#and we get some hurt/comfort as he takes you into the safety of fae territory and treats your injuries
twstjam · 11 months
Book 7 Spoilers ahead!!!
hmmmmm Lilia x Reader where you're a member of the Silver Owls but you have no loyalty to them so you betray them by secretly playing spy for the fae in exchange for peace, quiet, and safety if you help them win. The fae don't really trust you, especially Lilia, but he knows opportunity when he sees one. They just have to be careful about how much they trust you.
Because of the nature of your agreement you end up meeting up and exchanging letters with the Phantom General of the Briar fae a lot to relay information. At first it's just that and your meetings are all really just pure business, but then Lilia complains about Princess Malenoa and everyone pushing jobs onto him. This spurs you on to complain about Henrik and how all he does is order people around and lounge around all day. The two of you end up bonding over your demanding and tiring jobs and gradually grow closer each letter.
Aside from exchanging information, the two of you begin to exchange stories and tales and knowledge. You begin to know each other on different facets that no one else knows and confide in each other your deepest thoughts, fears, and insecurities. The two of you have a lot in common and understand each other so well that it just makes it so easy and natural and comfortable to be open like this. No one else have ever made either of you feel safe enough to share your most deepest secrets (not even Malenoa and Revan in Lilia's case. They're his best friends but they're also his superiors. There's just some things he can't talk about with them.) so it's so nice to finally find someone that does.
The two of you fall slowly, but you fall hard.
Neither of you admit this to each other of course. A war is no time for something as silly and trivial as love and romance and you both know that neither of you have time for a relationship. So you both pine and yearn in silence, either from your fortresses miles away from each other, or several feet apart on the rare occasions you meet up in person—so close yet still so far.
In one of your letters you relay to Lilia your worry that someone might be catching on. Lilia's heart twists in fear and his mind races with paranoid thoughts and possibilities. He doesn't show any concern in his response aside from acknowledging your worry, but he does tell you to be careful. He reasons that it would be unfortunate for the fae if their most valuable informant were to be discovered. (he activated tsundere mode to cope)
He sends the letter and goes about his duties. Days pass. Weeks. He realises during some off-time that he hasn't heard from you in a while. More time passes. No sign of a response from you.
Lilia says to himself that it's fine. It's nothing. It's no big deal. You're probably just occupied, or finally realised how dangerous it was to keep associating with the enemy. It's fine. The fae forces have managed before without your assistance. It's fine it's fine it's fine
he's not fine
(Part 2)
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sammystep · 3 years
No One Lives Forever- CH3
(AO3 link)
Stardust Crusader Wolf Pack AU
[From the beginning- CH1]
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Joseph always knew his grandson had a big heart to match that big body of his, he was a Joestar after all. But unlike his mother and his grandpa, Jotaro didn’t tend to wear his heart on his sleeve. He kept his emotions hidden, like how he would keep his eyes hidden behind that silly hat. So, Joseph isn’t surprised when Kakyoin rushes into the clearing by the cabin where he and Polnareff have been on guard and announces that Jotaro is bringing someone back with him from the fight. An injured someone.
What does surprise him is Kakyoin’s insistence that he and Pol make themselves scarce for the time being. Apparently Jotaro is still keyed up from the fight and it would be best not to disturb him and their mystery guest while he came down off the high of transforming and fighting. What could have bothered Jotaro so much that he wouldn’t want to see his own Grandpa after a fight?
He and Pol make themselves useful. For a while. Scouting around away from the cabin. Trying to pick up the scent of any others that may be in the area or getting too close to their new territory. Doing outside chores…. But there is only so much wood he can chop and haul! He’s dying to know what’s going on in the cabin!
Finally, Avdol makes his way out to where they were working- its all clear to come back to the cabin now but their guest is resting so please be quiet -Mr. Joestar! Well, that’s a little unfair. He’s not that much louder than Polnareff when he’s excited.
Entering the main lounge of the cabin he sees why Avdol called him out, and was right to do so. The domestic scene of his grandson and a woman he’s never met resting on the large couch by the fireplace has him slapping his hand over his mouth to prevent the “OH MY GOD!” from coming out. Oh, this calls for celebration!  Hm, he may be getting ahead of himself here though.
Jotaro finally notices his presence in the room and he see’s the boy’s muscles jump and fists clench like he’s going to leap right out of his seat. Yeah, his instincts are still in overdrive. The need to protect this new potential mate too great to ignore, especially after fighting to bring her to safety. He’ll have to be delicate in how he breaches this subject. Jotaro may be academically and strategically savvy, but his emotional intelligence leaves something to be desired.
Perhaps it would be best to not talk about it directly.
Joseph makes his way to the overstuffed armchair across from the couple on the couch. Enough space between the alpha wolves to be comfortable but still have a conversation. He gets a better look at the mystery woman as he studies the scene more closely. She was a looker alright, but the bandages and smell of blood lingering in the air is disturbing to him, he can only imagine how Jotaro is feeling behind that emotional wall he builds up. “Did I ever tell you the story about how your great Uncle Caesar and I defeated the Proto-Fae?”
“Only every chance you get.” Jotaro smirks as he shakes his head and leans back into the couch.
Joseph just laughs, “Well yes, I suppose I tell that one often. But have I ever told you about the time one of them almost killed your grandma Suzie?”
Jotaro’s breathing stutters to a halt and his eyes narrow on his grandpa.
“Relax, relax. I saved her. It all worked out in the end. But now you know the end of the story let me tell you the beginning and the middle.” Joseph settles further back into the chair and Jotaro subconsciously copies his move.
“It was the day after I had defeated the 2nd Proto-Fae, Esidisi. I had just returned from the battle to the main rooms, but what I didn’t know was that the parasite had attached himself to me and hitched a ride inside and out of the sun! The bastard was nothing but a pile of nerves, like a jellyfish! He snuck away without me realizing he was there and the next thing I know, he’s possessed poor Susie Q.” Joseph sighs and runs a hand through his greying hair. He looks to the fire as he seems to gather himself.
“That fight. I had to fight Susie to save her from that beast. It was by far the worst fight I’ve ever been in. The first time I smelled her blood, my instincts just went into overdrive. Up until that day I had only passingly considered courting her, I wasn’t ready for a mate and the whole ‘Beasts taking over the world’ thing was going on. But she was in danger. And suddenly I knew that I had to be the one to save her, I had to keep her safe, keep her close always.”
He leans back again and claps his hands to his knees quietly, “I did end up outsmarting the bastard a second time with Caesars help- had to wait for the sun to come up and enter the room before I could fling him off of her and watch him burn. The next day was the second hardest day in my life, I had to leave her to recover by herself to fight the last two monsters.” Joseph sigs again looking a little deflated and more his age. “I swore to her I’d come back for her.” His mood suddenly shifts as he exclaims, “Ha, what she didn’t know was that I promised myself that if I did die, I was going to come back as a ghost and haunt her anyway!”
“Ah, but you know the rest of the story from there. We fight the last two, we all live, everything works out in the end. But those two days. Those two are the worst days of my life. Now,” Joseph leans forward and nods to the still sleeping woman, “I’m not saying that’s what’s going on with you, but finding a possible mate – especially when they need you – it will drive your instincts crazy. Pay attention to your instincts, you have them for a reason.”
“Good grief. Is that what the point of that story was?” Jotaro shakes his head but doesn’t move to flee the area like Joseph anticipated he would if feelings were being discussed. He actually seems to relax further as he looks down at the woman sleeping on his lap. Jotaro looks at his hand holding hers like he just realized it was his own.
“That would explain… I killed the hunting group that did this to her. Even after they started to retreat. I didn’t slow down or stop to question who they were or why they were here. I… lost myself. The only thing I could think of was finding her again. Bring her back here, where she’d be safe.” Jotaro looks up again, searching his grandpas face for understanding. “Kakyoin met me halfway here.”
“Yes, he was the one to shoo Pol and I away.”’
“I didn’t want even Kakyoin to see her, no one should see her hurt. Vulnerable. I guess what I’m saying is, it makes a little more sense now. If my instincts are locked onto her being a possible mate.”
“You’re forgetting something though.” Jotaro raises and eyebrow at the older alpha. “You are a Joestar by blood. When we find a mate, that’s it. Think back, how many girls threw themselves at you growing up? Knowing you, you only ever felt annoyed by them, right? I’m not claiming to be an expert on everything going on in that noggin of yours, but like I said, listen to your instincts. Joestar instincts are never wrong about this kind of thing.”
Jotaro looks annoyed for a moment but ultimately just sighs and looks away with a nod. He gets the feeling his grandson is going to need more convincing later but for now its enough that he got the gears in motion. Whatever is going to happen is out of his hands now.
With that Joseph stands and makes his way to the kitchen to help Avdol with the food. Or just steal some of the meal being prepared and dash before he’s caught.
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I’m going to aim for at least once weekly updates for this story, I have a fair bit of vacation time and no where to go this year so I’m going to get a head start!
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Once Bitten, Twice Stupid prt 111
Lance had Keith tucked up in his lap, Coran way ahead of him by sending through the ultrasound video. Technology was scary, he’d recorded it, yet in the time it took for them to get home, he’d already received the photos with the measurements and a copy of the video like it was nothing. Keith want to hold him, but Lance was happy with the three blankets over his shoulders between him and the sofa, plus he was doubly happy having Keith there kind of as a protector between him, their baby, and the rest of the world. Pidge and Hunk wanted to make plans for the camping trip, more like snoop if they asked him for the truth, Lance banning them from driving over to see them in this weather, he’d head down tomorrow if things cleared up. Yeah. He was paranoid. Keith hadn’t pried into his paranoia, Lance holding back telling him that stemmed from a nightmare he’d had over losing his two best friends to the snow. He’d tell Keith, but only if he asked.
Watching the ultrasound on repeat, Lance couldn’t get used to the background noises. There was something not quite there, his heart telling him it was the racing heart of their baby. He felt the same as Keith did, that fear that lingered like the fear that lingered after that near miss. With his chin on Keith’s shoulder, he could watch the scan all day now that he was needing to pee
“You okay?”
Keith hadn’t said much, watching the screen as intently as Lance
“Yeah... I still... it’s... wow”
His boyfriend was so eloquent
“You know, we need a name for them so we stop calling them “it””
“People name them? Like before they come out?”
“Some people even have names picked out before they fall pregnant. I suppose “squirt” is the obvious one”
Keith hummed, mind more on the video than the conversation
“Not squirt. That’s how we got them in the first place”
Okay, maybe he was paying more attention than Lance was giving him credit for
“Lots of people go with “bean”. I don’t know...”
“Let me think about it”
“Yeah. That’s probably the smartest idea... ultrasounds look so weird. Like what’s all the grey? I mean, obviously is like inside me and all, but it looks like we’re watching a bad fish film”
“I was thinking the same thing but thought I must be stupid”
Lance melted, nuzzling into Keith
“You are not stupid. This is new territory for both of us. If anything I’m the stupid one for not realising I was pregnant”
Keith leaned his head back against Lance’s shoulder, looking to him with a soft smile
“You’re not stupid. Maybe... we could name it something like “Macaroon”? I mean... if I’m an anger loaf and you’re an idiot crumpet... I don’t know what a crumpet and a loaf make together”
Lance didn’t know why he found Keith saying “Macaroon” so funny. His big bag boyfriend definitely had a hidden sweet tooth
“You’re laughing at me”
“I’m laughing at the word “Macaroon”. There’s a macaroon floating around in my stomach”
His boyfriend snorted
“Okay, point taken. Not “Macaroon””
“Noooo. Let me have this... it’ll be like the longest I’ve kept down food in 37 years”
“You are pretty bad at keeping food down”
“Don’t blame me. I have no control over this body. Sometimes even water gets thrown back up, other times it doesn’t... it’s weird”
“It’s fine. You should eat though”
“But the baby”
“The Macaroon needs food... the idiot crumpet needs food to feed the Macaroon”
Lance snorted at his boyfriend
“If I’m feeding something, then shouldn’t it be like an animal. Like a guppy in all those fish?”
“You’ve been spending too much time on the internet”
“I can’t deny that... alright, I know you’re going to be bossy until I eat. I’ll have a shake now then a nap with my macaroon maker”
“Do you want to try blood in the shake? See if that keeps it down longer?”
Lance tensed. Keith was trying to be sweet, but he didn’t want him going out his way, or making him uncomfortable with his dietary requirements
“I... uh...”
“It’s okay... I’ve been thinking about it a lot. I’m not going to be grossed out”
“It’s blood”
“Babe, you drink blood all the time. I might not like the taste, but it’s something you need”
“I never really... I’m still getting used to being able to feed without hiding it”
He’d drank a few times in front of Pidge and Hunk, before overthinking about how they’d be uncomfortable watching him eat. Keith, Shiro, Curtis, Matt, and Rieva, were all different because they were used to this world
“Let me make you a shake. I’ll use a little of my blood...”
Not this again
“Babe. No”
“Not a lot...”
“You can’t”
“Lance, I want to. You’re scared over my blood, so I think maybe we can try just a bit in your shakes and see if that helps them stay down longer”
Keith broke his heart bringing up his jealousy over a strangers blood in his system. To Lance it was food now. He’d fed for so long on blood bags. Nameless blood bags. Sources responsibly, without the donor being harmed. They were of course compensated well too... He honestly feared too much fresh blood in his system would make him an arrogant arsehole. Yeah. He’d fed on Keith... when he’d had to. Keith’s blood was... easily very addictive. He didn’t taste like blood bag blood. He wanted Keith to feel connected with their baby. Not feeling inferior, like Lance was cheating on him repeatedly. He didn’t want to say yes, but for Keith... he couldn’t deny him. He couldn’t deny him anything... the words stuck in his throat... He wasn’t that kind of vampire...
“Lance, let yourself rely on me”
“I do. I need you understand who hard it is still to accept blood from you. Bags are like eating a well seasoned steak that’s cooled enough to lose its tenderness. Humans are like eating that steak while it’s still part of the cow... and knowing you can have the whole thing if you really want it. My teeth cut your lips when we kiss to much... so it’s not I haven’t tasted your blood a lot. Your blood tastes good... You are good. Good not food”
“You sound like you’re deflecting”
“I’m not trying to deflect. Fine. Think of it as having too much coffee”
“You can never have too much coffee. I don’t mean like a lot of blood, just a little bit, and just to see if it helps keep food down for you and the baby. I’ll use some from a bag if you’re going to be this upset”
“I’m not upset. You being hurt would upset... and we don’t know how I’ll react to the scent of blood... If you’re so set on trying this, then wait until Shiro is home”
Keith’s safety was his priority. As the pregnancy progressed he feared he’d need more blood to keep up...
“Fine. But you’re having your shake”
“Only if you finally show me what this secret thing is”
Well fuck. Keith agreed far too readily.
Keith secret turned out to be a letter from Krolia. Though Lance liked to keep things neat and tidy, he respected that there were certain things he shouldn’t be touching or moving, the things on Keith’s desk being one of those cases. He also never touched his boyfriend’s phone or laptop with Keith’s nagging, respecting his boyfriend’s privacy. He knew Keith sometimes messaged their friends privately, and Lance like Keith feeling comfortable doing so. He wasn’t going to be that kind of controlling partner who had to know everything and didn’t trust their partner enough to let them have their own secrets.
Keith forced him into his lap this time. Sitting on the sofa again, Lance sipped his shake slowly, trying to do draw out eating in the hopes if he kept eating it’d take longer to come back up. The blood with the vanilla wasn’t the best flavour combination, Lance didn’t really know how to describe it. Blood lasted like blood to him, but it wasn’t gross tasting like it was to humans. It was only gross tasting now thanks to the vanilla flavour in the shake powder. Opening the envelope, Keith’s hands were shaking
“Babe, it’s okay. We don’t have to rush”
“I’ve had this for like a month now... I need to face it... before Krolia finds out we’re having a baby”
Honestly, if Krolia told him she knew, Lance wouldn’t be surprised. Allura had probably noticed the change in his quintessence... Though Krolia didn’t have fae powers, she was at VOLTRON a lot. Like a whole lot. She easily could have snuck into Coran’s office and found out, or intercepted lab results. Heck, the Blades had 4 werewolves who were probably smarter about this than Matt and Rieva
“We can still take it slow”
“I’ve been thinking about it for weeks... She... I don’t know...”
“Maybe you don’t dislike her as much as you thought?”
“She’s not the same here as she was in Rome”
“That’s good. Noticing that, that’s okay. I’m not trying to pressure you, but if you’ve been thinking it’s time for a while now, maybe it’s time to read this letter?”
Krolia usually tried to say hello to Keith, or to him if she saw them. She wasn’t shooting him, a good sign that he was still in the clear with her, although it could be thanks to the Blade’s being busy. Lance had tried to forget the briefing room board and all the scraps of information on it, trying not to cross the lines or belittle their work... even if it solving the question of where Sendak was would be great. He’d loved to be able to rub in their face as revenge for not telling them about Antok.
Dropping the envelope into his lap, Keith separated the pages, photos falling out. The letter from Krolia was roughly two pages long, Lance noticing immediately that Krolia had enclosed a copy of the photo she’d shown him on his birthday
The letter was no longer important. Lance taking them from Keith as Keith tried to hold both the letter and the photo at once resulting in the page crumpling. Turning the photo over, Krolia had written on the back
“Keith aged 5 months”. She’d stayed longer than Lance thought. Keith seemed to think it was more a “pop and run” kind of deal. Turning the photo back over, his boyfriend’s tears started soaking into Lance’s borrowed long sleeve shirt
“I think that’s my dad... and my mum”
Lance stared at the photo. Keith’s parents couldn’t have been much older than Keith when the photo was taken. Damn if Keith didn’t have some good looking genes in his family tree. Lance nearly pointing out that Keith’s dad was as hot as his son, then stopping himself him short thanks to thinking of how Keith had lost his father in a fire
“I... I forgot his face... I had a photo at some point but... God. What kind of a son forgets his dad’s face?”
“The kind of son who loses him far too soon. What are the other ones?”
Keith sniffled loudly, his hands shaking harder as he took three attempts to pick up the the other two photos
“God... is that me?”
Young Keith was holding his hippo, the photo older and taken from a distance... Hanging off his dad’s arm, Keith was wearing the biggest smile Lance had ever seen. Both hands holding around the arm in the photo, with his hippo barely gripped as he hung in the air. Lance wasn’t sure for sure it was his dad’s arm, but an educated guess would say it was
“Yeah, that’s you. I’d recognise those knobbly knees anywhere”
“I don’t remember this at all”
“Check the back”
The back read “Keith aged 5”. One of Krolia’s friends must have taken it, or one of the Blades, or even of one Lance’s father’s friends.
The third photo was a photo of a photo. The photo used when Keith’s father had died in the house fire. Keith’s dad really was very good looking, especially in his fancy firefighter uniform
“How did she have these?”
“She said she never stopped wanting to know you. She probably had hunters or friends take photos... I know you’re probably not going to be happy, but she showed me that one of you guys together. She says it’s her good luck charm. She’s proud of you... I’m not trying to interfere here, but I don’t think there was a time that you weren’t in her thoughts”
Keith sniffled hard, Lance moving to kiss his cheek
“Hey, I’m here for you”
“I... what do I tell her? I didn’t get it. She and Shiro tried to tell me and I didn’t get how you could leave your baby behind... and now you’re pregnant, I finally fucking get it. I wasn’t brave enough to read this sooner... she... she’s been respecting my boundaries more and more...”
“You kind of wanted to talk to her before you found about the baby and now you’re worried maybe she’ll only be concerned with listening to what you have to say about it?”
“I couldn’t have faced her if I hadn’t come here. You helped me so much... and she... she walks all over everything. She butts into my life. She shot you. She gets on with everyone else... but she’s... at the Blade of Marmora Headquarters she was terrifying. Like... a walking statue made of gold. Something you shouldn’t be approaching. I felt like she was always looking down at me... I hated it. I fought so hard to carve out my own space but that didn’t matter with her there. She didn’t even come when I nearly got killed. I was pretty desperate, hitchhiking and trying to get to the cabin. Caught a lift and it turned out someone let slip Krolia had a son. No idea who or how they know me. They tracked me down, assuming I was running back to dad’s shack. They were so nice that I thought I was being careful. Shiro was tracking them tracking me. I nearly became dinner. He shot out the windows, flooded the place with light and took me away... I didn’t even know I was in danger until they showed their faces and fangs...”
“You’re both lucky”
Keith would have been lunch. There was clearly more to the story, which Keith had left out
“He knew what he was doing. I had no idea. I thought I was a freak of nature that maybe deserved it. I can’t believe... dad...”
He got what Keith was saying. He tried so hard to find a way back to his dad and now he had part of him returned
“He looks so much like you... You even have that same crease in the corner of your eyes when you smile”
“Do you think so?”
“Babe, yeah. You two against each other photo wise, people would think you’re brothers”
“I can’t believe she had these”
Lance wasn’t sure Krolia had had them. He was secretly sure that out there there would be a file on Keith filled with photos and reports on Keith growing up
“I think she probably always wanted to show you... but that’s okay. Because you weren’t ready before. You made to feel worthless by worthless people instead of being confident enough to see how much you are truly loved. I know it’s hard. When so many people are mean to you, you feel like people complimenting you are only doing so because they’re either lying or laughing behind your back at how dumb you are for believing them. I get paranoid like that too”
“I don’t know what to tell her. You saw me today. I panicked at the idea of Kolivan knowing. I panicked at the idea of be treated differently... I don’t want to be given special treatment...”
“You’re not as weak as you believe you are. If they still see you as weak, then they’re morons. You were in a fucking accident and still cared more about your bike than you”
“I think that just makes me slightly stupid”
Keith bike was still at VOLTRON. Lance assumed it was being fixed, but Keith seemed pretty down about it still. His boyfriend would probably be working on it more if he didn’t have him to worry about
“Nah. I’m shitting myself over you getting back on that death trap, but that’s what you want to do. Your brave. The world hurt you, and lately you’ve showing your face more. I really like it. You keep moving forward and that makes you strong. Your father was so proud of you. I can see it in his eyes. He loved you so much babe. He’d be even prouder if he’d got to see who you grew into. That stuff in the middle, that doesn’t make you a bad person... in his last moments I’m sure all he was hoping for was your safety and your happiness”
“I’m sorry... I think maybe I... I think I need to talk to Krolia”
“You don’t have to be sorry for anything at all. You talking with her is what you need. Again, I’m not pushing, but when we talked... she’s desperate to know you. She loves you. You’re loved very much”
“I want to see the others too...”
Lance nodded
“Tomorrow. If the snow let’s up we’ll head there tomorrow. I miss them too”
“I didn’t think I’d ever miss a bunch of people”
Lance chuckled at his boyfriend
“That’s because we know the coolest and weirdest bunch of people. You’re in with the cool kids, babe”
“And you’re sounding like Shiro”
“Hey, it’s not my fault. I’m totally allowed to be lame when I feel like it”
“You feel like an ice block again”
“I’m thinking of taking a trip to the fridge just to warm up”
“Or we could go to bed”
Lance blinked half a dozen times. Keith didn’t mean that... like that...
“Yeah. More blankets and snuggles sound good”
“Who said anything about snuggles?”
“Me, right now”
“I suppose that can be arranged. I want to make copies of these photos. I don’t ever want to lose them”
“We’ll work that out... like we work everything else out”
Keith kissed his hair
“We make a good team”
“That we do”
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zarcake-writes · 5 years
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Hello everyone! Here’s a story about a bisexual female drider and a bisexual human woman. They meet in a time of need and fall in love. This story mentions some rather dark moments, but nothing is in detail. Check the warnings below. 
Warnings: pregnancy, mention of birth, death of a spouse, death of children 
The floods are horrible, the worst this region has seen in about half a century. Villages and small towns are wiped out, leaving behind nothing or the foundations of a few buildings. The orc stronghold in the area has taken in refugees, but even their mighty stronghold has experienced some damages. If people couldn’t get to the stronghold, they did their best to get to the human city. But even that growing city was being damaged by the rains.
Despite many attempting to flee and get to safety, many were not lucky. Humans, orcs, elves, goblins, and gnolls are all swept away by the water, never to be seen again. Families are left with nothing but the clothes on their backs. The pain of having to watch their homes and livelihoods vanish in a swirl of dark water was crushing, but at least they had each other. Others are not so lucky. Others are left alone in the wet, cruel world, screaming for the water to take them as well or begging for their loved ones to return.
You are one of the luckier ones. However, at that moment, you don't feel very lucky. After the flooding separated you from the people you were traveling with, you sought shelter in the woods. It was a miracle that you found something at all.
Sitting beneath a large rocky outcropping, you can only watch the pounding rain. It’s almost impossible to get comfortable. Your wet clothes cling to your skin and make you shiver. Starting a fire would be basically impossible in this weather. Your feet and ankles ache, and your swollen stomach makes it hard to sit in one position for long.
“We’ll be ok, little one. As soon as there’s a break in the rain, we’ll try to get to the stronghold. Even if we need to take the long way,” you said. Your hands travel over the swell of your stomach, a slight kick assures you that your child is ok.
When you wake, it’s morning. The air is cold and the sky is dark. The only good thing is that it’s stopped raining for a moment. Your large stomach makes it hard for you to stand. When you manage to pull yourself up, you take a few deep breaths and ready yourself mentally for the journey.
The pregnancy has slowed you down greatly, and without anyone to help you, well, it makes sense that you were left behind. You barely made it across the river by yourself. You’re not sure how you’ll make it to the stronghold alone. The forest can be dangerous on a normal day, with territorial naga’s, driders, and fae. Not to mention getting lost and the threat of getting lost. But the rains and the rising river has made everything so much more dangerous.
Once you’ve done your best to prepare yourself, you push yourself off the wall. The drive to save yourself and your unborn child fuels you. However, when you turn around and see what is standing at the edge of the clearing, you freeze. Your eyes go wide and you back up into the rock wall behind you.
The drider is huge, standing on long thin legs with a round back end. The human torso is female, with breasts and a flat stomach. Her spider body is a light brown with darker brown markings. You notice her human torso has similar markings. Two of her eight eyes are larger and in the center of her face, four smaller ones are beneath the two eyes, and the final two are above the two larger eyes. Her mouth, that makes you shiver. It looks human, but from where you stand, you can see the mandibles along her lower jaw.
You two stare at each other for a long time. She looks surprised to see you alone. She looks around the clearing like she’s expecting more humans to appear.
You are just terrified. You know driders are usually solitary, usually preferring to stay in their burrows or dens. It is well known that they can be very territorial. And being nearly face to face with one is enough to scare you.
It’s only when her human arms shift that you realize she’s holding something. She looks down at her arms, then up at you. She looks so desperate and scared.
“Can… can I rest there? Next to you," she asked. Her voice is low and raspy, and she sounds so tired.
You nod and gesture for her to come beneath the outcropping. When she steps forward, you see she’s limping. She can barely fit beneath the outcropping, but she brings her legs in and settles down. She sighs heavily and looks partially relaxed. It's then that you see what is in her arms. It makes sense that she would be out of her burrow and ask to rest with you.
“That’s your baby,” you said.
She looks at you and nods. The baby is a lighter shade of brown, its eyes are open and filled with tears. The hair on his head is a brownish red, where his mother’s hair is a much darker brown. You wonder if her hair is naturally like that or if it’s wet.
The baby whimpers and begins to cry. His mother soothes him and brings him to her chest. He refuses to eat and continues fighting, eight legs and two arms flailing about.
“Is he ok?” you asked.
“No. We… the river hurt one of his legs. I think it’s broken.”
“Can you show me? I worked with the healer in my village.”
The drider turns to you and gives you a long, hard look. Her eight eyes narrow slightly. They are so dark, but you don’t miss the way she examines you from head to toe. After a moment, she gives you a slow nod. She shifts the baby, then shows you his front right leg. It’s bent in an unnatural angle. The good news is that the rest of his legs are fine and very pliable. The baby’s leg bones are not fully formed yet.
“His leg bones are not formed fully,” you said.
She shakes her head. “No. He’s still very young, was the smallest of his clutch.”
The pain in her voice makes it clear what happened to the others. “I can set the leg, in a sense at least. That way when his bones begin to form fully, it will form the correct way. I need to find a straight stick and some wrap.”
She nods and watches you waddle off to the edge of the forest. You return a moment later, dragging a large stick behind you. The female drider easily breaks the stick. Her strength sends a shiver down your spine. As you remove the bark with a knife, you can feel her watching you.
“Can you give me some webbing? For the wrap?” you asked her.
She nods and skillfully pulls some silk from her body. It’s surprisingly warm and soft in your hands, but also slightly sticky. The drider helps you place the stick and wrap it around her baby’s leg. It groans in distress, but his mother soothes him. You’re glad she’s trusting you, something her size could easily harm you and your own baby.
“There. Hopefully, the little one won’t pull at it. When his bones begin to grow firm, you can remove it. If he has any other problems, I suggest visiting a healer.”
“Thank you,” she breathed. Her eyes are wet and her mandibles quiver.
“You’re welcome.”
You sit back and run your hands over your stomach. It has become a habit and a form of comfort. From the corner of your eye, you see her looking at you.
“You’re pregnant,” she said.
“Yes. Getting closer to the due date. I had hoped to be in the orc stronghold soon, but I got separated from the group.”
“Don’t human’s have families? And mates for help?”
“I have no family and my husband… he died. He was getting over a cough, but the rain and wetness made it worst. I couldn’t save him.” Your hand reaches for the wedding bands hanging from your neck. The thought of someone stealing his made you sick, so you took it before he was buried. As much as it hurt, you figured you could sell or trade it at the stronghold. Or give it to your child one day.
“I am sorry. These rains are taking everything from us, aren’t they?”
“Yeah, they are.”
“My name is Naka,” she said.
You smiled and introduced yourself. “What’s his name?”
“I haven’t named him yet. After I lost his siblings, I was afraid I might lose him too,” her voice was thick with emotion.
“No mate?”
“No. I think the rains got him as well. Or he fled.”
“I’m sorry.”
“My kind don’t usually take lifelong mates. He only showed up to my burrow to bring me food and water. I didn’t really want him around too much. He did help me defend the burrow from a rather nasty pair of nagas, though. He got hurt and I let him rest in there with and the clutch,” Naka said.
“He sounds nice.”
“He was.”
You both grew quiet for a while. As much as you wanted to stay and talk with the drider, you had to keep going. Your baby kicking inside you reminded you that they would be coming soon. And having a baby in the middle of the woods isn't something you want to experience.
“I have to go,” you said.
“The stronghold?” Naka asked.
“Yes. The chief is taking in those who are fleeing the rains.”
“How many people can fit in the stronghold?”
“I’m not sure. But I have to try to get there, for my baby’s sake.”
Naka nodded and stood up gracefully. She helped you stand, not making a comment about your weight or looking strained in any way.
“I will go with you. I doubt they’ll allow me in, but I can help you get there.”
“You would?”
“You helped my son. I wish to repay the favor.”
Naka and you set off. Her baby was wrapped in a silk swaddle around Naka’s torso. His small legs would stick out, and occasionally his human hands would pop out. You imagined he was sucking on his appendages. Babies of all races were the same it seems.
The first day, you two traveled for most of the day but didn’t get very far. The three of you took shelter that night beneath a large tree, huddled together for warmth. Your attempts to make a fire was useless. You almost gave up until Naka gave you some of her silk to use. With the small fire, you, her, and her baby fell asleep together.
The next day, you two didn’t get much further. Naka was patient with you, always helping you over logs and up steep embankments. If you needed to rest, she stopped without complaint. When you began to grow frustrated and anxious with the lack of progress, she would distract you with a story or questions.
You learned that Naka enjoyed cookies. She scared a traveling merchant when she was younger and he dropped most of his supplies from his wagon. Her imitation of his screams made you laugh harder than you expected, plus the image of this giant drider snacking on cookies was cute. You told her so and she looked away, but you didn’t miss the smile on her face.
You told Naka about your old home and the small garden filled with herbs you kept. She laughed when you told her about the time a couple of orc children ate all the berries from your blackberry bush. Their mother was so upset, and their father made them help you around the garden.
The third day, she insisted you sit on her back and let her do the walking. By then, her legs didn’t hurt her anymore and she trusted you to be close to her child. He would watch you from his swaddle. Every time you looked at him, he would duck down and giggle. By the end of the third day, you three were much closer to the orc stronghold.
At night, you would start the fire and watch her baby while she would hunt. She managed to bring you some food each night, whether it was a rabbit or some berries. As you prepared your food, she always excused herself to feed her baby. You were thankful for that since her baby relies on both breast milk and food she would regurgitate. The thought of seeing regurgitated food made you sick.
During your time together, you found yourself liking Naka. Despite her size, she was quick and agile. Her laugh was always low and steady, even when she was close to tears. All of her was beautiful and so very strong. She easily pushed large objects out of the way and broke branches for you. If you need to be carried, she would. Most of all, it warmed your heart seeing her interact with her child.
It was on the seventh of traveling together that the worst thing that could happen in this situation, happened. You went into labor. The only good thing about it was that you two were traveling through an abandoned village a mile from the orc stronghold. You could see the outline of the hold, so close yet so far.
All day you had been uncomfortable and kept asking Naka to stop. She seemed prepared for your labor to start. When your water broke, you started to cry. Naka, with her soft hands and low voice, calmed you. She picked you up and carried you into the only building she would fit, a nearby barn.
She wove you a clean silk blanket to lay on and managed to start a fire. She helped you get comfortable, promising not to leave you. The contractions started out small and were far between, but after a few hours, they were getting worse.
The labor lasted about eight hours. Naka, who you had been prepared for this situation, talked you through everything. She praised you and promised everything would be ok. When the baby arrived, he was a crying and wet mess. Naka dried him with off with a clean rag, wrapped him in one of your shirts, and handed him to you.
You sob and hold him close to your chest. The first thing you think is how beautiful he is. He has his father’s curly hair and his dark eyes, but he looks to have your nose. Your son latches onto your breast and began to suckle, his small hands bunch up into fists and his eyes close.
Once Naka cleaned your legs, she curled her body around yours. She watched, with wide eyes, as your baby suckled. Her own son crawled out of his swaddle and watched you with wide curious eyes. His mandibles open and close, he looked excited. His head rests against your shoulder, splinted leg lay between you and Naka.
“He’s beautiful. Looks like he has your nose,” Naka whispered.
“He does. And his father’s eyes and hair. I wish he could have met his son,” you whispered.
“I’m sure he’s very proud of you,” Naka said.
You nod and look up at her with teary eyes. “I think he would be. Naka, thank you.”
She smiles down at you and presses a kiss to your forehead and both your cheeks. The feeling of her lips on your skin took your breath away. “There’s no need to thank me.”
“There is. You helped me, you helped us. Without you, we would still be in that forest.”
“Hush. You helped my son when he needed. And, I’ve come to care for you.”
The emotion behind her words struck you in the chest. You would be lying if you said you didn’t feel the same about her.
“I care for you as well, Naka. You and your son,” you whispered.
“I do not wish us to part.”
“Me either.”
“Good. Tomorrow, we shall face the stronghold together. Now, get some rest. I will keep us safe.”
You did as Naka instructed. Your eyes close and your body relaxes. The feeling of your son on your chest, Naka’s child against your shoulder, and Naka’s large body surrounding you made you safe. You were warm, for the first time in a very long time.
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