauxilium »- We don't talk often enough -> caepaecaesurae I keep meaning to bring you a fewv newv pieces I'vwe found, and a fewv drinks methodicalauxilium »- That sounds lovely -> »- Do you have free time tonight? -> caepaecaesurae Is any of this because I wvas acting a bit off earlier? methodicalauxilium »- No, it's because you're way less complicated than Arlequin -> »- And as much as I adore Mituna, he's much too insightful for me to go to him before I've figured out what I want from all of this -> methodicalauxilium »- I'm being very selfish, don't worry -> »- I just want your company -> caepaecaesurae Flatterer. sure methodicalauxilium »- I'm glad you're flattered -> methodicalauxilium »- See you later, then? -> caepaecaesurae aye, let's givwe it a try methodicalauxilium »- I 100k forward to it -> Yesterday at 12:47 AM methodicalauxilium »- I don't know how I managed it, but for however long, I've held two 'quadrants' that were undefined -> »- Until the night before last, where it dropped down to only one that remains without a proper label -> caepaecaesurae WVho's called wvhat, then? I think most of mine havwe a bit of lack of definition, I'vwe just picked things to call them. methodicalauxilium »- Mituna is my moirail -> caepaecaesurae Congratulations, chief.  I'm glad you twvo wvork out methodicalauxilium »- He's still paranoid about you -> »- Probably still paranoid about me as well -> methodicalauxilium »- I think he's getting better, though -> caepaecaesurae I'm sure he is.  He hasn't said anything particularly bad in a wvhile, though, and he's decided he's wvilling to try to be friends. caepaecaesurae WVhatevwer influence you havwe on him seems to be a good one methodicalauxilium »- He a%ually asked me, as opposed to the other way round -> »- I'm not sure what I'm doing, honestly -> caepaecaesurae I meant convwersations in general, but methodicalauxilium »- It might just be being a trustworthy c001b100d in his general vicinity -> caepaecaesurae Most of the best things in life, one tends to be completely lost during. methodicalauxilium »- Have you ever tried writing poetry -> caepaecaesurae People say that my wvords come out as poetry sometimes. But also yes methodicalauxilium »- Your philosophical wa%ing is partic001arly lyrical -> »- Putting your words to verse w001d be interesting -> »- I suppose you do write music, don't you -> caepaecaesurae Ayy That's me, supposedly a musician methodicalauxilium »- Supposedly -> »- I think I'll need to see proof -> caepaecaesurae I'm starting to put out albums, a bit Hoping to get the local music scene started methodicalauxilium »- Ah -> »- That a%ually sounds interesting -> caepaecaesurae I'vwe also started teaching a fewv trolls howv to play Passing out a fewv needlessly pretty instruments here and there methodicalauxilium »- That sounds like something you'd do -> caepaecaesurae Artifacts havwe a history, and I think the wvorld wvill be richer for havwing a fewv instruments in it that look like they'vwe come out of some myth Perhaps not this century, but in time methodicalauxilium »- You have a habit of starting myths about yourself, don't you? -> caepaecaesurae I enjoy being spoken of I enjoy havwing stories about myths that no one else knowvs methodicalauxilium »- Now I'll know -> caepaecaesurae And I am functionally immortal, and havwe no reason not to create a fewv You wvill Unless you forget methodicalauxilium »- Now, having seen you say that, I will never forget -> caepaecaesurae You wvon't knowv exactly wvhich instruments are my wvork, or howv I passed them along to people, but you havwe a breath of it And so the myth wvill livwe on forevwer "Cronus wvas bored and likes making pretty things, and gavwe someone a bitchin guitar" methodicalauxilium »- When do I get pretty things -> caepaecaesurae WVhen wvill you ask And wvhat wvill you ask for methodicalauxilium »- Cronus, make me something pretty -> »- I don't know, you're the maker -> caepaecaesurae I'll bring it ovwer soon, then methodicalauxilium »- E%cellent ->
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