ezekiellsplayground · 1 month
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Decided to blend some grey BFL tops from my stash with the black Faroe Island sample tops from one of last years monthly fibre club. The difference in staple length is INSANE! The faroe is easily twice the length if not longer than the BFL. But it’s making such a lovely blended charcoal colour.
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unfinishedsweaters · 26 days
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This week’s Thursday pattern is going out later today. Knit a cool (warm), angular shawl from sport/DK yarn for a fairly quick, satisfying project. Use the C1/C2 color layout shown, or C1/C2/C3, or use a different scrap yarn on each colorblock. (Scraps might spare you the regret of cutting your handspun yarn, to be honest.)
I am trying to build Thog Cowl around gauge/yarn versatility (knit it from sock to worsted weight! no gauge, just a yarn you like!); the whole point of it originally was for it to be a pattern I could write very quickly, but I wanted Visual Interest and Less Purling.
I will probably be trying a (large) test knit pool for Thog Cowl! More details/an official call after the weekend when everything is more presentable—it is probably best to see Thog Cowl before you commit to a Thog Cowl of your own—but please stay tuned or follow this tumblr or something. It’s looking like a pretty fun knit, and I’d both like to invite some people to it early and—ideally—be able to showcase the versatility a bit with more projects than I can actually knit in the next week or two. It’d be neat. I reckon we will see.
MEANWHILE, I worked up a kind of editing swatch to help me stop reversing some numbers in my head (it’s been a tough week or two) and remarkably, with all applicable superstitious measures applied (touch wood), it’s both shaping up to be really promising and somehow fulfilling my need to work on something that’s just kind of inventive and freeform, so I’ll be spending at least some time on that as well.
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milkweedman · 10 months
TDF DAYS 16, 18, & 19
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I took the 17th as a rest day, but the other two days I was working on spinning the 3rd ply for this skein. I only have like 1.5 bobbins, so I'll need to spin more I'm sure, but I ran out of empty bobbins to spin on. The wool for this ply is some beautiful BFL roving that my friend bones sent me--it also made up most of the batts for the other two plies as well.
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Spinning on the espinner while bedbound on the 18th. Definitely easier than supported spinning while lying down, altho I do that sometimes too. Espinners really are the best tool for when literally every movement hurts, lol.
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And the full array of bobbins ! Excited to start plying them tonight.
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disgruntled-lifeform · 10 months
Got my hands on some Blue-faced Leciester and I think I am going to ply these together tomorrow
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foxglenstudio · 4 months
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Tumbleweed Cowl
I love working with BFL wool (blue-faced leicester). There's a springiness to the fiber that merino doesn't quite have, and it lends itself to a really nice texture. Light yellow-green cowl is knit in different textured stitches.
Yarn: Blue Moon BFL Sport (100% blue-faced leicester wool)
Measures ~6" tall by 45" circumference.
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eugeniovonsavoy · 8 months
Közgyűjteményi hivatástudat / elköteleződés
Ma 19:43-kor kaptam értesítést a BFL levéltárosától, hogy letölthető a tervtári kép, amit egyébként ma délután 3-kor fizettem ki.
Ugyanígy ma 21:35-kor értesített a MÁV Központi Irattárának irattárosa, hogy elküldte a ma délután fájlformátuma miatt megreklamált irattári kéréseimet.
Nem tudom, mennyi családi életet élnek (valószínűleg khm.. keveset), viszont ez a hivatástudat nagyon sok területen jelen van és nekik, nekünk nem lehet azt mondani, hogy menjünk el a Lidl-be/SSC-be/ellenőrnek a NAV-hoz/strómannak Lőrinchez és keressünk SOK-SOK (LOL) pénzt, mert úgy lesz a jó.
Egy ilyen közeget amúgy éppen a központosítással és narratíva-vezérelt munkavégzéssel lehet totálisan megölni, mint ahogy a NER teszi ezt például a múzeumokkal (amellett, hogy pénz eddig se volt ugyebár). Nem mellesleg amúgy a közgyűjteményi munkavégzés alapvetően olyan értékeken alapszik, mint egymás tisztelete, kooperáció és felelősségvállalás (csak néhányat említve).
És az valahol igazi tragédia, hogy a BFL azért nem ad kedvezményt az országos múzeumomnak, mert annak fenntartója épp háborút folytat a BFL fenntartójával vagy például a MÁV KI azért áraz irreálisan annak az alig néhány betévedő, de annál elkötelezettebb kutatójának, mert a MÁV fenntartója egy immorális hiéna Hódmezővásárhelyről - aki nem mellesleg szeretett múzeumom fenntartói jogát gyakorló minisztere is. És hogy egyértelmű legyen: mind a BFL-nek, mind a MÁV KI-nak saját zsebből fizettem.
Közgyűjteményi nyavalygásunk című műsorunkat olvashatták.
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notquitebilateral · 11 months
Plied the BFL I spindled, it is now washed and ready for a mordant! 198g and 61 m, Z spun and S plied. I like big skeins and I cannot lie.
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therobska · 1 month
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Ay, welcome to the RobSka Tumblr. Now Tumblr isn't a social media I use a lot, but you can come in here to enjoy anything RobSka. Mostly stuff from The Adventures of Jim Lee and Friends & Brothers for Life.
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The Adventures of Jim Lee and Friends is about Jim Lee, a guy that somehow has superpowers. He lives with his housemate, a scientist named Doc Brown Jr., another housemate of Jim's, Ellie, is in a relationship with him, and she also has feelings for Doc.
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Brothers for Life is about two brothers, Stewie, a music and animation artist, and Ralph, an ex-Buddhist, who has been separated for 4 years as they went their own path, are back together in an apartment complex they own, with Stewie's goth girlfriend Stace tagging along.
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textillian · 2 years
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The warp for this shawl is a BFL and silk blend that I spun from roving dyed by Fiber Optic Yarns. The weft is two strands of lace weight merino from Colour Mart.
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boonefamilylegacy · 9 months
Awaiting Tomorrow’s Joy
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In the final days of Lily’s pregnancy, the Boone family decided to capture a cherished moment by taking a family photo in front of their farm’s serene fishing hole. The fishing hole was a place of tranquility and reflection, surrounded by lush greenery and wildflowers that painted a picturesque backdrop.
Amidst the peaceful ambiance, they gathered for the photo—Lily, Carly, and Brody. Lily’s glowing smile radiated with a mix of anticipation and relief, knowing that Carly’s unwavering support had been her rock during her challenging pregnancy. She lovingly held her rounded belly, feeling the gentle movements of her unborn child.
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In the days following the family photo, as Lily’s pregnancy entered its final stretch, her sister Daisy and niece Aria, arrived to lend a helping hand on the farm. Daisy’s presence brought an additional wave of warmth and comfort to the Boone household.
With a heart full of affection for her sister and excitement to be with Brody, Daisy took on the farm’s responsibilities alongside Carly. Together, they navigated the daily tasks, tending to the crops, and taking care of the animals, ensuring that the farm continued to thrive.
As the days passed, the Boone family found harmony in their shared responsibilities, laughter, and the simple joys of farm life. Together, they awaited the arrival of the newest member, knowing that their bonds were unbreakable, and their love would only grow stronger with each passing day. And amidst the beauty of the fishing hole and the serenity of the farm, they eagerly looked forward to the bright future that lay ahead for their growing family.
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lifeis-strangemercy · 7 months
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Bat for lashes- wild and free
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icterid-rubus · 1 year
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I finally sat down and labeled all my hand spun yarn. Wish I’d thought to calculate the yardage, but I can’t bring myself to go back through it all 🥱
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milkweedman · 1 year
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Finally some good light for a few moments today. Here's the 3 ply BFL I've been spinning at work. It ended up less than I was hoping for--about 140 yards (130 meters) and is a light sports weight. I do think it's very pretty but I'm not sure what to do with it. Maybe gloves, idk.
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And of course, the spindles. I don't have any good pictures of them full--this was like 2/3 of the way through.
I ended up plying them on my wheel, which was very quick and didnt have any problems with the spindles--i just stuck them in a bowl and let them roll around.
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disgruntled-lifeform · 8 months
1. Kitchen towels on Kettricken
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2. Spinning on my antique wheel Blithe
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3. Crochet the Autumn Leaves blanket
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4. Drop spindle Polwarth & BFL
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ninalanfer · 1 year
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The singles finally spun for @garnbyran 's sock 'kit' from last October. Gonna let them rest for a bit. But I'm very excited to see how it plies up. My first true fractal spin. �� #spinning #spinnersofinstagram #spinningwool #wool #woolomancy #instaspin #spinblr #sockspinning #bfl https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp94-50oTMl/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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eugeniovonsavoy · 1 year
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Mottóm, hogy akkor is végiglapozom a doboznyi iratot, ha láthatóan rakat érdektelen irat van benne. Elvégre sosem lehet tudni, mikor találok legközelebb egy köszönőlevelet egy 21 éve felszámolás alatt álló banknak címezve, mert adtak egy kis pénzt a hajléktalanoknak.
(jelzet: BFL VII.e. 559. Franco-Magyar Bank iratai 6686. doboz)
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