#and the fact that ppl still find it now and enjoy it enough to want to send me an ask or comment on the fic??? absolutely wild to me
wispscribbles · 2 months
hi i hope this isn’t annoying and i am taking all my bravery just to do this off anon, however i just stumbled across your account this morning and read all of NRFTW in one sitting and this is the first time in so long ive read a whole fanfic, LET ALONE one that made me gasp out loud and giggle to myself and ALL THAT CRAZY SHIT!! your writing is what i aspire to reach (as one writer to another)! all the callbacks and flashbacks were so perfectly placed and written. reading that was truly a fuckin MAGICAL experience dude. keep it up man :3
Aaaah thank you so much!!! No need to be nervous writing me, I love receiving asks (but also, I get it, I’m the same) - and asks about NRFTW??? My bread and butter, I am so so happy that people are continually finding and enjoying that fic. I put my sweat, tears and half a year into that thing, and while I keep finding more and more flaws if I read through it, I still think it makes up for it with… soul?? Idk, I’m just happy that it’s a good read for so many folks. To hear I can inspire you and your writing is genuinely all I could hope for. I’m still learning and working to improve - we’re out here together !! Thanks again, and good luck writing 🫡❤️❤️
I hope it’s ok that I answer these asks in a single post - they have a bit of a theme, so it feels right
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That’s dedicated reading! It’s fun to see ppl reading it in a few hours - makes me think of the poor souls who waited from chapter to chapter. ANYWAY, thank you so much for reading!! I kinda hope I’m struck by inspiration to write more for that universe some day, but everything was wrapped up fairly neatly, so it’d almost be a shame. We’ll see! (I think the characters would prefer if I let them be, given my tendency to… blow stuff up) (in fics!) Thank you for sending an ask my way ❤️
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@maraskywalkers hiii!! Thank youuuu !!!! I’m so happy you enjoyed it 🥰 It’s nice not being alone in enjoying something a little more soft for ghoap, despite the nature of canon. Thanks for reading !!
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@sir-boggy-himself (GREAT name, Sir Boggy) Thank you for reading! In one sitting, too?? There’s something so fun in knowing some folks experienced that whole thing in one go, that’s gotta give some emotional whiplash along the way 😭 I’m happy you enjoy both the art and the fics. I hope I can keep making good stuff 🥹 Thanks again !!!
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adelheidvonschicksal · 4 months
Sorry its me again from the matter manipulation request I forgot to add their personality.Their personality is more like Quiet,calm I wouldn't call them a villian but they are also afraid of their own ability and they can't control lets say that they're a 2nd grade because they struggle with manipulating matter even tho it's like POWERFUL but they just struggle with it.
(Their power is like atom eve but they can control humans aswell since they can control atoms and molecules like changing ppl,their dna and stuff)
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Back in high school, he’d find ways to annoy you the most, not because he didn’t like you but because for a long time he thought you were shy and needed to get out of your shell.
He also was curious about your powers: always asking if you could make something smaller or bigger for him, make regular tea into boba tea, if you could shrink all of them and possibly start a war with the giant ant hill in the courtyard. Mostly it was just to tease you and get you to talk to him even if it was you constantly denying his requests.
He finds your low confidence in your gift a huge waste of potential, and it’s a bit frustrating for him to watch. He thinks you should have more confidence in yourself.
Even still, he knows you well enough by now that he has all your little worries and habits pegged whether it’s itching, nail biting, tapping, he can see all your nervousness, and also make it disappear with a single inappropriate joke.
You’re a calm and quiet person, which he says makes it much more special when he’s finally able to crack a smile from you or get you worked up over some dumb scheme he’s concocted.
Well into young adulthood, he continues to bug you about doing silly little things with your powers for him. He doesn’t think you picked up on the fact that he asks for these little things to help you practice your skills and new abilities without you noticing.
Geto is really fond of you. He has been ever since you notice him making a disgusted scrunch after choking down curses on a mission, and how you used your powers to literally make them an easier pill to swallow by shrinking them.
He finds you to be a soothing presence like Shoko, another calm compared to Satoru’s storm with Geto himself somewhere in the middle. It makes a good dynamic.
He spends a lot of time trying to help you come to terms with your power. He always defends you when Satoru would use your fear of your power against you in petty fights.
Suguru is always trying to make sure you’re comfortable with everything going on around them. He tries to make sure you don’t get teased too much, and he always has a calm way of talking to you that convinces you to join in with the others more. You’re observant of everyone else so he wants to return the favor and look out for you too.
He swears you have nothing to worry about when it comes to using your powers. If things go wrong, he’ll help you figure it out. Although, he does enjoy how happy you get when you get something right, likes to pat your head.
After he defects from Jujutsu High, he gives you the offer to come with him. You wouldn’t have to feel pressured to use your powers anymore if you did. He wants all sorcerers to live a free life especially you. 
Your personality makes you more favorable to him than other people. He knows your potential is strong and respects you for understanding, accepting, and trying to manage yourself to avoid hurting others. It’s the slow and steady method. However, this still causes him to underestimate you at times and overly worry about your mental wellbeing.
He does his best to protect you and give you direction, taking the lead even when your technique is realistically better for most situations.
You have to study a lot to learn all the different things you can do with your technique and so you both can bond over being readers and take each other’s suggestions on books or television programs.
However, there’s not really any other times where the two of you can be around each other a lot due to your grade difference and you’re both not the type to seek others out unless you need something so the relationship remains at a respectable level to friendship.
The two of you get along fairly well since you’re both quiet people. However, that means that when you spend time together, there isn’t much talking as there is enjoying the company of someone else, which causes the two of you to get teased a bit as a quiet duo.
You’re both the second grades in your group, and you both got mental hangups about your powers. When Megumi notices this in you as well, he tries to help out, repeating what Gojo says about being greedier, but he gets a little embarrassed and says to ignore his rambling when you still seem confused by it.
He enjoys working with you, your powers open up endless possibilities to use in battle, and he wants to be able to think of more creative ways to use his powers in the way that you can so he finds your technique pretty/interesting to watch.
Megumi is a little more self-conscious around you. You’re very quiet and calm, maybe serious, he isn’t entirely sure because you don’t speak your mind a lot. He doesn’t judge you for it because he can be the same way.
He doesn’t feel the need to pressure you into speaking more than what’s comfortable. When you become better friends, he realizes he likes having your company without the pressure to entertain you.
He thinks you’re the best one in the school who can understand all of his worries. Itadori and Kugisaki understand him well, but he thinks maybe with you it’s more mutual), or at least he hopes he’s the same for you. 
Extra: You’d probably be able to learn from Yuki Tsukino as well. She doesn’t exactly have matter manipulation, but her mass manipulation technique could probably inspire some ideas. It would also lead you to being like teammates with the ever-boisterous Aoi Todo.
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priscirat · 17 days
It’s the prsk only anon. Oh yeah I did see there was an anime! I just have to make time for that lol. But I was thinking you could make it easier for other people like me who aren’t familiar with both yet. Can you explain or summarize what the similarities and differences are between prsk and Bandori stories?
OFC !!
biggest difference you had in early bandori and early prsk is that the event stories in bandori feel way more 'one shot' like than prsk. the character development still happen and the past events are still referenced ofc but in comparison the events Suffice in themselves. best Counter example with prsk is the first leoneed arc from unit story to resonating with you. all the events specifically build up to this etc. currently i feel like the tendency is actually being reversed on both sides which is nice to see !!
bandori also got a WIDE cast of characters. 45 whole girlies to enjoy. so you are Bound to find one that you enjoy following in their story and character development. also each group got their Own specific visuals and Type as one does in that genre. theres a Lot of cross bands friendships and connections that are so so fun to follow thru and also nice to see how it impacts the story
bandori actually now got 10 girlies in college ! we had a huge pre graduation arc that touched onto all the subjects that what graduation Mean to those characters. some were excited. some were so so scared (imai lisa <3). and now the stories do take into account that change. as well as the fact that a LOT of other girls are now in their last year of highschool. which is not something that prsk has touched upon yet so it feels nice to see !!
i think that prsk often made a name for itself for having 'heavier' themes and writing but as someone who has read a fair share of both that both share the same tone and type of writing while being very distinct from each other. maybe that bandori is a bit more Subtexty in its heavier themes earlier on but they exist and are actually very much portrayed in the mygo anime and in more events going forward.
now that we got the big broad strokes of the Writing and story. the Actual goal of those two franchises. music. which is both so so great
while all of bandori music is made with 'it must sounds like a band is actually playing it' in mind (compared to prsk units who are Less limited by that in some way) All the bands have a Very distinctive sounds and genre of band music. no matter which band you love the most you will Always want to check what the others are doing and it wont feel repetitive in the slightest
prsk is SO good to make you discover producers, their style of music and their discography. which is so great to me who never got to deep dive into vocaloid music until i got into prsk. bandoris music will often have the same ppl working on it (unless mygo and avemuji who got Separated music production which is Great) so it doesnt have that kind of reach
i will say it. it is FUN to compare when both franchise got covers in common when ppl Arent being disingenuous about the quality of each (prsk violently shaking you to fix your mixing on some covers PLEASE) and to see why and how they both make it work !!!
LIVE PERFORMANCES. both got their own brand performances ofc. prsk more in line with what vocaloid concerts are like. adore seeing them. but ooh bandori. the whole goal of the franchise was to put on concerts and by god they succeeded. 6 out of the 9 bands got live concerts fully performed by the seiyuu. and it is SO so great to see them progress when you know that a GOOD bunch of them picked up their instruments just for that role. cant recommend to watch bandori concerts enough. if anything.
i will stop there for now but those are my personal important points !!!
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vveakfish · 4 months
thinking abt this post (not adding a screenshot bc op [@mrpsychokiller] turned off reblogs and i wanna respect that) but like, idk it just got my brain moving.
i did my undergrad thesis on how sex and community in queer spaces can often go hand in hand & how kink can act as a vehicle for finding community within a subculture can in some (but not all) cases be Very sex centric.
And it was such a fucking trip to work on this project within the confines of Art School™ & realize that nearly every one of my professors wrote off the deeper meaning of my work because the images i was making were a lil kinky.
It created this really strange dichotomy within the feedback i got that semester.
My peers (namely the ones who were also queer freaks themselves) fucking Got It. we had in depth conversations about what it was that i was trying to say, and it was so great to have them around me while i worked myself to the bone on these prints.
but when i got critiques from my thesis advisor –and all the other professors in my program – it was like all they could see was the fact that i was depicting men who also happened to be sexy.
I remember about half way through the semester, when we did our like midterm review or whatever, there was very little talk about my technique, or if the images were effectively conveyed, or any of the other things my peers who were tackling less ‘risqué’ subject matter got feedback on. It was all about how the work was horny & bc of that they weren’t sure if it was ‘impactful enough’ to be thesis material.
“Okay, so u think they’re hot. Now what?”
And the thing that i found So interesting about this whole thing is that these prints weren’t even the most erotic work i’d done that year.
the last project i’d worked on the semester prior to thesis was a series of four paintings of porn stills. Dick, Balls, AND Hole all lovingly rendered in oils.
So when it came time to figure out what i wanted to do for thesis, i considered going in that same direction. But in the end, i decided the point of the project wasn’t the Raunch factor. So, i chose to pare back the sex so that my message wouldn’t get lost in it.
And Yet, there i was, standing in front of a room full of str8 ppl who couldn’t look past the suggestiveness of a twunk bound in shabari, or a big chested bear in a leather jacket, or a drag queen dancing in sexy lace up heels for long enough to even consider that maybe the work Wasn’t just about that.
The thing i realized (only at the end of the semester in trying to work through my feelings on all of this as i wrote out my thesis paper) was that outside of my peers, none of the people who had a chance to view my work and engage with it before it was complete did so in good faith. They decided that my work was intellectually worth less because it could be read as horny.
And like, ignoring the fact that i wasn’t making these images for sexual gratification, it shouldnt have MATTERED if i were !!!
These professors spent four years talking about how our work should evoke feeling in people, and that we should keep that in mind while composing our images etc. etc. etc.
but as soon as they thought the reaction the work might have been evoking was Horny™ it wasn’t deep enough.
I don’t really have a conclusion to this post, other than to say i fucking agree with the sentiment of the one i linked at the top. Fetish, kink, or sex should not detract from a work of art. And the fact that it does is a disservice not just to the artists who enjoy working on that kind of subject matter, but also the audience.
If your first response when seeing a work of art and learning that it Might have some element of sex involved in it is to deem it wrong, or shallow, or gross, you’re robbing yourself of the opportunity to engage with the work in a meaningful way.
and this is not to say “everyone should look at fetish art, idc if it icks you, get over it!!”
all i ask is that you investigate why it evokes such a strong reaction in you. Is your discomfort actually about the image itself? or is there something else going on. Sit with it for a second.
and since i wrote all this out and talked about my thesis, i might as well link the essay here. I’m still really proud of this project, and i have the prints embedded within the essay, so check it out if you have the chance!
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inchidentally · 4 months
I know wives and gf talk isn't for everyone so asks under a cut - and I hate the term 'wag' so I'll start tagging these 'f1partnertalk' for those who want to bl!
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right??? and the fact that in his Australia tourism type video with her he refers to her as his 'partner' which to me is both him being socially minded but also respect bc by that time they'd been together 3 and a bit years!
and exactly !! on the one hand he's not using her as a status thing of 'look I have a gf' but he's also made the very smart decision (and I think this was the Webbers influence) of not having her be a secret or a mystery. her acc going private is pretty normal for F1 gfs who aren't using their profile for business but the fact that he casually reminds people about her and that she'll like certain content posted about her or them is enough to stop anyone thinking she's 'fake' or whatever. there were some feeble attempts to claim they were broken up just bc she didn't go to many races but when folks pointed out she was in final year of uni for a very difficult degree it died down.
gotta say though - and this isn't in reply to you it's an aside about comments I see - I find the straight people thing of jumping to theories about marriage for long term relationships SO weird. it's like there's this ticking time bomb for het relationships lol. it's esp weird since they're so young and his career requires him to be so selfish (his and Lando's words) that I'm like how do ppl see that and leap to them marrying buying a house and planning kids when they not only don't live together yet they also spend most of the year apart??? sure they're super mature and stable for their age but who I am now and who I was during hs and college has been so incredibly different! I couldn't imagine making that huge a commitment esp if I had an all consuming career like Oscar does. I just hope those comments (however well meaning) don't reach them bc that feels crazy over-stepping and would be so awkward to read.
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these asks I felt like went together really well lol
(this is the post anon refers to) oh anon. idk if you've seen them but have a look through here to enjoy Oscar's 8-year little crush on Lando and I think it's safe to say that Lily will at least have had an inkling about it.
and the thing is that being physical just isn't Oscar's way even with Lily which if Lando was at all hmmmm about then he'll have seen that pretty early on. as anon listed above, Oscar shows his affection for people by including them when he talks about his life (which Lando also gets!) also acts of service and signs of respect (which Lando also gets!)
this is me projecting here but idk the way Oscar talks about the boarding school guys he's still friends with and his friends back in Oz but doesn't post about them or have them to many races just makes me think that Oscar decided very early on to just avoid the distraction of sharing himself on social media apart from memes? he's never wanted to establish any kind of online persona and he got really solid a levels as a backup in engineering if F1 didn't work out so he's never planned to be a public person anyway.
where I'm going w that is that Lando will absolutely by now have learned all of this about Oscar. Oscar will like and respond to content about Lando but most of what Lando gets from him will be the acts of service and signs of respect. which is exactly what Oscar does with Lily, his family, Mark, etc. Oscar's own content will be about generically positive stuff re McLaren and the occasional funny post (like P1,P2,P6?). but the people he considers his most inner circle will stay largely off the map. which lbr is what Lando himself does with a lot of his closest friends! especially since his fame began to grow he's stopped posting a lot of those people and we only hear them bc he mentions seeing them. Lando is Oscar's little long harbored 'crush' and Lily is his long term gf. I feel like if that's obvious to us then it def will be for Lando :)
so we can count ourselves incredibly lucky that Lando being Oscar's teammate means we get as much of a window in on them as we do <3
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offbranddrpepsi · 2 years
the ask bout the gn reader asking 2 sleep w/ agents for the 1st time…could you plz write more of that? w/ fade, jett, killjoy, neon, reyna & skye? if that’s 2 many ppl, you don’t have to write em all! thx in advance, no matter what!!!
absolutely! i finally found a decent pic to use for skye so here we go
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Fade was the absolute best when it came to communication. You? not so much. More often than not she would have to pry to figure out what it was you were trying to tell her or what was eating at you that made it hard to speak. Which made your current predicament all the more anxiety inducing.
Fade sat in her office, applying henna as she normally did once her previous ones wore off. You had shuffled into her office a while ago, trying to work up your courage while you played on you phone. Your girlfriend hummed as she worked, enjoying mutually doing nothing with you.
"Hey dea-" you started only to be cut off. "wait for my henna to dry then we can." you were a tad bit shocked, your partner raising her eyebrows at you. "you've been worrying about it for the past three days, i was waiting to see if you could resolve it yourself." "Seriously, you knew the entire time?" You asked with a loud sigh, hating that you got worried enough for her to notice. "Yes, now give me an hour and we can go back to my room. Maybe i could put some henna on you once we are done?"
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Jett was the definition of loud and hyperactive so you knew good and well she was down when ever you were. She did deeply respect your personal choice but also reassured you often that the moment you said the word she would drop what she was doing to accommodate your wants. It was important to note she didn't have much experience but still wanted to make your first time together worth it as well as not seem as much of a big deal as many made it out to be.
So here the two of you sat, a tangle of limbs as she played some game and you browsed through your socials.
"Hey Jett question," You started, face starting to turn red as you fully engaged in your phone. "um you know how you always say you are 'down if im down'?"
"Uh, yeah?" she looked at you confused as she paused her game.
"w-would you be down now?" your voice was nearly a mumble but you managed to squeeze the question out. Looking up from your phone as she had yet to respond you were suddenly caught off guard as you were near tackled, a pair of overly excited lips meeting your own as the wind got knocked out of you.
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Killjoy rarely thought about sex so she had never brought up wanting to have it to you. This caused you to half think she didn't want to have it with you at all, causing worries to cloud your head when ever you thought about it. It had taken weeks for you to even work up the courage to attempt to ask her thoughts on it, sadly it didn't quite come out right.
"Klara would you have sex with me?" you asked rather bluntly and quickly, wanting to get it over with.
"I mean i typically wouldn't have sexual relations in my workshop but if you are game i suppose i can manage." She responded not even lifting her head to look at you, still buried in her work.
Your face flushed red in embarrassment, she had taken it a bit to literally. "Oh- um i um didn't mean right now i meant overall unless you want to right now then im game." Your girlfriend starting snorting as she laughed, setting down her tools to avoid dropping them. At least you were aware she was in fact interested in that level of intimacy with you.
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Your electrified partner was always incredibly cautious when it came to any physical affection, not wanting to shock the shit out of you by accident. It had nearly escaped your mind several times but you did wonder what it would be like to sleep with her, if it would be as shocking as she claimed. However, you were incredibly awkward and didn't exactly have the courage to out right ask. You waited and waited, trying to find the perfect moment to pop the question.
Sitting at Neon's desk you worked on some sketch while she sat back in bed. Deciding to try to be subtle and not just ask her to fuck outright you looked over to her. "Neon would you be surprised if i said i was okay with being shocked a little bit if it meant touching more?" The question sounded innocent and well it kind of was, you really didn't mind a lil zap here or there.
"Uh," she said loudly, dragging the sound out much to your dismay. "I would still feel bad if i shocked you, maybe we can start small and work our way up?" That was a decent suggestion, the only downside would be waiting even longer to sleep with her which you didn't mind but you did want to make your wants clear to her.
"Okay that sounds fine, i would like to get started on that right away though." You went to turn around but were stopped by a sudden question from your lover. "Why? if there something you want specifically or?"
You had a feeling she may have been on to you. Swallowing the lump in your throat you decided to respond as honestly as possible, "Well yes, i guess, i kind of want to be more intimate with you eventually if you know what i mean."
With a nod the only response you got was, "Oh, okay cool me too, we can work on that". You were very fortunate your partner was over all very chill about everything and had such a lax attitude.
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To say Reyna was affectionate was an understatement, to say she was a massive tease was a very accurate one. She knew how awkward you were, how utterly shy you got when it came to sexual things, and the woman loved to poke at it. Often her teasing end with you being a red mess, hiding your face in her chest or under a blanket, but not today. Today you decided to be bold when your partner started her usual teasing, taking her up on her playful offers. "Oh my darling i could just eat you up," She teased from beside you in bed, stroking your side lovingly. "All laid out and adorable" "Well why don't you then," you had your face half buried in a pillow and your voice cracked mid way through but you accomplished you mission, your heart pounding at your victory. Reyna titled her head at you, obviously caught of guard by the sudden response. Before you new it she had pounced, fully ready to do exactly as she said she would.
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Skye was incredibly upfront and blunt about near everything which made it very had to work up the courage to ask her to have sex with you. The two of you had been together for a while and she had mentioned it but had never really out right asked you, which made this all the more difficult. On top of that she was a very busy woman who couldn't stay in one place very long, reducing your total chances to even ask by a lot.
Having the sudden courage, or maybe it was the fact you were too tired from working out to feel your anxiety building yet, you thought to just ask her now and get it over with.
"Skye would you like to sleep together?" the wording wasn't your best, you were also very breathless so that just made it worse.
The woman just looked at you for a moment, her expression caught between confusion and looking at you like you just asked a dumb question. Slowly she responded, "Um I don't think right here is really a good place or time love?" Looking down you cursed out your self and let out a shaky sigh, "I-i didn't mean right here i've been trying to ask sorry I'm tired." You were wrapped up in a hug as she softly laughed in relief, "Okay then how about we get cleaned up, hydrate and eat then get to business yeah?" You gave her an enthusiastic nod and started your walk back to the base, slightly more excited for Skye's cooking and resting more than anything else.
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beatcroc · 8 months
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@midnightcityx0x0 I'm not reblogging that fuckmassive post AGAIN but this got too long for a reply so. On its own post now
Anyway i actually have so much trouble thinking of anything for gustavo ever lmao. Everything i have for him I've adopted from other people; rem [brickattack] as mentioned on the big post, and @synthlet/softersynths for a lot of other things. [and a couple others too but iirc synths was the one who started those ppl on it as well gfjdjds] which is to say, you'd probably get better/more interesting answers from those guys :p but yeah, fp and gus are pretty close. It's the general exposure/familiarity, the fact that fp is just a happy/pleasant and easy-to-like dude personality-wise, and for gus specifically there's also a level of "he shares a lot of traits with peppino, without peppino's Baggage™"
that last point is very very interesting but i dont know if i'd Actually get to doing a lot with it bc i typically make fake pep His Own Guy, with his similarities to peppino being almost sort of coincidental. i really really really like coming at peppino and fake pep from the "equals and opposites" angle, which like, that Can still apply for that last bit abt gus, but it's not something i've put a lot of thought into. it's also just fuckin hard to articulate outside of just showing it lmao. [i mentioned like, predator/prey animal nervousness + their reactions to fear vs aggression on the other post but to pull one for here: fake pep still has his own brand of Baggage to deal with too--different stuff than peppino's--but fp is way more open about it when it comes up as opposed to peppino having 50 fuckin walls about everything.
besides that, i also see a lot of general banter about gus being a very Nature Guy™ who likes to find beauty in all the weird fucked up shit nature does [especially in a world as cartoony as theirs], which i enjoy a lot bc girl same. fp may be the farthest thing from natural, but i certainly think there is a lot of beauty to be found in his fucked-up-ness. and i'm sure gustavo sees it too.
and then a fun one i've come into pretty recently for them is that they both care abt peppino a lot, but peppino is very bad at...being cared for. so because you can rarely approach pep directly about anything if it involves vulnerability [again: 50 fuckin walls], and because they both know him very well in different ways and can get through to him about different things, they end up working together a lot in sort of a conspiratory way. plotting scheming etc. 'have you noticed anything wrong lately + how are we going to help this guy out today', that sort of thing. the idea there can go a lot of ways but i'm partial to them using like goofy cartoon antics to set him up for something that'll be beneficial to him. [also brick is in on it too technically but brick is a rat and therefore only sapient when it's funny.] peppino rarely realizes what theyre doing until it's too late. get loved idiot
TANGENTIAL. DONT even get me started on the angst oh my god. you. i am pointing at you you made me think about this. i am not usually one who likes doing angst or making things excessively bad for the hell of it but. a bitch may be considering. under cut bc its unrelated to gustavo stuff but this is as good an excuse as any to share. [+ also extra thoughts on it bc of COURSE]
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so i said that at the end there but then a few hours later i found myself toying around with a script and getting a good way to set it up.... im hoping i hit a roadblock on it and drop it because if i DO end up getting it all the way written i will definitely end up drawing it at some point and that would be uh... a big undertaking. it would also be one of the last ones i do bc there's other stuff i still want to build on, so IF, i cannot stress enough IF i go to make it a thing for real, it won't be this year.
for the bits i have so far though it's interesting how much it's shaping up to be like. a showcase of just how well peppino knows fp. which is surprisingly well? even better than gus, despite gus' being WAY more emotionally perceptive. peppino doesn't engage with fp more than necessary and rarely acts interested in his business, but i do think he spends a lot of time just... observing him. if only because pep is neurotic and anxious and fp is weird and freaky so it is a constant thing of "ok what the hell is this. is this something i need to be worried about?" whenever fp is doing shit, and the answer is always ''no'', but it's the sort of instinct that never leaves you yknow. so he's just very familiar with all fp's mannerisms and reactions and whatnot, even if he doesn't really use that knowledge much.......except when things go south. he's a lot more perceptive of fp acting 'wrong' or 'off' compared to gus, who would just be seeing it on a more normal 'aw he looked upset' kind of level.
i talk a lot abt fp's nervousness but the other negative thing that's just as strong with him is frustration. it doesn't usually get to him too bad, and he doesn't really show it around people outside of the occasional eyeroll; but it's stuff like not being able to communicate properly with anyone and getting constantly [negatively] misinterpreted; knowing he's Kinda Shite at his "purpose" [i.e. being 'better peppino' or whatever] and not being able to do anything about it [i don't think he cares about that much any more but i imagine it's still gotta be a bit annoying to remember]; not getting closure for like Anything that happened at the tower, etc... and while i DON'T think this would be the kind of thing to make him go berserk [i still don't really have any idea or framing for that lol; the script starts off a couple weeks in the aftermath and i pointedly don't do flashbacks], it's definitely the kind of thing that would get exacerbated by isolation. the kind of thing that's easy to focus on and spiral about without anyone to ground him; the kind of thing that could keep him from thinking clearly and he might just need to Take It Out on something after awhile.
peppino remains a terrible mediator but he is wildly resilient and tenacious, and if you need a guy to slap some sense into you... i mean he can very literally do that, and do it better than just about anyone.
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trickstarbrave · 5 months
i saw some people bitching on tiktok about art/commission prices again and i feel like ranting
idk why someone got it in their heads all artists are upper class rich folk trying to scam you out of something that isn't hard at all for us to make. art takes time and energy--time and energy we could literally spend doing ANYTHING else. we could be spending time with our loved ones, working a regular job with reliable pay and better benefits, or even just making art WE want to see. most of us are working class or poor.
"but you could charge less and get more customers" who the hell wants to work more for less pay. genuinely. would you rather work 90 hours for 10 bucks an hour or 40 hours for 35 bucks an hour? like get real. past a certain point of popularity you will be literally unable to keep up with commissions bc you cannot physically make them fast enough and stay healthy so higher prices mean you can dedicate more time to people who want it more
"well your art isnt even GOOD" if someone's art isnt your taste or technically worth it to you then dont buy it. to really get good at commissions you do have to build an audience and if they havent then they'll figure out they need to improve or network/promote more. you bitching about it isnt helping them figure it out any faster, and you bitching to artists who DO reliably get commissions at that price makes you look like a whiny brat
"but you COULD charge less and still survive. that means youre scamming people" listen i know you are used to be catered to by large corporations who can use literal slave labor to make things dirt fucking cheap but ethical labor costs more. we are not large corporations with big art machines shitting out subpar garbage you can buy off the rack. you are asking for handmade, customized things from someone in a place with a higher cost of living. we cannot and will not bend over backwards to appeal to the lowest common denominator. see above: we have better things to be doing with our time and this shit costs time and labor to produce. if you dont want a handmade custom art piece or dress or jewelry consider buying from shein then you cheapskate and get out of this market.
because, see above: we have better things to be doing. you are the one asking me to spend my free time making you something because you want it supposedly. i could instead be making things i like. i have the luxury too where if i dont wanna do something i dont have to. i dont have to pick up extra work for you. other artists can find other customers that arent you. if YOU want something you should make it worth the artists wild. no i dont wanna do a full custom painting for you for 40 dollars. i would barely get out of bed for 40 dollars. if i told you to clean my whole house for 10 dollars and deep clean it you would probably tell me im insane and you're not gonna do all that work for 10 god damn dollars. 10 dollars wont even pay for the cleaning supplies.
i dont take commissions anymore specifically bc i kept getting burnt out. i felt i had to make it cheaper to get more when in reality all it did was make more work with little reward. i didnt feel happy making art anymore. it became a chore, and i didnt wanna make anything for myself after i spent hours and hours making other stuff for other ppl. im lucky enough now to have a corporate job with more free time so i can get paid enough to survive and still make art. if i ever decided to again i would probably price it rly high bc tbh. if you want me to make you a custom piece i dont rly wanna draw you had better make it worth the soul crushing work that is turning a passion of mine into a profit.
and lastily with the "you could charge less and still survive" artists deserve to not only survive but thrive. artists deserve free time to make what they enjoy and have other hobbies. artists deserve to not have to work overtime to have stuff in savings. you do too in fact as a non-artist, but attacking artists for wanting that and trying to make it a reality that they get paid not just a survival wage but a FAIR wage is not actually helping anyone.
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ladyseidr · 3 months
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I bet you thought this was over, but surprise! I wanted to do one more of the muses that got votes because this was fun lmao. Warning for a brief non-sexual and non-descriptive mention of self-harm.
Right now I'm not going with Jer.emike or any other ship being necessarily default canon ( this may change who knows ), so honestly Michael by default doesn't get much experience romantic or sexual prior to getting, y'know, scooped.
Assumptions based on the alt clothing, piercings, and his sadly horrendous reputation ( which i need to go into detail abt sometime ) mean ppl tend to assume he's open to casual sex / very sexually active. This is incredibly wrong.
Not open to casual sex pretty much at all, although this isn't genuine lack of interest. It's more so a combination of trust issues and the fact that he does self-harm and doesn't want strangers ( or anyone, really ) seeing his scars /wounds.
On that same note, he'll be extremely tentative abt moving beyond fooling around fully clothed with even a committed partner if they don't know abt the self-harm.
Okay, from here on out, mostly lighter topics!!
Let's get started bluntly: playing with his nipples will drive him crazy. He's super sensitive.
High sex drive. Masturbates most days, sometimes twice if it's a slow day.
Literally so easy to turn on if he's attracted to someone. Giving him a boner takes almost no effort so like uhhhh. There's a challenge for you fkdhfkdhjsals
Kiss him for 3 hours straight please.
Loves experimenting and trying new things, just super open-minded. Doesn't mean he'll always like it, but there's only a number of things he's adamantly against even trying.
Will suck dick like his life depends on it, like he will learn how to deep throat and never look back LMAO
Switch ( what's new lmao ), but if he had to choose, he fucking loves to bottom.
Missionary while he's getting fucked? He's a wreck.
Extra loves sex / masturbation because it means getting to kinda turn his brain off for a bit and just Enjoy Something.
Acts like he's so confident but actually getting him comfortable enough to dirty talk and not be embarrassed is A Feat fdkhfadsfhjdsalhd
Pull his hair, it's long for a reason—
Very into grinding against / humping his partner.
Into domming / subbing sometimes, but generally prefers just going with the flow in the bedroom, if that makes sense.
So goddamn touch-starved that entering into a romantic & sexual relationship with him means meeting a whole new side of him ( the side that thrives on physical touch ).
Loves rough sex, but lbr he'll fall to pieces over anything romantic. Body worship might make him cry tbh.
Finds jealousy way fucking annoying, sorry. I mean, this isn't technically a sexual headcanon by itself but you get me. He doesn't find it hot, he finds it annoying and insulting. He's valid for this btw flkdhsashdj
Extremely touchy-feely during sex. His hands will be wandering everywhere, he wants to memorize his partner's whole body.
Sex / jerking it as a means to relieve stress? Absolutely.
Overstimulate him. Do it.
So down to get his dick sucked at the drive-in. That's it, that's the headcanon.
Okay most ppl won't be interested in this, but let's talk about it anyway: after being scooped, he's probably not doing sexual stuff. Even if he was still fully capable, he experiences a lot of chronic pain and just generally isn't in the mood. He def has times here and there where he's frustrated, but y'know. He's still open to romantic shipping post-scooping but please remember that he's a rotting corpse missing most of his innards lmao.
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viscountessevie · 2 years
Regé Speaks Out on IG
Took me a couple of day but we finally made it! I hope I did him justice and  that you all enjoy reading this. Anyone who’s perpetrated the harm and hate mentioned below to him, I hope you read this all the way through and reevaluate. 
I honestly still can’t believe he posted this. I think this is the closest he’ll come to say anything against past productions in his career. 
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Obviously, it may not be pointed only at The Bee Show but rather an overview stance he's taking against his whole career experience thus far as Mimi has said similarly here too but still it’s a pretty big step to come forward. 
Honestly, I’ve been waiting for a statement like this since S2 dropped or even when he left. I’m so so happy he’s gotten to a safe place where he feels like he can say this now without big repercussions. Then again he also kept it vague enough that no one particular production can say “Hey no slandering us” but still sends a clear message to those who have conducted themselves awfully on set and also by not protecting their cast of colour. 
I can’t speak to the previous productions he was a part of pre-Bridgerton but we’ve seen how superficial the Bton team has been this season especially and now that they have their white couple, they have already started promotion - they haven’t even finished filming yet. Now let’s take a look at the ‘fans’ who ‘loved’ his Duke so much that they ended up turning on him: 
[I was so relieved I couldn’t really find much on his farewell post on the Bton acoount but his own farewell post though? Hohoho - they came in even more hot after S2] 
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NO MrsM77 YOUR mother is ashamed of you for leaving such a hateful comment. 
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Hey privatelyinmybusiness maybe TIME TO GET OUT of HIS business also say that to all the huge movies he’s booked lately!
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Danielle really thinks she’s all that huh that she’s personally offended that he didn’t say goodbye,,,ma’am I don’t know how to say this but you’re commenting on his goodbye post. 
Of course, are we all surprised that all these accounts (except the first one) don’t have posts? Of course, they are trolls who have nothing better to do. 
As always I asked my friends for their thoughts too so here are some quotes from them stating their opinions! Thanks for bouncing this off me guys @hptriviachamp , B who will be anon for now til she lets me know otherwise ​ @kateandanthonyaremyparents​ 
As Eef pointed out:
I think it's because ppl really loved him. And being in this shitty world as it is felt personal offended when he left. The love turned into a feeling of betrayal and that gives them some unreasonable validation to call him out?? 
I mean.. it's not normal, but the bridgerton fandom isn't normal [If I had to sum up my whole experience with this fandom its this,,,I’ve been writing this essay - a whole essay over someone’s IG story and not to miminise it their treatment in their work place - for a couple of days now. That’s a little insane]
I can't relate at all.. whyyyyy turn on him? I mean, good for him to have chosen his own path. He isn't obligated and the fact that all these ppl think they have a claim on him because they loved the duke is beyond me
To add on to this, I just find it so vile that it was most likely the same group of women who got #NotMyDuke trending when his casting as Simon was first announced but then latched onto him in S1 when they could project onto Daphne and sexualised him to the point of grossly objectifying and fetishising him. Then finally turn against him when he ‘dares’ to leave the show because he got other opportunities. If they loved him so much, wouldn’t they want better for him? They really showed themselves this way. They only like him for what he - well more likely his body - can provide for them. It’s honestly disgusting. Let him be happy for fuck’s sake. Which is why I’m elated he’s booked, busy and can actually say this. 
Here’s my friends for their takes on his statement: 
There's also a vehemence to it, which tells me he's speaking from personal experience and he said "we went through" it so... def prior experiences. I imagine Bridgerton is among them. It definitely is him saying something about bton without saying something good on him though. yeah he doesn’t seem like one to make statements like this so something must’ve built up for him to speak out.
It just says a lot about a show that profits on being "diverse" probably has behind the scenes problems and they don't even think or protect their poc cast. And coming from a company started by a WOC too!? Shame on them
I was initially going to sum up all the anons I got in one post but the topic got way off track. I’ll be acknowledging and owning up to that in a second part but this is the main post and Regé & his treatment are the main focus. I do not want to dismiss or diminish his experience with production. Anyways, here are two that call out production and the cast as a whole and mention Regé (and by extension Simone as the other POC lead) deserve better. 
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First anon pretty much said it all - I don’t expect shit from the same Production that gave us those horrible lines - so I don’t have much to add on that front for this post but will be expanding on the cast’s side in Part 2. 
Second anon: I mean I covered this before but IG likes aren’t reflective of anything but yeah ultimately there’s bigger and better things out there for them - hell we are already seeing it with Regé who got The Gray Man and signed on for the D&D movie. I’m sure he (and Simone) will be just fine!!
To sum up, Regé should have been treated better by the fans and production, he definitely should have been protected and I hope he’s living his best life right now! 
Part 2: What The Cast Should Have Done  [EDIT: Post is now up and link is live!] 
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phxntmhv · 9 months
it's ok if you don't want to share but i'm nosy so i must ask, what are the reasons for deleting mysme content ? 🥺 and i assume this means you won't be posting mysme in the future ?
hii, don't worry anon it's okay! <3
the reason why im deleting it is because i don't want to keep dragging my old works because the mysme posts are the ones that still months after publishing it keeps getting a lot of attention. don't get me wrong, i love the fact that people keep enjoying my art but.. :')
i loved mysme so much and to be honest i thought my obsession would last more but i got into other things i liked more as black butler, fnaf and now twisted wonderland and i was constantly pressing myself to post mysme drawings even if i didn't want to because the fandom gave me a lot of support and appreciation, so i felt extremely guilty to not give enough content + i kept comparing myself to other artists and that just made me upset and upset... and i know it's nobody's fault but mine though
at this moment i don't feel inspired genuinely to draw mysme again so i want to apologise for that but that doesn't mean that i can't come back in the future <3
i want to thank everyone who would read this and enjoyed my mysme art.. :')
but... for now you can only find the mysme art works here and im gonna use the mystic messenger # so ppl will find this in my profile
hope you anon and everyone else's are doing well <3
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apoptoses · 9 months
DA here and I just wanna say A FEW THINGS 💭
First of all I hope you're feeling better now! Read about you having a horrid week and my hear broke for you. Sending nothing but hugs, horses, kind words and the sweetest summer breeze your way🫂
Onto smuttier thoughts, I read the final chapter of Come Get Your Knife and I'm IN AWE of you as usual. Perfect ending to a perfect story. The pool scene was incredible and it reminded me of those pictures of people taking their very old dogs with arthritis for a swim and just holding them in the water while they have the most peaceful, trusting, loving expressions in their faces. That was Armand with his boy right there 🥹
Armand finally doing for Daniel what Marius couldn't do for him was nothing short of a healing experience. Also some of the best smut out there 🥵 The mirror, Armand coating his fingers with his blood and and putting them in Daniel's mouth 🥵🥵🥵, "faking" a real human orgasm and smearing Daniel's come on his own cock jfc. She NEVER misses.
My favorite bit: “Did you know there’s a rare songbird, and when people eat it they cover their faces with a cloth so as to hide the shame of their pleasure from God?” Armand murmured into Daniel’s back, voice just loud enough to be heard over the little wet gasps he dragged from Daniel every time he rolled his hips. “I should cover your face, Daniel. I should hide you from God so that he doesn’t see the pleasure you take in being fucked by a dead man.” INSANITY!!!! Also was this a Succession/Tomgreg reference (yk that scene at the restaurant) or am I just That person now? 😭 perfection either way.
Finally, I read your last ask abt that anon seeing Armand/Daniel hate all over town and lmao SO IT WASN'T JUST ME. I mean I'm not doing myself any favors here because I do check their tags constantly. I'm sadly like a rabid hound when it comes to them, sniffing around in search of good food and yeah most of the time the takes are rancid but other times I find one ☝️ good take and some amazing fanart and I tell myself it's all worth it dsfhsjfk. The way some ppl treat their extremely personal headcanons and projections as undeniable canon facts is nuts. Ship and let ship is my motto but damn some of the things I've seen... and I wouldn't blame the show per se, but the massive influx of fans that a mainstream tv show gave to an already existing fandom has been a contributing factor to what we're seeing imo, where very few people actually bother to read the source material (which is okay really, no one actually has to read the books and the show is almost nothing like the books anyway) and then start treating out of context quotes and scenes or headcanons or summaries of events they heard from a friend of a friend of a friend or plain incorrect takes as canon. it's like a bad (horrifyingly bad) game of telephone around here 🥴 wtvr tho it's literally fiction, and not that much of a big deal (someone tell them that tho lmaoo).
xoxo ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ 
Dungeon anon, I wondered where you were ♥ Thank you for the kind words, things (seem to be) getting better.
lmao armand as an arthritic dog floating in the pool. It's accurate though, his old body needed a rest and I needed them to do something cute before the filth began. I feel like he would enjoy swimming, not for any particular reason. It's just a chill activity for him that he can do like any mortal.
listen i just needed them to fuck while daniel was still mortal and i was hellbent on making armand find a way to 'come' in daniel 😂 and tbh it's nastier for him to put daniel's own mess back inside him, daniel probably liked that better than he would anything armand's body could produce were he able to do the deed. it reminds him this is an artificial experience, it's not natural at all (and thus hotter)
and hell YEAH that is a wambsgans reference lmao i knew about orotolans long before succession but tom reminded me of them, and i just really wanted to write armand threatening to cover daniel's face from god (also it feels like something marius may have said to amadeo, and that armand would put his own twist on and later repeat), i couldn't pass up the opportunity.
see i have no courage to check the tags, i only trust what people i know reblog or the content of people who follow me 😂 i don't even wanna know what's out there.
but yeah, people do some WEIRD projecting, there's some weird head canons people insist are book canon fact (like guys daniel never did hard drugs on page in the books, not even once, the blood was his drug of choice lol but some people will go TO THE MAT and fight you about this like book!daniel was baby leo in basketball diaries, prostituting and railing heroin)
and the taking quotes out of context thing is way out of control. it's so easy for someone to screenshot some text on their ibooks app and then write whatever meta they want and then people who haven't read that book take it as gospel and just...it's very frustrating lol even the stuff from the vampire companion gets treated as gospel as that's a book written by FAN, it is FAN META with a few quotes from anne sprinkled in. ramsland calls armand a black hole who doesn't love anything and people take that as fact and just...no lol anne didn't write those words, those are ramsland's interpretation of the first five VC books circa 1991!
i'm lucky that everyone who likes the show who happens to follow me and read my fic has been outrageously nice, so i have no clue what happens in the more tumultuous waters of amc fandom lol but i really hope people give the books themselves a chance, even if only to read their blorbo's chapters because they're good and it's worth knowing the context in which things happened in them!
ANYWAYS DA, the fic you inspired me to write with armand learning dirty talk will be posted tomorrow, i hope you're hyped ♥
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bbgmessi · 1 year
O!Erling and A! Odegaard enjoying a lazy Saturday Morning:
Martin is frustrated after yesterday's game and feels like he failed his team despite his trying his best. Man City is quickly climbing the ladder behind Arsenal, and Erling(though elated) is understanding of his boyfriend's feelings
He gets up early and makes him a breakfast in bed with all his fav things.
(IDK much about Norwegian food Lefse was very good but I have the weirdest food preferences so you help me w what you think Martin would like but whatever it is Erling makes it)
(do swedish ppl and norwegian ppl eat similar food? Sorry for the proximity bias lol)
Martin is upset at first waking up alone
But he hears his man in the kitchen and calms himself down
I headcannon Erling doesn’t like breakfast food so maybe he makes himself a mini pizza
Erling’s hatred of breakfast would always make martin laugh bc its very out of character for him
Erling bringing up the food 
They are silent until theyre half way done w their meal
Alot to unpack
Some media sources contributing their shit performance due to his “distraction” aka his relationship w Erling
A LOAD of online hate from supporters and opponents
Fans worried Erling is tryng to sabotage him mentally so Arsenal fumbles the league
Opponents just saying this is what happens when you sleep w S*ts 
Live love twitter trolls you know. 
Erling reaffirms that he was the heart of the game and that he did his best 
Real fans still love him and if he wants to do better he needs to keep his head up
Martin in turn checking on haaland bc of the missed pk
Erling’s dm’s always weird b/c 50% normal hate 
Like ppl saying hes a machine and he ran out of oil and thats why he missed the shot (Completely igoring his other goal)
Others saying its an example of omegas craking underpressure
Hyperanlysing the kick and saying its indicative of a bad future 
Despite the fact that its like the only goal he’s missed????
Some fans want an end to their relationship bc it stresses THEM out as if Erling’s personal life is their business
The Erling are Marting are in love and trolls wont change that 
 Martin is very appreciative of his boyfriend’s gesture  and he show it.
The two usually have such strict schedules but for now they’ll relax with their food and a harry potter marathon (I see them adopting a yellow lab so perhaps their dog is in bed watching with them.
ok before answering the hcs i’m so fascinated by u anon when did u try lefse ❤️ we do eat some similar food but not all but also i like to hand wave around it and claim scandinavian privilege for fic purposes❤️ (sometimes i just make up what fits my ideas best. it’s my universe now)
martin knowing disappointment so well, he’s lost enough games with norway, spent enough time loaned out from rm and all that so arsenal kinda choking is such a dark but familiar feeling for him 😔 so erling tries his hardest to help him relax by making breakfast for him… it’d be so funny if erling was like hey babe did you see what they’re saying about us. and martin is all. you shouldn’t read that you know but erling just finds it funny how much people hate him so he’ll read out loud from his phone about how people think he has an evil master plan to destroy martins psyche so city can come out on top (as if i’d do that to team norway.. fuck up our team dynamic forever just for that… he sighs)
also about the penalty kick.. that was like the first one he’s missed in what two years??? but people are tearing him DOWN over it, and martin can sense that he doesn’t really find it that funny anymore. maybe it’s getting to him a little:(( like erling is not even twenty three and he’s trying and working SO hard and martin makes sure he knows that it’s appreciated but trolls online are SO harsh. they both just need a pick me up lol
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inchidentally · 4 months
ok so I'm going to another of tricky asks below - prob just skip since I can tell I'm repeating myself a lot lol
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if I hadn't gotten asks about it I wouldn't have known that a subsection of dando people were as serious as they were which is… odd to me. I totally get shipping dando for fun and that Daniel and Lando are buddies but. why pick the guy who's friends with everyone he meets and pretend that is the guy Lando's "secretly in love with" or that they're "more" friends than Lando's other friends... just bc they hang sometimes kasgfkaglh
I've got to stop trying to find any sense in rpf truthers.
but yea Lando and Martin are so sweet together and I hope Martin doesn't have to deal w any of this bullshit in his comments. guy is just enjoying traveling with Lando and vice versa.
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(no worries anon I got your intent!)
honestly from a straight up racing perspective it's enough evidence in itself. the fact that Lando has repeatedly said how well Oscar suits McLaren and is pushing him to be his absolute best is all anyone should need.
but also look at the standings! Carlos and Charles, Lando and Oscar - they're doing amazingly well with the current partnerships !! it's why Carlos is so eager to remain where he is, he's already in the best place for him to get not just another race win but a shot at WDC. Lando and Oscar are a natural part of the McLaren youth legacy and Max has pipped them as being his biggest potential headaches in 2024 lol. everything is good and we still get plenty of car|ando content so let's leave it alone!
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oh babe I'm sorry that was misleading there's no extensive drama (that I know of) back when I started following Lando content I noticed that the LN4 account (mainly the twitter one) is run by people who get waaaayyyy too into pushing rpf ships for my comfort. I'm massively against containment breaches between fandom to official accounts.
if other ppl enjoy it then it's their choice but it's not my cup of tea!
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honestly this is just how it's going to be from here on out. Liberty Media and Netflix already have relationships with certain podcasts and social media accounts and "bromances" are an easy way to get merch, subscriptions and tickets sold. as a sort of fake fan myself I rly can't be on any high horse about "real fans" lol but I do at least keep all my silly shit on tumblr and ao3 alone.
block and unfollow like crazy, anon. eventually your algorithm will learn like mine has!
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when has Lando never not been fun ??? he did the screechy laugh Spanglish fun with Carlos, the doofy fake gay fun with Daniel and now he's gen z funny w Oscar whennnn did Lando ever stop being fun oml
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babe it wasn't even that, he was replying to the millionth person asking about his and Esteban's lack of personal friendship and he said that no one should assume a friendship between two drivers. he never said "Charles and Carlos hate each other" agflaslfsa as if F1 media wouldn't be all over that
ok so there were two others that I'm not going to screenap bc I do NOT want the heat for those opinions lol.
to answer without being too specific: everyone knows how I feel about people who invent conspiracy theories about girlfriends and wowwww that is a leap. and yea shouldn't the fact that they both went offline when we knew them to be alone together at his ranch actually be evidence that they're really in love and not needing to broadcast it ?? that he only pops back up when he's hanging out w guy friends?
I will have a good laugh that ppl managed to leap to not only them having broken up in the past week with zero evidence but that Lando suddenly hopped a plane to "comfort him" and finally be a gay couple jesussss
ok guys this is as much time as I can stomach knowing about this side of fandom for a good while.
remember: block, blacklist, gatekeep, stay safe out there xx
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pinkseas · 1 year
(kicks the door down, fire surrounding me like a stage concert) I AM SAID AO3 USER COMMENT YOU WILL NEVER FIND MEEEEE I READ YOUR REPLY TO MINE AND BAWLED you get me you gget me so hard ao3 user anomaly98!!!!!!! (i did say in my comment i dug thru ur tumblr and here i am yet again)
not because i'm a prick not revealing myself thoughg i just have self esteem issues bc of liking qpr xiaolumi. yeah thas righrt i am shy of exposing that i dig this side of the r/s and i don't delve into the romantic one ever. prolly cus i'm an aromantic myself but like YOU KNOW- i just want to pop in to rlly emphasize the fics really do mean a lot to me in words you got it better described. that qpr in general has a different feel to intimacy and it fits them so nicely as people who are?? i guess, lonely but surrounded? (lumine to her friends who doesn't understand her enough, xiao to the adepti in that same matter, and the people of liyue who will never listen back to him), and here's another few disgustingly picky thing i got that your fics have that i tend to do in brainrotting it; most in lumine's pov and having her see through xiao's vulnerability firsthand. gosh that is so rare, you'd think bc he's always portrayed strong boi yaksha to protect the traveler all the time, but not in this perspective. and when yuou have her care for him both in the shower and bed just sends me straight face first into bed squealing crying blood of the consideration of ~~~~this whatever invisible distance~~~~ they have like its on lumine's condition to be aware of; she insists and ask first, and xiao is still allowed to say yes And no- and ~~~~this whatever closeness~~~~ xiao is reluctant to provide and its only to lumine's promptings in their friendship he accepts it, and felt warm enough to reach out if not in a ghostly touch.
very specifically, i love to see them not so in love with each other- i mean they can fall in love anytime (and in my interpretation they're a lot slower than yours in development but still a path to qpr eventually). i see their relationship as,... very fragile, but very grounding. its this small important part of their life they can shed their masks and be vulnerable like your recent fic to find each other's answers and resolve through it together because they're the Only two people of this world to understand (aside aether, aside all ppl xiao lost) that makes their dynamic so meaningful and i hope more ppl can see that side of them. ao3 user anomaly98 this is why YOU GET MEEEEEEEEE
deep breath.
if you do not wish to be found i will not search please know my inbox is always here i will welcome you with open arms <- pretend im saying this like Really Dramatically real somber real like. idk. like the way an ancient narrator begisn the story and reads the prophecy THAT kind of drama thats the vibe
its okay i would simply never assume u were a prick and i 100000% understand the insecurity that comes with enjoying certain aspects of ships and ESPECIALLY insecurity rooted in Being Aromantic and Enjoying Things In An Aromantic Sort Of Way like ive gotten way better its prob the only reason im able to write them how i want now but i ABSOLUTELY have been there i Understand
lonely but surrounded is SUCH a good way to put it. i genuinely do think lumine is close with a LOT of the others, i think she has a lot of trust and care for them, but its not the same. its not the same depth, not the same commitment, you're SO right comparing it to like. idk !!! idk. lumine once had aether who understood everything so easily and xiao had the other yakshas they both had a family, once, they both had people who understood, once, and now no matter who they love and trust in that matter they are alone. and that's something i love so much about the dynamic i envision for them, the fact that they're able to share such a unique loneliness, the fact that in not being understood by anyone around them they're able to understand each other. there's a level of distance and disconnect between them and those around them that doesn't exist with the other. its SO fucking important to me.
xiao is SO often depicted as being either a) very protective, strong, unbreakable etc or b) very vulnerable and fragile and i fairly often see fics of like. one of them protecting the other, almost? or less that but fics where the dynamic is Skewed, where one of them has the Role of protector and the other the Role of protected, where those roles are set in stone. and i think them being on the same wavelength, capable of protecting each other at any point, equally capable of either- that's so fucking important to me. it's not just that one of them is vulnerable, its that they're vulnerable with each other. it's not just that one of them will fight, it's that they'll fight for each other and fight together. it's equal. it's shared. so much between them is shared. their loneliness, their otherness, the unique way they feel about each other, their grief.
"i love to see them not so in love with each other" no bc this FUCKS. in my little brain i imagine it still takes time but i do definitely write it as being faster, and i think i imagine it as faster too? less rushing into it or any sense of need to be closer and more of just clicking so quickly, so easily, that what follows feels natural. "very fragile, but very grounding" is another REALLY good way of putting it your MIND oh my GOD!!!!!
idk just. for me so much of it is the small moments? sometimes when im walking out in the preserve the wind is cool and the air is fresh and the sun is warm and i think oh, this isn't so bad. this is lovely. and that's the kind of vibe i try to go for with them. contentedness over happiness, smaller gestures over grand ones. a quiet kind of love.
okay im losing my entire thought process idk that i had one to begin with admittedly but yknow. time to think about them for 120 billion years and never ever stop i wish iwasnt so tired id try writing more Literally Right Now. might try anyways and channel the sleepy into some sort of rly peaceful early morning/late night scene who knows
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pumpkinsy0 · 2 years
Metalhead curly headcannons pls
(+ purly)
now i am no scholar when it comes to metalheads so pls do not hate me if i say something wrong that doesn’t go w metalheads im trying my best here🙏🏽
right off the bat i’m gonna say that whenever curly picks pony up w her car and pony opens the door, u can hear the speakers absolutely fucking BOOMING but curly turns it down for the sake of pony and just pats the passenger seat all calmly just smiling like “:D”
also this has nothing to do w them being a metal head it’s more of curly being,,,,,well curly but i feel like they would have a plastic skeleton just,,,,in the back seat,,,,buckled in,,,,
ANYWHO curly was rlly only introduced to heavy metal bc his dad was into it kinda, like he would play music from heavy metal bands and that’s how he got into it, fun fact: tim was and still is kinda into it but not rlly, at least not as much as curly, and yknow what????fuck it maybe angela’s a lil into it too
like their dad would b blasting metal music in the car and they were just there in the backseat vibing to it
the subgenres curlys mostly into is black metal and death metal, maybe also thrash metal and power metal?????idk but YEA
OHOH OKOK i feel like curly is rlly into metal music bc she feels like her anger is matched w the music and so she can do what she has to do and process it better👍🏽
favorite bands are slipknot, metallica, omen, attacker, and paradox
he has posters of the bands/albums he likes on his bedroom wall (pony actually drew some of them for him as a lil gift :D)
as a joke, curly started playing ‘i c//m blood” by cannibal corpse and pony was absolutely alright w that, not up his alley but that’s ok it’s just a song, but then he really started listening to it and by golly was he never the same again, dw yall he’s livin
honestly pony and curly don’t have the same music taste like at all, but they don’t mind listening to the others music from time to time
curly designs his own jacket n what not, and pony helps from time to time trying to find patches n pins n what not for curly to put on it :)
ppl r like really scared of curly bc of the way they dress and to b fair he is a lil standoffish but that’s just bc they’re them, like if ur cool enough they’ll talk to u but not bc they think their better bc they’re a metalhead that’s just bc they’re like that LMAOOOOOO
curly brings pony to concerts as dates 🤭🤭
knows how to play the guitar and candy and WILL play it for pony sometimes stfu it’s canon now
does not CARE if it’s hot out she WILL keep on the leather JACKET, gets like a million “aren’t u hot in that” comments in one day
sometimes when pony and curly go out pony literally has to BEG curly to not go outside w it cause it’s gonna b like 90 degrees
eyeliner abilities r absolutely fucking insane omg
like even angela asks for help w hers
everyone thinks curly goes absolutely insane listening to metal but honestly he’s pretty chill, he’s literally just,,,,,wiggling around, if he’s sitting he has a lil smile and is swaying side to side
if curly had a dollar for everytime he was called goth, emo, and or a devil worshipper he’d b rich
honestly, pony was called a devil worshipper ONCE bc he bought this inverted cross and pentagram necklace for curly as a gift and he just had to rock w it
but curly enjoyed the gift so doesn’t matter 🫶🏽🫶🏽
curly had rlly cool graphic t-shirts that’s honestly all i wanted to say
sometimes pony and curly go to music stores to check for albums, half the time pony shows curly albums that aren’t rlly metal music, but he’s trying his best and yknow what, that’s all that matters
alrighty that’s all i got but it was a fun ask to answer so if u got any other ask i’m on it g🙏🏽🙏🏽
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