#and salad and it has to be grilled and then chilled for 2 FUCKING HOURS before it can be used
ghostwinchesters · 6 years
lost in the in-between, or so it seems // i'm out of control
@sahwen​ asked: “That’s it. If you throw up on more time we’re going to the hospital.” with sam and cas? platonic or romantic, either is good!
anonymous asked: “If you didn’t just blink I would’ve sworn you were dead, that’s how sickly you’re looking. Go to bed, please!” w whoever ?? i rlly like that prompt sldkfjlskf
im allegedly still alive yo
it’s s8 trials!sam + samcasdean but like,, vv queer platonic which i fuckin love okay. he’s doing terrible both physically and mentally and dean and cas are desperately trying to take care of him and obviously there’s some vomiting so like,,,,, , just a warning my dudes xoxo
Sam is sitting huddled at one of the library tables, chilled despite the blanket wrapped around his shoulders and the burning heat of his feverish body. He’s clutching a bloody tissue in one hand in case he needs to cough up his lungs again, but the other hand is methodically flipping pages and scrolling through his laptop. Maybe he should sleep.
Maybe he should die.
Dean is sitting in the war room, doing G-d only knows what on his laptop, but he keeps glancing at Sam every few minutes—if not every few seconds— to make sure he’s okay. Or at the very least not collapsing. He’s probably also hoping that Sam will eat a little more than one g-ddamn bite of the grilled cheese sandwich he’d brought him two hours ago for dinner. And Sam wants to, for Dean if not for himself, but he can’t bring himself to do it. The smell and the sight itself makes his stomach turn a little, and he can’t.
Sam sees Castiel come into the war room and talk quietly to Dean out of the corner of his eye, and that probably means they’re both gonna come in here and try to take care of him. It’s sweet, but Sam doesn’t even deserve it.
And they’re both so worried about him. It makes him feel terrible, even though the rational part of his brain is telling him that it’s illogical. That they’re two grown people who can decide who or what they want to worry about. That, possibly, he even deserves the worry. The last one is the hardest to believe, and maybe it’s really not coming from the rational part of his brain.
Castiel and Dean are walking into the library, which means Sam was right.
“Yo, Sam, you gotta eat something, man.” Dean is staring at him, his jaw obviously clenched, trying to keep himself from going into full on Big Brother mode.
“If you didn’t just blink, I would’ve sworn you were dead, Samuel.” Castiel touches his shoulder gingerly, almost like he’s scared Sam is just gonna… shatter and turn to dust. “That’s how sickly you’re looking. Go to bed, please!”
Sam knows how awful he looks. He’s refused to look in a mirror in over a week and every time he accidentally catches a glance he just wants to shrink into himself because he knows and it almost makes him feel ashamed because he can barely do the basics like brush his hair and wash his face. Shame and guilt are apparently his main emotions currently.
“I’m fi—” He starts coughing again and instead of letting them see the kleenex with the blood splotches on it and making them more worried, he coughs into his elbow, which is a mistake because he now has splatters of red on his pink flannel.
Dean’s whole face crashes with concern but he laughs shakily. “Oh, yeah, Sammy. Spitting blood out onto your clothes is totally fine.” Sam attempts a weak smile, and that breaks Dean completely because he’s kneeling next to Sam’s chair and holding his hand a little too tightly. “Sam, what the hell, just let us take care of you for once. Please.”
“You don’t have to, Dee. It’s okay.”
“Sammy…” Dean always complains about Sam’s puppy dog eyes, but Dean. G-d, Dean puts everything into his pleading when he deems it’s necessary.
Sam nods hesitantly, and Cas, who’s been standing there with his hand on Sam’s shoulder this whole time, helps him stand up. “You need sleep, but as Dean said, you should eat something first. Does… anything sound appealing?”
“Uh… Just not something greasy? I don’t… Actually whatever, I’ll just eat a little of whatever you give me.”
“Nuh-uh, Sammy. You’re telling us what you want, and you’re not gonna feel bad about it.” Dean is glaring at him, but it’s a… kind, concerned glare.
“Uhm… Not anything super greasy because it makes me feel kinda nauseous.” Sam notices Dean glance at the grilled cheese sandwich on the table and wince. “Maybe uhh… some fruits? Or something? Really it’s fi—” This time his “fine” gets interrupted by Cas kissing his cheek quickly instead of another coughing fit, which is a relief, really.
They help him to their room, the biggest bedroom in the bunker, where they have two beds pushed together so it’s big enough for the three of them. Dean follows Castiel out because “he wants to do something for Sam” despite Castiel’s protests.
Sam smiles and shakes his head slightly as they argue down the hall and let’s himself sink into the pillow. It’s soft and nice, and Sam is so tired, but he can’t sleep because 1) Dean and Cas want him to eat and 2) it’s hard for him to sleep alone right now. He can’t really do it when he’s feeling this shitty.
He glances down at his pink flannel and feels a flash of disappointment, which just adds to the feeling of despair and exhaustion, because it’s one of his favorite shirts and now it has blood on the sleeve.
“Cas fuckin’ kicked me out of the kitchen. Said I’d—” Sam looks up as Dean airquotes “—make it take longer.” He sits down on the bed next to Sam shaking his head. “I’m good at slicing fruits and shit. Hell, I make food for you all the time! I’m perfectly capable!”
Sam is trying to hide a grin, and Dean rolls his eyes at him. “Hey, it’s not funny!” He knows it’s more about Dean just wanting to be helpful than the actual cooking thing but it’s still amusing.
“It kinda is actually.”
Dean makes a face before his eyes slide down to Sam’s flannel. “You love that shirt…” He meets Sam’s gaze again. “I can get the blood out if you want…?” His eyes look hopeful and expectant and Sam nods.
“You’d do that?”
“Anything for my little brother.”
Sam winces as he sits up, and Dean gently unbuttons the front and gets it off Sam. “You maybe want a clean hoodie and sweats? Sleeping in jeans is bullshit.”
Sam sighs in exasperation but he appreciates it. “I… yeah, sure.”
Dean helps him tug the white shirt he was wearing under the flannel off and finds him a freshly washed sweater before getting him to his feet and trying to help him change out of his jeans even though Sam just shakes his head because he’s making it more complicated. Sam crashes back onto the bed, a little harder than he intended because his tiredness just made him drop. “Dude, be careful, dammit.” Dean pulls the blanket over Sam’s shoulder and presses his lips against his hair. “I’ll be back in a sec, and I swear I’m getting that blood out of your flannel. I’ve gotten blood out of so many clothes, I’m practically an expert.” He flashes him a grin and leaves with the shirt.
Castiel comes back a little after Dean leaves with a bowl of fruit salad on top of a tray. “Where’s Dean?”
“Washing my shirt since you shoved him out of the kitchen.”
Cas shakes his head with a dramatic eyeroll and sits down, putting the tray on Sam’s lap after he sits up against the headboard. “I hope this tastes good and won’t make you feel sick?”
“Thank you, Cas.”
“Of course.”
Sam’s too tired and wrecked to eat it all but he manages to swallow down more than half of it but it’s better than usual. He feels even more tired after Cas leaves to put the dishes away, turning off one of the bedside lights so it’s dimmer, but it’s a more content exhaustion now except for the uncomfortable churning in his stomach after actually eating again.
“Hey,” Dean whispers as he walks into the room and Sam squints his eyes open from where he was trying to fall asleep alone. “I got your flannel all cleaned up and it’s drying now.” Sam smiles softly in thanks. Dean strips down to his boxers and slips under the blankets.
“Dude, Dean, you don’t have to sleep yet. It’s barely nine.”
Dean grins his lopsided grin and curls up against Sam, his chest radiating welcome heat again Sam’s back through his sweater. “You sleep better with people and besides, I’m getting old and maybe I need to sleep more.” Sam can feel his lips twist into a smile against his neck and he shakes his head.
“Okay, old man.”
When Castiel comes to bed Sam pulls him as close as he can, feeling even colder than usual.
“G-d, you’re a fucking furnace, Sammy,” Dean whines but he doesn’t move away. “Like, more than usual. You okay, man?”
“I’m fine. My stomach feels a little weird but it’s okay.”
“Are you sure, Sam?” Castiel shifts against him and Sam nods.
“Yeah, really, I’m okay.”
Cas makes a noise like he’s not sure he believes him but neither of them say anything and Sam falls asleep for the first time in almost forty hours.
He wakes up to feeling straight up nauseous and he awkwardly clambers to his knees, almost elbowing Dean in the face and definitely kneeing Cas in the stomach.
“Sam-Sammy?” Dean mumbles, confused and half asleep. Castiel who wasn’t really asleep as so much as lying there with his eyes closed sits up and grabs Sam’s arm.
“Bathroom, G-d, fuck, I need to get to the bathroom.” He stumbles to his feet with Castiel still holding onto his arm and at this point Dean’s protective instinct has overridden his lack of consciousness and he’s off the bed.
“Sammy, what’s wrong?”
“I feel really sick, man, I don’t know.” Another wave of nausea hits him and he has to bite down on his tongue to keep from vomiting right here and now in the hallway. He pulls away from Castiel, somehow thinking that’ll help him get through the door to the bathroom quicker. Cas catches him as he drops to his knees in front of the toilet, barely pulling his hair away from his face before Sam throws up the little food he forced himself to swallow down.
Dean’s next to Sam and pushing away a few extra strands of hair from his sweaty forehead when he stops dry heaving. He groans and presses his forehead against the toilet seat. He feels exhausted, which is a normal feeling but it’s worse all of a sudden.
“Do you want some water?” Cas doesn’t even wait for a reply before leaving the bathroom and Sam mumbles a raspy thank you after him.
Dean rubs his back slowly, trying to help him relax. “Shh, it’s okay, Sammy. Just take some deep breaths.”
“G-d, Dean, I feel so sick.” Sam knows he sounds whiney but he can’t actually bring himself to care enough to stop.
“I know and I’m sorry,” Dean says quietly, still rythmically running his hand over Sam’s shoulder. “You’ll feel better here in a little bit, okay? You’ll be fine.”
Castiel comes back with the water and Sam gulps it down quicker than he should, his throat aching. He’s not sure whether it hurts more before, during, or after and for some reason he laughs; it’s a little high pitched and delirious. “It’s gonna come up again in a second.”
Dean gives him a concerned smile. “Jesus, okay.”
It takes closer to thirty seconds, but he vomits again, and by now both Castiel and Dean are on the tile, trying to soothe him by rubbing his back and keeping his hair out of his face. A hand presses against his hot forehead and he thinks it’s Castiel. “That’s it. If you throw up one more time, we’re going to the hospital.
“No, Cas, please. No—” He coughs. “Please don’t take me to the hospital. Please. They can’t do anything anyway.”
“Okay, shh, it’s okay. We won’t go then.” Castiel runs his fingers through Sam’s greasy hair gently. “It’s okay.”
Sam gives him a weak smile but it breaks into a another painful round of spitting absolutely nothing into the toilet bowl. “Could you… Could you get more water maybe?” He looks up at Cas pleadingly.
He ends up throwing that up too, but he’s slowly starting to feel a little less absolutely and completely horrible. Dean’s tugging on his shoulders and pulling him back against him and Sam just lets himself collapse against his chest. This time when he opens his mouth, it’s a tired fucking yawn.
“Hey, if you’re feeling okay enough to get up, you need to get to bed, big guy,” Dean whispers softly and Sam nods a little. Castiel grips his hand and they both help him back to their room after he washes his face by the sink.
Sam presses his face against Dean’s neck and he can feel the comforting thereness of Castiel against his back and he lets out a sigh of what might actually be contentedness.
lol validation welcome // come talk to me [peace sign]
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em114706 · 6 years
WHOLE30 Day 24, 25, and 26
The day by day book gives a lot of motivational blurbs and small tips and hacks to help you get through the 30 days. One thing they mention multiple times, is how you say “no” and explain to family and friends “why you’re on this crazy diet” and until this weekend I didn’t think anything of it. 
Why do we have to explain ourselves to people? Why do they care what we eat or drink? Like fuck off and mind your business. It’s a shock to realize when your “friends” judge you and support you vs. when they don’t. To have someone question my alcohol intake and then give me shit for not partaking is pretty lousy. I get it, I’ve been drunk with you before, we had fun, even smoked cigs together and blacked out, but guess what, tonight I don’t want to do that, so get over it. People are selfish, they feel uncomfortable exploring their vices while there’s sober people around, so they in turn make that person feel uncomfortable.
The book tells you to say no thank you, with a smile, firmly, laugh it off, and change the subject, and if the person still keeps asking to just walk away. It suggests not even bringing up whole30 if you can get away with it. I agree with not bringing it up, why should they know my business, but the process to go through saying “no” should not be that extraneous. When someone says “no” you let it go, end of story. But in reality it’s not about us, it’s about them.
To have someone laugh at you, get mad at you, continue to offer shit you don’t want, after you say no or explain yourself has nothing to do with you. That person has problems. That person is projecting their judgement of themselves onto you. It’s not fair to you, but you have to take a step back and think, they must really hate that they can’t go to a party without drinking, so they want me to feel as bad as they do. Don’t let them. Walk away before you even have to smile. They aren’t worth it.
It hurts more when it’s a friend. To tell someone you’re doing the whole30 and 20 minutes later they bring you chips, or answer with “oh so you’re boring now” can really hit you where it hurts. Or to have them continuously drink and smoke around you, knowing your struggle, and give you shit, or constantly offer, is kind of upsetting as well. Where’s the support? It’s simple, just don’t ask me if I want a fucking drink or a cigarette. I don’t care if you have one, that’s your life, but this is mine and if you’re my friend you should not only understand that but leave me alone if you can’t support it.
This is my life, my decision, my actions. It shouldn’t affect you, and if it does than maybe our friendship isn’t what you thought. I’m not putting this program between us, I’m not holding it over other people’s heads, I’m doing what is best for me, and if that means I’m boring, or making you feel like shit because you want to smoke, then you have issues you need to deal with. Don’t take it out on me. I shouldn’t have to be the only one sensitive to your feelings and actions, it should be a two way street.
I went to a party this weekend, if you can’t tell. I drank water from a wine glass, had a virgin bloody mary, and ate my salad when the pizza came. Could have totally gone unnoticed, but of course someone had to open their big mouth and say “I can’t believe you’re still sober!” to alarm the whole party that I’m a fraud. Every one asked, wanted to know, said “oh that’s great! I should do that” but continued to berate me for being sober and laughed that I couldn’t have pizza, and in the end, I did not feel like I had been left out of anything I wanted to be a part of one bit. This program is almost over for me, and I’m not ready, but I’m a lot closer to knowing what I want and that alone is comforting when I’m around these people and friends. I create my own happiness. I create my own security. I am at peace with my feelings.
On a positive note (though I feel that stuff is positive) I learned how to scuba dive, and I found I really really love it. I want to lead an active lifestyle, I want to get out there and do stuff, not just netflix and chill or bar hop. I want to collect as many certificates as I can. This is one step toward that lifestyle.
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Reflections Day 24:
What went well today: better meal prep What could have gone better: more sleep What I’ll do tomorrow: catch up on sleep
Energy: 4 - got no sleep Sleep Quality: 5 - stayed out late Cravings: 8
NSV #1: still went to gym even though I was drained, though I took it easy NSV #2: habit to search for healthy foods at snack NSV #3: mood positive even though I was sleep deprived
Meal #1: egg salad lettuce wrap, pistachios, cutie Meal #2: salad w/ egg, mushroom, olives, jicama, walnuts, sunflower seeds, side of broth Meal #3: leftover salad Snacks: fruit leather, pistachios
Workout: 30 min treadmill (2.2 miles)
Reflections Day  25:
What went well today: I went out with friends, didn’t drink What could have gone better: I could have made it to the gym What I’ll do tomorrow: better meal prep
Energy/Sleep Quality/Cravings: 8
NSV #1: no drinking NSV #2: feeling in control of food NSV #3: learned how to read a label
Meal #1: 2 hb eggs w/ primal kitchen mayo and seasoning, salmon jerky, mixed nuts, rx bar Meal #2: salmon very, mixed nuts, rx bar Meal #3: green salad with black olives, green peppers, onions, cucumber, rx bar
Workout: none, though I did spend 4 hours of my day in a pool/hot tub, so like swimming, that counts right?
Reflections Day 26:
What went well today: stepped out of comfort zone and learned to scuba dive What could have gone better: made it to the gym What I’ll do tomorrow: push myself at the gym
Energy/Sleep Quality/Cravings: 8
NSV #1: feeling generally more productive NSV #2: need less sugar/caffeine NSV #3: trying new activities
Meal #1: RX Bar Meal #2: mediterranean salad, no feta, add grilled shrimp Meal #3: veggie scramble with side of fruit Snacks: seaweed, salmon jerky, mixed nuts, rx bar
Workout: scuba diving
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a quick guide to starting keto easily and without worries!
⦁ intro ⦁ science ⦁ myths and misconceptions
⦁ breakfast ⦁ lunch ⦁ dinner ⦁ snacks ⦁ food list CHEAT SHEET:
⦁ intermittent fasting ⦁ what to do when you go out to eat ⦁ what to drink and when
⦁ "carb cycling", cheat days, and how tos: ⦁ things to avoid that are a waste of money
INTRODUCTION TO KETO Keto is an amazing diet and/or lifestyle that when paired with multiple other forms of healthy choices can be a quick way to lose a few pounds or a healthy way to live longterm allowing you to still enjoy life without estranging yourself from your friends and family.  It is very flexible and people that stick to keto find themselves in love with it and raving about their success, as long as they gave it the proper chance! I myself lost ten pounds the first week I did strict keto and I knew then I was hooked!
SCIENCE BEHIND KETO AND WHY IT WORKS The common american diet is very high in sugar, carbs, unhealthy fats, caffeine, sodium, etc. This recipe is a disaster waiting to happen, heart disease, obesity, cancers, diabetes, among a plethora of other terrible life stealing diseases that effect millions of americans. Whether you do a low carb, or low calorie, or low red meat and fat diet, the idea remains the same.  Reduce calorie intake vs output, avoid foods that cause inflamations or gastro-intestinal upsets, and eat filling whole foods that offer a lot of nutrient density. Now, the reason that keto works so good is the science behind the diet: When you reduce the amount of sugar (glucose)  your body intakes, which is its normal source of fuel, it panics, uses what it has, burns glycogen which is stored in the liver and muscles, and finally switches your body to KETONES (which burns FATS for fuel instead).  When your body is in Ketosis, it will burn your body fat and consumed fats for energy, to do normal body functions.  This sounds like a miracle, and I can honestly say it is.  Most average americans have anywhere from a 20%-50% body fat ratio, men usually on the lower end of that, where anything over 30% is usually considered overweight.   That being said, most people have a lot of fuel to burn that they would never have burned if they were eating a large amount of carbohydrates that the body prefers to burn first.  You literally have your own fuel just waiting to go, and you will feel awesome when you see the fat melting off your tummy, thighs, back, face.  :D
Myths and Misconceptions When I first started keto I thought I could eat as many hot dogs, burgers, chicken wings, ranch dressings, etc as I could stuff in my face.   Truth be told you can, but your body will be severely lacking vitamins and minerals that you need to be healthy so I would suggest making sure to vary your diet, always include a healthy fat (example: salmon, avocado, macadamia nuts) and lots of greens whenever possible.  If you absolutely cannot, taking a high nutrient density multi vitamin is really smart, as well as looking into electrolyte mixes or supplements. People will try to bully you or shame you for not eating "just one this" or "you have to try a bite" and after a little while, you absolutely can! But during the first month or so, til you become "fat adapted" it is best to be as diligent as possible, and you will be really proud of the results. Not all fats are created equal:  While dirty keto does exist and sometimes is necessary, try to remember that quality of your fuel will always dictate how you feel.  Will you feel better after a slice of greasy pizza or a big salad with lots of veggies and roasted turkey? Easy concept. You don't have to starve yourself.  This was the hardest part for me to learn at first.  Keto foods are filling, yummy, and full of flavor, so eat til you're about comfortably full and give the fork a rest.  You'll find you're sated for many hours! Not all people get the keto flu.  Some adapt to eating high fat really well with minimal issues.  If you are feeling dizzy, lightheaded, or stomach sick, make sure you have plenty of water and if you need to, have a shot of pickle juice or a sprinkle of salt in your water.  Vitamin water ZERO is also a decent way to get electrolytes without having to spend a lot on a supplement.  I'd avoid zero sugar gatorade though, the sweetener in it is sucralose which is bad for ketosis.
NOW TO THE FUN PART: THE FOOD! I do most of my shopping at a normal grocery store, and most of the things I mention can be bought at meijer, target, walmart, or whatever your local chain is. Buy organic if you want! But it isnt necessary.  Meats and dairy foods are best when bought all natural or organic if possible.  Look for words like grass finished, or pasture raised.
Breakfast ideas: Omelets - add whatever meats veggies and cheeses from list fit your choosing Cauliflower "hash" - sautee pieces of cauliflower with meats, veggies, top with cheese and let it melt :D keto "cereal" - 2 cups unsweetened coconut, sprinkle with cinnamon, stevia, coconut oil, pecans, macadamia nuts, whatever.  bake two minutes per side around 375 til toasted.  cool and serve with unsweetened hemp, oat, almond or soy milk and fresh berries if you want! Chorizo and eggs with avocado and sour cream - they do make turkey chorizo too! or make your own by adding hot sauce and spices to ground turkey.  :3 "Two Good" Makes a super low carb yogurt that tastes amazing  - i eat it with berries or a "Quest" brand protein cookie for breakfast! Chia pudding - 2 T. chia seeds, milk substitute or water, stevia, and whatever flavor you want to add! Peanut butter, cocoa powder for PB cup,  raspberry/almond,  blueberry/pecan.  Chill overnight, awesome grab and go Egg muffins  - mix up eggs like youd be making scrambled eggs, add some ricotta or cottage cheese (full fat only), add toppings, bake for 5-10 mins til middle is set (use a tooth pick).  Can freeze and pop in microwave or last a week in the fridge.  I like mine with pesto and mozzarella with tomato on top.
Lunch ideas: La tortilla factory low carb wrap "blt" - these tortillas are amazing and come in many sizes.  If you cant find those, find any brand that says "low carb" - look for net carbs under 6 for best choices.  Add avocado, turkey bacon, mayo if desired, lettuce, tomato, peppers, etc.  Eat with cheese chips (recipe in snacks) Soups:  Creamy chicken chili, broccoli cheese (substitute heavy cream and broth in place for milk in recipes) bone broth veggie soups (imagine PHO or Ramen with no noodles!) MAKE A BIG ASS SALAD WITH WHATEVER MEATS AND CHEESE AND VEGGIES YOU WANT   (that are safe on the list ofc) this is what i do a lot, and i put the dressing on the side so i can just munch on it throughout the day without it getting soggy.   If you find yourself picking certain parts out of your salad right away, try to focus on those more until your body is craving other things.  Some days i eat my meats right away, others i eat all my veggies.  Your body often tells you what you need without even realizing. If you're a grazer make a fruit and nut tray, or "lunchables" almost. There is a recipe for whats called CLOUD BREAD. It's basically like a fluffy meringue that is made with cream cheese and eggs. I dont make it a lot, I almost always would rather have those wraps.  They're that good and last longer :D Try to keep things with you that you know you will eat, rather than things you think you're supposed to eat, because cold fish sounds disgusting vs that yummy five piece chicken tender with hot sauce. >_>
Dinner Ideas: Dinner is my forte because for a long time I was doing OMAD keto, aka "One meal a day keto" where I would fast until dinner every day, except for coffee, tea and water.  During these times I dreamt up many cheat meals that I JUST HAD TO HAVE and went home and keto-ized em.  If there's a will there's a way, bahahaha. OMAD is not recommended at the start of ketosis because you may feel low on energy or dizzy sometimes and we want to avoid bad feelings during initiation so when you see the success you have you won't have a negative feeling as to why it happened.
LITERALLY IMAGINE YOUR FAVORITE DINNER. Whatever you're craving.  You can hack it. We got this.   Chinese/Take out? Easy mode.  You can make stir fries, fried cauliflower rice, sweet and sour chicken (using parmesan for a crust!), peanut "noodles" or "zoodles", egg foo young, etc! American: Wings, burgers, brats/sausages, grilled chicken, etc - most cook out foods in whole form are totally safe. Pair with grilled veggies or a salad, or make a pasta salad from zoodles with homemade italian dressing.  YUMMMM bish Italian: Low carb tomato sauces and "noodles", Fat head Pizza (link to fat head dough recipe will be at bottom.  This shit is dope.  I never even liked pizza before this).  Chicken Parmesan, "Spaghetti and Meatballs", Lasagna: AND OMG GUESS WHAT. Alfredo is like totally fair game, and its really good with mushrooms and chicken. :P Mexican: HOLY FUCK I EAT THIS STUFF SO MUCH.  Like, pretty much everything but the chips and rice are totally gucci for keto.  Taco/Burrito bowls, fajitas, ceviche, salsa, avocado salad, guacamole, and for dipping I make cheese chips or thin slices of cucumber spritzed with chili lime and salt. Greek: Greek salad, schwarma, gyros (either without bread or use the low carb wraps), hemp seed "Falafel", tzatziki sauce, feta cheese, olives, etc. I have even made indian and thai curries, moroccan food, middle eastern We have made chicken tenders, french fries, chips, "nachos", fish fry, breaded mushrooms, mozz sticks, cheese curds.  All your craving foods! The internet is wonderful for this, just make sure you are paying close attention to how much a portion is, or if its higher in carbs than you're allowed for the day.
Above I posted a picture for a shopping list.
This is a nice shopping list but I find it is sort of strict.  Try to stick to these items to start but You can add in things like more nuts or avocados, almond and coconut flours (to make cakes and breads!), and higher starch veggies and fruits as time goes on.  I get down on some cantaloupe pretty often, and have a cupcake at least once a month.
Intermittent Fasting IF is typically considered an advance technique or body reset especially after big meal days or cheating, and while it has amazing health benefits, I would suggest you research it yourself and decide if it's right for you.  I had a lot of luck with it because I hate to keep track of my calories on an app so I knew if I ate whatever I could within a five to seven hour period that the chances that I would eat more than 1800 calories would go way down.   Each person is different, if you feel physically hungry, don't deny that feeling. Here is a link that describes and explains types of IF. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/intermittent-fasting-guide#methods
What to do when you go out to eat We live in a time where many people eat low carb, or restaurants are very willing to wiggle with ingredients or substitutions.  Remember that nicer restaurants appreciate this less, but if you know that it will be happening, you can always call the restaurant and let them know in advance.  Many chefs are reasonable and want your business and willing to help. Always check the menu for words like, naked, ask for sauces on the side, try to stick to things that are usually safe, blue cheese, ranch, vinaigrettes, mayos.  When a dish comes with a carb side, most places will double up on steamed or grilled veg for very little extra or no charge.  I get steak with a literal dick ton of broccoli or asparagus and lotsa butter and its good and filling. :D Burgers can be put on top of a side salad , or ask for a lettuce wrap.  Make sure wings and chickens arent breaded before frying or baking.  Chinese restaurants usually have a section that has all the same ingredients but sauce on the side and veggies steamed, good for when you go out.  Egg drop soup is usually ok as long as you don't eat a gallon of it. If something comes that you really want, but can't have, just have one small bite and cover the rest of it with too much salt or ketchup or something than you can handle, or trade it away.  This will prevent you from eating it all. There's lots of options and understand that whenever you go out, there is a chance that you might slip out of ketosis.  Don't be discouraged because a small slip is a lot easier to deal with than a big one, and you will feel fine within 12 hrs.
What to drink and when Coffee, espresso, unsweetened teas, club soda or la croix like drinks with zero fake sugars added (look for aspartame, sucralose, dextrose, erythritol, etc), pure liquors with no added flavor or sugar (vodka, gin, whiskey, rum, tequila), dry red wine (cabernet, merlot) dry white wine (sauvignon blanc, brut champagne, pinot grigo, chardonnay).  Keep in mind that alcohol still contains a lot of calories and while it will not likely bump you out of ketosis, it does delay your body burning calories because it is too busy trying to destroy the evil alcohol from your bloodstream (dramatic music) so limiting intake in the first month really helps you to get in the swing and feel good and hydrated :P. Side Note: Ketal One makes new no sugar added Botanical Vodka and the Peach one and the cucumber mint one are fucking amazing, the end.
"Carb cycling" cheat days, and how to IF YOU KNOW YOU'RE GONNA CHEAT mentally prepare yourself for that.  Know what you want to eat, what isnt worth it, and how to stop yourself when you are done.  Ever been on a bender where you drank like three days in a row and by the end you're like dude wtf happened all I wanted was to drink friday night and now its sunday where did it go".  This has happened to me lots with holidays and special occasion weekends, and the best advice I have for you is to pay attention to how cheating makes you feel.  Don't feel guilty unless you feel bad for your progress or your body.  Sadly, potatoes make me feel like garbage so I try to avoid them like the plague even when I do cheat. Try to not eat for as long as you can handle after you cheat to allow your body some rest and to burn the glucose and glycogen that may be still in your system.  If you feel good enough some cardio or lifting may help to get you back in faster. Ultimately, if keto is a lifestyle for you, remember that life happens and its ok to be human, and eat things that are unhealthy as long as its not the normal.  Remind yourself that you deserve to be happy as well as healthy and balance that in your mind.  Being positive and recognizing this will help you to not fall off the deep end either way, by being too strict or completely abandoning keto, which often in the early phase will lead you to gaining all that weight you lost back. Carb cycling is a form of keto diet for athletes or very physical people who benefit from a quick carb before intense activity in order to feed their muscles or whatever but as I am not one of those people, I just stick to my higher carb fruits and veggies when I think I might go for a run or walk, or drag my ass down the road, whatever you'd like to call it. >_>
Things to avoid that are a waste of money Don't buy "exo ketones" or "Keto drinks" or powders, anything "bullet-proof" is basically bullshit, you can make the same things for zillions of dollars less and it will taste better as well. Keto urine strips are pretty much just a waste of money, they aren't really indicative of where you are at. Expensive "keto" supplements aren't necessary, take your multi and drink your electrolytes and you should be good to go.  Keep in mind if you are an intense athlete I am not so like talk to your doctor or coach dude.
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iheartsurveys · 7 years
Are you currently wearing anything red? The shirt I'm wearing is burgundy ish Have you had a deep conversation with anyone today? Not really What would you say is the most disgusting thing you’ve ever tasted? One of my roommates freshman year had spam flavored nuts, and someone dared a friend to try them but he was too afraid too so I did it and holy fuck it was awful What was the last food you got a random craving for? Grilled cheese and onion rings Has anyone/anything made you angry recently? Mad about some hockey drama. Who did you last go to the cinema with? Same answer as always, I'll let you know when it changes lol What was the last song that got stuck in your head? Better Than That by Sub-Radio When was the last time you listened to it? Yesterday I think, or maybe the day before Who was the last person to say something thought-provoking? Idk On your Facebook friends list, who was the last person to have their b-day? Elise How old were they? 23 What did you/are you having for dinner tonight? Spinach and mozzarella ravioli Is your best friend in a relationship? She is How old were you 5 years ago? 18! Crazy What is something you enjoy doing, but aren’t good at? Singing Who was the last person you talked to, whose name started with ‘C’? My stepdad What colour are that person’s eyes? I think they're hazel Name some healthy foods that you enjoy eating. I love a good salad. I like green beans and asparagus. Carrots and ranch are delish. And I enjoy most fruit What is your favourite Studio Ghibli film? No clue what that is Do you have a favourite hair accessory? What does it look like? I don't use hair accessories other than hair ties What’s your favourite type of insect? Butterflies are cool but from a distance lol What’s your LEAST favourite type of insect? All of them Who was the last person you Facebook messaged? Maybe my mom? I forget and I don't feel like looking What’s his/her favourite food? Maybe eggplant parmesan Did you have a good day yesterday? What did you do? It was chill, I didn't do much just hung out at home When was the last time you went to a fancy dress party? Maybe frat formal last April? Who/what did you dress as? I just wore a sequined dress What genre was the last film you watched? Did you like it? I still think the last movie I watched was the breakfast club which I guess is a comedy/drama? I love that movie Have you made a sandwich today? What did you put on it? No If your best friend was a fictional character, who would he/she be? Why? I'm not sure Do you remember the last time you overheard part of a random conversation? Probably Sunday at Firefly Did it make you feel awkward? No What were you doing at 10 o'clock this morning? Letting the dogs out How many vowels are there in your first name? 3 What was the last song you listened to? Does it mean anything to you? Something by Sub-Radio I'm sure since I've been listening to them a lot since Firefly. It doesn't have any special meaning What flavour was the last cupcake you ate? Probably chocolate When was the last time you complimented a stranger? Not sure What’s your favourite milkshake flavour? Chocolate Have you had an interesting or amusing dream recently? I had a dream about living in a super cool house the other day Do you know how old your favourite actor is? 40 something Is there anything worrying you right now? Not really If so, have you talked to anyone about it?
N/A Is there anything you desperately want, that you can’t have? To not have to pay student loans lol When will you next see your best friend? Hmm not sure. Maybe next weekend Apart from sleeping, what do you plan to do tonight? Post this survey and browse social media one last time What’s the age difference between your parents? Like 3 weeks You can only have one flavour of ice-cream for the rest of your life. Which do you choose? Maybe vanilla, just because there's so many toppings you can add to make it interesting. Well actually you could do that with any flavor really but yeah idk I'll still say vanilla Are there any foods you’ve been craving, or eating a lot of, just recently? I said grilled cheese and onion rings earlier, that's pretty much it When was the last time you wanted to do something, but didn’t do it? Today Why did you choose not to do it? I was feeling lazy When was the last time you ate an apple? Like a month ago maybe What’s the nicest thing your best friend has ever said to you? Idk she's said a lot of nice things to me Have you ever experienced a hangover? lol oh yes What was the last food or drink that you tried for the first time? I had a buffalo chicken wrap at Firefly Did you like it? It was good but messy What is your least favourite pizza topping? All of them, I only like plain cheese pizza really What do your friends think of the person you’re currently interested in? I'm not interested in anyone Name one of your favourite foods, that starts with the letter ’S’. Steak The last time you hung out with your sibling(s), what did you do? Watched tv Who was the last blue-eyed person you spoke to? My mom Is there a person you’d like to speak to right now? No Why that person, specifically?
N/A When you woke up this morning, what was on your mind? That I needed to let the dogs out At this moment, what are you most looking forward to? Sleeping lol I'm super tired all of a sudden Do you have any scented candles in your home? What scent(s)? I have a kiwi passion fruit one and a pineapple one in my room, and there's a lilac one in the living room Are you planning any special outings with family or friends? I'm going to a baseball game with some friends on Friday Who were the last 3 males you talked to? My stepdad, and people at Firefly Do you ever wear lipstick? What colour(s) do you prefer? I love pinkish nudes If you have a pet, when did you last pet him/her? Like 3 hours ago maybe Do you have a favourite Celine Dion song? My Heart Will Go On, obvi << same Name one of your favourite foods, that starts with the letter ‘C’. Cheese Does the person love/like have a car? What colour is it? Don't like anyone Have you ever received a compliment on anything you’re wearing? No Have you had any caffeinated beverages today? Nope What was the last alcoholic drink you tried for the first time? A wine slushie Did you like it? Yes it was so good Have you eaten any chocolate today? What kind? Ice cream The last person you kissed - are they older or younger than you? He's younger When was the last time someone wanted you to do something, and you refused? My mom wanted to go work out today but I wasn't feeling it What’s your favourite feature of the person you’re currently interested in? N/A How many people have you hugged today? No one Do you have a favourite hair colour or eye colour on your preferred sex? I tend to like guys with darker hair and lighter eyes, but I don't discriminate Do you remember the first CD you ever bought? I don't actually. I remember getting an *NSYNC one for easter or Christmas when I was little Is there anyone on your mind atm? My dog because I just heard him bark and I'm like why tf are you barking at 1 am The last song you listened to - does it remind you of anyone? No Is your birth year an odd or even number? Even Have you eaten any of your favourite foods today? Nah What did you have for lunch yesterday? Leftover cheese pizza Who was the last person you messaged on Facebook? What's their sign? I think my mom, she's a Gemini How many different towns/cities have you lived in? 6 or 7 What are your parents’ middle names? Mom doesn't have one, dad is Paul Are your eyes the same colour as your sibling’s? No but they're step sibs soooo How many pets do you have? Would you like any more? Omg so we had 4 right, 3 dogs and a cat. So my mom had been talking recently about getting another cat because she thinks Isabella is lonely. I said no she totally doesn't want another animal she wants more attention from us, and that she's a princess she would hate to share things........I go away for 5 days to a festival and what do they do, they get a cat on "trial" for 2 weeks to see how it goes which could lead to adoption. Low and behold, Bella isn't fond of him. So idk what's going to happen because the new cat is actually super sweet and chill and we all like him. But I think they're crazy like we don't need 5 animals!!!! Who would've thought me, the "child", would be saying hey people we don't need anymore animals Do you prefer still or sparkling drinks? Still Is there a song you can’t stop listening to atm? Caroline by Sub-Radio is a jam Did you have a strange or interesting dream last night? Can't remember Which friend do you confide in most? Britt Who was the first male you talked to today? What colour are his eyes? My stepdad, I think hazel Are you wearing any accessories in your hair? Describe them: No When was the last time you felt ill? What was wrong? My stomach was bothering me on Monday If given the chance, would you change anything that’s happened today? No Who was your first best friend? Do you still speak to that person? Alyssa; were fb and insta friends but we don't talk Do you like your middle name, or does it embarrass you? It's fine Are you wearing anything that was given to you as a gift? No Have you received any compliments about your appearance today? Lol definitely not Have you ever written a song or poem for someone special? No Have you ever had an argument with the last person you text messaged? Nothing major What colour is your shampoo bottle? Blue Are you attracted to the last person you Facebook messaged? No Do you have any ice-cream in your freezer? What flavour is it? Yes, chocolate peanut butter ice cream. << hey me too Have you spoken to any of your neighbours today? No, but the people across the street just got a new puppy so I want to even though the husband is an ass lol
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gawaine · 7 years
Rules: Complete the survey and say who tagged you in the beginning. When you finished tag 5 people to do this survey. Have fun and enjoy!!!
Tagged by the wonderful @wwwinteriscoming, who also gave me Isbah’s new URL (thank fuck @softdiego, I keep losing you)
1: Are you named after someone? Nope! The only criteria for my name was that it have an Arabic and English meaning, and could be easily pronounced in both.
2: When was the last time you cried? Yesterday, watching A Year in the Life on Netflix. Richard Gilmore died. It was sad. That was ‘single tear’ type crying though, the last time I had a proper cry was... Last week, maybe? I had a little cry after throwing my ankle out at the gym and it triggered my PTSD.
3: Do you like your handwriting? I have a love-hate relationship with it? Char and @drlegendaryhands swear it’s beautiful, but when I’m rushing it’s reduced to a mess, so... It depends on how much time I have when writing!
4: What is your favourite lunch meat? This is an odd question. But chicken. It’s filling, you can do lots to it, it tastes good and it’s healthy.
5: Do you have kids? No, thank fuck. Bleeergh, the thought of having a child this young is repellant to me (... and not even necessarily ‘this young’). No thanks. That’s what nieces and nephews are for - babies you can love, but give back.
6: If you were another person, would you be friends with you? Probably not? I like to think I’m a good friend, who is funny and loyal, but in reality I’m really out of touch with emotion and a load of other shit. Ref: all previous best friends for proof.
7: Do you use sarcasm? It’s my native tongue.
8: Do you still have your tonsils? No! It’s so weird to be able to say that now! Nope, I had my tonsillectomy in October. I was scheduled to have a coblation procedure, but it ended up being a standard electrocautery tonsillectomy instead :)
9: Would you bungee jump? Yes. No. Depends on why. I like the idea of conquering my fears but I also don’t want to die (today) so??
10: What is your favourite kind of cereal? Golden Nuggets or Weetabix. I have no chill. It’s either a sugarfest or really good for me. Plus, they absorb milk really well and I’ve gotten really fussy recently: milk left over from cereal disgusts me, I can never finish it, and it makes me feel bloated.
11: Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? Low-top sneakers, like Vans and Converses, absolutely not, but boots and high-tops, yes. I don’t actually own any other type of shoe.
12: Do you think you’re a strong person? emotionally? or physically? lol no, but I’m arrogant enough to acknowledge the evidence shows otherwise. I think it just comes down to the fact that I’m very good at pretending, emotionally? And physically... HAHA. Actual quote from me at the gym today, talking to my trainer: “You know I said I have the upper body strength of a worm? I think that was too kind.”
13: What is your favorite ice cream flavor? This... Is not... Thorough enough. If it’s Ben & Jerry’s, it’s One Love (banana, chocolate and caramel) though that’s up for debate because I have new flavours in my freezer that I’m yet to try; Haagen Dazs, it’s cookies and cream (macadamia nut brittle is a close second); if it’s sorbet, I prefer berry because of its sharpness, though mango is smoother; if it’s unbranded, then mint chocolate chip. Gelato can only be from the place I went to on Borgo Pio in Rome, so fresh, made only of fruit and milk, where melon is a preference (I take ice cream very seriously, wow).
14: What is the first thing you notice about people? The way they look at people. You can tell a lot about a person that way.
16: What is the least favourite physical thing you like about yourself? My injury scars (whoa, look at me being honest today).
17: What color pants and shoes are you wearing now? I’m not wearing shoes - I’m at home - so I’m wearing grey skinny sweats and stripy ‘Fries Before Guys’ socks.
18: What was the last thing you ate? Butter biscuits I made a few days ago, but I can’t actually taste that - I can still taste the tuna crunch salad I had before that, because I put in a lot of crunch (read: a shit-ton of red onion and celery).
19: What are you listening to right now? Bollywood music from Shahrukh Khan’s new movie. If I wasn’t, I’d probably be listening to some The Pretty Reckless, I’ve been on a grunge trip recently.
20: If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Purple. No idea why. I guess it’s lighter than black but more complex than a primary colour? Oh, look, my English degree is showing.
21: Favourite smell? Fresh water.
22: Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone? My big sister, Reehana. She wanted to see how I felt after I text her from the cardio machine at the gym, saying my arms felt like lead. They still felt like lead. Arm days kill.
23: Favourite sport to watch? Watching the cricket is more a tradition, so martial arts, probably? Or swimming? But I’m not a big sports enthusiast.
24: Hair color? Very dark brown. It looks black, but you can see it’s not in the light, and because in the summer, it reddens.
25: Eye color? Dark brown. I’m very boring.
26: Do you wear contacts? I’m beginning to. I hate it. I thought taking off a normal bra in exchange for a sports one was a pleasant feeling, but taking contacts out after 11 hours of wear and putting on your glasses is just... Heavenly.
27: Favorite food to eat? This is unfair, so I will go by my favourite cuisines. (Savoury) Italian: pizza. Mexican: burritos. Persian: grilled lamb is amazing. American: burgers and fries. Canadian: fresh maple syrup pancakes. (Sweet) French: macaroons. Italian: ice cream cake. I’m also a total ho for traditional Punjabi food, but that’s complex. (I also take food very seriously).
28: Scary movies or comedy? Ha, half the time, aren’t they the same thing? The girl moves towards the scary noise and drops her phone, the non-white person dies first, everyone trips over their laces? Okay, sorry - comedy! Definitely. Rom coms are cute too. 
29: Last movie you watched? Ummm, Dhangal, this Bollywood movie about a man who trained his little girls to become Olympic wrestlers. Based on a true story. Was absolutely excellent. I can’t remember the last English movie I watched at the cinema... Ghostbusters, possibly?
30: What color of shirt are you wearing? Grey. It’s a jumper with my university logo on the front.
31: Summer or winter? Summer, though I always die, because I wear too many layers. Usually I’d say winter, but our heating is being a little shit, so the whole warm-and-snuggled-while-it-rains ~aesthetic has gone to shit.
32: Hugs or kisses? Hugs. More intimate, they feel more safe and, whilst I have never been kissed on the mouth romantically, I’d assume less gooey, too?
33: What book are you currently reading? HA, I don’t think I’ve finished reading a whole book for pleasure since I graduated. I’m reading multiple. Attempting to re-read A Series of Unfortunate Events (struggling, no idea why) and Muhammad Ali’s memoirs (but Mum stole it). The Princess Diaries set so I could read the newest one, but I’m bored at no.5 because I’ve read that multiple times. Still a quarter of the way through reading The Da Vinci Code for the third time, so I can read the newest two of the set. Reconsidering breaking out my non-fiction book on the Medici that I started about four years ago, after watching Medici: Masters of Florence. You did not expect this long an answer, did you? Your fault for asking!
34: Who do you miss right now? My Dad, he’s away on business.
35: What is on your mouse pad? What is this, 2005? Who still has a mouse pad?
36: What is the last TV program you watched? sense8, I’m rewatching so I can watch the special/second season without having to rush a recap watch.
37: What is the best sound? The sound of rain on glass, or my brother laughing.
38: Rolling Stones or The Beatles? I feel like I’m not white enough for this question, I would struggle to name a Rolling Stones song from the top of my head and the only Beatles songs I know are ones that have been covered by other people. Sorry!
39: What is the furthest you have ever traveled? Had to Google this, but - Florida, USA. Thought it was Pakistan. I went to Disneyworld when I was 8.
40: Do you have a special talent? Yes, isolating myself and being able to fit more ice cream in the top drawer of the freezer, even if it’s full. The TARDIS has nothing on my freezer drawer.
41: Where were you born? St George’s Hospital, London. I’m a city girl, through and through :)
I tag @barefootonbrokenglass, @franklyineedcoffee, @nancyywheller, @intoxicatedinthedark and... I do not know enough people on this site to do shit like this
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justmegawatt · 7 years
Journal Day 177 - Raven Rant
Tuesday, April 18th 2017
Megg’s Schedule for the Day:
7:45 – 8:00 = Write schedule for the day (Got distracted, went on Reddit for a while, done at 8:00) 8:00 – 8:15 = Cook food (Done at 8:04, just had to wash then boil some potatoes) 8:15 – 8:30 = Shower (Done and fully changed at 8:19 AM) 8:30 – 9:00 = Eat food (Done at 8:55 AM. Time to chill). 9:00 – 9:30 = Chill (Done at 9:30) 9:30 – 10:00 = Drive to work (Done at 10:02) 10:00 – 4:45 = Work (Done at 4:46) 4:45 – 6:00 = Drive Home (Done at 5:15) 6:00 – 6:30 = Go out for a walk (Done at 7:30) 6:30  - 7:00 = Read CS1102 Assignments (Did it this morning during my ‘Chill’ time) 7:00 – 8:00 = CS1102 Discussion Assignment, Check out Programming Assignment (Done at 9:35 PM) 8:00 – 9:00 = Online Course (Skip) 9:00 – 10:00 = Re-Edit Fast Typing Video, and re-upload to YouTube (Skip) 10:00 – 10:30 = Journal entry (easy, done at 11:50 PM) 10:30 – Onwards = Sleep
Do you see how much time work and driving time takes up in a day? It makes it difficult to do anything else because there is almost NO TIME to do anything else.
8:34 AM
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Breakfast this morning. Prep time: 2 minutes.
“But where do you get your protein?” Every food has protein. The meat industry has people brainwashed to think that only meat has protein, the milk industry has brainwashed people to drink fluids from a non-human animal after their growth period, and to get them to believe that only milk has calcium.
8:57 AM
It’s time to chill, because I don’t want to drive to work right away. I’m going to spend this time reading my homework assignment for CS1102.
11:12 AM
I’m in the office now. Had my 10 AM meeting. There’s at least 3 new people joining the company today, one of them is on our team. We’re going out to lunch later to celebrate a new member coming onboard. It’s also another team member’s birthday today so he will choose where we go, I think it’s his 35th birthday.
1:38 PM
Kind of bullshit. I was forced to go out into lunch and birthday boy chose to go out to a steakhouse grill restaurant. I looked at the menu and there was no vegan friendly choices on there, except for a salad. No one at work knows I’m a vegan, and I wasn’t about to be bugged about it. I chose to order the fish tacos, and I ate them. I felt like shit during and after. They didn’t even taste good. Destroying a life, harming the environment, contributing to the extinction of all ocean life, and damaging my health, wasn’t worth eating those tacos. I shook my head and looked down as I munched. Fucking bullshit.
The typical conversation around the table was about sports. Then it was about music. Then it was about dance floors and clubs. Society is pretty dumb. Those things are cool, but they’re not that exciting. There is so much more to do and talk about in life, why would I care about who the latest sports star is, or which new trap songs are nice?
But at least I know what’s wrong with the world and how to fix it. Am I going to be a revolutionary? I hope so.
2:14 PM
I feel sleepy. Must be the animal fats and cholesterol clogging up my arteries from the tacos I ate. High blood pressure leads to brain shrinkage. That’s why lowering my blood pressure is one of my main focuses. To get there, I’m focusing on losing weight first. I’m only strong when I’m powered by plants.
3:53 PM
Still insanely sleepy. I’m not the only one, everyone else in my team looks groggy as shit. People think this is normal?
4:21 PM
I actually went and took a nap for around 10 minutes. Those animal fats and cholesterol going through my veins, it’s been a while since I’ve had so much artery clogging.
5:16 PM
It’s about 44 minutes until I have to go out for a walk, so I’ll work on a video during this time. A quick Java tutorial.
6:58 PM
I got distracted for a bit and went on Reddit for the longest time. It took me around an hour afterwards to make the video and then render it. While the video was rendering I got distracted again and went on Reddit. But anyway, here is the end result of the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ggU_qbeV8k
11:13 PM
I’m definitely off schedule because I was supposed to go to sleep at 10:30 PM and not at 11:13 PM. However, it’s all good. Writing the journal entry throughout the day makes me not even have to write a journal entry later at night. I can skip that part entirely basically.
We live in a society where it is abnormal to not eat animals. But you’re crazy if you intentionally kill a bald eagle, or a kangaroo, or a panda, or a koala, or a chimpanzee. And we have no instinct to randomly just kill or eat any animal we come across. I have never seen a chicken, or a cow, or a pig, and thought “I need to kill these guys for food, these guys look tasty to me”, and same with fish, I’ve never had an instinct to kill or eat any fish, and I own goldfish, he should look appetizing to me.
91% of the Amazon Rainforest has been destroyed for animal agriculture. 2500 gallons of water are needed to produce one pound of beef. 1000 gallons are needed for 1 gallon of milk, one of the most unnatural ‘foods’ that we have, and it makes no sense that anyone even drinks it, besides that the dairy industry has a ton of money. We have nearly empty oceans and 99% of several fish populations have already been wiped out. The Great Barrier Reef is basically dead now thanks to all the environmental damage that we have done since more than 51% of earth’s CO2 emission is from animal agriculture.
More than 6 million animals are killed for food every hour, unnecessarily mind you. I’ve not been vegan my entire life, but I find completely unnecessary to eat meat at all. It’s not required in any diet. In fact the longest living populations on the planet are vegan. The people with the lowest cancer risk, the lowest heart attack risk, the lowest Alzheimer’s risk, the lowest diabetes risk, the lowest obesity risk, the lowest high blood pressure risk, the best looking people, the smartest people, the most energetic people, and so on, are vegans.
Veganism is the fucking healthiest diet in the world, the most sustainable diet in the fucking world, and the most humane diet in the world, and it’s abnormal in our society. In fact, if you’re a vegan, you’re a weirdo. That shows you that society is very retarded. I’m above the retardation however. I mean don’t be surprised that society is full of dumb fucks. You have people strapping bombs to their chest and committing suicide over their religion.
Women didn’t even receive the right to vote until the 1920s, black males received the right to vote earlier than women. So we enslave an entire race of people, then we free them. Then we give their males the right to vote. BUT the 50% of the population, WOMEN, we just ignored and didn’t give EQUAL RIGHTS AS MEN until ~100 years ago.
Not only that, segregation still existed until less than 50 years ago. LESS THAN 50 YEARS AGO. Before then, whites were still viewed as superior, and had more rights, more privileges. It took us until just 50 years ago to treat people of our SAME SPECIES as equal. I’m not surprised society is taking ages to understand how to treat other species better.
At the same time though, the main conversations you hear from people is about sports, music, or some other retarded shit that really doesn’t matter in the world. This is the first world. You have more people rioting in the streets for a sports game, rather than an actual important issue in the world. Fuck man.
This is the world I live in, and it’s full of shit. There is shit everywhere. But again, I don’t stay silent. I’m slowly, very slowly, getting to where I want to be. How long will it take? I think a decade or more. Crawling is slow, but it’s faster than standing still. I’m ashamed of people, we spent the majority of time doing nothing; watching tv, playing games, browsing social media. That’s what we spend our time doing. Instead of cleaning up the environment, solving world problems, or improving ourselves, we spend it wasting away. This society is fucked.
The world is pretty stupid. But that doesn’t stop the few of us who are trying.
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 Selfie for the day
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