#broke my own record
coffeecat1983 · 2 months
I just outdid myself.
Super Mario Bros: Elemental, my longest story at 41,413 words, has just been passed. Stitching in the scenes from the original piece, Mario Bros: Thanks for Everything Expanded Edition is now at 41,619 words and counting.
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morganbritton132 · 4 months
Eddie, posting to TikTok: Look, I love my husband. I adore this man and I have for the majority of my life. He is the shining star in my sky.
Eddie: And I know. I know he wants to read more this year. And I know that when you’re dyslexic, it can be really difficult and I’m happy every time he accomplishes what he wants but…
*Flips camera to show Steve reading on the other side of the couch*
Eddie, gesturing: What kind of demented book handling is this? That book is bent in half. It’s a hardback!
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jojolightningfingers · 4 months
[fic]: moth, meet flame
Fandom: One Piece Relationship: Ace/Sanji Rating: Explicit Word Count: 15782 NOTE: Fic contains NO explicit spoilers; canon IS however standing directly behind the characters with a gun. if you know, you know.
“You’re feisty; I like feisty. It’d be fun. I’d show you a good time. It might help you relax a little. And, you make the best damn lamb shanks I’ve ever put in my mouth, and I gotta pay you back for that somehow.” Ringing silence. Sanji’s half-finished cig drops from his slack lips and rolls into the sea, another tragic casualty of familiarly insane logic. What, is it hereditary or something? “There are,” he tries weakly, when it’s clear that Ace is done and waiting for a response, “so many other ways to do that.” Impishly, Ace tallies up another finger. “And you blush cute.” “I’ll gut you.” “But I taste bad.” “I won’t know that until I try.” Glee lights up Ace’s face. Sanji weighs the merits of going overboard to retrieve his cigarette.
Or: Ace fucks around. Sanji finds out.
Read on Ao3
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lunavagans · 2 months
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Behold! The shittiest Link I‘ve ever drawn.
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hanaonesflower · 2 years
Let me try this one out, fwb to lovers, let’s go.
CW: mentions of sex but very little explicit descriptions, cursing, me calling ‘Samu dumb, just my writing tbh.
Osamu x fem!reader [angst to fluff]
Okay have fun yll!! Dig in!
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Osamu is too busy to put a label on his own restaurant menu items, let alone a whole relationship.
He is an owner, a business owner at that. His day evolves around waking up at the crack dawn, throwing on layers upon layers of coats just to rough the cold he will have to endure between his apartment and the car. After arriving at the restaurant, the night crickets are still chirping. The birds have yet to make their appearances for the day. He goes through his day with arms deep in the rice cooker, molding and shaping uniformed onigiris, slight burns and sores grow on his arms but he has not had the time to care. Osamu goes through numerous of customers each day, making small talks that he oh so despises.
He stays since the sun comes up and long until after the moon has taken its place. Osamu sits in a dingy and humid room with nothing but a fan, a makeshift desk that houses his stationery and a speaker. He looks at the watch, 11:21pm, he now decides it is appropriate for any normal person to head home from their jobs. Only to do it all again the next day.
Only the next day is the one day of the week he closes, and he leaves the store with the huge sigh of relief. That means he doesn’t have to go home, to his house, but to another location that he is just so familiar with now. Your place.
I’m on my way
You respond to his text within seconds of him sending it. He likes it, he likes that you’re always available for him. Friends with benefits is just the perfect arrangement for a busy, occupied man like him. He doesn’t have time to commit to anything, hell, he can barely commit to his job.
He is glad that your place is just around the corner of his restaurant, that is just how he came across meeting you in the first place. His favorite regular. The first to come in every visit, Osamu makes sure to prepare you the best onigiris of the day. He takes a little more time on them than the other ones. Sometimes he even finds that they are not good enough to be given to you, so he places them in the batch he is going to sell for the day, and starts to remake the ones he wants to give you.
Before heading over, he stops by a liquor store to purchase a case of beer and a pack of condoms. The cashier just smirks at him before handing him the receipt. He practically is running towards your place, which he finds odd that he is that excited to see you, but Osamu is just as good as considering that as him being horny.
He knocks 3 times and the third knock is incomplete. You throw the door open with your arms open in front of him. You’re just loving like that, it’s not like you have feelings for him, or anything.
He leans in, brushing his lips against yours and hums into the kiss before mentioning his pack of beer. You two drink on the coffee table before commencing what you usually do when you see each other. You fuck.
Osamu is really good at taking care of you after the fact. He takes a warm towel and wipes your body down of cold sweat, takes a makeup wipe and cleans away any excess mascara that didn’t come off when you first washed, which is dripping down your face. He picks up any trash around the room and the house, before bringing you a cup of water and some candy. He leaves you with forehead kisses. Damn, that’s the real kick in the gut.
Osamu snuggles with you before you both drift off to sleep. Osamu is so stupid, he is so occupied with work and his ego to realize that he isn’t just thinking with his dick. The next morning he makes you breakfast and coffee just the way you like it, takes walks to the beach with you before enjoying a cup of ice cream sundae together. Osamu accompanies you the groceries store for your weekly fridge restock, he pays for it, too. No one is going to blame you for catching feelings. He is doing the most for just being a fuck buddy.
Things had gone on for about a year, and it continues for the next few months before the agony is eating away at you. You never once bothered to sit Osamu down and discussed your feelings, simply because you don’t want to admit it. Plus, he is very adamant about your relationship being strictly physical and there is and will not be anything else to it. You realized it will be better for the both of you, well, mainly for you, to relinquish ties with him. Any connection with him will just worsen in the long run. You think it’s best to break it off, at least until you completely are over him.
“Osamu, let’s talk, yeah?”
“Sure…” he seems confused, especially when you said that, he is inside of you.
He pulls out of you. You sit upright, covering yourself with a blanket and with him sitting beside you. His hand is languidly caressing your thigh, Osamu patiently waits for you to speak. You can’t imagine what his reaction can be. Will he be angry? Sad? Upset? At the fact that you stripped him of his only out for release. Relief? You are preparing yourself for anything. He can always find another person to fuck, but you can’t fix your sanity with him around.
“Osamu, I think we should stop seeing each other.” You begin, it’s much harder now that you’re actually doing it. What is said cannot be taken back.
Osamu says nothing. He is still processing what you said. His face showcases a rollercoaster of emotions. You are also on edge, witnessing the ever changing faces he’s making.
You continue, “I think we should stop seeing other, because… because I caught feelings. I think it’s best for us to cut ties.” He still remains quiet. You figure it’s best to just dish it all out in one go, then you can kick him out.
“I’m going to finish saying my peace, and you then you can go. I caught feelings for you Osamu, and I know it’s the last thing we both wanted, but it happened. All we can do now is fix it. I’m not exactly sure how you feel about this, whatever the fuck this is, but I’m going to assume that you are nonchalant. This is my solution and usually this is the only solution in this situation. I’m really sorry. I cant keep doing this, I’m not willing to sacrifice my sanity for you.” You said that all in one breath. You admire that you still have any left from the way he was rutting into you earlier.
You stay still, as if waiting for a storm to come on and pass through. Osamu stops holding your thigh and retracts his hand to his own body, you take that as a sign. This is it. This is where it ends.
“I’m done,” you end.
“Well, I’m not, Y/n.” The only times where Osamu calls you by your given name is when he greets you. During sex, he prefers to call you by the pet names he gave you. So hearing your name rolling off his tongue any time other than a greeting is coming off as strange.
“This might make me sound like a coward, screw it, I am a fucking coward. I am a coward for not allowing myself to admit it to ya sooner. That I’m so fucking in love with you. Every time I see ya, I find myself being excited like a damn kid beforehand. The sight of ya, yer voice, the way ya just look so good standing next to me, then I realize I don’t want ya next to anyone else but me.” His confession sounds like a love letter more than anything. You, however, apprehended from his words, hesitant to fall into the arms that are holding out for you.
“Y/n, please, allow me, this goddamn coward in front of ya, to love ya. Truly, honestly. I want to love ya, so bad it hurts me.” Sincerity is plastered on his face that it’s unmistakable. Osamu means it, every word.
Only then you fall into his strong arms. The ones that had held you a thousand times before, for it to feel so foreign now that they belong to someone who really loves you. The way your head falls on to his chest and just finds its home there. Your name takes on a whole new definition for him, and he holds it near his heart. Clutching it so tight like precious jewels. You breath him in.
“Love me, Osamu.”
And he does.
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For you, my faves 🙈: @toshji @kagejima @rans-baby @emmyrosee
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awek-s-archived · 1 year
this trend of my mom thinking im an idiot who doesnt know anything abt the world is genuinely getting really tiring
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astramachina · 1 year
Me: Yeah I'm just gonna write a silly commercial horror book, y'know, a run-of-the-mill creature feature
Also me, knee-deep in newspaper clippings, swimming in archival footage: WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED IN 1975 AND HOW DOES IT CONNECT WITH THE EVENTS OF 1995 WHAT IS THE THREAD HERE THERE HAS TO BE SOMETHING
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euphor1a · 1 year
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Please break me, good sir, I’ll be thankful 🙇🏽‍♀️
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crybaby-bkg · 11 months
I wanna get into doing audiobook reading bc I’ve been told that I have the voice for it but omg why is it so hard to get started 😔😔😔😔😔
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olivesjaw · 2 years
Man I miss you, but I'd never tell you, but this time I have to say: "Past times, they have died."
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grapesodatozier · 2 years
the essays I could write about how frustrated I am that taylor swift fans have not taken on the responsibility of holding her accountable for her co2 emissions… like. I like her music. but I like public health and having a habitable planet way more!!!! that’s not difficult math folks!!!!! just hate this cultural idea that in order to be a fan of someone you need to defend them? or like there are so many people and taylor fan blogs I see just ignoring it?? and it’s like… you don’t owe her that? you already give her money and fame and praise and you can and should take that away from her if she’s doing something as morally objectionable as catapulting climate change forward this drastically. and it is that serious. it’s so frustrating to see her new album still breaking records, it’s frustrating to follow so many blogs whose posts get so many notes and who clearly could have so much influence over taylor’s fan base completely ignoring this when there could’ve been a whole boycott of this new album. even not listening to it for just the first day it was out would’ve sent a very clear message, right? maybe someone did try to start something and it just didn’t take off or I just didn’t see it but I didn’t see anything (and I looked!) idk I guess now I’m just rambling about missed opportunities and things I could’ve put out there earlier but it’s just really frustrating to see so much celebration of her when the people who give her money and fame should be the loudest voices telling her to find alternatives that don’t kill the planet yknow? I mean like she’s gonna keep putting stuff out so hey not too late to rally people to not listen to the next one ig? but this is super rambling now so I’ll leave it here and open ended/ongoing etc
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senadimell · 1 year
oof, I am not so good at being aware of and respecting my body’s limits. But thanks to cub scout and dad that I met on the trail for allowing me to realize how colossally dumb I was being
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sugaroto · 1 year
For a second I thought "Prometheus and Epimetheus as Philip and Caleb"
Like why?😭
If anything they remind me of Lolos and Frenimos from the story my grandma used to tell me when I was little
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realityrewind · 2 years
i really need to get off tiktok it really is just seeing the absolute worst opinions on things over and over and over it's so mentally draining. i just saw a comment saying they don't trust people who like horror as a genre. in a conversation about poc/lgbt suffering being something a lot of yt ppl enjoy watching (referring to the Dahmer series). during that video the person making the video was talking about how poc feel a spiritual connection when they see things that their ancestors did before them (dances, culture clothing etc), and saying yt ppl probably feel the same abt the suffering of poc (connecting it to public lynchings, genocide of indigenous peoples)
now how do you jump to the conclusion that EVERYONE who likes horror are the same as oppressors enjoying marginalized people suffering. AND OP AGREED???? this is the last straw i can't do this anymore
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yotd2009 · 2 months
y'know it's one (incredibly stressful) thing when small gk circles selling at wonfest (ie. hand to hand transactions that won't be shipped anywhere) put all the pieces of their fragile resin kits in a single plastic bag inside a box. but fucking volks? the company that you know damn well isn't strapped for cash otherwise they wouldn't mainly make $700 dolls? and selling standard release ie. by mail? i'm expecting at Least separately bagged pieces if not bubble wrap if not those big styrofoam blocks w tiny lil compartments for diff pieces like the industry standard for cn and western resin makers .
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