#bane is on the ace spectrum because i said so
case-of-traxits · 5 months
sephiroth and/or reno for the character ask thingy if you're still accepting! you can do either or both it's up to you <3
For the Opinion Meme || Still accepting!
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Sexuality Headcanon: Aaaah, Sephiroth. I see Sephiroth as more or less demisexual with surprisingly (to him) possessive romantic leanings when his emotions are engaged.
Gender Headcanon: Cis male. I'm so boring with gender headcanons. XD
A ship I have with said character: All right, surprising no one, I adore Sephiroth/Tseng. Like, I just think they're so good for each other before, you know, Nibelheim. I think Sephiroth needs someone patient with him, someone willing to let him go at his own pace when it comes to figuring things out, and Tseng is very happy to let him do so.
That said, I also really like Sephiroth/Genesis. I tried my best to get some written for Sephesis Week, but I just couldn't get the dynamic I wanted on the page. I'll have to try again.
A BROTP I have with said character: Angeal and Genesis and Glenn and Lucia and Matt. I just. I want Sephiroth to have all of the friends, tbh. T_T
A NOTP I have with said character: I used to ship Aerith/Sephiroth really hard when I was young (I feel like in part because it side-stepped me out of the Aerith/Cloud/Tifa thing), but honestly, I don't know that I could ship them together anymore. It would be... It would have to be a very weird relationship, and most of what I see just tries to push it into very simple boxes.
A random headcanon: Sephiroth is quietly brilliant with all things science-related, and when Gast was still around, he was occasionally allowed to follow Reeve around the Science department as he did work on reactor designs. This lasted until Gast vanished and Hojo took over, when Sephiroth was around eight.
A year later, Reeve took the reactors from Science and started putting together what would eventually be Urban Development, and the next time he and Sephiroth saw one another, Sephiroth was a SOLDIER and Reeve was a director.
General Opinion over said character: I love Sephiroth. I have a particular soft spot for sane!Sephiroth, mostly because that's the time period I prefer to write in.
BONUS! A song I associate with the character: Midnight, by Jorge Mendez.
Reno of the Turks
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Sexuality Headcanon: Aromantic, and definitely on the asexual spectrum. He is perfectly happy to have sex with someone-- no repulsion or anything; he just doesn't feel sexual attraction to any individual.
That said, he'd climb Rude like a tree, if Rude will let him. In no small part because he is 100% aware that Rude experiences romantic and sexual attraction, and Reno wants their partnership to be unbreakable on Rude's end.
Gender Headcanon: Cis male, but he's far less attached to the 'male' part of his identity than most of my characters.
A ship I have with said character: I... don't know that I have any happy ships with Reno, but I have plenty of absolutely heartbreaking ones.
Reno/Rude - A classic for a reason, but I suspect Rude leans a little more straight than most of my others, so it's always temporary to some degree.
Tseng/Reno - Ah, Tseng/Reno. A favorite and the bane of my existence, all at once. Basically, my default Reno and Tseng are in a D/s relationship where Tseng has carte blanche to tell Reno... anything. Because of that, I write it where Tseng would never let himself press into a sexual relationship with Reno, just because he knows that Reno cannot tell him no emotionally. For more information on this, I recommend my "Reno and Loyalty" meta that I just cross-posted from my old RP blog!
Reno/Elena/Rude - So this starts out as Reno wanting to tie Elena into the group a little more during the OG. (Curious what that looks like? I've written it here.) And when it's become a regular thing and they have a rhythm and everything, Reno... slowly pulls back. It's after AC and everything, and it's really gradual. And he doesn't pull back from them because he dislikes them or anything, he just... He knows what long term relationships are supposed to look like, and they don't usually include "someone like him," you know?
Reno/Tifa/Rude - This starts out super great, but just like Reno/Elena/Rude, will almost inevitably end with Reno pushing Rude and Tifa together and drifting off from them.
A BROTP I have with said character: Reno and any Turk, frankly.
A NOTP I have with said character: Mm. Most Tseng/Reno stuff, frankly. But not because I don't love it! I just love... specific variants of it.
A random headcanon: Reno has five younger sisters that he's responsible for. They live in the slums when he's first hired on into the Turks, but eventually, Reno gets them moved Above the Plate.
General Opinion over said character: Reno was the first canon FF7 character that I ever RPed, well over 20 years ago now. He's got a special spot in my heart, as I'm sure you can tell, given my icon is basically this icon on everything.
BONUS! A song I associate with the character:
There ain't no scene in the VIP for me So you can take your class, shake your ass And drown in that martini 'Cause there ain't no scene in the VIP for me It's understood that you're all too good This shit is crazy [...] I wanna get down, down and get dirty Sick of this scene, it doesn't deserve me Uh-oh, there's gotta be somewhere else to go 'Cause I wanna get off, get a bit trashy Wanna get hot, get a bit nasty Uh-oh, baby, let's go
-- VIP, by Ke$ha
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gorogues · 10 months
ohhicas replied to your ask post: James had to ask Hartley directly in the comics why the hell he gave a shit what happened to the others after how they treated him so like 💀 Remake killed a lot of the nuances of "oh they absolutely cared he was gay. Very specific ones did not care, and removing that difference killed a lot of the uniqueness of the group's relationships with each other"
This I agree with, though in the modern era I still think the guys may be due for an overhaul. They can have differing opinions on Hartley's reform and political views, and some might not care but others might have big problems with it. Another source of potential conflict is Hartley dating a cop, which the Rogues undoubtedly have feelings about. I think there's room for real tension between him and them that doesn't involve them being hateful.
belphegor1982 replied to your ask post: And that's why my relationship to DC comics canon (whatever the hell that may be) is basically the kind you have to a somewhat distant relative you used to see fairly regularly once upon a time but now you just kinda check in on sometimes in a "so what are they up to these days" way. The version of the Rogues that lives in my head is both very specific and incredibly vague for that very purpose.
That's fair. For me, the good thing about fiction is that nobody actually got hurt and so it isn't a huge deal when a fictional character does something terrible (I don't necessarily like it and it might make me uncomfortable, but a real person/animal wasn't hurt). But not everyone sees things that way, and that's understandable. Plus, everyone draws the line somewhere at the types of media they immerse themselves into, so for example I generally avoid gore and horror. Comic book supervillains doing their thing might be too much for others.
belphegor1982 replied to your ask post: One “the Rogues are all straight except for Piper” headcanon I do have though is that any and all of them could have fallen under the queer umbrella if 1) they’d grown up/lived in different circumstances and 2) if they’d let themselves be queer. The hyper masculinity they show could be interpreted as performative for fear of being perceived as even more Other than they already were. belphegor1982 replied to your ask post: That doesn’t stop me as seeing James as pan, Mick as ace (or somewhere on the ace spectrum anyway), Len also possibly grey ace and maybe bi (again, if he’d give himself permission), Mark as gender fluid, etc. That’s the beauty of headcanons - it’s all a big sandbox and open to interpretation!
Indeed, well said :)
demonbirdsforever replied to your ask post: I didn’t realize that stuff had happened. I understand you have your view now. We all just have to remember that comic characters change by whose hands they end up in. So I think the homophobia you mentioned is more a writer problem than a character problem. It’s like Trigon, everyone says he’s a demon but he’s not really. He’s is EVIL or as he put it, Celestial Blasphemy. That’s why I’m okay with other opinions on characters, to degree…
Oh for sure, there's no reason any given continuity will stick around forever -- which is both the beauty and the bane of comics. That's why I'm hopeful that DC will update them at some point, but hopefully it won't take ages to happen.
I will say though that this might be a hazard of being a fan of villains: it's pretty unlikely that they'll be unproblematic like, say, Superman might be. That doesn't mean they're all going to be hateful bigots or that we should like it if they are, but a lot of them might do or say things at times that the audience doesn't like. That's something we have to come to terms with, because even the nicest Rogues have done horrible things at some point…you have to take the bad with the good.
it-is-i-zim replied to your text post: Confession: I didn't really read most of Identity Crisis. Most of what I read was issue 5 out of context. And now I feel kinda stupid but in my heart I know him randomly murdering some guy is out of character. And that's what counts it-is-i-zim replied to your text post: Out of context it just looked like he was breaking and entering. And then got shot for breaking and entering.
No, he was hired to kill Jack Drake…it was a whole thing, the story just gets worse the more you hear about it. You're better off not reading it.
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spritenightbabygorl · 3 years
How Gotham Rogues Would Be Queer Icons At Pride Because Fuck You:
Riddler: ole riddle boy would confuse transphobes and homophobes with questions every day of the month and educate people about Pride History on live tv.
Scarecrow: scaring important political people into saying nonbinary people exist. Terrifying the shit out of homophobes specifically, if you are queer you don't get fear gassed this month.
Harley Quinn: Spreading general cheer about Pride and making her pets wear customized pride merch. Patrolling the streets in Gotham with her giant hammer for anyone trying to harass queer people at night.
Poison Ivy: she's an ecoterrorist lesbian she doesn't need to do anything. But she does shower rainbow colored flowers all over Gotham during the parade!
Joker: offering his services to any teens who needs their parents/adults/teachers to be murderered/maimed. Helps Harley patrol(begrudgingly) but gets distracted a lot.
Two Face: no cops at pride because Two Face has dirt on all of them so they won't show their faces. Makes actually good pride merch with his insane fashion skills.
Penguin: pays for everything. he's really tired and kind of broke for a bit after June but it's worth it. He also kisses Riddler on live tv for press.
Bane: doesn't understand what gay is, but will beat homophobes up. Helps keep the parade safe and tries his best! he also killed an acephobe :)
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As I was scrolling through the dumpster fire, I came across your review for 'Born to be Bound'. I loved it! It was an absolute delight to read with some of the best burns I've seen in a long while. If I had the funds to purchase books, I now know to not buy that particular one. Thank you for suffering through the incessant, hoity-toity babble to warn the rest of us.
I get by on limited income, books are a luxury I can rarely afford. Fanfiction fills my need to read and consume written stories. And now I can't unsee the asexual erasure in the A/B/O tag on Ao3. I'm moderately pissed off at myself now.
I'm a disgruntled fanfiction writer. I will do what I do best. Say, "I can fix that." Then write it into existence. I'm going to add an asexual Alpha/Omega couple to my current A/B/O fanfic. I'll use a popular ship that is a minor background pairing.
On a related note, how do you keep your sanity alive reading badly written books for a living? Are magical abilities granted to editors? Like, does some higher power descend upon you saying, 'Congrats! You're strong to survive the trials of terrible wording inflicted upon the English language. Take this level up and go forth!' ?
Hi!  I’m glad you messaged me. Nice to meet you!
Awww! I’m blushing from your praise. That was only for chapter 1 and there are 10 chapters in this, so I’ve got a lot more to go through. I’m hopeful it will get better. 
I really understand not being able to buy books. That’s pretty much me all the time. LOL I’m a disabled, chronically ill person who can’t work a regular 9-5 job so I do other stuff to pay the bills. There’s a few ways to be able to read original fiction for free. The first is that a lot of authors will offer books for free as reader magnets. The second is that publishers of all stripes will send out ARCs of books to people with the understanding/hope that they will review the book. This is how I get most of my more recent releases. Finally there is reading from the library. I’ve been utilizing both Overdrive and Hoopla. And fanfiction is a wonderful thing. A precious thing. I am 100% here for fanfic, especially since I still write it myself. LOL
Don’t be pissed off that you missed the lack of ace rep on the tag. Be proud of yourself that when it was pointed out your first thought was “How can i fix this?” Because that speaks volumes about you as a person. And you’re a good doobie. I think it’s awesome that you’re going to add more asexual rep to the ABO tag. We need that. There are not nearly enough characters on the Ace spectrum and it really runs the gambit. I’m a demiromantic/bisexual myself. There needs to be more Ace rep out there. Good on you!
So you want to know how I keep my sanity when reading bad books?
So here’s the thing, most of the books I edit aren’t badly written. They really aren’t. Even those that if they were published in the form I got them in would be called “badly written” have potential. They’re unpolished. They have flaws. They need work. And it’s my job to help the author get their book into the best shape that I can.
Also most books, even Addison Cain’s Born to Be Bound have something good about them. Something. And one person’s yuck is another person’s yum. This book happens to be hitting a lot of my yucks and there’s some structural, logistical, and tonal problems with the book. That being said, I can say that from the one chapter I’ve read I wouldn’t have guessed that the story started its life as a Batman fanfic featuring Bane/Original Female Character. So she filed the serial numbers off well, I guess.
The other thing that keeps me sane is a philosophy I have about editing/life. No effort is wasted if you learn something or help someone else to learn. I wanted to be a teacher before I hit some pretty big obstacles and had to switch gears. And in my heart, I still want to help make the world a better place. And if that means that I help others create beauty, then that’s a good legacy for me.
I also have a good support system and invest in self care. That can be reading a good fic, watching something fun, or even playing a game for a little bit. I also don’t edit constantly. I take breaks. Edit for an hour, take a 20 minute break. This keeps me more focused and allows me to not get dragged down. Plus it works better for my disabilities since that’s a thing.
Additionally, I 1000% agree with the maxim that any problem in a book can be fixed in the editing process. It just takes a lot of work and a lot of suppressing of the author’s ego and the author has to be willing to do that. That last one is the toughest, because these books are their babies. Their children. It’s hard to hear that their child isn’t perfect. And editing can feel like an attack if you aren’t used to it. I do a lot of hand holding. I make sure that they know that just because I’ve found something I need to change that it isn’t a reflection on them. The only time it becomes a reflection on the author is when they have been told something is a problem and they choose to ignore that anyway because it doesn’t fit with their vision. I’m a pretty hard core editor. I tend to give it to my clients straight. And I think my clients know that I honestly and truly want them to succeed. Because I do. Honestly, a well-edited successful book is like a huge piece of advertising for me as an editor. Like straight on. I want my clients to succeed because then I’ll succeed. It’s a very symbiotic relationship.
Now there are books that I’ve edited that are absolutely horrible. Books where I’ve gotten them in the copy edit phase and I’ve wondered why the acquisitions and content editors are letting this subject go to press. But in the end, I have to remember what my job is. When that happens, it’s the self-care route again.
But seriously, most books have something good in them. It’s a question of finding it and drawing it out.
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