#and if u think thor is an angel who did nothing wrong that counts as not handling him ftr
tyrannuspitch · 8 months
"we in the loki fandom love complex ambiguous morally grey characters with more to them than meets the eye 😁" 90% of u guys can't even handle thor.
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generallynerdy · 5 years
Not Bad Part 3 (Rocket Raccoon X Vixen!Reader)
Part 1, Part 2
Summary: Then, he did something almost human and broke down in tears, grasping at loose clumps of dust that had once been part of you.
Requested by like three people who i can’t remember for the life of me
Key: (Y/N) - your name
Warnings: INFINITY WAR SPOILERS, if infinity war made you cry this will too, death?, disappearances?, loss of loved ones, cursing probably, changed to past tense bc it’s been months since i wrote part 2 and i like past tense better now
Word Count: 928
Note: when u asked for a part 3 i bet u were hoping for more fluff. HAH!
300th post bitches,,,are u sick of me yet cuz i know i am
Pirate-angels were bad news in your book, especially when they woke up ranting about Thanos. That was how you knew things were going to go wrong. You didn’t have the same connection to Thanos as the rest of the Guardians did. In fact, you didn’t really know who he was until Rocket told you. He told you in quiet whispers as the others argued with the new guy, someone named Thor.
“Purple plum-lookin’ guy who wants to take over the universe,” Rocket said. “And Gamora’s dad.”
“Her what?” You whispered back violently, but were ignored for the most part.
At the mention of Thanos, Rocket seemed to curl into himself-- metaphorically, of course. He wasn’t talking a lot, except to Thor, making plans. If you didn’t know him any better, you would say he wasn’t acting strange. Unfortunately, you did know Rocket and you knew what it meant when his tail was puffed up a little more than usual, when his ears were twitchy.
“Hey,” you said, grabbing his arm as best you could with your paw.
He stopped on his way to the pod with Thor and Groot, turning to face you. “Huh? What?” He suddenly saw your firm expression and sighed.
“Maybe we should stay with the others,” you said under your breath. You knew the others were trying to listen.
“Without something to kill Thanos? Yeah, right,” he scoffed, before his expression softened. “They’ll be fine, (Y/N), alright? They’re morons, but they’re surviving morons.”
You let out a sigh and nodded, glancing back at the ‘morons.’ “Okay.”
Despite perhaps months of proof that you shouldn’t have trusted him, you loved the furball. So, you followed him into that pod and out into the abyss of space, hopeful that you’d be ready for anything.
Your first impression of Earth was not a great one. Considering it was swarmed by aliens at the moment, you made a note to get a better tour later. Until then, you were preoccupied with kicking alien ass.
You lost sight of Rocket and Groot in minutes, though Thor was significantly easier to spot, what with his massive lightning bolts striking all over the place. You attempted to loosely follow his trail as things got worse, exhausting all your ammo. As it happened, following him was a good plan, because he led you right to Thanos.
There wasn’t much you could do against the giant except maybe climb up his back and scratch at his head. It irritated him, but it didn’t leave marks. He threw you across the clearing, sending you flying into a tree and knocking you out cold.
When you next awoke, everything was quiet, except for a light ringing in your ears.
You clambered to your paws just in time to see the fuzzy spot of one of the Avengers in your vision fade away. Your head throbbed as you stumbled across the clearing to where you last remembered seeing Rocket. You only made it about halfway before collapsing, whispering his name, though you knew he could not hear you.
In the distance, a grey blur appeared, racing toward you at an unnatural speed. You focus still hadn’t returned to you, but when soft black paws pressed against your face, you knew it was him.
“Rocket?” You muttered, tilting your head.
You saw his mouth moving, but could hear nothing. Oh. You couldn’t hear anything. That’s why it was so quiet.
What was happening? He looked frantic, but Thanos was nowhere in sight. You swore the fuzzy blurs in your vision were the Avengers that Thor had mentioned, but they were spread far and apart to where you couldn’t tell.
With how Rocket’s muzzle was moving, you were sure he was screaming, but not a sound came out. You tilted your head and viewed his expression with curiosity. It looked like his eyes were watery, which was odd. You didn’t think raccoons could cry. He was, though you weren’t sure why.
Until you looked down.
Your legs were virtually gone, slowly dissolving into brown dust, which sank into a pile on the ground below.
You gasped-- or at least, you thought you did. “What’s happening?” You tried to ask. “Rocket? Rocket?”
He continued to scream, clawing at you desperately as if it would keep you from disappearing. From what you could see, he was screaming your name. This was one situation that he couldn’t save you from.
You smiled sadly at him and placed a single black paw on his open muzzle, silencing him. “I’m okay,” you tried to say quietly. You doubted it came out that way. “It’s okay.”
He looked like he said your name again, but you missed it.
There were so many things you wanted to say. Perhaps a thank you for saving you all those months ago or a thank you for the companionship he had provided. You wanted to tell him how grateful you were to have him and the other Guardians, even if it had taken so long for them to warm up to you. You wanted to thank him for loving you, for giving you someone else to love.
But you didn’t get the chance. Your entire body was gone before his eyes, the last sensation of you being the gentle paw on his face.
When you were gone, he buried himself in the dust like an animal, ignoring the grieving cries of everyone around. Then, he did something almost human and broke down in tears, grasping at loose clumps of dust that had once been part of you.
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